Financial Mathematics10
Financial Mathematics10
Financial Mathematics10
The use of an electronic calculator is not permitted in this examination.
NOTE: In the questions which follow the current price of an asset (or similar instrument)
will often be denoted either by St or simply by S with the time subscript suppressed.
Reference may be made to the following definitions:
1. (a) Write down the general principle used for valuing forwards. Using this, calculate
the one year future on Morgan Stanley (MS) shares given that:
(i) MS is currently trading at 30 USD per share
(ii) USD interest rates are at 2%
(iii) MS pays a dividend of 0.60 USD in 6 month’s time.
(b) In the context of a one-period multi-state model of asset prices define what is
meant by arbitrage opportunity and risk-neutral measure.
2. Consider the following model for the share S where the interest rate r = 0:
(a) For a long European call on S with strike equal to the current share price:
(i) Calculate the number of shares required at each node of the tree in order to
hedge the exposure to the share price.
(ii) Calculate the risk-neutral probability for each path ω. Hence, or otherwise,
derive the value of the call option.
b) In a one-period model, the share price starts at S and in one month’s time is
either SU or S/U where U > 1. Assuming rates are zero, show that the risk-neutral
probability p of the upmove is given by p = 1/(U + 1). Hence, or otherwise, deduce
that the probability of the share price increasing in this model is always less than
(c) In the T −period binomial model, if the asset price is S at any time, the next
periods’s price will be either SU or SD. The interest rate per period r is positive and
D∗ < 1 < U ∗ , where the star denotes discounting. Interest rates are continuously
(i) Describe the risk-neutral measure Q.
(ii) A digital option pays one dollar at time t = T if the asset price is above a fixed
level K and is worthless otherwise. Using Q show that the option value at time
t = 0 is equal to
−rT T −n
e qUn qD
3. (a) Give a brief explanation of the idea behind dynamic programming as applied
to the valuation of an American option. Use the method to value an American call
option with exercise price K = $90 written on an asset where the asset prices in
dollars are given below, the interest rate per period is zero, and a dividend of $5 is
paid between time 0 and time 1.
4. (a) Let f (S, t) be a function of two variables (continuously twice differentiable in
S and once in t). State Itô’s Formula for df (S(t), t), where S(t) is an asset price
obeying the stochastic equation
dS = µdt + σdW
exp[S(t) − t/2]dW (t)
(d) Now assume that S is a model for stock prices obeying the stochastic equation
dS = µSdt + σSdW
What is the mean and variance of the risk-neutral probability of S given its value
S(t) at time t?
5. Write an essay on the Black-Scholes model. You should describe the stochastic dif-
ferential equation and state the model’s assumptions. Derive the partial differential
equation using delta-neutral hedging and show how Feynman-Kac may be used to
solve the p.d.e. in the case of a European call option.