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Handbook Part 3

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Earthquake Resistant Construction Handbook


Generally, the safest materials in earthquake areas are the lightest and most flexible. The choice of building
materials will depend on the following factors among others:
 Affordability  Cultures of a given society
 Climatic conditions  Safety considerations
 Resistance to certain hazards e.g. as  Design aspects
earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, etc  Availability of necessary skill to use them
 Resistance to insects & other pests  Availability of technology to exploit or utilize the materials
 Effect on the environment  People’s tastes.
3.1 Foundation Materials Seismic Remarks
Rammed Earth Foundation Low The site should be well-graded & drained. Introduce concrete
footing to protect from ground moisture.

Wooden Post Foundation Low- Good Used mostly for light weight structures; highly susceptible to
attack from termites, fungus, rodents. Dry climate, drained
site, plastic socks, used oil & site fumigation preserve posts.
Natural Stone Foundation Medium to Depends on the design, quality of mortar and reinforcement;
Good use recommended ratio of 4:1:12 for cement : Lime : sand
Burnt Brick Foundation Medium to Requires good quality mortar in ratio 4:1:12 and reinforcement
Good of masonry with wire mesh or thin steel rods.
Split Bamboo Piles Good Normally used in areas with high silt/clay content.
Concrete Foundation Very Good Requires proper ratio 1:3:4 or 1:4:7 for Cement, Sand & Gravel
& curing of 3-7 days before building walls. Select the
appropriate foundation type for best results.

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Earthquake Resistant Construction Handbook
3.2 Floor Materials Seismic Remarks
Stabilized Earth Low Compacted inorganic soil stabilized surface coats of cow-dung,
requires regular renewal of the finish.
Burnt Clay & Concrete Good Depends on quality of bricks/tiles, mortar and workmanship
Concrete Very Good Dependent on availability & affordability of cement, good
quality sand to provide greater strength and durability.
Bamboo Floors Good Normally used in bamboo structures; they give uneven surface
and requires protection against biological agents and fire.
Timber Floors Good Made of wooden planks nailed onto sawn timber substructure &
requires protection against biological agents and fire.

3.3 Wall Materials Seismic Remarks

Unburnt Adobe Block Walls Low These are bonded by mud mortar highly susceptible to moisture
attack; collapse in earthquakes, as they are highly unstable.
Rammed Earth Walls Low Performance is dependent on quality of soil, workmanship,
thickness & height of the wall. Suitable soil should contain 50-
75% of fine gravel & sand, 15-30% silt, and 10-20% clay.
Stone Masonry Block Walls Good Cement and sand mortar to be used as a binder.
Mud and Bush poles Walls Medium to Poles and reeds provide a well inter-connected network of
Good defense lines that ensure maximum seismic resistance provided
the poles are not destroyed by insects or rot.
Compressed Stabilized Blocks Good These require stabilization with appropriate binders to achieve
higher compressive strength. Suitable soils should be 75% -
sand, 10% - clay. Reinforcement improves seismic performance.

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Earthquake Resistant Construction Handbook
3.3 Wall Materials (Cont’d) Seismic Remarks
Bamboo Reinforced Earth Walls Good Due to its high tensile strength, bamboo increases seismic
performance though it is susceptible to attack by biological
agents, insects and moisture.
Burnt Clay Brick Walls Good The performance is highly dependent on quality of bricks,
mortar, workmanship and design. Adding lime to ordinary
Portland cement mortar achieves strength that conforms with
those of bricks hence prevention of cracking.
Bamboo Walls Very Good Its flexibility and high tensile strength make bamboo highly
earthquake resistant. In event of collapse, its low weight
causes less damage to people & property, reconstruction is
quick & easy.
Timber Panel walls Very Good There is need for seasoning of the timber and protective
measures to guard against attack from insects, moisture …
Concrete Hollow Blocks Very Good Require less mortar, are light weight, cavities filled with
reinforcement concrete to achieve seismic resistance; air
spaces are thermal insulators; cavities serve as ducts for
electrical & plumbing installation.

3.4 Roofing Materials Seismic Remarks

Soil Brick Roof Low The roof is heavy hence inappropriate for earthquake prone
Clay Tile Roofs Low They are loosely connected, heavy & require strong heavy
structure and closely spaced battens. Normally used for sloping
roofs between 20-50 in inclination of rafters.

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Earthquake Resistant Construction Handbook
3.4 Roofing Materials (cont’d) Seismic Remarks
Bamboo & Wood Shingles Good These are ideal and proper for earthquake resistance though of
limited durability and social acceptability. Requires protective
Fibre & Micro Concrete Tiles Good These are light and thin (6mm) in cement: sand ratio of
between 1:2 and 1:3; but if not well fixed to the substructure
they can easily fall off in event of an earthquake.

Ferrocement Roofs Very Good These are thin highly reinforced components that have high
tensile strength: weight ratio. Further, strength and rigidity is
achieved by curvature or folds. They also have ability to span
large areas without battens.

Corrugated Metal Sheeting Very Good Light, cheap, span large areas without sagging. Strong gauge is

Pole Timber Roof Structure Very Good Poles have large tension growth stress around their perimeter
and this assists in increasing the strength of the compression
face of a pole in bending.

Durable Thatch with stiff Stem Very Good The roof is light, structure is strongly interconnected although
Grass requires protective measures and regular renewal.

Bamboo Roof Structure Very Good Has high tensile strength, flexibility and low weight. Strong
interconnectivity enables it achieve very good seismic

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Earthquake Resistant Construction Handbook

Reinforcements are intended to increase seismic performance of building components such as foundations, floors,
walls, openings, and roofs and other non-structural members.

4.1 New Construction

 Ensure the foundation is on a  Use wire-mesh in the floor slab  Use reinforced window sills and
firm ground  Introduce horizontal reinforcement lintels to strengthen the
 Use reinforcement in the bars in mortar after every three openings.
foundation concrete courses  Interconnect the ring-beam
 Introduce vertical columns to  Reinforce the openings with vertical with the vertical columns
stabilize the masonry walls steel bars  Ensure strong connectivity of
 Use ground beam all members of the building.

Wooden pole in Concrete

to protect it against rot
and termite attack. Use
plastic “socks” & used oil
Reinforcing Foundation with steel to preserve the timber
bars / pole.

Concrete Strengthening the house built of

timber poles

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Earthquake Resistant Construction Handbook

Wire-mesh in floor slab

Vertical reinforcement
Reinforcement of walls

Reinforcement bars in
mortar (barbed wires,
Steel bar hoop iron etc can serve)

Reinforcing the lintel

Canopies or wall
overhang must be
stabilized with

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Earthquake Resistant Construction Handbook
4.2 Earthquake Upgrading
Earthquake Upgrading or retrofitting of structures is done to:
 guard against house collapse during an earthquake which could cause deaths or injuries; and
 reduce damage and economic losses.

Major damage to buildings in earthquakes is usually caused by the failure of the weakest link in the structural
system. Weak links can be upgraded to match the strength of the rest of the structural system, but it is not
effective to strengthen one element of a structure to a higher level without strengthening others. Retrofitting is a
costly exercise as it may involve use of heavy plant to keep the structure in place during the process of upgrading.

However, since the majority of the population will continue living in existing structures that may not be seismically
responsive, it is important that simple techniques are used to improve their seismic performance. This may include
the following among others:
 Introduction of vertical elements such as columns and buttresses, especially in corners or where the walls meet;
 Introduction of horizontal reinforcements such as ring beam or ground beam through underpinning of the
 Use of plastic mesh embedded in sand/cement mortar and applied around the wall section above the lintel or
 Introduction of bracing members to reinforce wall sections;
 Simple remodeling of the existing structure to adjust on the location and size of the openings;
 Replacement of poles and tie reeds, on the mud and wattle structures, that have been destroyed by rot or
 Applying anti-shatter film onto glass panes to safeguard against shattering of glass during an earthquake;

The strengthening work for major buildings should be designed and supervised by a qualified Structural Engineer.
The following section provides information about checks that should be carried out to facilitate improvement of
seismic performance.

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Earthquake Resistant Construction Handbook
4.3 Maintenance and Checks for Seismic Safety

Lack of Maintenance contributes to the damage to houses during earthquakes. Regular maintenance is therefore
necessary to ensure that the building continues to be earthquake resistant. It is important that regular checks are
carried out on the entire house to find out what needs repair or replacement and immediately attend to it. The
most important areas for regular checks include:
 Site drainage  Ensure that the site is properly drained to safeguard the foundation, plinth
and wall
 Foundation weaknesses  Seek advice of Structural engineer and strengthen accordingly
 Cracks in the plinth, floor  Seek advice of Structural engineer and strengthen accordingly
slabs and masonry
 DPC failure  Systematic replacement of DPC with new DPC
 Rotting timber supports  Ensure the site is well drained and replace the rotten supports with treated
ones or even concrete.
 Termite attack on poles  Fumigate the site with appropriate chemicals.
(traditional construction)  Apply oil on the poles and dress the poles with plastic bags or covers
 Mud and wattle walls Walls can be protected using:
 Plaster of cement & sand or mud & sand
 Adequately long roof overhang to stop the rain from falling onto the wall
 Weaknesses in vertical &  Seek Structural Engineer’s advice to reinforce accordingly.
horizontal reinforcements
 Weaknesses with openings  Seek advice of an Architect and improve accordingly:
o if they are too many, reduce on the number,
o if they have no lintels, introduce them,
o if they are too wide, adjust as per recommended standards.

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Earthquake Resistant Construction Handbook
 Soundness of roof structure,  Ensure the timber structure is
rafters and purlins kept in sound state: all leakages
should be sealed off, those
affected by pests or insects
should be replaced, weak
connections should be fastened.

 Possible damage to the roof  The roof covering should not be heavy, In case it is rusty, apply a coat of
covering and slabs paint to protect it. In case of tiles, ensure that they are firmly tied to the
battens using wires to restrain them from falling off during earthquake.
 Check for stability of Water tank should not be mounted in
appendages such as water the ceiling as it introduces
tanks, chimneys, canopies etc. unnecessarily heavy load which may
result into collapse of walls during
the shaking and cause damage to the
Water tank should be mounted on a
separate stand firmly anchored or
fixed to prevent it from overturning.

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Earthquake Resistant Construction Handbook
Chimneys build of masonry  Remove the top of the
normally collapse during the unreinforced masonry and replace
shocks and need to be braced. it with metal flue /pipe
 Strap the chimney to the main
structure to hold it firmly in

Tall furniture e.g. File Cabinets or  Install metal "L" brackets

Book shelves: between furniture and wall stud
 Secure the top of tall file at top.
cabinets or book shelves or  Install guard across shelf, or
side boards to the wall with L install wood trim on front of the
brackets shelf.
 Place heavy objects on lower

Pictures hang on the wall  Screw close hooks into wood
members only (stud or ceiling

 Close hooks should be used for

hanging pictures to prevent them
from falling during the shaking.

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Earthquake Resistant Construction Handbook
 Glass windows can shatter into  Large panes should be made of tempered or wired glass, or alternatively
dangerous small pieces during  Shatter-resistant film should be applied to the glass
 Freestanding, movable, partial-  Adequately brace such partitions,
height partitions--especially if  Unreinforced masonry partitions should be removed if they cannot be
supporting bookshelves adequately strengthened,
 Freestanding equipment on wheels should be locked against rolling.
Equipment on desk top or counter  Attach the equipment to the top
tops: Equipment of desk or table with heavy duty
 Secure computers, TVs and Pads of heavy hoop and loop materials, or metal
other equipment onto the top duty hoop and connectors screwed onto the desk
of the desk or table or loop material as well as the equipment

Table or Desk
 Water Heaters are normally  Strap the water heater to the wall
thrown off balance during the with metal straps firmly screwed
earthquake unless adequately into the wall to ensure stability
Metal  Further strengthening can be
straps achieved by anchoring the bottom
of the heater to a reinforced base
with bolts.

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Earthquake Resistant Construction Handbook
 Electrical Appliances  Fluorescent light bulbs, lenses, chandelier lights should be securely
 Generators should also be securely anchored to the floor to avoid the
danger of sliding and overturning during earthquakes
 Fire extinguishers should be securely mounted on the wall with necessary
 Potted plants or heavy items  Ensure that objects placed on top of Cabinets or sideboards are securely
on top of file cabinets or restrained through anchoring, or strapping or attaching them with chain to
other high locations keep them in place during the shaking .
 Compressed gas tanks  Compressed gas tank legs should be anchored to a concrete footing or slab
or secured top and bottom with a safety chain
 Burglar proofing of openings  Burglar proofing of openings especially windows with fixed or sealed burglar
proof should be discouraged; instead use burglar proof that is openable to
facilitate exit in case of emergence.
 Guard against anything that could move and block the entrance during the
Old trees near the building:  Large trees that seem to be in poor health or leaning should be removed to
 Check for root rot or for large avoid the danger of falling onto the structure during the earthquake.
branches that are weak
Hanging plant especially near  Hanging plants can also fall or damage nearby windows as they swing.
 Location of beds  Move beds away from windows to avoid the risk of flying shattered glass
 Location of desks, tables  Locate tables in such a way that they will not slide and block the exits
during the shaking.
 Decorative objects  Decorations or appendages should be adequately attached or anchored.

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Earthquake Resistant Construction Handbook

In order to construct earthquake resistant houses in the The District Engineer’s Department is responsible for
Rwenzori Region, it is imperative that consideration be given issuing type plans. Therefore the departments will
to the choice of materials, the mode of construction, and the work with community based organizations, NGOs,
building site location characteristics. The public Health Act technical training institutions in their district and the
and the Building Control Regulations will also increasingly bear region to impart the necessary skills.
upon the standard and quality of the building as the Process for Application of Type plans
enforcement of the provisions of this law is implemented.

The Local Authorities will keep the type plans prepared and
issued by the Central Government. These type plans will take
into consideration the issues that impact on the performance
of the building during an earthquake. The figure below
illustrates the basic steps for a developer who desires to
construct an earthquake resistant building.

In the decision making process, the Government and the local

government down to the LC I are major stakeholders. The
private sector and public institutions will use the type plans
for constructing buildings.

To ensure this happens in a sustainable manner, local

authorities will charge user fees at levels that are affordable
to every serious developer as a means of gradually getting
every one to adopt this approach in shelter construction.

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