Entrepreneurship Notes
Entrepreneurship Notes
Entrepreneurship Notes
Reasons why many would like to • Is Unique Selling Proposition (USP) and
become an entrepreneur: Value Proposition (VP)? This part allows
the entrepreneur to prepare himself on
1. Achievement, Challenge, & Learning how to advertise and sell his product even
if it is similar to others.
2. Independence & Autonomy - you can
set your own goals, pick their own Value Proposition (VP)
partners, and face the consequences of
your decisions. - is a business or marketing statement
that summarizes why a consumer should
3. Income Security and Financial Success buy a company's product or use its
service. This statement is often used to •The two propositions are used to
convince a customer to purchase a differentiate the products from
particular product or service to add a competitors.
form of value to their lives
• For example, Jollibee is known to have
In creating Value Proposition, a Filipino taste burger. This brand has a
entrepreneurs will consider the basic unique selling point because of its tagline
elements: "Langhap Sarap"
• Market research will determine the A Market - is a place where two parties
entrepreneurs' possible customers in one can gather to facilitate the exchange of
locality. goods and services
In determining the market size, the Market - A is a place where two parties
entrepreneur will conduct a strategic can gather to facilitate the exchange of
marketing research from reliable sources goods and services.
using the following method:
Target market users - are people in your
• The first step is to the potential market - target market who are not currently
approximate number of customers that looking for a solution.
will buy the product or avail your
The size of a potential market
- helps a company understand the level of
Potential market - is the part of the total
investment it should make further in the
population that has shown some level of
market, while taking into consideration
interest in buying a particular product or
other factors.
service. Potential market is also called
Total addressable market (TAM) (MBA Concepts about Product and Service
Skool Team, 2018).
A product 1. Correctly identifying customers' needs
is essential for ensuring customer
• can be defined as anything that we can satisfaction and loyalty.
offer to a market for attention,
acquisition, use or consumption that 2. Customers have unique needs.
could satisfy a need or want.
3. Often, customers either aren't clear
• broad definition of product includes about what they need or they don't really
services, events, persons, places, know what they want.
organizations or even ideas
4. Identifying clients' needs creates
Services satisfied customers, and satisfied
customers are less likely to have reason to
• are special form of product which enter into disputes with the organization
consists of activities, benefits or or contemplate legal action.
satisfactions offered for sale that are
intangible and do not result in the • Innovation comes from identifying
ownership of anything customers' needs and providing solutions
that meet those needs.
• A service can thus include banking,
airline travel, communication services,
hotel services and so on.
• Conduct focus groups discussion with 8 3. Management must capitalize in the use
to 10 participants per group of new technology - As it helps in easing
work for employees, speeds up work,
• Assign an expert moderator/facilitator increase productivity, improves quality of
who can manage group dynamic products or service better.
Developing a Business Plan: Screening Things Test-Check Business Viability of
Proposed Solutions New Venture Ideas Question to ponder:
How viable is my business?
Screening solutions based on
viability, profitability & customer 1. Uniqueness
2. Financing the venture
What is viability?
3. Customer
Viability is defined as the
ability to survive or persist; the quality 4. Competition
of being able to happen or having a
reasonable chance of success. 5. Economic Mood
Return on Sales
1. Service Requirement
What is Figure of Speech?
2. Output Requirement
A figure of speech is a rhetorical device
or language feature that involves the use SERVICE REQUIREMENT
of words in a way that deviates from
their conventional or literal meanings to - It encompasses all aspects of how a
create a more expressive, vivid, or customer expects to be treated while
imaginative effect. purchasing a product and how smooth his
buying process goes.
There are various types of figures of
speech, including: OUTPUT REQUIREMENT
2. Satisfiers
3. Delighters
Must Haves