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Emerging 2024

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• What is embedded system?What is cyber security?

• WhWhat is additive manufacturing?
• at is accountability and trust?
• What does threat mean? What are the treats and challenges (ethical
and regulatory) in emerging technologies?
• Embedded means something that is attached to another thing.
• An embedded system can be thought of as a computer hardware
system having software embedded in it.
• An embedded system can be an independent system or it can be a
part of a large system.
• An embedded system is a microcontroller or microprocessor based
system which is designed to perform a specific task.
• For example, a fire alarm is an embedded system; it will sense only
An embedded system has three components
• It has hardware.
• It has application software.
• It has Real Time Operating system (RTOS) that supervises the
application software and provide mechanism to let the processor run
a process as per scheduling by following a plan to control the
• RTOS defines the way the system works.
• It sets the rules during the execution of application program.
• A small scale embedded system may not have RTOS
Characteristics of an Embedded System
• Single-funconed − An embedded system usually performs a specialized opera on and does the same repeatedly. For
example: A pager always functions as a pager.

• Tightly constrained − All compu ng systems have constraints on design metrics, but those on an embedded system can be
especially tight.
• Design metrics is a measure of an implementation's features such as its cost, size, power, and performance.
• It must be of a size to fit on a single chip, must perform fast enough to process data in real time and consume minimum
power to extend battery life.

• Reac ve and Real me − Many embedded systems must con nually react to changes in the system's environment and
must compute certain results in real time without any delay.
• Consider an example of a car cruise controller; it continually monitors and reacts to speed and brake sensors.
• It must compute acceleration or de-accelerations repeatedly within a limited time; a delayed computation can result in
failure to control of the car.
• Microprocessors based − It must be microprocessor or
microcontroller based.

• Memory − It must have a memory, as its so ware usually embeds in

ROM. It does not need any secondary memories in the computer.

• Connected − It must have connected peripherals to connect input and

output devices.

• HW-SW systems − So ware is used for more features and flexibility.

Hardware is used for performance and security.
• Easily Customizable
• Low power consumption
• Low cost
• Enhanced performance
• High development effort
• Larger time to market
Basic Structure of an Embedded System
• Sensor − It measures the physical quan ty and converts it to an electrical signal which can be read
by an observer or by any electronic instrument like an A2D converter.
• A sensor stores the measured quantity to the memory.
• A-D Converter − An analog-to-digital converter converts the analog signal sent by the sensor into a
digital signal.
• Processor & ASICs − Processors process the data to measure the output and store it to the
• D-A Converter − A digital-to-analog converter converts the digital data fed by the processor to
analog data
• Actuator − An actuator compares the output given by the D-A Converter to the actual (expected)
output stored in it and stores the approved output.
• Cybersecurity can be termed as a method, practice, or process of protecting
one's computer from any digital attack.
• Information technology security or cybersecurity protects us from information
disclosure and enables us to safeguard our identity online. With the world
evolving faster than ever, we are becoming more vulnerable on the internet.
• Cyber threats have been around for a long time, more like the last fifty years.
Initially, it was in an entirely different form without the internet.
• However, with the internet coming into the picture in the previous twenty
years, cyber security has gained more popularity.
• After the spread of computer viruses in the early 2000s, cybersecurity thrived.
What Is The Motive Of Cyber-Attacks?
• Most cyber-attacks are usually conducted with various motives of
accessing or obtaining sensitive information on people.
• A cyber threat can include different levels of attacks.
• At a personal level, the primary justification could be theft, stealing
important data, and accessing immensely sensitive and personal data.
It can also be on a corporate level, causing considerable losses to
different organizations.
Why is it Important?
• The growing sophistication of the attacks accompanies this; we
require protection.
• It explains the benefits of cyber security.
• It prevents unauthorized access, improves recovery time after a
breach, protects us from data loss and networks, etc.
• There is always a risk in this field, but various security applications
make it much better for us daily.
There are several variations in cyber security
threats, some of which include
• Phishing is a form of cyberattack where a fraudulent email or text message is sent to the
victim from the attackers pretending to be a reputable or well-known organization. This
attacker would mold a different picture of their authenticity and try to obtain crucial
information like bank account details, login information, transaction details, etc.

• Malware − In this form of cyber threat, a malicious program or so ware harms the user
significantly. It includes different types of spyware, viruses, bugs, etc.

• Back doors − In this system, a secret method is used to bypass the authen ca on or the
security process. They can result from poor design or configuration, but there are legit
systems that break down the protective security system to gain access to sensitive
They are often tough to detect and are usually
discovered after a minute of checking the system.
• Spoofing is an act wherein malicious entities pretend to be authentic
by faking information to gain access to resources that they cannot
obtain otherwise.
• It is done through various applications like email spoofing, mac
spoofing, IP address spoofing, etc.

• Tampering − Tampering includes falsely changing or modifying data.

• It is done through various means, and the evil maid attacks, etc., are
some well-known examples.
• We should be more careful of such methods of falsification as it's all a
changing world now.
Cybersecurity Tools
• Firewalls − These protect our computer system and network from unauthorized access.
• It is known to create a defensive barrier against all untrusted organizations to prevent nonauthentic entry to the
• An virus So ware − They are a program primarily designed to prevent, detect, and remove viruses from a
computer or a network.
• It protects a computer from various types of viruses, malware, worms, and spyware that are enormously harmful.
They have an auto−check op on, where you can go and run a check in your system for any misleading situa on
that can raise suspicion on the network.
• Penetra on Tes ng −This is a test to iden fy security obstruc ons and evaluate people's systems by exploi ng their
• In this type of testing, security officials will use similar programs to the hackers to test potential threats or security
• The servers perform these tests by automatic technologies to successfully upgrade the network.
• Staff Training − It is not a direct cybersecurity tool but more like a scheme to have acquainted employees
accustomed to different concepts of cybersecurity and cyberattacks.
• There are even training tools to introduce employees to important cybersecurity methods.
• Every individual needs to be more aware of the importance of cybersecurity and should always practice the best
security measures.
• Managed Detec on and Response Service − Hackers have advanced procedures to easily breach security.
• Therefore, there is a necessity for various influential resources to stand against such practices. Here is where MDR
comes in.
• It is an advanced security service that helps hunt for possible threats and thoroughly monitors vague incidents.
They help to be more aware of risks and threats early on and to have a backup fallback.
• They use ai or artificial intelligence to carry on with their strategies and investigations.
Cybersecurity Works in a Series of Domains
• Cloud Security − This includes crea ng a secure cloud structure for using
different cloud service providers.
• It includes an authentic system to prevent any sort of security breach.

• Data Security − This involves the implementa on of storage systems to keep

the data secure on a server or computer.
• It follows various factors for its working.

• Mobile Security − Mobile security is an important deal as a huge amount of

people in our population use mobile devices.
• It protects our mobile devices, including tablets, phones, laptops, etc., from
thefts, malware, viruses, etc.
3. What is additive manufacturing

• Additive manufacturing refers to production methods that build physical

objects from a digital file using computer-aided design software.
• Materials are added one layer at a time to create functional parts of a whole,
such as in 3D printing, stereo lithography and electron-beam melting.
• Additive manufacturing is an umbrella term for the production methods in
which three-dimensional objects are built from digital files in a computer-
controlled process that “adds” material one layer at a time.
• “It’s similar to baking a cake from scratch — you add materials to produce
objects,” said Ramsey Stevens, CEO at nano3Dprint, a company that
manufactures material extrusion systems that 3D print electronics.
“This differs from conventional manufacturing processes that subtract materials
or rely on molding processes.”
How Does Additive Manufacturing Work?
• Additive manufacturing creates physical objects from a digital design.
Using a CAD model or a scan of a replicable subject, software
translates a digital file into a three-dimensional framework, which
essentially splices the subject into thin layers.
• Once uploaded, a manufacturing machine follows the digital blueprint
like a set of instructions, constructing the object from the bottom up.
• Depending on the specific additive manufacturing process, the next
steps could involve extruding a filament mixture from a nozzle guided
by a horizontally moving robotic arm, such as the case in 3D printing.
Or it could look like a thermal gun welding thin, aluminum sheets, fed
through a system of rollers, as in laminated object manufacturing.
• The main idea remains the same though: materials — which can
come in the form of a powder, liquid or paste-like gel — are applied in
layers, then fused together via an external source.
• The platform vertically lowers down, and the next layer is applied.
• This process repeats until the final layer is set, completing the design.
• Today, everything from polymer composites, metals, ceramics, foams,
gels and even living tissues are used in additive manufacturing.
Types of Additive Manufacturing
• Binder Jetting
• Binder jetting constructs objects using powdered materials and a
liquid binding agent.
• As layers of powder are spread across a build tray, print heads zip
across x, y and z axes to deposit an adhesive substance that glues it all
together — no heat necessary.
• Binder jetting is quick in its delivery, making it ideal for bringing
prototypes to life.
• It has also been used to create casting patterns, aerospace parts and
• Examples: Furan binder, silicate binder, phenolic binder, aqueous-
based binder
• Material Jetting
• Material jetting builds objects one droplet at a time.
• During this process, an oscillating print head micro-deposits material
onto a build tray with precision.
• This technique is similar to an inkjet printer, and is the only additive
manufacturing method capable of mixing resins in a single print.
• Use cases include industrial tooling, prototypes and anatomically
accurate medical models.
• Examples: PolyJet printers, nanoparticle jetting, drop-on demand
• Directed Energy Deposition
• Directed energy deposition uses a focused energy source — such as a
laser, plasma arc or electron beam — mounted on a robotic arm that
melts materials as they are being deposited. The multi-axis robotic
arm’s ability to deposit materials at any angle means that directed
energy deposition can also be used to repair or maintain existing
parts, according to additive manufacturing platform Markforged.
• Examples: Laser engineering mesh formation, directional light
production, direct metal deposition, 3D laser coating
• Material Extrusion
• Perhaps the most recognizable of all additive manufacturing methods,
material extrusion is what we commonly think of as 3D printing. In a
continuous stream, machines extrude spooled, slurried filament
through a heated nozzle as the robotic arm it’s attached to outlines
the structure. Layers solidify via temperature control or the use of a
chemical bonding agent. Material extrusion is popular among
hobbyists as it’s user-friendly, doesn’t come with a steep learning
curve and is relatively inexpensive after you get started. Currently, it’s
being used to build houses, engineer meat and bioprint human hearts.
• Examples: Composite filament fabrication, fused filament fabrication,
fused deposition modeling
• Powder Bed Fusion
• In powder bed fusion, layers of powder are sintered, or coalesced,
together by a heat source, typically a laser. Working on a powder-
sized scale, this method is known to create high-precision structures
with fine details and intricate geometries. Generally speaking, parts
made from powder-bed infusion display exceptional weight
distribution and dimensional accuracy, resulting in extraordinary
mechanical properties unfeasible to traditional manufacturing
• Examples: Direct metal laser melting, direct metal laser sintering,
electron beam melting, selective laser sintering, selective heat
Examples of Additive Manufacturing
• Additive manufacturing has simplified processes and cut production costs for businesses in many
industries, including the following sectors.
• Aerospace: Aerospace companies can design lightweight parts that demonstrate greater durability,
leading to more efficient and cost-effective aircraft.
• Automotive: Car companies can more quickly experiment with and release updated car designs
and build lightweight parts for cars, raising the battery life for electric vehicles.
• Healthcare: Healthcare professionals can generate dental implants, surgical instruments, spinal
implants and advanced medical solutions like prosthetics and artificial organs.
• Energy: Teams can design parts onsite that are unique to nuclear plants, and printing parts onsite
saves wind and solar companies revenue typically lost when they wait for ordered parts to arrive.
• Consumer Products: Toy companies can quickly produce prototypes and generate large amounts
of updated, high-quality products in record time, boosting their profits.
Advantages of Additive Manufacturing
1. Design Freedom
• Perhaps the greatest benefit credited to additive manufacturing is its
unbound possibility. If it can be designed into a CAD model, then it
can be built. Today’s techniques have reached a level of intricacy in
crafting fine detail and complex geometric shapes previously
impossible via traditional methods.
2. Highly Customizable
• One major benefit of partnering a heavily computerized process in
combination with pristinely accurate technology is effortless
• Additive manufacturing can reproduce a design to a near exact
degree, reducing variance between batches as well as cost.
• When juxtaposing a factory-made part next to its 3D-printed clone,
it’s likely the latter is lighter in weight.
• This is because additive manufacturing enables creators to remove as
much material as possible without impeding on a part’s functional
integrity, building smarter designs with optimal geometry.
Disadvantages of Additive Manufacturing
1. Expensive
• Today, the cost of additive manufacturing remains too high to be
considered viable for a number of applications.
• Additionally, raw materials used in many cases are expensive, as they
are difficult to source, and need to be prepared in proper form,
whether as filament, powder or paste-like gel, relative to the machine.
Limited Materials
The primary classes of materials used in additive manufacturing only
span polymers, metals, ceramics, composites and sand.
• That’s it. Additive manufacturing is in its infancy compared to well-
established procedures with decades of materials development to
stand on, but that seems to be changing.
• “The range of materials available for additive manufacturing is rapidly
expanding, with advanced composites, aluminum, titanium and
various poly and carbon materials constantly being introduced,”
Shuppert said.
• “These advancements will contribute to the production of stronger,
lighter and more cost-effective parts.
• 3. Lack of Access
• Additive manufacturing’s biggest challenge, as Chandavarkar sees it,
is accessing information being gatekept by major players in the space.
• “There are more technologies that are expensive only due to the fact
that they are held back by intellectual property rights, leading to an
increase in capital expenditures when investing in such technologies,”
he said.
4.What is accountability and trust?
• Trust in emerging technology Trust in emerging technology refers to
the confidence that individuals or society have in the reliability,
integrity, and ethical conduct associated with the development and
use of new technologies.
• Building trust is essential for fostering acceptance, adoption, and
positive societal impact of emerging technologies.
Characteristics of Trust in Emerging Technology:

• Reliability: Trustworthy technologies are reliable in their performance and

deliver consistent results as expected by users.

• Security: Ensuring data security, privacy protection, and resilience against

cyber threats are critical aspects that contribute to building trust in emerging

• Ethical Conduct: Technologies developed with ethical considerations such as

fairness, transparency, accountability, and respect for human rights are more
likely to gain trust from users and stakeholders.
• User-Centric Design: Designing technologies with a focus on user
needs, preferences, safety, and usability enhances trust among users.

• Risk Management: Proactively identifying potential risks associated

with emerging technologies and implementing risk mitigation
strategies can help build trust by demonstrating a commitment to
safety and responsible innovation.

• In conclusion, accountability and trust are fundamental concepts that

play a significant role in shaping the development, deployment,
acceptance, and impact of emerging technologies on society.
• A threat is an expression of an intention to inflict harm or punishment
on someone or something.
• It can be verbal, written, or implied through actions.
• Threats can be made directly to the target or through a third party.
• They can be serious or playful, depending on the context and the
intent of the person making them.
• Threats and Challenges (Ethical and Regulatory) in Emerging
Ethical Challenges:
• Privacy and data protection: Emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and
the Internet of Things (IoT), collect and process vast amounts of personal data.
This raises concerns about how this data is used, stored, and protected.
• Bias and discrimination: AI algorithms can be biased, leading to unfair or discriminatory
outcomes. For example, facial recognition systems have been shown to be less accurate for
people of color.
• Autonomy and responsibility: As AI systems become more autonomous, it becomes
unclear who is responsible for their actions.
This raises ethical questions about the limits of human control and the potential for
unintended consequences.
• Job displacement: Automation and AI have the potential to displace
workers in many industries.
This could lead to economic inequality and social unrest.
• Erosion of human values: Some critics argue that emerging
technologies could lead to a dehumanizing society, where people
become increasingly dependent on technology and less connected to
each other.
Regulatory Challenges
• Data protection laws: Existing data protection laws may not be
adequate to address the challenges posed by emerging technologies.
Regulators need to develop new frameworks to protect personal data
and ensure responsible use.
• AI regulation: There is currently no comprehensive regulatory
framework for AI.
• Regulators need to develop clear rules and standards to govern the
development and deployment of AI systems.
• Cybersecurity: Emerging technologies can create new vulnerabilities
for cyberattacks.
• Regulators need to develop new cybersecurity measures to protect
critical infrastructure and sensitive data.

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