Week 3 PA Solution
Week 3 PA Solution
Week 3 PA Solution
Week-3, Practice
Question- (1)
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
Question (5 - 8)
Question 9
Question 10
Question 11
Question 12
Question- (1)
In the “Shopping Bills” dataset, the procedure countBills counts the number of bills from Big
Bazaar with total amount more than the average total bill amount. Assume that the variable Avg
holds the value of the average total bill amount. Choose the correct code fragments to complete
the procedure. It is a Multiple Select Question (MSQ).
1 Procedure countBills()
2 Count = 0
3 while(Pile 1 has more cards){
4 Read the top card X from Pile 1
5 *********************
6 ** Fill the code **
7 *********************
8 Move card X to Pile 2
9 }
10 return(Count)
11 End countBills
1 if(X.ShopName == "BigBazaar"){
2 if(X.TotalBillAmount > Avg){
3 Count = Count + 1
4 }
5 }
As per the given information in the question statement, we are supposed to find
the total number of shopping bills which satisfy two conditions: (i) ShopName == "BigBazaar" and,
(ii) TotalBillAmount > Avg.
Now, this can be achieved in many ways:
1. Check condition (i) and then check condition (ii) inside it (Option a)
2. Check condition (ii) first and then check condition (i) inside it (Option b)
3. Check both these conditions in a single if statement using “and” operator (Option c)
Let us first understand what each variable used in the pseudocode represents at
the end of the execution.
SumT: Sum of total marks of all cards in the dataset.
SumM: Sum of Mathematics marks of all cards in the dataset.
SumP: Sum of Physics marks of all cards in the dataset.
SumC: Sum of Chemistry marks of all cards in the dataset.
We know that the sum of SumM, SumP and SumC is always going to be equal to SumT.
Therefore, (SumM + SumP + SumC) / SumT will always return 1. So, the first if statement
(1 ≥ 0) will be True and value of Z will become 1. Similarly, the second if condition (1 ≤ 1)
will also be True and the value of Z will be updated to -1. Therefore, the correct option is (c)
Question 3
The following pseudocode is executed using the “Scores” dataset. At the end of the execution,
variable Count captures the number of students whose total marks are more than the class
average (of total marks) but have scored below the subject average in at least one subject.
Assume that the variable AvgT holds the value of the average total marks. Similarly, the variables
AvgP, AvgC and AvgM hold the value of the average marks of Physics, Chemistry and
Mathematics respectively. Choose the correct code fragment to complete the pseudocode.
1 Count = 0
2 while(Table 1 has more rows){
3 Read the first row X from Table 1
4 A = False, B = False, C = False, D = False
5 if(X.Total > AvgT){
6 A = True
7 }
8 if(X.Mathematics < AvgM){
9 B = True
10 }
11 if(X.Physics < AvgP){
12 C = True
13 }
14 if(X.Chemistry < AvgC){
15 D = True
16 }
17 *********************
18 ** Fill the code **
19 *********************
20 }
21 Move X to Table 2
22 }
Let us first understand the meaning of each variable using the given pseudocode:
AvgT: Average total marks
AvgM: Average Mathematics marks
AvgP: Average Physics marks
AvgC: Average Chemistry marks
A: Initially False but it will become True if Total > AvgT
B: Initially False but it will become True if MathematicsMarks < AvgM
C: Initially False but it will become True if PhysicsMarks < AvgP
D: Initially False but it will become True if ChemistryMarks < AvgC
Now, as per the question statement Count will be incremented only if A is True and at
least one of B, C and D is True. And the programmatic way to right this is option (a).
Question 4
The following pseudocode is executed using the “Shopping bills” dataset. What will the values of
the variables A and B represent at the end of the execution?
1 SumSV = 0, SumBB = 0
2 CountSV = 0, CountBB = 0
3 while(Pile 1 has more cards){
4 Read the top card X from Pile 1
5 if(X.ShopName == "SV Stores"){
6 SumSV = SumSV + X.TotalBillAmount
7 CountSV = CountSV + 1
8 }
9 if(X.ShopName == "Big Bazaar"){
10 SumBB = SumBB + X.TotalBillAmount
11 CountBB = CountBB + 1
12 }
13 Move card X to Pile 2
14 }
15 MSV = SumSV / CountSV
16 MBB = SumBB / CountBB
17 A = 0, B = 0
18 while(Pile 2 has more cards){
19 Read the top card X from Pile 2
20 if(X.ShopName == "SV Stores" and X.TotalBillAmount > MSV){
21 A = A + 1
22 }
23 if(X.ShopName == "Big Bazaar" and X.TotalBillAmount < MBB){
24 B = B + 1
25 }
26 Move card X to Pile 1
27 }
A = Number of bills from “Big Bazaar” with total bill amount greater than the average total bill
amount of “SV Stores”
B = Number of bills from “SV Stores” with total bill amount less than the average total bill amount
of “Big Bazaar”
A = Number of bills from “SV Stores” with total bill amount greater than the average total bill
amount of “SV Stores”
B = Number of bills from “Big Bazaar” with total bill amount less than the average total bill
amount of “Big Bazaar”
A = Number of bills from “SV Stores” with total bill amount less than the average total bill amount
of “Big Bazaar”
B = Number of bills from “Big Bazaar” with total bill amount greater than the average total bill
amount of “SV Stores”
A = Number of bills with total bill amount greater than the average total bill amount
B = Number of bills with total bill amount less than the average total bill amount
In the first while loop we are computing values of SumSV, CountSV, SumBB and
CountBB. Let us understand what these variable represent in this pseudocode:
After the first while loop we are calculating values of MSV and MBB which represents
average bill amount of SV Stores and Big Bazaar respectively.
In the second while loop we are iterating over Pile 2 where all cards are stacked as a result of
first while loop. In this loop, value of A will be incremented if ShopName == “SV Stores”
and TotalBillAmount > MSV. Similarly, value of B will be incremented if ShopName ==
“Big Bazaar” and TotalBillAmount < MBB. Therefore, the option (b) is the correct answer.
Question (5 - 8)
The following pseudocode is executed using the “Scores” dataset. Assume that the variable AvgP
holds the average Physics marks. What will be the values of CountA, CountB, CountC and
CountD at the end of the execution? Fractions can be rounded to next nearest integer. For
example 50.1 and 50.9 can be rounded to 51.
1 AvgP = 73
2 Mid2 = 1.25*AvgP
3 Mid1 = 0.75*AvgP
4 CountA = 0, CountB = 0, CountC = 0, CountD = 0
5 while(Pile 1 has more cards){
6 Read the top card X from Pile 1
7 if(X.Gender == 'F' ){
8 if(X.Physics >= Mid2){
9 CountA = CountA + 1
10 }
11 if(X.Physics < Mid2 and X.Physics >= AvgP){
12 CountB = CountB + 1
13 }
14 if(X.Physics < AvgP and X.Physics >= Mid1){
15 CountC = CountC + 1
16 }
17 if(X.Physics < Mid1){
18 CountD = CountD + 1
19 }
20 }
21 Move card X to Pile 2
22 }
It is a numerical input type question where we are supposed to find the values
of variable CountA, CountB, CountC and CountD.
1 count = 0
2 while(Table 1 has more rows){
3 Read the first row X in Table 1
4 Move the row X to Table 2
5 while(Table 1 has more rows){
6 Read the first row Y in Table 1
7 count = count + compareSomething(X.Total, Y.Total)
8 count = count + compareSomething(Y.Total, X.Total)
9 Move the row Y to Table 3
10 }
11 Move all rows from Table 3 to Table 1
12 }
13 Procedure compareSomething(A, B)
14 if(A > B){
15 return (-1)
16 }
17 else {
18 return (1)
19 }
20 End compareSomething
Twice the number of pairs of students who have different total marks
Twice the number of pairs of students who have same total marks
It is always zero
The given pseudocode contains nested while loops and we are iterating on scores
dataset. So, every student’s total marks will be compared against every other student’s
total marks. This comparison will happen twice with different sequence of arguments for
the procedure compareSomething(). The procedure is comparing parameters A, B and it
will return -1 if A > B, 1 otherwise that is if A < B or A == B.
1. X.Total > Y.Total : This will return -1 and decrements the value of count
2. X.Total < Y.Total : This will return 1 and increments the value of count
3. X.Total == Y.Total : This will return 1 and increments the value of count
Now, because of the two successive procedure calls with different order of arguments,
results 1 and 2 will nullify each others effect. But due to result 3, count will be incremented
twice when X.Total == Y.Total. Therefore, the correct option will be (d).
Question 10
The following pseudocode is executed using the “Shopping bills” dataset to find the number of
eligible bills for the lowest three total bill amounts. Choose the correct code fragment to complete
the pseudocode.
As per the given question statement we are supposed to find the number of eligible
bills for the lowest three total bill amounts. At the end of first while loop variables FirstT,
SecondT and ThirdT will store the lowest bill amount, second lowest bill amount and third
lowest bill amount respectively. Therefor, in order to find the number of eligible bills for the
lowest three total bill amounts, we should filter all such shopping bills where total bill amount
is less than or equal to ThirdT. The corerct option is (c).
Question 11
The following pseudocode is executed using the “Scores” dataset. Let minTotal stores the
minimum total marks obtained by any student. What will the value of Flag be at the end of the
In the given pseudocode, variables A, B and C store the minimum Mathematics,
Physics and Chemistry marks respectively. And, D is sum of all these minimum subject marks
whereas minTotal stores the minimum total marks in the dataset.
If the student who scored minimum total marks has also scored minimum subject marks in all
three subjects then in such a case minTotal − D == 0, minTotal - D > 0 otherwise.
In either scenario the value of Flag will True.
Question 12
The following pseudocode is executed using the “Scores” dataset. At the end of the execution,
CountM captures the number of male students whose Mathematics marks are less than the
average Mathematics marks of female students. But the pseudocode may have mistakes in one or
more lines. Identify all such lines (if any). Assume that all statements not listed in the options
below are free of errors. It is a Multiple Select Question (MSQ).
1 Sum = 0, Count = 0
2 while(Pile 1 has more cards){
3 Read the top card X in Pile 1
4 Sum, Count = addMarks(X, Sum, Count)
5 Move card X to Pile 2
6 }
7 AvgT = Sum / Count
8 CountM = 0
9 while(Pile 2 has more cards){
10 Read the top card X in Pile 2
11 if(X.Mathematics < AvgT){
12 CountM = CountM + 1
13 }
14 Move card X to Pile 1
15 }
16 Procedure addMarks (Y, SumF, CountF)
17 if(Y.Gender == 'F'){
18 SumF = SumF + Y.Mathematics
19 CountF = CountF +1
20 }
21 return ([SumF, CountF])
22 End addMarks
Error in Line 4
Error in Line 11
Error in Line 17
Error in Line 18
Error in Line 21
The given pseudocode is supposed to compute the number of male students whose
Mathematics marks are less than the average Mathematics marks of female students in varibale
Let us understand the purpose of each variable used in the pseudocode.
Sum: Sum of Mathematics marks of female students
Count: Number of female students
AvgT: Average Mathematics marks of female students
CountM (Expected): Number of male students whose Mathematics marks are less than the
average Mathematics marks of female students
CountM (Actual): Number of students whose Mathematics marks are less than the average
Mathematics marks of female students
Therefore, there is an error in line 11, the correct statement should be,
if (X.Gender == ‘M’ and X.Mathematics < AvgT)