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9 Language English IISep Oct 2022

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lillililIIlillIilililrffiilillill uG - 026

ll Semester Efu./B.B.A. Examihation, SeptemberlOctob er ZO22
(CBCS) (Repeaters) (2018 - 19 and Onwards)
Language English - ll
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 70
lnstructions : 1)'Answer all the questions
2) Mentian the question numbers correctly.
(Course Book - 40 Marks)

L Answer any five of the following questions in two or three sentences each : (5x2=10)
1) The mania for money cannot buy _ and _ in the lesson 'Money'.
2) Name some of the peace toys bought by Harvey in the lesson 'The Toys of
3) Mention one or two routine outings Anasuya enjoyed before her cataract
problem in the lesson 'Alone'.
4) How was the class in the teacher's absence in the lesson 'Cartooning' ?
5) Give one reason for,:building Suvarnarekha dam in the lesson'Homeless in
the Global Village'.

6) What kind of visitors came to their school in the lesson 'Rule Britannia' ?

7) The poet wants tro demolish the walls of -i-- also in the poem 'Wall'.

ll. Answer any four o? the following questions in about 80 to 100 words/a page
each: (4x5=20)
1) The greedy son-in-law in the stdry holds a mirrorto the modern grooms who
demand dowry in the lesson 'Money'.
2) What did Harvey see when he went back to the bgys' room, to check how they
were getting on with their peace toys in the lesson 'The Toys of Peace' ?
3) Did the burglars break into her house with the intention of killing her in the
lesson 'Alone'?
4) Explain the monitor's function in class in the lesson 'Cartooning'.

uG - 026 I illl lilllll llililil llil lil lill

5) How does the speaker wish to demoli5h the walls in the poem 'Wall' ?

6) What are the fears of the caged bird as described in the poem'Caged Bird'?

7) What was the atmosphere in the author's house in the lesson 'Flule Britannia' ?

lll. Answer any one of the following about 200 to 250 words/2 pages : (1x10=10)

1) How does the story bring out the idea that excessive obsession with anything
is unhealthy in the lesson' Money' ?
2) How are "the soil and society, the earth and its people" intimately connected
in the lesson 'Homeless in the Global Village'?
3) What does the Wall signify in the poem 'Wall' ?


(Grammar and Composition - 30 Marks)

lV. 1) Combine each set of the Simple sentences into one Complex Sentence : 2
a) She works hard. She must be careful not to overdo this.
b) The father was poor. He could not send his children to school.

2) Combine each set of the Simple sentences into one Compound Sentence : 2
a) The students bat near the fire, he was smoking.
b) Being innocent, he never thought of running away.

3) Change the following assertive into an interrogative sentence : 1

Prevention is better than cure. {

4) Rewrite the ttllo*ing paragraph into reported speech : 3

My mother wanted to buy potdtoes. She asked the shopkeeper, "How much is
one kilogram of potatoes ?" The shopkeeper replied. "Fifty rupees a kilogram,
madam." My mother was slightly tafen aback. She said, "l bought potatoes
for just 30 rupees a kilogram last week!" The shopkeeper explained, " The
rains have spoilt the crop madam, so the prices have gone high."

5) Fill in the blanks with suitable clauses : 2

a) I am worried
b) The truth is that
iltillllllillltilllililillilt uG * 026

V. Complete the following dialogue between Naveen and Customer by using the
following hints: 5
Naveen : Good Morning. Sir. May I help you.
Customer : Yes Sir
Naveen : I have problem with my net-banking.
Customer : Give me your number will check.
: rnanK you

Customer : lt's my
' Vl. Write a quotation on behalf of Sohan travels to Darshan First Grade College about
the educationaltours you conduct. Draw attention to the reasonable price, good
facilities given and the educational value as well as security arrangements. 5

Vll. Write a precis of the following passage and suggest a suitable title : 5

Trees give shade for the benefit of others, and while they themselves stand in
. the sun and endure the scorching heat, they produce the fruit of which others
profit. The character of good men is like that of trees. What is the use of this
perishable body if no use is made of it forthe benefit of mankind ? Sandalwood,
the more it is rubbed, the more scent does it yield, Sugarcane, the more it is
peeled and cut up into,pieces, the more juice does it produce. The men who
are noble at heart do not lose their qualities even in losing their lives. Life itself
is unprofitable to a man who does not live for others. To live for the mere sake
of living one's life is to live the life of dog and crows. Those who lay down their
lives for the sake of ,others will assuredly dwell forever in a world of bliss.

Vlll. Read the passage 6nd answer the following questions :

Leadership does not exist without fellowship. A leader is to be accepted by the

group which the farmer is suppos0d to lead. To gain acceptability the leader
should cause and emotive impact on the group members
The characters exhibited by the leaders r'nake them dear to their followers. A
leader is one who effectively inspires emptoyees to achieve worthwhile things.
What character of leader motivates the followers ? lt's neither pomp nor show
nor llattery. Pomp and show create a sense of awe and the leader is defied
, rather than emulated. Flattery is unrealistic and cannot serve as a long-term
motivational tool. A leader's style should be one that can be emulated by all
irrespective of cadre, class and caliber. Simplicity in one's day today conduct
uG - 026 I 1ilil lilllil lill illl llilt ]il flil

is the only thing that can be adopted by all. When the leader is simple, he is
counted as one belonging to the group of which he is the leader. That's enough
to motivate people. Motivation is the innate quality that enables an individual or
group, to contribute unlimitedly with limited means. lt is the proud prerogative
of enlightened human beings.
A Leader needs to assume the role of a guide: quint essentialto lulfilling the role
is knowledge and ability. Technical and administrative Knowledge of the guide
in balanced quantity and of the right kind are essential. He has to master the
human relations aspect of administration in all detail. And when the leader is
good at this, his guidance is sought and accepted, and then he fulfills the role
of a guide. The leader is a negotiator within and outside the organization. The
leader shapes people and moulds character. To achieve this leader should
maintain equanimity. t

Equanimity is keeping oneself poised and balanced at all times. A leader is

: ' simply great if he can mould his followers with this frame of mind.
1) Who is a leader ?

2) What should a leader do to gain acceptability ?

3) How does the leader mould the character of people ?
4) What motivates the followers to follow the leader ?
5) A leader needs to assume the role of a guide. True\False.


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