GE 112 Quizzes
GE 112 Quizzes
GE 112 Quizzes
Question 2
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Question text
Question 4
Marites, Marisol, and Maris are co-heir of a 10- Incorrect
hectare land in Marinduque, and Marites has Question text
been cultivating and paying the taxes of the land
for 10 years. In 2021, the farm of Marites was TRUE OR FALSE. A usufruct will be
affected by a typhoon and because of this, she extinguished if the usufructuary denied or did
cannot pay the tax for that year. What is the best not accept the usufruct.
thing that Marites should do?
Select one:
Select one: a. False
a. Marites should sell the land and pay the tax b. True
with the earned money.
c. Either true or false
b. Compel her co-heirs to contribute to this
year's tax. d. None of these
c. Marites may compel her neighbors to Feedback
The correct answer is: True
d. None of these
Question 5
Feedback Correct
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
TRUE OR FALSE. The co-ownership is when a. None of these
the ownership of an undivided thing or right
belongs to different persons. There is a co- b. Either true or false
ownership when there is a plurality of owners, c. False
the object must be an undivided thing or right,
and each co-owner’s right is limited only to his d. True
ideal or abstract share of the whole but not Feedback
physically identified.
The correct answer is: False
Select one:
a. Either true or false
b. True
Question 8
c. None of these Incorrect
d. False
Question text
Feedback TRUE OR FALSE. As a co-owner of an
undivided property, it is your right to require or
The correct answer is: True compel other co-owners to contribute to the
expenses you made for the alteration in the
property even without any prior consent from
Question 6 them.
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Select one:
Question text a. True
TRUE OR FALSE. Whenever the thing is b. False
essentially indivisible and the co-owners cannot c. Either true or false
agree that it be allotted to one of them who shall
indemnify the others, it shall be sold, and its d. None of these
proceeds distributed. Feedback
Select one: The correct answer is: False
a. None of these
Question 9
b. Either true or false Correct
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
c. False
Question text
d. True
TRUE OR FALSE. A usufruct will be
Feedback extinguished if the usufructuary died.
The correct answer is: True Select one:
Question 7 a. False
Incorrect b. Either true or false
Question text
c. True
TRUE OR FALSE. It is one of the requisites of
co-ownership that each co-owner’s right must be d. None of these
limited only to his ideal or abstract share of the Feedback
whole but maybe physically identified.
The correct answer is: True
Select one:
Question 10
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
Jasper and his family leased land that was
owned by Jerry, Jasper and his family are the
Select one:
a. the possessor of the land
b. naked owner
c. usufructuary
d. owner of the land
The correct answer is: the possessor of the land
Topic 5 Quiz Feedback
The correct answer is: 12 hectares
Question 1
Correct Question 3
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question
Flag question
Question text
TRUE or FALSE. The Public Land Act Question text
classifies lands of the public domain into At present, how many hectares are allowed to be
alienable or disposable lands, timberlands, and awarded for an agricultural free patent to a
mineral lands. Filipino citizen who does not own any land in
Select one: the Philippines?
Flag question
Flag question
Question text
At present, how many hectares are allowed to be Question text
awarded for homestead settlement to a Filipino The application of John for homestead
citizen who does not own any land in the settlement of 5 hectares of A and D land was
Philippines? approved. After 7 months after the approval,
Select one: John decided to begin working and cultivating
the homestead. What will happen to John's
a. 500 hectares application after this?
b. 24 hectares Select one:
c. 1000 hectares a. None of these.
d. 12 hectares b. He will lose his prior right.
c. He must continue working to ensure that 20% a. True, the PENRO shall immediately prepare
of the land will be developed in 5 years. the decree in case of approval.
d. He will lose his ownership. b. False, the Secretary of the DENR approves all
the applications for agricultural free patent.
c. False, the PENRO has no power to approve
The correct answer is: He will lose his prior such patent.
d. True, the agricultural free patent shall
Question 5 immediately be issued in case of approval.
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Feedback
The correct answer is: True, the agricultural free
patent shall immediately be issued in case of
Question 7
Flag question Correct
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Question text
TRUE or FALSE. The lessee must cultivate at
least one-third of the land within 5 years after
the date of the approval of the lease.
Select one: Flag question
Flag question
Question text
Flag question
TRUE or FALSE. One of the requirements on
homestead settlement for the issuance of the Question text
patent is that the applicant has continuously
cultivated at least 20% of the land since the TRUE or FALSE. In the lease, upon the
application's approval. expiration of the 25 years, the lessee may renew
their lease on agricultural land for another 25
Select one: years if the lessee has made essential
a. False improvements that will justify a renewal.
b. True Select one:
c. It depends. a. True
d. None of these. b. It depends.
Feedback c. False
b. RA 11573 a. 2 hectares
Flag question
Flag question
Question text
Question text
Based on RA 11231, Jessa who acquired a 5
hectare land through Free Patent Joana is an occupant of 600 square meters of
residential land in a first class municipality.
Select one: What office Joana should file her application for
a. may lost his prior right. a Free Patent Title?
b. may alienate the land to another person. Select one:
c. may cancel her ownership. a. LMB
d. None of these. b. CENRO of the DENR
Feedback c. PENRO of the DENR
The correct answer is: may alienate the land to d. CENRO of the City
another person. Feedback
Question 4 The correct answer is: CENRO of the DENR
Mark 0.00 out of 1.25 Question 6
Mark 1.25 out of 1.25
a. seek the proper administrative remedies
b. file a lawsuit against each other
c. seek the proper judicial remedies
d. None of these
Flag question
Question text
The correct answer is: seek the proper judicial
Which of the following is included in the remedies
application for a Free Patent Title under this
Residential Free Patent Act. Question 8
Select one: Mark 0.00 out of 1.25
a. None of these
b. a map based on an actual survey conducted by
a geodetic engineering graduate and approved
by the Department of Environment and Natural
Resources (DENR) Flag question
Question 3
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Flag question
Question text
To preserve, restore, and maintain a balanced
ecology in the ancestral domain of ICCs or IPs, Flag question
they should conduct activities such as
Question text
Select one:
TRUE OR FALSE. Formal recognition, when
a. Cut all the trees, especially in their watershed, solicited by ICCs/IPs concerned, is embodied in
to store more water a Certificate of Ancestral Domain Title (CADT),
b. Conduct Kaingin activity which shall recognize the title of the concerned
ICCs/IPs over the territories identified and
c. Prohibit overfishing in their river
d. Overhunting so that their whole family can
Select one:
have a healthy body
a. Either true or false
b. True
The correct answer is: Prohibit overfishing in
their river c. It cannot be determined
Question 2 d. False
Correct Feedback
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
The correct answer is: True
Question 4
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00
Flag question
Question text
TRUE OR FALSE. The Sworn Statement of the
Elders on the scope of the territories and Flag question
agreements/pacts made with neighboring
ICCs/IPs will be essential to determining their Question text
traditional territories.
TRUE OR FALSE. The concept of ownership
Select one: for ICCs/IPs over their ancestral domains is
private but in community property that belongs
a. True to all generations and may be sold or disposed
b. False of.
Select one: communities/ indigenous peoples in the country.
a. Either true or false Thus,
Question 10
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Flag question
Question text
Which of the following is not included in the
rights on ICCs/IPs to their ancestral domain? Flag question
Select one:
Question text
a. Right to Claim Parts of Reservations
Does a member of IPs/ICCs have a right to
b. Right to Stay in the Territories transfer land or property rights among members
c. Right to Disposition of the same ICCs/IPs?
Flag question
Flag question
Question text
Question text
TRUE OR FALSE. The ICCs/IPs have the right
to claim ownership over lands, bodies of water TRUE OR FALSE. Free and Prior Informed
traditionally and occupied by them, sacred Consent is required if the government will
places, traditional hunting and fishing grounds, relocate the ICCs/IPs on their ancestral domain
and all improvements made by them. because of a war.
a. True a. True
The correct answer is: True The correct answer is: True
Question 3 Question 5
Correct Incorrect
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Question 8
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question
Question text
TRUE OR FALSE. Access to biological and
genetic resources and to indigenous knowledge
related to the conservation, utilization, and Flag question
enhancement of these resources is allowed.
Question text
Select one:
TRUE OR FALSE. A consent is a free and prior
a. False informed consent if there are any external
b. True, if there is a free and prior informed interferences and coercions.
Select one:
c. True, subject to laws
a. True, there is a free and prior informed
d. It depends consent
Feedback b. False
The correct answer is: True, if there is a free and c. True, subject to customary laws
prior informed consent
d. It depends
Question 7 Feedback
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 The correct answer is: False
Question 9
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 The correct answer is: True, and in accordance
with their respective customary laws and
Flag question
Question text
TRUE OR FALSE. The ICCs/IPs have the right
to informed and nonrational participation in the
formulation and implementation of any project
in their ancestral domain.
Select one:
a. It cannot be determined
b. True
c. Either true or false
d. False
The correct answer is: False
Question 10
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
Flag question
Question text
TRUE OR FALSE. A consent is a free and prior
informed consent if it was obtained by fully
disclosing the intent and scope of the activity
understandable to the community.
Select one:
a. True, and in accordance with their respective
customary laws and practices
b. True, but not in accordance with their
respective customary laws and practices
c. It depends
d. False