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NEDO Biomass Projects: Seiji Morishima

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NEDO Biomass Projects

12 March 2019

Seiji Morishima
Biomass Group
New Energy Division
Positioning of Biomass Energy and fuels

Bio-based Carbon Economy

(Biotechnology-based Economy)
Biomass Energy
Power Generation/Heat


Source : NEDO TSC

New Energy Policy in Japan (July 2018)

Source : Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, METI 3

Comparison of primary energy self-sufficiency of major countries

Source : Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, METI 4

Comparison of renewable energy ratio to power output

Source : Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, METI 5

Paris Agreement

Country compared to 1990 compared to 2005 compared to 2013

reduction target

reduction target

USA (until2025)
reduction target

· Reduce carbon dioxide emissions per GDP by 60 to 65%
China compared to 2005 by 2030
· Achieve the peak of carbon dioxide emissions by around 2030

Source : METI

New Political Target on Renewable Energy in Japan

• The target of 2030 energy mix is 22-24% of renewables in which 8.8-9.2% of hydro
power, 7.0% of PV, 3.7-4.6% of biomass, 1.7% of Wind, 1.0% of Geothermal.

Electricity generation mix

Energy conservation (total electricity generation)
(loss form Electricity
196TWh(▲17%) transmission etc,)
Energy Conservation Geothermal
GDP growth +RE 1.0~1.1%
= about 40% Bioenergy
Wind 1.7%
Renewable Energy
22~24% Solar PV

Nuclear Hydro
22~20% 8.8~9.2%
Electricity Demand
Demand (981 TWh)
(967 TWh) LNG 27%

Coal 26%
Total base load
power ratio:56%
Oil 3%
2013 2030 2030
(actual results)
Source : Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)
Renewable Energy in Japan

New Energy

Renewable Energy
New Energy Environmental measures
· Greenhouse gases (GHG) reduction・
Power Generation Heat Verification of greenhouse gas reduction

Solar Solar Heat

Energy security
Wind Temperature
Difference · Japan's energy self-sufficiency is only 6%
Biomass · Fossil fuel is a finite resource
Hydro Biomass Heat
Geothermal Snow & Ice
New Energy Law
Biomass Fules (Act on Special Measures for the
Promotion of New Energy Usage,
etc.,Apr 1997)

What are biomass uses?
■ Biomass is a renewable, organic resource based on living organisms, excluding fossil resources.
■ It consists of biomass resources used as raw material, types of energy use (electricity, heat, transport
fuel, etc.) and energy conversion technology that connects them together. Also, biomass may be used for
generating power and for heat without conversion but through direct incineration.
■ Biomass use is largely divided into material use as construction material, etc., and energy use. Effective utilization
is possible by cascading, beginning with use as material and finally using as energy source. It can also be used to
convert to liquid fuel for transport, etc., depending on the application.
■ Although biomass generates CO2 when incinerated for its energy, various CO2 that it had absorbed
from air in its growth process (carbon neutral) and is therefore classified as renewable energy.

Wood Agricultural residues Solid fuel production

(Wood pellets, etc.) Power generation

Livestock manure

Gas fuel
(Biomass-derived methane, etc.)
Sewage sludge Food waste CH4

Liquid fuel Transport fuel

(Bioethanol, BDF,jet fuel, etc.)
Microalgae raw material Condensati
on &
Algae cultivation separation
Extraction &

NEDO’s Biomass Energy & fuels Project
of efficient
Base technology development elemental
for non-edible plant-derived technologies for
bioethanol (FY2007-FY2012) biofuel

Project to develop Demonstration for

integrated production integrated production
system for ethanol from system from cellulosic
non-edible plant (FY2009- biomass
FY2013) (FY2014-FY2019)

R&D projects Development of

about Algal Next-generation biofuels production
Biofuels development other than technologies for
ethanol (FY2010-FY2016) biojetfuels

Demonstration Program
for Locally Sustainable
Bioenergy System

FY2007 FY2010 FY2018 FY2020

Alternative fuel for Transportation

Fuel Ethanol from Cellulosic biomass

Alternative Fuel for Transportation

■ Nearly all of the fuel consumed by the transport section, which accounts for approximately. 23% of primary
energy use in Japan, is liquid fuel
■ Despite the shift to EVs and FCVs, the existing internal combustion mechanism (in developing countries and
used car market) and transport functions that require high-energy density that cannot be replaced with storage
battery (large vehicles, maritime vessels, aircraft, etc.) continues to require liquid fuel
With the development and production of biomass-derived alternative fuel that does not compete with food
production (cellulose-based biomass), GHG output by the transport sector must be reduced.
Activities for energy
Transport sector accounts
· Improvement of Fuel Efficiency in Vehicle,
for approx. 23% of total heavy truck.
energy consumption
Development of fuel
with high GHG reduction rate

· Energy Management at home

· Exhaustive energy management

· Energy-saving buildings
· Exhaustive energy

· Exhaustive energy
management at Factory

Source: Energy White Paper 2018

Cellulosic ethanol production system comprehensive
technology demonstration

• Installing bioethanol in automobile is a promising solution to reduce CO2 emissions of transportation sector which
accounts for about one-fourth of energy consumption.
• NEDO is developing technology to produce second-generation bioethanol in an economical manner. Pulp waste,
coffee waste, and depleted mushroom substrates are collected and the fiber structures of such materials are ruptured
using an explosion process and then are saccharified and fermented to produce bioethanol.
• Its target is reducing 50% of GHG compared with gasoline, more than two times of energy are generated from input
and cost competable with ethanol produced overseas.

①Determining best combinations of elemental ②Development of high efficiency

process technologies, and feasibility study production technology
Pretreatment Saccharification Fermentation Condensation

Alternative fuel for Transportation

Bio Jet Fuel

Background and Position of Bio Jet Fuel Production Technology Development
CO2 emission reduction target for the air transport sector

○In order to curb CO2 emission in the air transport sector, ICAO (UN organization for the sector)
announced the target of "not increasing CO2 emission in 2020 and later."

○ Use of bio jet fuel is anticipated as a means to reduce CO2 emission.

The direction of ICAO activity for CO2 reduction

CO2 emission (Mt)


Alternative aircraft Use of bio jet fuel

fuel is anticipated as a
Economic means use means to reduce CO2

2010 2020 2030 2040 2050

(Based on ICAO resources)(Partial quote from METI reference materials)

Circumstances surrounding bio jet fuel
— Overseas activities in fuel supply —

The world's first bio jet fuel supply, employing shared fuel storage facility,
has started at Norway' Oslo Airport in January 2016.
In March 2016, bio jet fuel supplies started at Los Angeles Airport in the US.

The world's first bio jet fuel supply at Oslo Airport Bio jet fuel supplies at Los Angeles Airport

Source: Avinor website Source: United Airlines website

(Partial quote from METI reference materials)

Development of Production Technologies for Bio Jet Fuels

Large Scale Extraction

Cultivation Crude Oil Purification

Aviation Fuels
Gasification Liquefaction with Bio Jet Fuels
Syngas Reforming

Development of an Integrated Pure Bio Jet Fuel Production
Employing Fast-Breeding Botryococcus Braunii

Technology development is conducted on an integrated manufacturing process for bio jet fuel
derived from microalgae.
Plant containing a cultivation pond in the scale of 10,000 m² is built in Thailand, for pilot-scale
test employing fast-breeding Botryococcus braunii.
Additionally, issues involved in industrialization with greater efficiency and their solutions are
examined for verification into the feasibility of stable, long-term and continuous operation,
reduction of production cost, etc.

Location: Saraburi Province, Thailand (on property owned by Siam Cement Group)
Demonstration period: FY2017-FY2020

Source: IHI website

Power Generation & Heat

Regional & Sustainable Biomass

Energy System

Issues in Biomass Energy Use

■ Biomass energy is an energy source that stands out among renewable energy sources in providing stable electric
power generation and that contributes to local community revitalization.
■ After the introduction of the feed-in tariff system in 2012, use based on the system expanded. On the other
hand, the following issues make purchasing independent of the system difficult under current conditions.
■ In order to promote biomass energy use independent of the FIT system, these issues must be resolved.

① Economic viability cannot be secured without FIT (fuel cost accounts for 70% of cost for wood biomass
power generation)
→Fuel cost reduction & diversification of income sources
② Securing stable raw material procurement: Supply of unused materials and waste over a long-term period
is difficult

Energy input in facilities (already in operation) The cost structure for wood biomass power generation
Feed-in tariff
Feed-in tariff system Example of cost structure for wood biomass power plant
Biomass type After system start
Prior to system start
and Total
purchase price Cumulative input
July 2012 ~ September
until end of June 30,
30, 2017
Unused materials 20,000 kW 400,000 kW 420,000 kW Fuel cost

Wood in general, etc. 160,000 kW 480,000 kW 640,000 kW Labor cost

Maintenance &
inspection cost
Recycled materials 440,000 kW 40,000 kW 480,000 kW Ash processing cost
Wastes & materials Fuel cost accounts for nearly 70% of cost
1680,000 kW 210,000 kW 1890,000 kW
other than wood
※Wood biomass power plant (5700 kW) current operating under FIT certification
Methane gas 20,000 kW 30,000 kW 50,000 kW
Total Approx. 2300,000 kW 1160,000 kW Approx. 3460,000 kW Source: Study into the Promotion of Power Generation, Heat Supply & Heat/Power Joint Supply,
FY2013 Project for Development of Wood Biomass Utilization Support System
Feed in Tariff

• The nuclear power plant accident in 2011 became a turning point for the Japanese
government to accelerate the growth of renewable energy
• Feed-in-tariff (FIT). Woody biomass has especially attracted attention for use.

Renewable Energy Facilities in Operation Certified facilities in FIT

FY2012 2013年度
FY2013 2014年度
FY2014 2015年度
FY2015 2016年度
住宅用太陽光 非住宅用太陽光
PV(industry) Wind
Biomass 中小水力
Hydro(mid- 地熱
FIT generation plans of biomass

※March 2017

installed capacity (transition)

installed capacity (new)
certification capacity
forecast (government goal)
Biomass energy regional independent demonstration

• To save the transportation cost of raw materials biomass power plant and heat utilization is suitable for deploying at
local levels together with cooperation of local authority.
• NEDO is supporting F/S and demonstration project of collecting biomass, transforming to electricity and heat and
supplying neighborhood. NEDO is supporting models without relying on FIT.
• Biomass power plant is expected to be carbon free adjustable resources for balancing demand and supply of electricity.

( 1)Technical guidance & introduction requirement ① Technical guidelines, Nationwide

・ Study of past demonstration projects Introdauction requirement interview survey
・ Overseas trend survey 全国ヒアリング調査
・ Hearing survey, etc. Forest owner’s cooperative 森林組合
6 places
6 ヶ所
1 ヶ所
Agricultural cooperative 1 places
木質事業者 34ヶ所

(researched 139 places and more) メタン発酵事業者

燃料化 事業者
Wood company 35 places
メ- カ 14ヶ所
Methane fermentation 都道府県庁 12ヶ所

company 21 places
市町村 12ヶ所
大学・研究機関 他 7ヶ所

( 2)Demonstration project regional sustainable system Company for conversion of

biomass to fuel
17 places

・ Feasibillity study(FS) for regional Reflection the results of FS

Manufacturer 19 places
Prefectural government office 12 places
City,Town government office 12 places
② Selection by result of feasibillity study(FS) Universities,research
institutes, etc. 7 places

User 6 places
・ Demonstration regional sustainable system Cooperator 全体像と 「どういう点を工夫す
Local government
③ Inspection of regional (延べ 128ヶ所 )
Company sustainable system Manufactures,etc . 平成 29 年 6 月 30 日 現在
for biomass energy
Unversities , etc.

Reflection of the results of

demonstration projects
④ Evaluation of demonstration project We conducted a hearing survey
with the aim of finding out the
Consideration of whether to adopt overall picture of the regional
system with business potential
(3) Development of technology for and the point of "what kind of
regional sustainable system Technical problems extracted point should be devised as a
by demonstration project project“ (139 places in total )
・ Implement sevelopment of elemental technology
As of Mar. 7, 2018

Key points in the regional autonomous system

Nationwide interview survey What are the "strengths" of businesses and communities?

Forestry cooperatives 6 locations

Agricultural cooperative 1 location
Wood material businesses
Methane fermentation businesses
35 locations
22 locations
4 ideas
Fuel production
businesses 17 locations

Prefectural governments
20 locations
13 locations
Balance between raw materials and energy demand
Municipal governments 12 locations
Universities & research institutes
others 7 locations
Users 6 locations
① Raw material procurement ② Energy use

③ Energy conversion

④ Total system
(Coordination with the community) Feedback
Total image of an economically
feasible regional system and +
what to do to make it
viable as a business operation?
Interview survey was conducted
Agreement with local communities(Win-Win Relationship)
with focus on these points
(Total of 139 locations

As of March 7, 2018 Establishment of technical indicators & implementation

criteria for businesses
Demonstration project

type Description of operation Subsidy recipient
The project aims at the use of various types of mixed biomass that is
generated in the region for production of biomass energy with dry
1 methane fermentation technology. For this purpose, system is
Fermentation developed to promote wider utilization through coordination with
Fuji Clean Co.,
type neighboring regions.
The project aims at energy conservation for dairy farms and the community
Methane with production of quality compost and liquid fertilizer, quality livestock feed
Japan Agricultural
2 Fermentation and milk production. It also aims at reduction of foul odor, groundwater
type contamination and financial burden on cooperative members with a reduction Cooperatives Akan
in animal waste treatment fees.

The project aims at collection of usable biomass resources in the region

Showa Chemical
3 Wood for use as energy for diatomaceous earth drying at existing factories, as
well as use of surplus heat. Industry Co., Ltd.
The project aims at use of construction wastes and low-grade wood biomass
containing foreign matter, that does not compete against wood biomass JFE Environmental
produced in a wide range of area centering on Kurashiki City, Okayama Services
4 Wood Prefecture, for fueling boilers and supplying steam to industrial complexes. Corporation

Bamboo, material that has become an issue in the region, is utilized effectively
for high-efficiency supply of both power and heat via ORC unit to bamboo
processing plant and primary material processing plant. Bamboo Energy
5 Wood
Chipping rotary is utilized for production of wood chips from timber residue
materials and transport of the chips for efficient wood biomass fuel Tajima Forest
6 Wood production. Forest residue material collection system is developed, and K.K.
stable supply of wood chips is promoted.
Thank you very much for your kind attention


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