Temparature Mapping Protocol
Temparature Mapping Protocol
Temparature Mapping Protocol
Area Name
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2.0 Objective 4
3.0 Scope 4
4.0 Responsibility 4
8.0 Methodology 5
9.0 Documentation 8
12.0 Abbreviation 8
14.0 Reference 8
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The objective of this protocol is to verify the uniform temperature and humidity distribution in the material
storage area of the warehouse within specified range (NMT 25˚C and RH NMT 60 %) in Empty condition,
loaded condition and seasonal mapping.
3.0 SCOPE:
This protocol for the temperature & relative humidity mapping defines the procedural aspects to be
followed while carrying out the monitoring which includes prerequisites. Also it defines the acceptance
criteria, remapping criteria.
This protocol is applicable for temperature & relative humidity in warehouse area at ---------
4.0 Responsibility:
4.1 Preparation of Protocol: Engineering shall be responsible for preparation, review of protocol and
its execution.
4.2 Reviewing of protocol:
4.2.1 Quality Assurance department shall be responsible review of protocol and arrangement of external
agency for mapping study and provide suitable services for temperature mapping.
4.2.3 Warehouse shall be responsible for review of protocol and execution support.
4.3 Approval of Protocol:
Finally protocol shall be approved by head quality assurance unless protocol can’t be used for
5.0 Execution Team:
5.1 Execution team shall be responsible for execution of protocol, execution team comprises of
engineering, warehouse & quality assurance department.
5.2 Engineering department shall be responsible for preparing the layout and area for the temperature
mapping study, coordination and & compilation of mapping data after study.
5.3 QA department shall be responsible for reviewing of mapping data.
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Before starting the temperature mapping in warehouse area following point shall be covered.
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Each data logger shall be mounted exactly as per location fixed in drawing. The position & fasten of
the data loggers shall be in that manner so that they should not be damaged or displaced during
the course of routine operations.
Ensure the the air handling unit of the respective area is in running condition and all functional
parameters like data loggers are function properly.
Temperature mapping of warehouse area for all three seasons at loaded condition mainly done in
[summer (Apr. – Jun.), monsoon (Jul. – Sep.) & (winter (Oct. –Jan.)].
At the end of the study data logger shall be collected and data shall be down loaded and
consolidate the data for study and minimum, maximum & average data shall be recorded in
respective report of each area.
Hot and cold spot shall be verified for the routine monitoring of temperature and relative humidity.
8.4 Evaluation of temperature mapping results:
At the end of temperature mapping study temperature fluctuations shall be identified and minimum and
maximum temperatures that occur in the mapped area during the study period shall be recorded in
respective report.
8.5 Example for mounting of data logger:
Data logger shall be mounted as per below sketch diagram and isometric drawing with mounted data
logger shall be attached with report.
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14.0 Reference
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 961, 2011, Annex 9: Model guidance for the storage and transport of
time and temperature–sensitive pharmaceutical products. January 2014,
In house.