Foundation 2
Foundation 2
Foundation 2
9. Caring is healing, it is communicated through the
Link: consciousness of the nurse to the individual being cared for. It allows access to higher human spirit.
concepts-theories/ A. Benner
B. Watson
1. The four major concepts in nursing theory are the C. Leininger
D. Swanson
A. Person, Environment, Nurse, Health 10. Caring means that person, events, projects and things
B. Nurse, Person, Environment, Cure matter to people. It reveals stress and coping options.
C. Promotive, Preventive, Curative, Caring creates responsibility. It is an inherent feature of
Rehabilitative nursing practice. It helps the nurse assist clients to
D. Person, Environment, Nursing, Health recover in the face of the illness.
2. The act of utilizing the environment of the patient to
assist him in his recovery is theorized by A. Benner
B. Watson
A. Nightingale C. Leininger
B. Benner D. Swanson
C. Swanson 11. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about
D. King profession according to Marie Jahoda?
3. For her, Nursing is a theoretical system of knowledge
that prescribes a process of analysis and action related to A. A profession is an organization of an
care of the ill person occupational group based on the
application of special knowledge
A. King B. It serves specific interest of a group
B. Henderson C. It is altruistic
C. Roy D. Quality of work is of greater importance
D. Leininger than the rewards
4. According to her, Nursing is a helping or assistive 12. Which of the following is NOT an attribute of a
profession to persons who are wholly or partly professional?
dependent or when those who are supposedly caring for
them are no longer able to give care. A. Concerned with quantity
B. Self directed
A. Henderson C. Committed to spirit of inquiry
B. Orem D. Independent
C. Swanson 13. The most unique characteristic of nursing as a
D. Neuman profession is
5. Nursing is a unique profession, Concerned with all the
variables affecting an individual’s response to stressors, A. Education
which are intra, inter and extra personal in nature. B. Theory
C. Caring
A. Neuman D. Autonomy
B. Johnson 14. This is the distinctive individual qualities that
C. Watson differentiate a person to another
D. Parse
6. The unique function of the nurse is to assist the A. Philosophy
individual, sick or well, in the performance of those B. Personality
activities contributing to health that he would perform C. Charm
unaided if he has the necessary strength, will and D. Character
knowledge, and do this in such a way as to help him gain 15. Refers to the moral values and beliefs that are used
independence as rapidly as possible. as guides to personal behavior and actions
A. Henderson A. Philosophy
B. Abdellah B. Personality
C. Levin C. Charm
D. Peplau D. Character
7. Caring is the essence and central unifying, a dominant 16. As a nurse manager, which of the following best
domain that distinguishes nursing from other health describes this function?
disciplines. Care is an essential human need.
A. Initiate modification on client’s lifestyle
A. Benner B. Protect client’s right
B. Watson C. Coordinates the activities of other members
C. Leininger of the health team in managing patient care
D. Swanson D. Provide in service education programs, Use
8. Caring involves 5 processes, KNOWING, BEING accurate nursing audit, formulate
WITH, DOING FOR, ENABLING and MAINTAINING philosophy and vision of the institution
BELIEF. 17. What best describes nurses as a care provider?
A. Skin A. 1-2 ml
B. WBC B. 2-3 ml
C. Leukocytes C. 2-4 ml
D. Immunization D. 5-10 ml
48. All of the following contributes to host susceptibility 57. Which of the following is not true about sterilization,
except cleaning and disinfection?
A. Equipment with small lumen are easier to B. Black trashcan
clean C. Orange trashcan
B. Sterilization is the complete destruction of D. Yellow trashcan
all viable microorganism including spores 65. Needles, scalpels, broken glass and lancets are
C. Some organism are easily destroyed, while considered as injurious wastes. As a nurse, it is correct to
other, with coagulated protein requires put them at disposal via a/an
longer time
D. The number of organism is directly A. Puncture proof container
proportional to the length of time required B. Reused PET Bottles
for sterilization C. Black trashcan
58. Karlita asked you, How long should she boil her D. Yellow trashcan with a tag “INJURIOUS
glass baby bottle in water? You correctly answered her WASTES”
by saying 66. Miranda Priestly, An executive of RAMP magazine,
was diagnosed with cancer of the cervix. You noticed
A. The minimum time for boiling articles is 5 that the radioactive internal implant protrudes to her
minutes vagina where supposedly, it should be in her cervix.
B. Boil the glass baby bottler and other What should be your initial action?
articles for atleast 10 minutes
C. For boiling to be effective, a minimum of A. Using a long forceps, Push it back towards
15 minutes is required the cervix then call the physician
D. It doesn’t matter how long you boil the B. Wear gloves, remove it gently and place it
articles, as long as the water reached 100 on a lead container
degree Celsius C. Using a long forceps, Remove it and place
59. This type of disinfection is best done in sterilizing it on a lead container
drugs, foods and other things that are required to be D. Call the physician, You are not allowed to
sterilized before taken in by the human body touch, re insert or remove it
67. After leech therapy, Where should you put the
A. Boiling Water leeches?
B. Gas sterilization
C. Steam under pressure A. In specially marked BIO HAZARD
D. Radiation Containers
60. A TB patient was discharged in the hospital. A UV B. Yellow trashcan
Lamp was placed in the room where he stayed for a C. Black trashcan
week. What type of disinfection is this? D. Leeches are brought back to the culture
room, they are not thrown away for they
A. Concurrent disinfection are reusable
B. Terminal disinfection 68. Which of the following should the nurse AVOID
C. Regular disinfection doing in preventing spread of infection?
D. Routine disinfection
61. Which of the following is not true in implementing A. Recapping the needle before disposal to
medical asepsis prevent injuries
B. Never pointing a needle towards a body
A. Wash hand before and after patient contact part
B. Keep soiled linens from touching the C. Using only Standard precaution to AIDS
clothings Patients
C. Shake the linens to remove dust D. Do not give fresh and uncooked fruits and
D. Practice good hygiene vegetables to Mr. Gatchie, with
62. Which of the following is true about autoclaving or Neutropenia
steam under pressure? 69. Where should you put Mr. Alejar, with Category II
A. All kinds of microorganism and their
spores are destroyed by autoclave machine A. In a room with positive air pressure and
B. The autoclaved instruments can be used for atleast 3 air exchanges an hour
1 month considering the bags are still intact B. In a room with positive air pressure and
C. The instruments are put into unlocked atleast 6 air exchanges an hour
position, on their hinge, during the C. In a room with negative air pressure and
autoclave atleast 3 air exchanges an hour
D. Autoclaving different kinds of metals at D. In a room with negative air pressure and
one time is advisable atleast 6 air exchanges an hour
63. Which of the following is true about masks? 70. A client has been diagnosed with RUBELLA. What
precaution is used for this patient?
A. Mask should only cover the nose
B. Mask functions better if they are wet with A. Standard precaution
alcohol B. Airborne precaution
C. Masks can provide durable protection even C. Droplet precaution
when worn for a long time and after each D. Contact precaution
and every patient care 71. A client has been diagnosed with MEASLES. What
D. N95 Mask or particulate masks can filter precaution is used for this patient?
organism as mall as 1 micromillimeter
64. Where should you put a wet adult diaper? A. Standard precaution
B. Airborne precaution
A. Green trashcan C. Droplet precaution
D. Contact precaution A. The glove of the non dominant hand
72. A client has been diagnosed with IMPETIGO. What B. The glove of the dominant hand
precaution is used for this patient? C. The glove of the left hand
D. Order in removing the gloves Is
A. Standard precaution unnecessary
B. Airborne precaution 80. Before a surgical procedure, Give the sequence on
C. Droplet precaution applying the protective items listed below
D. Contact precaution
73. The nurse is to insert an NG Tube when suddenly, 1. Eye wear or goggles
she accidentally dip the end of the tube in the client’s 2. Cap
glass containing distilled drinking water which is 3. Mask
definitely not sterile. As a nurse, what should you do? 4. Gloves
5. Gown
A. Don’t mind the incident, continue to insert A. 3,2,1,5,4
the NG Tube B. 3,2,1,4,5
B. Obtain a new NG Tube for the client C. 2,3,1,5,4
C. Disinfect the NG Tube before reinserting it D. 2,3,1,4,5
again 81. In removing protective devices, which should be the
D. Ask your senior nurse what to do exact sequence?
74. All of the following are principle of SURGICAL
ASEPSIS except 1. Eye wear or goggles
2. Cap
A. Microorganism travels to moist surfaces 3. Mask
faster than with dry surfaces 4. Gloves
B. When in doubt about the sterility of an 5. Gown
object, consider it not sterile A. 4,3,5,1,2
C. Once the skin has been sterilized, B. 2,3,1,5,4
considered it sterile C. 5,4,3,2,1
D. If you can reach the object by D. 1,2,3,4,5
overreaching, just move around the sterile 82. In pouring a plain NSS into a receptacle located in a
field to pick it rather than reaching for it sterile field, how high should the nurse hold the bottle
75. Which of the following is true in SURGICAL above the receptacle?
A. 1 inch
A. Autoclaved linens and gowns are B. 3 inches
considered sterile for about 4 months as C. 6 inches
long as the bagging is intact D. 10 inches
B. Surgical technique is a sole effort of each 83. The tip of the sterile forceps is considered sterile. It
nurse is used to manipulate the objects in the sterile field using
C. Sterile conscience, is the best method to the non sterile hands. How should the nurse hold a sterile
enhance sterile technique forceps?
D. If a scrubbed person leaves the area of the
sterile field, He/she must do handwashing A. The tip should always be lower than the
and gloving again, but the gown need not handle
be changed. B. The tip should always be above the handle
76. In putting sterile gloves, Which should be gloved C. The handle and the tip should be at the
first? same level
D. The handle should point downward and the
A. The dominant hand tip, always upward
B. The non dominant hand 84. The nurse enters the room of the client on airborne
C. The left hand precaution due to tuberculosis. Which of the following
D. No specific order, Its up to the nurse for her are appropriate actions by the nurse?
own convenience
77. As the scrubbed nurse, when should you apply the 1. She wears mask, covering the nose and
goggles, shoe cap and mask prior to the operation? mouth
2. She washes her hands before and after
A. Immediately after entering the sterile field removing gloves, after suctioning the
B. After surgical hand scrub client’s secretion
C. Before surgical hand scrub 3. She removes gloves and hands before
D. Before entering the sterile field leaving the client’s room
78. Which of the following should the nurse do when 4. She discards contaminated suction catheter
applying gloves prior to a surgical procedure? tip in trashcan found in the clients room
A. 1,2
A. Slipping gloved hand with all fingers when B. 1,2,3
picking up the second glove C. 1,2,3,4
B. Grasping the first glove by inserting four D. 1,3
fingers, with thumbs up underneath the cuff 85. When performing surgical hand scrub, which of the
C. Putting the gloves into the dominant hand following nursing action is required to prevent
first contamination?
D. Adjust only the fitting of the gloves after
both gloves are on 1. Keep fingernail short, clean and with nail
79. Which gloves should you remove first? polish
2. Open faucet with knee or foot control C. Stage of Homeostasis
3. Keep hands above the elbow when washing D. Stage of Exhaustion
and rinsing 94. Stage of GAS wherein, the Level of resistance are
4. Wear cap, mask, shoe cover after you decreased
A. 1,2 A. Stage of Alarm
B. 2,3 B. Stage of Resistance
C. 1,2,3 C. Stage of Homeostasis
D. 2,3,4 D. Stage of Exhaustion
86. When removing gloves, which of the following is an 95. Where in stages of GAS does a person moves back
inappropriate nursing action? into HOMEOSTASIS?
A. Stage of Alarm
B. Stage of Resistance
C. Stage of Homeostasis
D. Stage of Exhaustion
93. Stage of GAS Characterized by adaptation
A. Stage of Alarm
B. Stage of Resistance
1. The coronary vessels, unlike any other blood vessels
in the body, respond to sympathetic stimulation by
A. Vasoconstriction
B. Vasodilatation
C. Decreases force of contractility
D. Decreases cardiac output
2. What stress response can you expect from a patient
with blood sugar of 50 mg / dl?
A. Immediate Vasodilation
B. Transient Vasoconstriction
C. Immediate Vasoconstriction
D. Transient Vasodilation
5. The last expected process in the stages of
inflammation is characterized by
A. Serous
B. Serosanguinous
C. Purulent
D. Sanguinous
7. The first manifestation of inflammation is
A. Neutrophils
B. Basophils
FON Practice Exam for Stress, Crisis, Crisis C. Eosinophils
Intervention, Communication, Recording, Learning D. Monocytes
and Documentation (100 items) 9. Which of the following WBC component proliferates
in cases of Anaphylaxis?
Link: A. Neutrophils
nursing-licensure-exam-pnle/fon-practice-exam-stress- B. Basophils
crisis-crisis-intervention-communication-recording- C. Eosinophil
learning-documentation/ D. Monocytes
10. Icheanne, ask you, her Nurse, about WBC B. It is a type of surgical debridement with the
Components. She got an injury yesterday after she use of Wet dressing to remove the necrotic
twisted her ankle accidentally at her gymnastic class. tissues
She asked you, which WBC Component is responsible C. It is a type of dressing where in, The
for proliferation at the injured site immediately wound is covered with Wet or Dry dressing
following an injury. You answer: to prevent contamination
D. It is a type of dressing where in, A
A. Neutrophils cellophane or plastic is placed on the
B. Basophils wound over a wet dressing to stimulate
C. Eosinophils healing of the wound in a wet medium
D. Monocytes 18. The primary cause of pain in inflammation is
11. Icheanne then asked you, what is the first process
that occurs in the inflammatory response after injury, A. Release of pain mediators
You tell her: B. Injury to the nerve endings
C. Compression of the local nerve endings by
A. Phagocytosis the edema fluids
B. Emigration D. Circulation is lessen, Supply of oxygen is
C. Pavementation insufficient
D. Chemotaxis 19. The client is in stress because he was told by the
12. Icheanne asked you again, What is that term that physician he needs to undergo surgery for removal of
describes the magnetic attraction of injured tissue to tumor in his bladder. Which of the following are effects
bring phagocytes to the site of injury? of sympatho-adreno-medullary response by the client?
A. Reflecting A. Restitution
B. Restating B. Projection
C. Exploring C. Displacement
D. Seeking clarification D. Undoing
48. Rommel told Budek, “Do you think Im crazy?” 55. Later that day, he bought his son ice cream and food.
Budek responded, “Do you think your crazy?” Budek What defense mechanism is Legrande unconsciously
uses what example of therapeutic communication? doing?
A. Reflecting A. Restitution
B. Restating B. Conversion
C. Exploring C. Redoing
D. Reaction formation 64. The client is scheduled to have surgical removal of
56. Crisis is a sudden event in ones life that disturbs a the tumor on her left breast. Which of the following
person’s homeostasis. Which of the following is NOT manifestation indicates that she is experiencing Mild
TRUE in crisis? Anxiety?
A. The person experiences heightened feeling A. She has increased awareness of her
of stress environmental details
B. Inability to function in the usual organized B. She focused on selected aspect of her
manner illness
C. Lasts for 4 months C. She experiences incongruence of action,
D. Indicates unpleasant emotional feelings thoughts and feelings
57. Which of the following is a characteristic of crisis? D. She experiences random motor activities
65. Which of the following nursing intervention would
A. Lasts for an unlimited period of time least likely be effective when dealing with a client with
B. There is a triggering event aggressive behavior?
C. Situation is not dangerous to the person
D. Person totality is not involved A. Approach him in a calm manner
58. Levito Devin, The Italian prime minister, is due to B. Provide opportunities to express feelings
retire next week. He feels depressed due to the enormous C. Maintain eye contact with the client
loss of influence, power, fame and fortune. What type of D. Isolate the client from others
crisis is Devin experiencing? 66. Whitney, a patient of nurse Budek, verbalizes… “I
have nothing, nothing… nothing! Don’t make me close
A. Situational one more door, I don’t wanna hurt anymore!” Which of
B. Maturational the following is the most appropriate response by
C. Social Budek?
D. Phenomenal
59. Estrada, The Philippine president, has been A. Why are you singing?
unexpectedly impeached and was out of office before the B. What makes you say that?
end of his term. He is in what type of crisis? C. Ofcourse you are everything!
D. What is that you said?
A. Situational 67. Whitney verbalizes that she is anxious that the
B. Maturational diagnostic test might reveal laryngeal cancer. Which of
C. Social the following is the most appropriate nursing
D. Phenomenal intervention?
60. The tsunami in Thailand and Indonesia took
thousands of people and change million lives. The A. Tell the client not to worry until the results
people affected by the Tsunami are saddened and do not are in
know how to start all over again. What type of crisis is B. Ask the client to express feelings and
this? concern
C. Reassure the client everything will be
A. Situational alright
B. Maturational D. Advice the client to divert his attention by
C. Social watching television and reading
D. Phenomenal newspapers
61. Which of the following is the BEST goal for crisis 68. Considered as the most accurate expression of
intervention? person’s thought and feelings
A. Bring back the client in the pre crisis state A. Verbal communication
B. Make sure that the client becomes better B. Non verbal communication
C. Achieve independence C. Written communication
D. Provide alternate coping mechanism D. Oral communication
62. What is the best intervention when the client has just 69. Represents inner feeling that a person do not like
experienced the crisis and still at the first phase of the talking about.
A. Overt communication
A. Behavior therapy B. Covert communication
B. Gestalt therapy C. Verbal communication
C. Cognitive therapy D. Non verbal communication
D. Milieu Therapy 70. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of an
63. Therapeutic nurse client relationship is describes as effective Nurse-Client relationship?
A. Focused on the patient
1. Based on friendship and mutual interest B. Based on mutual trust
2. It is a professional relationship C. Conveys acceptance
3. It is focused on helping the patient solve D. Discourages emotional bond
problems and achieve health-related goals 71. A type of record wherein , each person or department
4. Maintained only as long as the patient makes notation in separate records. A nurse will use the
requires professional helpA. 1,2,3 nursing notes, The doctor will use the Physician’s order
B. 1,2,4 sheet etc. Data is arranged according to information
C. 2,3,4 source.
D. 1,3,4
B. POR 81. The physician ordered, Maxitrol, Od. What does Od
C. Traditional means?
D. Resource oriented
72. Type of recording that integrates all data about the A. Left eye
problem, gathered by members of the health team. B. Right eye
C. Both eye
A. POMR D. Once a day
B. Traditional 82. The physician orderd, Magnesium Hydroxide cc
C. Resource oriented Aluminum Hydroxide. What does cc means?
D. Source oriented
73. These are data that are monitored by using graphic A. without
charts or graphs that indicated the progression or B. with
fluctuation of client’s Temperature and Blood pressure. C. one half
D. With one half dose
A. Progress notes 83. Physician ordered, Paracetamol tablet ss. What does
B. Kardex ss means?
C. Flow chart
D. Flow sheet A. without
74. Provides a concise method of organizing and B. with
recording data about the client. It is a series of flip cards C. one half
kept in portable file used in change of shift reports. D. With one half dose
84. Which of the following indicates that learning has
A. Kardex been achieved?
B. Progress Notes
C. SOAPIE A. Matuts starts exercising every morning and
D. Change of shift report eating a balance diet after you taught her
75. You are about to write an information on the Kardex. mag HL tayo program
There are 4 available writing instruments to use. Which B. Donya Delilah has been able to repeat the
of the following should you use? steps of insulin administration after you
taught it to her
A. Mongol #2 C. Marsha said “ I understand “ after you a
B. Permanent Ink health teaching about family planning
C. A felt or fountain pen D. John rated 100% on your given quiz about
D. Pilot Pentel Pen marker smoking and alcoholism
76. The client has an allergy to Iodine based dye. Where 85. In his theory of learning as a BEHAVIORISM, he
should you put this vital information in the client’s stated that transfer of knowledge occurs if a new
chart? situation closely resembles an old one.
A. Detailed explanation
B. Demonstration
C. Use of pamphlets
D. Film showing
95. What is the most important characteristic of a nurse
patient relationship?
A. It is growth facilitating
B. Based on mutual understanding
C. Fosters hope and confidence
D. Involves primarily emotional bond
96. Which of the following nursing intervention is
needed before teaching a client post spleenectomy deep
breathing and coughing exercises?
A. Ambulates 30 feet with a cane before A. The highest temperature usually occurs
discharge later in a day, around 8 P.M to 12 M.N
B. Discusses fears and concerns regarding the B. The lowest temperature is usually in the
surgical procedure Afternoon, Around 12 P.M
C. Demonstrates proper coughing and C. Thyroxin decreases body temperature
breathing technique after a teaching session D. Elderly people are risk for hyperthermia
D. Reestablishes a normal pattern of due to the absence of fats, Decreased
elimination thermoregulatory control and sedentary
17. Which of the following is a OBJECTIVE data? lifestyle.
26. Hyperpyrexia is a condition in which the temperature
A. Dizziness is greater than
B. Chest pain
C. Anxiety A. 40 degree Celsius
D. Blue nails B. 39 degree Celsius
18. A patient’s chart is what type of data source? C. 100 degree Fahrenheit
D. 105.8 degree Fahrenheit
A. Primary 27. Tympanic temperature is taken from John, A client
B. Secondary who was brought recently into the ER due to frequent
C. Tertiary barking cough. The temperature reads 37.9 Degrees
D. Can be A and B Celsius. As a nurse, you conclude that this temperature is
19. All of the following are characteristic of the Nursing
process except A. High
B. Low
A. Dynamic C. At the low end of the normal range
B. Cyclical D. At the high end of the normal range
C. Universal 28. John has a fever of 38.5 Deg. Celsius. It surges at
D. Intrapersonal around 40 Degrees and go back to 38.5 degrees 6 times
20. Which of the following is true about the NURSING today in a typical pattern. What kind of fever is John
CARE PLAN? having?
A. Standing
B. Sitting
C. Side lying
D. Prone
100. In assessing the client’s chest, which position best
show chest expansion as well as its movements?
A. Sitting
B. Prone
C. Sidelying
D. Supine FON Oxygenation and Nutrition (100 items)
A. Cilia
B. Nares
C. Carina
D. Vibrissae
3. This is the paranasal sinus found between the eyes and
the nose that extends backward into the skull
A. Ehtmoid
B. Sphenoid
C. Maxillary
D. Frontal
4. Which paranasal sinus is found over the eyebrow?
A. Ehtmoid
B. Sphenoid
C. Maxillary
D. Frontal
5. Gene De Vonne Katrouchuacheulujiki wants to
change her surname to something shorter, The court
denied her request which depresses her and find herself
binge eating. She accidentally aspirate a large piece of
nut and it passes the carina. Probabilty wise, Where will
the nut go?
A. Right main stem bronchus 15. Cassandra asked you : How many air is there in the
B. Left main stem bronchus oxygen and how many does human requires? Which of
C. Be dislodged in between the carina the following is the best response :
D. Be blocked by the closed epiglottis
6. Which cell secretes mucus that help protect the lungs A. God is good, Man requires 21% of oxygen
by trapping debris in the respiratory tract? and we have 21% available in our air
B. Man requires 16% of oxygen and we have
A. Type I pneumocytes 35% available in our air
B. Type II pneumocytes C. Man requires 10% of oxygen and we have
C. Goblet cells 50% available in our air
D. Adipose cells D. Human requires 21% of oxygen and we
7. How many lobes are there in the RIGHT LUNG? have 21% available in our air
16. Which of the following is TRUE about Expiration?
A. One
B. Two A. A passive process
C. Three B. The length of which is half of the length of
D. Four Inspiration
8. The presence of the liver causes which anatomical C. Stridor is commonly heard during
difference of the Kidneys and the Lungs? expiration
D. Requires energy to be carried out
A. Left kidney slightly lower, Left lung 17. Which of the following is TRUE in postural
slightly shorter drainage?
B. Left kidney slightly higher, Left lung
slightly shorter A. Patient assumes position for 10 to 15
C. Right kidney lower, Right lung shorter minutes
D. Right kidney higher, Right lung shorter B. Should last only for 60 minutes
9. Surfactant is produced by what cells in the alveoli? C. Done best P.C
D. An independent nursing action
A. Type I pneumocytes 18. All but one of the following is a purpose of steam
B. Type II pneumocytes inhalation
C. Goblet cells
D. Adipose cells A. Mucolytic
10. The normal L:S Ratio to consider the newborn baby B. Warm and humidify air
viable is C. Administer medications
D. Promote bronchoconstriction
A. 1:2 19. Which of the following is NOT TRUE in steam
B. 2:1 inhalation?
C. 3:1
D. 1:3 A. It is a dependent nursing action
11. Refers to the extra air that can be inhaled beyond the B. Spout is put 12-18 inches away from the
normal tidal volume nose
C. Render steam inhalation for atleast 60
A. Inspiratory reserve volume minutes
B. Expiratory reserve volume D. Cover the client’s eye with wash cloth to
C. Functional residual capacity prevent irritation
D. Residual volume 20. When should a nurse suction a client?
12. This is the amount of air remained in the lungs after
a forceful expiration A. As desired
B. As needed
A. Inspiratory reserve volume C. Every 1 hour
B. Expiratory reserve volume D. Every 4 hours
C. Functional residual capacity 21. Ernest Arnold Hamilton, a 60 year old American
D. Residual volume client was mobbed by teen gangsters near New york,
13. Casssandra, A 22 year old grade Agnostic, Asked Cubao. He was rushed to John John Hopio Medical
you, how many spikes of bones are there in my ribs? Center and was Unconscious. You are his nurse and you
Your best response is which of the following? are to suction his secretions. In which position should
you place Mr. Hamilton?
A. We have 13 pairs of ribs Cassandra
B. We have 12 pairs of ribs Cassandra A. High fowlers
C. Humans have 16 pairs of ribs, and that was B. Semi fowlers
noted by Vesalius in 1543 C. Prone
D. Humans have 8 pairs of ribs. 4 of which are D. Side lying
floating 22. You are about to set the suction pressure to be used
14. Which of the following is considered as the main to Mr. Hamilton. You are using a Wall unit suction
muscle of respiration? machine. How much pressure should you set the valve
before suctioning Mr. Hamilton?
A. Lungs
B. Intercostal Muscles A. 50-95 mmHg
C. Diaphragm B. 200-350 mmHg
D. Pectoralis major C. 100-120 mmHg
D. 10-15 mmHg
23. The wall unit is not functioning; You then try to use B. Put a non rebreather mask in the patient
the portable suction equipment available. How much before opening the oxygen source
pressure of suction equipment is needed to prevent C. Use a partial rebreather mask to deliver
trauma to mucus membrane and air ways in case of oxygen
portable suction units? D. Check for the doctor’s order for Oxygen
A. 2-5 mmHg 31. Which of the following will alert the nurse as an
B. 5-10 mmHg early sign of hypoxia?
C. 10-15 mmHg
D. 15-25 mmHg A. Client is tired and dyspneic
24. There are four catheter sizes available for use, which B. The client is coughing out blood
one of these should you use for Mr. Hamilton? C. The client’s heart rate is 50 BPM
D. Client is frequently turning from side to
A. Fr. 18 side
B. Fr. 12 32. Miguelito de balboa, An OFW presents at the
C. Fr. 10 admission with an A:P Diameter ratio of 2:1, Which of
D. Fr, 5 the following associated finding should the nurse
25. Which of the following, if done by the nurse, expect?
indicates incompetence during suctioning an
unconscious client? A. Pancytopenia
B. Anemia
A. Measure the length of the suction catheter C. Fingers are Club-like
to be inserted by measuring from the tip of D. Hematocrit of client is decreased
the nose, to the earlobe, to the xiphoid 33. The best method of oxygen administration for client
process with COPD uses:
B. Use KY Jelly if suctioning nasopharyngeal
secretion A. Cannula
C. The maximum time of suctioning should B. Simple Face mask
not exceed 15 seconds C. Non rebreather mask
D. Allow 30 seconds interval between D. Venturi mask
suctioning 34. Mang dagul, a 50 year old chronic smoker was
26. Which of the following is the initial sign of brought to the E.R because of difficulty in breathing.
hypoxemia in an adult client? Pleural effusion was the diagnosis and CTT was ordered.
What does C.T.T Stands for?
1. Tachypnea
2. Tachycardia A. Chest tube thoracotomy
3. Cyanosis B. Chest tube thoracostomy
4. Pallor C. Closed tube thoracotomy
5. Irritability D. Closed tube thoracostmy
6. Flaring of NaresA. 1,2 35. Where will the CTT be inserted if we are to drain
B. 2,5 fluids accumulated in Mang dagul’s pleura?
C. 2,6
D. 3,4 A. 2nd ICS
27. Which method of oxygenation least likely produces B. 4th ICS
anxiety and apprehension? C. 5th ICS
D. 8th ICS
A. Nasal Cannula 36. There is a continuous bubbling in the water sealed
B. Simple Face mask drainage system with suction. And oscillation is
C. Non Rebreather mask observed. As a nurse, what should you do?
D. Partial Rebreather mask
28. Which of the following oxygen delivery method can A. Consider this as normal findings
deliver 100% Oxygen at 15 LPM? B. Notify the physician
C. Check for tube leak
A. Nasal Cannula D. Prepare a petrolatum gauze dressing
B. Simple Face mask 37. Which of the following is true about nutrition?
C. Non Rebreather mask
D. Partial Rebreather mask A. It is the process in which food are broken
29. Which of the following is not true about OXYGEN? down, for the body to use in growth and
A. Oxygen is odorless, tasteless and colorless B. It is a process in which digested proteins,
gas. fats, minerals, vitamins and carbohydrates
B. Oxygen can irritate mucus membrane are transported into the circulation
C. Oxygen supports combustion C. It is a chemical process that occurs in the
D. Excessive oxygen administration results in cell that allows for energy production,
respiratory acidosis energy use, growth and tissue repair
30. Roberto San Andres, A new nurse in the hospital is D. It is the study of nutrients and the process
about to administer oxygen on patient with Respiratory in which they are use by the body
distress. As his senior nurse, you should intervene if 38. The majority of the digestion processes take place in
Roberto will: the
A. Medulla Oblongata
B. Pons
C. Hypothalamus
D. Cerebellum
93. The most threatening complication of vomiting in
client’s with stroke is
A. Aspiration
B. Dehydration
C. Fluid and electrolyte imbalance
D. Malnutrition
94. Which among this food is the richest source of Iron?
A. Ampalaya
B. Broccoli
C. Mongo
D. Malunggay leaves
95. Which of the following is a good source of Vitamin
A. Egg yolk
B. Liver
C. Fish
D. Peanuts
96. The most important nursing action before
gastrostomy feeding is
A. Check V/S
B. Assess for patency of the tube
C. Measure residual feeding
D. Check the placement of the tube
97. The primary advantage of gastrostomy feeding is
A. 20
B. 19
C. 15
D. 25
99. Which finding is consistent with PERNICIOUS
A. Strawberry tongue
B. Currant Jelly stool
C. Beefy red tongue
100. The nurse is browsing the chart of the patient and
notes a normal serum lipase level. Which of the
following is a normal serum lipase value?
A. 10 U/L
B. 100 U/L
C. 200 U/L
D. 350 U/L
Fundamentals in Nursing Exam 1 (25 items) B. “The patient will eat the right amount of
food daily.”
Link: C. “The patient will identify all the high-salt food from a prepared list by discharge.”
nursing-licensure-exam-pnle/pnle-fundamentals-in- D. “The patient will have enough sleep.”
nursing-exam-1/ 9. Which of the following behaviors by Nurse Jane
Robles demonstrates that she understands well th
elements of effecting charting?
1.Jake is complaining of shortness of breath. The nurse A. She writes in the chart using a no. 2 pencil.
assesses his respiratory rate to be 30 breaths per minute B. She noted: appetite is good this afternoon.
and documents that Jake is tachypneic. The nurse C. She signs on the medication sheet after
understands that tachypnea means: administering the medication.
D. She signs her charting as follow: J.R
A. Pulse rate greater than 100 beats per minute 10. What is the disadvantage of computerized
B. Blood pressure of 140/90 documentation of the nursing process?
C. Respiratory rate greater than 20 breaths per
minute A. Accuracy
D. Frequent bowel sounds B. Legibility
2. The nurse listens to Mrs. Sullen’s lungs and notes a C. Concern for privacy
hissing sound or musical sound. The nurse documents D. Rapid communication
this as: 11. The theorist who believes that adaptation and
manipulation of stressors are related to foster change is:
A. Wheezes
B. Rhonchi A. Dorothea Orem
C. Gurgles B. Sister Callista Roy
D. Vesicular C. Imogene King
3. The nurse in charge measures a patient’s temperature D. Virginia Henderson
at 101 degrees F. What is the equivalent centigrade 12. Formulating a nursing diagnosis is a joint function
temperature? of:
A. Manager
B. Caregiver
C. Patient advocate
D. Educator
20. Which data would be of greatest concern to the nurse
when completing the nursing assessment of a 68-year-
old woman hospitalized due to Pneumonia?
A. depression
B. bargaining
C. denial
D. acceptance
23. Immunization for healthy babies and preschool
children is an example of what level of preventive health
A. Primary
B. Secondary
C. Tertiary
D. Curative
24. Which is an example of a subjective data?
A. Temperature of 38 0C
B. Vomiting for 3 days
C. Productive cough
D. Patient stated, “My arms still hurt.”
25. The nurse is assessing the endocrine system. Which
organ is part of the endocrine system?
A. Heart
B. Sinus
C. Thyroid
D. Thymus
Fundamnetals in Nursing Exam 3 (25 items) C. Writing out the instructions and having a
family member read them to the patient
Link: D. Demonstrating the procedure and having the patient return the demonstration
nursing-licensure-exam-pnle/pnle-fundamentals-in- 9. Before administering the evening dose of a prescribed
nursing-exam-3/ medication, the nurse on the evening shift finds an
unlabeled, filled syringe in the patient’s medication
drawer. What should the nurse in charge do?
1. Nurse Brenda is teaching a patient about a newly A. Discard the syringe to avoid a medication
prescribed drug. What could cause a geriatric patient to error
have difficulty retaining knowledge about prescribed B. Obtain a label for the syringe from the
medications? pharmacy
C. Use the syringe because it looks like it
A. Decreased plasma drug levels contains the same medication the nurse was
B. Sensory deficits prepared to give
C. Lack of family support D. Call the day nurse to verify the contents of
D. History of Tourette syndrome the syringe
2. When examining a patient with abdominal pain the 10. When administering drug therapy to a male geriatric
nurse in charge should assess: patient, the nurse must stay especially alert for adverse
effects. Which factor makes geriatric patients to adverse
A. Any quadrant first drug effects?
B. The symptomatic quadrant first
C. The symptomatic quadrant last A. Faster drug clearance
D. The symptomatic quadrant either second or B. Aging-related physiological changes
third C. Increased amount of neurons
3. The nurse is assessing a postoperative adult patient. D. Enhanced blood flow to the GI tract
Which of the following should the nurse document as 11. A female patient is being discharged after cataract
subjective data? surgery. After providing medication teaching, the nurse
asks the patient to repeat the instructions. The nurse is
A. Vital signs performing which professional role?
B. Laboratory test result
C. Patient’s description of pain A. Manager
D. Electrocardiographic (ECG) waveforms B. Educator
4. A male patient has a soft wrist-safety device. Which C. Caregiver
assessment finding should the nurse consider abnormal? D. Patient advocate
12. A female patient exhibits signs of heightened
A. A palpable radial pulse anxiety. Which response by the nurse is most likely to
B. A palpable ulnar pulse reduce the patient’s anxiety?
C. Cool, pale fingers
D. Pink nail beds A. “Everything will be fine. Don’t worry.”
5. Which of the following planes divides the body B. “Read this manual and then ask me any
longitudinally into anterior and posterior regions? questions you may have.”
C. “Why don’t you listen to the radio?”
A. Frontal plane D. “Let’s talk about what’s bothering you.”
B. Sagittal plane 13. A scrub nurse in the operating room has which
C. Midsagittal plane responsibility?
D. Transverse plane
6. A female patient with a terminal illness is in denial. A. Positioning the patient
Indicators of denial include: B. Assisting with gowning and gloving
C. Handling surgical instruments to the
A. Shock dismay surgeon
B. Numbness D. Applying surgical drapes
C. Stoicism 14. A patient is in the bathroom when the nurse enters to
D. Preparatory grief give a prescribed medication. What should the nurse in
7. The nurse in charge is transferring a patient from the charge do?
bed to a chair. Which action does the nurse take during
this patient transfer? A. Leave the medication at the patient’s
A. Position the head of the bed flat B. Tell the patient to be sure to take the
B. Helps the patient dangle the legs medication. And then leave it at the bedside
C. Stands behind the patient C. Return shortly to the patient’s room and
D. Places the chair facing away from the bed remain there until the patient takes the
8. A female patient who speaks a little English has medication
emergency gallbladder surgery, during discharge D. Wait for the patient to return to bed, and
preparation, which nursing action would best help this then leave the medication at the bedside
patient understand wound care instruction? 15. The physician orders heparin, 7,500 units, to be
administered subcutaneously every 6 hours. The vial
A. Asking frequently if the patient understands reads 10,000 units per millilitre. The nurse should
the instruction anticipate giving how much heparin for each dose?
B. Asking an interpreter to replay the
instructions to the patient. A. ¼ ml
B. ½ ml C. Drop the medication into the inner canthus
C. ¾ ml regardless of eye position
D. 1 ¼ ml D. Drop the medication into the center of the
16. The nurse in charge measures a patient’s temperature canthus regardless of eye position
at 102 degrees F. what is the equivalent Centigrade 24. The difference between an 18G needle and a 25G
temperature? needle is the needle’s:
A. 39 degrees C A. Length
B. 47 degrees C B. Bevel angle
C. 38.9 degrees C C. Thickness
D. 40.1 degrees C D. Sharpness
17. To evaluate a patient for hypoxia, the physician is 25. A patient receiving an anticoagulant should be
most likely to order which laboratory test? assessed for signs of:
A. Within 1 month
B. Within 3 months
C. Within 6 months
D. Within 12 months
20. Which human element considered by the nurse in
charge during assessment can affect drug
A. Barrel
B. Inside of the plunger
C. Needle tip
D. Barrel tip
23. The best way to instill eye drops is to: