Iraset2024 RB
Iraset2024 RB
Iraset2024 RB
0: Proposal of
a Maturity Model for SMEs
Laboratory of Industrial Industrial Engineering Laboratory of Industrial
Engineering and Seismic Cesi-Lineact Engineering and Seismic
Engineering Lille, France Engineering
UMP Oujda UMP Oujda
Oujda, Morocco
Oujda, Morocco
Bachir El Kihel
Laboratory of Industrial
Engineering and Seismic
UMP Oujda
Oujda, Morocco
A. Action plan
To succeed, it is necessary to meet the needs of
customers and for this, an action plan must be put in
place and a strategy defined, taking into account several
factors such as human resources trained in the use of
technologies, financing, and estimated time for
completion, which is estimated at twelve months. The
Deming wheel, also known as the PDCA (Plan-Do-
Check-Act) cycle, is a continuous improvement model
that can be applied to various business processes,
including the transformation of a supply chain. The
wheel consists of four stages: [6]
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optimized its warehouse management processes. Overall, [14] E. M. Bouyahrouzi, A. E. Kihel, S. Embarki and B. E. Kihel.
the case study and questionnaire demonstrate that the Maintenance 4.0 Model Development for Production Lines in
Industry 4.0 Using a Deep Learning Approach and IoT Data in
integration of appropriate technologies can significantly Real-Time: an Experimental Case Study. 2023 IEEE 12th
improve warehouse management processes, increase International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and
efficiency, and eliminate related problems. The objective Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications
of this diagnosis is to identify the strengths and (IDAACS), Dortmund, Germany, 2023.
weaknesses of the company in terms of warehouse