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Curriculum of Bpharm

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For subjects having Non University Examination

I. Long Answers (Answer 1 out of 2) = 1 x 10 = 10

II. Short Answers (Answer 4 out of 6) = 4 x 5 = 20
Total = 30 marks

Question paper pattern for practical sessional examinations

I. Synopsis = 10
II. Experiments = 25
III. Viva voce = 05
Total = 40 marks

12. Promotion and award of grades

A student shall be declared PASSand eligible for getting gradein a course of
B.Pharm.program if he/she secures at least 50% marks in that particular course including
internal assessment.For example, to be declared as PASS and to get grade, the student has
to secure a minimum of 50 marks for the total of 100 including continuous mode of
assessment and end semester theory examination and has to secure a minimum of 25
marks for the total 50 including internal assessment and end semester practical

13. Carry forward of marks

In case a studentfails to secure the minimum 50% in any Theory or Practical course as
specified in 12,then he/she shall reappear for the end semester examinationof that course.
However his/her marks of the Internal Assessmentshallbe carried overand he/she shall be
entitled for grade obtained by him/her on passing.

14. Improvement of internal assessment

A studentshall have the opportunity to improvehis/her performance only oncein the
Sessional exam component of the internal assessment. The re-conduct of the Sessional
exam shall be completed before the commencement of next end semester theory

15. Re-examination of end semester examinations

Reexamination ofend semester examinationshall be conducted as per the schedule given
in table XIII. The exact dates of examinations shall be notified from time to time.

Table-XIII: Tentative schedule of end semester examinations
Semester For Regular Candidates For Failed Candidates

I, III, V and VII November / December May / June

II, IV, VI and VIII May / June November / December

Question paper pattern for end semester theory examinations

For 75 marks paper
I. Multiple Choice Questions(MCQs) = 20 x 1 = 20
Objective Type Questions (10 x 2) = 10 x 2 = 20
(Answer all the questions)
II. Long Answers (Answer 2 out of 3) = 2 x 10 = 20
III. Short Answers (Answer 7 out of 9) = 7 x 5 = 35
Total = 75 marks
For 50 marks paper
I. Long Answers (Answer 2 out of 3) = 2 x 10 = 20
II. Short Answers (Answer 6 out of 8) = 6 x 5 = 30
Total = 50 marks

For 35 marks paper

I. Long Answers (Answer 1 out of 2) = 1 x 10 =10
II. Short Answers (Answer 5 out of 7) = 5 x 5 = 25
Total = 35 marks
Question paper pattern for end semester practical examinations
I. Synopsis = 5
II. Experiments = 25
III. Viva voce = 5
Total = 35 marks

16. Academic Progression:
No student shall be admitted to any examination unless he/she fulfills the norms given in
6. Academic progression rules are applicable as follows:

A student shall be eligible to carry forward all the courses of I, II and III semesters till the
IV semester examinations. However, he/she shall not be eligible to attend the courses of
V semester until all the courses of I and II semesters are successfully completed.

A student shall be eligible to carry forward all the courses of III, IV and V semesters till
the VI semester examinations. However, he/she shall not be eligible to attend the courses
of VII semester until all the courses of I, II, III and IV semesters are successfully

A student shall be eligible to carry forward all the courses of V, VI and VII semesters till
the VIII semester examinations. However, he/she shall not be eligible to get the course
completion certificate until all the courses of I, II, III, IV, V and VI semesters are
successfully completed.

A student shall be eligible to get his/her CGPA upon successful completion of the courses
of I to VIII semesters within the stipulated time period as per the norms specified in 26.

A lateral entry student shall be eligible to carry forward all the courses of III, IV and V
semesters till the VI semester examinations. However, he/she shall not be eligible to
attend the courses of VII semester until all the courses of III and IV semesters are
successfully completed.

A lateral entry student shall be eligible to carry forward all the courses of V, VI and VII
semesters till the VIII semester examinations. However, he/she shall not be eligible to get
the course completion certificate until all the courses of III, IV, V and VI semesters are
successfully completed.

A lateral entry student shall be eligible to get his/her CGPA upon successful completion
of the courses of III to VIII semesters within the stipulated time period as per the norms
specified in 26.

Any student who hasgiven more than 4 chances for successful completion of I / III
semester courses and more than 3 chances for successful completion of II / IV semester
courses shall be permitted to attend V / VII semester classes ONLY during the
subsequent academic year as the case may be. In simpler terms there shall NOT be any
ODD BATCH for any semester.

Note: Grade ABshould be considered as failed and treated as one head for deciding
academic progression. Such rules are also applicable for those students who fail to
register for examination(s) of any course in any semester.

17. Grading of performances

17.1. Letter grades and grade points allocations:
Based on the performances, each student shall be awarded a final letter grade at the end
of the semester for each course.The letter grades and their corresponding grade points are
given in Table – XII.

Table – XII: Letter grades and grade points equivalent to

Percentage of marks and performances
Percentage of
Letter Grade Grade Point Performance
Marks Obtained
90.00 – 100 O 10 Outstanding
80.00 – 89.99 A 9 Excellent
70.00 – 79.99 B 8 Good
60.00 – 69.99 C 7 Fair
50.00 – 59.99 D 6 Average
Less than 50 F 0 Fail
Absent AB 0 Fail
A learner who remains absent for any end semester examination shall be assigned a letter
grade of ABand a corresponding grade point of zero. He/she should reappear for the said
evaluation/examination in due course.

18. The Semester grade point average (SGPA)

The performance of a student in a semester is indicated by a number called ‘Semester
Grade Point Average’ (SGPA). The SGPA is the weighted average of the grade points
obtainedin all the courses by the student during the semester. For example, if a student
takes five courses(Theory/Practical) in a semester with credits C1, C2, C3, C4 and C5
and the student’s grade pointsin these courses are G1, G2, G3, G4 and G5, respectively,
and then students’ SGPA is equal to:

C1G1 + C2G2 + C3G3 + C4G4+ C5G5

SGPA = --------------------------------------------------
C1 + C2 + C3 + C4+ C5

The SGPA is calculated to two decimal points.It should be noted that, the SGPA for any
semester shall take into consideration the F and ABSgrade awarded in that semester. For
example if a learner has a F or ABS grade in course 4, theSGPA shall then be computed

C1G1 + C2G2 + C3G3 + C4* ZERO + C5G5
SGPA = ------------------------------------------------------
C1 + C2 + C3 + C4+ C5

19. Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)

The CGPA is calculated with the SGPA of all the VIII semesters to two decimal points
and is indicated in final grade report card/final transcript showing the grades of all VIII
semesters and their courses. The CGPA shall reflect the failed statusin case of F
grade(s),till the course(s) is/are passed. When the course(s)is/are passedby obtaining a
pass grade on subsequent examination(s) theCGPA shall only reflect the new grade and
not the fail grades earned earlier.The CGPA is calculated as:

C1S1 + C2S2 + C3S3 + C4S4+ C5S5+ C6S6+ C7S7+ C8S8

CGPA = -------------------------------------------------------------------------
C1 + C2 + C3 + C4+ C5+ C6+ C7+ C8

where C1, C2, C3,…. is the total number of credits for semester I,II,III,…. and S 1,S2, S3,….is
the SGPA of semester I,II,III,…. .

20. Declaration of class

The class shall be awarded on the basis of CGPA as follows:
First Class with Distinction = CGPA of. 7.50 and above
First Class = CGPA of 6.00 to 7.49
Second Class = CGPA of 5.00 to 5.99

21. Project work

All the students shall undertake a projectunder the supervision of a teacher and submit a
report. The area of the project shall directly relate any one of the elective subject opted by
the student in semester VIII. The project shall be carried out in group not exceeding 5 in
number. The project report shall be submitted in triplicate (typed & bound copy not less
than 25 pages).

The internal and external examiner appointed by the University shall evaluate the project
at the time of the Practical examinations of other semester(s). Students shall be evaluated
in groups for four hours (i.e., about half an hour for a group of five students). The
projects shall be evaluated as per the criteria given below.

Evaluation of Dissertation Book:
Objective(s) of the work done 15 Marks
Methodology adopted 20 Marks
Results and Discussions 20 Marks
Conclusions and Outcomes 20 Marks

Total 75 Marks

Evaluation of Presentation:
Presentation of work 25 Marks
Communication skills 20 Marks
Question and answer skills 30 Marks

Total 75 Marks

Explanation: The 75 marks assigned to the dissertation book shall be same for all the
students in a group. However, the 75 marks assigned for presentation shall be awarded
based on the performance of individual students in the given criteria.

22. Industrial training (Desirable)

Every candidate shall be required to work for at least 150 hours spread over four weeks in
a Pharmaceutical Industry/Hospital. It includes Production unit, Quality Control
department, Quality Assurance department, Analytical laboratory, Chemical
manufacturing unit, Pharmaceutical R&D, Hospital (Clinical Pharmacy), Clinical
Research Organization, Community Pharmacy, etc. After the Semester – VI and before
the commencement of Semester – VII, and shall submit satisfactory report of such work
and certificate duly signed by the authority of training organization to the head of the

23. Practice School

In the VII semester, every candidate shall undergo practice school for a period of 150
hours evenly distributed throughout the semester. The student shall opt any one of the
domains for practice school declared by the program committee from time to time.

At the end of the practice school, every student shall submit a printed report (in triplicate)
on the practice school he/she attended (not more than 25 pages). Along with the exams of
semester VII, the report submitted by the student, knowledge and skills acquired by the
student through practice school shall be evaluated by the subject experts at college
leveland grade point shall be awarded.

24. Award of Ranks
Ranks and Medals shall be awarded on the basis of final CGPA. However, candidates
who fail in one or more courses during the B.Pharm program shall not be eligible for
award of ranks.Moreover, the candidates should have completed the B. Pharm program in
minimum prescribed number of years, (four years) for the award of Ranks.

25. Award of degree

Candidates who fulfill the requirements mentioned above shall be eligible for award of
degree during the ensuing convocation.

26. Duration for completion of the program of study

The duration for the completion of the program shall be fixed as double the actual
duration of the program and the students have to pass within the said period, otherwise
they have to get fresh Registration.

27. Re-admission after break of study

Candidate who seeks re-admission to the program after break of study has to get the
approval from the university by paying a condonation fee.
No condonation is allowed for the candidate who has more than 2 years of break up
period and he/she has to rejoin the program by paying the required fees.


Semester I

45 Hours
Scope: This subject is designed to impart fundamental knowledge on the structure and
functions of the various systems of the human body. It also helps in understanding both
homeostatic mechanisms. The subject provides the basic knowledge required to
understand the various disciplines of pharmacy.
Objectives: Upon completion of this course the student should be able to
1. Explain the gross morphology, structure and functions of various organs of the human
2. Describe the various homeostatic mechanisms and their imbalances.
3. Identify the various tissues and organs of different systems of human body.
4. Perform the various experiments related to special senses and nervous system.
5. Appreciate coordinated working pattern of different organs of each system

Course Content:
Unit I 10 hours
 Introduction to human body
Definition and scope of anatomy and physiology, levels of structural
organization and body systems, basic life processes, homeostasis, basic
anatomical terminology.
 Cellular level of organization
Structure and functions of cell, transport across cell membrane, cell
division, cell junctions. General principles of cell communication,
intracellular signaling pathway activation by extracellular signal
molecule, Forms of intracellular signaling: a) Contact-dependent b)
Paracrine c) Synaptic d) Endocrine
 Tissue level of organization
Classification of tissues, structure, location and functions of epithelial,
muscular and nervous and connective tissues.

Unit II 10 hours
 Integumentary system
Structure and functions of skin

 Skeletal system
Divisions of skeletal system, types of bone, salient features and functions
of bones of axial and appendicular skeletal system
Organization of skeletal muscle, physiology of muscle contraction,
neuromuscular junction

 Joints
Structural and functional classification, types of joints movements and its

Unit III 10 hours

 Body fluids and blood
 Body fluids, composition and functions of blood, hemopoeisis, formation of
hemoglobin, anemia, mechanisms of coagulation, blood grouping, Rh factors,
transfusion, its significance and disorders of blood, Reticulo endothelial system.
 Lymphatic system
Lymphatic organs and tissues, lymphatic vessels, lymph circulation and functions of
lymphatic system

Unit IV 08 hours
Peripheral nervous system:
Classification of peripheral nervous system: Structure and functions of
sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system.
Origin and functions of spinal and cranial nerves.
 Special senses
Structure and functions of eye, ear, nose and tongue and their disorders.

Unit V 07 hours
 Cardiovascular system
Heart – anatomy of heart, blood circulation, blood vessels, structure and functions of
artery, vein and capillaries, elements of conduction system of heart and heart beat, its
regulation by autonomic nervous system, cardiac output, cardiac cycle. Regulation of
blood pressure, pulse, electrocardiogram and disorders of heart.


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