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Diskusi 4 Bahasa Inggris

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Having learned the materials in Session 4, now please discuss the following questions.

How would you explain the difference between a business email and a business letter?

Imagine you are a head of HR in the company. Write a short memo to your staff in your
department stating that there will be mandatory CPR training on upcoming Friday at 3pm.

For question 1, you can answer either in English or Indonesian.

For question 2, you must write in English.


Ass. Wr. Wb, Selamat Sore Bapak Fajri Habibi, M.Pd.,M.Ag., mohon ijin menjawab

1. Difference between Business Email and Business Letter

a. Media used. The most striking difference between the two is the media used. Business
emails use electronic media and internet connections to create and distribute them.
Meanwhile, business letters use paper media in the form of printouts.

b. Use of domain names Writing business emails must have a company identity that is
different from the others. This company's identity is behind the '@' symbol after the email
owner's name. Apart from that, business emails are usually written by including the company
identity at the end of the email. Meanwhile, business letters usually use a writing format like
official letters in general.

c. Functions The use or function of email is usually for email marketing, sending invoices,
integrating tools used by the company, and promotions that require a wide reach. Meanwhile,
business letters are usually used for delivery of goods, travel letters, printed invoices, printed
letters, and other things that require proof in printed form.

d. Ease of use Business emails are easier and more flexible to use than business letters. This
is because emails can be made online, while business letters must be delivered in person.

e. Business security on terms of security, business email and business letters still have
advantages and disadvantages. Using business email can be vulnerable to hacking if its
security is not updated frequently. But it will be easier to store and search because it is
digital. Meanwhile, business letters can be lost at any time on the road because they are
printed out. However, it is also safer from hack attacks because you don't need to be online.

f. Paid use of business email is paid. To be able to get business emails with a special domain,
companies are required to subscribe. In general, the usage price is based on the completeness
of the features provided, storage capacity and service quality. Meanwhile, to use business
letters, you don't need to subscribe because they are printed.

2. As the Head of HR, here’s a short memo to inform your department about the upcoming
mandatory CPR training:
To : All staff in HR Department

From : Head of HR

Date : May 13, 2022

Subject : Invitation to attend CPR training

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to inform you of a mandatory CPR training
session scheduled for this upcoming Friday at 3 PM. The training is part of our commitment
to ensuring a safe and prepared workplace environment. During the training, our certified
instructor will cover the following topics recognizing signs of cardiac arrest, performing
chest compressions and rescue breaths, using an automated external defibrillator (AED)

Attendance is mandatory for all team members. Please ensure that you mark your calendars
and make necessary arrangements to attend the session.

If you have any scheduling conflicts, please reach out to HR Whatsapp as soon as possible.

Thank you for your cooperation in making our workplace safer. Let’s all be prepared to save

Best regards,


Head of HR

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