ISBN 978-0-939051-62-1
Lesson 1
God has endowed each child of his heart with the gift of
free will, with the privilege of being a creator, even as he is,
himself. Each one is free to experiment with his life energy
and think, feel, say and do as he chooses. When these activ-
ities express something constructive (which is the “sowing”),
the individual REAPS constructive things. When God's Law of
Love and Harmony is broken and the individual expresses
discord, either carelessly or with intent to harm, that imper-
fection will pass through his own world, and he REAPS dis-
tress of some kind.
No one has ever gained their mastery over all outer con-
ditions without the assistance of the Ascended Host of Light.
The calls that people make to God are actually taken up and
answered by these Ascended Masters, who are the messen-
gers of God. The vibrations of the higher spheres are so fine
and delicate that very few are able to receive them clearly
enough to act upon the promptings received. If the Ascend-
ed Masters do have, in physical embodiment, a trained and
proven contact, who is able to clearly receive their instruc-
tions and if they have the benefit of a special dispensation
granted by the Karmic Board, this makes it possible to
transmit new information during the duration of that special
This is, by far, the most frequently asked question. The most
seasoned chelas have difficulty (despite their claims) in mas-
tering the subject of discrimination. This subject is so largely
misunderstood and so important, that a major part of a fu-
ture lesson is devoted to it. It is suggested that the sincere
seeker of truth consult the many references of the Masters
on discrimination (there are about 90 of them in the Index
to the Bridge to Freedom publications). Here are some major
points distinguishing authorized channels of the Great White
Brotherhood, from those who are not:
“sow” only that which brings perfection into his world. This
teaching shows how to “liberate” the CHRIST WITHIN and
thus fulfill his reason for being, by achieving the goal of all
life—the ascension. In addition, the teaching explains how
the students can cooperate with the Great Ones to further
the progress of all life on the planet and the planet itself.
Lesson 2
“You may be given too much of the Law for your outer
minds to digest at one time. However, we feel that for the
sake of those following after you, an entire evolution of peo-
ple who would perhaps benefit by the instruction that you
Lesson 3
God, the owner and giver of ALL LIFE, so far as our gal-
axy is concerned, is called The Great Central Sun. It is the
sun behind our physical sun, and is the source of ALL LIFE
and ALL THINGS in the entire galaxy.
The first fiat issued by Helios and Vesta was, “Let there
be light.” Through thought and feeling, Helios and Vesta
determined the size of the planets, their location, and the
number of lifestreams that would abide on each one. This
could be compared to our designing a home and the interi-
ors that go with it.
When the time for the creation of the Earth was at hand,
the Cosmic Silent Watcher turned the blueprint over to the
Planetary Silent Watcher. The name of the Earth's Silent
Watcher is Immaculata, a feminine being.
Now Helios and Vesta drew forth the seven Elohim, the
builders of the universe. They answered the call of Helios
and Vesta and from the Planetary Silent Watcher, studied
intently the plan held within her consciousness, which it was
their joy, service, and opportunity to bring into form. Their
first activity in this direction was the projection of the mighty
light rays from their combined consciousness which formed
the matrix of the new planet. When this was done, they, in
turn, summoned the directors of the forces of the elements
and the lesser builders of form, the angel devas and the el-
emental spirits. These beings magnetized the electronic
light-substance, filling in and fashioning the planet according
to the instructions given them by the Elohim. As builders
return to the blueprint of the architect, so did the Elohim
return again and again to the study of the light pattern held
While these spirit sparks rested for some time in their vi-
cinity, the God-parents projected light rays from their hearts.
These rays converged and formed individual Threefold
Flames of God-consciousness. Utilizing these flames as mag-
nets for drawing universal light-substance, Helios and Vesta
then created individually-designed garments for the spirit
The I AM Presence
While the Causal Body is the repository for all the con-
structively-qualified energy, the emotional body contains the
opposite, namely, all imperfect and unkind feelings are regis-
tered within this body.
It is necessary that all of this energy be transmuted into
perfection, replacing all human qualities with the God-
qualities of divine love, peace, harmony, happiness, and all
other constructive attributes. The transmuting Violet Flame
will help do this.
The silver cord enters the physical body at the top of the
head (the soft spot of a newborn baby), and provides the
connection to the Christ Self and the I AM Presence. It is the
life-giving, life-maintaining fount of energy. If left without
this fountain of life-force, the physical body could not oper-
ate, and so-called death would ensue.
The brain is the physical organ through which the mind
functions. It registers impressions from the outer world. The
brain is the vehicle of the mind.
With every thought, feeling, word and act, you are cre-
ating either your karma of distress, or a crown of light, for
you are thinking and feeling SOMETHING every moment,
waking and sleeping. How are you using each one of your
bodies? What are you creating? The Violet Transmuting
Flame is the merciful DIVINE TOOL which can and WILL
CHANGE EVERYTHING in your world when it is used enough!
But IT MUST BE CALLED INTO ACTION! It will not come forth
by itself! Until all distress and limitation of every kind are
removed from you and your world, do not let up for one in-
stant in your dynamic, enthusiastic application of this activity
of the Sacred Fire , through which you will one day be able
to achieve the victory of your ascension into the Light!
Lesson 4
Oh, Thou beloved Holy Christ Self of each and every one, I
charge you in the name of my beloved son, the Ascended Jesus
Christ, to command the emotional bodies, the mental bodies,
the etheric and physical bodies this day, with the vibratory ac-
tion of the Ascended Masters' uninterrupted harmony! Relieve
and release the pressure of all outer tension. Give conviction to
our presence and reality. Help them to realize the moment our
names are spoken and their attention is placed on one of us,
that very moment we respond!
New Embodiment
Knowing the law, the next step for the student on the
path is to APPLY the message in his daily life. Studying and
knowing the Law is a necessary first step. This must be fol-
1. To Victory, beloved friend,
Our gratitude and love we send
For answering our Saint Germain,
Bringing Earth God's victory in
Freedom' s name!
Final Chorus
Oh Victory, my Victory!
At last my Presence has called for me!
Love's divine plan fulfilled to see,
Ascending—I AM victory!
Lesson 5
Table of Contents
decree for perfection for ourselves and for all mankind, and
purify our four lower bodies with the Violet Fire and take
control of thoughts and feelings, such purification makes us
conductors, which enables the Heavenly Host to pour their
radiation to the Earth through us. That radiation then pours
out through the atmosphere and touches and helps purify
every person's four lower bodies.
Let us see what is the inner action that takes place dur-
ing our decreeing. Jesus tells us that when a group of stu-
dents gathers together for a meeting, a great Master Pres-
ence or deva stands within the atmosphere. As the decrees,
fiats, and songs go forth in a fairly rapid but balanced tem-
po, the rate of vibration of the atoms making up your physi-
cal and inner bodies increases, and there is thrown off much
deep, deep into the heart of the Silence and KNOW for your-
selves the fullness of life that is there for your health, en-
joyment, prosperity, and peace!”
Saint Germain added, “The upward-reaching of the out-
er consciousness through prayer, invocation, decree, visuali-
ITUAL EXERCISE, which should be consciously employed by
the students. The ACCEPTING of the energies invoked,
through controlled, receptive, alert vehicles COMPLETES THIS
I invoke the Light of God that never fails and the cosmic
peace that passeth the understanding of the human mind.
Into every nation of the Earth, I command into action here
and now:
Lesson 6
May mankind some day know what the angels and the
devas have done in their conducting of the radiation of
heaven through the lower atmosphere of Earth, making the
very physical breath, breathed into the nostrils, life-giving
rather than filled with the actual poison which would destroy
the physical form!
Ray Archangel/Archaii
1 Michael Faith
2 Jophiel Constance
3 Chamuel Charity
4 Gabriel Hope
5 Raphael Mary
6 Uriel Donna Grace
7 Zadkiel Amethyst
Young children often see and even play with fairies and
other beings of the elements, for which (if they let it be
known) they are usually chastised by their parents and oth-
The waste matter that has been put into the earth and
the waters, and the impure energy that goes into the air,
has caused a pressure of human creation, not only on man,
but on the elemental kingdom. The destructive activities of
nature can be controlled by mankind who understand the
Law and understand how to make the call to release the
elemental beings from the discord imposed upon them. One
can call to the I AM Presence and to the Masters or Beings in
charge of that element and who govern such activities, to
direct into and enfold the conditions in their cosmic flame
and transmute all discord, and flood them with cosmic love.
Then visualize the Violet Flame going forth from your Pres-
ence and the Great Beings transmuting the discord into
peace and harmony. Next see the Pink Flame of Love enfold
the beings of the elements, making them again happy and
Lesson 7
Table of Contents
The First Golden Ages………………………………….. ......... 143
Man’s Advent On Earth………………………………… .......... 143
THE GARDEN OF EDEN……………………………….. ........... 144
Man In The Garden Of Eden……………………… ........ 144
Religious Life………………………………………… ........... 146
Individual Re-Embodiment………………………… ........ 148
Climate And Surrounding………………………….. ........ 149
THE FALL OF MAN……………………………………….. .......... 150
The Laggards………………………………………… .......... 150
Consequences Of The Fall…………………………. ....... 152
Effect On The Earth’s Surface……………………… ...... 154
THE LEMURIAN AGE……………………………………............ 154
The Sinking Of Lemuria……………………………. ........ 155
THE ATLANTEAN AGE…………………………………… ......... 156
Size And Location Of Atlantis………………………. ...... 156
Atlantean Age Civilizations………………………… ........ 157
The Sahara Civilization…………………………….. ........ 159
The Poseidonis Civilization………………………. .......... 160
The Breakup Of The Atlantean Continent………… ... 160
The Exodus…………………………………………… .......... 162
During the first two Golden Ages, the physical bodies for
new Earth inhabitants were created by the parents by means
of light rays. Through the projection of two rays (one of a
masculine and one of a feminine being), a new body was
created at the point where the rays crossed. This body was
formed to full stature; infancy was unknown. Then the in-
coming lifestream took possession of the newly-created
form. Each individual life span lasted for hundreds of years,
since the vibration of each electron, atom, and cell was held
in harmony with the Presence.
Toward the end of an embodiment, the individual in-
formed his relatives and friends of his coming transition.
Then he searched for new parents, and, having their con-
sent, left with them some of his earthly possessions, such as
books and research papers.
Now the individual stepped into the Transmuting Violet
Flame, which was anchored and maintained by the priest-
hood in a temple. The flame instantly etherealized the physi-
cal form, and the elements returned to be universal life sub-
stance. The lifestream's memory record, also called the soul,
entered inner realms for a time and was drawn back later at
a self-chosen time by the individual. This way, he obtained
the full memory of his past life or lives. He was then ready
for another embodiment, and for renewed opportunity for
growth and fulfillment of his divine plan.
A minimum of seven embodiments, one for each ray,
was necessary to gain the ascension. This process occurred
without interruption during the first two Golden Ages,
whereby the first three root races flourished, and all mem-
bers of these root races gained their ascension.
Earth? Tied now to the same laws which applied to the re-
mainder of mankind on Earth, they were provided with simi-
lar bodies, and therefore were not distinguishable from the
The chief faults of the laggards were arrogance, rebel-
lion, resistance to progress, stubbornness, and resentment
toward change. Naturally, they brought these qualities with
them. The impure thoughtforms of the laggards spread into
Earth's atmosphere like smog. It was the beginning of the
“mist” the Bible talks about (“and a mist arose and covered
the whole ground,” Genesis, 2:6).
the laggards, bound to the Laws for the Earth just as the
original races were, would have had to come before the
Karmic Board and would have necessarily had to re-enter
the Earth. Therefore, no permanent removal would have
been possible. The dictations seem to suggest that the other
faction of the priesthood accepted the laggards, refusing to
rebel against the plan of the Hierarchy.
The “fall of man” into a lower vibratory level caused
great changes in mankind's bodily structure. The form grew
more dense, and creation by light-rays came to an end. Also,
the I AM Presence, the focus of light and life in the heart
center, began to decrease in size and influence. Fear, for the
first time, registered in the etheric body, and the soul was
born. The soul may be called the accumulated records from
the experimental use of life. This soul, dwelling in the etheric
body, later influenced each personality in each succeeding
embodiment. The soul has to be redeemed through con-
structively-qualified energy until there are no longer two—
the soul and divine consciousness—but rather, God alone.
Re-acquiring this God-consciousness is the need of the hour.
It is “the second coming of the Christ.”
The growing density of the physical body caused chang-
es in man's bodily form, and for the first time man experi-
enced the present form of birth.
The veil, once it was in total effect, shut off the visible
presence of the Divine Beings; also, the music of the
spheres could no longer be heard. The outer consciousness
was left in confusion, groping in darkness. Commencing with
the “fall,” very few individuals gained their ascension. Nearly
everybody, through the misuse of energy, acquired karma,
and this way became tied to the wheel of birth and rebirth.
Lesson 8
To Morya we bow!
We, your chelas, humbly vow
To NOW consecrate
Our life in your Service NOW!
We march in God's Name!
Protected by your flame!
‘Til this Earth is free,
Blessed One, USE ME.
Help me be The Christ In action,
In God’s “I AM” name.
them and which live on their very life. Some of these mass
pressures (called mass entities) are accumulated energy of
tremendous size. An individual who becomes caught in the
pressure of such an entity, by connecting with it through a
similar thought and feeling, has not enough spiritual vitality,
wisdom, strength, or courage to extricate himself from such
viciousness, but if such an individual will call to Archangel
Michael for his help to be cut free from such energy, he and
his legions will come and give the assistance. Your conscious
call for such assistance is imperative, and when sincerely
given, always brings results.
than you, but have no contact. They have not the faith with-
in themselves to bridge the abyss of reason and enter into
the realm wherein we abide. We are using you, the student
body, and those who have accepted the Ascended Masters
as real, to bridge that great abyss. In your occult and spir-
itual teachings, that chasm is referred to constantly. There
are many, who cannot pass it. There are many highly-
evolved and developed lifestreams in orthodox channels
who, for superstitious reasons, for fear of ridicule, of bigotry,
and other weaknesses that are within the soul, are unable to
grasp the unseen hand of the Master, or accept the reality of
the radiation and the power that you, individually and collec-
tively, have been able to obtain. There is your tremendous
service, and opportunity!
How can a hierarchy fulfill the divine plan of God
through unascended beings, unless they can talk to them,
unless they can tell them what they are doing and give them
an opportunity to volunteer to assist them? How can a saint-
ed hierarchy upon marble pedestals, denied the use of intel-
ligence and voice for centuries, do much except by radia-
tion? You are those to whom we have confided our plans,
our hopes. Those of us, who have walked the way of Earth,
have confided our homely little personal experiences, the
way we attained our victory. We have endeavored, by shar-
ing with you the fact that we are men and women like your-
selves, to draw you close in the realization of our reality and
our accessibility.
You would not be here if you did not accept the possibil-
ity that we are. All of you do not accept it fully, but a goodly
number do. I am grateful for that fact. I am grateful for eve-
ry opportunity that you afford any member of our eager
Brotherhood to reach through the veil. God bless you for it!
“Are you content with what you are, with what you
manifest, today? Are you content with half a loaf when you
could have a full one? Are you content to live in limitation
and in bodies of decay? IT IS WHAT YOU WILL THAT YOU
when you know that it only requires the exercise of the WILL
within you to draw forth ALL THAT YOU REQUIRE! Say often,
I WILL TO BE GOD-FREE! In the name, and by the power of
CARNATE! and you will be myself in action!”
Lesson 9
(Formerly Chohan Of The Second Ray)
While the student (or group) sends his love and focuses
his attention on the beloved Ascended Master Kuthumi (by
using his picture and asking for his radiation, feeling, nature
and consciousness) the song, “Kashmiri Song” (“Pale Hands
I Loved”)—which includes the keynote of beloved Kuthumi—
should be played as music for contemplation.
“In China ages ago, the true Law was taught with re-
gard to reverence for life—not only to apply to man, but also
to plant life. None that followed that true Law even broke a
flower from its stem. At that time of China’s great beauty
and perfection, we all knew that the life that came of God,
from God, even through a flower, had a divine destiny to
fulfill in its giving beauty to the passerby, perfume the air,
and that in its season, its own divine archetype would with-
draw it. So we moved in that magnificent reverence for life
and for each other, and for those who came to ‘convert’ us
to various religious beliefs wherein that reverence was nei-
ther known nor felt.
“From the Sun behind the Sun, from the Parents of our
system, and from the Parents of every Galaxy, I bring into
your souls, into your spirits, and into your consciousness,
LIGHT! LIGHT! LIGHT! that you may understand the God-
qualities of the Illumination Flame.
(A Song Dedicated To Archaii Constance)
Oh, make and keep us constant,
Beloved I AM to thee;
And grateful for thy presence,
Whose light now sets all free.
We feel thy cosmic power
Thy love to all impart;
Expand now God’s forgiveness
In every constant heart.
May we be ever constant,
When pressures seem so strong;
‘Til through love’s power triumphant,
We sing again its song.
Oh, make and keep us willing
To ever constant be,
In giving our great service,
Of loving all life free.
May our desire be constant,
To see the Master’s face;
In faith, our hearts expectant,
Are poised in listening grace
To find that realm eternal
From whence we ne’er shall roam,
When once our tasks are finished
And God then calls us home.
Beloved Archaii, Constance,
Our guiding star now be;
And ever blaze within us
Thy Flame of Constancy.
To make and keep us constant
In blazing forth God’s light,
That raises all mankind in
Ascension’s glory bright.
the picture and form into your mind. The mental bodies of
mankind are like an old warehouse, in which has been
stored the furniture and accumulations of the ages. They are
full of cobwebs and discordant human concepts, as well as
much that is petrified and some which is in the process of
“When you first received your mental bodies from the
heart of creation, they were like crystal balls of light into
which you received the clear, concise and beautiful ideas
and patterns from your own Holy Christ Self. Even as you
read and hear this, I am passing my flame through your
brain consciousness. LET GO of your human concepts of the
Lesson 10
The First Ray represents the will of God, the Second Ray
represents the wisdom of God, and the Third Ray represents
the magnetizing love of God, thus completing the trinity of
the activity of the Immortal Threefold Flame that abides
within each human heart and makes of man a divine being,
with the power to create, even as God creates. This Three-
fold Flame is also known as the Liberty Flame.
Tolerance and harmony are part of the activities of the
Third Ray because, in changing the outer world’s appear-
ances into the divine plan, whether it is of a person, locality,
or a nation, the more that can be accomplished through re-
spect for the feelings of others, rather than through a bom-
bastic shattering of the existent form, the better for all con-
cerned. The divine plan, in order to be of any use, must be
drawn into the physical expression and molded into the sub-
stance of the earth plane, and this great ray is the process
by which such creative action takes place.
and innocent spirit spark from the heart of the Universal Fa-
ther-Mother God, from that very moment of individualiza-
tion, love has sustained you!
“Love has furnished for you, out of the beautiful Elec-
tronic Light Body of God, himself, the electronic form of your
own I AM Presence!
“Love has drawn the substance of the elemental king-
dom, which has formed for you an emotional body by which
you might feel the glorious nature of God, by which you
might feel love and harmony and beauty, and every other
feeling which is of that nature.
“Love has fashioned for you from the elemental sub-
stance a mental form by which you might receive the ideas
of the universal and fashion for yourself an individual world.
“Love has created for you an etheric envelope into
which you might record the experiences in the use of energy
and vibration—building into this etheric body the mastery of
“Love has drawn from the physical atoms of this world
the very physical body which you wear.
“All of that electronic light substance is intelligent and
beautiful free life, that chose to forego its happiness in
spheres and realms of perfection, for the questionable op-
portunity of making garments for your souls.
“Love, from the heart of the kingdom of nature, fash-
ioned for you this very planet—a platform upon which your
feet might stand, fresh water to refresh your garments, the
beautiful, pristine air which you breathe so freely, the glori-
ous firmament with the blue sky of day and the star-studded
mantle of God at night, to give you rest and peace and give
you opportunity to refresh yourselves through your journey
through the world of form.
“Love, through the Maha Chohan, drew from the king-
dom of nature the tiny elemental forms and trained them to
embody themselves in flower, in tree, in shrub, in grass and
the very substance that, through nature, nourishes and sus-
tains your physical bodies.
“Love drew the heart of Sanat Kumara from his own
beloved on Venus and helped him to make this self-chosen
exile that this very planet, Earth, might be sustained and
mankind would not be found orphans without a planetary
“Love from the heart of Sanat Kumara drew the re-
sponse from the great Gautama Buddha and myself in its
great desire to train a Hierarchy that might teach man,
again, the power and mastery of life within the Sacred Fire!
“Love has done all of this for you!
Do you know what it means to the hearts of the As-
cended Masters to see a group of unascended beings stand
together and call them by name and in song, mingling the
worded expression with the love of their hearts—when for
countless centuries of time, the mankind of earth did not
even know the Ascended Masters existed? Little do you yet
comprehend the power that is within that magnetic heart-
“The love from your heart draws the Ascended Master.
The Masters come because of your love, for LOVE is a power
that cannot be denied by Solar Lords, angels, devas or by
Cosmic Beings.”
“On all of the seven rays, the love aspect is behind eve-
ry expression. The love aspect is active in the radiation of
the Golden Flame, where the teaching, the understanding
and the magnetizing of the interest of individuals by love, is
stressed, until they come to a point where they want to
know and apply the Spiritual Law.
“If you love enough, that thing you will do, no matter
what the personal discomfort may be. Love is active on the
Sixth Ray again, in the desire to minister to mankind, indi-
viduals not in embodiment and imprisoned elementals. Love
is certainly an aspect of the Seventh Ray, for what greater
love can there be than to invoke from cosmic heights, the
Ascended Masters’ Realm and the angelic kingdom, HELP for
an evolution that is in distress!
where your lips cannot form the words, the moment that
you invoke his name and ask for his help, your world and
Chamuel’s become one.
“Oh, the happiness that your bodies will feel, and the
lightness that you will experience, as you drop the appear-
ances of age, distress and discomfort. As you learn to relax
within that Pink Flame of Gratitude and Thanksgiving to life,
the softness will erase the lines from your face and love will
replace the hard look in the eyes. All these blessings come
from the use of that Flame of Thanksgiving, of Gratitude and
Adoration, of which my beloved complement, Charity, is the
spiritual being and heart.
Lesson 11
This is what the beloved Mother Mary did for the be-
loved Master Jesus—holding fast to that divine image of a
GOD MAN for him from before his birth until after the victory
of his ascension. This beloved Ascended Lady Master holds
this divine concept for every child of God on the planet
Earth, to this day.
By Serapis Bey
“We had to reach our goal despite any and all individual
and collective obstacles, within a given time. How we re-
joiced when we reached the mouth of the Nile and knew we
were, at last, within 500 miles of our goal! The tears fell up-
on our cheeks as, for a moment, we stretched our arms and
flexed the muscles in our arms and hands to relieve them
from the pressure of service at the oars, which we had
manned to drive our galley forward, when the winds did not
fill our sails to help us to reach our goal. We thanked the
God that made us, as we gazed at the still-glowing embers
of that Ascension Flame, knowing that within its presence
was the way back home, not only for ourselves, but for all
who would lose their bodies in the sinking of Atlantis, and
who would again wait at the gates of birth for new embodi-
ment, upon the remaining landed surface of the Earth.
the magnetic pull which has held the form together, and
allowing the electrons which have made up that form, to
return to the Sun for repolarization.
the divine ideas from that Presence which, through your pu-
rified centers of thought, feeling and spoken word, you can
externalize for your own blessing and for the benefaction of
your fellowman.
“In the beginning, when the great Helios and Vesta in-
vited the Elohim to create the planets of this system, be-
loved Hercules conveyed that invitation to us, and we, indi-
vidually as well as in a collective body, said, ‘We WILL (step
1) to render this service!’ In connection with the creation of
the planet Earth, well do I remember the time when all of us
were drawn around the beautiful being, Immaculata, the
Silent Watcher of this planet, and well do I remember the
Flame of Cassiopea (step 2) by which was illumined to us
the light pattern of this planet, held within the heart of that
beloved Silent Watcher, placed there by beloved Helios and
Vesta. As we looked upon it, we all felt (step 3) the LOVE of
Orion, and an intensified desire, within ourselves, to cooper-
ate with the God-Parents in bringing that planet forth into
perfect form.
* * *
Lesson 12
This is a lesson on the God-virtues of the Fifth Ray, the
ray of truth. Other qualities of this ray are concentration and
committing (consecrating) one’s life energy to a worthy
cause. Scientific development and healing are also an action
of this ray. Scientists, professional engineers, doctors and
nurses are often on this ray.
The color of the Fifth Ray is emerald green. Primary rep-
resentatives are Archangel Raphael, Mother Mary, Elohim
Vista, Pallas Athena (Goddess of Truth), and the Ascended
Master Hilarion (Chohan).
Before starting the lesson, contemplate the pictures of
Mother Mary and Hilarion.
The divine plan for the Earth and its people is that the
angelic host, the human kingdom, and the elemental king-
dom should serve together in harmony—creating the perfec-
tion of the kingdom of God on Earth. As Jesus said, “Thy
kingdom come, thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven!”
“After we, the Elohim, had looked into the beauty and
perfection of the divine design for this planet through the
ray of the Elohim of Purity, what could come next but con-
centration—drawing the energy and concentrating it around
those convex rays which had been established as the form
of the Earth? We had to CONCENTRATE LIGHT SUBSTANCE to
make the planet solid enough to be able to hold the sea,
land, and general form. If we had proceeded through those
first four steps and then refused to CONCENTRATE upon the
task until the planet finally began to revolve upon its axis,
what would have been the result? There would not have
been a planet Earth!
Lesson 13
This is a lesson on the God-virtues of the Sixth Ray, the
ray of peace, ministration and devotional worship. Ministers
are often on this ray.
The color of the Sixth Ray is ruby. The outer periphery
of the flame has a golden radiance.
The primary representatives of this ray are Archangel
Uriel, Elohim Tranquility, and the Ascended Lady Master Na-
da. The Ascended Master Jesus is also on the Sixth Ray. Un-
til 1956 he was the Chohan of this ray.
Before starting this lesson, contemplate the picture of
Nada and Jesus.
“You may think, looking back over those long ages, that
it was not so difficult for a small child to spend all of the
prayer hour in the silence, pouring out impersonally, love to
my talented sisters, increasing far beyond their own poten-
tial worth, those gifts of voice, art, and the dance—and they,
developing in that grace, never knew that through my own
endeavor to be selfless and honest, earnest and sincere in
the giving of my light to their virtues and talents, that their
gifts increased beyond that which they otherwise would
have known. It was then that I really learned that the name
‘Nada’ meant ‘nothing,’ and to some it is used in this connec-
tion today (Spanish). I learned to overcome jealousy which
“We are those legions who answer the calls and prayers
from the least of men. In graded order, the Angels of Min-
istration stretch from the heart of the Central Sun, itself,
down through the astral and psychic realms. Through the
Silent Watchers, we are alerted the moment the flame in the
heart stirs and the silent ‘God, help us!’ arises from within
the consciousness. At that time, according to the require-
ment, is one or more of our legions sent to bring grace and
assistance to the lifestream requiring succor.
“The Angels of Ministration are the messengers of the
Most High. They are those who embody the mystic quality of
GRACE. The complement of my lifestream is known at inner
levels as DONNA GRACE. She is the ‘lady full of grace’ in the
angelic kingdom, as the beloved Mary is representative of
grace to the human kingdom, at the present time. There is a
Cosmic Law which is inexorable and unchanging, which re-
WHICH THE NEED IS FELT. If this were not a self-evident
truth, long ago those of us who live in love and mercy would
have lifted mankind into the Light.
“The great Silent Watchers who take up their abode
over large cities, are constantly watching for those beams
and flickers of light which pass out of the soul and signify an
S.O.S. to the heavenly hosts for assistance. These beings
make the call to one of the directors of the angelic host in
our sphere. That director gives the mission to an angel who
is developed enough, to hold within the feeling world, the
quality of radiation which is the answer to the prayer. That
quality stimulates the flame in the heart and soul of the sup-
plicant, and as the two meet, the supplicant himself magnet-
izes the answer—which comes according to his acceptance.
“The beloved angelic host, who work with us, start with
the tiny little angels, who embody the qualities of faith, hap-
piness, hope, and all the virtues, and who are able to retain,
for no longer than an hour at first, the specific radiation of a
quality which may be required on Earth. Their first endeav-
ors to give assistance are brief ones, and they hasten back
into the safety of the director from whose arms and aura
they have been sent forth to empty their little vial of faith, or
confidence, or whatever it may be, into the silver cord and
lifestream of some despondent or despairing one. Recording
the victory of such a mission, the small angel becomes more
confident and eager to learn, and more desirous of maintain-
ing the necessary self-control to sustain more of the virtue
on the next mission. It is thus, by actual experience, that the
angelic host grow and develop and learn the joy that is with-
in service.
PERMANENT FREEDOM! In the schoolroom of life, it would be
easier to have an individual who had passed successfully
through your course, work your problems for you, but the
wise man learns the principle himself, lest the man on whom
he relies to solve his problems, should not be there when his
great opportunity comes.
“Let me see what you will do with your aura in the days
just ahead. Make it something that we can use, and REMEM-
BER, REMEMBER, REMEMBER—Uriel is no farther from you
than a call! Just the THOUGHT OF GOD will bring me on the
instant. I am your friend! I am your servant! I am your com-
panion in the light—URIEL, the messenger of the Most
selves in the glory and light of the body of God, and eventu-
ally become a part of the virtues of faith, hope, charity, or
any God-virtue they please. These angels live in the temples
of their choice. They absorb—and JUST ARE!
“Then suddenly one day, there came a feeling within me
that I wanted to be a CONSCIOUS part of creation. When
this takes place within anyone, it means that the activity of
the FIRST RAY is born within them—the WILL TO DO, and so
it was with me.
“Then I sought out someone whom I knew could tell me
just what to do, and when I had found such a one, I was
told that if I cared to go to a certain nature temple, I could
learn how to build form—perhaps a flower. To do this, to-
gether with others of like intent, I had to learn to hold the
thoughtform shown to us on the altar by the presiding deva,
our instructor.
“After enrolling myself as a student in this nature tem-
ple, my first assignment was to build a five-petaled yellow
flower—AND I SHALL NEVER FORGET IT! Oh, there must have
been a couple of hundred of us in the class, all quite as irre-
sponsible as myself. We could hear beautiful music outside
the temple, the air was so lovely and fresh, beautiful beings
of light were passing through the atmosphere outside the
windows—and the holding of the pattern of that flower got
so monotonous. The deva just stood there on the altar, and,
from himself, he externalized the pattern of this flower,
which we were to learn to create. He tried to catch our
thoughts and focus them upon that flower, but I soon found
out that just the WILL TO DO was not enough—there must
follow the other six steps of creation to perfect the activity!
“Then suddenly, PERCEPTION came into my mind, and I
Here the class should stand and issue the following de-
Lesson 14
Table of Contents
While the attention of the group rests upon beloved
Archangel Zadkiel, play the melody, “The Blue Danube,”
which contains the keynote of the retreat of beloved Zadkiel.
“Mankind pays fairly regular attention to the RHYTHM of
doing that which affects the physical comfort, but in the
most important of all—his spiritual activities—RHYTHM is
thoroughly forgotten. The science of constancy of prayer
and application is seldom seen, but before a visible flame
can be drawn forth from the inner realms, it requires a sanc-
tified, consciously dedicated and consecrated group of
lifestreams who, rhythmically, will draw forth by decree and
invocation, that mighty concentrate from whence the flame
will burst forth into visibility.
“If you were to observe a certain RHYTHM in your indi-
vidual application at the same hour every day, you would
draw a much greater concentrate of power and quicker ac-
complishment than when you make your application fit into
the free hours which each day may choose to give. When
you observe that same RHYTHM in your working hours, your
time for sleep, your time for relaxation—holding to that
symmetry which nature has given you: eight hours for ser-
vice, eight hours for sleep, eight hours for relaxation—you
will have greater harmony in your feelings, better health in
your bodies, and you will be able to draw forth greater per-
“Nothing but your own ‘giving up,’ abandoning your pro-
ject before it is completed, can prevent your eventual pre-
cipitation. Once the RHYTHM has been established, STAY
WITH YOUR PATTERN until the energy required flows into
“If we had ceased our activities even ONE HOUR before
the Earth was completed, all of our work of such a long time
would have been in vain. If we had discontinued our
Volume 2