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Compiled from the Teachings of the

“Bridge to Freedom”


Ascended Master Teaching Foundation

Mount Shasta, California
© Copyright 1993, 1994, 1997, 2008 Ascended Master
Teaching Foundation

P.O.Box 466, Mount Shasta, CA 96067

ISBN 978-0-939051-62-1

This series of instructional lessons is dedicated to the

Great White Brotherhood, a group of Ascended Beings, who
for centuries have guarded and guided mankind. It is also
dedicated to their committed chelas and sincere seekers of
truth everywhere.



Lesson 1— Introduction To The Teaching ....................... 8

Lesson 2— Messengers of the White Brotherhood ......... 25
Lesson 3— Creation .................................................... 41
Lesson 4— Cosmic Law ............................................... 67
Lesson 5— Daily Application ........................................ 89
Lesson 6— Angels and Elementals ............................. 113
Lesson 7— The History of Mankind ............................ 142
Lesson 8— The First Ray ........................................... 164
Lesson 9— The Second Ray....................................... 185
Lesson 10— The Third Ray ........................................ 207
Lesson 11— The Fourth Ray ...................................... 234
Lesson 12— The Fifth Ray ......................................... 257
Lesson 13— The Sixth Ray ........................................ 278
Lesson 14— The Seventh Ray.................................... 304

It is the purpose of the Ascended Master Teaching

Foundation to bring to the attention of students, the original
teaching of the Great White Brotherhood, as given through
two special dispensations.
We are grateful to be able to present this publication to
the public. The entire text is based on dictations by the be-
loved Ascended Masters given in the 1950's through Gerald-
ine Innocente, the authorized messenger of the Great White
A simple, practical way of life is presented to the reader
explaining how he may cooperate with God and his many
helpers. This will enable the student to outpicture and mani-
fest the kingdom of heaven, while still living on the Earth-
plane. These instructions are timeless, they apply to man-
kind's situation of yesterday, today and tomorrow. The Mas-
ters called this material, “the New Age Bible, written for
generations yet to come.”
These lessons are intended to give beginning and more
advanced students, alike, an overview of the most important
points of this teaching. They were written in such a way to
enable individuals and group leaders to learn and teach this
knowledge in an orderly step by step basis. This saves hours
of preparation, otherwise necessary to research a given sub-
According to the wishes of the Great Ones, we shall not
talk in long, complicated sentences, but we shall talk straight
from the heart, using a simple, organized approach. The
Masters said this teaching should be presented in a way,
even a little child could understand.
In closing, we would like to quote the beloved Lord Mait-
reya, the teacher of Jesus.

“Beloved chelas, ever seeking illumination upon your

spiritual pathway, I invoke the descent today of the Flame of
Illumination from the heart of every divine Being in heaven
to pour through NOW. Thus you shall sit at the table of the
Gods and partake of the very substance of our light which in
turn, shall be assimilated by your alert consciousness, ex-
panded through your four lower vehicles (emotional, mental,
etheric and physical), and then be projected upon the paths
of others who walk yet in the shadows.

“With knowledge comes responsibility! The use of the

Sacred Truths of the Great White Brotherhood determines
the amount of added illumination which shall be given to
you. WALK in the Light! EXPAND the Light! PROJECT the

The Ascended Master Teaching Foundation.


Lesson 1

Answering The Basic Questions Of Life .............................. 9

God Has Many Helpers ................................................... 10
Moses, Buddha And Jesus Still Live ................................. 11
The Great White Brotherhood ......................................... 11
The Basis Of World Religions .......................................... 13
The Spiritual Meaning Of A Bridge ................................... 13
What The Masters Are Doing Right Now .......................... 14
Frequently asked questions ............................................ 15


Is there an individual upon Earth today who has not at

some time in his life asked the questions, “Where did I come
from?”, “Why am I here?” and “Where am I going?”
Is it possible to find out where you came from, to know
your reason for being, and to know what your ultimate goal
During the following lessons we shall discuss the an-
swers to these questions.
Dear student, for what purpose are you living? What is
your goal in life? If you have doubts about the answers to
these questions, would it not seem wise to TRY TO FIND OUT
and stop wasting time? Can you love God and your fellow-
man enough to help in this worthy cause—to bring perma-
nent peace and freedom to this lovely planet Earth? Then
read with an open mind, and ponder the message in your
heart. TEST that which you are about to learn. QUESTION
the message. Is it internally consistent? Does it make sense?
Is it logical? PRACTICE the teaching, apply it in your daily
life. UNDERSTAND the moment of opportunity opened before
to show how you may grow spiritually and you may assist at
this time of cosmic import.
The BRIDGE TO FREEDOM and the successor activity, the
to acquaint you with the divine plan for the Earth and man-
kind. This plan contains both the vision and a practical plan
of freedom for all of God's creation. A cosmic moment of
opportunity has now opened up before you, to show you
how you may grow in spiritual understanding and how you
may assist to bring the divine plan into fruition.


There is only ONE God and God is ALL-IN-ALL. He is in

every part of life. Every living thing lives, moves, breathes
and has its being within the body, intelligence and love of
God at all times. In order to integrate all functions of his
kingdom, God employs many messengers.

When you look at the infinite number of stars in the sky,

the infinite variety of fruits, grains, flowers, trees and vege-
tables—all part of God's creation—you must realize that God,
like a great business executive, must have many helpers.
The head executive of a great industry does not perform
every single service of his vast organization, down to the
sweeping of the floors. He has many trained and trusted
individuals in charge of each department under him who
report to him on their particular service, these in turn having
others under them, who do likewise, and so, ad infinitum,
according to the size of the organization.


SENGERS OF VARYING GRADES in charge of each one of the
different department of life, who report to their superiors—
”as above, so below.” Every individual who ever lived on the
Earth and who graduated in the victory of their ascension as
Jesus did, became an Ascended Master and is a true mes-
senger of God—there are thousands of them! There is a
great God Being in charge of every department of life. Some
work with individual mankind, others with groups, nations,
the elemental kingdom and nature; others work with the
angelic host, but EACH IS A SPECIALIST in his or her particu-
lar field of service.


In the Buddhist religion, they talk about what the great

Gautama Buddha did 2500 years ago; in the Jewish religion,
they talk about what Moses did centuries ago; the Moham-
medans talk of what happened centuries ago, and even in
the Christian religion, the churches talk about what Jesus did
2000 years ago. Now all these great men were MESSENGERS
OF GOD—that is, they were MEN, BRINGING A MESSAGE from
God to man, and were acknowledged as such. What has be-
come of these great men, and many others like them? Did
they cease to exist when they passed from the Earth after
having fulfilled their mission? NOT AT ALL! They are STILL
THE MESSENGERS OF GOD on a higher plane, still trying to
assist mankind if mankind will accept their services; most of
them serving unknown and unhonored—except for the very
few who know of them. They achieved their ascension, even
as Jesus did, one by one, and joined the ranks of others of
God's messengers who love and serve mankind. They will
continue this selfless service until each individual has done
the same thing and the Earth expresses PEACE ON EARTH


Mankind en masse has forgotten the great cosmic laws
that govern the Earth and her humanity, and that there is a
divine blueprint for each one which, when fulfilled, brings
love, peace and happiness into their worlds, and they have
forgotten that there is a great Spiritual Hierarchy who has
guarded and endeavored to guide them for eons of time to
prevent their completely destroying themselves and the

Earth. This great Hierarchy, known as the Great White

Brotherhood, is composed of Ascended Beings, many of
whom lived on this Earth in physical bodies, even as you and
I, and who, by the understanding and application of the laws
governing life, were enabled to “graduate” into a higher
sphere of service. They have foresworn serving in those
spheres of beauty and perfection, and have remained “pris-
oners of love” in order to assist the struggling mankind of
Earth—when invited to do so—for, by Cosmic Law, they are
not permitted to intrude upon the FREE WILL of even the
least of men. Jesus, Mary, Buddha, and Moses belong to this
Great White Brotherhood.

The Ascended Masters are REAL AND TANGIBLE BEINGS,

ready to assist mankind, PROVIDED THEY ARE ASKED TO DO
SO. The Masters ask to be recognized as a potential force for
the common good of mankind, but they do not demand
obedience and do not ask to be worshipped. The Ascended
Masters are the Directing Intelligence of the Godhead. They
are God's helpers. It is that simple.

The Great White Brotherhood is not an outer organiza-

tion. Only by living and expressing the perfection of the
heavenly realms on the physical plane, THROUGH SELF-
ATION WITH THE BROTHERHOOD. The Ascended Host directs
the attention of the chela, but it is up to the student to make
the right choices. No individual ever has made the ascension
without the assistance of an Ascended Master.


A world religion is given out to mankind to explain a

specific part of Cosmic Law. It is pre-designed by an As-
cended Being, called a World Teacher, and the new teaching
is taught at a specific time, at a particular location, in order
to manifest a portion of the divine plan for the Earth.

Since the divine plan for the Earth contains a common

foundation, namely the love of God for his creations (man,
angels and elementals), and since all world religions were
established by a World Teacher who is a member of the
Great White Brotherhood, it follows that all world religions
have a common fount and are similar in nature. In fact,
some researchers have found that the principles contained in
the “Ten Commandments” of the Bible are common to all
world religions.

There is another common ingredient in every world reli-

gion, namely, every student is urged to find God right in his
own heart, and not afar off in the skies. STUDENTS NEED TO


“A bridge,” says Webster, “makes a way over anything

that hinders”—for those who choose to use it. No man would
choose to breast a cold current if he has the choice to walk
in safety over a kind and thoughtfully-constructed span.

Today sincere men and women are seeking a spiritual

way over the world appearances of war, famine, disease,
poverty, ignorance and limitation, into a world of peace,
health, opulence, enlightenment and freedom; a way by
which not only they, but ALL men might enjoy the perma-
nent Golden Age (the “Promised Land” spoken of in prophe-
sy since Biblical days). They are seeking a way by which
they, and all men, might contact the will of God and intelli-
gently cooperate with it, to expand the borders of his king-
dom. This is the task of the “Bridge Builders” of today.


You cannot live in the past or even in the future. You

can only actually live in the NOW, and one main difference
between the BRIDGE TO FREEDOM ACTIVITY and all other
religions and lines of truth is that THE BRIDGE tells you what
the Ascended Masters are doing RIGHT NOW, so that you
may cooperate with and assist them if you choose. It is not
what they did in the past, but what they are doing NOW that
mankind needs to know in order to offer its energies and
cooperate for the protection and blessing of the Earth.

Through the BRIDGE TO FREEDOM, these Great Beings

have given to you the explanation of creation, and have an-
swered questions which all have asked at some time:
GOING?” The Ascended Masters KNOW the answers to these
questions, since they once lived here. By understanding and
applying the principles which helped them to gain THEIR
ascension, you may gain your freedom, likewise. The Mas-

ters of Wisdom know that self-conscious effort must be

made by each one of mankind to attain that freedom which
they now enjoy, and they are telling you how to do it, for it
is destined that the Earth once again shall become Free-
dom's Holy Star made manifest!

Therefore, truly “Seek and ye shall find. Ask, and it shall

be revealed to you. Knock, and the door to your freedom will
be opened!” Enter in, dear students, and BE AT PEACE!



You, and every one of mankind, came forth from the

heart of God, and truly 'YE ARE GODS” in embryo! You have
chosen to take embodiment on the Earth for the purpose of
learning mastery over all energy and substance, which
means your own thoughts, feelings, words and actions.
When this is accomplished, and you have purified and har-
monized all the life loaned to you by God, and charged your-
self with enough divine love, you will become a candidate for
the ascension. Then, at the close of your embodiment, you
can become an Ascended Master, even as Jesus did—forever
free from imperfection. This is called GOING HOME to the
HEART OF GOD from whence you came!



God has endowed each child of his heart with the gift of
free will, with the privilege of being a creator, even as he is,
himself. Each one is free to experiment with his life energy
and think, feel, say and do as he chooses. When these activ-
ities express something constructive (which is the “sowing”),
the individual REAPS constructive things. When God's Law of
Love and Harmony is broken and the individual expresses
discord, either carelessly or with intent to harm, that imper-
fection will pass through his own world, and he REAPS dis-
tress of some kind.



Most certainly not! The Earth has existed for eons of

time, and millions have lived on the planet. Neither a good
parent nor a good person, let alone a GOOD GOD, would
give LIFE to millions only to let them be destroyed and
“save” only a few.

A different aspect of the same truth is brought forth

about every two thousand years. Christianity has been pre-
dominant for the past 2000 years. The Buddhists of the Ori-
ent and the Mohammedans of Asia Minor have also brought
forth certain aspects of truth. We are now at the opening of
a NEW 2000-year cycle, where FREEDOM will come forth for
every part of life.



No one has ever gained their mastery over all outer con-
ditions without the assistance of the Ascended Host of Light.
The calls that people make to God are actually taken up and
answered by these Ascended Masters, who are the messen-
gers of God. The vibrations of the higher spheres are so fine
and delicate that very few are able to receive them clearly
enough to act upon the promptings received. If the Ascend-
ed Masters do have, in physical embodiment, a trained and
proven contact, who is able to clearly receive their instruc-
tions and if they have the benefit of a special dispensation
granted by the Karmic Board, this makes it possible to
transmit new information during the duration of that special



It is NOT POSSIBLE for ANYONE to “save” another! The

idea of a personal “Savior,” and that Jesus will “save” those
who believe in him, is NOT TRUTH! Jesus will give every
possible assistance to those who love him and ask for it, but
neither he nor anyone else can “SAVE” you, any more than
someone else can get well for you when you are sick! No
one is born for you, no one lives for you, no one dies for
you, and NO ONE CAN SAVE YOU. Each must do that for him-



The arguments for re-embodiment are many. To start off,

does it not make sense, that an individual who committed a
wrong (by thoughts, feelings, or actions) against God's Law
of Harmony, should be responsible for such action, rather
than have somebody else carry that burden for him? Also, is
it not logical, that a loving God will give man another chance
to right the wrong committed of a previous embodiment? In
addition, how can the actions of a prodigy be explained, a
person who at the age of 10 composes entire symphonies,
without previous training? Does this action not point out that
this skill was obtained as part of a previous embodiment?

Most of the Earth's population believes in re-embodiment;

the Christian religion of today is one of the few who do not.
Several researchers believe the doctrine of re-embodiment
was removed from the Bible as part of the Council of Nicea
and the Council of Constantinople.



No, definitely it is not. While spiritualism has rendered a

great service by PROVING that THERE IS LIFE AFTER SO-
CALLED DEATH, the individuals usually contacted by the
“medium” reach only the so-called “dead” who really have
no more wisdom about how to live life than when they were
on Earth. Also, it is very harmful to call people back after
they have passed on, because this delays their progress. The
TRUE CONTACT for the Ascended Masters is able to RAISE


INGS. When you contact the Ascended Masters, since they
have overcome the world and are now the fullness of God's
love and wisdom, their instruction is TRUTH, and when fol-
lowed, will set mankind FREE! The TRUE CONTACT is always
in control of the mind and body, and the Ascended Masters
They never exalt any human personality, and accomplish all
through the power of divine love, and they are absolutely


This is, by far, the most frequently asked question. The most
seasoned chelas have difficulty (despite their claims) in mas-
tering the subject of discrimination. This subject is so largely
misunderstood and so important, that a major part of a fu-
ture lesson is devoted to it. It is suggested that the sincere
seeker of truth consult the many references of the Masters
on discrimination (there are about 90 of them in the Index
to the Bridge to Freedom publications). Here are some major
points distinguishing authorized channels of the Great White
Brotherhood, from those who are not:

1) On the average of once every 100 years, a cosmic stock-

pile of energy is given to the Brotherhood. This stockpile is
awarded to a particular Master as part of a special dispensa-
tion. This dispensation is used to give out new information
on Cosmic Law, the current activity of the Brotherhood, their
retreats, and other information that the individual can use
either to make the ascension in this embodiment, or to con-
sciously cooperate with the Brotherhood.

2) After initial contact, the new channel is trained for many

years before he/she is allowed to give dictations to the pub-
3) There is never any glorification of the outer self (such as
newly-assumed titles). Any semblance of ego or arrogance
immediately shuts the door.
4) There is never any condition of trance or losing con-
sciousness, nor losing control of mind or body.
5) A special cherubim is appointed to ensure that there is a
continuous, clear line of communication between the As-
cended Realms and the physical octave.
6) The true contact knows that all information so obtained
remains the property of the Great White Brotherhood. As
such, it must be shared freely with everyone, and at a rea-
sonable price. There can be no restrictions whatsoever in the
distribution of literature.
7) The messenger is aware that the Master who obtained
the dispensation originally, is responsible for replenishing the
cosmic stockpile. He went out on a limb, so to speak, hoping
that the students would return the energy thus spent,
through decrees, visualizations, songs, the distribution of the
literature or translating such material for the greatest benefit
of all.
8) The true contact practices the rules of spiritual courtesy.
He acknowledges and gives credit to other messengers of
the Brotherhood.
Channels who do not match in all respects this criteria, fall in
a different category. They may make a constructive contri-

they are unable to give a clear and truly reliable message.

Many individuals both see and hear on the inner levels of
consciousness, and also receive many promptings which
prove advantageous for the GOVERNING OF THEIR OWN
LIVES, but these individuals have not been chosen by the
Masters to be an instrument who is QUALIFIED to bring forth



It means a BRIDGE OF LIGHT-ENERGY from Heaven to

Earth, which is being built by the great Ascended Host of
Light from the prayers, petitions, and decrees of the stu-
dents who are consciously serving with them at this time.
Everyone who believes in the Ascended Masters and CALLS
TO THEM, strengthens this BRIDGE. There are students in
America and throughout the world who meet in groups and
issue POSITIVE PRAYERS (or decrees)—combining their en-
ergies in calling to their God Presence and the Ascended
Host of Light to remove the CAUSES behind all distress and
bring about the illumination, purification, healing and perfec-
tion of all life.


It is the instrument through which the instruction was

given forth by the Ascended Masters on how each one can
purify and harmonize his four bodies (the physical, etheric,
mental, and emotional vehicles), so that each one may

“sow” only that which brings perfection into his world. This
teaching shows how to “liberate” the CHRIST WITHIN and
thus fulfill his reason for being, by achieving the goal of all
life—the ascension. In addition, the teaching explains how
the students can cooperate with the Great Ones to further
the progress of all life on the planet and the planet itself.



The first issues of the BRIDGE TO FREEDOM Magazine

came forth in April of 1952. Its purpose was to acquaint
mankind with the various Ascended Masters, their homes
and foci of light, and the truth that will be the code of con-
duct for the next two thousand years. The retreats, homes
and foci were once physical structures on the Earth, where
the God-powers of light and love were drawn and radiated
forth to bless and assist mankind. When the physical struc-
tures were destroyed in ages past, the etheric replicas re-
mained and have continued to pour forth their blessings.


The Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings (of whom the

Ascended Jesus Christ is but one member) are known as the
Great White Brotherhood, and specifically the Ascended
Master El Morya, the Lord Maha Chohan (who represents the
Holy Spirit mentioned in all religious teachings), and the As-
cended Master Saint Germain, who is in charge of the Earth
for the next 2000 years and is bringing the ERA OF FREEDOM
to ALL life—and ALL the Ascended Host of Light are assisting
in this gigantic task.



We entered the present 2000-year cycle of time, which is

to be the ERA OF FREEDOM, in May of 1954. As the Ascend-
ed Master Jesus, as Chohan of the Sixth Ray, was in charge
of what had been known as the Christian Dispensation over
the past 2000 years, the Ascended Master Saint Germain, as
Chohan of the Seventh Ray, will be the director of the
Earth's activities for the next 2000 years. He represents
FREEDOM for every part of life (human, animal, and ele-
mental) and there will be tremendous changes in the way of
thinking, feeling, and in SPIRITUAL UNDERSTANDING. Saint
Germain brings the INNER TRUTH which Jesus knew and
used, but which formerly was taught only in the retreats of
the Ascended Masters. Now it is available for ALL to accept,
apply, and prove in practical everyday living, and is to be
LIVED NOW—every moment of the twenty-four hours of each
day, and NOT after so-called death!

The great Ascended Master known as El Morya has long

served mankind. He brought forth the BRIDGE TO FREEDOM
ACTIVITY to ASSIST Saint Germain in the gigantic task of
SETTING ALL LIFE FREE from that which has bound them for
so long. ALL the Ascended Host are working together in love
and harmony to bring this about.



After the ascension of Geraldine Innocente in June 1961,

the great majority of the original dictations of the Bridge to
Freedom Activity were no longer published.

The Ascended Master Teaching Foundation was founded

in 1980 in order to re-establish and carry out the originals
goals and purposes of the Bridge to Freedom, as envisioned
by Beloved El Morya, Saint Germain and Ms. Innocente. In
carrying out this mission, the original dictations have been
re-published and individuals are given the opportunity to
manifest the original vision of the Great White Brotherhood
for the Bridge to Freedom, by serving the Cause of the Mas-
ters of Wisdom as AMTF-Sanctuary Directors and Group
Leaders. Therefore, by its exclusive purpose and verifiable
past performance over 30 years, the AMTF is the successor
to the Bridge to Freedom.

Lesson 2


Messengers Before 1930 ............................................. 26

The First New Age Dispensation................................... 28
The Second New Age Dispensation……………………… ...... 32
The Teachings of the New Age…………………………… ...... 36
The History of the AMTF ............................................. 38


Ascended Masters are still at work today. Assistance by

the Masters of Wisdom comes through many avenues, and
no one particular individual or organization can claim the
exclusive radiation of the Great Ones. Some organizations,
however, teach higher concepts of truth, and some explain
God's Law—Cosmic Law—more fully.
The original Bible text corresponded more closely to the
teachings of the Great White Brotherhood than it does now.
The Bible, unfortunately, was embellished upon by many
translators and at subsequent conclaves, by representatives
of the Christian Church. There always has been, throughout
the ages, the present time included, the human tendency to
change truths and impress upon them a personal imprint.
For centuries, churches have had the opportunity to free
mankind, but with little result. The Ascended Master Jesus,
when speaking through the messenger, Guy W. Ballard, said
in 1939, “Observe how little good my example of the ascen-
sion did. Just 300 years afterward, the great Truth was so
obscure, that mankind has understood scarcely anything of
the achievement of the example which I left. Instead of con-
centration on the ascension, there is concentration on the
crucifixion. There is always that vicious force in the world
which wants to destroy the Light.”
It is, therefore, not surprising that the Masters of Wis-
dom choose to work outside the framework of established
churches to explain new aspects of the Law. Rather simple
and humble, truth-loving people were chosen as messen-
gers. Social standing, title and scholarly intellect mean little
to the Great Ones. The display of any type of arrogance or

glorification of the human ego closes the door to the As-

cended Masters.
Early in the 19th Century, Lord Maitreya (Jesus' teacher)
called the attention of the Chohans (Lords of the Rays) of
the Earth to the necessity of bringing the knowledge of the
actual existence of the Masters to the outer consciousness of
the people. He explained that here-to-fore the Masters had
concentrated their attention upon the East, and it was time
to shift such attention to the occidental world.

The universal presence of the Holy Ones had long been

accepted in the East. However, the nature of the Eastern
Holy Man, being absolutely devoted and limited to adoration
and worship, did not allow for the use of the vital energies
required to translate vision into tangible action and results.

After a good deal of effort and persuasion by the Mas-

ters, Mrs. Blavatsky offered her assistance. The Theosophical
Society was founded in 1875.

In addition to Helena Blavatsky, there were other indi-

viduals, who in the 19th and 20th centuries, gave certain
new phases of the teachings of the Great White Brotherhood
to mankind. The Masters mentioned Joseph Smith, Mary
Baker Eddy, Alice Bailey, Baird Spaulding, Guy W. Ballard,
and Geraldine Innocente.

Mrs. Eddy was the author of Science and Health with

Key to the Scriptures, and other books. She stressed spiritual
healing, in the way Jesus healed the sick, and called her dis-
covery of the healing method, “Christian Science.”)

Alice Bailey and Baird Spaulding (through his books Life

and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East) carried to the

Western mind a greater realization of the activities of the

Ascended Masters. In 1919, the Ascended Master Djwal Kul
obtained a dispensation enabling him to communicate with
Alice Bailey. She was a “natural” automatic writer, but did
not seek, at first, the opportunity to be a medium. It took
great persuasion before she finally consented. Djwal Kul and
Alice Bailey had had a close association during some previ-
ous time period. This was helpful in obtaining the dispensa-


The Dawn of a New Era

The first “New Age” dispensation was primarily the effort

of the Ascended Master Saint Germain. He sought out those
who had assisted him in his previous efforts with the Sahara
Civilization 70,000 years ago, and saw enough reason to
carry the light to America and the people of the Earth. The
Ascended Lady Master Nada assisted the efforts of Saint

This new dispensation shows an entirely new approach.

Saint Germain did not use as a foundation any established
religious teaching, using it as a base and adding to it. He
made no attempt to revive Theosophy, only sparingly did
they refer to the Vedic literature of India or to the Bible.
Starting totally anew, Saint Germain and other Ascended
Masters explained Cosmic Law in clear terms. THE METHOD
SENSE. In addition, the Masters added their radiation, which
helped the instruction gain acceptance through the feeling

nature of the students. Saint Germain gave out this new

message in America, which at this particular time period is to
be the leader of the human race, and he presented to the
world a new style of Ascended Master teaching.

There were changes in the substance of the teaching, as

well. For the first time, the Ascended Masters could give out
information on the following four subjects:

1) The knowledge of each one's source, the individual-

ized God-Presence, the I AM Presence.
2) The protective Pillar or Tube of Light.
3) The Violet Transmuting Flame
4) The goal of all embodiments on Earth—the ascension.

These cardinal points were understood by Jesus. He ap-

plied them and he left the example to all mankind; he at-
tained the ascension. Before this time, this knowledge was
only permitted to be given in retreats, to individuals of con-
siderable advancement.

What enabled Mr. Ballard to receive messages from the

Masters in clear and simple terms, giving mankind, for the
first time since the days of Atlantis, the knowledge of the I
AM Presence and the Violet Flame? It was the need of the
hour and the fact that a certain stockpile of cosmic energy
was available. Typically this stockpile of energy is available
for use once within a century.

Under the dispensation given to Saint Germain, the

teachings were given clearly and simply. The Occult Law had
governed all religious teachings prior to this event. Under
the Occult Law, certain truths could not be given simply and
directly, but had to be veiled in parables, myths, legends,

plays, or phrased in such a way that only an initiate, and not

the masses, would understand. When Plato, an initiate in the
mysteries of the Occult Law, wrote about Atlantis, he did it
in the form of a dialogue.

Therefore, beginning in 1930, Ascended Master teaching

did assume a new approach, unique from any previous
method of instruction, and this effort by Saint Germain has
been labeled by the Masters the “Beginning of a New Age.”

When Saint Germain first conceived the idea of putting

forth this work, he explained to the Master called The Great
Divine Director, that he had individuals in embodiment who
he felt were strong enough to carry his message. The Great
Divine Director asked him if he were certain of this. Saint
Germain replied, “I shall try it out, and we shall see!”

The messenger, Guy W. Ballard, first met Saint Germain

in August of 1930 on Mount Shasta. After the experiences on
Mt. Shasta, Mr. Ballard returned to his home in Chicago,
where further explanations were given him by Saint Ger-
main, as part of many discourses. These instructions were
given via the Light Ray and the Sound Ray; some were de-
livered by Saint Germain in his Ascended Master Body.

Following this period of preparation, Mr. Ballard gave the

first classes in 1935 and talked to large audiences all over
the United States. Mrs. Ballard talked over the radio. To-
gether they reached hundreds of thousands of people.

Often, Mr. Ballard did not know what he was going to

talk about. All he knew was that Saint Germain requested
that he rent a certain auditorium in a certain city, on a cer-
tain date. After this was done, and the audience was assem-

bled, Mr. Ballard stepped to the platform. There appeared

before him two-inch-high letters of “golden living light.”
Those messages he read to the audience. Some people in
the front row also saw those letters of light.

William Cassiere, also known as “Brother Bill,” a mes-

senger appointed by Saint Germain to work with the Bal-
lards, and who later became a member of the Ascended
Master Teaching Foundation, told us he saw the letters of
living light several inches high, both from the front row of
the auditorium and in the back row, with his eyes open or
his eyes closed.

One student who accompanied Mr. Ballard on many of

his trips throughout the United States stated that Mr. Ballard
was clairvoyant and clairaudient. She said that usually he
had no problem reading “the letters of living light,” but when
he was disturbed, it was like reading through tears.

In the activity of the 1930’s, the Masters for the first

time placed emphasis upon the art of invocation. They ex-
plained that the students could best support their efforts if
they would employ the power of the spoken word, which is
called decreeing. The student body responded to this re-
quest, and this helped greatly to bring about the manifesta-
tion of the plan of the Great Ones.

The calls of the students made it possible for the As-

cended Masters to create a line of protection along the east-
ern and western seaboards of North America. As part of this
effort, the cities of New York and San Francisco were saved
from destruction.

Another accomplishment of this activity was the removal


of thousands of discarnates (earthbound souls) from the

Earth's vicinity, leading them to higher realms. One-third of
the destructive accumulation of mankind was dissolved and
removed from the Earth forever.

Twenty thousand healings were attributed to Mr. Bal-

lard. Many people were healed while attending the lectures.
William Cassiere witnessed many of these healings. He told
us that at the end of the public lectures, some left their
crutches because they were no longer needed. Is there any
greater proof needed for the validity of the message and the
quality of the messenger? Jesus said, “By their fruits shall ye
know them.”

In April of 1936, Mr. Ballard had qualified for his ascen-

sion. He decided to continue with this instruction to help
Saint Germain bring in the Golden Age. Mr. Ballard made his
ascension on the last day of 1939. He lectured to the very


In the book Ascended Master Light one Ascended Being

admonished the students (p.127 and 128):

“Oh, I tell you, dear people, no thing in the world is so

important as getting those books to as many of humanity as
possible...” “So I say to you, beloved ones, if you wish to
serve, if you wish to help to gain this freedom, do whatever
you can to help spread these books and magazines...’’

However, after the ascension of Mr. Ballard in 1939, this

book and others were made no longer available to the gen-

eral public. (Some of them were made available again to the

general public in the 1980’s. The books were never translat-

Why is the Great White Brotherhood so concerned in

getting this message out to all of mankind? The Law of Con-
servation of Energy applies just as much to the Ascended
Masters as it does to mankind. The tons of energy released
by the Great Ones need to be returned by mankind. How
can this energy be returned if new students do not have ac-
cess to the original dictations?

El Morya stated, “If the students are not given an oppor-

tunity to learn the Law, and are denied by language re-
strictions and by limitations of distribution of the tremendous
accumulated store of wisdom that lies unprinted, how can
they be counted upon to contribute their light?”

“It was the purpose of reaching these millions that this

endeavor (The Bridge to Freedom Dispensation) was started,
not as a new activity but as a complement to the former, a
supplement, not a competitor.”

It was primarily for this reason that the Masters had to

look elsewhere to carry forward their message. Starting in
1944, Geraldine Innocente, the Twin Ray of the ascended
Master El Morya, received dictations. She gave these dicta-
tions to a small group of students. However, it was not until
1952, when El Morya received a 20-year dispensation to give
new aspects of Ascended Master teaching, that Geraldine
became an authorized messenger of the Great White Broth-
erhood and the dictations were published.

As an express condition for being granted the dispensa-


tion, El Morya had to agree to replenish the cosmic stockpile

of energy himself if there was an inadequate response from
the students. Again, here we see the Law of the Conserva-
tion of Energy in action.

Geraldine had been embodied several times as an oracle

at Delphi. The Masters were able to use Geraldine as a
channel by accelerating the vibrations of her mental and
emotional bodies, and by using the brain consciousness and
the vocal cords for reception.

Since the dictations of the first New Age Dispensation

were not available to other students, the teaching of the
Laws of Life needed again to be explained by the Great Ones
and published as part of the new Bridge to Freedom materi-
al. Many new subjects were added, that were not explained
before (colors of the seven rays, activity of the Archangels
and Elohim, Ascended Master Retreats, pictures and key-
notes of the Ascended Masters, the early history of mankind
before the fall of man, previous embodiments of Ascended
Masters and the Transmission Flame Service). It is for this
reason that the Ascended Master Teaching Foundation uses
as its teaching material, almost exclusively, the original
Bridge to Freedom publications.
Frank C. Pita of Havana, Cuba and Mrs. Francis Ekey
volunteered to become the manager and associate editor of
the monthly journal called “The Bridge.” Its first publication
occurred in April, 1952. Geraldine's mother, also the twin ray
of an Ascended Master, helped. She wrote articles in this
journal under the pen name, “T.D. Marches.” El Morya be-
came the editor of the The Bridge using the name, “Thomas
Printz.” According to El Morya, he chose the name “Thomas”

from his former embodiment as Thomas Moore, an Irish po-

et. So “Thomas is printing,” became “Thomas Printz.” Also
published was, Thomas Printz' Private Bulletin, available to
subscribers of The Bridge. This weekly publication contained
priceless wisdom presented by the Maha Chohan, repre-
sentative of the Holy Spirit to mankind and the Earth.
Once El Morya had received his final dispensation, all
members of the Great White Brotherhood joined in his ef-
In this new teaching it was explained that the Spiritual
Hierarchy meets twelve times a year at a different retreat
each month, and has done so for eons of time. As part of
this gathering, a certain amount of radiation is given to the
people of the Earth. Mankind, not knowing of these events,
does not respond and offer energy in return. Consequently,
the Masters are prohibited by Cosmic Law to give out his
radiation beyond a certain point. There was a great need to
acquaint students with the knowledge as to which retreat
would be open during a particular 30-day cycle, and to have
the students consciously send the God-quality radiated by
the retreat throughout the world as part of a Transmission
Flame Service.
During the time of Geraldine, the wishes of the Masters
were followed, and some of this work was translated. Sever-
al books were translated into Spanish and German. New
groups came into being. This created new, permanent
forcefields, magnetic centers which drew angels closer to the
Earth and which gave the Masters greater freedom in bring-
ing forth specific instruction and radiation. The Masters said
that the task of the “Bridge to Freedom” will never be com-
plete until the very last lifestream has crossed this bridge of
light on the way to his ascension.


The instructions of the Ascended Masters are a harmo-

nious blend of Eastern and Western teachings. They com-
bine the Oriental adoration and worship of God with Occi-
dental initiative and accomplishment. They explain Cosmic
Law, the Law of Life, in a simple, easy-to-understand man-
ner. No longer is it necessary to teach God in an abstract
way. Such statements as “God is Good” and “God is Love”
are basically correct, but the inquiring mind is looking for
more depth in order to gain the full significance of these

Ascended Master teaching stands on its own, and is nei-

ther Christian, Moslem, Jewish, or Hindu. It may be called
the root, the fountain of truth, from which all known reli-
gions had their source.

We are talking about scientific, demonstrable principles.

Sincere seekers of truth now have the opportunity to study
and apply this wonderful teaching, so the student may walk
the path of light, in which alone permanent happiness may
be found.

If a student looks at the many fields covered, and the

type of detail given, one realizes that the original presenta-
tion as given through Ms. Innocente, is unique and applies
to today's conditions and it applies to the future.

Every word which the Ascended Masters speak is a cup

of their pure God-energy, light, substance, power, and quali-
ties. All are powerfully charged to help the student accom-
plish the victory of the ascension.

Commenting on the dictations of the Bridge to Freedom,

the Masters emphasized that the material given was many
times more than that required to gain the ascension. Hence,
the requirement of the hour is not a new “channel,” but to
study and practice what has been given, and to disseminate
the works of the Ascended Masters. The Maha Chohan, in an
article published in the Bridge “Journal,” stated in October
1959, “Each of the planets of our sun must be quickened to
enter and sustain itself in the orbit of the graduating planet.
We are, therefore, of necessity FORCED to reach mankind
quickly, ALL of them, and I shall expect every assistance in
the cosmic push of the hour.”

The Great Ones called Geraldine Innocente a “temporary

contact.” They knew that this contact would last for a limited
number of years. Therefore, they utilized her ability as a
channel as much as possible. In the span of nine years,
about 8,000 pages of dictations were published.

Regarding the Bridge to Freedom Activity, the Masters


“Genesis and all of the succeeding Biblical Law is being

written again. It is being written now, not by unascended
beings, but by God-free Beings. IT IS A BIBLE MADE UP OF
THIS PLANET EARTH.” (Archangel Uriel, May 16, 1954)

“You may be given too much of the Law for your outer
minds to digest at one time. However, we feel that for the
sake of those following after you, an entire evolution of peo-
ple who would perhaps benefit by the instruction that you

may never even need to use, we had better take advantage

of the TEMPORARY contact between the Ascended Masters'
Realm and the human, and get as much of this Law as pos-


The messengers of the first two New Age Dispensations

fully understood the plan of the Masters and carried it out to
the fullest possible extent, never asking for financial com-
pensation in return for their efforts. Both messengers en-
deavored to give the dictations of the Great Ones their larg-
est possible distribution. They did not restrict these dicta-
tions to members only and favored translation into other

According to one Master, when a spiritual leader leaves

this plane of existence, very often the successors of the
leader, unaware of the plan of the Great White Brotherhood
and the divine laws that govern it, not having the vision of
the leader, partially lose sight of the overall goal.

After Miss Innocente’s transition from this plane in 1961,

about 90% of the original dictations were no longer pub-
lished. Among the works no longer published were the
books, “The First Ray,” “The Seven Elohim Speak,” and all of
the dictations of “The Bridge,” and “The Bulletin,” given
through Miss Innocente. The book, “The First Ray,” (new
title (“The Initations of the First Ray”) talks in detail about

the quality of discrimination which is so necessary for spir-

itual progress. Without acquiring the knowledge of how to
discriminate, the student knowingly or unknowingly finds
himself groping in the dark, without direction, not knowing
which channel to believe. Or the student is forced to rely on
his feelings in his heart, NOT REALIZING THEY CANNOT BE
ENTIRELY RELIED UPON, because hundreds of embodiments
ago we consciously severed our connection to the inner
voice in the heart; the voice of our God-source.

By the year 1979, only a handful of students had a com-

plete set of the original dictations of Geraldine in their pos-
session. There was a great danger that these valuable works
would be permanently lost to humanity.

This lead to the establishment of the Ascended Master

Teaching Foundation, as a non-profit organization, in 1980.
The AMTF was founded for one purpose alone—namely, to
make these teachings available to all mankind, and to pre-
sent them in the same way the Masters originally gave them,
without additional channellings. Therefore, students of the
AMTF consider themselves among the guardians of El Mor-
ya's Dispensation of 1952. The AMTF has no plan of its own.
Its exclusive goal is to implement the plan of the Great
White Brotherhood as presented during the “Bridge to
Freedom Dispensation.”

The Great Ones were very specific regarding the use of

their instructions. For instance, the Ascended Master Saint
Germain said in the book, The Seventh Ray, (new title “The
Initiations of the Seventh Ray”: “This publication and any
other preceding from the same source are the property of
the Great White Brotherhood. They are offered freely to ALL

people, everywhere, at a price within their means.”

The book, The Seventh Ray, was translated into German

in 1954. Here is part of the Foreword: “It should be self-
evident that the principles of a new teaching, which is to be
the cornerstone for a New Age, cannot be given to English-
speaking people only, and be withheld from the rest of the

The Law of Balance, one aspect of which is known as

the Law of Conservation of energy, requires that every effort
from the Ascended Master level needs to be balanced by a
corresponding effort of individuals dwelling on the physical
realm. In other words, how can the Great White Brother-
hood ask the Hierarchy of the Earth and the Solar System
for grants of an additional stockpile of energy if there has
been no balance for the tons of energy already spent during
the original effort? How can a new dispensation, involving a
new authorized messenger, be granted if the original effort
is not balanced by making the original literature available
(where legally possible), and through group activity? It is
this service that the AMTF has come to render.

The lamp of truth signifies the relentless search for this

God-quality, a vow and pledge taken by all members of the
Brotherhood of Truth. This symbol was adopted by the
Brotherhood in 412 B.C. The AMTF uses this emblem to sig-
nify its belief that a relentless quest for truth should be one
of the cornerstones for all religious teachings.

Lesson 3


The Purpose Of Creation…………………………………. ......... 42

The Creation Of Our Earth………………………………... ....... 43
The Nature Kingdom……………………………………… .......... 45
The Creation Of Man…………………………………….. ........... 46
Journey Through The Seven Spheres……………………...... 48
The Seven Bodies………………………………………….. .......... 51
Introduction…………………………………………… ........... 51
The I AM Presence…………………………………… .......... 53
The Causal Body…………………………………….. ........... 56
The Christ Self………………………………………… .......... 58
The Mental Body…………………………………….. ........... 59
The Emotional Body………………………………… ........... 61
The Etheric Body……………………………………. ........... 62
The Physical Body…………………………………… ........... 63
Conclusion…………………………………………… ............. 66


“In the beginning, God created the heaven and the Earth.” Genesis
“And God said, let there be light, and there was light. Genesis 1:3
“And God said, let us make man in our image, after our likeness.”
Genesis 1:26
“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created
he him, male and female created he them.” Genesis 1:27
“And God saw everything that he had made, and behold it was very
good.” Genesis 1:31

It is the nature of God to allow his children the oppor-

tunity of becoming co-creators with him.

The purpose of creation as well as the sustenance of any

system of worlds, is to allow each lifestream called forth
from the Universal Heart of God to unfold a spiritual nature
and become master of energy and vibration through the
conscious control and use of his own creative faculties
(thought and feeling). In order to become such a Master
Presence, the three-fold nature of the God-parents has to be
nurtured and developed within every man. Each one must
become a God-director of his life plan—(the Father), an ex-
ternalized son of right-use-ness (the Son), and a dispenser
of the Holy Comfort and Spirit of Life to the world (The Holy
Spirit). To assist in this development, seven cosmic rays
have been created and are sent earthward in rhythmic pul-
sations, to give the same nourishment to man's spiritual na-
ture as the seasons of the year provide for the kingdom of
nature. These cosmic currents are as orderly in their out-
pouring upon the Earth as is the beneficent radiation of the
spring, summer and autumn seasons.

God, the owner and giver of ALL LIFE, so far as our gal-
axy is concerned, is called The Great Central Sun. It is the
sun behind our physical sun, and is the source of ALL LIFE
and ALL THINGS in the entire galaxy.

The activities of the Great Central Sun are governed by

Alpha and Omega, the Supreme Beings of our galaxy.

The galaxy to which we belong is composed of several

planetary systems. Each planetary system consists of one
sun and several planets. Our planetary system is directed by
the divine beings, Helios and Vesta.


“As above, so below,” is a well-known expression. Every

physical manifestation is preceded by some action at higher,
inner levels. After Helios and Vesta decided to become God
Father and Mother of our solar system, they had to prove,
through the directing of light rays, that they could radiate
enough concentrated energy to first create a solar system,
then to maintain its planets in a certain orbital position, and
to sustain life thereon. Helios and Vesta passed the initia-
tion. Thus, Alpha and Omega vested them with the authority
for such a system.

The first fiat issued by Helios and Vesta was, “Let there
be light.” Through thought and feeling, Helios and Vesta
determined the size of the planets, their location, and the
number of lifestreams that would abide on each one. This
could be compared to our designing a home and the interi-
ors that go with it.

When the light pattern was completed, Helios and Vesta

placed the blueprint into the hands of the Cosmic Silent
Watcher, who is responsible for holding the pattern of our
planetary system.

The Cosmic Silent Watcher absorbed the pattern of de-

sign, and accepted the responsibility of holding the immacu-
late concept for each planet until the time when Helios and
Vesta would designate the externalization of each. The blue-
print contained the oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, lands, trees,
shrubs, and other vegetation, the mountains and atmos-
phere for each planet.

When the time for the creation of the Earth was at hand,
the Cosmic Silent Watcher turned the blueprint over to the
Planetary Silent Watcher. The name of the Earth's Silent
Watcher is Immaculata, a feminine being.

Now Helios and Vesta drew forth the seven Elohim, the
builders of the universe. They answered the call of Helios
and Vesta and from the Planetary Silent Watcher, studied
intently the plan held within her consciousness, which it was
their joy, service, and opportunity to bring into form. Their
first activity in this direction was the projection of the mighty
light rays from their combined consciousness which formed
the matrix of the new planet. When this was done, they, in
turn, summoned the directors of the forces of the elements
and the lesser builders of form, the angel devas and the el-
emental spirits. These beings magnetized the electronic
light-substance, filling in and fashioning the planet according
to the instructions given them by the Elohim. As builders
return to the blueprint of the architect, so did the Elohim
return again and again to the study of the light pattern held

in the consciousness of the Planetary Silent Watcher.

Mankind has no concept of the fidelity, consecration and

sacrifice of a being who chooses to hold the divine pattern
and plan as a Silent Watcher for a planet for millions of
years beyond the time originally scheduled for its perfection.
This great being is a prisoner of love. This great, blessed
Silent Watcher for our Earth has held the pattern as de-
signed in the heart of Helios and Vesta and the pattern for
EVERY LIFESTREAM destined to manifest God-perfection.


The Elohim invoked the directors of the forces of nature,

the majestic Virgo (Earth), the mighty Neptune (water), and
the beloved Aries (air), who joyfully answered the summons,
grateful for the opportunity of contributing the gifts of their
respective elements (earth, water, air), for the comfort and
well-being of the newly-born Earth and its future inhabit-
ants. Helios and Vesta, themselves, provided the element of

After this came the invocation to the Spirit of Spring, the

beloved Amaryllis, to come and set up the rhythm of the
spring in blossom, flower and beauty of nature. This beauti-
ful being came in answer to the call, bringing with her le-
gions of angelic and elemental helpers. Their combined en-
ergies clothed the sweet Earth in such beauty and gladness,
that she looked like a beautiful dryad, wearing a wreath of
flowers upon her head, waiting to welcome the spirits who
were to make her their home.

Nine hundred consecutive rhythms of springtime came

and went to make the Earth more and more beautiful—the
lakes, the great rivers, the giant waterfalls, the crystal seas,
the mountains pointing their fingers toward God, and the
Immortal Threefold Flame of God, that great eternal sun of
even pressure, pulsating from within Earth's center

The elementals wove the smallest and daintiest of flow-

ers, the great devas unfolded the leaves on the trees, the
mighty spirits of the air actively worked in their own ele-
ment, all nature working together harmoniously to the
rhythmic music of creation!

With its alabaster-like surface, the Earth sparkled like a

jewel. It was a beautiful thing to behold.

And so one cosmic day, the work of creation was com-

pleted, and the seven Elohim signified to Helios and Vesta
that the planet Earth was ready for habitation!


Three distinct types of intelligent life were to be given

opportunity to unfold their God-nature on our planet. These
forms of life were angels, mankind, and elementals, each
contributing in some manner to the well-being and progress
of the other. Their combined life-force was ordained to
weave the spiritual bridge to tie the Earth with the heart of

The purpose of embodiment is to master energy on a

lower vibratory plane. Thus, in the denser substance of the

Earth-plane, mankind learns how to wield the powers of

thought, feeling, spoken word, action, and to consciously
create as the Father does.

Creation is more difficult on a lower vibratory plane than

on a higher one. Hence, individuals who have had this addi-
tional experience and have gained mastery have the oppor-
tunity to progress farther than those electing to have no

After the seven Elohim and the lesser builders of form

(the devas and elementals) created and beautified the plan-
et, Helios and Vesta drew from the Central Sun billions of
spirit sparks. A spirit spark may be defined as primal intelli-
gence, and needing the love of a Solar Lord, in this case He-
lios and Vesta, for further expression.

While these spirit sparks rested for some time in their vi-
cinity, the God-parents projected light rays from their hearts.
These rays converged and formed individual Threefold
Flames of God-consciousness. Utilizing these flames as mag-
nets for drawing universal light-substance, Helios and Vesta
then created individually-designed garments for the spirit

This action results in a White Fire Being. It is conscious

of its identity, and through the words, “I AM,” finds itself a
living, breathing intelligence, vested with life, opportunity,
and free will.

Now the White Fire Being must decide whether or not to

voluntarily project the dual aspect (masculine and feminine),
of its divine nature. Those choosing to go on out further,
project forth two rays, called “Twin Rays.” At the end of

each projected ray is a Threefold Flame, around which is

drawn light substance, forming the individual I AM Presence.
The I AM Presences have a Causal Body, white in color.
(Causal Bodies are discussed under “Seven Bodies”). The I
AM Presences are now prepared for embodiment by entering
a schoolroom. This preparation is called the “Journey
through the Seven Spheres.”


The individual I AM Presences, each at its own pace,

then begin the journey through the seven inner spheres,
which are seven concentric bands of color around our Sun.
Here, contact is made with highly-developed intelligences
which express the particular qualities of each sphere. These
God-intelligences are desirous of doing the Father's will, ex-
panding his kingdom and consciousness.

Starting with the First Sphere, the individual lifestreams

(I AM Presences) have the opportunity of absorbing the
qualities of each sphere, abiding in each as long as they
wish, adding the color of the sphere to their Causal Bodies
as they progress. Typically, an individual is attracted to the
properties of one particular sphere, preferring to stay there
longer, while absorbing its qualities. This preference for one
particular sphere often results in the pursuit later, when em-
bodied, of a line of work that closely identifies with the
properties prevailing in this sphere.

When an individual stays longer in one sphere and thus

absorbs its qualities more than any other one, then this par-

ticular sphere becomes his predominant “sphere of devel-

opment.” Sometimes, in today's usage by other groups the
term “ray” is substituted for “sphere.” Therefore, “sphere of
development” now becomes “ray of development,” or simply
“he/she is on the (Second) Ray.”
While the God-virtues or qualities of a sphere and a ray
are identical, spheres and rays act at different time intervals.
A ray is part of a cycle. A cycle lasts 14,000 years, and is
made up of seven rays, each of which is predominant for a
period of 2,000 years. Therefore, all of use experienced
many times the beneficial influence of a ray, BUT ONLY ONCE
The experiences gained while dwelling in a particular
sphere may be likened to going to school before embodi-
ment on a planet.
As in other experiences of life, free will is involved, and
some individuals elect to stay in one of Seven Spheres. Only
one of every twelve White Fire Beings progresses to embod-
iment. The others elect to stay somewhere along the path,
preferring to work there at inner levels.
The following is a summary of the colors and qualities of
each sphere. Also shown are corresponding occupations that
an individual may have while embodied at a later time, ex-
pressing the qualities of that ray.

Sphere Color Quality/Service on Planet

1: Blue. To do the will of God, illumined faith, capacity to

lead people and manifest large amounts of energy. Initiative.
All God-ideas born here. Rulers, leaders and executives.

2. Sunshine yellow. Perception, illumination, inspiration. Ide-

as are perceived and molded into thought patterns and
workable form. Teachers, Educators.

3. Pink. Love, compassion, tolerance. Ideas are clothed with

life-essence through the feeling nature, enabling future ex-
ternalization in the world of form. Love is shown as the co-
hesive force, holding together a manifested form. Peace-
makers, Arbitrators.

4. White. Purity. Artistic development. Poets, artists, musi-

cians, painters, architects.

5. Emerald Green. Scientific development. Healing, concen-

tration, consecration, truth. Scientists, engineers, inventors,
healers, doctors, nurses.

6. Ruby with golden radiance. Voluntary impersonal service

outside the community. Missionaries. Religious leaders.

7. Violet. Ceremonial service. Culture, refinement, diploma-

cy. Diplomats, gentlemen, ministers, religious leaders.



In order to embody and function on the physical plane

and go through the experience world, every individual must
have seven bodies. Each body is created out of the sub-
stance of the realm in which it is to function.

Of these seven bodies three are higher bodies, which

are divine and already perfect. The remaining four, known
as the “lower bodies,” contain energy which must be re-
deemed and transmuted into perfection by the individual
who has imposed imperfection on them through many ages
of living.

The three higher bodies function in the octave of the As-

cended Masters; the four lower bodies operate in the lower
vibratory astral or psychic plane, which contains mankind's
misqualified energy. All seven bodies contribute in some
manner to the consciousness of the individual.

The three higher bodies hold a consciousness of perfec-

tion, but the four lower bodies are constantly adding to the
sum total of the consciousness of the lifestream through
their reports of good and evil. These lower bodies, by reason
of their limited unfoldment, accept the appearance world at
its face value, and add to the conglomerate mass of human
thinking, which forms the average consciousness of mankind
as a whole.

The three higher bodies are the I AM Presence, the

Causal Body, and the Christ Self (also called “Holy Christ
Self” or “Higher Mental Body”). The four lower bodies con-
sist of the etheric body, the mental body, the emotional

body, and the physical body.

What enables the seven bodies to function? It is a

steady stream of life-giving energy (electrons), originating
from the Central Sun, flowing through the physical sun, the
White Fire Body, the I AM Presence, the Christ Self, to the
four lower bodies. The moment an electron is invoked by an
individualized Threefold Flame, this electron is stamped with
its own certain pattern such as a Maltese cross or lotus flow-
er. For every electron so invoked, man must give an ac-
counting. The electronic light in the universe created all
forms. This primal substance forms the aura of God.

Electrons are drawn into form through the designing

faculty of mind, and the speed at which they revolve within
the mind.

The pattern is determined by the feeling which pours

through them, thus setting the pattern for the vibratory rate.
Thought, therefore, is the cup, the design, or outline into
which the primal substance of life is poured, and feeling is
the vibratory pulsation sent through the electronic light,
which brings forth the manifestation.

Many electrons, swinging around a central core, form

one atom. Between each electron there is a distance. As the
electrons swing within their atom, they are either expanding
their light, or they are closed in by the discord and sub-
stance of the astral and psychic realm, which is forced like
pie-shaped wedges between these points of light through
thought and feeling. Now, when your thoughts, your feeling,
and your etheric memories dwell upon imperfection, you
slow down the vibratory action of your electrons, and then
the substance of the psychic and astral realm closes in

around them, lowering the entire vibration of your four lower

bodies. In this way, you become an easy prey to depression,
poverty, ill-health, to any number of the various negative
aspects which mankind at large mirror and outpicture today.
The relative position of the four lower bodies is as fol-
1) Interpenetrating and extending 4 inches to 6 inches
around the physical body, is the etheric body, shaped like an
2) Interpenetrating and extending around the etheric
body is the mental body, also shaped like an ovoid.
3) Interpenetrating and extending around the mental
body is the emotional body, the largest of the four lower
bodies, also shaped like an ovoid. The emotional body ex-
tends 3 feet from the physical body, and in some persons,
more than that.

The I AM Presence

The I AM Presence is the individualized focus of God,

connected to the heart of the physical body through the sil-
ver cord. It is the “real you,” the being through which you
will function after you have achieved your ascension. It is
the God within you and knows only perfection, and is ever
pouring it forth, expanding it. It is your permanent self,
which never dies.

Now, since there is no impure substance at all within the

light rays of the Electronic Body, every group of electrons
forming the spiritual atoms emit the music of our keynote,
the fragrance and perfume of our being, and the beauty of

our reason for being.

This individualized focus has the potential power of the

God-parents. The I AM Presence can think and create from
primal life what it desires, through the use of free will.

In the February, 1962 “Bridge to Freedom Journal, El

Morya states, “Your great Presence of Life, the individualized
focus of God, is a mighty Being of Fire that dwells with us in
the realms of such exquisite perfection as would stagger the
human intellect.” This Presence has worked with the As-
cended Masters consciously for centuries of time, and it
knows the particular powers of each Master to assist. And
when, in its great wisdom, it sees that you have made suffi-
cient endeavor in your desire for the light, have been stead-
fast to serve the Light, and have, to the best of your ability,
desired to master your thoughts and feelings, then and only
then does your Presence come to those Masters who can
best assist you towards your upward progress.

When you acknowledge the Presence of God acting

through you in whatever you are doing, you are expanding
the LIGHT OF THE WORLD! When you allow the intellect and
human self to accept the credit for whatever is accom-
plished, (even silently to yourself), you are denying the
Presence of God as the ONLY POWER THAT CAN ACT, and are
adding to the shadows.

When you first came to the planet Earth, the glorious

Presence of God filled the entire form which you then wore.
That God Presence, enfolded in the Threefold Flame, was
visible to the physical sight of all men. Through the rhythm
of that flame, you were able to draw from universal light
substance any form you desired, and by the magnetic power

of the coalescing action of the flame, you could design and

precipitate food, clothing, shelter, temples, or whatever you
desired or required. Through the power of your feelings,
which energized these thoughtforms, these manifestations
took place instantly.

What has happened to that magnificent Presence? When

the ATTENTION no longer rested on that God-Presence, but
began to focus on the human creation that man was gener-
ating, the flame within the heart began to DECREASE in size
and influence, and that which the life sustained through AT-
TENTION (shadows) began to grow larger. These shadows
and mass karma began to increase, until finally only a spark
of the great God-Presence remained in the heart. Truly,
then, it was called the UNFED FLAME, but now it is called
the IMMORTAL THREEFOLD FLAME. As that flame in the heart
is now FED by your ATTENTION and LOVE, which is your life,
it will begin to increase, until it fills the body once again with
its perfection.

The man who cuts wood, acknowledging the presence of

God's energy flowing through his arm, as the power by
which he works, expands the God-Presence within him,
lighting his aura and lighting the world. The singer who
acknowledges God as singing through her, expands the light
of the world! the woman moving about the daily household
tasks, acknowledging that it is the presence of God which
enables her to do it, is also filling her aura with light and
expanding the light of the world! The presence of God,
WHEN INVOKED AND ACKNOWLEDGED, always fills the indi-
vidual with light!

If you would be consciously believe that “I LIVE, MOVE,



not lift a finger, except by the use of the life of that Pres-
ence—I cannot speak a word, but for that Presence,” conse-
crating your mind and feelings to remembering the actual
presence of God , then shall you truly be a LIGHT BEARER to
the world!

The Causal Body

All of the constructively qualified energy gathered during

all of your embodiments, is contained in the great reservoir
of good and perfection, shown as seven concentric circles of
color around the I AM Presence. This is known as the Causal
Body, and within this body are stored the “treasures in
Heaven which can neither be stolen, rust, nor decay.”

The Causal Body contains the “accumulated good”—the

opposite of karma—which is the energy qualified in a har-
monious manner.

The Causal Body of each individual is built through eons

of time, starting with the time we passed through the Seven
Spheres. Even when out of embodiment, dwelling at inner
spheres, we are adding to the good of this Causal Body.
Thus you can see all Causal Bodies are not alike. The band
of the color of the sphere in which you spent the longest
amount of time will be the largest around the Causal Body.
It determines the ray to which you, as an individual, belong.
We can often discover the ray to which we belong by asking
ourselves what our favorite color is. An individual may be on
two rays, one of them being dominant. Really advanced stu-
dents may be on several rays.

The God-qualities or virtues and colors are identical for a

particular sphere, ray or circular band of the Causal Body.
For example, the God-qualities and color of the First Sphere
(to do the will of God, illumined faith, capacity to lead peo-
ple, to manifest large amounts of energy, and initiative), are
identical to the qualities of the First Ray and to the First
Band (relative to the center) of the Causal Body.
The I AM Presence of each lifestream uses this battery
of spiritually-charged momentum of energy to contribute to
creation at cosmic levels. Now to what use should we put
this Causal Body when we are here on Earth? WE ARE TO
Now, how does this work, this using of the Causal Body,
here on Earth? When we become aware of the I AM Pres-
ence and make application for the use of momentums of our
own Causal Body, that one's Presence is happy, indeed.
Then there is set into motion the process of purifying the
four lower bodies. For, unless we purify the four lower bod-
ies (the etheric body, the mental body, the emotional body,
and the physical body), the Causal Body's momentum of
perfection cannot be released around and through the outer
In our daily life, let us use the momentums of our Causal
Body. Let us charge those powers from our Causal Bodies
into our Tubes of Light. Charge those momentums of our
Causal Bodies into conditions and lifestreams that need as-
sistance. Do we send healing when we hear the sirens of an
ambulance? When we see a crippled man, do we send him

light, instead of pity? WE CAN BE USING OUR GOD-POWERS

In the silence of your room, turn your attention to the
Holy Christ Self within your heart, and invoke it to magnetize
or externalize the gifts of your Causal Body through your
outer self NOW. It is truly the requirement of this world
There is an additional service the Causal Body performs.
THE LIFESTREAM TO ASCEND. Thus, the Causal Body be-
comes the cause of the ascension, from whence comes its

The Christ Self

When the individual decided to use the experiences of

the Seven Spheres and apply for embodiment, the Holy
Christ Self came into being. This Christ Self is the provision
TANCE IN THE HUMAN WORLD. It is a replica (in form) of the
I AM Presence, but vibrates at a lower rate. Operating at a
lower vibration, it is aware of imperfection such as disease,
but does not take it on and accept it. The Christ Self is
aware of what we are doing and whatever our needs are,
and it takes those needs to the I AM Presence. Therefore,
the Christ Self functions as a step-down transformer. It may
also be considered the mediator between the individual's
God-self and his outer consciousness.

The Christ Self is the discriminative, directing intelligence

through which the Presence works. It guides the personality,
the outer self. It is “the still, small voice within,” also called
the guardian angel, sometimes giving promptings to do cer-
tain things. The number of promptings is usually three. If we
do not follow these promptings, they will be discontinued
after the third time.
The Christ Self abides in a position between the I AM
Presence and the physical body. The Holy Christ Flame is
anchored within the heart of every man, woman, and child
in this evolution, focused within the Threefold Flame in the
heart. It regulates the amount of energy flowing through the
silver cord. As the student learns to love this Holy Christ
Flame in the heart, it expands, and takes complete posses-
sion of the four lower bodies, making every individual a
Christ in action, just as the Ascended Master Jesus manifest-
ed this Christ in action centuries ago.

The Mental Body

The mental body was formed out of the substance of

the air. It was designed to be the chalice for the receptivity
of divine ideas. It has the power to mold these ideas into
workable form. The mind is contained in the mental body.
The mind, also called consciousness, is to be the servant of
the individualized flame, not its master.
The mental body was created to be the instrument to
hold the pattern, or vision of perfection, to build the form of
what you desire to manifest, holding it until the feelings en-
ergize it for physical manifestation. Mankind has used this

process in reverse, by holding in the mind pictures of imper-

fection generated through seeing, hearing, and talking, pro-
pelled into manifestation by energizing these imperfect pic-
tures through the feelings.

If the space between the electrons of the mental body

becomes filled with the effluvia caused by depression, dis-
couragement, resentment and rebellion, the mental body
becomes sluggish. This process may be compared to the
action of a pencil sharpener. If the container gets so clogged
with filings, the rotating motion of the sharpener is impaired.
In a similar manner, the mental body begins to vibrate slow-
er and slower until it is so sluggish that it is no longer recep-
tive to finer thoughts and inspirations. You know, it often
happens that when you try to comfort people in distress,
they do not seem to hear your words of consolation or en-
couragement. The mental body is so “bogged down,” the
vibratory action so negative, that it is absolutely unrespon-
sive to any inspiration, even to that from the Christ Self.
Do we desire to change these conditions in our own ex-
perience? It is easily done! Light is the answer to all! We
may change the vibratory action of the mental body by call-
ing for the Violet Fire! See the atoms that compose it, puri-
fied from within, out—the electrons within them spinning
more and more rapidly.
Watch what you invite to be the guests of your mental
body for the next twenty-four-hour period! Change your
habits of thought, feeling and spoken word!

The Emotional Body

The emotional body, the largest of the four lower bod-

ies, contains our feeling world. Its correct service is to nour-
ish divine ideas with the positive feeling of accomplishment,
to radiate the nature of God and every virtue of happiness,
purity, mercy, forgiveness, and peace. The mental body was
designed to create form, the feeling body was created to
nourish that form with qualified life. Having total control of
feelings is a desirable goal.

While the Causal Body is the repository for all the con-
structively-qualified energy, the emotional body contains the
opposite, namely, all imperfect and unkind feelings are regis-
tered within this body.
It is necessary that all of this energy be transmuted into
perfection, replacing all human qualities with the God-
qualities of divine love, peace, harmony, happiness, and all
other constructive attributes. The transmuting Violet Flame
will help do this.

When the emotional body was created, it was made up

of electrons drawn from the emotional realm, the realm of
feeling, the realm of the angels and the Archangels.

Your emotional body is made up of millions of tiny elec-

trons in constant movement. These form the atoms. Now, if
that motion of the electrons is in accord with the rhythm of
your God-flame, and is in accord with the constructive radia-
tion of some Master, that's fine. Then, your emotional body
deflects all destructive feelings projected at you, as well as
all the discordant energy which you contact. You are then
THE MASTER CONTROL of all energy, wherever you are.

The Etheric Body

In the etheric body are contained the memories of all

past deeds, thoughts and feelings during former embodi-
ments—both good and evil. The accumulation of these rec-
ords is called the soul. The etheric body, therefore, is the
envelope of the soul. When an individual is not in embodi-
ment, he lives in his etheric body, and has the consciousness
of the soul.

The discordant experiences have caused wounds or

tears in the etheric body. These nature heals and patches
over, but the scars remain, and under certain circumstances
or during similar experiences, when undue pressure is
placed on that scar by these similar experiences, it acts like
an incision. It gives way, bursts open, and manifests as dis-
ease, distress or disharmony. Deep feeling definitely makes
a record on the etheric body.

The etheric body is the one most closely connected to

the physical, and it is the one in which you travel at night,
when you sleep. So, the more purified that etheric body is,
and the more sensitive it is to divinity, the easier it is when
that etheric body slips back into and around the physical
body, to remember the divine truths and happy experiences
that take place at the inner levels—to know the joy of being
in the presence of the Divine Beings and bringing that asso-
ciation back into the world of form.

As we know, it is the endeavor of beloved Saint Germain

and beings of the Violet Flame, to remove the cause, the
record, and the memory of all those etheric experiences
which are imperfect.

Mother Mary said in January, 1958, “What mankind does

to one another in creating these deep wounds in the etheric
body is much more unfortunate than the distortions woven
around the physical body. Why? Because the physical body
one day disintegrates. The etheric body moves with man
from his first embodiment until it is absorbed at the time of
transmutation at the instant of ascension.”
When you live, over and over again, the distressing
things of the past, you energize them to again act in your
world. This is why, in recounting the history of mankind, the
Masters never told of the destructive records of wars and
injuries to physical bodies.

Remember, the very substance that makes up the

ETHERIC FORM has been used over and over and over again
in successive embodiments, and this requires purification in
order to raise its vibratory action and for it to emit light. You
will see the great necessity for the dynamic use of the Violet
Fire in connection with the work being done by the builders
of form for each soul. When this is understood and conscien-
tiously applied, we shall again have the “bodies enduring”
that are non-recordant to disease, disintegration and finally
death itself!

The Physical Body

The physical body provides the anchorage to the Earth.

It is the vehicle through which man functions and expands
the borders of God's kingdom into a lower vibratory plane.
The physical body, therefore, is the temple of the living God.

Originally, this body was not as dense as it is now. It vi-


brated at a much higher level and it consisted of what we

would today call etheric substance. Mankind, as it existed
during the first Golden Age, would appear to us today as
etheric, misty, shadowy beings, but of identical form as
mankind today, if we could see these beings at all.

The process of creating a physical body out of the ele-

ments of earth required the use of centripetal force, an-
chored within the Immortal Threefold Flame of God, drawing
the purified elements of Earth's atmosphere into a beautiful
physical body, made in the image and likeness of each one's
own individualized I AM Presence. Since God has endowed
you with free will, you CHOOSE whether you desire to place
constructive or destructive qualities in your life. All the life
(or energy) you have qualified with an imperfection in
thought, feeling, spoken word or deed, becomes a pressure
of human creation (which the Bible calls “sin”) and this
stands in the aura around the physical form until transmuted
by the Sacred Fire.

Looking at a picture of the chart of the I AM Presence,

the VIOLET FIRE that is seen blazing up, through and around
the physical body, represents the divine tool which the As-
cended Master Saint Germain has brought to mankind.
Through the use of the violet fire, each one may painlessly
TRANSMUTE his mistakes of the past back into perfection
once again.
Your physical body is interpenetrated by your etheric
body. These are enfolded by your mental body and your
emotional body. All of these are made up of atoms. Those
atoms are composed of a series of electrons in constant mo-
tion, spinning around its tiny centripetal heart. Now, the

quality of the atoms of every one of your bodies is constant-

ly subject to change—to purification and etherealization, or
to become more gross and more heavy. That is why individ-
uals are sometimes very beautiful when they are young
(around eighteen years of age). Their faces then are clear
and unlined, their bodies are alive and buoyant, but after
they have passed through the discordant experiences of
some twenty or thirty years, you find that the vital flesh at-
oms have been lowered in vibration. This makes the flesh
form less beautiful than it was before the discord was regis-
tered upon it.

The silver cord enters the physical body at the top of the
head (the soft spot of a newborn baby), and provides the
connection to the Christ Self and the I AM Presence. It is the
life-giving, life-maintaining fount of energy. If left without
this fountain of life-force, the physical body could not oper-
ate, and so-called death would ensue.
The brain is the physical organ through which the mind
functions. It registers impressions from the outer world. The
brain is the vehicle of the mind.

The nervous system functions like a network of fine

wires which are message-bearers of thought and feeling im-
pulses to all parts of the body. Through the spinal cord of
every person, two activities work constantly, the descending
arc of electrical energy, which anchors the body on the sur-
face of the Earth, and the powerful ascending current which
enables one to stand erect and move about, rather than to
crawl on the ground. When the activity of life is more power-
fully charged into the ascending arc, we come to the point
where the gravity pull of Earth no longer holds the
lifestream, and ascension is possible.


The fact that you have seven bodies should be no

stranger than the fact that your automobile has more than
one part, for you are a very complicated piece of machinery,
and the physical body, itself, is a marvelous piece of engi-

As in your car you have a carburetor, fuel pump, spark

plugs, electric system, cooling system, etc., which must all
work together for your car to run smoothly and efficiently,
so is it necessary for all your bodies to be in alignment and
mesh together perfectly for the perfect functioning of your
world. Just as an expert mechanic can tell you what to do to
make your car run better, so do the beloved Ascended Mas-
ters guide and direct us in the more efficient operation of
our several bodies.

With every thought, feeling, word and act, you are cre-
ating either your karma of distress, or a crown of light, for
you are thinking and feeling SOMETHING every moment,
waking and sleeping. How are you using each one of your
bodies? What are you creating? The Violet Transmuting
Flame is the merciful DIVINE TOOL which can and WILL
CHANGE EVERYTHING in your world when it is used enough!
But IT MUST BE CALLED INTO ACTION! It will not come forth
by itself! Until all distress and limitation of every kind are
removed from you and your world, do not let up for one in-
stant in your dynamic, enthusiastic application of this activity
of the Sacred Fire , through which you will one day be able
to achieve the victory of your ascension into the Light!

Lesson 4

THE LAW OF HARMONY ................................................. 68

THE LAW OF KARMA ...................................................... 73
The Origin of Karma ...................................................... 73
The Law of Cause and Effect .......................................... 74
The Karma Of Omission ................................................. 76
THE LAW OF RE-EMBODIMENT ...................................... 77
The Change Of Garments ............................................... 77
Invocation For The Departed .......................................... 79
Judgment And Training For Re-Embodiment .................... 80
Request For Embodiment ............................................... 80
New Embodiment .......................................................... 82
The Karmic Board .......................................................... 84
THE LAW OF CONSERVATION OF ENERGY ...................... 87
VICTORY—BELOVED FRIEND ......................................... 88


Everyone seeking embodiment on a planet, and mastery

over energy on a lower vibratory level, is subject to certain
Cosmic Laws. These laws apply to everyone when in embod-
iment, or when in the state of existence called “in- between
embodiments” (when not in embodiment). They apply to
Ascended Masters as well, regardless of whether the particu-
lar Ascended Master gained the embodiment on the Earth,
or if he is a guardian spirit, having had his origin from an-
other planet.

Having said this, it follows that in order to reach the as-

cension, which is the goal of all life, we must make ourselves
familiar with these divine laws and, above all, we must apply
them in our daily lives. The Cosmic Laws we will be discuss-
ing in this lesson are called the Law of Harmony, the Law of
Karma, the Law of Re-embodiment, the Law of Forgiveness
and the Law of Conservation of Energy. Other aspects of
Cosmic Law, such as the knowledge and mastery of the sev-
en rays, all necessary to make the ascension, will be dis-
cussed in future lessons.



IN A HARMONIOUS MANNER. In earlier times, when all such
life-energy was qualified in the amount of 100%, the indi-

vidual was eligible for the ascension. Today, mankind needs

to harmoniously qualify 51% of all energy loaned to him dur-
ing his many embodiments. This includes the energy given
to him, both during embodiments and while “dwelling on the
other side,” when not in embodiment.
Many individuals think that for energy to be harmonious,
it must all be spent in devotion, prayer, ceremonial service
and solemn invocations, directly concerned with spiritual
aspiration. The truth is, that ALL constructive and harmoni-
ous energy is a natural expression of the God life, whether it
be the loving service of friend to friend, or the constructive
creation of a bench, a chair, or a garment.
A woman may be scrubbing a floor on her hands and
knees, immersed in suds and water, yet her energy may be
very harmonious and peaceful in that activity, and there will
rise to her Causal Body every electron released in such an
act. A priest may stand on an altar, in a state of rebellion,
resentment or hate—and not one electron will add an ounce
of energy toward his freedom!
Saint Francis of Assisi and so many Holy Ones dedicated
their lives to humble service; walking the roads, serving the
poor, feeding the hungry, and ministering to the ill. Saint
Francis was a comforting presence, blessing life everywhere.
While harmony is the God-quality of the Third Ray (this
will be discussed in more detail in the lessons of the seven
rays), it is the underlying principle through which every facet
of all seven rays seeks expression in the human theater. For
example, an individual seeking to express God's will (First
Ray) must do so employing the Law of Harmony. An individ-
ual seeking and teaching the wisdom and understanding of

the cosmic law must do likewise. THEREFORE, HOLDING TO


The ascension is not accomplished in a moment, but

over the course of many lives through the bringing of the
thoughts, feelings, memories, gestures, spoken words, and
every activity of the outer self, into a state of sustained
harmony. Then, at any moment, should the great Masters of
Light desire to use you as a “conductor” of their light and
through you to give some blessing to the life around you,
their light will find no opposition or resistance from any im-
purity in your world.

After all, such “impurity” is only a lack of harmoniously-

qualified energy in your four lower bodies. When the com-
plete purification of those bodies finally has taken place, and
sustained harmony is your natural way of life, then will the
glories of your Causal Body flow freely through your silver
cord into your outer consciousness and use; then will the
Immortal Threefold Flame expand within you, filling your
aura with perfume and radiance; then will you individually
become those channels of love and light, prosperity, healing,
peace, comfort, truth and faith, and every God-virtue which
this world desires and requires so much in its present state.

The “Kingdom of Heaven” to which Jesus referred when

he said that that kingdom was within you, might well be
called the “Kingdom of Harmony,” for it expresses the God-
quality of undisturbed, sustained peace. It allows the Im-
mortal Threefold Flame of Love, Wisdom and Power to be

the God-authority to act for and through you. In just such a

manner was the beloved Jesus enabled to instantly still the
waves of the sea. As you daily practice this surrender of the
outer personality to the flame within, you will find that the
kingdom which is within you, will then be externalized
through and around you.

Without sustained harmony in the thoughts and feelings,

the pure life energy from God is unable to bring to you its
blessings. Harmony, like mercy, love and compassion, is not
a negative quality but a powerful and positive force belong-
ing to the strong, and cultivated through century after cen-
tury of self-discipline.

When we are in a crisis and our momentums of sus-

tained peace are insufficient to hold a balance, we may call
on an Ascended Being (such as beloved Jesus, Mary or Ku-
thumi), to draw the harmony of the Ascended Master Realm
into our aura. Holding the attention long enough on a pic-
ture of the particular Master, and asking for the fully-
gathered momentum of love, peace and harmony of the
Master (which is the “nature” of a Master) will help bring
these God-qualities into our experience.

Harmony, an action of divine love, requires the continu-

ous pouring forth of kindly feelings of good will to each oth-
er. To be in a continuous state of harmony, we need to look
to the God-Presence I AM and the Ascended Host of Light
for guidance, protection, happiness and PEACE! Let each of
us say and FEEL: “God grant us PEACE, and LET IT BEGIN

A Prayer For Harmony, By Beloved Mother Mary

I come to give to you my feeling of the kingdom of harmo-

ny! Will you accept it?

Oh, Thou beloved Holy Christ Self of each and every one, I
charge you in the name of my beloved son, the Ascended Jesus
Christ, to command the emotional bodies, the mental bodies,
the etheric and physical bodies this day, with the vibratory ac-
tion of the Ascended Masters' uninterrupted harmony! Relieve
and release the pressure of all outer tension. Give conviction to
our presence and reality. Help them to realize the moment our
names are spoken and their attention is placed on one of us,
that very moment we respond!

Oh, beloved Infinite God “I AM,” who has given me life, I

thank you for the privilege of acting in this physical appearance
world, speaking to the hearts and minds of the faithful, using
them as radiating centers by which my gifts may flow to all


The Origin of Karma

At the very beginning of creation, every individual, just

before his embodiment, was given the following comforting
words by the Goddess of Liberty, “You are at liberty, beloved
ones, to take pure and primal life-substance into the earth-
plane. You are at liberty, beloved, to utilize life as you will, in
the physical appearance world. You are at liberty, beloved,
to call on any and all of us, as you may choose, to assist you
when the momentums of energies of your own world seem
not sufficient to handle conditions and to radiate the light to
fulfill your divine plan.”
During the time period called, “the Garden of Eden,”
there was no discord; life in all of its expressions manifested
only in a perfect way. Man worked only to perfect himself on
the physical plane, to bring the perfection of the heavenly
realm into a lower vibratory level. Since there was no dis-
harmony, there was no karma, and since there was no kar-
ma, there was no need for a Karmic Board.
It was only after the event called , “the fall of man” that
things changed drastically, and man accumulated karma at a
rapid pace. What did the Great Ones say about the Law that
governs karma? Let us quote: “The glorious pure energy of
God, each electron of which contains the fullness of the di-
vine plan, continues to flow for the individual's use under the
conscious direction of the I AM Presence, and for every elec-
tron LOANED to the individual, shall he render an account-
ing. Energy is man's to command. Energy becomes power
through use, whether through the wielding of a sledge
hammer, or in using the God-power almighty to build a mo-
mentum of victory, in commanding the electronic light to
manifest a decree.

The Law of Cause and Effect

When the Law of Harmony is broken, this results in

karma. The term “karma” is always used in a negative
sense. It shows the recoil of using energy in a discordant
manner. If we use energy in a constructive manner, we use
the term “accumulated good.”

The Law of Karma is one of God's universal laws. It is

sometimes referred to as the Law of the Circle, the Law of
Retribution, or “what you sow, you reap.” What you place
upon your thoughts, feelings, words, and deeds, goes
through your own being and world first, and then out to the
person, place, condition or thing to which it is directed, but
since you are “home” to that life and energy, after it has
reached its destination, it begins its return journey to you—
gathering more of that particular quality or vibration with
which it was originally charged. Therefore, you receive back
into your world that which you sent forth, amplified, whether
it was constructive or destructive.

With every thought, feeling, word and act, waking or

sleeping, you are creating either your karma of distress or a
crown of light.

The Law of Karma was not intended as a threat of pun-

ishment of evil-doers, but as an expression of the mathe-
matical precision of life, that one must sow the seed of per-
fection in concise mathematical accuracy, that the reaping
will be in exact proportion to the sowing.

It is not generally understood by mankind that as self-

conscious expressions of life, each one is held responsible by
Cosmic Law for every particle of this precious energy drawn

from the heart of the Godhead.

Every individual has created a certain amount of what is

loosely referred to as destructive karma, in his earth life
since the fall of man. This karma acts on many places, de-
termined by which body is the chief offender in the case. For
LENCE, (acts of physical assault) releases a tremendous
amount of misqualified energy that sooner or later attaches
itself to the PHYSICAL BODY. Likewise, acts of discord on the
mental plane, such as crimes of mental cruelty, result in the
mental element being charged with the vibratory action and
stamp of the individuals. At some future time these pres-
sures return to the MENTAL BODY.

Individuals that perform acts of EMOTIONAL CRUELTY

charge the substance of the emotional plane with certain
vibratory actions which will record in the EMOTIONAL BODY
of the individual.

When a discordant vibration is emitted from an individu-

al, the distance it covers before returning depends on the
INTENSITY in which it is projected, both on its outward and
on its homeward journey. It obeys the Law of the Circle, and
while it is absent from the aura of the individual who is re-
sponsible for its projection, it attracts to itself vibrations cor-
responding to its own rate so that by the time it completes
the circle and returns home, it is accompanied by a good
number of the same quality of thought and feeling vibrations
with which it started.

The Karma Of Omission

Now there is the karma of commission and omission.

Karma of commission means the use of energy in a discord-
ant way, whereas the karma of omission means to omit
something that we really should be doing. For example, if a
Master has given a certain dictation that is recorded in some
book and a lecturer puts this information in his own words
but misinterprets the Master's dictation by insufficient study
and preparation, then this is an example of the karma of
omission. When the “Bridge to Freedom” Dispensation was
given to beloved El Morya, the following warning was given
to El Morya, “If the students do not return the energy of the
dictations through study and application, you are creating
karma (of omission) for them, and you, yourself, will have to
make up that karma through application or by doing some
constructive project.” It was only after agreeing to this pro-
vision that the dispensation was granted by the Karmic
Board. This is also the reason that the Laws of Life are given
out very sparingly in the East by a Guru.

Here are other examples of karma of omission, as given

by the Great Ones, “Those of you who do not now have fi-
nancial freedom, one day had much wealth to contribute to
God's plan, and you withheld it or used it freely for personal
pleasures. Others who have limitations of mind and body
had at one time perfect health and opportunity to serve God,
but used those minds and bodies for baser ends.”


In order to familiarize ourselves with the cycle of re-

embodiments, it is well to divide this subject into the follow-
ing major components:
1) The change of garments (the death of the physical
2) Judgment and training for re-embodiment
3) Request for re-embodiment
4) New embodiment
These will now be considered in consecutive order.

The Change Of Garments

There is no death. There never was! All is life, and its

eternal expression and manifestation. So-called death is just
a withdrawing of the life-giving silver cord of the I AM Pres-
ence. This leaves the physical body inactive. Although the
organs are still there as before, the eyes do not see, the
ears do not hear, and the intelligence has withdrawn. The
real self (I AM Presence) is but released of this habitat and
free to enter higher realms—realms of beauty, harmony,
peace. The individual just passes from this physical realm of
expression into greater freedom.

So-called death is but an opportunity for rest and re-

attunement of the faculties of the personal consciousness.
This is to free one from the turmoil and discords of Earth,
long enough to receive an inflow of light and strength, which
will enable the outer activity of the mind to take up the work
of physical experience again.

The individualized identity is eternal. When the outer

form has become too discordant, the life releases itself. De-
crepitude and death are caused mostly by misuse and waste
of sex energy and lack of emotional control.
There is only one thing that ever causes what the world
calls death, and that is the lack of enough liquid light within
the nerve channels. This cohesive power holds together the
atoms that make up the flesh-body. Liquid light is owned by,
and comes only from, the Mighty I AM Presence. The outer
garment is the receptacle into which this Presence pours its
light for a constructive purpose and use only. When that
purpose is continually interfered with, the light is withdrawn,
and the flesh-body, which should be the temple of the Most
High Living God, disintegrates.
The experience called death is a constant reminder of
mankind's disobedience to the original God-plan, the divine
way of life.
The physical body is but a garment, and the individual
has just changed garments as one changes coats at the
change of seasons. Being in a finer body after transition, he
is much more alive than before.
At the moment when the soul is about to leave the
physical body, the Great Being, the Maha Chohan, who rep-
resents the Holy Spirit to the Earth, prepares to accept the
final breath. It is he who breathes the first breath into the
body when the individual is born. As he accepts the final
breath, the silver cord is severed, and an angel or an As-
cended Master awaits the individual, functioning now in the
etheric body (“soul”), and escorts it to a beautiful realm for
“rest,” which is the orthodox heaven of mankind's general

The physical body should not be buried, but cremated.

Through the purifying process of cremation, some discord in
the emotional body is transmuted, which allows the individ-
ual to go to higher realms of light. Prior to cremation, the
body should be held, without embalming, on ice or in cold
storage for 72 hours. Whenever legally possible, an autopsy
should be avoided.

In ages past, the body was placed in the Sacred Fire,

and it was instantly transmuted. The substance, having ful-
filled its mission, was returned back to the universal, and
that was done in accordance with the great Law of Ethereal-

Invocation For The Departed

Beloved I AM Presence, Archangel Michael, Ascended Mas-

ters Jesus, Saint Germain, El Morya, and the Angelic Host,
we call on the Violet Flame and the Law of Forgiveness to
seize and transmute all wrong thoughtforms, human con-
cepts, opinions, blame, and disembodied entities in and
around---(Name)---. We call in the name, love, wisdom and
power of the mighty I AM Presence—Creator of all there is—
to take him/her to a Temple of Light at inner levels, where
in this greater freedom he/she is taught the real meaning of
the Law.

We enfold---(Name)---in our love, and may he/she ever be

enfolded in the love and blessings of the Great Ones to fulfill
the divine plan until he/she is wholly free.

Judgment And Training For Re-Embodiment

After physical embodiment, the departed individual func-

tions in the etheric body, sometimes called “the soul.” Nor-
mally he is in a confused state of mind, and during a period
of rest and adjustment, he is given opportunity to meet and
communicate with friends and members of the family, also
dwelling “on the other side.”

Thereafter, “the soul” is called before the Karmic Board.

Here the experiences of the last embodiment are shown to
the individual. He is made aware of missed opportunities and
he feels remorse for the discordant use of energy. This ex-
perience is sometimes incorrectly called, “purgatory” or

Now the individual is sent to certain realms of vibration,

where he can best prepare for another earth life. He is
grouped together with hundreds, or even thousands, of oth-
ers on the same level of development, to receive certain
training. The more he is developed in consciousness, the
more attention is given to the individual. He is given as
much of the Laws of Life that he is able to understand and
apply. Through use of the Violet Fire, he is asked to trans-
mute some past karma.

Request For Embodiment

After the lifestream has completed this period of training

and redemption, he is again asked to come before the Kar-
mic Board. The overall amount of karma is examined, and a
certain amount of it is allotted to the following embodiment.
A large amount of karma is held in abeyance to be trans-

muted at a future time. Otherwise, the returning currents

would be too much to handle. So we may say “the average
individual is held in a state of protection where ignorance is

Those who are summoned before the Karmic Board, line

up in groups of three. From those, one is chosen for embod-
iment, two are not. This procedure is repeated and addition-
al lifestreams are chosen to achieve a balance so that all of
the Seven Rays find equal expression. (Each individual ex-
presses primarily the attributes of one of Seven Rays.)

Now, what about a chela who is close to the ascension?

Generally speaking, the same steps apply, however, there
are some exceptions. Such a chela is eager to re-embody, so
does not stay long with his relatives. He also receives more
attention from the Karmic Board. This chela starts immedi-
ately at inner levels to expiate as much karma as possible.
He uses the Violet Fire extensively to transmute the karma
which is located in the astral realm (also called psychic
realm, consisting of the etheric, emotional and mental
realm). The lesson of this, that the more we are able to
transmute of our karma while in embodiment, the easier we
have it on “the other side.” Let us use the opportunity at

When a chela of an Ascended Master applies for embod-

iment, he sometimes applies to transmute an extra ordinate
amount of karma. Later, when in embodiment, he does not
remember this request. Facing difficult problems, he some-
times blames the Karmic Board for his troubles and occa-
sionally, he wishes he were one of those who was denied
embodiment. Therefore let us not stand in judgment of any-

one. We cannot compare an individual who has a happy,

serene, harmonious life with a chela who has a difficult and
rocky road, full of ups and downs, since we do not know
how much karma is transmuted during a particular embodi-

When in embodiment, for the most part, the chela must

rely on his own self-effort to redeem his karma. There will
be assistance from a Master. However, the Master will not
allow himself to be used as a leaning post. The student may
be “on the path,” but this is insufficient reason to take away
his karma.

New Embodiment

Re-embodiment is a TRUTH, and the only logical expla-

nation for the many apparent injustices which can be seen
around us. When you observe fine, constructive people go-
ing through very difficult situations, while others who do not
appear to be living in such a constructive manner seem to
be enjoying all the good things of life, you may be sure that
there is no mistake, but that each one is meeting up with
the effects of previous causes set up somewhere in the past,
of which they have no memory. The way they react to the
present set of circumstances will determine what they will
experience in the future. If they are able to BALANCE this
debt by desiring within themselves to render a SERVICE to
the other individual, and thus dissolve any of the hard feel-
ings, they are thus cutting themselves free from the debt.
But if they are unable to do that, life will bring them togeth-
er again in closer and closer association until that is accom-

Most people are brought together for the sole purpose

of balancing these forgotten “debts” of the past. Where
there is an attraction of love and harmony between individu-
als, it is certain that they have worked in harmonious associ-
ation before, and thus are able to expand that much-needed
quality into the world. Whenever there is a feeling of re-
sistance or of “being on guard” when you meet an individu-
al, these feelings could be remembering past associations of
a discordant and unpleasant nature.
God is a God of Love—a GOOD GOD—and therefore he
would never send forth his children with half of them enjoy-
ing love, beauty, joy, supply, and everything that is good,
while the other half is stricken with disease and condemned
to the sordid things of life. Even good human parents do not
discriminate between their children in such a manner, and it
is a certainty that God, who is ALL LOVE, would not differen-
tiate and condemn part of his creation to a life of misery.
As an example, let us say that there are two children
born under seemingly equal circumstances. One becomes an
outstanding citizen in his community, the other turns to a life
of crime. Each had equal opportunity, but one chose to fol-
low the God-promptings which he had received lifetime after
lifetime, thus living up to the best that had been built into
his character. The other chose to ignore the God-direction
from within his own heart and turn to a life diametrically
opposed to God. Much energy has been qualified by these
individuals in that lifetime, much good and much bad. Now,
in a later life, these two individuals embody under the cir-
cumstances WHICH THEY HAVE CREATED—possibly one in a
cultured family of great affluence, the other in the so-called
slums. The outer mind would ask why, but the Law of Life

makes no mistakes. It is based on justice for everyone, ac-

cording to causes he has set up in his world. Man must learn
that only GOOD comes from God. ALL DISTRESS is of man's
own creation, for it is NOT GOD'S WILL for ANY of his children
to suffer, but when they do, it is the result of their own mis-
use of the life energy that is LOANED to them by God.
This accumulation of distress in each one's world has
gone on for millions of years, and without some means of
mitigating those destructive causes which have been set up,
the reaping can be excruciating, indeed. Fortunate are all
who find and USE the DIVINE TOOL which has now been
provided for them. (See the discussion on the Violet Flame
and the Law of Forgiveness in the lesson, “Daily Applica-
tion.”) The Violet Transmuting Flame is a merciful DIVINE
WORLD when it is used enough! But IT MUST BE CALLED IN-
TO ACTION! It will not come forth by itself! Until all distress
and limitation of every kind are removed from you and your
world, do not let up for one instant in your dynamic, enthu-
siastic application of this activity of the Sacred Fire, which
will eventually set you free!

The Karmic Board

The Karmic Board meets every year at the end of June

and at the end of December, and has so for a long period of
time. At that time, petitions that may benefit the spiritual
development of the human race, are courteously heard. Peti-
tions may be submitted by Ascended Masters and by stu-
dents. Students wishing to submit petitions should write
them down in ink (this makes an etheric record) during the

period of June 16 to June 20, and December 16 to Decem-

ber 20, and project them in consciousness to the Keeper of
the Scrolls at the Teton Retreat.
Here they are placed on a gigantic bulletin board. Later,
they are discussed and perhaps intermingled with other peti-
tions by Masters and students. They will be acted on by July
4 and January 4 by the Karmic Board. Which petitions are
EST AMOUNT OF ENERGY. (The student must be prepared to
offer additional energy of application, such as decreeing,
during the time-period ahead. Additional details on the sub-
ject of “petitions” may be found in the Bridge to Freedom
Journals). Cosmic Law may not be superseded, except in
exceptional circumstances, and even then there must be a
good reason.
The Karmic Board itself is subject to the Law. It does not
have the prerogative to allow only chelas to embody. The
masses must also come in for spiritual development and
mastery. So we may say that the members of the Karmic
Board are not beings waiting to mete out punishment. Their
service to God is to find ways and means by which each soul
can be given the greatest opportunity for spiritual progress,
to balance his debt to life, to control energy and to complete
the goal of all life—the ascension. The tremendous fear and
dread which the orthodox world has induced in mankind
concerning the day of judgment is unfortunate, indeed, and
without warrant. It is primarily built on the fact that very few
individuals live up to their promises to the Light, and there-
fore are their own judgment. The Karmic Board is a merciful
body of helpful intelligences, not a scourge to punish the
bewildered lifestream.

The members of the Karmic Board are: Portia (Goddess

of Justice, Spokesperson for the Board), the Goddess of Lib-
erty, Nada (Goddess of Love), Pallas Athena (Goddess of
Truth), Elohim Vista, Kwan Yin (Goddess of Mercy), and the
Great Divine Director (Manu of the Seventh Root Race).

To sum up, man must learn who he is, must recognize

that he is a creator, and as such, he must become master of
all that he creates. As a creator, he must consciously control
his thoughts, feelings, words and actions on a daily basis.
Cosmic Law is a stern teacher, and the Law does not apply
itself. All creation is a self-conscious effort, and if the indi-
vidual upon whom this great gift of life has been bestowed,
refuses to take the responsibility to do his duty, his experi-
ences will prod him with misery until he does. The spiritual
progress of each individual is strictly determined by self-


According to the Law of Conservation of Energy, all pri-

mal substance (divine energy) must be used wisely. There-
fore students should control their speech. Idle chatter and
gossip is a waste of God's energy. There is a German prov-
erb that speaks to this. It goes like this, “Bedenke wohl,
bevor du sprichst, ob's nötig, wahr und nützlich ist,” (“Be-
fore you speak, evaluate if what you are about to say is real-
ly needed, useful and truthful”).

Another example of this Law applies to dispensations.

Dispensations are a special grant by the Karmic Board of a
stockpile of divine energy granted to a particular Master,
enabling the Master to give additional teachings of the Great
White Brotherhood through a specially-trained messenger.
These stockpiles of energy are given on the average only
once a century. If the energy of such a dispensation is not
balanced through impersonal service (decreeing, visualiza-
tion, songs) then the Masters have to withdraw their support
and radiation. Likewise, the dictations of the Great Ones
need to be distributed on a basis as large as possible, so
that God's precious energy may be returned through daily
application by the student body.

Knowing the law, the next step for the student on the
path is to APPLY the message in his daily life. Studying and
knowing the Law is a necessary first step. This must be fol-

1. To Victory, beloved friend,
Our gratitude and love we send
For answering our Saint Germain,
Bringing Earth God's victory in
Freedom' s name!

Oh Victory, our Victory!

Thy golden flame is mastery!
Love's full forgiveness we would be,
For love alone is victory!

2. From realms unknown to us below

Thy precious gifts and blessings flow.
Transmuting shadows in the light,
Thus our Earth you're raising unto
Heaven's height!
3. From Venus, star of love and light,
Come heaven's help by Victory's might.
Now raising Earth on golden flame,
Forgiving all in freedom's name!

4. And one day, when my course is run,

One day, when all has been said and done,
That day, please God, I shall ascend,
And spend eternity with him —my friend!

Final Chorus

Oh Victory, my Victory!
At last my Presence has called for me!
Love's divine plan fulfilled to see,
Ascending—I AM victory!

Melody: He Leadeth Me—Hymn


Lesson 5


Table of Contents

The Need For Daily Application…………………. 90

The Science Of Invocation……………………….. 91
Correct Usage Of Decrees………………….. 91
The Use Of The Word, “I AM”………………..94
Relationship To The I AM Presence……….. 95
The Art Of Giving Decrees That Work……… 96
Structuring Decree Patterns………………… 99
The Power Of Silence……………………………. 105
Suggested Daily Decrees……………………….. 107


The beloved Ascended Master Jesus, in recalling his mis-

sion 2000 years ago, said to the students,

“My ministry was one of action. Every day before leaving

my home, great numbers of people would gather to receive
relief from all manner of discomfort and disease of mind and
body. Very few came to learn the technique which enabled
me to alleviate their distress. I NEVER, NEVER went forth to
the feeling and presence of God. Only when I had contem-
plated God and firmly established my unshakable faith, that
indestructible fortress of God's power and omni-presence,
would I endeavor to convey that consciousness of God's
goodness through words and works to my fellowman.”

Now, if a being with the spiritual development of Jesus

had to do application on a daily basis, should this not apply
to us, also?

Daily application shields us from the various negative in-

fluences that surround us. We live in the psychic realm, a
realm filled with the negative thoughtforms of the ages.
These negative forces attempt to influence our spiritual de-
velopment. Therefore, daily application, namely, attunement
to our I AM Presence and the Ascended Host, decreeing,
applying the tools of grace (the Violet Flame and the Law of
Forgiveness), contemplating (becoming still and filling our
hearts with joy and gratitude for God's blessings), is the se-
cret for opening the door to the fulfillment of our divine

Daily application results in additional blessings. As we


decree for perfection for ourselves and for all mankind, and
purify our four lower bodies with the Violet Fire and take
control of thoughts and feelings, such purification makes us
conductors, which enables the Heavenly Host to pour their
radiation to the Earth through us. That radiation then pours
out through the atmosphere and touches and helps purify
every person's four lower bodies.

Some people ask, “Why do we need to give energy

through decrees and visualizations to the Ascended Masters,
when they are more powerful than we are and can do any-
thing without our help?” In answering this question, it
should be pointed out that, according to Cosmic Law, man-
kind has full authority over the sphere of consciousness (the
lower realm) in which it abides. Therefore, the Ascended
Masters cannot enter our sphere of activity and become ac-
tive there without our invitation.


Correct Usage of Decrees

The Bible says, “Thou shalt decree a thing, and it shall

be established unto thee.” Invoking the powers of God has
been practiced on Earth ever since the time when the “holy
innocents” (first inhabitants of the Earth) first accepted the
hospitality of the planet. After the so-called “Fall of Man,”
much of this power of invocation was misused by those who
called themselves priests, and much of the destructive activi-
ties called forth are still with us today. Now, through God-
invocation, the students may undo much of the terrific chaos
created by the wrong use of the power of decreeing. There-

fore, the learning of the Science of Invocation is essential to

redeem personal, and planetary karma in this hour of world

Invocation of the God-powers is a true science. It must

be learned carefully and methodically. The decrees have
been consciously presented to man's intellect in order that
he might use them as a balance for the misuse of the spo-
ken word and for imperfect thought patterns created by
himself and others. In order to shatter these thoughtforms,
it is necessary to use energy vibrating at the same rate—but
constructively qualified. In other words, a thought pattern
created by wrong speech, must be broken by a vibratory
action of CORRECT SPEECH .

The basis of any decree pattern is REPETITION. This is

based on the fact that we have misused in many prior em-
bodiments, so much energy through the spoken word, and
CHARGED AND CHARGED that into the mental, emotional and
etheric bodies. Hence, we have solidified qualities of a nega-
tive and destructive nature within them. Now, to requalify
the energy in these bodies and the physical body, we have
to release the type of energy which will blaze into them and
SHATTER those patterns which we have set up through the
use of the spoken word .

Let us see what is the inner action that takes place dur-
ing our decreeing. Jesus tells us that when a group of stu-
dents gathers together for a meeting, a great Master Pres-
ence or deva stands within the atmosphere. As the decrees,
fiats, and songs go forth in a fairly rapid but balanced tem-
po, the rate of vibration of the atoms making up your physi-
cal and inner bodies increases, and there is thrown off much

misqualified substance, which is instantly transmuted by the

Great One in charge of the meeting.

When a fiat or decree is made in the name of God “I

AM,” that decree lives ETERNALLY. This is because it is en-
souled by some God-free intelligence, angel deva, cherubim,
seraphim, or elemental, and those beings use that decree
and keep it in living, pulsating form for the benefaction of
the race. When a group or individuals with sincere intent
and God-desire to help mankind gather together and give
forth any type of constructive call, visualization or decree, to
such a group there are always sent specific angels and de-
vas who are so happy in that release of energy, that they
keep it sustained and constantly active, long after the indi-
viduals have forgotten that they made the calls.

Are we invading somebody's privacy by decreeing, and

are we taking away his free will? No, because it is our divine
right to see perfection in any situation. If the person is ill,
ask the Ascended Host and your I AM Presence to help you
to see the perfectly healthy person. This is called holding to
the Immaculate Concept of man—to see him as God made
him, in His image and likeness.

Beloved Saint Germain said, “The activity of decreeing

for ourselves and for mankind, and all life in general, is a
tremendous privilege of God's merciful love. It enables God's
promises to be fulfilled, for it is in accordance with his own
great Law. Gratitude for such an opportunity will give great-
er blessings in each one's daily life, and life, itself, will bless
and thank those who love it enough to decree it free!”


The word “I AM” is the CREATIVE WORD OF THE UNI-

VERSE, used by all God-Beings EVERYWHERE for that pur-
pose—not just on Earth! When a call is made using the word
“I AM,” this is a signal to intelligent life to create. LIFE,
the answer! It always has!

Every creation that lives in your world, constructively or

otherwise, is the result of the obedience of life to your com-
mand, somewhere upon life's way. Turn to the constructive,
positive, conscious use of the powers of the creative words,
“I AM” and PROVE TO YOURSELF that intelligent life will mani-
fest ACCORDING TO YOUR DECREE. There is no greater
teacher than one's own experiences!

“I AM” is God's very own, most sacred and holy name—

so said Moses long ago. Jesus learned the power of the cre-
ative word “I AM” and used it, enjoying the buoyant, uplift-
ing feeling of the constructive use of any statement preced-
ed by the words “I AM.” For example, he used the state-
ment, “I AM the resurrection and the life.”

When you have said for centuries, “I am helpless, I am

sick, I am distressed,” you have built into this etheric gar-
ment, into that which the world calls the sub-conscious, cer-
tain deep grooves of energy. It is a consciousness which has
accepted that which you have decreed for yourself for mil-
lions of years. You have done the same thing with your
emotional body and your mental body through the misuse of

Now is the opportunity for the chelas of the Great White


Brotherhood to teach mankind that when using the creative

words “I AM,” they should always be followed by a positive
and constructive statement.

As there is no limit to the powers of the God-protection

that can be called forth, and no limit to the transmuting
power of the Cosmic Christ Love, YOU HAVE EVERYTHING AT
HAND by which to draw forth, protect and sustain your God-

When you become really advanced in your spiritual

growth and development, you become the master of any
situation. Then in one word you can say to the flood,
“STOP!” You can say to the great earthquakes, “CEASE!”
You can say to volcanic eruptions, “BE STILL,” and it will be


Now, as we renew our acquaintance with our I AM Pres-

ence and the Ascended Host—an association we may not
have had for many ages—we should remember that it will
take many years before this channel of communication is
cleansed of the creation of centuries of discord. This may be
compared to trying to establish a link with a distant radio-
station. There is a lot of static, a lot of interference.

Be aware that the voices of our four lower bodies,

whose conglomerate voice is what we call our conscious-
ness, may wish to tell us how great we are. For example,
the moment Mr. Ballard explained the I AM Presence to the
students in the 1930's, some students told the other ones,

“Oh, I am listening to my I AM Presence and my I AM Pres-

ence told me you should do this and you should do that!”
Remember this, dear students, typically the I AM Presence
and the Ascended Host talk only to you. Whatever the mes-
sage, whatever the prompting, it is meant for YOU and YOU
alone. Only in the rarest of circumstances does the Ascend-
ed Host employ another person to address something that
you should do! We have to tell all voices influencing our
consciousness, that from NOW ON, THE I AM PRESENCE, AND

Through daily invocation with our I AM Presence we re-

cultivate our association. We are renewing the type of asso-
ciation we may not have had for over one million years. Let
us determine to be the outpost of our glorious I AM Pres-
ence now!


The efficacy of a decree is determined both by the

amount of FEELING and CONVICTION that is released by the
chela through it and the CLARITY OF THE PICTURE held in
the mental body, which actually forms the pattern around
which the physical energies of the worded fiat coalesce.
Without positive feeling and conviction, the decree cannot
manifest. There can be no doubt in the feelings about the
results of a decree.

How should a decree be given? Typically, a decree given

mentally (silently) is not as effective as a decree that is spo-
ken. However, a decree, given silently, that is CHARGED with


Almighty, is more powerful than a loud shout where there is
no confirmation in the feelings. The VOLUME of sound re-
leased is not as important as the QUALITY of the sound. It
should be remembered, however, that while decrees may be
given silently or aloud, they should never be whispered.

Some individuals can, by nature, be extremely positive in

the use of a low, masterful tone. Others cannot convey feel-
ing except by the exertion of a measure of physical force,
which gives assurance to the lifestream of accomplishment.
Here, freedom is the order of the day.
What brings to the decree its power? It is the ability of
cannot give the decrees so fast that you cannot visualize
them! The interest of the student must be behind the de-
cree, and his energies must be positive and controlled, if he
is to have results of a positive nature. So then, to materialize
We may ask why it is necessary to repeat some decrees
or parts of decrees three times? Over the centuries, we have
built up solidified negative etheric patterns, through negative
statements. ONE AFFIRMATION alone from your lips is not
going to shatter and transmute these patterns! You must
use repetitive decrees with a positive radiation, which act
like a battering ram, opening the gate for the perfect pat-
terns of the future!
When a decree is repeated three times, it reaches first
the physical consciousness, then the Christ Self, and last, the

I AM Presence. Then they are all in one accord—agreed up-

on the bringing forth of the same manifestation. Also, re-
peating a decree three times by the student builds up his
confidence and conviction for the manifestation of the de-
Decreeing should preferably be done, three times a day
and at a very minimum, two times daily, namely, early in the
morning and at night. This is more important than decreeing
once a week for a longer period. Why? Because then the
Law of Rhythmic Application, doing things again and again
at the same time interval, comes into effect. It is the nature
of high vibrations to rise, and in order to use them in the
lower realms in which we abide, these vibrations need to be
drawn down as often as possible. Hence, we need to decree
several times within a 24-hour cycle.

It is best to continue with the decrees given in a decree

book. Here we tie in with hundreds of others doing the same
decrees. This builds a tremendous momentum for the suc-
cess of the decree. Once starting certain decrees, it is most
efficacious to repeat the same decrees on a daily basis for
the same reason. Repeating the same decrees each day
strengthens the resulting thoughtform. On rare occasions,
however, we may find it necessary to make up a new decree
to meet a world or a personal situation. Let us be not afraid
to do this—regardless what others may say! You have the
power and authority to use all of your God-given creative
abilities at any time, but be always ready to admit where
you got them from!

Short, clear, rhythmic decrees are a must, rather than

long statements. We must be able to clearly visualize what

we say. It is not possible to visualize if the statements are

too long or the decrees are given too rapidly. Some decrees
end with a short, snappy ending, such as “Do it today! Do it
to stay!” seals the decree in the feelings of the students, as
well as in the conditions which need to be transmuted.

Give good, short-phrased, rhythmic decrees, add your

feeling, conviction and visualization, and let the momentum


Each decree consists of several essential elements,

which should be given in a certain order. Let us now discuss
the structure and sequence of the major components of a
decree. This will be followed by a suggested outline for giv-
ing the daily decrees.

Step 1: Become still and CONTEMPLATE YOUR I AM PRES-

ENCE. Pour love and gratitude toward it. Your I AM Presence
is your individual God-Self, which has sustained you
throughout the ages, and it is sustaining you NOW. Your
connection with your I AM Presence is through the silver
cord, which is anchored in your heart. Remember, one day
you will ascend to this glorious I AM Presence and you will
become ONE with it. Ask your I AM Presence to become the
active presence during this day, guiding your very steps.
Then, feel yourself filled with light. Realize that all of God's
perfection is waiting for you to draw it forth.


YOUR WORLD. Unascended mankind has reign over this
plane of existence. The Ascended Host is allowed to enter

this realm only upon the invitation by mankind. We give the

authority to the beloved Ascended Master Saint Germain, the
director of the current 2000-year cycle, to beloved El Morya,
who gained the “Bridge to Freedom Dispensation” and the
Maha Chohan.
Step 3: Give a PREAMBLE (opening) to your spoken de-
crees. Call on your I AM Presence and the Ascended Host. It
is of advantage to call on those Ascended Masters who are
specialists in one particular field. For example, when calling
forth the Violet Flame, call on beloved Ascended Master
Saint Germain, Archangel Zadkiel and Amethyst, his twin-
CALL FOR PROTECTION for yourself, your loved ones and
all sincere, committed seekers of truth. Around your I AM
Presence, see a protective pillar of light. See this white pillar
9 feet in diameter around you. It will protect you from the
imperfect thoughtforms floating in the atmosphere of Earth.
There are living, pulsating discordantly-qualified vibra-
tions (entities) around us. The Masters pointed out that we
are only aware of a small fraction of the conditions and
things that surround us and influence us. This discordantly-
qualified energy moves like a whirlpool of energy, emanating
destructively-qualified radiation. These are the “causes and
cores” of centuries of misqualified energy by mankind.
In order to be protected from such negative influences,
we can call either on Archangel Michael's Sword of Blue
Flame, or we can call on beloved Astrea to lock her Cosmic
Circle and Sword of Blue Flame around such a “cause and
core” and to eliminate it. If you do this, what will happen?
Through beloved Astrea's great assistance, the motion of the

whirling center within that “cause” is stopped and the radia-

tion of the destructively qualified energy ceases to be.
Therefore, never, under any circumstances, start your
day without calling the Protective Pillar of Light into action.
Step 4: Call on THE LAW OF FORGIVENESS: One can
readily see that during the hundreds of embodiments we
have had in the past, we have misqualified a lot of energy.
The very fact we are here on Earth today shows that we
have misqualified over 50% of the energy ever allotted to
us. Through divine grace there is a tool available to us that
we can call on to lessen the karmic debt caused by our
wrongdoings. This tool is called the Law of Forgiveness and
it should always be stated before issuing the Violet Flame
Saying, “I AM the Law of Forgiveness for myself and all
mankind, for all misqualified energy,” (see full decree in next
section) several times a day, will eventually bring a lightness
to your being and world which you never thought possible.
Remember, you may have harmed not only people in the
past, but also birds, animals, and other forms of life. You
may have misused the beings of the elements of earth, wa-
ter, air and fire—all of which have intelligence and are en-
deavoring to evolve into ever-greater perfection.
When the decree is accompanied with the actual FEEL-
ING OF FORGIVENESS for your own mistakes and those of all
mankind, this will result in tremendous assistance, not only
to mankind, but to yourself.
Now, knowing about this Law of Divine Grace, should we
not, in turn, forgive those who trespass against us? Mother
Mary was asked one time, “How can we progress spiritually

by leaps and bounds?” Her answer was, “By forgiving all

those who have wronged you.”

Step 5: USE THE VIOLET FLAME. Almighty God, in his

great mercy and compassion, has given us, for our use, a
mighty, powerful ERASER of misqualified, imperfect energy.
This is the Violet Transmuting Flame.

Until a short time ago, the knowledge of the Sacred Fire

was known and taught only in the retreats of the Ascended
Masters throughout the world, but because of the short du-
ration of time in which certain things must be accomplished,
it has been brought into the outer world, where ANYONE
can know of it, use it, and experience the freedom which it

Under the action of the old Occult Law, the redemption

of misqualified energies—whether registered on the physical,
mental or emotional body—was through suffering and dis-
ease. The Occult Law was set aside in 1930 by the Cosmic
Being Victory, and this energy can be redeemed and set free
through the use of the Violet Flame. This is God's Law of
Grace in action.

The Violet Flame is a current of energy which has been

qualified to seize imperfect energy and transmute it, so that
it may be charged with PERFECTION once again. It is an ac-
tivity of love, mercy and compassion, which can dissolve the
CAUSES set up by mankind, whose effects would be most
distressing. Unless mankind can come into this understand-
ing and consciously USE this Violet Fire, they will have to
meet up with these causes, that bring such suffering into the

When you call daily to your own God-Presence I AM, and

to the Ascended Master Saint Germain to BLAZE this Violet
Transmuting Flame through you, it will then begin the re-
moval of the miscreations in your emotional, mental, etheric
and physical bodies, and you will experience a lightness and
buoyancy in your feelings, a clearness in your mind, and a
change in your physical body. Some students SEE this Violet
Fire as they call it into action in their worlds; others FEEL it,
but whether you do either or not, it is doing its perfect work,
once it is called forth. It may seem to be invisible, but all the
great powers which we use in our daily lives are also invisi-
ble. You do not actually SEE your life-giving silver cord, or
electricity, or love, or hate, but you DO see their effects, and
regardless of whether or not you are able to see these
things, or feel them, they are very real to us all.
Everyone has had more than one hundred embodi-
ments, and all of us have accumulated a great deal of kar-
ma. Since, as students of the light, we know of the Violet
Flame, the Cosmic Law expects us to use that flame. Karma
is returning to the students at a much faster pace; some of
it is returning AT LEAST ONCE A DAY. Therefore, USE THAT
FLAME OF MERCY at least twice, or better, three times a day.
It is best to use that Violet Flame twice or three times a
day for a short period of time, than to use it a half-hour one
day and then not use it the second day.
The accumulation of distress in each one's world has
gone on for millions of years, and without some means of
mitigating those destructive causes which have been set up,
the reaping can be excruciating, indeed. Fortunate are all
who find and USE the DIVINE TOOL, which has now been
provided for them. The Violet Transmuting Flame is the

THING in your world when it is used enough! But IT MUST BE

CALLED INTO ACTION! It will not come forth by itself! The
use of the Violet Transmuting Flame and calling upon the
Law of Forgiveness are the most efficacious ways of pre-
venting discord from acting in your world. When enough of
mankind make use of these activities, they can prevent dis-
tressing things from happening all over the Earth.
At the end of each year, there is established over the
Royal Teton Retreat a lake of Violet Fire called “The Violet
Fire Cauldron.” This “Violet Fire Cauldron” serves to redeem
karma from unintentional action committed during the past
year. The lake itself is 1000 feet in diameter. On the last
days of each year, everyone is dipped into the “Violet Fire
Cauldron” once. Students of the light, who know of and ac-
cept this action of Divine Mercy, may apply to be bathed
several times, for additional benefit.
On May 1, 1954, Saint Germain was placed in charge of
this 2000-year period, known as the “Cycle of the Seventh
Ray.” This cycle is to be known as the ERA OF FREEDOM.
Already we see the effect at this special time in our history.
The rule of many dictators has come to an end and people
in many parts of the world, especially those previously con-
trolled by communism, are experiencing greater freedom. It
will be beloved Saint Germain's gigantic mission, during the
next 2000 years, to set free EVERY PART OF LIFE. It can be
accomplished if sufficient individuals and groups desire to
assist in the dissolving of that human creation, which is try-
ing to smother the light in so many of mankind.
The doctrine of “eternal damnation,” which was brought
forth to control the people through fear, superstition and
blind obedience, IS NOT TRUTH! Whatever the sins or past
mistakes, whatever the causes of impurity and imperfection

that have been set up, THERE IS A CONSCIOUS WAY of

transmuting those errors and thus be free of them. It is the
DAILY USE of the Violet Fire of Love, Mercy, Forgiveness and
Step 6: ASK FOR YOUR ASCENSION. This keeps us fo-
cused on the goal of all life, which is to make the ascension
at the close of this embodiment.
Step 7: A period of silence, sending love and gratitude
to the Ascended Host, the angelic kingdom, the elemental
kingdom, each ones ministering angel and the body ele-
mental. The picture and the keynote of an Ascended Master
are the two most powerful means of attunement.
This period of contemplation is intended to complete the
service by accepting the energies invoked. Become still, feel
relaxed and let go of any tension.


The need of the sincere student is to become STILL of-

ten, throughout the course of the day. This allows the ener-
gy, directives, radiation and powers of the God-Presence—”I
AM”—to flow into and nourish the four lower vehicles and
the outer consciousness. In the East, the practice of concen-
trated meditation upon the Supreme Source prefaces all ac-
tivity. In the West, where the requirements of each hour
seem to demand the attention and energies of the student,
this period of spiritual communion is often neglected and
confirmed by the self-righteous feeling that the service is so
great, that there is literally no time to “be still and KNOW
that I AM GOD”!

Individuals feel that the demands of the four lower vehi-

cles, their appetites and promptings, are the urging of the
inner Presence, and this delays the contact with the I AM
Presence and the correct recognition of its directions. The
sincere student needs to purify and discipline these vehicles
to their proper position as SERVANTS of the I AM Presence.
This can best be done by stilling the energies of the mental
body, by quieting the surging sea of the emotional world, by
refusing to allow the etheric body to bring up past failures
and disillusionments, and by disciplining the physical body.
Of course this takes time, patience, constancy and strength.
When this is accomplished, then and only then, may the
“still small voice” of the I AM Presence be heard.
The Ascended Masters tell us that the invocation of the I
AM Presence and the Ascended Host of Light is essential to
magnetize a direct current of their energies through us.
However, there comes a point where the individual, having
made the necessary application, should REST IN THE SI-

The beloved Ascended Master Jesus has said, “During

my ministry, as well as in the world today, mankind requires
so much assistance. There is a tendency to rush forth to
serve, without the necessary period of 're-fueling' at the
cosmic fount. You will remember that I often 'went into the
hills to pray.'“
The beloved Maha Chohan said, “I smile when I see the
mankind of Earth so intent upon travel and vacation, when
they may go into this inner realm on a breath and come
back more restored than any resort, physical sunshine or
water spa could manifest for them.
“Dear Children of my Heart, I implore you to enter deep,

deep, deep into the heart of the Silence and KNOW for your-
selves the fullness of life that is there for your health, en-
joyment, prosperity, and peace!”
Saint Germain added, “The upward-reaching of the out-
er consciousness through prayer, invocation, decree, visuali-
ITUAL EXERCISE, which should be consciously employed by
the students. The ACCEPTING of the energies invoked,
through controlled, receptive, alert vehicles COMPLETES THIS



Give your attention to your I AM Presence. Pour your

love and gratitude toward it. Ask the Presence to guide you
this day. Then give, with deep feeling, the following decrees:
1. In the name of my I AM Presence and in the name of
all mankind, I give now full authority for the Earth and all
world conditions to the beloved Ascended Masters Saint
Germain, El Morya and the Maha Chohan to bring into mani-
festation the divine plan fulfilled!
2. Beloved Mighty I AM Presence and beloved Archangel
Michael, intensify your protective pillar of pure light sub-
stance through and around me, charged with your invincible
protection, all-powerful and impenetrable.
3. Mighty I AM Presence, Angels of Blue Flame and be-
loved Ascended Lady Master Astrea, LOCK YOUR COSMIC
CIRCLE AND SWORD OF BLUE FLAME in, through and around

all of the causes and cores of misqualified energy around me

and all mankind. Seize and render this energy ineffective.
Illumine! (3) the source and see that this energy may not
encroach upon life any longer.
4. I AM the Law of Forgiveness for myself and all man-
kind for all mistakes, misqualified energy, and for straying
from the Light. (3)
5. Mighty I AM Presence, beloved Ascended Master Saint
Germain, Archangel Zadkiel and Amethyst, blaze through
and around me the Transmuting Violet Flame, thy Sacred
Fire. Purify and transmute all energy ever misqualified by
me. Keep this flame sustained and powerfully active.
6. Mighty I AM Presence, you direct my activity, world
and affairs! Take full command of me, guide and illumine me
every step of the way. See that I render the greatest service
possible. See in your wisdom that I make the ascension at
the close of this embodiment. I AM the ascension manifest-
ing! I thank you, beloved I AM.
Play keynote of an Ascended Master. Become still. Send
love and feelings of gratitude to one or more of the Ascend-
ed Masters, use his/her picture. CONTEMPLATE THE CON-
TER. Thank him for his assistance now and during the day.
Send love and gratitude to the angelic and elemental king-
dom, including your ministering angel and body elemental.
On the return current, accept the energies radiated to you.


Blest Violet Fire of Freedom's Love,

Oh, Blaze and Blaze and Blaze!
Blest Sacred Fire from God above,
All raise, all raise, all raise!
Descend! Defend! Transmute and dissolve!
Now free the Earth by fiery love!
Blest Violet Fire in Freedom's ways,
Oh, blaze and blaze and blaze!
Text and melody by a student


This is the day the Lord has made. It will be a day

where I will express the virtues of God in all of their beauty
and perfection.

I AM at one with the heart of God and I will construc-

tively qualify the life energy given to me today.

I AM at peace and I AM expressing full and perfect har-

mony, knowing that the Ascended Host will protect and
guide me and fulfill my every need.

I AM the mighty victorious Presence helping me to mani-

fest perfection in every situation I will be facing today.

I AM determined not to give attention and power to the

appearance world, and I will try to be porter at the door of
thought and feeling. I insist that man is potentially divine.
For all that which I AM ready to receive, I AM deeply grate-


I AM the Resurrection and the Life of my perfect health!

I AM the Resurrection and the Life of my limitless

strength and energy!

I AM the Resurrection and the Life of my limitless supply

of money and every good thing!

I AM the Resurrection and the Life of my divine plan ful-



I AM the victory of the expansion of Saint Germain's


Mighty I AM Presence, see that the books of the original

teachings of the Great White Brotherhood are translated into
foreign languages and distributed all over the world! See
that all who are ready to accept this beautiful teaching have
the opportunity to do so!

Mighty I AM Presence, beloved Ascended Masters Saint

Germain, El Morya and Pallas Athena (Goddess of Truth),
draw all to this teaching who can be benefited, and render
the service so necessary in this moment of crisis!


In the name, power and authority of the Mighty I AM

Presence, beloved Helios and Vesta, the Goddess of Light,
the Maha Chohan and the powers and Legions of Light
throughout infinity—

I invoke the Light of God that never fails and the cosmic
peace that passeth the understanding of the human mind.
Into every nation of the Earth, I command into action here
and now:



Give this decree 3 times. Then instead of “Light,” say

“Peace” and “Love.”

Lesson 6



The Angelic Kingdom .......................................... 114

The Evolution Of An Angel………………………… ........ 115
Archangels, Seraphim And Cherubim…………….. .... 117
The Ministrating Angel……………………………… ........ 119
To The Angels ………………………………………........... 124
The Elemental Kingdom……………………………. ........ 126
The Seven Elohim……………………………………. ........ 127
The Evolution Of An Elemental……………………. ...... 129
The Body Elemental………………………………… ......... 131
Man's Relationship With The Other Kingdoms…… .. 139


The angelic kingdom consists of archangels, seraphim,

cherubim, angel devas and angels.

Angels are wholly pure and perfect beings, growing in

size and capacity through service. Their service is to man-
kind, and it extends to an individual in embodiment as well
as out of embodiment (dwelling in heavenly realms).

Angels have golden or light-colored hair, and are ex-

tremely beautiful. They are imbued with a particular God-
virtue by a Divine Being, and they radiate that quality to a
person or condition that needs assistance. There are angels
of faith and protection, wisdom, divine love, purity, conse-
cration, healing, peace, invocation, Violet Flame, Blue Flame,
Pink Flame, and of the other God-virtues. They carry the
virtue of the being who created them.

May mankind some day know what the angels and the
devas have done in their conducting of the radiation of
heaven through the lower atmosphere of Earth, making the
very physical breath, breathed into the nostrils, life-giving
rather than filled with the actual poison which would destroy
the physical form!

As angels perform and manifest their divine plan, they

need not labor. They just shine. They are embodied obedi-
ence. In silent, willing, and joyful obedience, they respond
instantly to a call. Angels guard energy and radiate energy.
In guarding energy, they wrap their divine love around a
stream of energy, so that it does not dissipate, and so no
destructive force can use it. For example, ceremonial angels
collect and guard the energy that is constructively qualified

by the students at a class meeting.

Elementals create forms—angels vitalize the form

through feelings. While elementals respond and mirror the
THOUGHTS of mankind, angels respond to FEELINGS (emo-
tions). Unlike elementals, members of the angelic kingdom
do not take on and express human qualities when serving
mankind. However, when the discord is too great, they may
be unable to withstand the strain and hold their virtue, thus
becoming deficient in their radiation. Then they return to a
temple within the seven inner spheres, where they are re-
charged and imbued with the quality they are destined to


Angels evolve both through association with the ele-

mental kingdom and mankind. They also evolve through the
guarding and controlling of energy. Through such service,
angels may become cherubim, seraphim, archangels, and
finally, great beings who guard and protect planets, galaxies,
and large systems of worlds yet unborn.

The Archangel Jophiel works with the angelic kingdom in

his temple, where the smaller angels are taught how to draw
radiation, and how to radiate a feeling. The deva or teacher
in charge will radiate a feeling—perhaps of faith. The color
and power of this quality passes from his body and is in-
stantly re-created in the feeling worlds of the little angels
who disport themselves in it and absorb its quality and vir-
tue—and they are happy.

As they grow, they go a short distance from the temple

and the quality of the virtue they have absorbed passes from
their bodies without any restraint or control—making little
sparkles of light of the quality and color of the feeling. When
they learn to hold the virtue for a longer period of time, they
are then assigned to some deva or member of the angelic
kingdom who is about to proceed into the lower atmosphere
of Earth. They are asked to hold the quality (faith or what-
ever it is) WITHIN THEMSELVES until the angel points out
some lifestream on Earth in need of that quality, and then
directs them to pour it forth.
Sometimes they are able to hold the radiation, and
sometimes they are not able to do so, for they are in train-
ing. If they are able to follow through, they may come into
the atmosphere of a city, and the Silent Watcher of that city
will direct them to a home, where, perhaps a mother is
watching a sick child. The little angel is instructed to release
the quality (of faith) into the FEELING WORLD of the needy
one, and thus it renders the service for which it has come
The faith of the little angel is its gift to the human being,
and the human being feels the angel's presence in a surge
of new hope and confidence, but neither sees nor knows of
her little celestial visitor, for the little angel rushed back
quickly into the protective aura of its director—the whole
contingent speeding back to the sun or temple from which
they came forth. Thus do the little angels grow, until they
have enough control of energy to be given the care of a
home, a church, a hospital, or institution of some kind.
There they remain, drawing down the energy from the God-
head to bless their charges, weaving out of the energies of

the people whatever prayers or calls to God go forth.

On rare occasions, angels have taken embodiment.
Bound by the same laws as embodied mankind, the Bands of
Forgetfulness are placed around their consciousness, and
typically they do not remember that originally they belonged
to the angelic kingdom. Examples of embodied members of
this kingdom are beloved Serapis Bey, now Chohan of the
Fourth Ray, and beloved Mary, the mother of Jesus, the twin
ray of Archangel Raphael, now serving with Jesus as co-
hierarch of the Resurrection Temple.


The entire angelic host is under the direction of seven

great Archangels. After the Earth was created, the angelic
host was directed to guard and nourish the spiritual nature
of mankind, to radiate the seven God-qualities into the
evolving God-consciousness of mankind. This helps to devel-
op conscious mastery.
Archangels direct legions of angels. Each of the seven
Archangels embodies, guards and radiates the God-virtues
of one of the seven rays. To gain the ascension, the chela
must master these God-virtues of the seven rays.
The seven Archangels were the first to hold the offices
of the Chohans (Lords) of the Seven Rays of creative power.
They embody the FEELINGS of the Father-Mother God, as
the Elohim embody the MENTAL QUALITIES. At Saint Ger-
main's invitation, for the first time in centuries, the seven
Archangels came forth, giving discourses to the students of
the Bridge to Freedom in the 1950's.

The names of the Archangels and those of their Archaii

(divine complements) are:

Ray Archangel/Archaii
1 Michael Faith
2 Jophiel Constance
3 Chamuel Charity
4 Gabriel Hope
5 Raphael Mary
6 Uriel Donna Grace
7 Zadkiel Amethyst

The specific activities of each of the Archangels will be

discussed in the lesson on the seven rays.
The Seraphim are the guardians of the energies of
great beings, and are always active with the Elohim in the
building of planets and their spiritual centers. They also
serve as the messengers of the suns of a galaxy.
Seraphim move in groups of seven, in a V-formation.
When the seraphim move through the heavens or the
Earth's sphere, they emit a white light, and many a falling
star and shooting comet that has been recorded by science,
is but the speedy progression of a group of seraphim
through the upper atmosphere. Their height varies from six
to fourteen feet. Their faces and bodies are exquisitely
beautiful, and there is a line in the chin that denotes tre-
mendous strength and determination.
Cherubim, larger in size than angels, have the same
qualities, but they have greater responsibilities. Cherubim
stand guard and protect great streams of energy drawn by

Ascended and Cosmic Beings. They serve mostly at inner

levels. It is only in the last few years—because of the need
of the hour and “the great cosmic push” under which all
cosmic forces make a last, concentrated effort to wake up
mankind—that cherubim deal with and serve mankind. For
example, the Cherubim Lovelee came forth, guarding and
protecting the energies of the Bridge to Freedom dispensa-
Cherubim can become angel devas. There are angel de-
vas over hospitals and churches, guarding energies and giv-
ing assistance.


Those who have vowed to achieve their ascension in this

embodiment, have many beneficial helpers available, which,
if accepted and employed in love and gratitude, will assist
greatly in accomplishing this goal. One of those helpers,
provided by God in his infinite love for his children, is the
ministering angel, also sometimes called the “guardian an-
Millions of years ago, when we first took embodiment,
an angel volunteered to minister to us, to help us on our
journey, in our goal of expressing God in a sphere of lower
vibration, on a planet. This beautiful being has served our
very needs, embodiment after embodiment, in spite of our
transgressions and misqualification of energy. Is it not now
high time to acknowledge this unselfish service and to give
our boundless gratitude for this priceless gift, rendered for
aeons of time?

Prior to being joined with our individual lifestream, this

angel was trained at inner levels for this specific endeavor.
Therefore, our ministering angel is well acquainted with the
task of the individual—namely, to express the God-virtues of
the seven rays (which are the same as those of the seven
inner spheres, our previous schoolroom, which we passed
through before embodying on Earth).
Everyone on Earth, including all of the laggards, has
such a guardian angel. This angelic being has vowed to stay
with us until we have reached our ascension. Acknowledg-
ment, acceptance, gratitude, and conscious cooperation with
the ministering angels will not only help our spiritual devel-
opment, BUT THEIR EVOLUTION AS WELL! We do this by
stopping our activities a few times a day, pouring our grati-
tude to this selfless being, welcoming his service. In doing
this, the angel may assist us 24 hours a day, instead of just
during the night. Beloved Jesus, Mary, and Saint Germain
communed with their ministering angel, and were greatly
blessed by this relationship.
All ministering angels serve under Uriel, the Archangel of
Ministration. They have assisted each individual for millions
of years, and they continue to be trained and revitalized in
higher schoolrooms to assist us better.
We may express the God-virtues of the seven rays by
calling on the ministering angels to help us develop the fol-
lowing faculties:
1. The WILL AND DESIRE to serve God and all of his
2. The development of the DISCRIMINATING FACULTIES
AND WISDOM of the Second Ray; the PERCEPTION of recog-

nizing the highest level of truth, such as selecting between

different representations of Ascended Master teaching.
3. The drawing and holding of the feelings of DIVINE
4. The sustaining of the PURITY of the IMMACULATE
CONCEPT; seeing every creation of God the way God looks
upon it—pure and perfect, without discord; denying the dis-
harmony of the “appearance world.”
TION TO PERSEVERE. Ponder much upon the life of Jesus.
Think of how he exemplified the spirit of giving himself, at
all times. Ponder upon the life of holy Mary and see how
such a consecrated one has blessed all life by assisting in
the creation of the physical heart of each embodied
lifestream. Realize that there are virtues, talents and powers
God has loaned to you, for which you must one day render
an accounting . Decree that the way-showers of the race
shall not be guilty of the sins of omission in this crucial hour.
Here, the activities of re-consecration by the beloved Arch-
angel Raphael play such an important part in sustaining the
constancy of the ministering angel, keeping his feeling en-
6. The bringing forth of PEACE AND HEALING. These
ministering angels are natural conductors of both peace and
healing, but it is sometimes difficult to get mankind quiet
enough in their thoughts and feelings to receive these gifts.
Even when the physical body sleeps at night, the aura about
it is still swinging around—the soul is darting here and there
in various directions, always in search of some sort of happi-
ness. It is part of the service of this ministering angel to qui-

et the feelings, mind, memory and flesh body and bring

them peace.
7. Finally, the ministering angels are very powerfully
developed along the Ray of Invocation. Of course, they have
constant access to all the virtues of the Godhead and, be-
cause they have constantly the God-gift of inner sight, they
know just what is required by the lifestream whom they
have offered to serve. “Therefore, from time to time, as the
Cosmic Law permits (according to the karmic obligations of
the soul concerned), these angels do invoke the help of the
Ascended Beings and Powers of Light to draw the particular
assistance which that lifestream requires at the moment.” —
Archangel Uriel, September 27, 1957.
The ministering angel assists us at all times, during em-
bodiment and during the time period when we are not in
embodiment. It should be remembered that whenever our
feeling centers are active—and that occurs in a waking state,
in a dream state, or when not in embodiment—we are creat-
ing karma. The ministering angel is obligated to be with us
at all times, and offers assistance in direct proportion to the
assistance asked for and welcomed. This assistance is most-
ly in the form of projecting light rays clothed with a particu-
lar God-virtue. On occasion there are also feelings of warn-
ing, and prompting to the individual not to do a certain
Consciously endeavor to make friends with your angel of
ministration. When you do, you will find yourselves gradually
letting go of certain destructive habits which you have had
since birth in this embodiment—those habits sometimes go-
ing back in your lifestream for perhaps many, many centu-
ries. Then you will begin to come into that new era in your
life of more graceful living, where your Holy Christ Self will

be able to expand itself through you in youth, beauty, hon-

or, and dignity.
Beloved Archangel Raphael recently has said that the
habits and momentums of the ages have become very pow-
erful currents of energy—sometimes really “rivers” of force.
However, there is nothing more powerful in this universe
than the God-feelings of grace and peace. THE STRONGEST
HE WHO CANNOT HOLD THAT PEACE! So, never let it be said
in your presence that a peaceful person is a weak one. Not a
lethargic type, but a truly peaceful individual (like Gandhi,
for instance) is a power for God in this physical appearance
world. Beloved Raphael assists the ministering angel to re-
gain its balance of energy. Thus re-consecrated, the angel
returns to his service with renewed enthusiasm.
Remember! You have a personal ministering angel who
has been with you for many centuries. By your call to him,
let now this ministering angel daily anoint all your four lower
vehicles with his substance and feelings of divine love, light
and grace—thus helping you to hold sustained peace, re-
gardless of any human appearances or aggravations. Give
him your undivided attention for just a few moments each
day, during that time consciously accepting into your feel-
ings the help he wishes to give you.
Were it not for these transcendent beings of light and
love who have given themselves to mankind here, most
lifestreams would have completely destroyed themselves
long ere this! God bless the ministering angels, every
blessed one of them, and God bless our beloved Uriel and
Donna Grace for their sustaining power of love and grace for
all life.


Angels of love, angels of peace,

We send our call to thee.
Angels of beauty, angels of grace,
Come with perfection that sets all free.
Angels of Pink Flame, comfort and ease,
Angels that heal, to thee we sing.
Angels of kindness and happiness,
We accept the gifts that you bring.

Angels of wisdom, angels of truth,

We send our call to thee.
Angels of victory, angels of joy,
Come with perfection that sets all free.
Angels of Gold Flame—illumination too,
Angels that bless, to thee we sing.
Angels of balance and mastery,
We accept the gifts that you bring.

Angels of faith, angels of power,

We send our call to thee.
Angels of courage, angels of strength
Come with protection that sets all free.
Angels of Blue Flame, goodwill and health,
Angels that guard, to thee we sing.
Angels of service and unity,
We accept the gifts that you bring.

Angels of freedom, angels of love,

We send our call to thee.
Angels of mercy, angels of poise,
Come with perfection that sets all free.
Angels of Violet Transmuting Flame,
Angels that forgive, to thee we sing.
Angels of justice and God-success,
We accept the gifts that you bring.

Angels of life, angels of heaven,

We send our call to thee.
Angels of Green Flame, Ruby and Gold,
Come with perfection that sets all free.
Angels of White Fire—purity too,
Angels that raise, to thee we sing.
Angels of God's Ascension Flame,
We accept the gifts that you bring.

Melody and text by a student



When the Earth was first created, it was made beautiful

by the nature kingdom. Under the supervision of beloved
Virgo (Director of the Earth Element), Amaryllis, the Goddess
of Spring, and the Maha Chohan (great Lord of Rays), beau-
tiful flowers, shrubs and trees were brought forth. Mighty
Neptune (Director of the Water Element) created the crystal-
clear waters; beloved Aries (Director of the Air Element)
brought forth the air which the children of the Earth breathe.
The angels came as guardians of the God-virtues, and the
divine plan was for the three kingdoms—the elemental, an-
gelic, and human kingdoms—to serve together, each one
evolving ever upward into greater perfection.
Elementals were created to SERVE MANKIND THROUGH
THEIR OWN PARTICULAR ELEMENT; the salamanders through
fire; the undines through water; the sylphs and fairies
through the air, and the gnomes through the earth element.
Some are called nature spirits and nature devas. Elementals
are the workers of nature.
It is through the effects and use of their life that these
little beings supply man with the garments of flesh which
they wear, the water they drink, the food so abundantly
supplied, the air they breathe, and everything required to
sustain him on the Earth. The divine plan was for man to be
served in love and in turn mankind was to pour love and
gratitude and blessings back to the elemental kingdom.
If you were to stand an elemental, a man and an angel
before the chalice on your altar, this is how it would appear
to each consciousness: the elemental would see all of his
little friends right in the glass that makes up that form—their

shining faces, their tiny bodies sustaining the outline of the

cup and the stem; the man would see the glass and judge
its worth, wondering if it were crystal or otherwise, and the
angel would see the powers of the Sacred Fire, drawn by
your invocation and decrees, flowing through the cup. The
activities of all three kingdoms are necessary to have a per-
fect manifestation in this world of form.
Earth represents the density—the physical body, the
form. Water represents the emotional body. Water is the
greater part of the Earth; the emotional body encompasses
the greater part of your energy. Air is your freedom; fire is
the power of purification and immortality.

Young children often see and even play with fairies and
other beings of the elements, for which (if they let it be
known) they are usually chastised by their parents and oth-

Elementals range in size from less than one-eights of an

inch to eighty feet. There are some large undines of that
size in the oceans. Elementals, in their natural state, act only
in divine love . Their nature is to mimic or outpicture that
which they see. They are primarily mental beings (el-e-
mental meaning “mind of God”).


The seven Elohim are mighty beings of love and light

who responded to the invitation of the Sun of this system
and offered to help to manifest the divine idea for this sys-
tem, created in the minds and hearts of our beloved Helios
and Vesta, God and Goddess of our physical Sun, itself.

Through ages of time, the Elohim have learned how to suc-

cessfully use the creative powers of thought, feeling, spoken
word and action, as God intended them to be used from the
beginning. In a cooperative endeavor, the Elohim drew forth
our entire system in perfect manifestation, of which system
the Earth is just one small planet.

Great nature devas serve with the seven Elohim to cre-

ate and sustain the beauty of nature.

The seven Elohim represent the mental activities and

qualities of the Creator. A tiny flame from each of their
lifestreams is anchored in the forehead of every individual
embodying on Earth. Through this sevenfold flame the Elo-
him extend their faculties and consciousness to every
lifestream. This assists in holding a balance and fulfilling the
divine plan in the outer world.

The seven Elohim and their twin rays or divine comple-


Ray Masculine Aspect Feminine Aspect

1 Hercules Amazon
2 Cassiopea Minerva
3 Orion Angelica
4 Elohim of Purity, Claire Astrea
5 Vista Crystal
6 Elohim of Peace, Tranquility Pacifica
7 Arcturus Diana


The elemental kingdom evolves from the tiniest intelli-

gence into builders of form, nature devas, Elohim, Silent
Watchers, and Directors of Elemental Life (air, water, earth
and fire). The builders of form may create the bodies of
mankind. They perform this service together with beloved
Mary (mother of Jesus), who forms the heart. Nature devas
may supervise the creation of a garden and mountains, val-
leys, and lakes. Elohim create the planets of a galaxy. Silent
Watchers may guard the original blueprint for an entire
planet or a galaxy. The Maha Chohan works closely with the
elemental kingdom.
The training of elementals starts in nature temples un-
der the supervision of nature devas. They gather together
and the deva creates out of his own light body a beautiful
blossom or some other design such as a blade of grass or a
snowflake. Then all the little elementals in the class endeav-
or to embody a form just like it. They try to imitate that fig-
ure in shape, color, and design.
Here the elementals learn to master all of the qualities
associated with creation—the motive and WILL TO MANI-
FEST, the PERCEPTION of how to do it, the LOVE for the en-
deavor, maintaining the clarity of the original design, the
consecration and concentration to carry it through, THE
RHYTHM OF APPLICATION, (the willingness to manifest that
design over and over again) and finally, the ability to EN-

At first, the elementals are only able to hold the picture

for a second or two, but finally they can embody that form.
If it is an apple blossom, the teacher in that temple notifies

the nature devas that there is a group of elementals ready

to become the blossoms on an apple tree in someone's or-
It sounds simple, and yet it takes centuries of training
and self-control, not only on the part of the elementals, but
of the teacher as well. But finally you have a lovely pink and
white spring. The apple blossoms smell so sweet and people
enjoy walking under them. The farmer has hope of a good
crop in the autumn. The bees are happy as they make their
honey, and the elemental is happy because he has fulfilled
his purpose. Then, the short season completed, the blossom
falls and the elemental returns home for commendation, for
rest, and for re-assignment.

When the elemental is ready for a larger responsibility,

such as being a nature deva, he may direct several elemen-
tals bringing forth, for example, a beautiful garden.

Some elementals graduate into greater service and be-

come devas who watch over an entire nation. A few elemen-
tals are chosen to work directly with the Maha Chohan. In
this association they learn how to draw and direct those
magnificent currents which govern all nature. This training
enables some elementals to apply for the position of an Elo-
him. The Elohim, in a joint, cooperative action, create the
planets of an entire galaxy.


Function and Purpose

Before taking his first embodiment on Earth, each indi-

vidual was called before the Karmic Board. In a solemn cer-
emony, he was joined with an elemental being, called a
“body elemental.” At this ceremony, the body elemental as-
sumed the obligation to stay with the particular lifestream
during each successive embodiment until the individual
reached the ascension. It is the purpose of the body ele-

1) to cooperate with the Christ Self and other elemen-

tals, called “builders of form,” in the creation of the physical
body from the moment of conception to full growth;
2) to perform certain “involuntary functions” of the
physical body, such as breathing, and
3) to keep at all times the physical body as well as the
etheric, mental and emotional bodies in a good state of re-
pair, and, in all ways, to make the physical body a habitable


The pure electronic light substance and the forces of the

elements were given into the keeping of the body elemental,
who was allowed to look upon the perfection of the Christ
Self, which was to be the pattern it would build with the
substance of the physical realm.

Between embodiments, the evolving soul (individual

functioning in the etheric body) was allowed to sojourn in

whatever realm or sphere it earned the right to inhabit

through its use of energy in the Earth life, and the elemental
was freed from it to enjoy a certain freedom in the ele-
mental kingdom and to rest for the next service, when the
soul was again called for a new embodiment.
Each individual has its strength in a certain sphere. The
body elemental was chosen from the same sphere as the
individual. For example, if the individual, through his prior
training (called “Journey Through the Seven Spheres”),
dwelled the longest in, say, the Fifth Sphere, then the body
elemental was also chosen from this sphere.
The training of the body elemental occurred at inner
levels. Several elementals were trained to draw universal
light substance and to follow a pattern, to create a flame
flower or some simple manifestation of nature. The length of
time that the elemental could hold the pattern in his con-
sciousness determined the duration of the manifest form. As
these potential builders of form increased in their capacity to
hold the pattern received by them from the great nature
devas, they worked up the ladder of evolution to a point
where they might be entrusted to build the temple (body)
which would house the presence of God.

The Garden of Eden

At first, the creation of the body was a joyous and happy

experience. After the Presence projected the Immortal
Flame into the airless cell, the body elemental drew the nec-
essary elements and re-created, almost perfectly, the design
and pattern of the Holy Christ Self. The flesh forms of those

early ages were beautiful beyond words to describe, and

truly a golden age of beauty prevailed. The etheric body was
the pattern which the elemental used, for this finer body
outpictured the full glory of the Holy Christ Self, and it was
easy for the elemental to have reference to this pattern from
time to time. The elemental took up abode within the temple
which it had built, and like a housekeeper or a caretaker,
maintained the functions which kept the body in workable
order (repairing, fueling, etc.),and the association between
the dweller and the elemental was a happy one.

The Fall of Man

When man began to experiment with the use of energy,

and to build into his etheric body certain distortions of form
and impurities of essence, the body elemental became con-
fused because the pattern was distorted. According to its
basic characteristic, which is to MANIFEST THAT FORM UPON
WHICH ITS ATTENTION RESTS, it obediently began to copy
and build the distortions into the flesh form.

After centuries of endeavor to reproduce the Holy Christ

Self through the substance provided by the lifestream in the
etheric body, and the tremendous added strain of working
against the appetites and passions which the individual de-
veloped when it fell from purity and grace, the body ele-
mental soon developed an antipathy for the lifestream with
which it was forced to work. Thus, the body elemental was
no longer a cooperative, loving helper, but often blocked the
projects and designs of the individual.

When the Lords of Karma called the incarnating

lifestream again, it usually appeared within its etheric body,
wherein is recorded all the experiences passed through, not
only on Earth, but in the inner realms between embodi-
ments. If individuals are to render greater service to life, the
Lords of Karma will often allow the devic builders of form to
give additional training to the body elemental by drawing it
into a higher sphere of activity at inner levels, before the
soul is summoned for incarnation. The pattern for the new
body is determined by “karma,” and the new body's appear-
ance, comfort, and effectiveness to the soul is determined
by that which the soul has earned in past lives. Therefore,
this limits the incoming lifestream's choice of garments. If
many of the etheric records are of a destructive nature, this
will cause a distortion of the physical form.
The body elemental is also called at this time, and there
is often quite a “scene,” because the elemental rightfully
objects to using its energy to mould and form a body as dis-
torted as the etheric body of its partner on this long journey.
The Christ Self of the lifestream is also in attendance, and
the body elemental is soothed by its presence and offer of
support. Then the substance which the soul has charged
with his energy—pure or otherwise—is given to the body
elemental to weave into the new physical form. Here again,
it is very reluctant to take such impure substance, and
wherever possible, it saves the “best” of the elements for
the outside, and puts the impure substance inside the form.
If, in the subsequent embodiment the individual's life-
style further abuses his four lower bodies through wrong
foods (meat, excess sugar and salt), bad habits (smoking,
alcoholic drinks, habit-forming drugs), disharmonious

thoughts, feelings and actions, the body elemental finds it-

self continuously opposed in its endeavors to copy and out-
picture the perfection of the Christ Self. The relationship of
the individual with the body elemental may deteriorate to
the point where the elemental becomes openly antagonistic.
This may result in the early disintegration of the functions of
the physical body, resulting in diseases such as the onset of

Needed Cooperation With The Body Elemental

Great love, gratitude and understanding to your own

body elemental creates an affinity between it and the physi-
cal form.

Remember, the body elemental beats one's own heart,

activates one's nervous system and takes care of the proper
functions of the organs of the physical form, and is usually
condemned when any portion of the physical vehicle ceases
to function properly. The truth is, that the destructive use of
free will by the uncontrolled emotional, mental, etheric and
physical vehicles of the soul, creates the chaos in the physi-
cal vehicle, and the body elemental, itself, serves constantly
to repair such damage.

When the individual comes to a point of understanding,

and endeavors to abide by the laws of purity and abstinence
from those activities which break down the structure of the
physical form, there is the beginning of a new association
and friendship between the individual and the body ele-
mental. This, however, is not built up in the matter of an
instant, for centuries of abuse and careless use of the tem-

ple, created and sustained by this elemental, is not easily

forgotten. Then, too, the body elemental must wait for the
purification of the etheric envelope, which forms its pattern.
When this etheric body has been held in the Sacred Fire of
the Violet Flame, and resumes its light pattern of the Christ
Self, the body elemental can quickly outpicture this in the

Remember, the very substance that makes up the physi-

cal form, woven from the etheric body, has been used over
and over in successive embodiments, and this, too, requires
purification in order to raise in vibratory action and emit
light. You will see, therefore, the necessity for the use of the
Violet Flame and the action of the Cosmic Flame of Purity.
When this is understood and conscientiously applied, we
shall have again some of those “bodies enduring” that are
absolutely non-recordant to disease, disintegration, and fi-
nally, death.

The Maha Chohan has said, “Peace, unity, harmony and

understanding among one's own members (body, mind,
soul, personality, and God-self) are essential to equanimity
and progress on the path. To fight the body elemental is
useless; to pamper it, is to lose it. To become acquainted

The Preparation By The Expectant Mother

Most individuals who are about to become parents do

not understand the intricate process of creation, and leave
this up to the body elemental and the builders of form.

However, conscious cooperation with the body elemental

and the builder of form goes a long way in the creation of
the developing physical body into an instrument of perfec-
tion. If mothers could come to an understanding of the vital
role they play in the actual forming of the nature of the
child, the human race could be redeemed much more rapid-
ly. This is done by keeping the mind upon clean and pure
and beautiful thoughts, washing memories of the impurities
of the past, by holding the etheric body in the Sacred Fire of
the Violet Flame, and by keeping their own physical bodies
as temples of the Most High Living God!

Two thousand years ago, beloved Mother Mary held the

“Immaculate Concept” for the incoming lifestream, Jesus,
and she has offered to hold this picture of God's perfect cre-
ation for all mothers who ask her to do so. Visualizing the
Luminous Presence of Mary will help.

Suggested Meditation and Decree

1. Rest your attention on your I AM Presence and your

body elemental. Pour your love and gratitude to this blessed
friend, who has been with you during all of your former em-
bodiments, and who has taken the vow to be with you until
your ascension.

2. Call on the Law of Forgiveness for all the wrong you

have done, which has hurt your relationship with the body
elemental. Now call on the Violet Flame to cleanse your
etheric body, to remove the causes, cores and effects of
past wrong thoughts, feelings, and action. (This will give the
body elemental a more perfect pattern to work with).


Mighty I AM Presence, beloved Maha Chohan and be-

loved Ascended Lady Master Mary:

Bless my body elemental for its service to me. At the

close of my Earth span set it ever free. Without its loving
presence I would not even be. Blessed body elemental AS-

Beloved I AM! (3)

By God's own hand! (3)
I now command! (3)
Do it today! (3)
Do it to stay! (3)


Originally the Earth was created of pure substance, not

so dense as it is now; there were more translucent and radi-
ating, iridescent colors. As the discord of mankind increased,
the substance of Earth became soiled and more dense and
dark. That is why earth or ground is called soil.

Nature never produced anything that would be destruc-

tive to mankind, but as it is the duty of the elemental life to
obey the commands of individuals endowed with the Three-
fold Flame in their hearts, they have been absorbing man-
kind's discordant thoughts and feelings. This has caused tor-
nadoes, hurricanes, tidal waves, earthquakes, and disasters
of nature—which is merely an endeavor by the beings of
these elements to throw off the impurity and discord which
man has imposed upon them for millions of years.

The waste matter that has been put into the earth and
the waters, and the impure energy that goes into the air,
has caused a pressure of human creation, not only on man,
but on the elemental kingdom. The destructive activities of
nature can be controlled by mankind who understand the
Law and understand how to make the call to release the
elemental beings from the discord imposed upon them. One
can call to the I AM Presence and to the Masters or Beings in
charge of that element and who govern such activities, to
direct into and enfold the conditions in their cosmic flame
and transmute all discord, and flood them with cosmic love.
Then visualize the Violet Flame going forth from your Pres-
ence and the Great Beings transmuting the discord into
peace and harmony. Next see the Pink Flame of Love enfold
the beings of the elements, making them again happy and

In case of fire, call on your I AM Presence and beloved

Ascended Master Nada, to pour her radiance over the fire.
Visualize this radiance as a pink blanket. One can also call
on Oromasis, Prince of the Fire Element.
Wise is he who will earnestly endeavor to purify his own
world and make friends with the little beings of nature, pour-
ing love, gratitude, and blessings to these beings, who so
ceaselessly and selflessly serve mankind—if he wishes pro-
tection in times of crises.
Within man is the kingdom of the mind, where the ele-
mentals—responding to his thought—become the form
which he holds in his mind. Within man is also the emotional
world which is the kingdom of the angels, to which they re-
spond, amplifying every virtue, every tiny pulsation of hope,
purity, peace, love, or kindness generated within the feel-
ings. The MIND is the magnetic center for the elemental
kingdom; the FEELING WORLD is the magnetic center for the
angelic kingdom. Within mankind, one day, both shall be
blended consciously, and man will be master through con-
trolled energy in the feelings, coupled with definitely di-
rected thought, to be a “bridge” between the two great
kingdoms, and these three kingdoms will again unite in wor-
ship, in service, in evolution, and in God-happiness, for eter-
The elemental kingdom must learn control of energy
through thought, to hold a constructive pattern and design
so that you and all people may enjoy the perfection de-
signed in the nature temples. The angelic kingdom must
learn control of the feelings , to hold within themselves the
virtue they have chosen, until directed to release it to one in

It is time that mankind recognize this service and send

to both the elemental kingdom and the angelic kingdom the
recognition and love which they deserve for their constant
service to mankind. Without the elemental kingdom, there
would be no form. Without the angelic kingdom, man could
not draw the blessings of God.

The Electronic Pattern of Ascended Master Saint Germain

Saint Germain's lifestream is the Maltese Cross of Free-

dom—the perpendicular bar reaching upward into the spir-
itual spheres and drawing the power of the Sacred Fire
through his body into the Earth and anchoring it there for
the redemption of the planet and its people, the cross bar
representing his outstretched arms joining the angelic and
elemental kingdoms to the human evolution to serve in
beautiful, harmonious cooperation.

Under the leadership of beloved Saint Germain, In the

coming golden age, a divine brotherhood, combining the
energies of the angelic, human and elemental kingdoms, is
pre-ordained as the natural expression of unity, harmony
and loving cooperation among the evolutions finding hospi-
tality and opportunity in the Earth's atmosphere.

Lesson 7


Table of Contents
The First Golden Ages………………………………….. ......... 143
Man’s Advent On Earth………………………………… .......... 143
THE GARDEN OF EDEN……………………………….. ........... 144
Man In The Garden Of Eden……………………… ........ 144
Religious Life………………………………………… ........... 146
Individual Re-Embodiment………………………… ........ 148
Climate And Surrounding………………………….. ........ 149
THE FALL OF MAN……………………………………….. .......... 150
The Laggards………………………………………… .......... 150
Consequences Of The Fall…………………………. ....... 152
Effect On The Earth’s Surface……………………… ...... 154
THE LEMURIAN AGE……………………………………............ 154
The Sinking Of Lemuria……………………………. ........ 155
THE ATLANTEAN AGE…………………………………… ......... 156
Size And Location Of Atlantis………………………. ...... 156
Atlantean Age Civilizations………………………… ........ 157
The Sahara Civilization…………………………….. ........ 159
The Poseidonis Civilization………………………. .......... 160
The Breakup Of The Atlantean Continent………… ... 160
The Exodus…………………………………………… .......... 162


This lesson presents a brief summary of mankind's histo-

ry during the Lemurian and Atlantean Age. The main pur-
pose of this lesson is to illustrate that when mankind quali-
fied God-energy in a constructive way, the civilization
reached a high state of accomplishment. However, when
mankind at large did not listen to the still, small voice within,
and the priesthood became spiritually arrogant, this attitude
resulted in the downfall of the civilization, accompanied, very
often, by cataclysmic action.
According to the Masters, we are today literally sitting
on a powder keg. Hopefully the lessons learned from the
history of the Lemurian and Atlantean civilizations will be
taken seriously. While it may be impossible to prevent all
natural disasters, there is still hope that the extent of the
catastrophes can be lessened and much suffering be miti-
gated. Fortunately, it does not take many students to ac-
complish that. Quality of consciousness and the humble, sin-
cere desire and commitment to the cause of the Great White
Brotherhood is most important.


Man's Advent on Earth
About 4,500,000 years ago, on the twenty-first of March,
at the beginning of the spring solstice, Helios and Vesta
chose to bring down for embodiment on Earth, the first sub-
race of the first root race. Present, besides the members of
the first root race, were Helios and Vesta, members of the
angelic kingdom, including Archangel Michael, the directors

of the earth, water, and air elements, namely Virgo, Nep-

tune and Aries, the Maha Chohan, the Manu of the first root
race, and guardian spirits. Among the guardian spirits pre-
sent were Sanat Kumara, an Ascended Being from Venus,
and Zarathustra, a being from the Central Sun, representing
the fire element.
A gigantic light ray was projected from the sun, and the
majestic descent to the Earth began. Archangel Michael was
the first to touch the surface of the Earth. He vowed that he
would give assistance to all mankind, until the last lifestream
gained his ascension. Then the Maha Chohan established the
Comfort Flame.

The descent occurred in the vicinity of the Teton Moun-

tains (Wyoming). This Rocky Mountain Retreat is the most
ancient focus of the Ascended Masters upon the Earth. It is
also called the Temple of Precipitation. Precipitation means
“going forth,” and this refers to man's advent on Earth.
From here, the newborn men went north, east, south and
west to carry the Light of God to the four corners of the


Man in the Garden of Eden

“And God saw everything that he had made and behold,

it was very good.” (Genesis 1:31). This account refers to the
first two Golden Ages and the first three root races, during
which time there was no imperfection. Mankind lived in the
Garden of Eden, E-Don meaning obedience to divine wis-
dom, the all-knowing activity of consciousness. During this

time period, no lifestream used energy to create a discord-

ant vibration. The earth was as harmonious as heaven. Each
individual was part of a great symphony, and in complete
obedience to his Christ Self and his I AM Presence. Each
one's inner bodies were vibrating in perfect harmony. Man-
kind's attention rested upon the things above, not upon
things of the Earth.

We may ask, “What was man's appearance at this time?

Since the vibrations of his garments were much higher than
the garments of today, man's physical body at this time was
of lesser density, and could be compared to our present
etheric body, which is of vapor-like substance.

During this Golden Age, man's bodies were luminous. As

far as the hands could reach, there was a self-luminous ra-
diance, visible to the outer sight of everyone. No deception
was possible because the color of the radiance showed
thought and feeling. Mankind looked as our Christ Self looks
today. Since the luminosity of the electrons shone through
the outer garment, no artificial lighting was required. Day
and night, as we experience them today, were unknown.

The blazing sphere of pure white light formed a natural

armor of protection, keeping out rates of vibration that did
not belong to the perfection of the Presence.

This was a period of time when everyone could see his

own I AM Presence, and walked and talked with the angels
and Ascended Beings. There was no veil between them.

Through the power of thought and feeling, men de-

signed and precipitated the requirement of the moment,
whether it was food, clothing, shelter, or lovely temples.

Through the power of feeling, man energized thoughtforms

by using universal light substance. All that was drawn forth
was used for the good of the whole. Every man, woman and
child was about the Father's business. All were interested
only in widening the borders of the kingdom, by coalescing
into form the divine ideas which daily passed from the I AM
Presence of each individual into his outer consciousness,
through the silver cord. Each lifestream was like a fountain,
drawing forth new ideas from the Presence, coalescing
around himself elemental substance, which responded in-
stantly to his call, since he was a co-creator with God.
So many magnificent ideas poured forth in one day, that
the outer self could not fulfill them all. The outer self then
chose those ideas which would be of the greatest blessing to
the universe.
Whatever man did in those early ages, he did well and in
great detail. Many hours, months, or even a lifetime, was
spent in carving out one figure or weaving one rug.
Those were days of great happiness and beauty, and
there existed only perfection in every avenue of life. The
“curse of Cain” (labor by the sweat of the brow), disintegra-
tion, and death were unknown.


Education, science, and religion were not thought of as

separate subjects. There was only one subject, namely, God
and his ideas. The glory of the One was manifested in all
walks of life.
Certain lifestreams, utilizing their individuality, became

specialists, and entered the priesthood. They were trained in

temples to become experts in precipitation, education and
healing. Whenever mankind felt depleted in one quality or
another, they visited these temples and were revitalized.

The Temple of Illumined Faith was located near Banff,

British Columbia. It was originally carved out of a mountain.
Lord Michael served here, and his wise counsel was lovingly
obeyed. People came individually and in groups to absorb
the consciousness of absolute faith in God's goodness.

The Freedom Flame was kept at the Freedom Temple,

and served to accelerate the externalization of the individu-
al's divine plan, thereby hastening his development. The
Freedom Flame (purple in color), is an activity of the Sev-
enth Ray.

Pallas Athena, Goddess of Truth, was High Priestess at

the Temple of Truth. The pilgrims would visit her to gain
from the magnetizing effect of the green Flame of Truth.

Other guardian spirits, among them the Great Divine Di-

rector, Lanto, Surya, and Kwan Yin, together with the angel-
ic host, walked and talked with the members of the first
three root races on a daily basis.

The seven Archangels held the offices of the seven Cho-

hans. Chohan means “Lord of the Ray.” Each Chohan was,
and to this day is, responsible for one ray. The Maha Chohan
(great Lord of Rays) was, and is, in charge of the seven

Archangel Jophiel was the first World Teacher.



During the first two Golden Ages, the physical bodies for
new Earth inhabitants were created by the parents by means
of light rays. Through the projection of two rays (one of a
masculine and one of a feminine being), a new body was
created at the point where the rays crossed. This body was
formed to full stature; infancy was unknown. Then the in-
coming lifestream took possession of the newly-created
form. Each individual life span lasted for hundreds of years,
since the vibration of each electron, atom, and cell was held
in harmony with the Presence.
Toward the end of an embodiment, the individual in-
formed his relatives and friends of his coming transition.
Then he searched for new parents, and, having their con-
sent, left with them some of his earthly possessions, such as
books and research papers.
Now the individual stepped into the Transmuting Violet
Flame, which was anchored and maintained by the priest-
hood in a temple. The flame instantly etherealized the physi-
cal form, and the elements returned to be universal life sub-
stance. The lifestream's memory record, also called the soul,
entered inner realms for a time and was drawn back later at
a self-chosen time by the individual. This way, he obtained
the full memory of his past life or lives. He was then ready
for another embodiment, and for renewed opportunity for
growth and fulfillment of his divine plan.
A minimum of seven embodiments, one for each ray,
was necessary to gain the ascension. This process occurred
without interruption during the first two Golden Ages,
whereby the first three root races flourished, and all mem-
bers of these root races gained their ascension.


During the first two Golden Ages, mankind enjoyed a

semi-tropical, even climate. There were no storms and ad-
verse weather conditions to combat. Also, there was perfect
harmony and rhythm in the change of the seasons. The four
seasons served to give variation in color and design, as well
as variations in types of harvest.

Lush foliage covered the ground; there were no weeds,

bugs, insects, vermin, or diseases. Also, no volcanoes were
present. All volcanic action is due to the antipathy between
elementals and mankind, whom they had come in such love
to serve.

Animals, as we know them today, were not yet in exist-

ence. They only began to appear after humanity had gener-
ated the discord that followed the first two Golden Ages.
Birds, however, fall under a separate category. They were
created by Ascended Beings as messengers to mankind.
Some did later take on some human qualities, which ac-
counts for their destructive activities.

In the first two Golden Ages, the landed surfaces were

connected all around the Earth. There were oceans, as well.
No icecaps were present. The latter were caused by man-
kind's coldness and bitterness, and they will disappear when
mankind radiates more love. The name of one of the conti-
nents in existence at that time was Lemuria, also called Mu.

The surface of the Earth was white, like alabaster or

white quartz, radiating iridescent colors of the rainbow.
There were rivers, waterfalls, lakes, oceans, trees and other
vegetation, and mountains.


The Laggards

It was during the incoming of the fourth root race, that

a cosmic council convened, whose decision changed drasti-
cally the course for all evolutions of Earth's mankind, guardi-
an spirits, angels, and elementals.
This council, attended by the Spiritual Hierarchy of the
Earth, was called to decide what to do with billions of
lifestreams. These lifestreams were of insufficient spiritual
development to earn continued habitation upon their own
planet. They refused to go along with the divine plan. They
were complacent in their thoughts and feelings, and lagged
behind in their natural process of evolution. Hence, they
were not qualified to move forward with their planet. Those
individuals were referred to by the Masters as “laggards.”
It was then that the Hierarchy of Earth, as an act of
mercy, offered the Earth as a planetary home to help the
laggards complete their evolution. Conditions on this planet
were still perfect and harmonious, yet compared to other
planets, its vibratory rate was slightly slower. It was hoped
that the laggards would be guided by the purity and perfec-
tion of the thoughts and feelings of the people of the Earth,
and by holding to this example, they would gradually trans-
mute their karma. The high priests and guardian spirits were
informed of the coming of the laggards; the remainder of
mankind was unaware of the event. For one hundred years
the high priests attempted, through decreeing, to establish a
shield around the Earth's lifestreams to prevent their con-
tamination by the laggards.
What did the laggards look like after they came to

Earth? Tied now to the same laws which applied to the re-
mainder of mankind on Earth, they were provided with simi-
lar bodies, and therefore were not distinguishable from the
The chief faults of the laggards were arrogance, rebel-
lion, resistance to progress, stubbornness, and resentment
toward change. Naturally, they brought these qualities with
them. The impure thoughtforms of the laggards spread into
Earth's atmosphere like smog. It was the beginning of the
“mist” the Bible talks about (“and a mist arose and covered
the whole ground,” Genesis, 2:6).

In time, the people of Earth succumbed to the subtle

temptation of curiosity. They tuned into the impure thought-
forms of the laggards, and started to play with them. This
experimentation with the misuse of free will caused what is
known as the “fall of man.” Mankind started to listen to the
“wrong crowd.” Independent of God-direction, mankind de-
liberately chose to experiment with impurity. This way man's
attention no longer rested exclusively on his inner Presence,
the director of his life-activity. Man became sense-conscious,
instead of God-conscious, and so, according to Cosmic Law,
manifested that upon which his attention was directed and
which he thought about most. He deliberately and con-
sciously turned his back upon the perfection and dominion
with which the Father endowed him from the beginning.

When the mist first appeared, it was like a local wisp of

smoke. Later, as the ages passed, it became an increasing
fog, that gradually shut away the visible presence of the As-
cended Host.

Thus, the glory of perfection of the first two Golden Ag-


es came to an end. Later on, when the Atlantean culture

flourished, there were other Golden Ages, during which the
veil between the Ascended Host and mankind was partially
rent; however, the perfection of the first two Golden Ages
was unique and was never quite matched. The Masters as-
sured the students that it is possible for us to rent the veil
again, and that man once more may be able to walk and talk
with the Ascended Host and the angels.

Consequences Of The “Fall”

The Masters stated that the “fall of man” occurred on

today's Australia and New Zealand. At that time, these coun-
tries were part of the gigantic continent of Mu, which cov-
ered a large part of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. It was
here that slander and gossip first began the weave of the

We know that under perfect conditions, it takes a cycle

of 14,000 years for one root race to make the ascension.
Since the first three root races made their ascension at the
appointed time, and it was during the evolution of the fourth
root race that disharmony first appeared, we may say that
the fall of man first occurred about 50,000 years after man
first embodied on Earth.

After the arrival of the laggards, the priesthood split into

two factions. Rather than listening to the plan devised by the
Hierarchy, one section of the priesthood attempted to re-
move the laggards from the Earth through repeated invoca-
tions. One Ascended Master explained the senselessness of
this operation. Even if the attempt would have succeeded,

the laggards, bound to the Laws for the Earth just as the
original races were, would have had to come before the
Karmic Board and would have necessarily had to re-enter
the Earth. Therefore, no permanent removal would have
been possible. The dictations seem to suggest that the other
faction of the priesthood accepted the laggards, refusing to
rebel against the plan of the Hierarchy.
The “fall of man” into a lower vibratory level caused
great changes in mankind's bodily structure. The form grew
more dense, and creation by light-rays came to an end. Also,
the I AM Presence, the focus of light and life in the heart
center, began to decrease in size and influence. Fear, for the
first time, registered in the etheric body, and the soul was
born. The soul may be called the accumulated records from
the experimental use of life. This soul, dwelling in the etheric
body, later influenced each personality in each succeeding
embodiment. The soul has to be redeemed through con-
structively-qualified energy until there are no longer two—
the soul and divine consciousness—but rather, God alone.
Re-acquiring this God-consciousness is the need of the hour.
It is “the second coming of the Christ.”
The growing density of the physical body caused chang-
es in man's bodily form, and for the first time man experi-
enced the present form of birth.
The veil, once it was in total effect, shut off the visible
presence of the Divine Beings; also, the music of the
spheres could no longer be heard. The outer consciousness
was left in confusion, groping in darkness. Commencing with
the “fall,” very few individuals gained their ascension. Nearly
everybody, through the misuse of energy, acquired karma,
and this way became tied to the wheel of birth and rebirth.

Effect On The Surface Of The Earth

Before the “fall,” the pigment of the Earth's surface was

an alabaster color. After the “fall,” the pigment started
changing, and the grays and browns appeared. It took a
long time before black and red appeared (here we are talk-
ing about fire-engine red). It was not until 80,000 years ago
that these colors manifested.

The discord of mankind created, in some instances, so

much disharmony, that the nature kingdom refused to con-
tinue doing its part in adorning the earth with foliage. As a
result, the first barren wastelands and deserts appeared.

Man's misqualified energy brought about gas-belts, sub-

terranean pressure chambers, which, under certain condi-
tions, result in earthquakes and volcanic action.


(4,500,000 B.C. TO 200,000 B.C.)
The Size and Location of Lemuria

From the very beginning, there were always several con-

tinents in existence upon the Earth's surface. So, when we
talk about a “Lemurian Age,” this does not mean that the
continent of Lemuria (sometimes called Mu), existed by it-
self. The reason we connect a particular age to a specific
continent is, that during that particular time, its inhabitants
were leaders in terms of knowledge and application of Cos-
mic Law and scientific achievements; hence the names
“Lemurian Age” and “Atlantean Age.”

Lands belonging to the gigantic continent of Lemuria in-


cluded lands now under the Pacific Ocean, as well as Hawaii,

the Easter Islands, the Fiji Islands, Australia and New Zea-
land. One dictation includes lands in the Indian Ocean and
Madagascar. The eastern coast of Mu extended to the area
of San Diego, California.

The Sinking Of Lemuria

The Elohim Orion stated in 1954 that temples, cities, and

entire civilizations have fallen into decay, and continents
have sunk, all because peace and harmony were not sus-
IN YOUR KNOWLEDGE.” In another dictation, it was stated,
“Cataclysms come only through the destructive influence of
the human, and when that is removed, there will no longer
be a cause for them!”

About 200,000 years ago, the giant continent of Lemuria

sank below the waves of what is now the Pacific Ocean. The
catastrophe happened overnight. There were no unusual
weather conditions, the sky was blue. Sixty million people
were thrown out of embodiment. Lemuria sank so quietly
and quickly, nearly everyone was totally unaware of what
was happening.

Just before the cataclysm, some of the temple guards

transferred documents, the various flames of the temples,
and other valuables to certain places that would withstand
the force of the inferno. Those places were India, China,
Tibet, the Rocky Mountains, and Atlantis. Djwal Kul, who

later became one of the Three Wise Men of Biblical times,

participated in the safe-keeping effort by transporting certain
items to Central Asia. Lord Lanto, who was then a head
priest at one of the temples on Lemuria, where precipitation
was successfully practiced, transported the temple flame to
the Royal Teton Retreat, where it remains.

In this way, the memories and the heritage of Lemuria

were kept alive by a faithful few.


(APPROXIMATELY 500,000 B.C. TO 10,000 B.C.)
The Size and Location of Atlantis

We can consider ourselves fortunate, indeed, that the

Masters left us some tangible details concerning the rise and
fall of several civilizations during the Atlantean Age. No
longer do we have to rely only upon mythology, legends,
psychic testimony, allegories, and veiled or even incorrect
information presented by the Masters, who were severely
limited by the occult law as it applied to the Earth. The Mas-
ters said that the type of information released after 1930
had not been permitted to be given for 12,000 years.

The Atlantean Continent originally consisted of a solid

land mass, reaching from parts of the North American and
South America Continents to Europe and Northern Africa.
According to one dictation, “Europe then was part of Atlan-
tis.” Cuba, the Madeira Islands, and the Azores were also
part of it. There is some indication that a section of the
United States was considered part of Atlantis, because the

Masters labeled temples located on its east coast as “Atlan-

tean Temples.” There were also other continents on the
Earth's surface during the Atlantean Age.

An Atlantean civilization was first mentioned by the Mas-

ters as having existed 500,000 years ago. The last remnant
of Atlantis, called Poseidonis, sank 10,000 B.C.

Atlantean Age Civilizations

The Atlantean culture reached one of its heights 500,000

years ago. The people of that age had achieved great illumi-
nation, understanding, and oneness with the God-Presence.
They knew the power of radiation, and the importance of
vibratory action that passed through the bodies of individu-
At that time, Long Island, an island near New York City,
was considered holy ground, and it was entirely dedicated to
the priesthood. No one, except the priesthood, was allowed
on the island. Through the purity and constructive activity of
the priests, Long Island became the most highly-magnetized
center of spiritual currents on the Earth's surface at that
time. It was not advisable for anyone to step on the island,
for it was like touching a high-tension wire.
After the sinking of Mu, 200,000 years ago, its priest-
hood soon thereafter embodied on Atlantis. Endowed with
the gift of consecutive consciousness (the memory of previ-
ous embodiments), they drew those lifestreams around
them who assisted them during former Golden Ages on Mu.
Therefore, soon after the Mu age, the Atlantean culture

In several respects, the technology of the various Atlan-

tean civilizations was superior to that of today. Unlimited
energy necessary for lighting, heat and power for propulsion
was generated and transmitted by instrument-like power
boxes. If used for propulsion, they were attached to the ve-
hicle used. Seven different types of these energy-
transmitting boxes were in use. The boxes had a volume of
two feet by two feet by three feet. They had the capability
of gathering the energy currents existing in the atmosphere.
These currents of electricity were of a higher, finer type than
that which is used today. They could be affected through
thought-force, but could be controlled through mechanical
means as well. By means of its airships, Atlantis stayed in
touch with all parts of the globe.
The Atomic Accelerator, a device accelerating the vibra-
tory action of the four lower bodies, was used as a healing,
purifying agent.

Saint Germain reported another achievement in the field

of technology. Certain metals were combined with glass
through a fusing process, to make the product strong as
steel and imperishable.

The superior technology, coupled with a good under-

standing of Cosmic Law, enabled the Atlantean civilization to
maintain a position of leadership which endured for thou-
sands of years, up to the time of the sinking of its last rem-
nant, the Isle of Poseidonis. During its heights, Atlantis was
considered a worldwide empire.


(68,000 B.C.)

The Sahara Civilization extended from the present Saha-

ra Desert (its westerly boundary), across the entire width of
Africa, continuing east across Asia, all the way to the Hima-
layan Mountains. This civilization was called the “Sahara
Empire,” and it reached such a high level of attainment, that
the term “Golden Age” has been attributed to this period.

The Sahara Desert was fertile land at that time. There

were many streams of water, and the entire area enjoyed
abundant moisture and a semi-tropical climate. The Nile, as
it is today, resembles the streams of that period.

The name of the capital was known as “the City of the

Sun.” The domes of many buildings were covered with
sheets of pure gold, and the interiors decorated with jewels.
The gold and the jewels were precipitated directly from the
One Eternal Substance.

The king-emperor, then unascended, was the Master

known to us as Saint Germain. His empire was a living ex-
ample of perfection. There has never been anything on
Earth since that time which has ever approached such
heights. For hundreds of years this perfection was sustained,
and there was no need for an army and navy of any kind.

Saint Germain was assisted by a council of fourteen As-

cended Masters. The government, itself, consisted of seven
departments, which controlled the activities of science, in-
dustry, and art. Each department head worked directly with
the council, and therefore was attuned at all times to the
divine plan. Everybody served for the good of all.


(12,000 B.C. to 10,000 B.C.)

During the height of the Poseidonis civilization, there

was a province where an attempt was made to bring forth a
nation of Ascended Masters. The people living in this area
were able to precipitate many things they needed from uni-
versal substance, including food and clothing. They sat at
their table and the food they required appeared in front of
them. The consuming activity of the Threefold Flame (the
flame referred to may be the Violet Flame), was visible to
all. After having completed its service, the physical body was
placed in this flame and it disappeared instantly.

Technology was very much advanced. The Poseidonis

civilization had world-wide contact through airships. Among
other places, they traveled to Yellowstone Park (Wyoming,
U.S.A.), and Meru. The air transportation of today in many
respects is crude and primitive, compared to theirs.

The Breakup Of The Atlantean Continent

When the forces of darkness had sufficiently influenced

the consciousness of a large majority of the people on Atlan-
tis in disobeying God and following the rebellious way of the
destructive use of free will, and when there was insufficient
constructive use of energy by the priesthood, the Cosmic
Law decreed that Atlantis no longer justified its right to exist.
The first cataclysm during the time period under consid-
eration (500,000 B.C. to 10,000 B.C.) occurred 200,000
years ago, and has already been reported under the section,

“The Lemurian Age.” Since this cataclysm tore apart a large

portion of the Earth's surface, it is possible that portions of
Atlantis sank also at that time.
The second major cataclysm of this time period took
place 80,000 years ago. It must have been a worldwide ca-
tastrophe of devastating impact, because the Masters stated
that the cataclysm of 80,000 years ago changed the colors
of the Earth, and for the first time the colors red and black
became known to mankind. The Masters explained in anoth-
er dictation that these colors have a tendency to lower the
vibrations of the individual by appealing to the lower senses.
The area now known as the state of Texas was raised
during this cataclysm. It was below the surface of the water
prior to this event.
During several cataclysms, the tearing apart of the
Earth's surface was re-experienced, and piece by piece, var-
ious portions of the giant continent of Atlantis submerged
beneath the ocean. This process took place over a time peri-
od of thousands of years. Finally, only the Island of Poseido-
nis, a central and small remnant of the original continent,
remained. As part of cataclysmic action, lands west and east
of Poseidonis had sunk beneath the ocean. The lands that
submerged included portions located in the vicinity of to-
day's Cuba.
Poseidonis, when still part of the larger continent, had
been the heart-center of the then-known civilized world.
The final Atlantean cataclysm took place about 10,000
B.C. At that time, Poseidonis, the last remaining fragment of
Atlantis, was submerged.
The Exodus

Those priests and chelas who remained true to the light

were made aware of the date when Poseidonis was to sink.
At a certain pre-arranged hour, at night, the followers of the
White Order loaded their boats with those temple treasures
that they were able to wrest from the hands of the greedy
priesthood. One hundred sailboats, equipped with oars, were
manned. The boats carried forty volunteers each, including
one priest per boat.
Upon leaving the shore, the leader of each boat opened
the sealed orders. These documents contained the destiny of
each boat. The priest, Hilarion, (who later was Paul, one of
Jesus' disciples), was asked to carry the Flame of Truth
across the Atlantic Ocean, through the Mediterranean, into
Greece. The priest, Serapis Bey, and his group, was to carry
the Ascension Flame to Luxor, Egypt. Those who guarded
the Flame of Liberty were directed to carry it to southern
France. It was the task of the boats to arrive at a place of
safety before the ocean would be churned into a boiling sea
by the cataclysmic action, which no boat could survive.

Of the one hundred boats that left Poseidonis, only ten

arrived. Time and karmic conditions were such that the
Cosmic Moment could not wait the arrival of the vessels at
their locations, if they were delayed beyond a certain date,
for any reason. Other than the ten boats which arrived safe-
ly, all of the remaining population of Poseidonis lost their

The treasures of Poseidonis were taken to different parts

of the globe. Records were taken to Egypt, Tibet, China, and
other parts of the Far East. Some of the Atlantean records
later found their way to the library in Alexandria, where ul-

timately most of them suffered destruction by fire. The rec-

ords not carried to Alexandria have remained intact. These
will come forth in the near future, when the viciousness,
bigotry, and intolerance of the orthodox mind is dissolved to
a point where they will not meet with destruction.

Thus, the last remaining fragment of a once worldwide

empire sank, to rest for purification, beneath the present
Atlantic Ocean. Some of today's myths and legends point to
earlier times of glory.

The Masters said that, in time, indisputable proofs both

as to Atlantis' existence and its height of attainment, will be
revealed by oceanography, geology and other scientific data.

Serapis Bey and his men reached their destination se-

conds before the Nile overflowed (caused by the sinking of

The action of the Ascension Flame, together with the

right use of knowledge and power, later brought Egypt to
her greatest height.

Hilarion and his group arrived safely at Crete, which at

that time was connected to the mainland of Greece. Hilarion
established the Flame of Truth there. This focus was later
used to bring forth the Temple of Truth at Crete, the Oracles
of Delphi and the Golden Age of Greece.

Lesson 8

Acolyte Service……………………………………………. .......... 165

Invocation…………………………………………………............. 166
Lesson Overview………………………………………… ........... 166
The First Ray………………………………………………. .......... 167
Ascended Master El Morya………………………………. ....... 168
Address By El Morya…………………………………….. .......... 169
Pledge To Serve …………………………………………. ........... 171
Archangel Michael………………………………………. ........... 172
Musical Interlude………………………………………….. ......... 177
Address By Archangel Michael………………………….. ....... 178
Hercules, Elohim Of The First Ray………………………. ..... 180
Address By Elohim Hercules…………………………….. ....... 180
Group Decreeing………………………………………… ........... 183
Visualization………………………………………………............. 183
Benediction……………………………………………… .............. 184


Play appropriate music, such as “Bells of the Meadows.”

Group Leader gives the following invocation:

All hail to thee, thou all-pervading light of the universe,

the supreme source of life, “I AM.” We kneel within our
hearts in recognition of the light of the Cosmos, as we draw
forth these flames representing the three-fold activity of life,
as exemplified by the Holy Trinity:

the Father, (lighting blue candle)

the Son, (lighting yellow candle) and

the Holy Spirit (lighting pink candle)

Beloved Cosmic I AM Presence, come now and assert

thy rightful authority in the four lower vehicles of all of thy
children and show us how to reverently and humbly express
the perfectly-balanced activity of love, wisdom and power
which thou art.

Oh Light Supreme, we acknowledge thee in all life, and

we give gratitude to the glorious Cosmic and Ascended Be-
ings, as we invoke them and the great angelic host to ampli-
fy the energy which we release in this class, and may that
light expand, expand and expand, as it travels throughout
the universe, ever widening the borders of thy kingdom, in
fulfillment of thy will I AM!

After greeting the students, the group leader gives the

following invocation:


Beloved mighty, victorious Presence of God “I AM,” the

source that is anchored within each of our hearts, we love
and adore you. We acknowledge you to be the owner and
giver of all life, our intelligence, our substance, our all!

We call on beloved Archangel Michael and on all As-

cended Beings who serve on the First Ray and especially on
Elohim Hercules and Ascended Master El Morya.

As we pour out our deepest love and gratitude to the

Ascended Host of Light for bringing forth this teaching, blaze
(3) your Blue Flame of God’s Will through and around us,
eternally sustained.

Seal us in your light and love and power of victorious

accomplishment. Guard and protect us, guide and direct us
and give us the illumination of truth that shall set us free!


This is a lesson on the God-virtues of the First Ray, the

ray of God’s will in action. Other qualities of this ray are
power, protection, faith and hope. Leaders in governmental
positions and executives are often on this ray. The color of
the First Ray is royal blue. Primary representatives are Arch-
angel Michael, Elohim Hercules and the Ascended Master El
Morya (Chohan).

It is suggested to contemplate the pictures of Archangel

Michael and El Morya, before starting the lesson.


There are approximately three and one-half billion peo-

ple in embodiment on the planet, Earth, at one time, and
there are about ten billion who use the Earth as a school-
room. Each one of these billions belongs to one of the seven
rays, or departments of life. That means that they have an
affinity for the particular qualities, talents, and attributes
represented by one of these seven major departments, and
having built a momentum along that line, feel happy and
comfortable when they are around people and vibrations
similar to their own.

Individuals belonging to the First Ray are usually easier

to recognize than are those of other rays, for they usually
have limitless energy and strength, and are the ones who
“get things done.” They like action, are born rulers and ex-
ecutives, and are capable managers of the various activities.
In the more undeveloped individual on the First Ray, their
push and drive of energy can sometimes become unpleas-

Those individuals who are in need of energy and

strength, and faith in God and good, should call to the great
beings on the First Ray—especially the Ascended Master El
Morya, the Archangel Michael, and the Elohim Hercules and
draw into themselves the energizing Blue Ray, frequently
using the statement: I AM the strength of Hercules,” “I AM
his limitless strength and energy and therefore I never get


El Morya came to Earth as a guardian from the planet

Mercury. As Chohan of the First Ray, he represents the will
of God, assists those in governmental positions and stands
by anyone desirous to do God’s will.
El Morya embodied several times as a king. He was Mel-
chior, one of the “three wise men” who found their way to
Jesus. Later he became King Arthur of the Knights of the
Round Table. As Thomas Moore, the Irish poet, he wrote the
words to the song, “Believe Me If All Those Endearing Young
Charms.” He chose that embodiment to balance the many
embodiments he had as a ruler. Together with Kuthumi and
Djwal Kul, he endeavored, through the theosophical move-
ment, to bring an understanding of Cosmic Law. El Morya
ascended around 1888.
In 1951, El Morya was granted the Bridge to Freedom
Dispensation. Saint Germain had assisted in this request.
Functioning as editor of The Bridge to Freedom, a monthly
magazine, El Morya used the pen name “Thomas Printz”
(Thomas is printing). The Ascended Masters gave the dicta-
tions through Geraldine, the twin-ray of El Morya. This con-
nection, and Geraldine’s previous service to the Brotherhood,
made it easier to give the dictations through her.
In an article entitled “The Spiritual Caravan,” printed in
the book The Initiations of the First Ray, El Morya invited
serious students to join him in a spiritual mission, and
through teamwork, lay the foundation for a new permanent
Golden Age. El Morya is in charge of the Temple of God’s
Will at Darjeeling, India. The keynote of the temple is “Pomp
and Circumstance” by Elgar. His personal keynote and that
of his Twin Ray is “Panis Angelicus.”


“I speak to all mankind everywhere! It is the fiat from

the Heart of Creation that the WILL OF GOD SHALL NOW
MANIFEST through your life, your energies, your senses. I
speak these words into the mental and feeling worlds of this
planet, into every appearance which enfolds an earnest son
or daughter of the kingdom, who has forgotten the divine
destiny of God-mastery.
“The WILL OF GOD is GOOD. The WILL OF GOD is for a
free people! The WILL OF GOD is that the axis of the Earth
shall be straightened, that the extremes of climate shall be
mercifully blended. The WILL OF GOD is that every man,
from within himself, shall draw forth the substance and sup-
ply which is the need and requirement of his everyday exist-
ence. The WILL OF GOD is that there shall be no veil be-
tween man and God, and that angels, devas, and all God-
free Beings shall walk and talk as freely with the evolutions
of the Earth as men now talk with each other.
“This is the WILL OF GOD: the lame to be made whole,
the sick to rise, the diseased to become filled with ease and
balance—each one entering into the deep recesses of his
heart, facing his own Supreme Divinity, seeing it face to
face, and becoming enamored of the magnificent perfection
pre-ordained and destined for each lifestream.
“It is time that the WILL OF GOD be impressed with such
strength and power into the consciousness of mankind, that
there can no longer be any dallying in the shadows nor ac-
ceptance of limitation as part of this great Universal First
Cause. Those in unascended bodies, interested in sending
forth, at least five minutes at a time, three times a day, the

following strong, powerful thought (and spoken word if pos-

sible), will be MYSELF IN ACTION!

“I have stood for many centuries while man and his

teachers have talked on and on about the WILL OF GOD and
the submission to circumstance. THAT SHALL CEASE TO BE!
Within life is the power of mastery, and within my fully-
gathered cosmic momentum is the pressure and assurance
of faith in the fulfillment of that will!

To Morya we bow!
We, your chelas, humbly vow
To NOW consecrate
Our life in your Service NOW!
We march in God's Name!
Protected by your flame!
‘Til this Earth is free,
Blessed One, USE ME.
Help me be The Christ In action,
In God’s “I AM” name.

In me you can trust.

“I AM” equal to the task.
I will give my all,
Ready at your call,
All you have to do is ASK.
EL MORYA, my friend,
I am with you 'til the end .
Not my will but THINE.
Place your hand in mine.
On Your Bridge to Freedom chelas
You can NOW depend.

Oh. How we love YOU.

We will help you see it through.
Arm us with your sword,
And with ONE ACCORD,
We'll WIN, even though we're few.
We do now attest.
We will strive to do our best.
For vows that were sworn,
Before we were born,
We will serve until
The Golden Age is MANIFEST.

Melody: Pomp and Circumstance, March No. 4, by Elgar



Archangels sustain the feeling nature of the Creator for
mankind’s utilization and nourishment. They embody a par-
ticular God-quality. Through them flow the energies of the
Seven Rays to the three kingdoms— angelic, human and

Of the Seven Mighty Archangels, who are the messen-

gers of God, the best known is the Lord of the Archangels,
Prince Michael, who is the Archangel of Faith, Protection,
and Deliverance from evil. Countless prayers to him, with
their immediate response, have drawn him close to the peo-
ple of Earth.

With golden hair, magnificent blue eyes, and an appear-

ance of splendor, confidence, and faith in God, Lord Michael
has responded often to the requirements of the people upon
the Earth, who are in distress of soul, mind, and body. He,
of his own free will, chose to become guardian of the faith of
man in his God, at the very beginning of mankind’s embodi-
ment upon the Earth. His presence, or that of one of his ce-
lestial helpers, sweeps earthward, to give assistance to any-
one in distress who desires his help.

Lord Michael’s temple is located in the Canadian Rocky

Mountains, in the vicinity of Banff, Alberta. It is now an
etheric temple, although long ages ago, it was physically
manifest on Earth. It is circular in shape, of tremendous
proportions and has four entrances—one at each of the car-
dinal points of the compass. The temple is made of a beauti-
ful golden substance, encrusted with magnificent blue sap-
phires, and upon its dome stands a representation of Lord

When the first group of lifestreams came forth to inhabit

the Earth, Lord Michael accompanied them as their guardian.
The “holy innocents” first embodied in the vicinity of the
great Teton Mountains in Wyoming, U.S.A.. Many centuries
later, after the advent of the “laggards” from other stars,
who brought with them their shadows of discord, Archangel
Michael and his angelic host withdrew more and more to this
Temple of Faith.

From this focus, he and his legions have continued to

guard, protect and serve mankind. Before the human crea-
tion emanated from the people, it was man’s natural estate
to walk and talk, serve and accept counsel from the angelic
host and their directors. From all parts of the Earth, the
people came to receive the powerful radiance of this great
Archangel, finding there new strength to continue in their
respective services, filling their souls with his faith in the
ultimate expression of God’s kingdom of heaven on Earth.

From this etheric temple, Archangel Michael’s helpers

constantly go forth on missions of protection, mercy, re-
demption and salvation. From the temple, the ray of abso-
lute unswerving faith in God continues to radiate forth
through the emotional, mental, etheric, and physical sub-
stance of the planet and its attendant evolutions. In this
temple at night, in their finer bodies, come all who seek to
be liberators of the race from disease, soul-weariness, and
all manner of human limitation, finding new courage and
strength to continue with their chosen service to the Earth.

When an individual makes the call to Archangel Michael

and his legions of angels, they answer and relieve mankind
from the pressures which have fastened themselves upon

them and which live on their very life. Some of these mass
pressures (called mass entities) are accumulated energy of
tremendous size. An individual who becomes caught in the
pressure of such an entity, by connecting with it through a
similar thought and feeling, has not enough spiritual vitality,
wisdom, strength, or courage to extricate himself from such
viciousness, but if such an individual will call to Archangel
Michael for his help to be cut free from such energy, he and
his legions will come and give the assistance. Your conscious
call for such assistance is imperative, and when sincerely
given, always brings results.

Archangel Michael offered to give protection to all taking

embodiment on this planet and also on the other planets of
this system, until all are ascended and have returned
“home.” He is also known as the Angel of Deliverance, be-
cause he frees lifestreams from human creation with his
Sword of Blue Flame. It was when the laggards came to
Earth, with their destructive thoughts and feelings, that he
devised his Sword of Blue Flame as a means of service,
through the ages.

Archangel Michael has worked in the atmosphere of

Earth since the beginning of the fall of man, cleansing the
atmosphere from mankind’s destructive human creation,
also called “psychic substance.” He has been serving in this
capacity for twenty hours out of every twenty-four, since
nineteen thirty-nine. In the 1950’s it was increased to twen-
ty-two hours out of every twenty-four. When he enters the
psychic realm, he puts on full armor, helmet and all, to work
with those destructive forces. He will remain until the Earth
is free from them.

Archangel Michael came forth November 15, 1938, for

the first time since his ministering in France, through Joan of
Arc. That night he started his service for America. He also
released into the students’ hands the dominion of the use of
the Sword of Blue Flame and his shield of protection.

Archangel Michael uses the Canadian Mounted Police as

a focus in the outer world. He also has a similar focus in
southern Germany.

Individuals who pass through the change called “death”

still carry with them all their imperfect tendencies and habits
of thought and feeling. Your calls to Lord Michael to help
them, will cut them free on the “other side” and enable
them to go into a higher “schoolroom” for instruction.

It will give tremendous assistance to each one if, before

entering sleep at night, the attention is turned to the Temple
of Faith and Protection. Here ask Lord Michael to CUT YOU
FREE from the causes and cores of your various distresses
and limitations, and all that BINDS YOU. This will enable the
Power of Light to more quickly enter your world and bring
you the perfection your heart desires.

Archangel Michael is usually dressed in blue and gold.

His electronic pattern is a winged cherubic head. His banner
is a golden sun with the figures of the Seven Archangels, on
a blue background. September twenty-ninth is known as
Michael’s Day.

The keynote of Archangel Michael’s retreat is contained

in the melody “Soldier’s Chorus” (Faust). In the book, “The
Angelic Kingdom,” prior to the address of each Archangel,
the students were apprised of a particular melody. In several

instances, this melody was later identified, in The Bridge to

Freedom, as the keynote of that Archangel. Based on this, it
appears that the melody “Holy, Holy, Holy” contains the per-
sonal keynote of Archangel Michael.



Prince of the Archangels,
From the grateful hearts of ail,
Do songs of praise arise.
For Thy Heavenly Presence,
All on Earth adore Thee,
God from the Sun,
In all the name implies.


May the guardian angels
From thy heavenly legions,
Stand forth for all to see!
Manifest the glory
Of Light’s perfection,
That each one may be.


And Mighty Hosts of Light.
Cherubim and Seraphim
From the Realms of Glory,
Rend now the veil
That dims our human sight.

Blessed seven Archangels,

For Illumination,
We invoke thy presence,
In hymns of praise to thee.
Keep us consecrated
To God's Plan fulfilling.
In purity,
Thy ministers to be !

Melody: Holy, Holy, Holy



May mankind someday know what the angels, the silent

watchers and the devas have done in their conducting of the
radiation of heaven through the lower atmosphere of Earth,
making the very physical breath breathed into the nostrils
life-giving, rather than filled with the actual poison which
would destroy the physical form.
Oh, shining devas of the cathedrals, blessed watchers of
the churches, oh, glorious angels standing over the missions
in the Bowery and Chinatown of New York City, I love you. I
bring you the love of home. Oh, ministering angels over the
great institutions! You, who are cognizant that the seven
Archangels are in the atmosphere of this city tonight, I bring
you courage.
Children of earth, you live in the midst of a kingdom in-
habited by beings of perfection, voluntary exiles from the
glory of the celestial court. Remember them as you walk
your streets, visit your sick, pass through your churches.
Acknowledge those silent ones above, those mighty devas,
whose ministrations have saved the mankind of Earth from
mass insanity. I challenge you to do it! They have names,
and feelings and purpose. They have love and hope, just as
you have. They have stood many centuries, in this country
perhaps not so long, but in Europe for thousands of years, in
Asia for hundreds of thousands, and they bring their gifts of
May I say that you are by no means the ENTIRE hope of
the world, but you are a great integral part, because you are
illumined from our side, as to what we are doing, how we
are doing it and as to how you, individually, may cooperate
with us to help those who may have greater momentums

than you, but have no contact. They have not the faith with-
in themselves to bridge the abyss of reason and enter into
the realm wherein we abide. We are using you, the student
body, and those who have accepted the Ascended Masters
as real, to bridge that great abyss. In your occult and spir-
itual teachings, that chasm is referred to constantly. There
are many, who cannot pass it. There are many highly-
evolved and developed lifestreams in orthodox channels
who, for superstitious reasons, for fear of ridicule, of bigotry,
and other weaknesses that are within the soul, are unable to
grasp the unseen hand of the Master, or accept the reality of
the radiation and the power that you, individually and collec-
tively, have been able to obtain. There is your tremendous
service, and opportunity!
How can a hierarchy fulfill the divine plan of God
through unascended beings, unless they can talk to them,
unless they can tell them what they are doing and give them
an opportunity to volunteer to assist them? How can a saint-
ed hierarchy upon marble pedestals, denied the use of intel-
ligence and voice for centuries, do much except by radia-
tion? You are those to whom we have confided our plans,
our hopes. Those of us, who have walked the way of Earth,
have confided our homely little personal experiences, the
way we attained our victory. We have endeavored, by shar-
ing with you the fact that we are men and women like your-
selves, to draw you close in the realization of our reality and
our accessibility.
You would not be here if you did not accept the possibil-
ity that we are. All of you do not accept it fully, but a goodly
number do. I am grateful for that fact. I am grateful for eve-
ry opportunity that you afford any member of our eager
Brotherhood to reach through the veil. God bless you for it!


The Elohim Hercules and his divine complement, beloved

Amazon, were the first to accept the opportunity of assisting
the God-Parents of this system, beloved Helios and Vesta, to
create the planet Earth out of primal life essence. When they
answered the call of beloved Helios and Vesta, these two
great Beings, looking upon the God-design, said: “We WILL
to help in the creation of the Earth as a planetary home for
generations yet unborn from the heart of God.” Preceding all
constructive creation, must come the WILL TO DO, accompa-
nied by the strength to accomplish that which is designed, to
“widen the borders of the Father’s kingdom.” Hercules and
Amazon represent that mighty blue flame of strength, pow-
er, and the WILL TO DO. Calling to them to enfold you in
their protection, strength and power, will draw their mighty
assistance into your world and your affairs, for no force ever
opposes the mighty Hercules!


I am the Elohim who embodies the WILL TO DO! I Am

the Elohim of DECISION. Everything that has ever been ac-
complished on the plane of Earth, has been accomplished by
men and women of decision, by angels, elementals, and de-
vas of decision, by beings who have voluntarily chosen to
combine the energies of their lives with the WILL TO DO.
Without that WILL TO DO, there is no accomplishment.

Preceding all action, preceding all manifestation, there

must be the WILL TO DO within the consciousness. In this

universal scheme, it is my privilege and honor to embody the

fire of enthusiasm and the WILL TO DO that which God in-
tends. It is my joy, my privilege, and my honor to bring to
you the pressure of my love and the flame of my heart to
expand upon your foreheads my presence, consciousness,
and the WILL TO DO that which God intends.

“Are you content with what you are, with what you
manifest, today? Are you content with half a loaf when you
could have a full one? Are you content to live in limitation
and in bodies of decay? IT IS WHAT YOU WILL THAT YOU

The Seven Steps To Precipitation

FIRST : Preceding all manifestation comes the desire,

the DECISION and WILL TO DO. Preceding all activities, you
first desire and then make a decision to use your life in en-
deavoring to externalize some pattern or plan.
SECOND : Next, the Mighty Elohim Cassiopeia gives the
gift of PERCEPTION (Illumination), the capacity to cognize
the idea to grasp it, to meditate upon it and to draw forth
the ways and means by which you will be able to bring it
most quickly and satisfactorily into form.
THIRD : After you have perceived, we come to the ser-
vice of the Mighty Elohim Orion and DIVINE LOVE—the pow-
er of cohesion—which draws the unformed into form. This is
the power which draws primal life into the pattern or idea
held in mind, and sustains it there as long as desired.
FOURTH : Then comes the activity of the mighty Elohim
of PURITY, the beloved Claire. His action is to hold steady

the clarified picture—not distorting it by any opinion or de-

sire of the outer self—being a pure, clean pane of glass, as it
were, through which that perfect idea is drawn down as a
matrix and then filled in with light substance and perfected.
FIFTH : Next comes the activity of the Elohim VISTA

SIXTH : For the purpose of precipitation, the activities of

the Sixth and Seventh Rays are inverted, and the Mighty
Elohim ARCTURUS comes in with the use of the VIOLET FIRE,
the filing, the smoothing, perfecting the symmetry of the
SEVENTH : When it is all but completed, the activity of
the Elohim of PEACE (Beloved TRANQUILITY) takes the form,
increasing it in beauty, harmony and service, SEALING it
within his flame of Cosmic Christ PEACE. This enables the
creation to be permanently sustained.
Follow our procedure through for the precipitation into
form of some constructive idea or thing which you desire to
manifest. First, of course, ask your Holy Christ Self within
you to give you the picture of the perfect pattern of that
which you desire to manifest. THAT WHICH A MAN WILLS, HE
SHALL HAVE, for the will is the magnetic power of the God-
head in the heart which does invoke and bring to man that
which he desires. I fire you today with the realization that

“Remembering HERCULES as you go forward, please do

not accept such great limitation in your individual selves,

when you know that it only requires the exercise of the WILL
within you to draw forth ALL THAT YOU REQUIRE! Say often,
I WILL TO BE GOD-FREE! In the name, and by the power of
CARNATE! and you will be myself in action!”

GROUP DECREEING (Group standing)

Mighty I AM Presence, beloved Archangel Michael, be-

loved Elohim Hercules, beloved Ascended Master El Morya,
CUT US FREE (3) from all human creation, in and around us,
or driven against Saint Germain’s Cause of Freedom and
Saint Germain’s students.
We ask for your assistance, to CUT FREE every part of
life in this location, state, country and throughout the whole
planet from negative forces and we ask you to charge into
ALL LIFE your faith in the goodness of God, and help them to
make a conscientious effort to fulfill their divine plan!
I VOW to be an instrument of God’s Will in action.(3)


a) While softly playing music appropriate to the occa-

sion, rest your attention on the Ceremonial Angels and An-
gels of Protection, that have assisted you in this class and on
Archangel Michael, Elohim Hercules, and Ascended Master El
b) Send your love and gratitude for their service.

c) Feel yourself surrounded by a pillar of the Blue Flame

of God’s Will.

d) Expand that flame to cover your city, state, nation

and the entire globe.

BENEDICTION (By Group Leader)

Sealed in a mighty pillar of the Blue Flame of God’s Will,

from the hearts of beloved Archangel Michael, Elohim Hercu-
les and Ascended Master El Morya, we thank the Ascended
Host of Light for the continuous outpouring of love, wisdom
and power.

We thank beloved Archangels Michael and the Angels of

Protection, Ministration and Ceremonial, who have assisted
us in this class. Take up our humble efforts and amplify
them with your mighty love. Take them North, South, East
and West and cover the Earth with the outpouring of the
Blue Flame of God’s Will, (short pause).

May the benediction and blessings of the most High Liv-

ing God and the peace which surpasses all understanding,
be with you, each one. May the God of Mercy protect and
guide you on your spiritual path toward enlightenment and

Lesson 9



Lesson Overview .......................................................... 187

The Second Ray: The Ray Of Wisdom ............................ 188
Kuthumi—World Teacher............................................... 189
Address By The Ascended Master Kuthumi ..................... 190
Lanto, Chohan Of The Second Ray ................................. 191
Address By The Ascended Master Lanto ......................... 192
Beloved Jophiel, Archangel Of Illumination ..................... 195
Address By Beloved Archangel Jophiel ............................ 196
Cassiopea, The Elohim Of Wisdom ................................. 201
Address By The Beloved Elohim Cassiopea ..................... 202



Softly play appropriate music, such as “Bells of the

Meadows.” during the following:

All hail to Thee, thou all-pervading Light of the Universe,

the supreme source of life, “I AM.” We kneel within our
hearts in recognition of the light of the Cosmos, as we draw
forth these flames representing the three-fold activity of life
as exemplified by the Holy Trinity:

the Father, (lighting blue candle)

the Son, (lighting yellow candle) and

the Holy Spirit, (lighting pink candle)

Beloved Cosmic I AM Presence, come now and assert

thy rightful authority in the four lower vehicles of all of thy
children and show us how to reverently and humbly express
the perfectly balanced activity of love, wisdom and power
which thou art.

Oh Light Supreme, we acknowledge thee in all life, and

we give gratitude to the glorious Cosmic and Ascended Be-
ings, as we invoke them and the great angelic host to ampli-
fy the energy which we release in this class, and may that
light expand, expand and expand, as it travels throughout
the universe, ever widening the borders of thy kingdom, in
fulfillment of thy will “I AM!”

After greeting the students, the group leader gives the

following invocation:


Beloved mighty, victorious Presence of God “I AM.” the

source that is anchored within each one of our hearts, we
love and adore you. We acknowledge you to be the owner
and giver of all life, our intelligence, our substance, our all!
We call on beloved Archangel Michael and on all As-
cended Beings who serve on the Second Ray and especially
Beloved Archangel Jophiel, Elohim Cassiopea and Ascended
Masters Lanto and Kuthumi.
As we pour out our deepest love and gratitude to the
Ascended Host of Light for bringing forth this teaching, blaze
(3) your Golden-Yellow Flame of Wisdom, God-Illumination
and Discrimination through and around us, eternally sus-
Seal us in your light, love and power of victorious ac-
complishment. Guard and protect us, guide and direct us
and give us the illumination of truth that shall set us free!


Primary service of this Ray: The God-ideas of the First

Ray are put into workable form. This requires wisdom, illu-
mination and discrimination. Teachers and educators are
often on this ray.

Color of Ray (Flame): Golden Yellow.

Primary Representatives of this Ray: Archangel Jophiel,

Elohim Cassiopea, the Ascended Masters Kuthumi and Jesus
(both World Teachers) and the Ascended Master Lanto


The Second Ray serves mankind by developing the con-

sciousness of those gifted to impart WISDOM AND TRUE
KNOWLEDGE through all the avenues and channels which
serve the human race. This is the ray of the teachers and
The beloved Ascended Master Kuthumi was the Chohan
of that ray until the year 1958, when this office was as-
sumed by the beloved Lord Lanto when beloved Kuthumi
was elevated to the position of World Teacher, along with
the beloved Master Jesus.
Those associated with the Second Ray endeavor to give
the people of every nation and every race a better and
greater understanding of one another, for the true world
brotherhood will never manifest until, through expansion of
consciousness, an understanding heart is developed within
all mankind.
The Ray of Wisdom does not deal with the intellectual
accretion of facts and mental genius, as the world sees it.
TRUE WISDOM comes from understanding the laws of life
and applying them. This necessitates listening to the Voice
of the Silence in humble and silent reverence. The wiser one
becomes, the more silent is the tongue, the more peaceful
the emotional world, and less thinking is done with the
This ray also represents the second person of the Trini-
ty, referred to as the “Son,” the path of wisdom, of listening
and waiting. This is one of the most difficult steps on the
path, for until you can hear the Voice of the Silence, you are
running on the periphery of life, shouting with the multitude
the hollow hosannas that resound nowhere but in your own

(Formerly Chohan Of The Second Ray)

Among the many embodiments of the beloved Ascended

Master Kuthumi, prior to his ascension, was that of Caspar,
one of the Three Wise Men who followed the star to Bethle-
hem. He was also the Greek scholar, Pythagoras, and later,
the beloved Saint Francis of Assisi. These are, of course, but
a few of his embodiments. Kuthumi, together with the great
El Morya and Djwal Kul, were instrumental in bringing forth
the Theosophical Society, and those who desire to learn the
spiritual Laws of Life and thereby become more efficacious
as teachers of their fellowman, will receive much assistance
by sending their love and heart-call to the beloved Ascended
Master Kuthumi to help them in their chosen line of service.

In the beautiful rolling hillsides of the Kashmir country,

beloved Lord Maitreya and his pupil, beloved Kuthumi, main-
tain a focus dedicated and consecrated to the establishment
of the tenets of divine love, as expressed through the great
teachers, educators and leaders of world religions of the
human race. Here, in the spiritual sanctuary of peace and
tranquility, the Brothers and Sisters of the Golden Robe
gather, and sit at the feet of Lord Maitreya, Kuthumi and
others of the Ascended Host. They learn the way to carry
true knowledge and the most effective way to teach such


“The transference of consciousness from one mind to

another is known as education. The fully-revealed truth re-
mains ever-present in the universal mind of God, but the
individualized intelligence of God’s children must reach into
this great mind and incorporate into their own consciousness
as much of the great all-truth as they have the capacity to
absorb and realize. Every man dips into the well of
knowledge with his own cap of receptivity and benefits by
his capacity to receive. It is a spiritual communion! The
TEACHER is one whose cup has grown through many trips to
the well, and he gives of its brimming essence to those not
yet able to reach the cosmic brim. Even in elementary
courses of education, the teacher first fills his consciousness
and then gently holds his cup of knowledge, that the pupil
may sip of its sweetness, become enamored of its essence,
and return again to the teacher’s fount until, perhaps, they
are among the very few who will join the teacher at the
cosmic well. Those who will not drink are never increased in
worth. Blessed be those who stir the spiritual hunger, and
blessed be those who feed the hungry!
“The illumination of the outer consciousness, the aware-
ness that brings to mind the purpose behind all rituals, all
decrees, all activity that takes place, enables the individual,
as well as the collective group, to happily join in the cere-
monial required to magnetize the gifts of the Godhead.
Where there is not illumination, there is reluctant energy! It
becomes ‘duty’ service—the service which comes through
fear and superstition. THIS SHALL NO LONGER BE! In the
New Age and era under the direction of the Ascended Mas-
ter Saint Germain, it is the fiat of the Cosmic Law that man

shall KNOW why he must purify his physical, mental, emo-

tional and etheric bodies, and to what purpose he must re-
main harmonious. Then there will be loving cooperation on
the part of the aspiring student! It is through the activity of
our beloved El Morya in THE BRIDGE TO FREEDOM that we
are endeavoring to give the WHY of this endeavor to the
outer consciousness of mankind.”


While the student (or group) sends his love and focuses
his attention on the beloved Ascended Master Kuthumi (by
using his picture and asking for his radiation, feeling, nature
and consciousness) the song, “Kashmiri Song” (“Pale Hands
I Loved”)—which includes the keynote of beloved Kuthumi—
should be played as music for contemplation.


Beloved Lanto made the ascension during the time of

Confucius (500 B.C.). He stressed honesty and integrity
among all people. At one time he was the Chinese Emperor
Chan. Lanto was able to expand the light in his heart to a
point where his physical body became self-luminous. At the
time of the sinking of the Lemurian Continent, he was en-
trusted with guarding the Precipitation Flame and the treas-
ures held within the Teton Mountains, which we now call the
Rocky Mountain Retreat.

Beloved Lanto brings to the Second Ray, not only great

wisdom and illumination, which are its special qualities, but

also his long momentum in the use of the Precipitation

Flame and his great reference for life, which is a quality
mankind needs very much at this time. He will greatly assist
each student who calls to him to precipitate more GOOD—
more of the God-qualities into his world. The understanding
of reverence for all life is true illumination and enables each
student to better serve all life. Until 1956, he was in charge
of the Teton Retreat. He relinquished this position to be-
come the Chohan of the Second Ray. Beloved Confucius is
now the Hierarch of the Teton Retreat.

Lanto’s particular quality is reverence for life. He is on

the Second Ray. His keynote is “Oh! Thou Sublime Evening
Star,” from Tannhäuser.


“There is a great deal to be said about REVERENCE FOR

LIFE, and a great deal to be thought about, for remember—
life comes from God, and no matter in what form life func-
tions temporarily, it is pre-ordained to return to God’s estate.
Therefore, for ages I have taught a reverence for life, and
ENCE OF PRECIPITATION IS EASY, because your reverence is
impersonal and you love all life in an impersonal and harmo-
nious manner, equally. There are no cores of selfishness to
stop the release of the good from your Causal Body for the
blessing of all imprisoned life everywhere.

“It is easy to reverence one individual, or a few with

whom you are in association in the course of an embodi-
ment, but that great impersonal reverence for all life comes,

as you take advantage of our teaching and our radiation.

“In China ages ago, the true Law was taught with re-
gard to reverence for life—not only to apply to man, but also
to plant life. None that followed that true Law even broke a
flower from its stem. At that time of China’s great beauty
and perfection, we all knew that the life that came of God,
from God, even through a flower, had a divine destiny to
fulfill in its giving beauty to the passerby, perfume the air,
and that in its season, its own divine archetype would with-
draw it. So we moved in that magnificent reverence for life
and for each other, and for those who came to ‘convert’ us
to various religious beliefs wherein that reverence was nei-
ther known nor felt.

“Now you are coming again to an understanding that

reverence for life is impersonal and covers the entire human
race and all that lives. In learning that, you shall then be the
precipitating powers of good! What a small rose can do,
surely a human being can do! The rose follows its divine
pattern and it blooms in its season. Mankind must come to a
point where he or she can reverence the life that is within
himself and then, in time, expand it in love until he, too, be-
comes the Christ manifest, wherever he may be.



LANTO, DEAR LANTO (Melody: “Juanita”)

Lanto, dear Lanto,
Friend of old and friend of light,
Parent and teacher,
We look to thy height.
Let all now adore thee,
For thy patient love and care,
Let all bow before thee,
Let thy love all share.
Friend of the ages,
To thy gracious heart we call,
Let cosmic mercy flood,
O’er earth to all.
For beloved China,
Land of Mercy’s Healing Flame,
Free her blessed people,
In the “I AM” name.
Guardian belov’d,
Of America so dear,
Help her to Freedom,
Make her way all clear.
Purify, illumine,
All within our land today,
Let thy peace and victo’ry,
Ever with her stay.
Hail Royal Teton!
First God-home of man on earth,
Flood forth God’s goodness,
Healing, peace and mirth.
Raise our earth to heaven,
Fulfill now God’s perfect plan,
Reveal God in action,
Brotherhood in man.
Lanto, dear Lanto,
Never, never from us part.
Heal us, raise us and seal us,
Ever in thy heart.


The great Archangel Jophiel is the divine teacher of an-

gels, mankind and elementals who are desirous of expand-
ing their understanding of life and its beneficent God-laws,
by which his great universe is governed. This understanding
enables them to serve in greater capacity and with more
efficacy. He stirs the feelings, through radiation of illumina-
tion, into aspiration for spiritual ideas. This beloved Archan-
gel applied to the God of all life, at the heart of the universe,
for opportunity to serve as a divine teacher, after having
earned the right so to do by applying himself, for countless
ages, to study and preparation.

Jophiel’s Temples of Light at inner levels are of an ex-

quisite golden color, which is symbolic of the activities of the
Second Ray. In these temples, lovely beings who serve with
Lord Jophiel, teach the angelic host how to expand their love
and powers of light, which makes them a greater blessing to
all life. They also teach those of mankind who are desirous
of developing educational culture and such lifestreams are
taught in the Temples of Illumination at night, while their
physical bodies sleep. Eager elementals are also taught in
Jophiel’s Temples of Illumination. The entire service of Lord
Jophiel is to expand the UNDERSTANDING of every self-
conscious intelligence who desires such help, no matter to
which kingdom it may belong.

Serving with Lord Jophiel is his magnificent divine com-

plement, whose name is Constance. Her service is to help in
anchoring more firmly, within the consciousness of the aspir-
ing student, the desire to serve. By the radiation of her own
God-quality of constancy, she stimulates the activities of the

Christ Flame within each human heart to “follow through” to


Lord Jophiel and Constance, and the teachers in the

Golden Temples of Illumination, expand, within each con-
sciousness which comes to them for assistance, the capacity
to express higher and more lofty ideals of Deity. From the
temples of Lord Jophiel there are directed, into all educa-
tional temples and schools of learning here on Earth, great
beams of golden light. Angels of education and illumination
direct currents of instruction, encouragement and inspiration
over these beams, through radiation, to the teachers in such
temples and schools. Great scholars, interested in the vari-
ous aspects of the Law, both spiritual and physical, are the
recipients of directed currents of energy from these temples,
and occasionally such individuals on earth have assigned to
them an “invisible teacher” to assist them, and thus they
receive such instruction through intuition, inspiration and

Note: Jophiel’s keynote may be found in the melody,

“The Sweetest Story Ever Told.”


“From the Sun behind the Sun, from the Parents of our
system, and from the Parents of every Galaxy, I bring into
your souls, into your spirits, and into your consciousness,
LIGHT! LIGHT! LIGHT! that you may understand the God-
qualities of the Illumination Flame.

“Many men and women say, ‘When I have attained, I

shall serve my Lord!’ The measure of a man or woman is in

what he or she does in the eternal NOW! ALL the great

things that have been done through the ages, and on all
planets, have been done by the FEW! We cannot count on
the consciousness that measures success in numbers, for it
is never the masses of people, but the FEW who form the
hope for the fulfillment of a vision or design of merit. Only
TWO BEINGS in the heart of a Sun create a planetary sys-
tem! Seven Elohim create the planets, and there are only
seven Archangels through whose consciousness, bodies and
worlds, flows all of the energy for the Seven Mighty Rays to
nourish the spiritual natures of the human, elemental and
angelic kingdoms. Seven directors (Chohans) govern, con-
trol, guide, counsel and evolve ten billion lifestreams who
use the planet Earth.



“My endeavor, my service to life, is in the teaching of

the consciousness—enabling it to discover, within itself, that
which is the power of Light. In the great Second Realm and
Sphere, all the beings representing the three evolutions are
given the education required for them to become masters of
energy and, in turn, capable of carrying the instruction to
those who desire it and wish to evolve upon the ladder of
evolution to its ultimate perfection.

“In the Second Sphere, ideas become crystallized. In


other words, they take form. In your own world, it is much

the same—you receive an abstract idea. For instance you
might say, ‘I would love to take a journey.’ Then your mind,
which would represent the Second Sphere, would say, ‘Very
well, we shall take the abstract and fashion it. We shall de-
sign a trip to Bermuda, to England, or to some other specific
place.’ You might receive an idea for a new home, then your
mind would take that idea and say, ‘I would like home with
eight rooms and an acre of ground.’ It is in this Second
Sphere that the abstract ideas are crystallized into workable

“The desire which, in itself, signifies its origin—’de sire’

meaning ‘of the Father,’ then takes on form. When you look
upon your plan for your gift, for your home, or whatever it
may be, you draw it down into the Second Sphere. If it
pleases you, your feelings rush into it, you energize the
form, and the pressure of your feelings gives it life and
brings it into manifestation.”


Thou Holy Christ Flame within my heart,

Help me to manifest all thou art.
Teach me to see thyself in all;
Help me to show men how to call
All of thy glory from the Sun
‘Til Earth’s great victory is won!
“I AM,” we love thee, thou art our all,
“I AM,” we love thee—hear our CALL!
I hear thy call, my children dear.
“I AM” thy heart, so never fear!
“I AM” your mind, your body too;
“I AM” in every cell of you.
“I AM” thy earth, and sea, and sky,
And not one soul shall I pass by!
“I AM” in thee, thou art in me!
“I AM!” “I AM!” Earth’s VICTORY!
Note: Lord Maitreya told the students that this song helped
him greatly to achieve the ascension. Music available on

(A Song Dedicated To Archaii Constance)
Oh, make and keep us constant,
Beloved I AM to thee;
And grateful for thy presence,
Whose light now sets all free.
We feel thy cosmic power
Thy love to all impart;
Expand now God’s forgiveness
In every constant heart.
May we be ever constant,
When pressures seem so strong;
‘Til through love’s power triumphant,
We sing again its song.
Oh, make and keep us willing
To ever constant be,
In giving our great service,
Of loving all life free.
May our desire be constant,
To see the Master’s face;
In faith, our hearts expectant,
Are poised in listening grace
To find that realm eternal
From whence we ne’er shall roam,
When once our tasks are finished
And God then calls us home.
Beloved Archaii, Constance,
Our guiding star now be;
And ever blaze within us
Thy Flame of Constancy.
To make and keep us constant
In blazing forth God’s light,
That raises all mankind in
Ascension’s glory bright.



The Seven Mighty Elohim actually builded the planet

Earth from primordial light substance, as a beautiful and
shining habitation for all the children of God who desired to
learn to control the use of energy and vibration upon it. The
wisdom of God, directed through the consciousness of Cas-
siopea and Minerva, helped to hold the divine pattern for the
very contour of the Earth and to determine the number of
individuals who could inhabit it at any one time, the length
of time each one so chosen should remain embodied on the
earth, the requirement for soul rest, and finally, when such
individuals should embody again, to endeavor to fulfill their
divine plan.

True wisdom has always enfolded God’s children, serv-

ing often without knowledge of their benefactors, in a con-
centrated golden ray from the hearts of mighty Cassiopea
and Minerva, as well as of the Archangels Jophiel and Con-
stance and those elder brothers and sisters known as the
“Teachers of the Golden Robe.” Patriots, teachers, humani-
tarians, artists, men of research and science, men of the
“cloth,” and metaphysical teachers, whose motives are sin-
cere and who do not desire wisdom just for personal gain,
are always inspired by these divine beings of the Second




“I am Cassiopea, Elohim of Perception and Wisdom, Elo-

him of the concentrated power of attention, without which
the mind could not conceive or know anything here or here-
after. The power of your attention is the open door to your
mind and your entire consciousness. Our ray (the Second
Ray) brings illumined understanding of God’s divine plan and
design—his pattern—to the people of earth, who open the
door, through their attention, to that pattern and design.
“The planet Earth is in a state of cosmic incubation, and
the beams of intelligent energy (which you call cosmic light),
are really light substance consciously directed to the earth
by the attention of Cosmic Beings upon her. One of these
beams is the Golden Flame of Divine Illumination from the
hearts of certain of the Hierarchy, which has been directed
to this earth for aeons of time. As Illumination’s Ray has
continued to play upon the earth, and as the attention of the
advanced members of the race has begun to reach out again
toward God, the return current of the attention of mankind
toward heaven has made the circuit complete.
“My activity is that of perceiving what the God-parents
have designed and want to have made manifest. The pur-
pose of the Second Ray is the PERCEPTION and ACTIVE IL-
LUMINED CONTEMPLATION of the God-plan and design. After
you have made the decision and surrender to the will of
God, you must next receive the divine idea and directions as
to how to manifest it. Therefore, the first activity of the
mental body after making the decision TO DO, is to BECOME

“Your mental body receives, through your attention and

through all activities of the senses, everything that your at-
tention connects with (good or otherwise) and draws back

the picture and form into your mind. The mental bodies of
mankind are like an old warehouse, in which has been
stored the furniture and accumulations of the ages. They are
full of cobwebs and discordant human concepts, as well as
much that is petrified and some which is in the process of
“When you first received your mental bodies from the
heart of creation, they were like crystal balls of light into
which you received the clear, concise and beautiful ideas
and patterns from your own Holy Christ Self. Even as you
read and hear this, I am passing my flame through your
brain consciousness. LET GO of your human concepts of the


By Elohim Cassiopea

“When we were first called by Helios and Vesta and

asked if we were willing to create this planet Earth, we said,
(1) ‘We WILL to help you!’
(2) Next, we had the humility to ask what THEY wanted us
to do, so we were given that PERCEPTION when we looked
upon their divine design.
(3) We had the DIVINE LOVE to magnetize electronic light
substance to form the planet.
(4) We had the PURITY and HUMILITY to not desire to
change their divine design.
(5) We had the CONCENTRATION of energy to stay with it,
and do you know just how many millions of years it takes to
create a habitable planet?

(6) We also kept the RHYTHM OF INVOCATION, and many a

day we left our own particular cosmic work to join with the
other Elohim, pouring love and light into this planet, which
was taking form at that moment. Never was there one of us
missing at that rhythmic hour, lest the Flame of Cassiopea,
or perhaps the Flame of Orion, should be in smaller propor-
tion to that of the others. If that had happened, the perfect
harmony and balance of the seven Elohim, which came in
rhythm century after century, would have been broken.
(7) Then it was required of us to release to and through our
creation the PEACE and HARMONY, which would sustain this
planet until its evolutions began to evolve upon it, as well as
after the coming of the mankind who were invited here to
enjoy it. “Your Holy Christ Self now awaits your recognition
and acceptance of it—and not in the abstract! That Holy
Christ Self is a very real being! It awaits the opportunity of
showing you YOUR divine pattern, which can be revealed to
you through your mental consciousness, when it is held like
a grail to that Holy Christ Self. This must be done in humili-
ty, sincerity, and in a realization that certainly the being who
made you and has sustained you for millions of years—
giving even yet the breath of life—should at least have some
‘say’ in your affairs.
“Within your heart is the golden Flame of Illumination
which will reveal truth to you. Now, in answer to my call,
this flame rises into your brain structure and outer con-
sciousness, clearing away, forever, the human concepts of
the ages, clearing away the half-truths, and expanding the
golden flame of the sevenfold activity of the Elohim, which is
anchored within your forehead. If you will accept it, each of
you is being made a grail through which some Perfected
Being may channel and direct his blessings for the race!”


“Now visualize yourself sitting within a pillar of blazing

golden light and the Golden Flame of illumination, Wisdom
and Love pouring downward from the I AM Presence, in a
steady stream of prismatic light. See and feel it anchor itself
within your heart as a cup, and see this cup overflow, until
that golden fire penetrates every cell, organ, function and
part of your physical body. Feel it go through your etheric
body, feel it fill your brain and mental world and radiate out
into your emotional world, for a few feet in every direction.
Feel that you ARE the CHRIST sending forth that Golden
Flame of Wisdom with the feeling of love, to bless all that
touches the “hem of your garment.”


Beloved Presence of God I AM in me and beloved As-
cended Master Kuthumi, while my body sleeps tonight, send
a messenger to escort me to you in my inner body. Instruct
me fully and bathe me in the Golden Flame of Illumination.
CHARGE my consciousness with all that I need to know at
this time in order to fulfill my divine plan. See that I return
to my physical body with the full conscious memory of that
instruction, so that it becomes a real and practical
knowledge that enables me to have greater mastery in my
own world and to be of greater service to the Ascended
Masters and my fellowman. I accept this MANIFEST in my
world RIGHT NOW and forever sustained!
Beloved Presence of God I AM in me and beloved As-
cended Master Lanto, CHARGE me with your great quality of
reverence for life, and instruct me as to how I may precipi-

tate ALL GOOD into my world. I AM the precipitation and

visible presence of God’s limitless perfection into my world
and affairs RIGHT NOW and forever sustained!

BENEDICTION (By Group Leader)

Sealed in a mighty pillar of the Golden-Yellow Flame of
Wisdom, God-Illumination and Discrimination, from the
hearts of beloved Archangel Jophiel, Elohim Cassiopea and
Ascended Master Lanto, we thank the Ascended Host of
Light for the continuous outpouring of love, wisdom and
We thank beloved Archangels Michael and Uriel and the
Angels of Protection, Ministration and Ceremonial who have
assisted us at this class. Take up our humble efforts and
amplify them with your mighty love. Take them North,
South, East and West and cover the Earth with the outpour-
ing of the Golden-Yellow Flame of Wisdom, Illumination and
May the benediction and blessings of the most High Liv-
ing God and the peace which surpasses all understanding be
with you each one. May the God of Mercy protect and guide
you on your spiritual path toward enlightenment and free-

(Group Leader extinguishes candles, starting with pink

candle, then follow with yellow candle and blue candle).

Lesson 10


Lesson Overview .......................................................... 209

The Third Ray, The Magnetic Pink Ray ........................... 210
The Use Of The Pink Flame ........................................... 211
Gratitude ..................................................................... 212
Address By Lord Maitreya .............................................. 212
Address By Archangel Michael ....................................... 215
Paul, The Venetian, Chohan Of The Third Ray ................ 216
Musical Interlude (Keynote of Paul the Venetian) ............ 218
Address By Paul The Venetian ....................................... 219
Beloved Chamuel, Archangel Of Adoration ...................... 222
Address By Beloved Archangel Chamuel ......................... 224
The Mighty Orion, Elohim Of Divine Love ........................ 227
Address By The Beloved Elohim Orion ............................ 228
The Seven Steps To Precipitation ................................... 229


Play appropriate music, such as “Bells of the Meadows.”

then say,4

“All hail to Thee, thou all-pervading light of the universe,

the supreme source of life, “I AM.” We kneel within our
hearts in recognition of the light of the Cosmos, as we draw
forth these flames, representing the three-fold activity of
life, as exemplified by the Holy Trinity:

the Father, (lighting blue candle)

the Son, (lighting yellow candle) and
the Holy Spirit (lighting pink candle)

“Beloved Cosmic I AM Presence, come now and assert

thy rightful authority in the four lower vehicles of all of thy
children and show us how to reverently and humbly express
the perfectly balanced activity of love, wisdom and power
which thou art.

“Oh Light Supreme, we acknowledge thee in all life, and

we give gratitude to the glorious Cosmic and Ascended Be-
ings, as we invoke them and the great angelic host to ampli-
fy the energy which we release in this class, and may that
light expand, expand and expand, as it travels throughout
the universe, ever widening the borders of thy kingdom, in
fulfillment of thy will ‘I AM!’”


Play the melody, “Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life,” (keynote

of Lord Maitreya, Lord of Love, formerly World Teacher, now
the Buddha).


“Beloved mighty, victorious Presence of God “I AM.” the

source that is anchored within each one of our hearts, we
love and adore you. We acknowledge you to be the owner
and giver of all life, our intelligence, our substance, our all!

“We call on beloved Archangel Michael, Archangel Uriel

and on all Ascended Beings who serve on the Third Ray and
especially Beloved Archangel Chamuel, Elohim Orion and
Ascended Master Paul the Venetian.

“As we pour out our deepest love and gratitude to the

Ascended Host of Light for bringing forth this teaching, blaze
(3) your Pink Flame of Cosmic Love, Harmony and Tolerance
through and around us, eternally sustained.

“Seal us in your light, love and power of victorious ac-

complishment. Guard and protect us, guide and direct us
and give us the illumination of truth that shall set us free!


This is a lesson on the God-virtues of the Third Ray.

Primary services of this Ray: The God-ideas born on the

First Ray and put into workable form (by the action of the
Second Ray) are vitalized with the life-giving essence of
love. Without love, the cement of the universe, there is no
manifestation. Other God-qualities expressed by the Third
Ray: tolerance, harmony, gratitude.
Color of Third Ray: Pink.
Primary representatives of this Ray: Beloved Archangel

Chamuel, Elohim Orion and Paul the Venetian (Chohan).

Before starting this lesson, contemplate the picture of
beloved Paul the Venetian and ask for his radiation, feelings,
nature and consciousness.


The Third Ray represents the magnetic power of God’s

Pink Flame of Love, which is the activity which coalesces the
divine ideas and brings them into physical form. It is the
substance of divine love which actually holds all form to-
gether, for without this love, the very atoms which make up
the physical form would fly apart.

The First Ray represents the will of God, the Second Ray
represents the wisdom of God, and the Third Ray represents
the magnetizing love of God, thus completing the trinity of
the activity of the Immortal Threefold Flame that abides
within each human heart and makes of man a divine being,
with the power to create, even as God creates. This Three-
fold Flame is also known as the Liberty Flame.
Tolerance and harmony are part of the activities of the
Third Ray because, in changing the outer world’s appear-
ances into the divine plan, whether it is of a person, locality,
or a nation, the more that can be accomplished through re-
spect for the feelings of others, rather than through a bom-
bastic shattering of the existent form, the better for all con-
cerned. The divine plan, in order to be of any use, must be
drawn into the physical expression and molded into the sub-
stance of the earth plane, and this great ray is the process
by which such creative action takes place.

The divine plan is contained within the Threefold Flame

within the heart of each one, and signifies to all life that
God, the I AM Presence, has some special activity to perform
through each one—that there is some fragrance, some vir-
tue, some momentum of GOOD which each lifestream wish-
es to express in this physical world. Thus, it is, that the
Brothers of the Third Ray assist every man, woman and child
to fulfill their divine plan.


The use of the Pink Flame of Love is truly one of the

most practical ways to bring results into your world, espe-
cially when there seems to be obstruction of some kind be-
tween individuals. ALL responds to the love and peace of the
Pink Flame.

Experiment with the Pink Flame and blaze it through

every cell and organ of your physical body. Visualize this
activity as you blaze it through your brain and mind struc-
ture, saturate your feelings with it, and see how it becomes
a magnet that draws people and things into your world for
its blessing.

Use it to bless everything you contact, and anything that

does not seem to yield the harmony and perfection that you
desire. It acts like “oil on the troubled waters” in harmoniz-
ing and bringing perfection where imperfection seems to be
manifesting. Call to the Great Beings who serve on that ray
to give you the added pressure of their love and watch the
perfection that you draw into your world, for this Pink Flame
of Adoration is without parallel.


One of the quickest ways to release the God-powers

locked within each heart is, by a deep, sincere and profound
feeling of GRATITUDE for life and the many, many blessings
which you now enjoy. You will be surprised to find how very
“rich” you are if you will take the time to ENUMERATE all the
GOOD that is now in your world. GRATITUDE causes the
thing you are grateful for to expand and double its blessings
to you, so that where there was only ONE blessing, your
gratitude makes TWO!

GRATITUDE is really a stream of energy going forth

from you with a BLESSING. Since all life desires to be loved,
your gratitude causes more and more of the intelligences in
all life to RUSH to you to be blessed by your gratitude and to
be temporarily relieved from the pressure of discord which
they have been under. Lack of gratitude for the good now
experienced has prevented many a door from opening for
earnest students and increasing the abundance of good
which they desired and expected. THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE


“Beloved and blessed Spirits of God, do you know how

much you are loved? Have you thought, in your long and
tedious journey through the world of form, of the amount
and intensity of LOVE that has been invested in your
lifestream, individually?

“From the moment when you were called forth, a sweet


and innocent spirit spark from the heart of the Universal Fa-
ther-Mother God, from that very moment of individualiza-
tion, love has sustained you!
“Love has furnished for you, out of the beautiful Elec-
tronic Light Body of God, himself, the electronic form of your
own I AM Presence!
“Love has drawn the substance of the elemental king-
dom, which has formed for you an emotional body by which
you might feel the glorious nature of God, by which you
might feel love and harmony and beauty, and every other
feeling which is of that nature.
“Love has fashioned for you from the elemental sub-
stance a mental form by which you might receive the ideas
of the universal and fashion for yourself an individual world.
“Love has created for you an etheric envelope into
which you might record the experiences in the use of energy
and vibration—building into this etheric body the mastery of
“Love has drawn from the physical atoms of this world
the very physical body which you wear.
“All of that electronic light substance is intelligent and
beautiful free life, that chose to forego its happiness in
spheres and realms of perfection, for the questionable op-
portunity of making garments for your souls.
“Love, from the heart of the kingdom of nature, fash-
ioned for you this very planet—a platform upon which your
feet might stand, fresh water to refresh your garments, the
beautiful, pristine air which you breathe so freely, the glori-
ous firmament with the blue sky of day and the star-studded

mantle of God at night, to give you rest and peace and give
you opportunity to refresh yourselves through your journey
through the world of form.
“Love, through the Maha Chohan, drew from the king-
dom of nature the tiny elemental forms and trained them to
embody themselves in flower, in tree, in shrub, in grass and
the very substance that, through nature, nourishes and sus-
tains your physical bodies.
“Love drew the heart of Sanat Kumara from his own
beloved on Venus and helped him to make this self-chosen
exile that this very planet, Earth, might be sustained and
mankind would not be found orphans without a planetary
“Love from the heart of Sanat Kumara drew the re-
sponse from the great Gautama Buddha and myself in its
great desire to train a Hierarchy that might teach man,
again, the power and mastery of life within the Sacred Fire!
“Love has done all of this for you!
Do you know what it means to the hearts of the As-
cended Masters to see a group of unascended beings stand
together and call them by name and in song, mingling the
worded expression with the love of their hearts—when for
countless centuries of time, the mankind of earth did not
even know the Ascended Masters existed? Little do you yet
comprehend the power that is within that magnetic heart-
“The love from your heart draws the Ascended Master.
The Masters come because of your love, for LOVE is a power
that cannot be denied by Solar Lords, angels, devas or by
Cosmic Beings.”


“I come to bring to you the conviction of the power and

positive energy that is within true, divine love. It takes a
tremendous capacity of love for an evolution, to stay within
the psychic and astral realms twenty-two hours out of every
twenty-four, as I and my legions do.

“On all of the seven rays, the love aspect is behind eve-
ry expression. The love aspect is active in the radiation of
the Golden Flame, where the teaching, the understanding
and the magnetizing of the interest of individuals by love, is
stressed, until they come to a point where they want to
know and apply the Spiritual Law.

“Love is evident primarily, and most extensively, under

the Third Ray where one finds tolerance and understanding
toward all of life. It is certainly evident on the Fourth Ray,
where purity of emotions, mind, etheric substance and flesh
are essential to a good connection with the Godhead and the
externalization of the God-design. It is love that is expressed
in concentration (one of the activities of the Fifth Ray), for
that which you want to do in love, you accomplish. You
know that, even in your outer world association.

“If you love enough, that thing you will do, no matter
what the personal discomfort may be. Love is active on the
Sixth Ray again, in the desire to minister to mankind, indi-
viduals not in embodiment and imprisoned elementals. Love
is certainly an aspect of the Seventh Ray, for what greater
love can there be than to invoke from cosmic heights, the
Ascended Masters’ Realm and the angelic kingdom, HELP for
an evolution that is in distress!

“So never consider love as negative—it is always a posi-

tive aspect, but its expression may be in dynamic confi-
dence, faith and protection. It may be in illumination and
understanding, in wonderful tolerance, in the spirit of the
ascetic. It may be in the concentration of your energies up-
on something which will be of benefit to the whole universe.
It may be in ministering in your hospitals or asylums to men
and women in distress, in the using of the power of invoca-
tion as best you know how, like the chemist in the laborato-
ry, putting one and the other activity together, until you
have the divine alchemy of the Violet Fire. There is no
greater love in the universe than that expressed by a man or
woman who gets that perfect alchemy and the science that
is behind it, and can transmute through example—at least to
the student body—the science of the Violet Fire of Purifica-


Paul, the Venetian was last embodied as the Italian art-

ist, Paolo Veronese (1528-1588), one of the major painters
of the 16th Century Venetian school. His most famous works
are huge compositions depicting allegorical, biblical or histor-
ical subjects.
Paul’s retreat is the Temple of Liberty near Marseilles.
For his keynote, the song, “I Love You Truly,” by Carrie Ja-
cobs Bond may be used. The keynote of the retreat is con-
tained in the French National Anthem, “The Marseillaise.”
In the beautiful, spacious hall of the retreat, there is lo-
cated a beautiful painting representing the Holy Trinity. This

painting was begun by Paul Veronese and was completed by

him after the ascension. Therefore, it has the unique distinc-
tion of carrying the vibratory action of both realms of activi-
ty. The retreat contains the Flame of Liberty, brought here in
a boat by survivors of the Atlantean cataclysm, so that the
love of liberty might be sustained in the hearts of man, for
generations yet unborn.
This chateau is a very beautiful retreat and contains ex-
quisite beauty in art, sculpture, and every type of culture
developed by man through the ages, with beautiful formal
gardens and a profusion of roses of every kind.

The Chohan of the Third Ray is vitally interested in the

encouragement of the talents, latent and developed—for
each and every lifestream. Each is sent forth in the begin-
ning, with a specific blessing to give to the earth. The Broth-
erhood, under the direction of this Chohan, are the ones
who stand by, encourage, sustain and protect, not only the
genius at the top of the ladder, but also the humble aspir-
ant, who has just placed his feet upon the first rung of the
ladder of attainment.


Lovely Venetian! Brother of light,

Bring us love’s beauty from heaven’s height!
Gentle and patient, understanding too,
Beautiful Venetian, WE LOVE YOU!
Chateau de Liberte, home of our Paul—
Guardian of Liberty’s Flame that frees all;
In every heart, that flame—pink, blue and gold—
Gratefully adores you, friend of old.
Life’s blessed purpose, let all now see!
“Our Brother’s Keeper,” help all to be;
Where shadows darken, love is needed most—
Help us there to give it, heavenly host!
Lovely Venetian, make us firm and strong,
Wielding love’s power, righting all that’s wrong.
For your love’s service, freely given all,
God’s great gifts of glory, NOW WE CALL.
Goddess of Liberty, bless your dear son,
Our friend and brother—God’s holy one!
Expand his power, every blessed day,
We love our Venetian, God’s Third Ray!

Melody: “I Love You Truly” (by Carrie Jacobs Bond)

(Key of B flat)

Beloved Liberty Flame (Melody: “The Marseillaise”)

O Sons of Light, awake to glory;

God’s Legions bright now come again
To bring to Earth perfection’s story—
The plan divine and goal of all men.
As they aspire, so the Christ takes command,
And God’s great light will banish the shadows
That now enfold this planet ‘round;
As man then bursts his bonds asunder,
The bells of freedom will resound.
Arise! To God now call
For peace and liberty!
This truth we know—
Light is supreme and master over all!


“The beings of the Third Ray are particularly concerned

with the development of love and represent the activity of
divine love in the triple aspect of the Holy Trinity. Through
the Elohim, the Archangels and the Chohans, they endeavor
to lower into the consciousness and feelings—first of the
students and then of all people—a love for God that contains
within itself a mighty sense of faith in his power to restore
emotions, minds, bodies and memories to their perfect es-

“Examine yourselves closely and find out how much reli-


ance you have in the all-power of the Threefold Flame of

God in your world, and how much you have allowed to build
upon passing appearances. You must come to an ac-
ceptance, in your feelings, of the ever-presence of God with-
in the Threefold Flame of truth that beats your heart. Mental
acceptance of this is not enough, for when the feeling world
joyously accepts that active Christ Presence and joyously
gives that Presence full power to act through your various
vehicles, then you will find yourself master—first of your au-
ra, and then you will be able to give joyous assistance to
your fellowman.

“My service has always been to develop a love of one

man for another, one race for another, one religion for an-
other, and I tell you, in my opinion, that it is the most diffi-
cult of all the tasks that have been given to myself or any of
the Chohans of the Rays, because each man, according to
birth, race, background, and training, is so anchored in the
self-righteous acceptance of certain tenets (some partly true
and others not at all), that it is an almost impossible task to
pry him loose from them.

“To have a world brotherhood requires a sincere interest

in, and an intense devotion to, the entire mass of human
kind, the animal kingdom and the elemental kingdom. Love
in the abstract is easy of accomplishment, love of the Cos-
mic Beings, love of the Masters and the angels, and love of
the Supreme Being seems easy because there is no pressure
of a personal aura which is disturbing to the unmastered
energies of your own world.

“You, beloved students, must cultivate the capacity to

love and understand your fellowman. You have not touched

the fringe of mankind at large. Few have yet been drawn to

your attention who possess certain talents and gifts, and
who do not conform to your set pattern. As you develop and
broaden your outlook, many will come. You will have your
Moslems, your Hindus, your Buddhists, Rabbis, Christians—
all of them possessing their own ideas of Deity, all firmly
clinging to that which HAS BEEN, not letting go until they
have come to have faith in YOU, YOUR WORKS and YOUR EX-
AMPLE, and they see through these that YOU HAVE A BETTER
WAY OF LIFE. To you, my friends, I commend the task of
drawing tolerance into your feelings, into your minds, your
etheric garments, your flesh, your very gestures, spoken
words and actions, until all mankind can say that IN THE
A WELCOME, and an UNDERSTANDING that will encourage
them to come into the radiation of his activity, where they,
too, may set their souls free from bondage and fulfill their
divine plan in peace and harmony.

“Whenever a heartfelt prayer is uttered, either silently or

audibly, an answer to that call is always forthcoming from
the higher octaves—its efficacy depending upon the feelings
of the petitioner—whether it is a worried mother calling for
the protection of her loved ones, or the cry of a small child
in distress. There are Great Beings called Silent Watchers,
whose service it is to watch for this prayer force and wher-
ever they see it rising from the Earth, they gather it up and
send it heavenward on their own strength, if it is weak. In
the case of your powerful decrees, those calls can pierce
right through into the living presence of the Beings to whom
they are directed. Wherever people are engaged in prayer,
singly or in groups, there the angels gather. If your ears

were attuned to the inner vibrations, you could actually hear

them gathering as they come from North, South, East and
West to add their strength to your calls by their presence,
spreading the essence of the benediction that comes in an-
swer to your petitions for the Earth.”


The beloved Archangel Chamuel is the Archangel of

love, adoration and devotion to God and his goodness, as
expressed to mankind. He and his divine complement, the
beloved Charity, are dedicated and consecrated to develop-
ing, in the outer consciousness of mankind, a true sense of
gratitude and adoration to their source—GOD—and to en-
couraging mankind to unfold the divine flame that lies buried
within each heart.

On the Third Ray, the Archangel Chamuel renders the

specific service of stirring within the individual’s feelings a
joyous acceptance of the ever-presence of God. He is a be-
ing of transcendent light, who has served for aeons of time
at inner levels, teaching the angelic host how they may,
through prayer and devotion, accelerate their own blessed
flames in praise to the Godhead. He has also served in the
elemental temples, teaching elemental life how to raise their
consciousness in praise and adoration to the God who made

At inner levels, Lord Chamuel and beloved Charity have

a glorious temple builded on a circular design, with a golden
dome encrusted with pink rubies. In this temple, the Flame

of Adoration to God and his messengers burns brightly. This

flame is directed by Lord Chamuel to all unascended beings,
to encourage the development of their own divine plan, and
is carried to mankind by Lord Chamuel’s legions.

All virtues have color and sound. True gratitude emanat-

ing from the heart of any individual is pink. When this grati-
tude is sent to members of the human race, it is a soft, deli-
cate shell pink. When gratitude is poured out to God and the
Divine Beings who serve him, in conscious adoration and
praise, it is a deeper pink and, literally, the doors to heaven
open. Back on the ray of gratitude and praise to Deity comes
more and more of the beautiful pink essence into the world
of the one sending forth such blessing.

The divine love which is expressed by the Archangel

Chamuel is the love which stirs the power of gratitude within
the hearts of men, angels and elementals—that which stirs a
feeling of reverence for life and understanding of the benefi-
cence of the great Universal First Cause, as well as of the
messengers who serve that cause. This love awakens the
dormant, divine nature of the student to a conscious feeling
of gratitude for blessings received.

For many centuries, the conscious knowledge of the

Archangel Chamuel was withdrawn from the outer minds of
the masses, and therefore, they did not have access to his
presence, but now, the students of THE BRIDGE TO FREEDOM
teaching can consciously tie into the world of this mighty
Archangel and feel, through him, the great love that God
holds for his creation. That feeling flows from Archangel
Chamuel’s heart the moment that you allow your thoughts
to dwell upon him. Even if you are in a place or condition

where your lips cannot form the words, the moment that
you invoke his name and ask for his help, your world and
Chamuel’s become one.

We commend you, who need assistance, to a comrade-

ship with Chamuel, and your own faith, your own feelings
will prove what vital assistance the invocation of his pres-
ence can bring into your world.


“I am the Angel of Adoration—he who embodies that

mighty fiat, ‘Thou shalt love the Lord, thy God with all thy
heart, with all thy soul, with all thy spirit!’ I bring to the re-
membrance of the flame that you hold within the chalice of
your heart, that its very nature is ADORATION TO ITS
SOURCE! The way back home to unity with God is through
the externalization of its divine nature.

“The Adoration Flame is practical. It is an actual treat-

ment of the feelings, as well as of the mind, and an actual
therapy to the flesh. True adoration to God has within it no
self-seeking, but absolute relaxation, basking in the good-
ness of God and loving him for himself. Therefore, within it
is none of the tension that sometimes attends prayer and
invocation, because of the use of human will. I challenge
any individual in depression, any individual in pain, any indi-
vidual in chains of any kind, to use the Flame of Adoration
that is the true nature of their being, and if they do not see
and feel FREEDOM, then the Sun and the planets will no
longer move on their appointed courses.

“That to which you give your life grows, multiplies, de-

velops and matures, whether it is a garden plot, a farm crop,
or whether it is a friendship—human or divine. The pouring
forth of the gratitude of your love and life multiplies and
makes things grow.

“Oh, the happiness that your bodies will feel, and the
lightness that you will experience, as you drop the appear-
ances of age, distress and discomfort. As you learn to relax
within that Pink Flame of Gratitude and Thanksgiving to life,
the softness will erase the lines from your face and love will
replace the hard look in the eyes. All these blessings come
from the use of that Flame of Thanksgiving, of Gratitude and
Adoration, of which my beloved complement, Charity, is the
spiritual being and heart.

“I challenge you! Sweep my Flame of Adoration through

every condition in your life—to double your supply, to double
your enthusiasm, to double your ability and desire to serve,
to triple all your activities! It can be done! WORKS, not
words, are the order of the day! Everything increases
through attention. Remember, magnify and amplify the
GOOD! Take the money in your purse and pass the Adora-
tion Flame through it! Bless it—and increase it—and SEE
what the use of that flame will do for you! Children of my
heart, I challenge you to try this!

“We are in the day of opportunity, not only to make

FREEDOM and its glorious effects across the face of the
planet into the consciousness of mankind. Thus will this
Earth be freed from limitation of every description. May
there never again go forth from the heart of any student

who has been blessed by the presence of Saint Germain, a

vibratory action that is less than the joy, the gladness, the
praise, the thanksgiving, and the adoration to the God of life
for his goodness. Such sustained adoration is the conscious-
ness of the Kingdom of Heaven, which never knows any-
thing less than praise, thanksgiving, and gratitude to life.
That consciousness never knows depression, condemnation
or discouragement.

“The man who learns to adore the Flame of Life, to

acknowledge that presence everywhere, may move in the
world and find all life his friend, because the intelligent pres-
ence within the heart of all mankind responds instantly to
the salutation when it comes from the feelings and not just
from the lips.

“Beloved Ones, the Flame of Adoration directed toward

that which is good is a practical magnet within your hands,
to draw to you every good and perfect thing IF YOU WILL
USE IT! We come over and over again, bringing to you the
KEY TO FREEDOM and your precious hearts respond, but so
soon you slip back into the habits of the centuries and FOR-
GET TO USE these gifts which are ours to give and remind
you of, but YOURS TO EXTERNALIZE! I leave you now in AD-


The power of the great and mighty Elohim, ORION, and

his divine complement, beloved Angelica, is the aspect of
divine love which sets the cosmos into action. Study groups
have been calling that power forth in decrees, and these
fiats, consciously issued, remove the mass accumulations of
distress in the psychic realm in which we abide. The cosmic
love thus set into motion impersonally locks the flame of
God around the cause and core of imperfection, removing it
before it can manifest as distress in the mind, body and af-
fairs. This is the service of the Elohim, but it is on such a
subtle plane, that most individuals are unaware of it.

Both the beloved Orion and Angelica are interested in

bringing peace to the Earth through divine love. Without
pure divine love emanating from the heart of any individual,
no lasting peace can manifest. Love, in itself, is a positive
quality and NOT negative sentimentality, and its radiation
brings forth the warmth of the feeling of GOOD WILL toward
all unhappy and imprisoned life. It is the divine edict of the
heavenly Father that the people of Earth learn how to love
one another NOW! Love is the cohesive power of the uni-
verse, whether we refer to personal possession or planetary


“I am ORION, ELOHIM OF LOVE—that divine love which

has caused to come into being every Sun and galaxy in this
universe, every star and every planet, every form from the
great Solar Galaxy to the tiniest elemental and atom belong-
ing to this planet.

“DIVINE LOVE is a POSITIVE and not a negative quality. I

come into the atmosphere of Earth on wings of divine love,
bringing with me the concentrated flame of that love. This
flame has been the magnetic, cohesive power which drew
into being the Earth upon which your feet stand, the very
physical bodies in which you function, and every other mani-
festation which appears. Every form which you enjoy is a
part of my being, held together by the Flame of Love, for if
divine love (which is cohesion) were to cease to be, all in the
universe would return to the unformed and become again
part of primal life.

“Will you now consciously give me your attention,

please? If you know of any lifestream in this Earth life, with
whom you are not in complete accord, consciously draw the
image of that person before your mind’s eye NOW and let
me give you the pressure of my feeling of unconditional lov-
ing forgiveness toward that one. If you will ACCEPT this, it
will cut you free from the recoil of the energies of those past
mistakes, which made the enmity in the beginning. Experi-
ences of physical embodiment, good or bad, weave ties that
will have to be balanced in another realm through your inner
vehicles (etheric, mental and emotional bodies) if they are
not worked out here on the Earth.”


By The Beloved Elohim Orion

“First of all, the fiat of mighty Hercules went forth to

those of us who work as one body. He said, ‘A new system
is to be born, a new set of God-Parents has chosen to create
a system of planets. I am called upon to give the decision as
to whether or not the seven Elohim will choose to cooperate
in the manifesting of this plan. Do you, my beloved associ-
ates, choose to be a part of this creation?’ In answer, each
one of us rushed forth in love—grateful for opportunity to
serve. Each of us said, ‘I WILL!’ As spokesman for us all,
Hercules then preceded us to the throne of Helios and Vesta,
and announcing our decision, said, ‘Beloved God-parents,
WE WILL to create your universe for you. What now is your
“It was love which enabled us to have the courtesy to
accept the design of those Beings rather than to project our
own. Then, in their great wisdom and light, Helios and Vesta
asked the great Elohim Cassiopea to pass his Golden Flame
through the body of the Cosmic Silent Watcher, and thus
reveal the magnificent divine pattern for this solar system.
We all stood looking upon it with love, interest and admira-
tion, seeing the size of each planet and the number of
lifestreams which were to come upon them. In LOVE, we
looked upon the hope of the God-Parents of this system.
“In the activity of my ray (divine love) our service of
creation began. LOVE, the universal magnet which all life
must obey, drew primal life from its quiescent state, at my
command, and that primal life obediently took form accord-
ing to the pattern which we perceived in the bosom of the
Silent Watcher. Thus, we proceeded with the creation of
each planet.

“Then came the activity of the Elohim of Purity, beloved

Claire, holding true to the original, divine design so that,
even unconsciously, there might not be imposed upon this
pattern some change of form coming from some other gal-
axy which we were completing about this same time. This
beloved Elohim held to the purity and symmetry of the di-
vine design, in courtesy to the Great Beings who had chosen
to bring it forth.

“Next came the CONCENTRATION of energy of mighty

Vista (Cyclopea) so that all the elementals, angels and build-
ers of form could coalesce their energies and talents around
one planet at a time, when that one was being drawn forth
into form.

“We then drew forth the activity of ARCTURUS, the

RHYTHM of the outpouring of each one of us. This is one of
the most important factors in creation, for rhythm provides
nourishment for the form. In your physical bodies, the
rhythm of your heartbeat and that of your breath determines
the efficiency of the physical form. In your own precipitation,
the rhythm which you establish will determine symmetry,
beauty, accuracy and perfection of your manifest design.

“The Sixth Ray, which is ministration and radiation of

peace, is the solidifying of the perfect design. This takes
seventh place, so that when the Earth was completed and it
first began its own revolutions upon its axis, the music of the
spheres began to pour forth from the planet. Therefore,
LASTLY came the radiation of the Elohim of Peace, beloved
Tranquility, which held the form of the Earth from disinte-
gration because, where HARMONY, PEACE AND TRANQUILITY


you shellac certain things to preserve them against rust and
decay, so does the activity of the Elohim of Peace enfold and
seal all creations in the entire planetary scheme brought
forth by the Elohim, for the period of existence designed for
that creation.

“You, and every individual who desires to become mas-

ter of the creation of form, must also learn to use these
same seven steps. Whenever you wish to use and expand
the activities of the Third Ray of DIVINE LOVE, whose quali-
ties are adoration, magnetization, and gratitude to life, I AM


While playing softy the melody, “Let Me Call You Sweet-

heart,” (which contains the keynote of beloved Archangel
Chamuel), rest your attention on the ceremonial angels that
have assisted you in this class and on Archangel Chamuel,
Lord Maitreya, Paul the Venetian, and beloved Elohim Orion.

Send your love and gratitude for their service.

Feel yourself surrounded by a pillar of Pink Flame of the

Ray of Love.

Expand that flame to cover your city, state, nation and

the entire globe.


Beloved Presence of God I AM in me and in all mankind

everywhere, beloved Paul the Venetian, Archangel Chamuel
and Charity, the Elohim Orion and Angelica, beloved Maha
Chohan, Goddess of Liberty, beloved Lady Master Nada and
all who are concerned with the Pink Flame of God’s divine


around every part of my being and world, and every person,
place, condition and thing, including the elemental and ani-
mal kingdom and every living thing in this country and the
whole world. Hold this sustained until ALL LIFE on our Earth
thinks, feels and manifests God’s love, peace and perfection.

Beloved I AM! (3)

By Christ Command! (3)
Do it today! (3)
Do it to stay! (3)
Beloved Presence of God I AM in me and beloved Arch-
angel Chamuel, BLAZE! (3) your Pink Adoration Flame in,
through and around me, my money and supply, and expand
it continually into my financial freedom NOW!
Beloved I AM! (3)
By Christ Command! (3)
Do it today! (3)
Do it to stay! (3)

BENEDICTION (By Group Leader)

Sealed in a mighty pillar of the Pink Flame of Cosmic

Love, Harmony and Tolerance, from the hearts of beloved
Archangel Chamuel, Elohim Orion and Ascended Master Paul
the Venetian, we thank the Ascended Host of Light for the
continuous outpouring of love, wisdom and power.

We thank beloved Archangels Michael and Uriel and the

Angels of Protection, Ministration and Ceremonial, who have
assisted us at this class. Take our humble efforts and ampli-
fy them with your mighty love. Take them North, South,
East and West and cover the Earth with the outpouring of
the Pink Flame of Cosmic Love, Harmony and Tolerance.

Help us to achieve and maintain perfect harmony, health

and supply. Let the divine plan be made manifest through
every lifestream belonging to this planet.

May the benediction and blessings of Almighty God and

the peace which surpasses all understanding be with you
each one. May the God of Mercy protect and guide you on
your spiritual path toward enlightenment and freedom.

(Group Leader extinguishes candles, starting with the pink

candle, then follow with the yellow candle and the blue candle).

Lesson 11



Lesson Overview ...........................................................236

The Fourth Ray, The White Ray Of Purity .......................237
The Immaculate Concept...............................................238
Serapis Bey, Chohan Of The Fourth Ray .........................239
Musical Interlude ..........................................................240
Transfer Of The Ascension Flame From Poseidonis .........240
The Archangel Gabriel ...................................................242
Musical Interlude (Gabriel’s Keynote) .............................243
Address By Beloved Archangel Gabriel ............................243
Address By Beloved Claire (Elohim Of Purity) ..................245
The Seven Steps To Precipitation ...................................250
Beloved Astrea .............................................................251
Address By Beloved Astrea ............................................252


Play appropriate music, such as “Bells of the Meadows.”

then say,

“All hail to Thee, thou all-pervading light of the universe,

the supreme source of life, “I AM.” We kneel within our
hearts in recognition of the light of the Cosmos, as we draw
forth these flames, representing the three-fold activity of
life, as exemplified by the Holy Trinity:

the Father, (lighting blue candle)

the Son, (lighting yellow candle) and
the Holy Spirit” (lighting pink candle)

“Beloved Cosmic I AM Presence, come now and assert

thy rightful authority in the four lower vehicles of all of they
children and show us how to reverently and humbly express
the perfectly balanced activity of love, wisdom and power
which thou art.

“Oh Light Supreme, we acknowledge thee in all life, and

we give gratitude to the glorious Cosmic and Ascended Be-
ings, as we invoke them and the great angelic host to ampli-
fy the energy which we release in this class, and may that
light expand, expand and expand, as it travels throughout
the universe, ever widening the borders of thy kingdom, in
fulfillment of thy will ‘I AM!’”


“Beloved mighty, victorious Presence of God “I AM.” the

source that is anchored within each of our hearts, we love
and adore you. We acknowledge you to be the owner and
giver of all life, our intelligence, our substance, our all!

“We call on beloved Archangels Michael and Uriel and on

all Ascended Beings who serve on the Fourth Ray and espe-
cially Beloved Archangel Gabriel, the Elohim of Purity and
Ascended Master Serapis Bey.

“As we pour out our deepest love and gratitude to the

Ascended Host of Light for bringing forth this teaching, blaze
(3) your White Flame of Purity through and around us, eter-
nally sustained.

“Seal us in your light and love and power of victorious

accomplishment. Guard and protect us, guide and direct us
and give us the illumination of truth that shall set us free!”


This is a lesson on the God-virtues of the Fourth Ray.

The lesson deals with maintaining, in humility, the purity of
the original God-idea, not clouding it with one’s own person-
al ego. Other aspects of this ray are the Immaculate Con-
cept, the Resurrection, the Resurrection Flame, the Ascen-
sion Flame, and artistic development.

The color of the ray is white. Primary representatives are

Archangel Gabriel, the Elohim of Purity and the Ascended
Master Serapis Bey.

Before starting the lesson, contemplate the picture of

Beloved Serapis Bey and ask for his radiation, feelings, na-
ture and consciousness.


The Fourth Ray represents the White Flame of Purity,

the Resurrection Flame, the Immaculate Concept, and also
the Ascension Flame. The Chohan of the Fourth Ray,
through whom the purity of this ray is focused, is the be-
loved Ascended Master Serapis Bey, whose special service it
has been to guard the actual Ascension Flame at Luxor,
Egypt, since the time that it was carried by him and others
to its present location at the time of the sinking of the last
remnants of the Atlantean Continent.
Purity, and the holding of the Immaculate Concept, be-
comes necessary for the student as he moves along the
path, and the resurrecting of all the GOOD in his lifestream
is also a requirement before the individual is able to gradu-
ate in the victory of the ascension. All training by the As-
cended Masters is for one purpose only—to help aspiring
students to so purify and harmonize themselves that they
may quickly gain the ascension and BECOME the I AM Pres-
ence, thus fulfilling their reason for being. The beloved Ser-
apis Bey holds to a strict discipline for those who aspire to
the ascension, for it is not possible that the fullness of God
be attained by those who have misused God’s energy
through many ages of living, unless they perfect themselves.
The Fourth Sphere is where the Holy Christ Selves of
mankind abide, until such time as they are able to take over

the outer self in the outpicturing of the Christ in the outer

world of mankind. The Fourth Ray becomes the “bridge”
between the inner realms of perfection and the outer mani-
festation of the divine plan in the world of form. The Elohim
of Purity expresses, particularly, through this ray and holds
the Immaculate Concept for the Earth and each one of man-
kind. The great Archangel Gabriel draws the Resurrection
Flame through this ray, and in the outer world of form,
those who belong to this ray are usually very artistic and
have talent directed toward the activities of music, dancing,
drama, painting, sculpture and architecture.


The Immaculate Concept, which is so little understood in

the outer world, is that activity of holding in the thoughts
and feelings the DIVINE PATTERN, the divine blueprint for
yourself, each other, and every part of life you contact.
There is a glorious and beautiful divine pattern for every
expression of life, and when that is held in the conscious-
ness, instead of the outer appearance which temporarily
clothes that particular form, it assists in bringing into outer
manifestation the expression of the blessing with which God
endowed it in the beginning.

This is what the beloved Mother Mary did for the be-
loved Master Jesus—holding fast to that divine image of a
GOD MAN for him from before his birth until after the victory
of his ascension. This beloved Ascended Lady Master holds
this divine concept for every child of God on the planet
Earth, to this day.

The Immaculate Concept is MAGNIFYING THE GOOD eve-

rywhere your attention rests, thus minimizing the appear-
ances of imperfection, and helping to bring more light to the
Earth rather than increase the shadows. Let us learn to see
something of GOOD everywhere and try to see ourselves and
everyone we contact as the God being that each one really


Serapis Bey is an embodied seraphim. He came to Earth

as a guardian spirit, from Venus.

Serapis Bey was the priest in the Ascension Temple on

Atlantis before its sinking, to whom was delegated the task
of taking a portion of the Ascension Flame to safety. He,
with forty of the Brotherhood, sailed in a boat to Egypt, ac-
cording to the directions they had been given. Just after
their landing on the Nile River in the locality of Luxor, they
were aware of the sinking of Atlantis by the rumble and
shaking of the Earth.

Serapis Bey established a temple there for the Ascension

Flame and has been the guardian of that flame ever since.
Some trusted brother in physical embodiment would stand
guard when he was at inner levels in between embodiments.
Since the sinking of Atlantis, around 12,000 years ago, he
has had nearly all embodiments in Egypt. While in embodi-
ment in Egypt as Akhenaton IV and Amenophis III, he built
the temples at Thebes and Karnak.

Serapis Bey was Phidias in one embodiment, an Atheni-

an architect and sculptor. He brought forth the design of the

Parthenon, and supervised the building of it. According to

one encyclopedia, it was dedicated in 438 B.C.

Serapis Bey made the ascension around 400 B.C. Later

he became Chohan of the Fourth Ray, under which comes
the action of the Ascension Flame. He is the Master in
charge of the Brotherhood at Luxor, Egypt, and works with
the seraphim. Serapis Bey has golden hair and eyes of am-
ber color. “Celeste Aida” is his keynote. His electronic pat-
tern is a heart.


While the attention rests upon beloved Serapis Bey, the

melody, “Celeste Aida,” containing his keynote, may be



By Serapis Bey

“Some of you will remember that earlier journey, when

we brought the Ascension Flame in the brazier from Atlantis
to Egypt. You will recall how we spelled each other off at the
oars, rowing against time, knowing that a cosmic moment
waits for no weariness of flesh, no doubt of mind, no fear in
the feelings, nor any externalization of destructive karma of
any man who might be a part of that boatload of individuals
entrusted with the mission of carrying the Ascension Flame
to Luxor.

“We had to reach our goal despite any and all individual
and collective obstacles, within a given time. How we re-
joiced when we reached the mouth of the Nile and knew we
were, at last, within 500 miles of our goal! The tears fell up-
on our cheeks as, for a moment, we stretched our arms and
flexed the muscles in our arms and hands to relieve them
from the pressure of service at the oars, which we had
manned to drive our galley forward, when the winds did not
fill our sails to help us to reach our goal. We thanked the
God that made us, as we gazed at the still-glowing embers
of that Ascension Flame, knowing that within its presence
was the way back home, not only for ourselves, but for all
who would lose their bodies in the sinking of Atlantis, and
who would again wait at the gates of birth for new embodi-
ment, upon the remaining landed surface of the Earth.

“Rising with renewed strength, by acknowledgment of

our Source, we rowed up the river to Luxor. I remember the
commendable restraint of the members of our company,
who, rather than rushing over the side of the boat as it rode
at anchor, awaited my disembarking, carrying the brazier,
within which the spark of the Ascension Flame still burned.
Then, forming a dignified procession, all followed me ashore.
We knelt about that flame, which we had kept alive by our
very breath, our prayers and application during the rainy
nights at sea, during the foggy days, as the heavy winds
beset our slight barque. As we knelt thus, pouring our love
into the Ascension Flame, from the embers new light grew.
At the same time, as the great Nile River swelled and the
Earth shook, we remembered Atlantis.”


There are many God-Beings who offer to direct their

assistance when individuals CALL for such help, and the
mighty Archangel Gabriel is one of those who bring to man-
kind those “tidings of great joy.” The Archangel Gabriel has
also been called the Angel of Annunciation, due to the fact
that it was he who announced to the beloved Mary that the
time had come for her to bring forth a son, who was to be
called Jesus.

We have been told that man was created in the image

and likeness of the Father-God, but it is quite apparent that
man has “fallen” far short of the original divine blueprint. In
this connection, the Archangel Gabriel also holds that origi-
nal concept of perfection—the IMMACULATE CONCEPT—for
all mankind, and will give assistance to all who will call unto

The divine complement of the Archangel Gabriel is

known by the name of HOPE, and her service is to perform
exactly what her name implies. She brings hope to the hu-
man heart for better things to come. Her radiation is buoy-
ant, uplifting, joyous, and inspirational. As the radiation from
your radiators makes your living quarters comfortable, so
does the radiation of any intelligence—divine or human—
affect your atmosphere through their thoughts, feelings,
words and deeds. This is not a mystic, but a scientific fact.
Proximity to the heat from a radiator makes one warm—
proximity to the presence of any of God’s messengers raises
the entire consciousness and world of the one who invites
such a presence with its radiant blessings, gifts, and virtues.


While the attention of the group is on beloved Archangel

Gabriel and the activities of the Fourth Ray, his keynote, “In-
termezzo, Cavallero Rusticana” may be played.


“Hail, sons and daughters of the living God incarnated! I

come from the throne of the King of Kings, to bring you re-
membrance of your divine identity, to bring to you remem-
brance of the heritage which awaits your claiming, so that
you may externalize it to the glory of your Father, and to
bring the redemption of the Earth, which has been your pa-
tient protector and hostess. I come from the realms of the
‘Light of God that never fails’ into the shadows of the Earth
and say to you: GODS and GODDESSES, why sit ye in the
shadows, when within your heart beats that fire of immortal-
ity? It contains, within itself, the power to redeem, to trans-
mute, to harmonize, to purify, to heal, to supply, and to
regulate every condition, even with the speed of thought!


It is my privilege and honor, working with the Hierarchy, to
bring to life, again, the consciousness of mastery, which is
the pre-ordained destiny of every man, woman and child
belonging to this evolution, as well as those who are the
avowed guardians of it.

“I dwell within the Fourth Realm and Sphere and I work

with the great Serapis Bey and the Holy Christ Selves of al-
most the entire human race. I am well acquainted with the

divine perfection for every lifestream belonging to this evolu-

tion. I worship in the same temples, I stand side by side
with your Christ Selves, day by day. I am well equipped to
convey to you the FEELING that it is time that you opened
the doors and windows of your soul to the reality of that
exquisite and majestic Divine Presence—made in the image
of the Father and Mother of this system—which it is your
duty and responsibility to externalize.
“Religion is not a matter of ceremony alone. It is a MAT-
TER OF DAILY, HOURLY LIVING! It is a matter of plain, ordi-
nary common sense. It is a matter of discipline, self-control
and contemplation, the development of love and gratitude to
life itself, and for the God who has given that life and sus-
tained you for millions of years.
“Today, with all the power of my own heart, I CHARGE
into your mental body, I CHARGE into your feeling world, I
CHARGE into your etheric body, I CHARGE into your physical
body the glorious power of the RESURRECTION FLAME to
REVERSE the currents that have tied the energies of your
bodies into the lower octaves and formed the magnetic pull
that has bound you to the Earth. YOU SHALL BE FREE! I, Ga-
briel, am speaking into your hearts! REMEMBER ME! Call forth
that Flame of the Resurrection! Let that which seems ‘dead’
within you, LIVE! The light of God, the youth of God, the
sight of God, the hearing of God, the beauty of God, the
love of God, the all-encompassing nature of God IS ALIVE
WITHIN YOU! There is an ember within your hearts, or else
you would not have physical forms. There is a spark in which
is the all-power of the Almighty, and I breathe upon it with
the flame of my spirit: COME FORTH NOW, YE THAT SLEEP!


“I am the Elohim of Purity! I am the guardian of the IM-

MACULATE CONCEPT for this Earth, as well as for this entire
universe. I am also the guardian of the Immaculate Concept
of your own individualized divinity, which is fashioned from
white fire substance and lives in the God-free realms. This is
your pattern of perfection, originally created by the God-
head—and that being, in all its perfection, YOU MUST ONE
DAY BECOME! I am more than this—I am the Flame of COS-
MIC PURITY, the natural activity of your own life, and not
something that must be wooed and drawn from without.

“I am the living, breathing PURITY of the electrons

which live in the center of the atoms of which your physical
bodies are composed. I am ALIVE in every cell of your bod-
ies, moving around the central core of every atom of your
flesh. Truly can I say that I am with you always, for I AM
YOUR LIFE! I am the living, breathing, electronic light of puri-
ty within your mental bodies, I am the living, breathing
flame of pure light invoked by each of you into the great sea
of your emotional world, I am the pure electronic light within
every cell of your etheric garment—all waiting to be released
from the shadows imposed upon them. I am now expanding
my PURITY from within every cell and atom of all your four
nature, which is the purification of this Earth, and all that is
in the Earth, on the Earth, or in its atmosphere.

“If you could stop one electron as it passes from the

heart of your God Presence into your physical heart, you
would see that the electron contains within itself ALL of the
nature of the Godhead, ALL of its powers, its majesty, and

ALL of the divinity which is within the God-Parents. The elec-

tron, itself, can never be contaminated, for my Flame of
Cosmic Christ PURITY lives within every one of them. From
whence, then, come the shadows, limitations, illnesses, and
appearances of age and depression? These discordant ap-
pearances are but the ‘clothing’ of the electrons by shadows
created from the habit of placing the attention, thoughts and
feelings of the outer self upon imperfect appearances in the
environment and atmosphere of Earth. With your conscious
acceptance of my service now, I shall endeavor to remove
as much as is possible of this shadowed substance around
your electrons by the mercy of God, and by expanding the
power of my Flame of PURITY, which is ALREADY WITHIN
YOU! I now speak directly to the electrons which have come
from the Universal First Cause, having answered the call and
obeyed the magnetic pull of the Immortal Threefold Flame
within your heart:
“In the name and by the power of Almighty God, I now
decree for continuous and permanent expansion of the
Flame of PURITY in every cell of your bodies. I command
this to remove the effluvia (shadows) and transmute into
light every rate of vibration which is an impurity and causes
human limitation. I command this done NOW, by the most
powerful cosmic action of the Blue Lightning of Cosmic
Christ PURITY from my heart. I decree that the purity within
the heart of every one of your electrons shall now EXPAND,
EXPAND, EXPAND, until that which appears as limitation can
no longer imprison your life in discord, and thus shall the
shadows cease to be!
“Remember, the only discomfort in the world comes
from the lack of the substance of purity in one or more of

the four lower bodies. Misqualified energy changes the ratio

of the speed of the electrons, which form the atom and
causes pain, limitation, and distress. The vibration of the
substance of purity quickens the vibratory action of the elec-
trons, helping them to expand their light, throw off the dis-
cordant substance imposed upon them, and restores them
to the rhythm and harmony of the I AM Presence, in whose
image each individual was originally created.
“PURITY is very essential for the use of the Sacred Fire
of Precipitation and Etherealization. (Precipitation is the
drawing together of electrons into manifest form. By using
the Fire of Etherealization, as part of the disintegration of a
form, the electrons return to their source. Ed.) If the MEN-
TAL BODY is not purified, it cannot receive the perfect de-
sign from the Godhead or the Ascended Masters, nor can it
manifest the strength to hold to that design against the dis-
integrating forces of doubt, fear, ridicule, and the many oth-
er negative qualities in the atmosphere of Earth, which al-
ways endeavor to destroy a constructive pattern.

“If the EMOTIONAL BODY is not purified, the idea and

pattern will be so tinged with selfishness and personal ambi-
tion, that the beautiful design loses much of its perfection
and efficacy.

“If the ETHERIC BODY (the seat of memory also called

‘soul’) is not purified, the failures of the past, which are rec-
orded there, will often neutralize, and sometimes completely
destroy, the form before it can be externalized for the bless-
ing of life.

“PURITY is essential to enable one to consciously ethe-

realize substance which has fulfilled its purpose, releasing

the magnetic pull which has held the form together, and
allowing the electrons which have made up that form, to
return to the Sun for repolarization.

“In ETHEREALIZATION, if the mental body is not puri-

fied, it will devise all kinds of schemes to ‘hold on’ to sub-
stance and form temporarily loaned to the personal self. If
the emotional body is not purified, it will cling tenaciously to
possessions, as well as to people, and clutter up the world
with many forms which have completed their efficacy. These
bind lifestreams to individuals, causing much unnecessary
suffering to all concerned. If the etheric body is not purified,
it will remember previous losses and be filled with suspicions
and fears, and the process of etherealization will be hin-

“Every Ascended Being uses life only as God intended it

to be used—to give some blessing. Then, when the forms
they have created have given their service, they release that
life from that form, so that it may serve with greater pur-
pose in the future, the opportunity for greater service having
been earned by obedience to these Celestial Ones. If man-
kind would only learn this lesson of ‘loosing and letting go!’
Often have we witnessed the suffering that has ensued,
when individuals refusing to learn this lesson, are finally
forced, by the bitterness of their own experience to make
this renunciation.

“I ask you to call upon the Law of Forgiveness for your

own misuse of life all through the ages, and to accept my
gift of purity in its place, so that you may see, know and
BECOME the perfect expression of your own individualized I
AM Presence—a holy grail—receiving into your outer mind

the divine ideas from that Presence which, through your pu-
rified centers of thought, feeling and spoken word, you can
externalize for your own blessing and for the benefaction of
your fellowman.

“Within every electron which is released from the heart

of God, is the power to create and sustain the kingdom of
heaven for yourself, your family, your world and the stu-
dents entrusted to your loving care, right here on Earth.
Within it is my Flame of PURITY! Right within the brazier of
your heart you carry the most powerful concentrate of the
’atomic accelerator!’ YOU HAVE FULL AND FREE ACCESS TO
concentration of my Flame of PURITY, released from my
presence, I have washed from your inner and physical bod-
ies literally tons of the accumulated atomic consciousness of
impurity and imperfection. Please accept this as having been
done for you, in the name of God, and go forward God-pure
and God-free!


By Beloved Claire, The Elohim Of Purity

“In the beginning, when the great Helios and Vesta in-
vited the Elohim to create the planets of this system, be-
loved Hercules conveyed that invitation to us, and we, indi-
vidually as well as in a collective body, said, ‘We WILL (step
1) to render this service!’ In connection with the creation of
the planet Earth, well do I remember the time when all of us
were drawn around the beautiful being, Immaculata, the
Silent Watcher of this planet, and well do I remember the
Flame of Cassiopea (step 2) by which was illumined to us
the light pattern of this planet, held within the heart of that
beloved Silent Watcher, placed there by beloved Helios and
Vesta. As we looked upon it, we all felt (step 3) the LOVE of
Orion, and an intensified desire, within ourselves, to cooper-
ate with the God-Parents in bringing that planet forth into
perfect form.

“Then came (step 4) my service to life—to hold that pat-

tern and plan through the Cosmic Flame of Purity, so that
not one blade of grass, not one flame-flower should be ex-
ternalized that was not a portion of the divine ideas, the pat-
tern of perfection, as it was held within the heart of the Si-
lent Watcher. All through the ages, while the creation of the
Earth was taking place, I held that Flame and pattern of PU-
RITY. This, coupled with the illumined obedience, the sin-
cere humility and love of the Elohim—not desiring to exter-
nalize their own pattern and form, but desiring only to bring
forth that which was the divine plan for the Earth—brought
happiness, indeed, to my heart.

“Following my holding of the Immaculate Concept for


the Earth, through the use of my Flame of PURITY, my be-

loved brother, Vista (Cyclopea), brought into action (step 5)
his Flame of CONCENTRATION. Then came our beloved Arc-
turus (step 6) with his activities of the Seventh Ray, the
the Violet fire.” The ‘Seven Steps’ (step 7) were then fully
completed by the sealing of the entire creation within the
flame of beloved TRANQUILITY, the Elohim of Peace.”


The great being known to us as the beloved Astrea is

the divine complement of the great Elohim of Purity, and her
service is working in the astral realm, where the cores of
impurity and evil exist, and in the dissolving and transmuting
of all psychic substance on the Earth, in its atmosphere, and
around its people. This she accomplishes by encircling the
human creation (which is the psychic substance) around
persons, places, conditions and things within her CIRCLE
AND SWORD OF BLUE FLAME, holding the impurity leashed,
until it can be dissolved and transmuted into perfection.

After the beloved Astrea and the Ascended Host have

removed the causes and cores of all impurity from the Earth,
the great Elohim of Purity will be welcomed, and the people
will joyously call for his Flame of PURITY to replace all sor-
didness and imperfections on the Earth. People many times
feel that they are LOSING something when they call for PU-
RITY, but instead of losing anything, they are actually gain-
ing peace, comfort, healing, supply, happiness, and all the

good and perfect things they desire. Perfection is unable to

manifest when impurity exists (and we are told that even an
unkind word is impurity), any more than the Sun can shine
through a mud-spattered window pane.
Only by experimentation can you understand the tre-
mendous service that the beloved Astrea can give to you by
daily calling into action her Circle and Sword of Blue Flame
to encircle you and your world and hold in check all the hu-
man creation in and around you, until it can be dissolved
and transmuted into purity and perfection. Remember, the
psychic realm extends for several thousand feet above the
Earth, and it is only by holding the attention on the light, the
presence of God I AM, and the Ascended Host of Light, that
you can live in the world and keep your own world compara-
tively untouched by the human creation.


“Every electron of my being is pulsating with all the

momentums of purity, which it has been my privilege to ac-
cumulate through the ages, and I am accompanied in this
outpouring of the Cosmic Flame of Purity by all the beings
who are presently serving on the Fourth Ray, including the
Archangels, seraphim, cherubim, and the angelic host.
“Now, we all know that purity has been shied away from
by the masses through the centuries—you, at one time or
another having belonged to that group—and the reason for
this reluctance of acceptance is obvious.
“We, of the Fourth Ray, who focus much of our energies
through the Retreat at Luxor, would remind you that,
through the activities of that retreat, the chela has added

assistance in bringing about the purification of his own vehi-

cles, as well as that of the planet. Remember, always, that
the inner vehicles house the causes and cores of imperfec-
tion, and that the physical body, upon which the chela often
puts so much attention, will express the perfection which is
held within the inner vehicles—it being the depository or
reflection of the inner.
“You will remember that I HAVE OFFERED TO REMOVE
OF THAT VOW FROM ME! You are sufficiently acquainted with
Ascended Host) ASSISTANCE!
I stand ready always to use the Circle and Sword of Blue
Flame to cut away the imperfection upon this planet, and
the Legions of Purity, at the command of the beings on the
Fourth Ray, are limitless and can go into action on the in-
stant, BUT THE DEMAND for this service MUST BE MADE FROM
“Let me forcibly remind you that you are responsible to
the Cosmic Law for the use of your God-given energy, and
when we present an existing condition to you which must be
remedied through the use of the Sacred Fire, IN THE NAME
OF ALL THAT IS GOOD AND HOLY, go into action and MAKE
YOUR DEMAND upon us for the release of the purifying fires
which can, on the instant, remove the causes and cores of


Mighty I AM Presence, Angels of Blue Flame and beloved

Ascended Lady Master Astrea—LOCK YOUR COSMIC CIRCLE
AND SWORD OF BLUE FLAME in, through and around all of
the causes and cores of misqualified energy around me and
all mankind. Seize and render this energy ineffective. Illu-
mine! (3) the source and see that this energy may not en-
croach upon life any longer!

* * *


cended Jesus Christ feeling of Cosmic Christ Peace—that
peace which surpasses the understanding of the mind and
which I had with God in the beginning, before even this
world was.


fect health and action of every cell and organ of my body,
NOW MADE MANIFEST and eternally sustained.


sight and hearing, NOW MADE MANIFEST and eternally sus-


less strength, energy and courage, NOW MADE MANIFEST
and eternally sustained.


less supply of money and every good thing that I require for
use in the service and expansion of the light, NOW MADE
MANIFEST in my hands and use and eternally sustained.


While playing softy the melody, “Liebestraum,” (keynote

of the Ascension Temple), rest your attention on the Cere-
monial Angels that have assisted you in this class and on the
Ascended Master Serapis Bey, Archangel Gabriel, the Elohim
of Purity and mighty Astrea.

Send your love and gratitude for their service.

Feel yourself surrounded by a pillar of the White Flame

of Purity.

Expand that flame to cover your city, state, nation, and

the entire globe.

BENEDICTION (By Group Leader)

Sealed in a mighty pillar of the White Flame of Purity

from the hearts of beloved Archangel Gabriel, the Elohim of
Purity and Ascended Master Serapis Bey, we thank the As-
cended Host of Light for the continuous outpouring of love,
wisdom and power.

We thank beloved Archangels Michael and Uriel and the

Angels of Protection, Ministration and Ceremonial who have
assisted us in this class. Take up our humble efforts and
amplify them with your mighty love. Take them North,
South, East and West and cover the Earth with the outpour-
ing of the White Flame of Purity.

Help us to achieve and maintain perfect harmony, health

and supply. Let the divine plan be made manifest through
every lifestream belonging to this planet.

May the benediction and blessings of the most High Liv-

ing God and the peace which surpasses all understanding,
be with you, each one. May the God of Mercy protect and
guide you on your spiritual path toward enlightenment and

(Group Leader extinguishes candles)


Lesson 12



Lesson Overview .......................................................... 259

The Fifth Ray And Its Chohan Hilarion ............................ 260
Address By Beloved Hilarion .......................................... 264
Musical Interlude (Hilarion’s Keynote) ............................ 267
Raphael, Archangel Of Healing And Consecration ............ 267
Address By Beloved Archangel Raphael .......................... 269
The Elohim Of The Fifth Ray, Beloved Vista .................... 270
Address By Beloved Elohim Vista ................................... 271
The Seven Steps To Precipitation ................................... 274


Play appropriate music, such as “Bells of the Meadows.”

Group leader gives the following invocation:

“All hail to thee, thou all-pervading light of the universe,

the supreme source of life, “I AM.” We kneel within our
hearts in recognition of the light of the Cosmos, as we draw
forth these flames representing the three-fold activity of life
as exemplified by the Holy Trinity:

the Father, (lighting blue candle)

the Son, (lighting yellow candle) and

the Holy Spirit (lighting pink candle)

“Beloved Cosmic I AM Presence, come now and assert

thy rightful authority in the four lower vehicles of all of thy
children and show us how to reverently and humbly express
the perfectly balanced activity of love, wisdom and power
which thou art.

“Oh Light Supreme, we acknowledge thee in all life, and

we give gratitude to the glorious Cosmic and Ascended Be-
ings, as we invoke them and the great angelic host to ampli-
fy the energy which we release in this class, and may that
light expand, expand and expand as it travels throughout
the universe, ever widening the borders of thy kingdom, in
fulfillment of thy will, ‘I AM!’”


“Beloved mighty, victorious Presence of God “I AM.” the

source that is anchored within each of our hearts, we love
and adore you. We acknowledge you to be the owner and
giver of all life, our intelligence, our substance, our all!
“We call on beloved Archangels Michael and Uriel and on
all Ascended Beings who serve on the Fifth Ray and espe-
cially Archangel Raphael, Ascended Lady Master Mary, Elo-
him Vista and Ascended Master Hilarion.
“As we pour out our deepest love and gratitude to the
Ascended Host of Light for bringing forth this teaching, blaze
(3) your Green Flame of Truth through and around us, eter-
nally sustained.
“Seal us in your light and love and power of victorious
accomplishment. Guard and protect us, guide and direct us
and give us the illumination of truth that shall set us free!”

This is a lesson on the God-virtues of the Fifth Ray, the
ray of truth. Other qualities of this ray are concentration and
committing (consecrating) one’s life energy to a worthy
cause. Scientific development and healing are also an action
of this ray. Scientists, professional engineers, doctors and
nurses are often on this ray.
The color of the Fifth Ray is emerald green. Primary rep-
resentatives are Archangel Raphael, Mother Mary, Elohim
Vista, Pallas Athena (Goddess of Truth), and the Ascended
Master Hilarion (Chohan).
Before starting the lesson, contemplate the pictures of
Mother Mary and Hilarion.


Once, long ago, when the last remnant of Atlantis sank

beneath the waves of the ocean, certain priests and priest-
esses of the White Order were entrusted with the carrying of
their specifically magnetized God-virtues to other landed
surfaces of the Earth which would remain above the water.
One such God-virtue so carried to safety was the Flame of
Truth, and the Ascended Master Hilarion, who was then un-
ascended, was among the group of consecrated lifestreams
who were entrusted to carry that flame. This group sailed
eastward to what is now the Grecian Peninsula and its adja-
cent islands. There, in a ceremony of reverence and devo-
tion, they anchored this Flame of Truth on the island of
Crete. This island was then part of the mainland, but earth
changes have since disconnected it therefrom. Through ages
of time, this focus of truth has radiated that quality into the
emotional, mental, etheric and physical planes of Earth. The
present guardian of this sacred flame is Hilarion, Chohan of
the Fifth Ray, who, in a former embodiment, at the time of
the ministry of Jesus, was Saint Paul, the Apostle.

The devotees of truth builded on this new location at

Crete a wonderful temple, similar in design to the temple on
Atlantis. Later, this temple was destroyed by those who re-
belled against truth and the disciplines of purity and harmo-
ny, and so today only the beautiful etheric Temple of Truth
remains over the island of Crete. Here, Hilarion and the
Brotherhood of Truth continue to teach and expand this vir-
tue through the consciousness of those who visit there in
the finer body at night, while the physical body sleeps.

In appearance this beautiful Temple of Truth, is not un-


like the great Parthenon (dedicated to the beloved Pallas

Athena, Goddess of Truth), designed by Phidias (who is now
our beloved Serapis Bey) in the year 450 B.C.
The temple stands on a high eminence, and is reached
by a magnificent marble stairway of over four hundred
steps. On either side of this stairway, extending all the way
to the wide-columned entrance, stand exquisite angelic be-
ings clothed in iridescent colors, holding in their upraised
hands, garlands of bright colored flowers, woven into pat-
terns similar to the Christmas wreaths. From the wide door,
you can see the great altar of the temple rising over one
hundred feet in height, at either side of which stands a great
carved pillar, upon which rests a golden brazier from which
rises the Flame of Truth.

The Goddess of Truth, beloved Pallas Athena, is the di-

vine complement, or Twin Flame, of the beloved Maha Cho-
han, who is the Cosmic Holy Spirit to this system of planets.
She is the Patroness of the Temple of Truth, and ages ago,
when the Gods walked and talked with men, it was Pallas
Athena who supervised the disciplines and preparations nec-
essary for the development of the receptive consciousnesses
of those who were to be the “mouthpieces” of the Gods as
the Vestal Virgins or the Oracles at Delphi. The great God-
Mother, VESTA, was the original Goddess of Truth, and she
conferred upon Pallas Athena this honor and service. The
Oracles of Delphi were originally correct and gave forth
truth, but later, certain nefarious forces created similar tem-
ples of truth and drew to them men and women who were
not strong enough to withstand the pressures of personal
adulation and gain—and it was through these unfortunate
forces that pretended to present truth to the people, that

the Delphic Oracles came into disrepute.

The beloved Goddess of Truth, like the Goddess of Puri-

ty and the Goddess of Justice, is not among those particular-
ly wooed by mankind, for PEOPLE AS A RULE DO NOT ENJOY
THE SHARP EDGE OF TRUTH. For this reason, the Goddess of
Truth has, to a great extent, remained in the heart of the
Silence, and truth has been veiled in expression through the
various spiritual, educational and inspirational teachings that
have come forth.

The Goddess of Truth is ready always to lend her assis-

tance and but awaits your invitation so to do. In your daily
calls, ask the Goddess of Truth (beloved Pallas Athena) to
help you and you will receive from that mighty Being a
blessing beyond anything you can presently conceive.

To discern truth among the teachings of messengers of

the Great White Brotherhood—authorized or otherwise—is
one of the most difficult tasks of the student. It requires
great patience and setting aside a great deal of time to
compare the messages given.

The beloved Ascended Master Lanto, addressing this

problem, said:

“To perceive truth, you must have peace of mind,

through understanding. The first thing that the chela has
to learn is to distinguish between different presentations
of the truth, to determine which constitutes a more
complete expression of the truth. The chela must, of
course, have as one of his guides the words of our be-
loved Ascended Master Jesus, ‘Not all who come in my
name represent me.’

“The student has to be particularly alert before ac-

cepting statements issued by dissenting activities, which
as a rule, have their origin not in important differences
of doctrine, of which they do not speak, but in the per-
sonal ambition of their self-called leaders, who, in many
cases, appropriate the instruction of the parent body
and present it as new and better, without any substan-
tial proof of their claim.”

The robes of the Brotherhood at Crete are pure white.

Embroidered over the heart is a lighted lamp similar to the
old-fashioned oil cruet, which symbol was incorporated into
the activities of the brotherhood by Diogenes (412 B.C.)
when Hilarion was a member of that order. This symbol sig-
nifies the relentless search for truth, which is the vow and
pledge taken by all members of the brotherhood.

Every great avatar, messiah and teacher of every reli-

gion on Earth gives to this temple some of his or her time
and radiation, just as doctors give of their time, skill and
energy to a free clinic in their vicinity. Thus, the powers of
the Temple of Truth embody the combined radiation of God-
free beings, who have brought the Law to the people of
Earth through the ages.

Every intelligence that has endeavored to conceive the

truth about ANY subject which would bring illumination to
mankind, has been the beneficiary of this Flame of Truth.
Whatever branch of life’s expression—governmental, educa-
tional, humanitarian, artistic, scientific, religious or ceremo-
nial—has had devotees in the world of form, men and wom-
en who are consecrated to developing the highest type of
service through these channels. This brotherhood is also the

guardian presence of the children of Earth who are interest-

ed in the cause of scientific treatment and healing of dis-
ease—the doctors, nurses, and those interested in research
to determine the physical causes of afflictions.

The beloved Hilarion, having experienced the self-

righteous indignation that arises within a consciousness per-
suaded that persecution is in order to right a wrong, upon
his ascension vowed to help all individuals with like errone-
ous complexes. It was he who, as Saul of Tarsus, persecut-
ed the Christians, and as you know, who later became the
Christian Apostle, Saint Paul. He has asked that you recom-
mend to his protection all those you know, as well as the
many unknown lifestreams, who have no faith in spiritual
survival, and all the materialists, agnostics and skeptics, that
he may assist them to a correct understanding of truth.


“The fact cannot be too strongly emphasized that ener-

gy, from the smallest nuclear center to the greatest Sun, is
INTELLIGENT! And that energy is obedient to the creative
centers of thought and feeling in man. The qualification of
energy creates a CAUSE, that cause is directed into the uni-
verse and creates an EFFECT, the effect is directed back to-
ward its creator, and the creator’s reaction to that effect
(emotionally, mentally, etherically, or physically) creates an-
other cause. Thus you have circles within circles. Accepting
the return current of energy as having emanated from one’s
self, the creator then learns quickly that it is wise to send
forth only CONSTRUCTIVE CAUSES from his world, and that

he should not start a chain reaction whereby a new series of

both causes and effects are set into motion. Some earnest
souls have misinterpreted this Law by accepting the distress-
ing return of their own misqualified energies and piously
saying, “It is God’s will!” Others rebel and say that there is
no God. Neither of these statements is true, of course, but
these are two extremes of human reaction which must be
illumined and corrected by the Brotherhood of Truth through
patient teaching, counsel and example.

“Every thought and feeling, every virtue and every vice,

contribute to a ‘mass consciousness’ of that particular quali-
ty, and into this stratum are constantly pouring the qualified
energies of all the intelligences belonging to the evolution.
Each individual tunes into and draws from that “mass con-
sciousness” the particular thought and feeling he chooses by
having similar thoughts and feelings. There is also a stratum
of the Ascended Masters’ qualities and virtues. LOVE is but
one expression of the many divine aspects of this divine
consciousness. When an individual is loving, he instantly
tunes into the love stratum and becomes one in conscious-
ness with all who love throughout the universe. WISDOM is
another, and when an individual seeks wisdom, he is instant-
ly tuned into the vibratory waves of wisdom which are being
fed by the divine mind of God and tapped by all the scholars
of the world.
“It is also true of the discordant qualities, and one can-
not entertain a thought of jealousy, suspicion, hatred, or
anger without becoming instantly ONE with the mass stra-
tum of these qualities, as well as with all individuals who are
vibrating with similar destructive thoughts and feelings
throughout the planet. THE INDIVIDUAL, THROUGH FREE



“For example, possessiveness is a tremendous feeling

form that draws the God-energy and smothers the object of
its affection. Gossip is almost the most insidious because,
through poison sent out, it starts whirls of emotion in the
lifestreams of many, and soon you have an inner conflagra-
tion. What you plant in the mind of another, what grows
there as a result, IS YOUR KARMA! Whatever word passes
from your lips that pollutes the consciousness of another, is
SIN. This is so even if it is based on so-called fact, and
whether or not it is spoken in inuendo or outright accusa-
tion. Why? Because you thus add to the shadows of the
world, and you are not speaking TRUTH! The truth about
every man, woman and child on this planet IS ONLY GOOD!
Whatever imperfection you see in another with your eyes, or
hear with your ears, and then pass on to someone else, will
make YOU responsible to the great Cosmic Law, and you will
have to pay for that in some way!

“Criticism, condemnation and judgment are also closely

related. The silent criticism of seeing discrepancies and
faults in others disturbs the feelings of one’s own emotional
body and sets up causes of discord which react in physical
disturbances, but the SPOKEN criticism sets others’ emotion-
al bodies into the same vibratory action and its unhappy ef-
fects are without limit. The effects of the really vicious emo-
tions of jealousy, hate, anger, and malice are self-evident.
The aspiring student should avoid these at all times,”(he
should either be silent or speak only words of truth).


Here, appropriate music should be played while the at-

tention is focused on the beloved Ascended Master Hilarion
and the Brotherhood of Truth at Crete. This music should
include the hymn tune, “Onward, Christian Soldiers,” which
includes the keynote of the retreat where this Brotherhood



The magnificent being known as the Archangel Raphael

has dedicated part of his life and service to the directing of
healing rays from the glorious temple of light wherein he
abides in the higher realms of God’s perfection. These heal-
ing rays flow not only to those in distress in the physical ap-
pearance world, but also to all life in distress in the astral
and psychic planes which surround the Earth. Lord Raphael
draws this healing essence from the Sun of our system and
the God-parents, Helios and Vesta, who designed our planet
and all the planets of this system. The word “healing” comes
from the very name of Helios itself.

Just as an automobile battery attached to a “charger”

absorbs the currents so that it can give power to a means of
conveyance, so do the Archangels, the angelic host, the ser-
aphim and the cherubim, by their rhythmic attention and
adoration to their God-source, absorb into themselves the
specific qualities of God which they wish to radiate to some
other part of life to raise it into perfection.

Lord Raphael provides schoolrooms for his angelic hosts,

where the angels are prepared for service by learning how
to draw more healing power from God, holding that healing
essence within themselves, until they reach the world of the
supplicant who requires it. When they have learned to hold
this healing essence, they are sent earthward to carry to
individuals in distress that substance qualified with the pow-
er of healing.

The divine plan for the Earth and its people is that the
angelic host, the human kingdom, and the elemental king-
dom should serve together in harmony—creating the perfec-
tion of the kingdom of God on Earth. As Jesus said, “Thy
kingdom come, thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven!”


WHO DESIRE TO SERVE GOD AND MAN in the physical ap-
pearance world. By the use of projected light rays, which
connect with the energies of those who have a true vocation
in life, he and his angels pour their feelings of faith, love,
constancy, wisdom, and whatever is required, to assist such
an individual to remain true to his chosen vocation.

The beloved Mary, the mother of Jesus, is the divine

complement of Archangel Raphael, and among her many
services to life and to mankind, she serves as the head of
the healing activity to our Earth.


“May I introduce myself? I am called the ‘Archangel of

Consecration and Dedication.’ It is my specific service to the
universe to stand at the head of a glorious legion of beings
who direct the ray of almighty God into those lifestreams
who consecrate their life energies to a specific humanitarian
service to bless the masses. My flame and ray in this action
is one with Hilarion’s—and its color is a lovely green. Every
doctor, nurse, priest, nun, minister and rabbi, and every
chela and initiate who voluntarily dedicates his or her ener-
gies to serving life, comes under my particular blessing, ra-
diation and care.
“The consecration and dedication of the lifestreams of
the angels, devas, Masters, and those who represent the
worshipping group, carry my outpouring to them through
the Green Ray. For a moment FEEL that individual consecra-
tion of your lifestream to God. Visualize that light flowing
from the heart of the universe, animating every one of your
inner bodies.
Now consciously CONSECRATE:
“Your minds and bodies to receive the divine ideas of
the Father—your feelings to radiate that which is helpful,
constructive and good, your etheric body to record only per-
fection, your garment of flesh to manifest health and har-
mony, your eyes to see perfection and to bless all life, your
ears to hear the harmonies of the inner light, the voice of
the Master, and the call for assistance from your fellowman,
your lips to form the words that carry hope, faith and the
confidence of heaven into the consciousnesses that are
bound, your hands to heal, your feet to walk upon the path

as directed by the God who made you, your heart to be the

chalice of the Sacred Fire, and your whole being consecrated
and dedicated to God’s service. THIS IS MY ACTIVITY TO


While the attention of the class rests upon Archangel

Raphael and Mother Mary, the song, “Whispering Hope,”
(which includes their keynote), should be played.



The great Elohim known as Vista is the All-seeing Eye of

God to this Earth, as well as the Elohim of Concentration,
Consecration, Healing, and music. With his divine comple-
ment, CRYSTAL, they endeavor to raise the physical, mental,
emotional and etheric consciousness of all mankind through
the power of music harmoniously qualified, to hold uninter-
rupted harmony so that their energies may contribute to the
music of the spheres. The power of concentration is neces-
sary to bring into manifestation any worthy objective, and
the mighty Vista will assist all who will call unto him.

As her name implies, the beloved CRYSTAL pours forth a

crystalline substance WHICH WASHES THE BRAIN, SOUL, IN-


“I am Vista, known to you for many years as the Elohim

Cyclopea, the All-seeing Eye of the eternal God! I am the
ELOHIM OF MUSIC, among many other diversified activities,

“What can be accomplished on Earth, even in mundane

activities of your daily living, without concentration, from the
smallest task of learning a recipe for your kitchen fare, to
the greatest dexterity of technique which produces lovely
music, to the greatest development of science, to the mag-
nificent perfection of the educator, preacher and statesman?
If there is not concentration, there is only mediocrity, and
only the bare surface is scratched. Those who determine to
rise above the masses take one facet of living and masterful-
ly develop it—deciding within themselves to excel along at
least one line of expression, and according to their concen-
tration is their mastery and efficiency.

“After we, the Elohim, had looked into the beauty and
perfection of the divine design for this planet through the
ray of the Elohim of Purity, what could come next but con-
centration—drawing the energy and concentrating it around
those convex rays which had been established as the form
of the Earth? We had to CONCENTRATE LIGHT SUBSTANCE to
make the planet solid enough to be able to hold the sea,
land, and general form. If we had proceeded through those
first four steps and then refused to CONCENTRATE upon the
task until the planet finally began to revolve upon its axis,
what would have been the result? There would not have
been a planet Earth!

“It is the Law—actual scientific Law—that what you

begin CAN BE ACCOMPLISHED when it is in agreement with
God’s plan to bring perfection forth, whether it is healing,
precipitation, financial freedom, eternal youth, the restora-
tion of a limb—IT CAN BE DONE—but the ‘stick-to-it-iveness,’
which is an important part of my ray and the qualification of
the energy with my life, is required to produce these.
“The greatest obstacles encountered to successful pre-
cipitation are discouragement and doubt. I have seen men
and women on the verge of great financial mastery stop
working on their project WITHIN AN HOUR of receiving their
financial freedom! This is also true in healing. I IMPLORE
YOU—decide on some pattern and plan of manifestation and
THROUGH! CONCENTRATE upon your design until you have
brought it into fulfillment!
OF YOUR LIFE. It is the consecration of all your energies to
the manifestation of something which will give you mastery
over this world of form. Do not feel that the desire for mas-
tery over financial lack or mastery over appearances of
physical distress is selfish, because the fully-gathered mo-
mentum of your mastery becomes your gift to the con-
sciousness of the race at large.
“As the Elohim of Music, the great musician, it is my ob-
ligation and joy to see that the cosmic tone and symphony
of the entire planetary system is pleasing to the ears of Al-
mighty God, and is in harmony with the cosmic symphony of
every other planetary system belonging to this galaxy. It has

been my obligation to enfold the Earth and her evolutions in

a substance through which the dissonance of the Dark Star
(the Earth) could not penetrate and adversely affect the mu-
sic of the spheres.
“Will you who desire to be part of the establishment up-
on this Earth of the permanent Golden Age, endeavor to
contribute some music—some music from your heart? It is
not always the audible sound from the vocal chords that
contribute to the music of the spheres. IT IS WHAT A MAN IS
ING. So on behalf of music, I want your souls to sing as you
move about in the most mundane activities of daily living. In
the light, there is no high or low position, there is only the
eternal NOW, and the song of the soul that fills the aura and
atmosphere where a truly devoted chela lives, is the great-
est gift that can be given. The song of harmonious feeling
pouring forth as the Sun pours forth its rays—that is one of
the activities of my humble self.
“My service is also concerned with healing. You will un-
derstand how the activities of harmony and music are
wound into the activities of permanent healing—healing of
every distress, moral, mental, emotional, etheric and physi-
cal. That healing can come instantly when the fully-gathered
cosmic momentum of myself, beloved Crystal, Raphael, be-
loved Mary, and Hilarion are invoked, to give you the full
pressure and power of the momentum of healing that is ours
to give.
“It will be as practical and usable to you as your ac-
ceptance and use make it. In cooperation with my endeav-
ors to give assistance in healing, my beloved Crystal offers

the full purifying essence of her CRYSTAL RAY which, surg-

ing through the emotional, mental, etheric and physical con-
MA OF MILLIONS OF YEARS, instead of jot by jot and tittle
by tittle. Call unto my Beloved and allow that crystalline sub-
stance to wash your lifestream, until it is as pure as it was
when first you were created of God—divine beings.
“Each of you is destined to be a Christus, an external-
ized manifestation of your own I AM Presence. As the beau-
tiful essence of beloved Crystal pours through you, ACCEPT
IT! As the beautiful essence of the Consecration Flame of
Lord Raphael re-consecrates your senses, ACCEPT IT! As the
personage of the beloved Mary pours to you her healing
grace, ACCEPT IT! As the strength of truth of the great Hi-
larion charges and charges and charges these words of truth
into your feelings worlds, ACCEPT THEM! Let me help you to
fulfill your divine plan in music, harmony, and in peace!”


By The Beloved Elohim Vista

“As I stood in the atmosphere of Earth and looked upon

that lovely Silent Watcher, I thought back upon that day
when the first call came from the God-Parents of our system
(Helios and Vesta) when we WILLED to be part of creation. I
thought upon the time when, with mighty Hercules, we said:
(1) Yes, we will to serve, (2) when the great WISDOM, as
well as PERCEPTION and ILLUMINATION of Cassiopeia
showed us clearly what was to be done, when the (3) LOVE
of Orion stirred within our hearts an intensified willingness to

leave our activities in the cosmic realm and RHYTHMICALLY

give whatever service was required to bring that small but
beautiful ‘jewel’—your—Earth out of the unformed into the
formed, when we looked (4) through the Crystal Ray of PU-
RITY and saw the divine design and Immaculate Concept of
Helios and Vesta for the Earth and its evolutions. We found
that divine plan to be good and beautiful, and that it would
make the Earth a literal ‘jewel’ in the planetary system—its
gift of light, perfume and music would add to the beauty of
the galaxy.
“Then came (5) my activity. I am he who is known as
the RAY of CONCENTRATION. After my service, comes (6)
that of mighty Arcturus of the Seventh Ray—representing
LET FIRE, and (7) the Elohim of PEACE of the Sixth Ray,
whose service is to seal the finished creation in the protec-
tion and perfection of Cosmic Christ PEACE!”


(a) In the name of my Mighty I AM Presence I call on

beloved Cosmic Being Crystal to pour her purifying, healing
essence into my emotional, mental, etheric and physical
body and that of all mankind.
Beloved Crystal, pour your crystalline substance through
me and wash my four lower bodies clean from the discord of
millions of years. Hold this action sustained until the karma
of the ages has been washed away, restoring the four lower
bodies into their original purity and perfection. I accept this
done right now with full power! (3)

(b) Mighty I AM Presence, I call on beloved Pallas Athe-

na, Goddess of Truth and on beloved Hilarion to blaze (3)
the Green Flame of Truth through me and all of mankind
and keep this action forever sustained. Reveal all that is not
in keeping with the divine plan for the Earth!

EXPAND beloved Hilarion’s Flame of Truth!EXPAND its

full release!
EXPAND beloved Hilarion’s Flame of Truth!
EXPAND its cosmic peace!
EXPAND beloved Hilarion’s Flame of Truth!
EXPAND its cosmic power!
EXPAND beloved Hilarion’s Flame of Truth!
And he doubles that truth through me each hour!
(c) Mighty I AM Presence I call on beloved Elohim Vista
and Archangel Raphael to keep me consecrated and commit-
ted to Saint Germain’s Cause of Freedom and show me how
to be of service.(3)


a) Rest your attention on the Ceremonial Angels that

have assisted you in this class, and on beloved Hilarion,
Archangel Raphael, Mother Mary, and the Elohim Vista.

b) Send your love and gratitude for their service.

c) Feel yourself surrounded by a pillar of the green

Flame of Truth.

d) Expand that flame to cover your city, state, na-

tion, and the entire globe.

BENEDICTION (By Group Leader)

Sealed in a mighty pillar of the Green Flame of Truth,

from the hearts of beloved Archangel Raphael, Ascended
Lady Master Mary, Elohim Vista and Ascended Master Hilari-
on, we thank the Ascended Host of Light for the continuous
outpouring of love, wisdom and power.

We thank beloved Archangels Michael and Uriel and the

Angels of Protection, Ministration and Ceremonial who have
assisted us in this class. Take up our humble efforts and
amplify them with your mighty love. Take them North,
South, East and West and cover the Earth with the outpour-
ing of the Green Flame of Truth.

Help us to achieve and maintain perfect harmony, health

and supply. Let the divine plan be made manifest through
every lifestream belonging to this planet. Keep us consecrat-
ed to the Flame of Truth.

May the benediction and blessings of the most High Liv-

ing God and the peace which surpasses all understanding,
be with you, each one. May the God of Mercy protect and
guide you on your spiritual path toward enlightenment and

Lesson 13


The Sixth Ray And Its Chohan Lady Nada .......................281

Address By Nada ..........................................................282
Musical Interlude (Keynote of Nada) ..............................283
Address By Beloved Jesus..............................................283
The Luminous Presence of Jesus ....................................285
Beloved Archangel Uriel.................................................286
Address of Archangel Uriel .............................................287
Musical Interlude (Keynote of Uriel) ...............................290
The Elohim of Peace .....................................................290
The Seven Steps To Precipitation ...................................290
The Evolution of an Elohim ............................................295


Play appropriate music, such as “Bells of the Meadows.”

Group Leader gives the following invocation:

“All hail to thee, thou all-pervading light of the universe,

the supreme source of life, “I AM.” We kneel within our
hearts in recognition of the light of the Cosmos, as we draw
forth these flames representing the three-fold activity of life
as exemplified by the Holy Trinity:

the Father, (lighting blue candle)

the Son, (lighting yellow candle) and

the Holy Spirit (lighting pink candle)

“Beloved Cosmic I AM Presence, come now and assert

thy rightful authority in the four lower vehicles of all of thy
children and show us how to reverently and humbly express
the perfectly-balanced activity of love, wisdom and power
which thou art.

“Oh Light Supreme, we acknowledge thee in all life, and

we give gratitude to the glorious Cosmic and Ascended Be-
ings, as we invoke them and the great angelic host to ampli-
fy the energy which we release in this class, and may that
light expand, expand and expand as it travels throughout
the universe, ever widening the borders of thy kingdom, in
fulfillment of thy will ‘I AM!’”


“Beloved mighty, victorious Presence of God “I AM,” the

source that is anchored within each of our hearts, we love
and adore you. We acknowledge you to be the owner and
giver of all life, our intelligence, our substance, our all!
“We call on beloved Archangels Michael and Uriel and on
all Ascended Beings who serve on the Sixth Ray and espe-
cially on Elohim Tranquility, Ascended Lady Master Nada and
beloved Jesus.
“As we pour out our deepest love and gratitude to the
Ascended Host of Light for bringing forth this teaching, blaze
(3) your Ruby Flame of Peace through and around us, eter-
nally sustained.
“Seal us in your light and love and power of victorious
accomplishment. Guard and protect us, guide and direct us
and give us the illumination of truth that shall set us free!”

This is a lesson on the God-virtues of the Sixth Ray, the
ray of peace, ministration and devotional worship. Ministers
are often on this ray.
The color of the Sixth Ray is ruby. The outer periphery
of the flame has a golden radiance.
The primary representatives of this ray are Archangel
Uriel, Elohim Tranquility, and the Ascended Lady Master Na-
da. The Ascended Master Jesus is also on the Sixth Ray. Un-
til 1956 he was the Chohan of this ray.
Before starting this lesson, contemplate the picture of
Nada and Jesus.



The Sixth Ray represents the activities of DEVOTION,

MINISTRATION and PEACE. The Ascended Master Jesus was
the Chohan of this ray until his elevation to the office of
World Teacher, along with the Ascended Master Kuthumi, in
January, 1956. The Ascended Lady Master Nada now holds
the office of Chohan of the Sixth Ray.

The Lady Master Nada made her ascension seven hun-

dred years before the Master Jesus, and has built a tremen-
dous momentum in the use of the Pink Flame of Divine
Love. She is also a messenger for the God and Goddess Me-
ru and their Temple of Illumination located over Lake Titica-
ca in Peru, South America.

The Lady Master Nada has given great assistance to the

Christian Dispensation over the past two thousand years.
She stood by Saint Germain in supporting Saint Germain in
his initial petition for the “I AM Dispensation.” One of Nada’s
actions is to give assistance in healing. We also can call on
her to give help in correcting bad habits, and problems such
as drugs, alcohol, nicotine, meat, and other wrong sub-
stances. This call may also be made on behalf of others (We
can always call for the perfection of other individuals). Nada
will also give assistance in legal matters. Her great momen-
tum of service and love now pours forth through the Sixth
Ray. Nada’s keynote is contained in the song, “My Hero,”
from “Chocolate Soldier,” by Oscar Straus.


“I come to bring to you the radiance of pure divine

love—that love which does envelop the feeling nature, does
enter the mind, does melt away the etheric bitterness, and
does even give solace to the flesh structure. For many,
many ages, I have been trained along the line of developing
the potential good within life, and have worked, long before
my ascension, under the beloved Charity (twin flame of the
Archangel Chamuel) endeavoring to overcome those person-
al feelings of the outer self that desire to be perfect in them-
selves but are not always eager to see and encourage that
same perfection in others.

“I was one of a group of daughters in the land of Meso-

potamia—all of whom were so very talented and could per-
form so magnificently, receiving much applause and recogni-
tion, and I felt within myself very inadequate until beloved
Charity helped me to learn that I could increase my power of
love by increasing their talents.

“You may think, looking back over those long ages, that
it was not so difficult for a small child to spend all of the
prayer hour in the silence, pouring out impersonally, love to
my talented sisters, increasing far beyond their own poten-
tial worth, those gifts of voice, art, and the dance—and they,
developing in that grace, never knew that through my own
endeavor to be selfless and honest, earnest and sincere in
the giving of my light to their virtues and talents, that their
gifts increased beyond that which they otherwise would
have known. It was then that I really learned that the name
‘Nada’ meant ‘nothing,’ and to some it is used in this connec-
tion today (Spanish). I learned to overcome jealousy which

is spawned out of fear and insecurity. Seeing my sisters

grow in beauty and grace, I was, of course, growing in that
selfless capacity to serve, wherein I would be utilized by the
Cosmic Law to help other lifestreams who had to work in

“For many ages I have been assigned to the spiritual

communities that exist all over the Earth, and during the
Christian Dispensation, since the great manifestation of Je-
sus’ victory and ascension, I was assigned the joy of working
through the superiors of all the orders that were developed
around the Christian doctrines, and whenever and wherever
possible, would establish that focus of love which would sus-
tain a community against the imprint of personal imperfec-
tion and distress. That is why is was easy for me to accept
the opportunity, as well as the obligation, of becoming Cho-
han of the Sixth Ray.”


While the attention rests on the picture of beloved Nada,

play her keynote, “My Hero,”(Chocolate Soldier) by Oscar


“Beloved children of God, I come to bring to you my

consciousness of victorious accomplishment. That which I
have done and which I manifested through a flesh form
similar to the one you presently wear, was not miraculous! It
was something which is similarly ordained for every

lifestream upon this planet. My endeavor to bring that mani-

festation of Christ fulfillment before the eyes of men, was
merely to PROVIDE AN EXAMPLE by which every man, woman
and child might be stirred to make effort toward a like de-

“One of the greatest mistakes, which has ‘bogged down’

the activity of the Christian Dispensation, is the placing of
Godhood upon myself ALONE, and denying it to my fellow-
man. Christhood IS POSSIBLE FOR OTHERS, besides my
humble self. Before I was born into my final embodiment,
there were many lifestreams who had achieved the state of
Christhood, full mastery and God-control, having sublimated
the flesh form—knowing the victory of the ascension. How-
ever, for the Christian Dispensation, it was my great oppor-
tunity to manifest the resurrection, which is done so easily
every Spring by the nature kingdom. I was to come and
bring the Divine Presence into the very substance of Earth,
developing it into a God-man, made in the image and like-
ness of the Father who, in the first place, created me, and
who also created you, in like manner.

“For every divine creation, whether it be angel, deva,

seraphim, or human being, there is a divine pattern of per-
fection for that creation. In the case of the human being, it
is called the ‘Individualized I AM Presence!’ This divine pat-
tern of perfection is fashioned out of living light, and within
its heart is placed the Immortal Threefold Flame of Life.
Within that flame is intelligence and consciousness.

“The SECOND COMING OF THE CHRIST means the awak-

ening of many men and women, who will externalize the
glory of their divine pattern and plan through their outer

selves. This was my message—it was my mission! It was the

reason for my coming into being, the reason for every expe-
rience of the Earth-life, even to allowing men to mutilate my
flesh form. I allowed this, to prove that the immortality and
divinity of the Godhead could be manifest through one of
the sons of men!

“Are you less than a flowering bulb or a seed that pro-

duces after its kind? Are you less than a blade of grass, less
than even the embryo chicken, which bursts from the egg,
following the pattern of its parents? Ah, no! YOU ARE FAR
GREATER! You have one thing which is not the gift of the
nature kingdom—FREE WILL! Through the use of that gift of
free will, you have chosen to NOT let the God who created
you (and who is living within your heart) to expand into its
full perfection.”



CHRIST,” when spoken, contains a vibratory action that re-
pels individuals and vibrations that are not of the light.
When anything seeks to disturb, and you call first to your
own God Presence “I AM,” and in the name of the Ascended
Jesus Christ, COMMAND the disturbance to leave—IT WILL BE
DONE! That which is not of the light will vanish at the men-
tion of his sacred name. The Master, himself, has said to
“ask what you will in my name and it will be done!”

Healing, protection and perfection will manifest when

the LUMINOUS PRESENCE OF JESUS, or any Ascended Master,

is called forth and then VISUALIZED. If you will SEE IN YOUR

MIND (which is visualizing) the Ascended Jesus Christ in
blazing white light stand at the back of you and enfold you
in that blazing light, and feel its blazing white essence pene-
trate every part of your body, your mind, and your feelings,
practice of this will prove the power that is within it. You can
also enfold every individual you wish to assist, in this Lumi-
nous Presence of Jesus the Christ, and see the healing and
perfection take place as the light replaces all the shadows.


The Archangel Uriel serves on the Sixth Ray. His service

is to minister to all the evolutions belonging to the Earth
(some ten billion souls, although only about three-and-a-half
billion are embodied at one time). He wears the beautiful
ruby robes of the Sixth Ray and is surrounded by myriad
bands of angels. His divine complement is the Archaii known
as Donna Grace. Great legions of his court are always pre-
sent in and around institutions of incarceration, hospitals,
prisons, homes for the aged, and some of his angels are
always present where there is a soul in distress.

The very nature of Uriel’s service—ministration—brings

peace, which precedes all permanent healing of soul, mind,
body and affairs. Peace is a conductor of healing rays, for
when an individual is in a state of turmoil, his aura repels
the healing he desires, but when he is at peace, his aura
accepts the healing ray.



PEACE! I AM THE SPIRIT OF GRACE! I am the servant of the
one God, and I stand before you, each one, as your servant,
too! Wherever the name of God is invoked, either silently or
audibly, THERE I AM ON THE INSTANT, with the fullness of
the love, the blessings, and the benediction, healing, faith
and power of the Almighty. According to the CAPACITY TO
RECEIVE, is the blessing given.

“I say to your consciousness, your minds, and your bod-

ies, in the name of the one mighty God, PEACE BE UNTO
MIND! Let it enter NOW into every cell and fiber of your be-
ing and relax in the knowledge that you are IMMERSED IN
THE PRESENCE OF THE ALMIGHTY. You live, move, and truly
have your being within the living, breathing intelligent body
of the universal God, and no matter how far you may stray
in thought, you can never leave the safety of his bosom. It
but requires of you the awakening to your presence within
that safe, secure and loving heart!

“Of all the angels that people the inner atmosphere

around the Earth, the greatest legions are of Lord Michael
and myself. We are the servants of God, and it is our great
opportunity and joy in the universal scheme, to minister un-
to the sons and daughters of God, who have woven out of
thought and feeling certain painful experiences, and who, in
their extremity, invoke the Superior Power for assistance to
extricate themselves.

“We are those legions who answer the calls and prayers
from the least of men. In graded order, the Angels of Min-
istration stretch from the heart of the Central Sun, itself,
down through the astral and psychic realms. Through the
Silent Watchers, we are alerted the moment the flame in the
heart stirs and the silent ‘God, help us!’ arises from within
the consciousness. At that time, according to the require-
ment, is one or more of our legions sent to bring grace and
assistance to the lifestream requiring succor.
“The Angels of Ministration are the messengers of the
Most High. They are those who embody the mystic quality of
GRACE. The complement of my lifestream is known at inner
levels as DONNA GRACE. She is the ‘lady full of grace’ in the
angelic kingdom, as the beloved Mary is representative of
grace to the human kingdom, at the present time. There is a
Cosmic Law which is inexorable and unchanging, which re-
WHICH THE NEED IS FELT. If this were not a self-evident
truth, long ago those of us who live in love and mercy would
have lifted mankind into the Light.
“The great Silent Watchers who take up their abode
over large cities, are constantly watching for those beams
and flickers of light which pass out of the soul and signify an
S.O.S. to the heavenly hosts for assistance. These beings
make the call to one of the directors of the angelic host in
our sphere. That director gives the mission to an angel who
is developed enough, to hold within the feeling world, the
quality of radiation which is the answer to the prayer. That
quality stimulates the flame in the heart and soul of the sup-
plicant, and as the two meet, the supplicant himself magnet-
izes the answer—which comes according to his acceptance.

“The beloved angelic host, who work with us, start with
the tiny little angels, who embody the qualities of faith, hap-
piness, hope, and all the virtues, and who are able to retain,
for no longer than an hour at first, the specific radiation of a
quality which may be required on Earth. Their first endeav-
ors to give assistance are brief ones, and they hasten back
into the safety of the director from whose arms and aura
they have been sent forth to empty their little vial of faith, or
confidence, or whatever it may be, into the silver cord and
lifestream of some despondent or despairing one. Recording
the victory of such a mission, the small angel becomes more
confident and eager to learn, and more desirous of maintain-
ing the necessary self-control to sustain more of the virtue
on the next mission. It is thus, by actual experience, that the
angelic host grow and develop and learn the joy that is with-
in service.
PERMANENT FREEDOM! In the schoolroom of life, it would be
easier to have an individual who had passed successfully
through your course, work your problems for you, but the
wise man learns the principle himself, lest the man on whom
he relies to solve his problems, should not be there when his
great opportunity comes.
“Let me see what you will do with your aura in the days
just ahead. Make it something that we can use, and REMEM-
BER, REMEMBER, REMEMBER—Uriel is no farther from you
than a call! Just the THOUGHT OF GOD will bring me on the
instant. I am your friend! I am your servant! I am your com-
panion in the light—URIEL, the messenger of the Most


While the attention is focused upon beloved Archangel

Uriel and his activities, play “Lullaby,” by Brahms, which
contains the keynote of Uriel.


The Elohim of Peace, beloved Tranquility, together with

his divine complement, Pacifica, helped to build the planet
Earth. They serve on the Sixth Ray and having developed
and sustained the quality of peace for aeons of time, are
desirous of assisting each individual and the planet, itself, to
have peace. These great beings will answer every call and
enfold each one in the actual substance, radiation, and pow-
er of their God-gift of peace, to bless the family, the com-
munity, the nations and the world. PEACE IS AN ESSENTIAL


By The Beloved Elohim Tranquility

Step 1—”Nothing is ever created in this world along any

line until you WILL, within yourself, to do it. This is the activ-
ity of beloved Hercules and the First Ray. Whether you WILL
to walk down the street, attend a class, to give some service
to another, to precipitate a small ring or a large building,
you must first, within yourself, WILL to take the vital ener-

gies of your life and accomplish some constructive purpose

with them.

Step 2—”This comes under the radiation of the beloved

Cassiopeia. After you have willed to create a definite form,
as to the best way of producing that form. The PERCEPTION
of the Golden-Yellow Ray is necessary to enable you,
through the use of discrimination and just plain common
sense, to know just what momentums of already-developed
God-qualities you have to offer, and how they will best allow
you to serve.

Step 3—”Now comes the step which involves releasing

the feeling of DIVINE LOVE from your heart, and this step is
under the direction of the beloved Orion. That which you do
in service for the Master, or in the use of the power of pre-
cipitation, requires the loving cooperation of all your vehi-
cles, including the physical form. You have heard it said that
what is done in a sense of ‘duty’ must be done over again in
a FEELING OF LOVE. You must develop the loving constancy
of staying with your endeavor until it is completed, working
in gratitude, happiness and devotion, with no thought of
time, recompense, or personal recognition of any kind—just
serving for the joy of it. That is the activity of the Third Ray,
and one of the most important of the seven steps.

Step 4—”The activities of beloved Claire (Elohim of Puri-

ty) takes fourth place in precipitating. This means staying
right with the PURITY of the original design, which has been
given into your mind by your own Holy Christ Self. To hold
the PURITY of your design means that you do not personally
elaborate upon it, but are willing to sustain the perfect pat-

tern and design which an Intelligence greater than your own

has created so that, through you, the entire race may be

Step 5—”The next activity is that of CONCENTRATION

and CONSECRATION from the beloved Vista—the quality and
ability to stay with one project until it is completed. Here,
again, we come to that which is a great test to the
lifestream. The vital fires of joyous enthusiasm and zeal,
which are kindled within the earnest student when he first
touches the truth of this light, usually turn to ash within
about six months. However, CONCENTRATION upon the
same plan, pattern, or design, until it is physically manifest,
is essential to the producing of INSTANTANEOUS PRECIPITA-

“If you are designing a car, a home, a garment, or

whatever you may choose to precipitate, STAY WITH ONE
DESIGN until you have followed through the necessary Sev-
en Steps to Precipitation, which are scientifically required to
manifest what you desire, visibly and tangibly into your out-
er use. It is not so important WHAT you choose to precipi-
tate, but it is important that you clearly understand these
steps. When you do, and are able to use that science con-
sciously and at will, the things of this world will seem as
rubbish to you. We want you to feel the joy, which is within
you to produce a manifestation, and when you have done it
once, the use of that power is yours for eternity.

Step 6—”In the science of conscious precipitation, the

Seventh Ray of RHYTHM precedes the sealing of your mani-
festation in the substance and radiation of GOD PEACE,
which is normally the activity of the Sixth Ray. After you

have finished with the Fifth Ray of CONCENTRATION, and

have stayed with one pattern long enough, you come into
the activity of Arcturus—RHYTHM OF INVOCATION. Here, if
you are serving the Master, it is of little effect if you serve
him in a great rush of energy one day and then do not show
up again for a month! All the activities of nature are in per-
fect RHYTHM. Watch your seasons, the sunrises and the sun-
sets, the ebb and flow of the tides, and the regular beat of
your own heart. You can see the necessity for RHYTHM. No
matter what you are creating, the RHYTHM OF FEEDING
THAT PATTERN with your life, by your thought, feeling, and
spoken decrees AT THE SAME TIME EACH DAY—morning,
noon and night, or whatever time you decide to do it—is
absolutely essential to your success in such an endeavor.

“If you do not give your pattern of precipitation

RHYTHM, you will bring forth a form without symmetry, if
you bring forth anything at all. Some of the imperfections of
your flesh forms are due to the unpleasant effects of broken
rhythm. Conscious students shy away from broken rhythm in
music, and yet, in their own worlds, that broken RHYTHM of
thought, feeling, spoken word and deed, result so often in ill
health, lack of finances, lack of peace, and many other limi-
tations. You could not long remain either angry or resentful,
if you were to govern the RHYTHM of the life flowing
through your bodies, BY MAINTAINING THE RHYTHMIC

“The smaller the thing you choose to bring forth as your

first precipitation, the less of your vital energies it will take.
Do not start with a large project, such as a building.

Step 7—”Then, oh beloved ones, my heart pleads with


you to prayerfully consider this final step, probably because

it is my own activity. After you have drawn forth your mag-
nificent precipitation, SEAL IT IN MY FLAME OF PEACE! Do not
allow any disharmony from yourself or others to destroy it.
Just as you would place a cellophane cover over something
precious which you wished to preserve, seal your precipitat-
ed form in the Golden Flame of the Elohim of Peace, to hold
it inviolate against the disintegrating forces of human
thought and feeling. Perhaps the greatest disintegrating
force of such human thought and feeling is the jealousy and
doubt of others.


word as to what you are doing, for you have no idea of the
violence of feeling which will be driven at you, from those
who are covetous of your light’s greater development.

“When the original creation of this planet was finally

manifest, and the activities of the RHYTHM of Arcturus had
drawn the final invocation of energy necessary for its com-
pletion, when the seven-fold flame of the Elohim had done
its perfect work, when the planet Earth began to revolve
upon its axis and to release its melodious keynote, it was a
beautiful sight! At that time, the PEACE which surpasses the
understanding of the human mind, abode in the atmosphere
of the Earth. It was only when the ‘laggard’ souls came from
other systems and brought disintegration through the feel-
ings of rebellion, pride, hate, doubt and fear, that, like the
Trojan horse—from within out—the great perfection which
had been established, began to recede.”


By The Beloved Elohim Of Peace—Tranquility

“The evolution of the Elohim is through the elemental

kingdom (el-e-mental meaning ‘mind of God’). Each of us
started out as small elemental beings belonging to different
systems, different galaxies, at different times. I was one
among those elementals who followed the exact order of
creation. You have seen universal elemental light filling the
atmosphere—those tiny electrons seem to be going no-
where, just flitting hither and yon in the sunshine. When one
is first God-created, there is complete freedom to just enjoy
one’s self, and that is where some folks get the idea of
heaven as being a place of eternal enjoyment, rest, and a
general do-as-you-please attitude. They remember BACK-
WARD, for this is not looking FORWARD, and I warn you
ahead of time, the FUTURE is not going to be like that!
Those were your ‘pre-Eden days’!
“Long, long ago, I was one of these tiny elementals flit-
ting hither and yon in my universe. Whenever I felt like it, I
attached myself to some light ray projected by some being
of whom I was scarcely cognizant. At times I rode upon a
great beam of that light, which was destined to become part
of some star or some lovely God-creation. I had no respon-
sibilities, and no obligations.
“This same freedom is given to all of God’s creations.
Your I AM Presence, when first created, was permitted to go
through each of the Seven Spheres of activity around its
Godhead, find that sphere in which it was most interested,
stay in any temple as long as it desired, and at the feet of
any Master, for any length of time it desired. The angels
have like freedom. When first created, they disport them-

selves in the glory and light of the body of God, and eventu-
ally become a part of the virtues of faith, hope, charity, or
any God-virtue they please. These angels live in the temples
of their choice. They absorb—and JUST ARE!
“Then suddenly one day, there came a feeling within me
that I wanted to be a CONSCIOUS part of creation. When
this takes place within anyone, it means that the activity of
the FIRST RAY is born within them—the WILL TO DO, and so
it was with me.
“Then I sought out someone whom I knew could tell me
just what to do, and when I had found such a one, I was
told that if I cared to go to a certain nature temple, I could
learn how to build form—perhaps a flower. To do this, to-
gether with others of like intent, I had to learn to hold the
thoughtform shown to us on the altar by the presiding deva,
our instructor.
“After enrolling myself as a student in this nature tem-
ple, my first assignment was to build a five-petaled yellow
flower—AND I SHALL NEVER FORGET IT! Oh, there must have
been a couple of hundred of us in the class, all quite as irre-
sponsible as myself. We could hear beautiful music outside
the temple, the air was so lovely and fresh, beautiful beings
of light were passing through the atmosphere outside the
windows—and the holding of the pattern of that flower got
so monotonous. The deva just stood there on the altar, and,
from himself, he externalized the pattern of this flower,
which we were to learn to create. He tried to catch our
thoughts and focus them upon that flower, but I soon found
out that just the WILL TO DO was not enough—there must
follow the other six steps of creation to perfect the activity!
“Then suddenly, PERCEPTION came into my mind, and I

thought, ‘Yes, THIS is a part of creation,’ and I PERCEIVED,

at least, what the deva wanted me to try to do. Up until that
time I just enjoyed the fragrance, the color, and the sym-
metry of form of that flower. I did not feel that I wanted to
do anything more than that about it. As that feeling of PER-
CEPTION took possession within me, I consciously tried. Oh,
but that first form which I attempted to create was certainly
a distorted one—it was sort of square. It did not have
enough petals, nor did it have the right fragrance. Besides,
just as soon as I took my attention away from it, the form
was gone. Others in the class were still not very concentrat-
ed in their attention and were still flitting around. However,
those of us who really meant business, finally moved up to
the front of the room, nearer the altar.
“We continued to absorb the instruction and tried again
and again, and finally, one day, a little yellow flower ap-
peared in my hands and I was happy! This time I had the
right number of petals, the right color, and the right fra-
grance for my flower, but my goodness, just as I was about
to present it to the deva, one of the Archangels went by the
window and my attention, being drawn by his magnificent
light, left the flower for an instant. When I looked back at
my hand, the flower was gone—a lack of CONCENTRATION,
you see!
“Those devas do not speak at all. They give all their in-
struction through radiation, and our deva teacher suggested
to us that if we wanted to create those flowers consciously,
we could add beauty and perfection to a springtime on some
lovely planet, which the Elohim in charge of that planet were
to beautify for the blessing of an evolution of living souls. As
I thought of this, LOVE for my endeavor was born within

me. I felt that I wanted to make that little flower perfect

enough, fragrant enough, beautiful enough, and make it last
long enough, to really bless some part of life. That was the
third aspect of divinity—LOVE! Then I forgot myself and the
distraction of those who were going by outside, for I really
wanted to create that flower, and so I stayed with it!
“What happened then? I received an assignment! The
devas do not assign one to the task of even becoming an
apple-blossom, until they know that you will stay with that
task long enough to complete it. In my new assignment, I
was directed, along with, I think, about seven hundred oth-
ers, to adorn one big tree. Incidentally, the yellow flower I
was to create does not grow upon your Earth, nor does such
a tree. Perhaps one day they shall!
“Here came another lesson, which I did not learn at
once. Our teacher reminded us that, when we went to that
planet with the great deva of the tree to be formed, we
would see all different kinds of trees. He warned us to watch
and see that our individual flower to be created did not be-
come just like that which we saw on some other shrub or
tree. I forgot his admonition and mine did just that! I saw
pink flowers, blue ones and white ones, and by the time I
was through looking at them all, I had nothing definite in my
own mind—and therefore no manifestation!
“Then I learned the fourth lesson—the PURITY of hold-
ing to the divine pattern which had been given to me in the
beginning. When we finally went back to our nature temple
‘schoolroom,’ none of us who had ‘lost out’ were at all proud
of our accomplishments. Those in charge always prepare
more elementals than they know will be needed for a certain
creation, and therefore, the creation was completed by

those who could do the work. I did not volunteer so quickly

for the next experiment, I can tell you! However, within my-
self, I determined that I would hold the pattern of that yel-
low flower until I had brought it forth in perfection.
“Finally, I did not even have to volunteer. My deva
teacher, in mercy, said to me one day, ‘All right, you may go
and try again.’ This time, I closed my eyes, my mind and my
attention to everything but to the becoming of that yellow
flower. Yet, there remained even more for me to remem-
ber—CONSTANCY—for I allowed my petals to fall before the
Springtime was over. I had to learn the fifth activity of CON-
STANCY and CONCENTRATION, until the deva called me
home. Because of my lack of CONSTANCY, after the prema-
ture falling of my petals, I was home a whole month before
the others.
I must tell you that I did not go into the temple for quite
awhile. I walked up and down outside, but I did not go in-
side! At last, I HAD TO GO IN—you know that! Wherever you
are, and whatever you volunteer to do, YOU MUST FINISH IT
ONE DAY! It is the same thing with humanity—they may
‘play around’ as long as they wish and waste their time and
energy, but one day they must finish their course (fulfill their

“When we gathered again before the deva in the nature

temple, I was seated far back in the last row. I was small of
stature and I thought that I would not be too easily seen
there. Thinking to myself, I said, ‘I shall never go out again.
I’ll just stay right here!’ However, next we were taught the
lesson of RHYTHM.

“Here I learned that I had to hold the PURITY of form,

and that I had to stay at my post until I was released by the
being who had sent me forth—that was CONSTANCY. Then,
amazingly, I learned that I had to go EVERY Spring! My
goodness, I thought, going once was a major achievement,
but I learned the lesson of RHYTHM: yellow flower—yellow
flower—yellow flower—over and over again, each and every
Spring. I shall not attempt to tell you how many springtimes
I became a yellow flower. Doing it once was a novelty, even
a dozen times was fun, but EVERY Spring seemed to me like
a long, steady, relentless ‘grind.’ OBEDIENCE! OBEDIENCE!
OBEDIENCE to the end!

“The last step I had to learn in this process of creation

was to HOLD THE PEACE! The last time that deva told me
that I was going to be a yellow flower again, I NEARLY LOST
THE WHOLE COURSE! You see, in the meantime, others of
my friends had become beautiful trees, shrubs, and other
lovely creations, but I WAS STILL A LITTLE YELLOW FLOWER!
So you see, I had to learn to HOLD THE PEACE—PEACE which
I became myself, mind you, on a far-distant future scheme.
So, if you are one of those ‘little yellow flowers,’ learn to
HOLD THE PEACE! Perhaps, one day, you will be a sun to a
system. Who knows what anyone’s use of free will may do?
“At last, on this final trip, I just LET GO! I really did! I
thought, ‘If God wills it, I shall be this blossom for eternity!’
That was my last trip. That absolute surrender gave me my
release, and that time, when I returned to my deva in the
nature temple, he crowned my service of the ages—AGES, I
said—with victory. Then I was graduated into the devic
“For a long, long time, I served and worked with in-

creasing efficiency, until I finally took the initiation of the

Elohim. Later, when given opportunity, by the call from be-
loved Helios and Vesta for those who would volunteer to
build for them this dear planet, Earth, I voluntarily joined the
other six Elohim to render that service. We served together
in association, both for the joy of comradeship and the joy
of creation.
“Proceeding through these ‘seven steps’ of activity is the
way by which the Elohim expand their consciousness from
an elemental being to a great builder of form. It is the way
by which the tiny cherubim become great devas of light, and
passing through those ‘steps’ also, the spiritually-
unawakened soul eventually awakens and becomes the
great Ascended Being of love, light and perfection. There is
no escape from following these ‘seven steps’ anywhere.
Some natures are such that they accept and follow those
steps quickly, and some take a longer time to accomplish.
Believe me—I KNOW! I think that I was the slowest pupil of
all the grouping of elementals with whom I started out, but
one thing I learned, if nothing else, was to HOLD MY PEACE
“For the kindness and courtesy of your attention, and
your love, I thank you! Will you remember always, please,
that PEACE IS A POSITIVE POWER! I, who have passed the
way of evolution before you, am yours to command! I leave
with you my blessings. May all your precipitations be perfect,
your ‘flowers’ beautiful, and all your God-endeavors success-
ful in his name!”


Here the class should stand and issue the following de-

Mighty I AM Presence, beloved Archangel Uriel, beloved

Elohim of Peace, beloved Jesus, let me be a comforting
presence, bringing the qualities of peace and ministration to
all life I contact!

I AM manifesting the PEACE of Elohim Tranquility!

I AM its full release!
I AM manifesting the PEACE of Elohim Tranquility!
I AM his cosmic peace!
I AM manifesting the PEACE of Elohim Tranquility!
I AM his cosmic power!
I AM manifesting the PEACE of Elohim Tranquility!
And he doubles that peace through me each hour!
This decree may also be given for:
a) I AM the PEACE of Archangel Uriel!
b) I AM the VICTORY of the Ascended Jesus Christ!


a) While softly playing music appropriate to the occa-

sion, rest your attention on the Ceremonial Angels and An-
gels of Protection, that have assisted you in this class and on
Archangel Uriel, the Elohim Tranquility, Ascended Lady Mas-
ter Nada and Beloved Jesus.
b) Send your love and gratitude for their service.
c) Feel yourself surrounded by a pillar of the Ruby Flame
of Peace.
d) Expand that flame to cover your city, state, nation
and the entire globe.

BENEDICTION (By Group Leader)

Sealed in a mighty pillar of the Ruby Flame of Peace,
from the hearts of beloved Archangel Uriel, Elohim Tranquili-
ty and Ascended Lady Master Nada, we thank the Ascended
Host of Light for the continuous outpouring of love, wisdom
and power.
We thank beloved Archangels Michael and Uriel and the
Angels of Protection, Ministration and Ceremonial, who have
assisted us in this class. Take up our humble efforts and
amplify them with your mighty love. Take them North,
South, East and West and cover the Earth with the outpour-
ing of the Ruby Flame of Peace.
Help us to achieve and maintain perfect harmony, health
and supply. Let the divine plan be made manifest through
every lifestream belonging to this planet.
May the benediction and blessings of the most High Liv-
ing God and the peace which surpasses all understanding,
be with you, each one. May the God of Mercy protect and
guide you on your spiritual path toward enlightenment and

Lesson 14


Table of Contents

Lesson Overview ............................................. ……………306

The Seventh Ray ..........................................................307
Saint Germain, Chohan Of The Seventh Ray ...................308
Address By Saint Germain .............................................310
Musical Interlude (Keynote of Saint Germain) .................313
The Beloved Archangel Zadkiel ......................................313
Address By Archangel Zadkiel ........................................315
Musical Interlude ..........................................................316
Address By Holy Amethyst .............................................316
The Mighty Elohim Arcturus ...........................................317
Address By Elohim Arcturus ...........................................317
The Seven Steps To Precipitation ...................................318
21 Essential Lessons, List of Lessons, Volume 2 ..............324


Play appropriate music, such as “Bells of the Meadows.”

Group leader gives the following invocation:

“All hail to thee, thou all-pervading light of the universe,

the supreme source of life, “I AM.” We kneel within our
hearts in recognition of the light of the Cosmos, as we draw
forth these flames representing the three-fold activity of life
as exemplified by the Holy Trinity:

the Father, (lighting blue candle)

the Son, (lighting yellow candle) and
the Holy Spirit (lighting pink candle)

“Beloved Cosmic I AM Presence, come now and assert

thy rightful authority in the four lower vehicles of all of thy
children and show us how to reverently and humbly express
the perfectly balanced activity of love, wisdom and power
which thou art.

“Oh Light Supreme, we acknowledge thee in all life, and

we give gratitude to the glorious Cosmic and Ascended Be-
ings, as we invoke them and the great angelic host to ampli-
fy the energy which we release in this class, and may that
light expand, expand and expand as it travels throughout
the universe, ever widening the borders of thy kingdom, in
fulfillment of thy will, ‘I AM!’”


“Beloved mighty, victorious Presence of God “I AM,” the

source that is anchored within each of our hearts, we love
and adore you. We acknowledge you to be the owner and
giver of all life, our intelligence, our substance, our all!

“We call on beloved Archangels Michael and Uriel and on

all Ascended Beings who serve on the Seventh Ray and es-
pecially Beloved Archangel Zadkiel, Elohim Arcturus and As-
cended Master Saint Germain.

“As we pour out our deepest love and gratitude to the

Ascended Host of Light for bringing forth this teaching, blaze
(3) the Transmuting Violet Flame of Freedom’s Love through
and around us, eternally sustained.

“Seal us in your light and love and power of victorious

accomplishment. Guard and protect us, guide and direct us
and give us the illumination of truth that shall set us free!”


The lesson introduces the God-virtues of the Seventh

Ray. This ray incorporates the qualities of the Transmuting
Violet Flame, so necessary to make our ascension.

Primary representatives of this ray are Archangel

Zadkiel, Elohim Arcturus and the Ascended Master Saint
Germain (Chohan). The color of the ray is violet.

Before starting the lesson, contemplate the picture of

Saint Germain and ask for his radiation, feelings, nature and


The Seventh Ray serves to educate mankind in the

rhythmic activity of INVOKING and SUSTAINING the power
of the Transmuting Violet Flame. Through this application,
students learn to redeem the mistakes of the past and they
become inspired to manifest the purity, cleansing ability and
buoyancy of this Violet Fire.

The Seventh Ray is the Ray of Transmutation and of

magnetization, for within the beating flame in your heart is
the power to magnetize life-energy, also called primal life.
The energy which you magnetize, becomes yours to qualify
and direct into the universe for good or ill. You qualify it by
your thoughts, feelings, spoken words and acts, and that
energy, moving in the irrevocable circle, sweeps out and
then back to its creative center—YOU—for redemption. Each
one of you took primal life and stamped upon it something
of yourself, and that life, returning to you, is the karma of
your various limitations and distresses. All such imperfec-
tions can be transmuted by the use of the VIOLET FIRE OF

What is the CAUSE of FREEDOM? God is that CAUSE! The

God-part of every man has within it the realization that
FREEDOM and GODLINESS are one. The divine fiat of life is
expansion, unfoldment, perfection—all of which qualities
require FREEDOM in order to manifest. There is no such
thing as progress or evolution without FREEDOM. FREEDOM
IS GOD IN ACTION. It is the divine plan that there shall be
FREEDOM to all life—mankind, elementals, and angels. The
to bring this about, and Saint Germain urges each one to


and then persevere with the use of this Sacred Fire for the
sake of all that lives.
The instruction originally published by THE BRIDGE TO
FREEDOM (and now re-published by the Ascended Master
Teaching Foundation) gives forth the Ascended Masters’
teachings and understanding of how to use the Sacred Fire
to bring freedom to the mind, freedom to the feelings, free-
dom to the memories, and freedom to the physical body.


The great being whom we know and honor as Saint

Germain, made his ascension in 1684. For many centuries he
had worked to bring freedom to mankind, taking embodi-
ment again and again, endeavoring to stimulate the desire
for freedom in the people of the various countries of the

A long time ago, Saint Germain served as a priest in the

Temple of Purification by Violet Fire (now in the etheric
realm, near Cuba). Later, he was embodied as king of a
great civilization, located where the Sahara Desert now is.
Saint Germain was also embodied as the prophet Samuel,
Joseph (father of Jesus), Saint Alban, the Greek philosopher
Proclus, Merlin the Magician, Roger Bacon, Christian Rosen-

kreutz (founder of the Order of the “Rosy Cross”), Christo-

pher Columbus, Paracelsus, and, finally, as Francis Bacon.

The Master Saint Germain appeared again in Europe,

primarily during the time from 1710 to 1822. He appeared in
his visible, tangible body, in the various countries, under
various names. He kept close connection with influential
people in these countries. He was known as the Comte de
Saint Germain in France, as the Wonderman in Germany, as
Comte Bellamarre in Venice, as Prince Rakoczy at Dresden
and by other names at different places. He was considered
very wealthy and no one could determine from whence his
wealth came.

It was not generally known that Saint Germain was an

Ascended Being at that time, which explains how he could
so easily perform those super-human feats, and why he did
not partake of food. Being ascended, he was complete mas-
ter over physical matter. He could appear in more than one
place at the same time, he did not have to rely on outer
world transportation. He had the ability to precipitate what-
ever jewels, ornamentation and such as he wished. Saint
Germain did this to gain influence with people of im-
portance. By exhibiting material wealth, he could impress
people as nothing else would.

Beginning in 1930, Saint Germain used a new approach.

His instruction is now based on simplicity of language, logic
and common sense. In addition, the Masters use their radia-
tion to convince the students of the truth of the message.


“Think of those of us who gained the freedom and victo-

ry alone—century after century—finding secret caves, places
where we might hide, endeavoring with a few brave souls,
like ourselves, to contact the Ascended Host of Light. We
desired to receive their instruction and then to experiment
with magnetization, invocation, and the direction of the light
rays. There was nobody to tell us whether we were on the
right path. There was nothing but our heart flame to direct
us. Yet, if we had allowed negative qualities to make us
fearful, we would still remain within the orthodox masses.
“I tell you frankly, if you are going to succeed, YOU
yourself. In the privacy of your own room, you must take
yourselves in hand and DECIDE FIRST AND FOREMOST
OR NOT! If you feel that you do not, then you must wait for
another opportunity, at a later day. You must measure eve-
rything that we have given according to the code of truth,
according to the code of balance, of purity, of wisdom, and
of love. Then, when you have made up your mind, STAY
“The greatest opportunity in the world is to USE THIS
“The divine alchemy of the VIOLET FIRE is a real science,
just as much as is any science of electronics in the outer
world today. It is not something which works in a haphazard
manner. You are in an age of experimentation, and now

stand much as I did in those embodiments, previous to my

ascension, when I, too, was experimenting with various
combinations of thought, feeling and spoken word in de-
crees. You are in a period of transition—transition in your
personal lives, world transition, and in a very few short
years, you will be in a period of planetary transition as well.
These periods of ‘world change’ cause feelings of unrest in
the emotional and mental bodies of the masses of the peo-
ple, and stir up a great sense of fear in their flesh bodies, as

“Do not limit the powers of your I AM Presence, beloved

ones. Become acquainted with that glorious Presence, be-
cause of its omnipotent power and its willingness to act to
and through you, at all times. Personally, you could not pos-
sibly attempt to rehabilitate the entire human race—the
three-and-one-half billion who are in embodiment, besides
those billions awaiting physical embodiment, BUT YOUR “I

“Your Presence and mine are not limited in any way!


“We are at the beginning of a New Age in which,

through the courtesy and kindness of life, I am the Chohan
and I will assist you in the religious service which will be

manifested in the worship of the next two-thousand-year

period. This is the activity of the VIOLET RAY, the activity of
Ordered Service and Ritual, the activity where mankind, an-
gels and elementals will again be drawn together in con-
scious cooperation, and will, hand in hand, walk together
along the path of evolution, where they will serve together
and build together, the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. They
will worship together in ceremonials such as you cannot yet
“One day, before my ascension, while in deep contem-
plation of the Presence and its Violet Fire of Mercy, For-
giveness and Transmutation, my inner sight was opened,
and I had a glimpse of a farmer walking through a field,
sowing seed. This man was heavy of heart and his head was
bowed. Suddenly, I saw a light ray from my Presence go
forth—within which was the Violet Fire. It blazed around that
individual, instantly transmuting the CAUSE of his distress,
for which cause I had been responsible at one time or an-
other. Thus was paid the particular debt which I owed that
lifestream. Then that lifestream raised his head, free of that
burden, and actually ran laughing toward the farmhouse.
That person never knew from whence his release came. I
did not even know the name of that man, but I knew that
his burden was lightened, and that at least some of my kar-
mic debt had been paid. It will be interesting, if you care to
develop it!
“I would like to thank you for giving yourselves so freely
and so completely in the cause of freedom, for investing
your energies in that freedom through the centuries—not
only in this embodiment, but you have rallied around that
banner of freedom in almost every era and every age that

you have lived. Now, as we enter the door of a New Day, I

shall remember those of you who have stood by me, and
you shall be a part of that spiritual court that lives forever.”

Saint Germain has retreats in Transylvania and in America (The

Cave of Symbols). He also maintains foci in the etheric city over the
Sahara Desert and at Mount Shasta. His twin ray is Portia, the
Goddess of Justice. The electronic pattern of his lifestream is the
Maltese Cross. Saint Germain’s keynote is contained in the Strauss


While the attention rests on beloved Saint Germain, play the

“Emperors Waltz.” (Strauss waltzes contain the keynote of beloved
Saint Germain).


Beloved Zadkiel is the Archangel in charge of the Violet

Fire of INVOCATION and TRANSMUTATION. This knowledge
enables YOU, and all who care to do so, to invoke this Sa-
cred Fire into your being and world, so that the imperfect
energy which is the CAUSE of distress both now and at some
future time, may be TRANSMUTED in a painless way,
through the love that is contained within the Violet Flame,
instead of having to experience unnecessary pain and suffer-

DO NOT FEAR this Violet fire, for it only dissolves and


transmutes energy which has been wrongly qualified by

thought, feeling, word, or action. When earnestly used, it
produces a buoyancy and lightness, for your human accu-
mulation is an actual WEIGHT and PRESSURE around you.
At some time, this human creation must be dissolved and
transmuted back into perfection.



Neither you nor any of mankind can experience the full-

ness of God-perfection in your worlds, either while here on
Earth or after so-called death, until all your human creation
(which means all the misuse of life in your thoughts, in your
feelings, by your acts, and by your memory) has been com-
pletely removed. Fortunate, indeed, are YOU to know of this
Violet Fire, which is the divine tool that can most quickly
render this service. It will not act of itself, so your earnest
and sincere call to the Ascended Master Saint Germain, the
Archangel Zadkiel, beloved Amethyst, and the Angels of the
Violet Fire is required. THE MORE YOU CAN BE CONSCIOUS OF

The beautiful etheric temple of Lord Zadkiel and holy

Amethyst abides over the Island of Cuba. It was once a
mighty focus on the landed surface, itself, and one day it
shall again abide there, where mankind may go, and by
bathing in the radiation of the Violet Fire, instantly be free.


“My service to life is in guarding the powers of invoca-

tion. I work on the Seventh Ray.
“Each 2000 years, a mighty Archangel and a Chohan
worked to render the assistance to those souls who were
ready to develop into this perfect state. You can see then,
how far behind mankind of Earth are, as this cosmic wheel
has turned so many times that there is no human count for
its revolutions. My service was at the end of each cycle,
when the Seventh Ray played upon the Earth, to teach the
developed souls how to draw and qualify the Sacred Fire and
become priests and priestesses of the Order of Zadkiel.
“Cycle after cycle passed, revolution after revolution of
the wheel has taken place, and yet the ‘bloom’ which man-
kind should have shown, has not be accomplished. Again we
come to the close of one of these cycles—the minor and the
major—and the Seventh Ray again plays upon the Earth for
approximately 2000 years. THE LAW HAS SAID THAT THIS IS
that we are all pouring forth the pressure of our light and
flames, desiring to get from those of you who are stirring in
your soul sleep, the assistance of your lifestreams, also.
“It is better to call forth the Violet Flame for shorter pe-
riods at a time in a RHYTHMIC ACTIVITY each day. Set aside
some uninterrupted time each day—morning, noon and
night—to invoke this flame, calling for it to blaze up, through
and around you and expand out into your world.
“Let that Violet Fire blaze up, through and around your
physical body, your etheric, mental and emotional bodies,
especially through your brain structure and feeling world,

commanding it to transmute the hard and unforgiving feel-

ings. These ‘hard’ feelings are the causes and cores of most
of your distresses. Let them be replaced by grateful, joyous,
receptive feelings, which open your world to the goodness of
God and make you a mighty magnet to draw to you all the
good that God wants you to have.”

While the attention of the group rests upon beloved
Archangel Zadkiel, play the melody, “The Blue Danube,”
which contains the keynote of the retreat of beloved Zadkiel.


“Beloved Ones, LOVING LIFE FREE is the greatest ser-
vice that there is in this universe, and that is my reason for
being—to embody the MERCY of your Father-Mother God,
that has not allowed anything evil to be permanent. Think of
the mercy of that—no word, no thought, no feeling, and no
action that you have ever sent forth that was less than God’s
beauty and perfection, shall ever remain as a permanent
record in your own worlds or that of this planet! Think of the
mercy of life that allows me—and that allows you—to use
the merciful flame of Violet Fire to change the quality of im-
prisoned life into a vibratory action that is harmonious and
happy. Wherever you see an appearance of imperfection,
instead of registering a distaste for it, oh, FEEL WITH ME THE
JOY THAT IT IS to impersonally call already God-qualified
energy into the person, place, condition or thing, and ask
that intelligent Violet Fire to change the quality of energy
into a harmonious, beautiful, and happy quality.

“I ask that the Ascended Master FEELING of BUOYANCY

that is within this Violet Fire will remain with you, and that
your Holy Christ Self may CHARGE it THROUGH YOU to dis-
solve all depression or anything less than the Ascended Mas-


The mighty Arcturus is the ELOHIM of the Violet Fire of
Mercy and Compassion, of invocation, rhythm and freedom,
and he works on the Seventh Ray. This is the flame that ac-
tually does raise the vibratory action of the electrons which
make up the substance and form of every created thing. He
is one of the Elohim who helped to build the planet Earth.
His divine complement is known as the beloved Diana.


“I am the Elohim of INVOCATION and RHYTHM, who
brings to you and all life, through the use of the Violet Fire,
infinite FREEDOM, when you desire it enough! I look con-
stantly from interstellar space, through all the planets be-
longing to this system, for those hearts who desire FREE-
DOM—freedom from illness, limitation and distress. And
where shall you find that freedom? FROM WITHIN YOUR OWN
“In the beginning of your individualization, God created
your divine, self-conscious intelligence, your own individual-
ized “I AM,” a White Fire Being, from the Universal First
Cause, with the capacity to draw forth from life every God-
gift you might ever require, to be able to manifest perfec-
tion. Within the flame in your heart is anything and every-

thing that you require! I urge you to DEVELOP YOUR LIFE

and the qualities which are within it. From that same primal
life and light, we created the planet upon which you present-
ly abide, as well as all the planets of this system.
“Call forth what you wish from the heart of that life
which flows from the Universal, and call to me—Arcturus—if
you wish to release into outer manifestation from within
your own life whatever powers, qualities, gifts and activities
are required to perfect your own world and that of your fel-
lowman. Wherever there is a lifestream who sincerely de-
sires FREEDOM, and in constant RHYTHM, invokes and com-
mands it, there shall I be to give that one assistance, until
that FREEDOM is physically manifest.
“In your individual application, if you will observe a
RHYTHM, and give your individual calls AT THE SAME HOUR
EACH DAY, you will draw a much more concentrated power.”


By The Beloved Elohim Arcturus

”First—The mighty Hercules’ WILL TO DO (DECISION) is

the first step. Nothing can ever be accomplished here or an-
ywhere else until the lifestream wills, within itself, to do, to
act, to cooperate with some portion of the God-intelligence.
”Second—Then comes the quality of Cassiopea, with his
power of PERCEPTION (ILLUMINATION), showing one the
perfect thing to do, getting the clear picture of the pattern
and design to be precipitated.
”Third—Now comes the LOVE of the mighty Orion, hold-
ing constantly to the original pattern and vision of perfection
and feeding the feelings of divine love and light into it, until

the complete manifestation appears.

”Fourth—Then comes the PURITY of beloved Claire (Elo-
him of Purity), holding the perfect pattern steady and un-
changed, holding to the purity of the original design, not
allowing the mind to flit from one design to another.
”Fifth—Next comes the quality of Vista (CONCENTRA-
TION and CONSECRATION), the power (endurance) to STAY
with that one pattern and one idea , until it is lowered into
”Sixth—As our beloved brother, the Elohim of Peace,
serves upon the Sixth Ray, ordinarily his activities would
come next. However, in the activities of precipitation, alt-
hough I, Arcturus, work upon the Seventh Ray, my quality of
INVOCATION IN RHYTHM comes next and takes sixth place.
”Seventh—Here is the sealing of the entire manifesta-
tion, the feeling of GOD-PEACE, from the Elohim of Peace,
himself. Insofar as the power of precipitation is concerned,
the activities of our two rays are inverted.
“My specific contribution to the building of form is the
activity of INVOCATION IN RHYTHM, of the constant feeding
of the desired form to be outpictured with life energy, until it
is not only a manifest thing, but symmetrically perfect, as
well. The constancy of RHYTHM gives symmetry to the form
“If you will observe nature, you will easily recognize the
absolute RHYTHM by which all creation takes place—the ris-
ing and setting of the sun, the incoming and outgoing of the
tides, the recurrent seasons, all in an absolute and perfect

“Mankind pays fairly regular attention to the RHYTHM of
doing that which affects the physical comfort, but in the
most important of all—his spiritual activities—RHYTHM is
thoroughly forgotten. The science of constancy of prayer
and application is seldom seen, but before a visible flame
can be drawn forth from the inner realms, it requires a sanc-
tified, consciously dedicated and consecrated group of
lifestreams who, rhythmically, will draw forth by decree and
invocation, that mighty concentrate from whence the flame
will burst forth into visibility.
“If you were to observe a certain RHYTHM in your indi-
vidual application at the same hour every day, you would
draw a much greater concentrate of power and quicker ac-
complishment than when you make your application fit into
the free hours which each day may choose to give. When
you observe that same RHYTHM in your working hours, your
time for sleep, your time for relaxation—holding to that
symmetry which nature has given you: eight hours for ser-
vice, eight hours for sleep, eight hours for relaxation—you
will have greater harmony in your feelings, better health in
your bodies, and you will be able to draw forth greater per-
“Nothing but your own ‘giving up,’ abandoning your pro-
ject before it is completed, can prevent your eventual pre-
cipitation. Once the RHYTHM has been established, STAY
WITH YOUR PATTERN until the energy required flows into
“If we had ceased our activities even ONE HOUR before
the Earth was completed, all of our work of such a long time
would have been in vain. If we had discontinued our

RHYTHM, the planet would have begun to disintegrate and

return to the unformed. We continued RHYTHM after
RHYTHM, until it was COMPLETED and the Earth began to
revolve on her axis and we heard the words, ‘It is finished!’”
“Let us again consider those ‘SEVEN STEPS’:
FIRST: There must be your WILL (DECISION) to
accomplish a certain item
SECOND: There must come your detailed PERCEP-
TION of what you wish to precipitate.
THIRD: You must pour LOVE into your ideas.
FOURTH: You must have PURITY of consciousness to
hold your pattern untouched by any imper-
fection or the changing its design.
FIFTH: There must be CONCENTRATION upon your
original design.
SIXTH: (Seventh Ray). There must be RHYTHM of
application in decree and silent mental
SEVENTH: Your feeling of GOD-PEACE must surround
your completed form to hold its perfection
protected and sustained. Call to the Elohim
of Peace to so seal your manifestation in his
Flame of Cosmic Christ PEACE, that disinte-
gration never touches it until such time as it
has completed the service for which it was
It is in following through with the mathematical science
of precipitation, that you gain mastery and results.

Beloved Presence of God I AM in me, beloved Ascended

Master Saint Germain and all who serve in the activities of
the Seventh Ray to our Earth—
BLAZE! (3) up, through and around me your mighty VI-
OLET TRANSMUTING FLAME, the purifying power of divine
love, in its most powerful, dynamic activity. TRANSMUTE
cause, effect, record and memory of all human concepts,
desires and feelings in my being and world, and every mis-
take for which I am responsible. Replace it with the Ascend-
ed Masters’ substance of divine love, purity and perfection,
and hold your dominion within me and my world, forever
BLAZE! (3) the Violet Flame through my brain structure
and mental body, through my emotional body and through
every organ, cell and function of my physical body. Hold it
there until every appearance of imperfection is dissolved and
the victory of my divine plan is assured.


a) While playing the music of a Strauss Waltz, rest

your attention on the Ceremonial Angels and An-
gels of Protection that have assisted you in this
class and on Archangel Zadkiel, Elohim Arcturus
and Ascended Master Saint Germain.
b) Send your love and gratitude for their service.
c) Feel yourself surrounded by a pillar of the Trans-
muting Violet Flame.
d) Expand that flame to cover your city, state, nation
and the entire globe.
BENEDICTION (By Group Leader)

Sealed in a mighty pillar of the Violet Flame of Free-

dom’s Love from the hearts of beloved Archangel Zadkiel,
Elohim Arcturus and Ascended Master Saint Germain, we
thank the Ascended Host of Light for the continuous out-
pouring of love, wisdom and power.

We thank beloved Archangels Michael and Uriel and the

Angels of Protection, Ministration and Ceremonial who have
assisted us in this class. Take up our humble efforts and
amplify them with your mighty love. Take them North,
South, East and West and cover the Earth with the outpour-
ing of the Transmuting Violet Flame.

Help us to achieve and maintain perfect harmony, health

and supply. Let the divine plan be made manifest through
every lifestream belonging to this planet.
May the benediction and blessings of the most High Liv-
ing God and the peace which surpasses all understanding,
be with you each one. May the God of Mercy protect and
guide you on your spiritual path toward enlightenment and
Volume 1

Lesson 1 Introduction To The Teaching

Lesson 2 Messengers Of The Great White
Lesson 3 Creation
Lesson 4 Cosmic Law
Lesson 5 Daily Application
Lesson 6 Angels And Elementals
Lesson 7 The History Of Mankind
Lesson 8 The First Ray
Lesson 9 The Second Ray
Lesson 10 The Third Ray
Lesson 11 The Fourth Ray
Lesson 12 The Fifth Ray
Lesson 13 The Sixth Ray
Lesson 14 The Seventh Ray

Volume 2

Lesson 15 The Spiritual Hierarchy

Lesson 16 The Chela On The Path
Lesson 17 The Seven Initiations
Lesson 18 Examples Of Ascensions
Lesson 19 Today's Crisis
Lesson 20 Group Activity
Lesson 21 Service Is The Law Of Life
Archangel Uriel, referring to the teachings of the Bridge to
Freedom, said on May 16, 1954, "Genesis and all of the suc-
ceeding Biblical Law is being written again. It is a Bible made
up of the energies of the Archangels and the Ascended Mas-
ters, that will stand for the rest of the civilizations being
brought forth on this planet Earth."
Compiled from the teachings of the “Bridge to Freedom” by
W. Schroeder. Presented in the first part are biographies of
107 Ascended Masters. Details include the tests, trials and
initiations they had to undergo during their last embodiment
to gain the ascension. The knowledge gained from the per-
sonal experiences of these Masters will help the students in
successfully passing similar tests and initiations and in gain-
ing their freedom as well. The second part of the books con-
tains many details of 31 Ascended Master Retreats, including
those that were active during the historic Transmission
Flame Services which greatly helped our planet during criti-
cal times.
THE LAW OF PRECIPITATION, 256 pp. Compiled by W.
Schroeder. How to successfully meet your daily needs. Using
a step-by-step method, this book describes, in detail, the
necessary building blocks in manifesting your wishes. In ad-
dition to describing the theory of precipitation, dozens of
examples are given, showing how individuals have used this
information to their own advantage. Included are 30 epi-
sodes, illustrating how William J. Cassiere, a messenger ap-
pointed by Saint Germain, used the laws of precipitation in
healing others.
Schroeder, 368 pp. Using a variety of sources, this title pre-
sents mankind's unrecorded history. Much of this material
has not been researched before, and it has not been availa-
ble to the general public. Written in chronological order, the
reader learns of the conditions prevailing during the advent
of man on Earth, including his origin, his age, the place
where mankind first embodied and the coming of the lag-
gards from other planets, causing the “Fall of Man” on
Earth. Fascinating highlights of the Lemurian and Atlantean
civilizations are given. Also depicted are accounts of the un-
chronicled history of Jesus and the oracles of Delphi. Arch-
angel Michael’s report of July 17, 1959 on the division of all
of mankind. The new criteria is given that will be used in
dividing mankind into two separate groups, one of which will
find embodiment on a newly-created planet. The significance
of this new process for the students of this teaching.
UNVEILED MYSTERIES, by Godfre Ray King, 288 pp.
This book contains Mr. Ballard's first experiences, following
his meeting with the Ascended Master Saint Germain on
Mount Shasta. We are happy to present to the students a
full, unabridged copy of this priceless book, which heralded
in the New Age. The new edition contains biographies of the
Ascended Masters Saint Germain, Guy Ballard, and David
Lloyd. A Chinese translation is also available.
STEPS TO PRECIPITATION by Thomas Printz, 304 pp.
This book contains the unique and historic account of the
principles employed in the creation of our planet, by the
Builders of the Universe, known as the Seven Elohim. The
Elohim explain how these principles may be applied by to-
day’s students in their daily affairs. Explanation of chakric
centers and how to purify them. Why group activities form a
magnetic field of energy that can be used by the Ascended
Description of the initiations necessary to gain the ascen-
sion, with emphasis on mastering the initiation of the God-
virtues of the First Ray. The history of the “Bridge to Free-
dom” Organization from the very beginning all the way to its
dissolution, including how the dispensation for the “Bridge to
Freedom” was obtained, and the purpose of this endeavor.
The history of the AMTF, including how the teaching of the
“Bridge to Freedom” was saved from falling into oblivion. We
added the article “The Teaching of the ‘Bridge to Freedom’
and Other Groups.” Here we are emphasizing that none of
the persons, considered today as channels, supported the
effort of saving the teaching, or republishing and distributing
El Morya’s trip to the birthplace of Jesus, as one of the Three
Wisemen. In the chapter, “The Spiritual Caravan,” El Morya
extends an invitation to students to join him in a global ef-
fort, bringing in the New Golden Age. Why the “Bridge to
Freedom” was established and the tasks of the Bridge Build-
ers of today.
scription of the initiations necessary to gain the ascension,
with emphasis on mastering the initiation of the God-virtues
of the Seventh Ray. The Law of Karma including the Karma
of Omission. The Law of Forgiveness.
How to establish and conduct Ascended Master Teaching
Groups. Featured are primal requirements for an efficacious
service, and the responsibilities of each group member, in-
cluding its leader. The book is an indispensable aid for those
involved in group activities.
Beneficial Radiations (weekly cycle, 2000 year cycle, radia-
tion of the Elohim and other Ascended Beings, the retreats
of the Ascended Masters, and the 12 temples around the
Sun, also called “the Zodiac”). How to take advantage of
these radiations.
MARY, 416 pp. These dictations by Jesus and Mother Mary,
presented in chronological order, give the reader a complete
account of their last embodiment. Many of the events are
not given in the Bible, such as early life experiences of Jesus
and Mary, Jesus trip to India and details of his ascension.
Jesus explains the true purpose of his mission. The reader
learns of Mary's journey to Europe, including her travels to
Fatima, Lourdes and Glastonbury. Mother Mary explains the
Law of Healing and the establishment of healing centers.
THE ANGELIC KINGDOM, 448 pp. This new title contains
ALL of the dictations by Ascended Beings on the subject of
angels, including text from the booklet “Archangel Michael
and his Helpers.” These dictations allow the reader to get a
comprehensive view of the activities of our unselfish, loving,
helpers from the Angelic Kingdom. Each of the Archangels
radiates one of the virtues of the Godhead, such as protec-
tion, illumination, and peace. This book contains personal
addresses to the students from members of the Angelic
Kingdom, showing them how to use these virtues for achiev-
ing their own freedom.
304 pp. (formerly “I AM Discourses,” by the Cosmic Being
Mighty Victory).
It was Mighty Victory who was able to set the Occult Law
aside. This tall Master from Venus embodies the God-Virtue
of Victorious Accomplishment. He has offered to assist stu-
dents to manifest this God-Quality in their daily affairs.
We added dictations by the Cosmic Being Mighty Victory,
given though Geraldine Innocente. These dictations com-
plement the discourses previously given through Mr. Ballard,
demonstrating that all of these published dictations came
from the Great White Brotherhood, as presented through
their accredited messengers.
21 ESSENTIAL LESSONS by W. Schroeder, in 2 Volumes.
These graded instructions contain a summary of the teach-
ing and all information necessary, if applied, to make the
ascension in this embodiment. They are written in an easy-
to-understand manner. A must for both group leaders and
dedicated students, who study alone.
Volume 1, 336 pp. It contains the basic concepts of the
teaching, such as the I AM Presence, the Violet Flame, the
Protective Pillar of Light, the Law of Karma and why and
how we should decree. It also describes the functions of the
elemental and angelic kingdoms.
Descriptions of the God-virtues of the Seven Rays and how
to attune to Ascended Masters, Elohim and Archangels.
Volume 2 (320 pp.) is intended for those students who wish
to become chelas of the Ascended Masters. It describes the
functions of the Hierarchy (Governing Board) of the Earth,
how their messengers to mankind are selected and group
activity. It is also explained how a chela may achieve the
ascension, by successfully completing the various initiations
and by performing the required service to God and to man-
dictations explaining the origin and function of electrons as
well as their relationship to individual life. Explains energy
and vibration. Dictations by the Directors of the Kingdom of
Nature (earth, air, water, fire). The chapter on elementals
explains the different types of elementals and their function
in the kingdom of nature. These details lead to a better un-
derstanding of elementals such as sylphs, undines, gnomes
and salamanders. Causes of catastrophes and how to miti-
gate them.
SONGS AND DECREES, 80 pp. For personal application
and group work.
DAILY MEDITATIONS, 48 pp. These meditations make
use of the prevailing radiation of each day of the week. This
knowledge and application accelerates the spiritual progress
of the student and blesses the location as well.
Compiled by W. Schroeder. Presented in this publication is a
series of addresses by the Ascended Master Kuthumi, pre-
sent World Teacher. Students will welcome the opportunity
of becoming acquainted with messages that are vital in
bringing in a new Golden Age. The study and application of
this material will enable students to become teachers, them-
selves, thus assisting the Ascended Host in implementing
their plans.
256 pp. Mother Mary describes, in great detail, the cycle of
life, death and re-embodiment, including the experiences
after so-called death. This information has never been pub-
lished, by anyone. Experiences after death include: meeting
family members, judgment before the Karmic Board, as-
signment by the Karmic Board to Temples of Learning (in
preparation for re-embodiment), Mother Mary’s assistance
and her service at the Temple of the Sacred Heart, the se-
lection process for embodiment, creation of the pattern for a
future physical body, preparation and schooling for new em-
bodiment and how parents are selected. Learn about the
“Fountain of Youth,” how individuals can have a longer life-
span and steps everyone can take to have perfectly-born
and healthy children. Explains how to maintain perfect
BRIDGE TO FREEDOM JOURNAL. These original dicta-
tions of the Ascended Masters were published in the monthly
magazine of the “Bridge to Freedom” Activity. These mes-
sages are the very core of the teaching and cannot be found
in any other book. They are a practical guide, leading to
spiritual development and a better understanding of the ac-
tivities of the Ascended Ones.
Book 1: 4/1952–3/54; Book 2: 4/1954–3/1956; Book 3:
4/1956–11/1957; Book 4: 12/57–7/59; Book 5: 8/59–
6/1961. All in soft cover. Books vary from 368 to 500 pp.
DICTATIONS, 99 Dictations by the Ascended Host. 448 pp.
The dictations give actual reports of the meetings of the
Karmic Board, how to develop discrimination, Kuthumi’s
Mystic Mantle and the Masters’ efforts in the 19th century
through Helen Blavatsky.
BRIDGE TO FREEDOM BULLETINS, Original dictations of
the Masters of Wisdom, published on a weekly basis, approx.
560 pp. each.
Book 1: 4/1952 - 3/1957; Book 2: 4/1957 - 6/1961.

For a free booklist of all AMTF-Publications, incl. lectures

on CD’s and prices, please write to AMTF, P.O. Box 466,
Mount Shasta, CA 96067, or search the Internet at:

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