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Verbal Ability 01 - Class Notes - MBA IGNITE-2024

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Batch CAT


Para Jumbles (MCQ)

Lecture No.- 01 By- AMIT ROHRA SIR

Recap of Previous Lecture

Topic NA

Topic to be covered

Topic Intro to Para Jumbles (MCQ) in CAT & OMETs

Topic Steps to Solve

Topic Types of Structure used in Paragraphs

Topic Practice Questions

I am Amit Rohra Sir
✓ VARC Expert

✓ 12+ years of experience in

coaching/mentoring for Entrances like

✓ Trained Call getters in Personality &

Profile Building for IIM Interviews & that
of other Premier B-Schools

✓ Visiting Faculty for HR at various

renowned B-Schools (National &
International MBA)

✓ Rockstar Creator
Para Jumbles
Topic : Para Jumbles

❖ A choice of arrangement of the sentences is given from which the most logical
sequence which would be the most appropriate for conveying the message of
the passage.
❖ A test of logical ability, language interpretation ability, and depth in
❖ Also tests comprehension abilities since the solving of a para jumble involves
very often, the grasping of diverse messages from a wide range of topics.
Let’s try & solve
Topic : Practice Questions 1.

#Q. A. Indeed, Indian policy-planners find themselves in a predicament thanks

to the continued monetary easing by some nations and the shrinkage in
world trade.
B. In this context, a fund-starved country like India will do well to focus on
foreign direct investment rather than get unduly worried about foreign
institutional investment, which will have its ebb and flow depending on
the environment outside..
C. With everyone waiting for the other to act first, the onus is definitely on
the political bosses to devise quick solutions to accelerate the economy.
D. Given this ‘new normal’ kind of an environment, they will have to look at
ways to protect the Indian economy from external vicissitudes.
Solution : (A)
❖ Method of solving this CAT Question from Sentence Rearrangement:
❖ This is a tricky sentence rearrangement question.
❖ Sentence B suggests that a “fund-starved�? country like India should not worry about
foreign institutional investment which will come and go based on the external
❖ Sentence D talks of finding ways to protect the Indian economy from “external
❖ Sentence B offers a possible solution to the problem of foreign investment ebb and
flow based on the environment outside. So B follows D, possibly immediately after.
❖ Sentence D talks of a “new normal”? kind of environment. Let us look at the other
sentences to see what this could be referring to.
❖ Sentence A talks of continued monetary easing by some nations and shrinking global
❖ Sentence C talks of how it is up to the political bosses to kick start the economy, as
“everyone”? is waiting for the other to act first.
❖ Either of the two sentences above could be the “new normal”? environment.
❖ If we take the “new normal”? environment to refer to the continued monetary easing
and shrinking global trade, we have the sentence order ADB. The only answer option
with this sequence is a) ADBC. This makes a cogent paragraph.
❖ If we take the “new normal”? environment to refer to “everyone waiting for the other
to act first”?, we have the sentence order CDB. The answer option with this sequence
is b) CDBA. This however, does not make a cogent paragraph, as there is no logic in
sentence A following sentence B. In fact, considering just sentences A and B, it is clear
B follows A. Sentence A sets a context. Sentence B suggests what should be done in
this context.
❖ The question is " Arrange the sentences in the correct order "
❖ The order is ADBC
❖ Hence, the answer is ADBC
❖ Choice A is the correct answer.
Topic : Practice Questions 2.

#Q. A. Comments have the potential to turn a news website into a democratic
B. But, there is also a danger of it descending to cacophony if readers do not
express opinions in a language that behooves the requirements of a
matured public sphere.
C. It can become a site for multiple concurrent debates, for registering
dissent, for pursuing an idea and finally for building a polity of informed
D. The role of the moderators is to retain the space for polyphony and reject
voices that breed cacophony.
Solution : (D)
❖ Method of solving this CAT Question from Sentence Rearrangement:
❖ Sentence A declares that comments can turn a website into a democratic
“polyphony”?. Sentence C elaborates on this.
❖ Sentence B talks of the danger of “it”? descending to cacophony if the language does
not befit a “matured public sphere”?. “It”? here refers to the debates talked of in
sentence C.
❖ Sentence D provides a solution to the problem addressed in sentence B. Moderators
must retain the space for debate, while rejecting voices that breed cacophony.
❖ The question is " Arrange the sentences in the correct order "
❖ The order is ACBD
❖ Hence, the answer is ACBD
❖ Choice D is the correct answer.
Topic : Para Jumbles

Standard Process for Solving Paragraph Jumble Questions


Main and supplementary idea grasping


Logical structure

Logical details

Identify the correct
Options and recheck
Let’s look at them
in detail…..
Topic : Para Jumbles

Step 1 : Idea Grasping Phase

❖ The focus has to be on identifying the main and
supplementary ideas which constitute the
message being conveyed by the paragraph.
❖ This gives us a clear picture of the main and the
supplementary themes running through the
Topic : Para Jumbles

Step 2 : Paragraph Structure Identification Phase

❖ Try to identify the logical structure used in the
❖ The most critical phase of the solving process.
❖ A correct identification of the logical structure of
the paragraph will ensure correct clues in the
next two phases of the solving process.
❖ Try to understand the author's tone and style of
writing and try to discover the structure and style
which the author uses to present his/her ideas.
Topic : Para Jumbles

Step 3 : Specifics Understanding Phase

❖ Try to fit into the logical structure identified
above, the minor details of the key words used.
❖ Identify the logical sequence of the sentences
❖ Fill in the minor gaps in your understanding of
the jumbled sequence.
Topic : Para Jumbles

Step 4 : Incorporation Phase

❖ Integrate the ideas presented in the sentences in
your own thought process
❖ Try to apply them in a structured logical string to
test whether the chosen sequence conveys the
idea or theme accurately
Topic : Para Jumbles

The Nine Types of Structure used in Standard

Writing within Paragraphs
1. Cause & Effect
2. Generic to Specific
3. Contrast
4. Parallelisms
5. Idea-Explanation/Elaboration
6. Chronological (based on the time dimension)
7. Action Sequence
8. Idea Transformation
9. Idea Reiteration
Topic : Para Jumbles

Type 1 : The Cause & Effect Structure

The typical structure of this paragraph is :
A, hence, B or A causes B (where A and B are ideas
such that A is the cause and B is the effect.)

❖ Paragraphs will normally contain defining words

like: hence, because, causes, leads to
❖ These words will segregate the effect from the
Topic : Para Jumbles

1. The governance of the Ashoka dynasty was
amongst the most efficient of its time. (Cause)
2. It led to the elimination of crime and created a
general feeling of security in the masses. (Effect)
Let’s try & Solve
some Questions
Topic : Practice Questions 3.

#Q. A. But that would require a tough look at the economy, at the dearth of
productivity, and at how it might be possible to restore conditions of growth. It
would require serious investment, risk-taking, and nerve.
B. If those currently carping about the tax affairs of the rich really did care about
raising tax revenues, they would concentrate on raising the volume of wealth
that can be taxed.
C. The problem with the eagerness to recast economic problems, from a failure to
cut the deficit to the continued inability to restore conditions of growth, as a
moral issue and an erring on the part of selfish individuals who just aren’t giving
enough back, leaves the real problems untouched.
D. These are not qualities today’s political class have in abundance. So, instead,
they continue to project blame, singling out individuals for moral censure in the
hope that they will increase their payments to the state.
Solution : (B)
❖ Method of solving this CAT Question from Sentence Rearrangement:
❖ Sentence D starts off talking of qualities that “today’s political class”? does not have in
❖ We see that Sentence A talks of risk taking and nerve. So it is likely that D follows A,
possibly immediately after A.
❖ But A does not make a good start to the paragraph.
❖ At the outset, B and C both look like good sentences to start the paragraph.
❖ Sentence C asserts that recasting economic problems as “moral”? issues and an
“erring on the part of selfish individuals who just aren’t giving enough back”? leaves
the real issues untouched.
❖ There are 3 aspects to this statement- one, economic problems are a result of a failure
to cut the deficit to the continued inability to restore conditions of growth; two,
economic problems are wrongly recast as a moral lapse on part of selfish individuals
who aren’t giving enough back; and three, this wrong approach does not solve the
“real problems”?.
❖ Sentence B talks of the tendency to cavil at the tax affairs of the rich. It also suggests
that those “carping”? about the tax affairs of the rich would be better rewarded in
raising tax revenues by increasing the volume of wealth that can be taxed.
❖ We see a link emerging between B and. C talks of economic problems, the moralizing
approach towards the rich (selfish individuals not giving enough back) and this not
solving the real issue. Sentence B suggests than instead of complaining about the rich
taxpayers, a different approach (raising taxable wealth) can increase tax revenues.
This will provide a possible solution to the “real problem”? mentioned in sentence C.
B follows C.
❖ We already saw the link AD, and noted A does not make a good start to the paragraph.
❖ The question is " Arrange the sentences in the correct order "
❖ The order is CBAD
❖ Hence, the answer is CBAD
❖ Choice B is the correct answer.
Topic : Practice Questions 4.

#Q. A. A more vital, dynamic and inclusive form of democracy is generated as

the risk of corruption reduces, election fever abates and attention to the
common good increases.
B. As those who have been drafted are exposed to expert opinion, objective
information and public debate, voting is not simply based on gut feel, but
careful deliberation.
C. Renaissance states such as Venice and Florence experienced centuries of
political stability by practicing democracy on the basis of sortition, or
drafting by lot.
D. With sortition, everyone does not vote on an issue few understand, but a
random sample of the population is drafted to come to grips with the
problem, in order to take a sensible decision.
Solution : (C)
❖ Method of solving this CAT Question from Sentence Rearrangement:
❖ Let’s start by looking at what the best sentence to start the paragraph is. There are
only 2 options- sentence C and sentence D. Of these, sentence C defines what sortition
is- it is democracy on the basis of drafting by lot. Sentence D on the other hand
explains what this involves. So C is the starting sentence of the paragraph, and it is
followed by D, possibly immediately.
❖ Sentence D talks about a random sample of the population being drafted to
understand the problem and take a sensible decision on what to do. Between A and B,
which is the better choice to follow D? Sentence B is, as it shed further light on how
sortition is practiced: those who are drafted are exposed to expert opinion, objective
information and public debate so that they can take an informed decision. So B
follows D.
❖ Sentence A concludes the paragraph by stating the benefits of this form of democracy.
❖ The question is " Arrange the sentences in the correct order "
❖ The order is CDBA
❖ Hence, the answer is CDBA
❖ Choice A is the correct answer.
Topic : Para Jumbles

Type 2 : Generic to Specific

❖ The author talks about a generic idea and then
backs it up with specific examples of the same.
❖ The flow of this type of paragraph is always from
the general to the specific – the idea to the
Topic : Para Jumbles

1. Economic justice demands a diminution, if not a
total abolition, of the proportion of the national
income which goes to the recipients of rent and
interest. (generic statement)
2. But when the holders of railway shares are given
government stock to replace their shares, they
are given the prospect of an income in perpetuity
equal to what they might reasonably expect to
have derived from their shares. (Specific
Topic : Para Jumbles

Type 3 : Contrast
❖ Based on the contrast or opposite of one idea against
❖ There is a transformation from one point of view, to the
opposite point of view.
❖ Typically, both the points of view are presented with
equal force and the author does not give away his/her
biases towards either of the opposite points of view.
❖ Often signified by a turnaround point between two
parts of a paragraph.
❖ The turnaround point is signaled by words such as: but,
on the other hand, as against, however, although, etc.
❖ These indicate a transformation from one point of view
to the other.
Topic : Para Jumbles

1. In the late nineties, Brian Lara strode the cricket
field like a colossus-an all conquering batsman
who had few equals in the history of the game.
2. However, his presence was not enough to inspire
his West Indian team mates, resulting in one of
the worst periods of West Indian cricket
coinciding with Lara's extraordinary artistry at
the crease.
Let’s Solve some
Topic : Practice Questions 5.

#Q. A. With vaccination, arguably our strongest and most cost-effective defense
against infectious disease, urbanization is already presenting challenges.
B. It used to be the case that the one-in-five children missing out on a full
course of even the most basic vaccines lived in remote rural communities.
C. Without strong health systems in place, the higher the population density
the more difficult it becomes to prevent and control outbreaks, and not
just because of the increased risk of contagion.
D. Today, we’re increasingly discovering that many of these hardest-to-
reach children are in marginalized urban communities – right in the heart
of cities, often hiding in plain sight.
Solution : (C)
❖ Method of solving this CAT Question from Sentence Rearrangement:
❖ Both sentences B and D talk about children missing out on vaccination. It is clear D
follows B, as sentence B talks of the past and D the present day situation with regard
to children missing out on vaccination.
❖ Sentence A too talks of vaccination and how urbanization is posing challenges in this
matter. Sentence A is a generalized statement, and is likely to precede the sentences B
and D.
❖ Now let’s have a look at sentence C. This states that without strong health systems, it
is difficult to prevent and control outbreaks in areas where population density is high.
And this is not just because of the higher risk of infection spreading in such areas. This
begs the question, what else causes/adds to the problem? Sentence A seems to offer
an answer. Vaccination is our best defense against spread of infectious diseases, but
even with this, urbanization causes problems. That is, without strong health systems,
controlling outbreaks is more difficult not just because the risk of the disease
spreading is higher, but because even our best defense against outbreaks-
vaccination- is difficult. So, we know A follows C.
❖ Sentences B and D illustrate the point made by sentence A.
❖ The question is " Arrange the sentences in the correct order "
❖ The order is CABD
❖ Hence, the answer is CABD
❖ Choice C is the correct answer.
Topic : Practice Questions 6.

#Q. A. Not only can jellyfish withstand the impact of climate change, they also
have the capacity to accelerate it.
B. At the same time, jellyfish also consume vast amounts of plankton, which
are a major means of taking carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere and
oceans. Their loss can hasten climate change.
C. Jellyfish are better prepared than other marine life for the changing ocean
environment, such as warmer temperatures, salinity changes, ocean
acidification and pollution.
D. They release carbon-rich feces and mucus that bacteria prefer to use for
respiration, turning these bacteria into carbon dioxide factories.
Solution : (B)
❖ Method of solving this CAT Question from Sentence Rearrangement:
❖ Sentence A conveys two points- one, that jellyfish can withstand the impact of climate
change and two, that they have the capacity to accelerate it.
❖ Sentence B explains how jellyfish consume vast amounts of plankton and thereby
hasten climate change. So sentence B supports the second point that sentence A
makes. So B follows A. But sentence B starts off with the phrase “at the same time”?.
This indicates some other point or points have been made before B illustrating the
fact that jellyfish can hasten climate change. So B follows A but not immediately after.
❖ Sentence C states that jellyfish are “better prepared”? than other marine life for “the
changing ocean environment”?. Among factors that are changing the marine
environment, it mentions warmer temperatures, ocean acidification and salinity
changes, which relate to climate change. This relates to the first point made by
sentence A.
❖ Sentence D talks of how jellyfish feces and mucus support the growth of bacteria and
turn them into “carbon dioxide factories”?. That is, jellyfish have the capacity to
increase carbon dioxide production in the marine environment.
❖ So we see that both sentence B and sentence D substantiate the point made by
sentence A about jellyfish having the capacity to accelerate climate change. D comes
before B, as B starts with “at the same time”?. So we have the sentence order ADB.
❖ The first part of sentence A reiterates the point made by sentence C, about how
jellyfish are well prepared to withstand climate change. So sentence C precedes A.
❖ The question is " Arrange the sentences in the correct order "
❖ The order is CADB.
❖ Hence, the answer is CADB
❖ Choice B is the correct answer.
Topic : Para Jumbles

Type 4 : Parallelisms
❖ Two parallel points of view presented one after
the other.
❖ Normally, you would find key words such as:
likewise, similarly, just as, equally, in the same
manner, etc.
Topic : Para Jumbles

1. The investigators directly assessed relations
between racial attitudes and values and argued in
favor of linkages to two clusters of values.
2. One of these clusters, individualism, corresponds to
the Protestant ethic values emphasized in
discussions of symbolic racism.
3. The other cluster, communalism, which emphasizes
concern about community and the well being of
others, has been neglected by theorists of symbolic
racism, as has the idea that these values' conflicting
implications for racial attitudes produce
ambivalence on the part of white Americans.
(In the above sentence sequence, statements 2 & 3 are
talking about parallel concepts, one after the other.)
Topic : Para Jumbles

Type 5: Idea-Explanation/Elaboration/Completion
❖ One sentence will present an idea and then it is
either explained in detail or elaborated
(expanded) or completed in the subsequent
Topic : Para Jumbles

1. The theory of the legitimate use of force in human
affairs, where a government exists, seems clear.
2. Force should only be used against those who use
force against others, or against those who will not
respect the law in cases where a common
decision is necessary and a minority are opposed
to the action of the majority.
Let’s Solve some
Topic : Practice Questions 7.

#Q. A. Athletes may not be role models, but they’re certainly digital lightning
B. Nearly twenty years ago athletes did as they pleased, only entering the
public news scope if an off-the-court/field dustup was so monumental
that the nightly news couldn’t afford not to cover it.
C. Athletes might want the ability to make millions while still being able to
crack off-kilter and slightly offensive jokes without seeing the number of
zeroes in their paycheck affected, but that’s not how it works.
D. Today, thanks to the advancement in social media with tools like
Facebook and Twitter, athletes have signed up for a 24 hour a day news
Solution : (A)
❖ Method of solving this CAT Question from Sentence Rearrangement:
❖ The link between sentences B and D is easy to spot. Sentence B talks of the situation
twenty years ago, when athletes could do as they pleased and the nightly news
featured only “monumental”? dustups. Sentence D talks of the situation today:
athletes have signed up for “24 hour a day news conference”? on the social media.
Clearly, D follows B.
❖ Sentence A states that while they may not be role models, athletes are certainly
“digital lighting rods”? i.e. they attract a lot of criticism, which may not quite be
justified. This idea ties in with the one made by sentence D, that athletes are being
monitored by the social media round the clock.
❖ Sentence C says that while athletes may want the freedom to speak freely without
damaging their paychecks, “that’s not how it works”?. Again, we see that sentence C
refers to the constant scrutiny the social media subjects athletes to.
❖ In terms of sentence ordering, it makes sense to start the paragraph with B (how
athletes could get away with doing what they wanted earlier, unless the news was
“monumental”?), then D (how they are closely monitored today) and then C, as C tells
us that though they would prefer to express themselves freely without hurting their
paychecks, that’s now how it works today. Sentence A sums up the present day
situation: athletes may not be role models, but they’re certainly digital lightning rods.
❖ The question is " Arrange the sentences in the correct order "
❖ The order is BDCA.
❖ Hence, the answer is BDCA
❖ Choice A is the correct answer.
Topic : Practice Questions 8.

#Q. A. According to scientists from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the

current melting of ice in Greenland is already causing the tilt to change at
a rate of approximately 2.6 cm each year.
B. While a natural event such as this could bring about major changes to the
climate, some scientists are warning that there is a possibility for reverse
C. The Earth's orbital tilt is said to vary between 22 and 25 degrees roughly
every 41,000 years.
D. In other words, instead of an orbital tilt causing climate change, current
changes in climate could end up causing changes in the Earth's axial tilt.
Solution : (C)
❖ Method of solving this CAT Question from Sentence Rearrangement:
❖ Sentence A states that the current melting of ice in Greenland is causing “the tilt”? to
change at a rate of 2.6 cm a year. Let us look at the other sentences to see what “the
tilt”? refers to. We see that sentence C clarifies this. Sentence C tells us that “the
Earth’s orbital tilt”? varies between 22 and 25 degrees very 41,000 years. There is
however, no cogent link between sentences A and C. We can just say at this point that
A follows C, but not immediately after.
❖ Now sentence D begins with “in other words”? and states that while an orbital tilt
causes climate change, current changes in climate could end up causing changes in the
Earth's axial tilt. Which sentence is sentence D paraphrasing? The only and obvious
choice is sentence B, which says that though a natural event could bring about climate
change, scientists are warning of a possibility for “reverse feedback”?. So D follows B.
❖ What is the “natural event”? referred to in sentence B? The melting of ice in
Greenland, or the variation in the Earth’s orbital tilt? Clearly, it is the latter. So B
follows C.
❖ The point about the melting of ice in Greenland changing the tilt is made to
substantiate the theory that climate change can cause the Earth’s axial tilt to change.
❖ The question is " Arrange the sentences in the correct order "
❖ The order is CBDA.
❖ Hence, the answer is CBDA
❖ Choice C is the correct answer.
Topic : Para Jumbles

Type 6: Chronological (Based on the Time Dimension)

❖ Successive sentences will be demarcated on the basis
of the time dimension.
❖ These sentences will take you further along in time
(although you might also have paragraphs which go
back and forth in time).
❖ All action sequences have chronological sequences
involved. However, chronology is not just used to
illustrate action sequences.
Topic : Para Jumbles

1. Sigmund Freud, the oldest child of a second
marriage of Jacob Freud, the Jewish owner of a
small cloth mill in the little Austrian town of
Freiberg, was born on 6 May 1856.
2. Owing to the changes brought about in weaving
by the industrial revolution, in 1860, Jacob Freud
moved to Vienna and there set up as a cloth
Topic : Para Jumbles

Type 7 : Action Sequence

❖ Action sequences depict a set of actions, logically
connected to each other.
❖ Note, that in normal circumstances, the action
sequence will have a chronological sequence
Let’s Solve a
Topic : Practice Questions 9.

#Q. A. One of the beauties of Leo Tolstoy’s novel 'War and Peace' is that it does
not end when the war ends.
B. It ends instead when the hero gets married, and settles down to a life of
routine, even boredom.
C. In conveying this ceaseless ebb and flow of life, Tolstoy captures its very
D. Concluding it at the moment of heroic drama would have destroyed the
integrity of the novel.
Solution : (C)
❖ Method of solving this CAT Question from Sentence Rearrangement:
❖ Sentence A is the best choice for starting the paragraph, as it introduces the novel,
‘War and Peace’. All other sentences refer to “it”? or “this ceaseless ebb and flow of
life”?, requiring some explanation beforehand.
❖ Now, sentence A tells us that “one of the beauties”? of the novel is that it does not end
when the war ends. Sentence B tells us when the novel ends instead. So B looks like a
good choice to follow A.
❖ Sentence C talks of “this ceaseless ebb and flow of life”?. What does this refer to? We
find the answer in sentence B, which talks of the novel concluding when the hero
settles down to a boring routine after war. So C follows immediately after B.
❖ Now where does sentence D fit in? Both sentences B and D talk about the novel’s
conclusion. Sentence D declares that concluding the novel at the “moment of heroic
drama”? would have “destroyed its integrity”?. And sentence B tells us how the novel
ends. Clearly, D does not follow the sentence group BC, for it makes no sense to refer
to the conclusion of the novel again, after it has been discussed in sentence B and
followed up with C.
❖ Sentence D fits in the paragraph best when it is placed immediately after A and before
BC. So we have sentence A talking of how the conclusion of 'War and Peace' is "one of
its beauties", followed by sentence D, which argues that concluding it at "the moment
of heroic drama" would have compromised the integrity of the novel, followed by
sentence B, which tells us how the novel ends and sentence C which talks of how this
conveys the ceaseless ebb and flow of life.
❖ The question is " Arrange the sentences in the correct order "
❖ The order is ADBC.
❖ Hence, the answer is ADBC
❖ Choice C is the correct answer.
Topic : Para Jumbles

1. (a) Sachin was one of the best batsmen of his
(b) In fact, he was so good that his team hardly
ever lost a match.

2. (a) By definition, any model necessarily abstracts

from and simplifies reality.
(b) But the model of competitive equilibrium is a
travesty of reality.
Topic : Para Jumbles

Type 10 : Question-Answer
As the name itself suggests, in such sentences, the
answer to a question follows the question.
1. What was this dreadful little book?
2. Its name in Italian is Il Principe, in English, The
Topic : Home Work

Topic : CAT Level Passage
2 mins Summary

Topic Intro to Para Jumbles (MCQ) in CAT & OMETs

Topic Steps to Solve

Topic Types of Structure used in Paragraphs

Topic Practice Questions



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