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Indian Sociological Society: E-Newsletter

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ISS E-Newsletter Volume 13, No.

ISS e-Newsletter VolumeSeptember
11, No. 1, January-April 2022
to December 2023


Indian Sociological Society

Registered in Bombay in 1951 under Act XXI 1860


Office Bearers
President: Abha Chauhan (Jammu)
Secretary: Manish K. Verma (Lucknow)
Treasurer: Shruti Tambe (Pune)

Arvinder A. Ansari (New Delhi), Shweta Prasad (Varanasi), Shruti Tambe (Pune), Sanjay Tewari
(Kanpur), Manish Thakur (Kolkata), Ajailiu Niumai (Hyderabad), Balalji Kendre (Mumbai), Prem
Sagar Vivek (Mumbai), Tattwamasi Paltasingh (Sambalpur),
Gayatri Bhattacharya (Kolkata), Alok Kumar Meena (Ajmer), Anshu Kedia (Lucknow), Ramesh H.
Makwana (Anand), Sudha Khokate (Bengaluru), Vinita Singh (Ranchi)


Manish K. Verma, Editor
Ajailiu Niumai, Co-Editor
Abha Chauhan, Member
Balaji Kendre, Member
Sudha Khokate, Member
Anshu Kedia, Member

Office Secretary:
Boinu Vaiphei

Our Office Address

Flat No. 1046, Sector C, Pocket - 1
Vasant Kunj, New Delhi 110 070
Telephone: 011 26132510
Email: societyinsoso@gmail.com
Website: www.insoso.org
ISS E-Newsletter Volume 13, No.6
September to December 2023
Message from the 2023). I am thankful to special invitees, Prof.
President S.L. Sharma and Prof. Anand Kumar, all
Chairpersons and Discussants of different
Dear Colleagues, sessions, the Convenor of the Workshop, Dr.
Balamurugan, other faculty members, and all
Seasons Greetings and a the young participants who attended the
Happy New Year! Workshop from across the country.

Let me take this opportunity to express my In all, besides the Inaugural and Valedictory
deep sense of gratitude to the members of the Sessions, the online Address by the President
Indian Sociological Society (ISS) and of the International Sociological Association
everyone associated with its activities for their (ISA), Prof. Geoffrey Pleyers; the Keynote
help and cooperation in running the ISS Address by Prof. Margaret Abraham, former
successfully for the last two years (2022- ISA President; a Presidential Address, 03
2023). I complete my tenure as President of Memorial Lectures, and 04 Plenaries were
the ISS with bliss and contentment. It's organized during the Conference. Prof.
heartening to get a positive, supportive, and Chandrashekhar Bhat and Prof. Virginius
appreciative response from the sociology Xaxa were conferred Lifetime Achievement
fraternity. Awards, and Dr. Lekha and Dr. Aleena
received the Prof. M.N. Srinivas Memorial
The just concluded 48th All India Sociological Prize 2023. Congratulations and best wishes to
Conference (AISC) at the Vellore Institute of them! I am happy to share that 04 (out of 07)
Technology (VIT), Vellore (Tamil Nadu) from books based on the papers published in the ISS
28th – 30th December 2023 on the theme The Hindi Journal, Bharatiya Samajshastra
Crises of the 21st Century and the Way Sameeksha were launched. I thank the
Forward turned out to be a huge success. The contributors, Rawat Publications and Prof.
chief guest during the Inaugural Session was B.K. Nagla for their efforts. A flyer of the ISS
Dr. Palanivel Thiagarajan, Minister of forthcoming Volume (Springer) titled Hundred
Information Technology and Digital Services, Years of Sociology in India: Evolving Issues,
Govt. of Tamil Nadu who enlightened us with Emerging Trends was introduced on the
a thought-provoking and exuberant speech. I occasion.
would like to place on record my heartfelt
gratefulness to him, and for the assistance and The meetings of the Managing Committee, RC
support rendered by the local organizers, Conveners, Regional Associations (RAs),
particularly the Hon’ble Chancellor, Dr. G. Editorial Boards, and the General Body (GB)
Viswanathan; the Vice-Presidents; the Vice- were held during and on the eve of the
Chancellor; Pro Vice-Chancellor Dr. Partha Conference. However, throughout the two
Sarathi Mallick; the Registrar; the Dean, years, meetings (online/ offline) of sub-
School of Social Sciences and Languages committees like – Membership, Newsletter,
(SSL), Head of the Social Sciences Website, Electoral Reforms, RCs, and RAs
Department; the Organizing Secretary, Dr. were held regularly. I am glad to note that
Prabakar; the faculty members; research some important decisions like the formation of
scholars; and the student volunteers at the VIT. the National Council of Regional Associations,
Nearly 1000 delegates registered for the changes in the ISS Fee structure, and giving of
conference and around 850 papers were hard copies of the Sociological Bulletin to
presented in different Technical Sessions of senior members (70+), among others, were
the 30 Research Committees (RCs) of the ISS. taken. It is encouraging to note that the ISS
The Young Researchers’ Workshop on the Life membership has crossed the 6000 mark
topic of Writing and Publishing Research and the Society is in a sound financial
Paper was organized at VIT (26th -27th Dec. position. I am thankful for the help of the

ISS E-Newsletter Volume 13, No.6
September to December 2023
members of these Committees for their From Secretary’s Desk
continuous assistance.

The Mid-Term Conference on the topic

Sociology Of and In Regions: Pedagogy, Esteemed Colleagues,
Practices and Possibilities was held on 28th -
30th April 2023 at the University of Lucknow. Merry Christmas
I thank Prof. D.R. Sahu, the Organizing and a Happy New Year to
Secretary, and his team for this successful all the revered members
event undertaken in collaboration with the ISS. of the Indian Sociological
The Society owes a special thanks to Prof. Society (ISS).
Debal SinghaRoy, the Election Officer, and
the Election Committee for conducting ISS As Secretary ISS, it is my final address
Elections 2023 meticulously. I am happy to as I am ending my term at the close of the year
inform the members about the installation of a 2023. Therefore, at the outset, I would like to
lift and the construction of an additional room take this opportunity to extend my heartfelt
at the ISS office in Delhi. I appreciate the gratitude to all the esteemed members of the
efforts of the Editors of the three ISS Journals Indian Sociological Society for laying faith on
and their team, the RC Convenors in regularly me and providing me the opportunity to serve
organizing their activities, and the active and the society as its Secretary (2022-23). It is
constructive participation of ISS members at time to bid good-bye to the five MC members
the XX ISA World Congress of Sociology who have successfully completed their tenure.
held in Melbourne, Australia from 25th June - I congratulate them for their successful tenure
1st July 2023. Congratulations to those who and for contributing immensely to attaining the
were elected to various positions in different goals of ISS. I also welcome the newly elected
bodies of the ISA. ISS team of President, Secretary and five MC
Members. I sincerely hope that under the able
I acknowledge the support of the Secretary, leadership of the newly elected team led by
Prof. Manish K. Verma, the Treasurer, Prof. Prof. Maitrayee Chaudhuri and Prof. Shweta
Shruti Tambe, the Managing Committee Prasad, the activities of ISS will reach to a
Members, and the Office staff in the smooth greater height.
functioning of the ISS during my tenure.
Lastly my special thanks to the Editorial team The existing team of office bearers
of the ISS E-Newsletter for covering various comprising the President, Secretary, Treasurer,
activities in this issue. and five new, and, ten members elected to the
Managing Committee between 2018 and 2021,
Congratulations and best wishes to the new took charge of the office on 5th January 2022
team! for taking the ISS activities forward. Some of
the main challenges and tasks before the newly
With warm regards, appointed office bearers were, to name a few,
streamlining the ISS activities; strengthening
and rationalizing Research Committees (RCs)
and making them more vibrant; encouraging
Prof. Abha Chauhan RCs to publish their respective e-journals apart
from bringing out peer-reviewed editorial
President, Indian Sociological Society volumes from reputed national/international
publishers, based on the papers presented in
annual conferences of ISS or other RC events;
organizing/helping RCs to conduct lectures on
emergent research issues; and, strengthening

ISS E-Newsletter Volume 13, No.6
September to December 2023
the methodological proficiency of researchers, responsibility of maintaining the ISS website
students, and younger faculty of Sociology. to a new service provider M/S GlueUp to
We also focused on organizing ISS events in improve the website's functioning. Many sub-
the offline mode and supporting Regional committees of the MC have been constituted
Associations to build their membership base, to oversee the functioning of different tasks
and work in close collaboration with ISS. In a that we have set ahead for the ISS and most of
similar line, efforts were made to complete the them attained also within time.
work of updating the ISS Membership
Directory. With all humility, I am glad to share
with all of you that ISS is putting its best foot
We conducted several meetings of the forward to organize programs and events in a
Managing Committee, Conveners of the most professional manner. You will be pleased
Research Committees, and Regional to know that most recently, the Indian
Association in the recent past to conduct the Sociological Society has organized an
business of ISS in a most professional manner. international mid-term conference (hybrid
It is pertinent to mention here that we have mode) in collaboration with the University of
conceptualized and created a Council of Lucknow, Lucknow on the theme, “Sociology
Regional Association and nominated Prof. R. Of and In Regions: Pedagogy, Practices and
Indira and Prof. Anthony Palackal as its first Possibilities”, scheduled between April 28-30,
office bearers. The main task of the council is 2023. The international conference is attended
to strengthen academic activities at the by delegates hailing from India and abroad in
regional level along with organizing both offline and online modes. Overall, the
conferences and also creating a solid link with international conference was a huge success
the Indian Sociological Society. To streamline from an academic point of view. Apart from
the functioning and activities of Regional this, various RCs have also organized
Associations, several meetings were organised seminars, conferences, workshops, and
with the representatives of the Regional research methodology courses from time to
Associations. To strengthen academic time on various issues and subjects. A few
activities, ISS has just released a series of others have also proposed similar activities in
thematic edited volumes from a reputed the near future.
national publisher (Rawat Publications, Jaipur)
based on the papers published in ISS journals. The ISS held its most awaited and
Apart from that, many RCs have also released celebrated annual All India Sociological
edited volumes based on the papers presented Conference (AISC) scheduled between
in their respective RCs during the conferences. December 28-30, 2023 on the theme, “The
Crisis of the 21st Century and the Way
Meetings with Editors of ISS Journals (Editor Forward” at the VIT, Vellore of which all of
E-explorations, Editors, Bhartiya Samajshastra us are witness. I congratulate Dr. S. Prabakar
Sameeksha and Editor, Sociological Bulletin) the Organising Secretary and his entire team
and representatives of Sage Publications have for working meticulously to make the
also been organized. I am glad to share with Conference a huge success. Most importantly,
the esteemed members that for their during the inaugural function of the AISC, the
convenience and easy access, we have started Life Time Achievement Award 2023 was
sending the soft copy of the journal notably conferred upon Prof. Chandrasekhar
Sociological Bulletin and e-newsletter through Bhatt (Hyderabad) and Prof. Virginius Xaxa
email to all the worthy life members. The (Delhi). Just preceding the AISC VIT, Vellore,
website of the ISS was facing manifold the Young Researcher’s Workshop was also
problems since years are the service provider concluded on December 26-27, 2023 at the
M/S IRIS was not able to put attention to those same venue to provide two days rigorous
issues. Therefore, the MC decided to give the training to young research scholars to develop

ISS E-Newsletter Volume 13, No.6
September to December 2023
solid insights into methodological issues and From the Desk of Co-Editor
developing research proficiency. A large
number of young research scholars from Dear Esteemed Colleagues,
various parts of India participated in the
workshop. The Convener of the Workshop Dr. Welcome to the September-
J. Balamurugan deserves a special appreciation December 2023 edition of
for his contributions for organizing the the ISS E-Newsletter. We
program. are excited to bring you the
important announcements
In the last, I will take this opportunity to and academic activities of
extend my gratitude to the esteemed MC the ISS (the report of the
members, RC Conveners, all the worthy 48th AISC at VIT, Vellore, particularly the 28
members of the Indian Sociological Society Research Committee (s) and two Adhoc-
and office staff of ISS for their tireless efforts Group activities reports).
and support to strengthen ISS and its mission.
Without their enduring help and assistance, the Let me share that the Young Researchers’
vision and mission of ISS will never be Workshop, a pre-conference of the 48th AISC
accomplished and hence they deserve special was held from 26-27 December 2023 at VIT,
appreciation here. It would go without saying Vellore, in which the selected Ph.D. research
if I don’t mention the contributions and scholars from Universities across India
support of the e-newsletter team. I am participated. The 48th AISC with the theme
extremely thankful to Prof. Ajailiu Niumai “The Crises of the 21st Century and the Way
(Co-editor, e-newsletter), Prof. Balaji Kendre Forward” was held successfully from 28-30
(Member, e-newsletter), Dr. Sudha Khokte December 2023 at VIT, Vellore. We had an
(Member, e-newsletter), and Prof. Anshu intellectual feast from the experts and scholars
Kedia (Member, e-newsletter) for their at four Plenaries, three Memorial Lectures, 28
enduring support and cooperation for timely Research Committees (RCs), and two Adhoc
bringing out the e-newsletter with least Groups. The Indian Sociological Society (ISS)
aberration. In the last, I would like to extend has presented the prestigious Lifetime
my heartfelt gratitude to Prof. Abha Chauhan Achievement Award to Professor
(President ISS) and Prof. Shruti Tambe Chandrashekhar Bhat and Professor Virginius
(Treasurer ISS) for always remaining behind Xaxa in appreciation and recognition of their
me and helping me out when I needed their meritorious services, accomplishments, and
support and guidance. I look forward in future contributions to the discipline and the
also the same support and cooperation from all profession of Sociology at the Inaugural
of you to realize the dreams and goals of ISS. function on 28th December 2023 at the 48th
All India Sociological Conference (AISC) in
Good bye for now. VIT, Vellore. Hearty congratulations to both
of them for joining the list of our esteemed
Indian Sociology stalwarts. The 48th AISC
reflects that the ever-evolving landscape of
societal dynamics and crisis around us, our
sociology fraternity remains committed to
exploring, analyzing, and understanding the
intricate fabric of human behaviour and social
Prof. Manish K. Verma structures.

Secretary ISS We are extremely grateful to the local

Convenor of 48th AISC Dr. S. Prabakar and
his team, Founder Chancellor of VIT, Vellore

ISS E-Newsletter Volume 13, No.6
September to December 2023
Dr. G. Viswanathan, Vice-President (s), Vice Bibhuti Bhusan Malik, Dilip Ramdas
Chancellor, Pro-Vice Chancellor, Registrar, Khairnar, Prof. Pramod Kumar Shukla, Prof.
Dean, Head, faculty and students for their Sandip Murlidhar Chaudhuri and Dr. Sanjay
warm hospitality. Our stay at their esteemed Nilkanth Kolekar
institution was comfortable and pleasant.
I wish the new editorial team all the very best.
As we embark on this new year 2024 and the
end of my tenure as Co-editor of the ISS E- Wishing everyone an intellectually stimulating
Newsletter, I express my deep gratitude to the New Year!
outgoing officials of the ISS, President Prof.
Abha Chauhan, Secretary Prof. Manish K. Warm Regards,
Verma, Treasurer Prof. Shruti Tambe,
Managing Committee Members (including
those who are completing their tenure, viz;
Prof. Arvinder Ansari, Prof. Shruti Tambe,
Prof. Manish Thakur, Prof. Shweta Prasad and
Dr. Sanjay Tewari), and RC Convenors Ajailiu Niumai,
including ISS office staff for their continued
support and cooperation. Co-Editor, ISS E-Newsletter,

I would like to congratulate the newly elected Member, Managing Committee, ISS, New
ISS President Prof. Maitrayee Chaudhuri, Delhi & Asia Representative, RC-32 Women,
Secretary Prof. Shweta Prasad and all the new Gender and Society, International Sociological
Managing Committee Members viz; Prof. Association (ISA).

ISS ELECTION 2023 The following candidates are declared

elected for the following posts:
Election to the posts of President, President: Maitrayee Chaudhuri
Secretary and five members of the Secretary: Shweta Prasad
Managing Committee of the Indian
Sociological Society (ISS) was held on Members, Managing Committee:
online mode. The window for online 1. Dilip Ramdas Khairnar
voting was open from 10.00 A.M. 1 2. Bibhuti Bhushan Malik
December 2023 till 5.00 P.M. 20 3. Sandip Murlidhar Chaudhari
December 2023. As of closing time and 4. Sanjay Nilkanth Kolekar
date for voting a total of 2619 ISS life 5. Pramod Kumar Shukla
members cast their vote.

Meetings of the Various Committees of the Indian Sociological Society held in

December 2023

Date Meeting Platform

19-12-2023 ISS Election Committee Zoom
20-12-2023 ISS Result Declaration Hybrid (Zoom+ New Delhi)
27-12-2023 ISS Research Committee VIT, Vellore
27-12-2023 ISS Managing Committee VIT, Vellore
29-12-2023 ISS General Meeting VIT, Vellore

ISS E-Newsletter Volume 13, No.6
September to December 2023

The General Body Meeting (GBM) of the ISS was held at Anna Auditorium of the
Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT)

The General Body Meeting (GBM) of the Indian Sociological Society was held on 29th
December 2023 at 5.30 p.m. at Anna Auditorium of the Vellore Institute of Technology
(VIT), Vellore. Prof. Abha Chauhan (President), Prof. Manish K. Verma (Secretary), Prof.
Shruti Tambe (Treasurer), Managing Committee (MC) Members, and many other members
of the ISS were present at the meeting. Prof. Abha Chauhan welcomed the sociology
fraternity in this August gathering as the President of the ISS. The various agenda items were
thoroughly discussed and approved by the members. Reports of the Secretary and Treasurer
were also presented and approved. The members also approved the decision taken by the MC
during the Mid-Term Conference held on 28th April 2023 at the University of Lucknow to
increase the membership fees, as well as during the MC held on 27th December 2023 at VIT,

Besides, the following reports were presented and decisions taken in the GBM:

 Report on the 48th All India Sociological Conference, VIT, Vellore.

 Report of the Managing Editor, Sociological Bulletin.
 Report of the Managing Editor, Bharatiya Samajashastra Sameeksha.
 Report of the Managing Editor, ISS E-Journal- Explorations.
 Report of the midterm meeting of the RC conveners on 28th and 27th December 2023
at Lucknow University.
 Report of the Managing Committee meeting held on 28th April 2023 at Lucknow
 Report of the Regional Associations held on 29th April 2023 and other online
meetings and inform about the formation of the NCRA.
 Approval of the admission of new members.
 Some important decisions like the enhancement of the life membership fee from Rs.
5000/- to Rs. 6000/- from 1st April 2024; and the option for the senior life members
(70+ years) of the ISS to take hard copies of the Sociological Bulletin were taken in
the GBM.

ISS E-Newsletter Volume 13, No.6
September to December 2023

Organized by: Indian Sociological Society (ISS)
Hosted by: The Department of Social Sciences, School of Social Sciences and
Languages, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore
28 to 30th December 2023
On the theme
"The Crisis of the 21st Century and the Way Forward”

Inaugural Session

The School of Social Sciences and Languages, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore
hosted the 3-day “48th All India Sociological Conference 2023,” organized by the Indian
Sociological Society. The theme
of the conference was “The
Crises of the 21st Century and
the Way Forward”.
Approximately 900 delegates
from India, Bangladesh, the
USA, and South Africa joined
this academic conclave. Over
1000+ research papers were
submitted and 850 abstracts
were selected to be presented at
the conference.

The Inaugural Session began

with the lighting of the lamp by
the dignitaries followed by their felicitation. The welcome address was delivered by Prof.
Abha Chauhan, President, Indian Sociological Society (ISS). She spoke about the different
aspects of themes related to the conference.
Dr. S. Prabakar, Organizing Secretary of the conference, welcomed the August gathering. He
talked about the importance of the theme selected for the conference, which is to reckon with
the vulnerabilities hampering society. Dr. Palanivel Thiaga Rajan, Hon’ble Minister for
Information Technology and Digital Services, was the Chief Guest of the Inaugural event.
Other dignitaries who graced the AISC event were the Hon’ble Chancellor,
Dr. G. Viswanathan; Vice Presidents, Mr. Sankar Viswanathan and Dr. G.V. Selvam;
Vice-Chancellor, Dr. V. S. Kanchana Bhaaskaran; Pro-Vice Chancellor, Dr. Partha Sharathi
Mallick; Registrar, Dr. T. Jayabarathi; Dean SSL, Dr. Manoharan M; President, Indian
Sociological Society, Prof. Abha Chauhan; Secretary Indian Sociological Society, Prof.
Manish K. Verma, Managing Committee Members of Indian Sociological Society and other
esteemed Deans, Directors, HOD’s, and faculty members. Hon’ble Minister described the
All-India Sociological Conference as the need of the day because the world is passing

ISS E-Newsletter Volume 13, No.6
September to December 2023
through a lot of crises, especially when global wars are threatening human peace which
shows a lack of strong and visionary leaders.

Presentation of Lifetime Achievement Award

The Lifetime Achievement Award conferred to Prof. Chandrashekar Bhatt, Former Professor
of Sociology, University of Hyderabad, Telangana, and Prof. Virginius Xaxa, Former
Professor, Department of Sociology, Delhi School of Economics, Delhi University, Delhi.
Prof. Chandrashekar Bhat thanked VIT University for the award and talked about the
institutions he has worked and how these institutions have helped in his growth as a
sociologist. Prof. Virginius Xaxa also acknowledged the institutions and universities that
shaped his way to the Lifetime Achievement Award. Further, Professor M.N. Srinivas
Memorial Prize was given to Dr. Lekha N.B., Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology,
S.N. College, Chempazhanthy, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala and Dr. Aleena Sebastian,
Assistant Professor, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore, Karnataka.

Subsequently, The Book of Abstracts of 48th AISC 2023 was released. The book consists of
almost 850 abstracts received from all over India including the United States, Bangladesh and
South Africa. The session continued with the book launch consisting of volumes based on
ISS Hindi Journal in the presence of Prof. B.K. Nagla, the person instrumental behind the

After the book launch, Dr. G. Viswanathan, Founder Chancellor, VIT, addressed the
audience. He talked about democracy and the position of India in the democracy ranking. The
edited volume on ‘Hundred Years of Sociology in India: Evolving Issues and Emerging
Trends,’ Springer Nature, Singapore by Prof. Abha Chauhan, Prof. Ajailiu Niumai and Prof.
Tattwamasi Paltasingh was announced during the inaugural function. This edited volume is
the Conference proceedings of the 47th AISC held in USTM, Meghalaya in December 2022.
Finally, the Vote of Thanks was given by Prof. Manish K. Verma, Secretary, ISS. The
Inaugural Session ended with the rendition of the National Anthem.

Special Address: Prof. Geoffrey Pleyers

Geoffrey Pleyers, esteemed President of the International Sociological Association, graced

the event through an online platform. Professor Pleyers embarked on a thought-provoking
journey, offering a fresh perspective on global sociology that placed theories and empirical

ISS E-Newsletter Volume 13, No.6
September to December 2023
research at the forefront. His
masterful weaving of concepts,
particularly the intriguing
theoretical correlation between
crisis and self-fulfilling prophecy,
captivated the audience. This
profound message resonated
throughout the room, leaving a
lasting impression on the
audience and setting the stage for
a stimulating continuation of the
conference. The session, marked
by its intellectual depth and
impactful delivery, lasted for a
captivating fifteen minutes.

Inaugural Address: Prof. Margaret Abraham

Professor Margaret Abraham opened the conference with a powerful keynote on multiple and
interconnected crises, titled “The Global Crisis of Gender and Intersectional Violence”. She
painted a stark picture of our times marked by multiple struggles for human dignity and

social transformation. She emphasized the complex and multifaceted nature of the crisis,
calling for critical understanding and robust debate between academics, policymakers, and
activists. With a call for contextualizing and connecting these struggles, she set the stage for a
conference exploring systemic injustices and striving for change.

Presidential Address: Prof. Abha Chauhan

Prof. Abha Chauhan delivered the Presidential Address on the theme “Conflict, Borderlands,
and Displacement: The Persistent and Escalating Crisis in Northwest India”. She delved into
the complex realities of borderlands, regions shaped and scarred by the presence of territorial
boundaries in the context of conflict on the northwestern borders of India. She described
them as dynamic spaces, constantly renegotiated and reimagined by those living within their

ISS E-Newsletter Volume 13, No.6
September to December 2023
shadow. Going beyond the sterile lines on maps, Prof. Chauhan emphasized how borderlands
extend far beyond immediate physical borders, their impact rippling outwards in a web of
social, economic, and emotional consequences.

Plenary - 1

The First Plenary on “Increasing Social Inequalities, Conflict and Violence: A Way Forward”
was chaired by Prof. Anand Kumar, Former Professor, CSSS/JNU, New Delhi. It was Co-
Chaired by Prof. Sampath Kumar, Head, Department of Sociology and Population Studies,
Bharathiyar University, Coimbatore. The first speaker Prof. Debal Singha Roy, Former
Professor of Sociology,
IGNOU, New Delhi spoke on
“Social Inequality,
Marginality, Conflicts and
Alliances: New Collective
Formations in Emerging
Agrarian Landscape.” The
Second speaker Prof. Rajesh
Gill, former Professor in the
Department of Sociology,
Panjab University,
Chandigarh spoke on “Gender
Equality a Mirage - The
Backlash and Rhetoric against
Feminism.” The third speaker
Prof. Vivek Kumar,
Chairperson, CSSS/JNU, New Delhi spoke on “Inequality amidst Universalism: Paradigms
and Paradoxes.” And, the fourth speaker Prof. Jayanathan Govender from SSS, University of
KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa spoke on “Inequality in the BRICS Countries.” The
presentations were followed by a discussion and a question-answer session.

ISS E-Newsletter Volume 13, No.6
September to December 2023
Professor M.N. Srinivas Memorial Lecture

Prof. Susan Visvanathan, Former Professor, CSSS, JNU, New Delhi delivered Professor
M.N. Srinivas Memorial Lecture on the evening of 28th December 2023, the first day of the
Conference. Her topic was “Between Past and Future: Intermeshing of Narrative, Technology
and Cyberspace”. She focused on a narrative analysis to understand the relation between the
Collective Imagination of human
societies as they hurtle towards
the colonization of space through
sound waves and rockets. It was
chaired by Prof. R. Indira,
Professor of Eminence from the
School of Social Sciences, M.S.
Ramaiah University of Applied
Sciences, Bangalore. Prof. R.
Indira remarked that Prof. Susan
Visvanathan foresees the future
since she attempted to decode the
present crises that society faces.

Plenary - 2

The Second Plenary was titled, “Environmental and Health Concerns: Issues and Prospects”.
The first speaker of this Plenary was Prof. Tulsi Patel, Former Professor & Head, Department
of Sociology, University of Delhi, Delhi. She delivered her lecture online and the title of her
presentation was “Public Health in India: A Contextual Perspective”. The second speaker of
the session was Prof. Purendra Prasad, Professor of Sociology, University of Hyderabad, who
spoke on “Health Sector Crisis in the Twenty-First Century: Analysis of Health Inequalities
and Social Exclusion in India”. The third speaker was Dr. Mala Kapur Shankardass,
Sociologist/Gerontologist, Health & Development Social Scientist, (Retd.) senior faculty,

University of Delhi spoke on “Overcoming the Crisis of Environmental and Health Concerns
in the 21st Century: A Sociological Perspective”. She raised a question of how Covid-19 has
hampered universal health coverage. Prof. S. Samuel Asir Raj, Professor & Head,
Department of Sociology, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu
spoke on “Reclaiming the Commons and Ecological Citizenship in the Era of Climate
Change”. He emphasized that the Commons as a pool of vital resources for sustainability
have provided socio-economic and ecological benefits for local communities. Prof. S.L.
Sharma, Panjab University, Chandigarh Chaired this Plenary and it was Co-chaired by Prof.
M. Thamilarasan, Department of Sociology, University of Madras, Chennai.

ISS E-Newsletter Volume 13, No.6
September to December 2023
Plenary – 3

Plenary - 3 commenced by addressing the topic "Meeting Crisis: Issues of Development and
Governance in Tamil Nadu" with Prof. S. Gurusamy, Head (Retd.), Department of Sociology,
Gandhi Gram Rural University, Dindigul as the Chair, and Prof. G. Ramathirtham, (Retd.),
Department of Sociology, Pondicherry University, Puducherry, as the Co-Chair. This plenary
featured four distinguished speakers. The first lecture was delivered by Prof. Kamala Ganesh
from the Department of
Sociology, University of
Mumbai on "Tamil,
Tamils and the New
Global." She explored
the evolving dynamics
of Tamil culture and
identity in the context of
the rapidly changing
global landscape.
Following that, Prof. D.
Sundaram, Former
Professor of Sociology,
University of Madras,
Chennai spoke on
"Social Inequality: An
Obstacle to the Path of
Sustainability." The
third speaker Prof. J. Krishnamurthy, former Professor of Sociology, Annamalai University
spoke on "Changing Contours of Caste Identity and Tensions in Tamil Nadu: Crisis
Resolution and the Way Forward." The final speaker was Prof. Prema Rajagopalan, former
Professor of Sociology, IIT Madras, Chennai, who delivered her lecture on "Disasters,
Displacement and Development: Challenges for the State". The presentations were followed
by a lively discussion.

Plenary – 4

The Fourth Plenary on "Space Exploration and Earthly Challenges: Opportunities and
Impediments" commenced with Prof. Lekshmi V. Nair, Department of Humanities, Indian
Institute of Space Science and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram as the Chair, and Dr. M.
Rashmi, Assistant Professor, SSL, VIT, Vellore, as the Co-Chair. Dr. Anna Szolucha from
the Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology at Jagiellonian University in Krakow,
Poland delivered a lecture on "The Role of Social Sciences in Space Exploration: Current
Status and Future Potential." Dr. Anna emphasized the evolving role of social sciences and
humanities in the realm of space exploration, traditionally considered peripheral to the
technologically and economically driven goals of space programs. Remco Timmermans, a
Faculty Member at the International Space University and Founder/Owner of Spaceside in
the UK delivered a keynote presentation titled "The Story of Space: How It Started… and
How It Ended." The lecture delved into the cultural and sociological origins of humanity's
fascination with space, tracing it back to the earliest days of human culture. Timmermans
explored the pivotal role of storytelling in shaping human perceptions of the skies and space.

ISS E-Newsletter Volume 13, No.6
September to December 2023
Professor Radhakamal Mukerjee Memorial Lecture

Prof. Vidyut Joshi, Hon. Director, Gujarat Vidyapith, Ahmedabad delivered the Professor
Radhakamal Mukerjee Memorial Lecture on “Restructuring Value Base of Social Sciences in
the Age of Neo-Liberalism.” It was chaired by Prof. B.K. Nagla, Former Professor & Head,
Department of Sociology, MD University, Rohtak, Haryana

Prof. Yogendra Singh Memorial Lecture

Prof. N. Jayaram, Formerly Professor of Research Methodology, Tata Institute of Social

Sciences, Mumbai, delivered the Prof. Yogendra Singh Memorial Lecture on “Between

Tradition and Modernity: A Sociological Reading of Bimal Mitra’s Saheb Bibi Golam.”
It was chaired by Prof. S.L. Sharma, Former Professor, Department of Sociology, Panjab
University, Chandigarh.

ISS E-Newsletter Volume 13, No.6
September to December 2023
Valedictory Session

The Valedictory Session was chaired by Prof. Abha Chauhan, President of ISS. It
commenced with the presentation of RC Conveners’ reports, followed by an address from the
Registrar of VIT, Dr. T. Jayabarathi, IT. The Chief Guest, Prof P. Duraisamy, former Vice-
Chancellor of the University of Madras delivered an address that added significant value to
the 48th AISC. During the Session, the MC Members, RC Convenors, and newly elected
Office-Bearers were facilitated.
The concluding remark was
made by the Organizing
Secretary, Dr. S Prabakar, along
with the Head of the Department
of Social Sciences, SSL, VIT,
Vellore. Further
acknowledgements were
extended by the Associate Dean,
SSL, VIT, the Dean, SSL, VIT,
and the President, Indian
Sociological Society, Prof. Abha
Chauhan; Secretary Indian
Sociological Society, Prof. Manish K. Verma. The felicitations were made by the ISS
President and Secretary to the Organizing Secretary and others from VIT for their support
and hard work. The local organizers also reciprocated the same to the incumbent ISS Office-
Bearers. The event culminated with the rendition of the National Anthem.

ISS E-Newsletter Volume 13, No.6
September to December 2023

ISS E-Newsletter Volume 13, No.6
September to December 2023

ISS E-Newsletter Volume 13, No.6
September to December 2023

ISS E-Newsletter Volume 13, No.6
September to December 2023

ISS E-Newsletter Volume 13, No.6
September to December 2023

ISS E-Newsletter Volume 13, No.6
September to December 2023





ISS E-Newsletter Volume 13, No.6
September to December 2023

Young Researcher’s Workshop

Writing and Publishing Research Paper
(26th -27th December 2023)
Venue: Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore (Tamil Nadu)
A Brief Report

The conference began with a two-day

preconference Young Researchers’
Workshop, from 26th- 27th December
2023 organized by the Indian
Sociological Society (ISS) in
collaboration with the Vellore
Institute of Technology (VIT),
Vellore. The topic of the Workshop
was Writing and Publishing Research
Paper. Day 1 of the Workshop
started with an inaugural session at
9:30 am which went on till 10:45 am. The inaugural address was given by Prof. Partha
Sharathi Mallick, Pro-Vice Chancellor, VIT, Vellore. He congratulated everyone for
organizing this conference and thus popularizing VIT University for non-engineering
subjects, specifically social sciences, and getting approval from societal leaders in the field.
He added that this is transforming the lives of students, teachers, and society by a
collaboration of technical and social science fields. M. Manoharan, Dean of the School, SSL,
VIT, Vellore, was also present. He shed
light on the importance of research. He
also said VIT University stands at 11th
rank in the research category of the
National Institute of Ranking
Framework and within the top 500 in
the Sustainability ranking. Then Dr.
Selvam V, Associate Dean of SSL,
VIT, Vellore, talked about the
importance of peer learning and support
and global exchange. The welcome
address was given by Dr. S. Prabakar, Associate Professor (Senior), Dept. of Social Sciences,
SSL, VIT, Vellore, and the Organizing Secretary of the 48th All India Sociological

ISS E-Newsletter Volume 13, No.6
September to December 2023
Dr. Bangalore Morarji, Head of the Department of Social Sciences, SSL, VIT, Vellore,
shared information about the Department. Introduction to the Workshop was given by Prof.
Abha Chauhan, President, Indian Sociological Society. She explained the theme of the
Workshop and emphasized the importance of writing and publishing papers in social
sciences. Prof, S.L. Sharma, Dept. of Sociology, Panjab University, Chandigarh gave the
Keynote Address. He gave practical tips for writing a research paper - how to work on the
paper and publish it. And finally, the vote of Thanks was given by Prof. Manish K. Verma,
Secretary of the Indian Sociological Society. He said that sociology in India and sociology of
India will only grow if the research is developed in young minds. And that the Indian
Sociological Society is on the path to fulfil this mission. It is important that knowledge is
inscribed on paper or else it will wither. The session was conducted by Ms. Rashmi, Assistant
Professor, VIT.

There were six sessions conducted during this two days’ workshop in which young
researchers with the experts in the field got an opportunity to learn, discuss and explore the
recent research trends. From 62 submitted abstracts, only 25 of the highest calibers were
chosen, ensuring high-impact research and innovative approaches to knowledge gathering.
This rigorous selection process not only set a high standard for the workshop but also
promised a transformative experience for participants.

The Valedictory Session was chaired by Prof. Abha Chauhan, President, Indian Sociological
Society. She brought out the significance of the Workshop for the participants as an
important activity of the ISS. The
President thanked and appreciated the
local organisers for their support and
cooperation. Dr. J. Balamurugan,
Convenor of the Workshop, presented the
Workshop Report summarizing the two-
day event. From 62 submitted abstracts,
only 25 of the highest calibers were
chosen, ensuring high-impact research and
innovative approaches to knowledge
gathering. This rigorous selection process
not only set a high standard for the workshop but also promised a transformative experience
for participants.

ISS E-Newsletter Volume 13, No.6
September to December 2023

Prof. Anand Kumar, former Professor of CSSS/SSS at JNU, New Delhi, graced the closing
ceremony with a thoughtful Valedictory Address.

Drawing upon his vast experience, Prof. Kumar outlined three key pillars for impactful
research: conceptualization, ensuring a clear and well-defined framework; rationalization,
establishing a logical justification for the chosen topic and methodology; and
contextualization, situating the research within its broader social and historical context. Prof.
Manish K. Verma, Secretary of the Indian Sociological Society (ISS), delivered the
concluding remarks for the conference. He concluded by commending the organizers for
curating seven enriching sessions, each led by distinguished scholars in their respective

domains, ensuring a valuable and comprehensive experience for all participants. The
certificates were distributed. Prof. Shruti Tambe, Treasurer, ISS delivered the vote of thanks.
The Session ended with the rendition of the National Anthem by all those present at the

ISS E-Newsletter Volume 13, No.6
September to December 2023



Report of Research Committee 01: Theory and Practice in Sociology

Convenor: Prof. Nilika Mehrotra
Email: iss01history20@gmail.com

In the 48th All India Sociological Conference, Vellore RC: 01 held three sessions with a total
presentation of 13 papers. Every session had a vibrant discussion on the papers presented.
The first session on Sociology of Home, Food and Friendship on 28th December, was
chaired by Prof. Soumendra Patnaik. There were four papers presented in the session. The
first presenter of the session Prof. Rukmini Sen discussed ‘home’ as an important site of
study, during covid through which much of the social life was being lived. The second
presenter Ashka Raj talked about fictive kinship in which family friends play a significant
role as mediators in matchmaking and pre-wedding ceremonies. The third presenter Dr. Biju
Vincent discussed food narrations and its practices highly associated with the construction of
power hierarchies and hegemonies. The fourth presenter Professor Nilika Mehrotra talked
about the strong relationship between food and ritual that has existed in Puri, Odisha, via the
transformation of food offered to Lord Jagannath as ‘Mahaprasad’.
In the second session held on 29th December, chaired by Prof. Susan Visavanthan &
Sumit Srivastava, in total six papers were presented. The first presenter Prof. Ananta Kumar
Giri explored a multi-dimensional call of listening and cultivating pathways of a ‘listening
sociology’. The second presenter Gayatri Bhattacharyya talked about Irawati Karve who
exposed the harsh reality of damage done to the environment and ecology by the heroes of
the Mahabharata in her pathbreaking work Yuganta. The third presenter Arunoday
Majumder talked about the studies of the Anna Movement (AM) and the Anna Event (AE)
which show that the modern university continues with the secular lens while highlighting the
cultural politics. In the fourth presenter Sumit Saurabh Srivastava attempted to answer what it
means to ‘decolonize feminism’ in the contemporary public discourse about feminism. The
fifth presenter Ayush Kushwaha dealt with the emergence of a distinctively new mother
goddess and mapped the intricate attempts to construct an embodiment of the national

ISS E-Newsletter Volume 13, No.6
September to December 2023
territory through anthropomorphized forms of her representations. The sixth presenter,
Krishnaja Menon talked about the academic hierarchies in the context of Kerala, through the
encounters of maladjustment and incomprehensibility via the experiences by academicians.
The third and last session of RC 01 was held on 30 December on sustainability and
development. It was chaired by Prof. Ananta K. Giri & Prof. Rukmini Sen. The first
presenter, Prof. Swapan Kumar Bhattacharyya looked at the specific notion of ‘sustainable
development’ which can be recovered from the writings of Radhakamal Mukerjee. The
second presenter, Dr. Suraj Beri delved into Thomas Piketty's analysis of Capital in the 21st
Century, and suggested that his unique usage of long-time trends, documentary methods and
visual templates can be useful for sociologists to enrich their analyses of wealth and capital
inequalities. The third and the last presenter, Noor Fatima Sheikh explored the understanding
of presently perceived female prostitutes in Bharat and tried to map the oriental narratives
about Indian women and their repercussions.

Business Meeting:
A business meeting of RC 01 was convened on 29th December, 2023 at 4:00 PM, as
part of the 48th ISS at VIT, Vellore, Technology Tower, Room no. 201. The following
decisions were reached in the meeting:
Professor Nilika Mehrotra was unanimously elected as the Convener of RC 01; Dr.
Suraj Beri was unanimously nominated as the Co-Convener of the RC 01. Mr. Ayush
Kushwaha was nominated as Secretary/Treasurer of the RC. It was decided to explore the
possibility of organizing a mid-term workshop/seminar on theoretical and methodological
issues in Sociology. Members were encouraged to increase membership and participation in
RC 01.

Report of RC-02: Studies on Family, Marriage and Kinship

Convenor: Prof. Mahesh Shukla
Email: iss02familymkin20@gmail.com

One-Day Workshop on Changing Nature of Family, Marriage, and Kinship in the 21st

The one-day national seminar titled "Changing Nature of Family, Marriage, and
Kinship in the 21st Century," organized by the Department of Sociology at Ismail National
Mahila (PG) College in Meerut in collaboration with the Indian Sociological Society RC-02
"Family Marriage and Kinship," held on October 3, 2023, was a significant scholarly event.
The seminar commenced with a traditional lamp-lighting ceremony and the invocation of
Maa Saraswati Vandana, setting a respectful and academic tone for the day. Prof. Deepti
Kaushik, the Organizing Secretary, delivered an inaugural speech, highlighting the objectives
of the seminar and underscoring the importance of the chosen topic in the contemporary
social context. This was followed by a warm welcome by Prof. Anita Rathi, the college
principal, who emphasized the critical role of educational institutions in fostering discussions
on evolving societal structures.
The keynote address, delivered by Prof. Mahesh Shukla, the Convenor of RC-02 ISS,
provided an in-depth perspective on the traditional understanding of Family, Marriage, and
Kinship, highlighting their essential roles in the fabric of social democracy. Prof. Shukla's
speech set the stage for subsequent discussions on how these core institutions of society have
evolved and adapted to the challenges of the 21st century. Prof. Subhash from DGC

ISS E-Newsletter Volume 13, No.6
September to December 2023
Gurugram, the Guest of Honour, delivered a thought-provoking address that explored the
economic and cultural dimensions of Family and Marriage. He drew attention to the intricate
interplay between economic factors and cultural norms in shaping family structures and
marriage patterns, offering valuable insights into the complexities of contemporary family
dynamics. Prof. Alok, the Head of the Department of Sociology at CCS University, delivered
a compelling presidential address that focused on the profound impact of the changing nature
of Family, Marriage, and Kinship on health. He highlighted the interconnectedness between
these social institutions and individual well-being, emphasizing the need for a holistic
approach to understanding health in the context of changing family structures and marital
relationships. Prof. Alok's address left a lasting impression on the audience, underscoring the
seminar's commitment to addressing the practical implications of the changing social

Throughout the day, the seminar featured four distinct sessions where a total of 63
research papers were presented. These sessions provided a diverse range of perspectives on
the seminar's theme, touching on various aspects of family, marriage, and kinship in the 21st
century. The depth and breadth of the research presented during these sessions were a
testament to the robust academic engagement that the seminar fostered. Prof. Deepa Tyagi
chaired the offline sessions, ensuring smooth proceedings for those present onsite, while Dr.
Binoyjyoti Das facilitated the online sessions for virtual participants. Given the
overwhelming response from participants, the seminar adopted a hybrid mode to
accommodate both in-person and remote attendees, fostering inclusivity and engagement.
This hybrid approach not only reflected the adaptability of academic gatherings in the digital
age but also ensured that the seminar reached a wider audience, extending the reach of the
discussions beyond geographical boundaries. Notable addresses included Prof. Bhup Singh's

valedictory speech, which delved into the development of the field of Sociology of Family,
Marriage, and Kinship in India. He reflected on the historical evolution of the discipline and
offered insights into its future directions. Additionally, Prof. Singh presented a detailed
examination of kinship terminology in North India, shedding light on the region's unique
social and cultural nuances.
Prof. Vikas Sharma, a distinguished speaker, enriched the discussions by offering
insights on the portrayal of Family, Marriage, and Kinship in novels. He explored how
literature serves as are reflection of societal norms and changes, contributing a literary
perspective that complemented the academic discourse of the seminar. In conclusion, the

ISS E-Newsletter Volume 13, No.6
September to December 2023
seminar proved to be a vibrant platform for academics, scholars, and experts to share their
research findings, exchange ideas, and deepen their understanding of the ever-evolving
dynamics of Family, Marriage and Kinship in the 21st century. The event's success was
evident in the diverse range of topics covered and the active participation of attendees, both
in-person and virtual, making it a seminal scholarly gathering in the field of sociology. The
seminar not only contributed to academic scholarship but also underscored the relevance and
significance of these societal constructs in an era of rapid social change.

48th AISC, 2014 RC -02 Report

A total of 46 abstracts were received in the session of RC-2 for the VIT Conference, in
which 39 participants presented their papers. In each session, a separate chairperson, co-
chairperson, and reporter team were formed who performed their roles responsibly. Most of
the research papers were related to the changes and challenges taking place in family,
marriage, and kinship.

The discussion was engaging and dynamic as participants from various regions of
India shared their perspectives in alignment with the conference topic. The topics covered in
this text include the impact of changing family structures on infertility treatment, gender
socialization among various tribes, the modern approach to selecting a partner, the practice
of intermarriage, and the commercialization of marriage. The aforementioned crucial
elements have been thoroughly examined and researchers have indeed shed light on the

In various sessions of RC-2, Dr.

Deepti Kaushik Meerut, Dr.
Sumana, Calcutta, Dr. Preeti
Sharma Raipur, Dr. Sarita Singh
Uttar Pradesh, Dr. G.N. Mishra
Madhya Pradesh, Dr. Sunil Singh
Rana Bihar, Dr. Shailja Dubey,
Dr. Aarti Srivastava, Dr. Swati
Shukla, Dr. Vasudev Singh MP,
played the role of Chair, Co-
Chair and Reporter.

Four years ago, the

number of members of RC-2 was
only 30. Today this number has
increased to 116. It was the
cooperation of young scholars
who joined this RC-2 and strengthened it. In this year, RC-2 has organized four workshops.
These workshops were held on 10-11 Feb at Indore, on 13-14 March and 04 May 23 at TRS
College, Rewa and on 03 Oct 23 at Ismail College, Meerut. All the workshops were
organized in collaboration with the Indian Sociological Society.

Business Meeting

The new executive of RC-2 has been constituted for the next two years as follows

Convenor - Dr. Deepti Kaushik (U.P.)

Co-convenor - Dr. Vasudev Singh (M.P.)

ISS E-Newsletter Volume 13, No.6
September to December 2023
Secretary - Dr. Sarita Singh (U.P.)
Treasurer - Dr. Indira Vala (Gujarat)
AdvisoryBoard - Dr. Mahesh Shukla (M.P.)
Dr. G. N. Mishra (M.P.)
Dr. Preeti Sharma (C.G.)

The Convenor, Prof. Mahesh Shukla offered heartfelt thanks to the honorable President of the
Indian Sociological Society, Prof. Abha Chauhan, Prof. Manish Verma, Secretary, all of the
office bearers, and all the members of the Managing Committee, RC conveners and

Report of RC-03 Economy and Society

Convenor: Prof. R Maruthakutti
Email: iss03economy20@gmail.com

RC 03 Economy and Society received 27 abstracts during the 48th All India Sociological
Conference held at VIT, Vellore on December 28-30, 2023. The abstracts have been
reviewed and were sent to the advisory committee members for comments. A total of 18
papers were presented in the four technical sessions arranged. The broad major areas covered
were gender, agriculture, tribal, health, elderly, and socio-economic transitions.

This RC is processing the selected articles of the 47th AISC and Lucknow conferences
for publication in the form of a book titled, “Post Covid Society: Socio-Economic and
Cultural Perspective”. The RC 14 chapters and the book proposal (along with the typescript)
is being prepared so that it may be submitted shortly to a national-level publication.

The Business Meeting of RC 03 was conducted at 5:00 pm on 29.12.2023. The

following decisions have been arrived at during the meeting: the committee resolved to
nominate Prof. R. Maruthakutti as the Convener for one more year (2023-24). Prof. Sampath
Kumar: as the Co-convener.

The following professors are nominated as advisory committee members:

1. Professor B.B. Mohanty, Pondicherry University

2. Professor Tattwamasi Paltasingh, Sambalpur University
3. Professor Biswamber Panda, North Eastern Hill University
4. Professor Jayashree, S, Karnatak University

The Convener of RC 03 thanked all the distinguished speakers (Prof. Indira and Prof.
Tattwamasi Paltasingh), Chairpersons of the thematic sessions, and all the paper presenters
for their contributions to RC 03. Further, it is proposed to conduct a series of RC 03 activities
including a national-level seminar at Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, Special
lectures online, and a Writing skills workshop in 2024.

ISS E-Newsletter Volume 13, No.6
September to December 2023
Report of RC 04: Migration and Diaspora Studies
Convenor: Dr. Muneer Illath
Email: iss04migration20@gmail.com

RC 04 (Migration and Diaspora Studies) of Indian Sociological Society, in collaboration with

the Centre for the Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policies, University of Hyderabad,
under the convenership of Prof. Ajailiu Niumai (Professor and Former Head, CSSEIP,
University of Hyderabad &
Member, Managing
Committee, ISS) organized
an International Conference
titled ‘Indian Diaspora
Women and Patriarchy:
Questions of Inclusion,
Cultural Identity and
Violence’ on 18th and 19th of
December at the Conference
Hall of the School of Social
Sciences, University of

The conference was

inaugurated by Prof. B.J.
Rao, the Vice Chancellor of
University of Hyderabad with
Prof. Abha Chauhan, the President of Indian Sociological Society, as the Chief Guest, and
Prof. Manish K. Verma, the Secretary of Indian Sociological Society, as the Guest of Honour.
The Keynote speaker of the conference was Prof. Bandana Purkayastha, the Vice President of
National Associations of the Indian Sociological Association (ISA). Prominent sociologists
and social scientists from India and abroad joined the conference as Panel speakers and chief
guests which also included Prof. Yuataka Sato, Prof. R. Indira, Prof. Chandrashekhar Bhat,
Prof. Irudaya Rajan, Prof. Amba Pande, Prof. Shreya S. Bhandari, Prof. Arvinder Ansari,
Prof. Shweta Prasad, Prof. Sukant K. Chaudhury, Prof. Mala Kapur Shankardas, and Prof.
Vinod Chandra. Apart from 16 papers in four plenary sessions, 182 research papers were
presented by faculty members and research scholars of different Universities and colleges
across the country in 10 parallel sessions. Prof. Ajailiu Niumai, the Convenor of the
conference, welcomed the guests and Dr. Muneer Illath, Convenor, RC-04, proposed a formal
vote of thanks.

ISS E-Newsletter Volume 13, No.6
September to December 2023
Regarding the 48th All India Sociological Conference held at Vellore Institute of Technology,
Vellore, Tamil Nadu, on 28, 29 and 30 of December, 2023, the RC-04 received 38 abstracts
of which 36 were presented in 4 technical sessions. The RC-04 also organized a panel
discussion on “Indian Diaspora at the Crossroads: Emerging Patterns and Concerns” with
Prof. Chandrashekhar Bhat, Prof. Ajailiu Niumai, and Prof. Sukant K. Chaudhry as invited
plenary speakers.

Report of RC-05: Sociology of Education

Convenor Prof. PH Mohammad
Email: iss05education20@gmail.com

It is with immense pleasure that the report of the Research Committee–05 (Sociology of
Education), of the Indian Sociological Society is being shared. The Research Committee –
05, had constituted the sub-committee to review the abstracts received for presentation in the
48th All India Sociological Conference scheduled at Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT),
Vellore. This sub-committee consisted of Prof. P. H. Mohammad, the Convenor of the RC-
05, Prof. G. Nagaraju, former Convenor and member of the same representing the department
of Sociology, HCU and Dr. Srabanthi Choudhuri. All the abstracts were scrutinized and about
50 abstracts were accepted for presentation in the 48th All India Sociological Conference
(AISC) hosted by the Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore. Accordingly, the programme
schedule was developed and shared across all the participants whose papers were accepted.
All the papers accepted for presentation in the conference were divided into four sessions in
addition to which one session on panel discussion was conducted. It would be worth
mentioning here that the membership of the Research Committee – 05 stands at around 100,
as per the website of the ISS.
The meeting of the Convenors of all the Research Committees was held on 27th
December 2023 at 4:30 PM. Prof. P. H. Mohammad participated in the same in the capacity
of the Convener of the RC- 05 (Sociology of Education) and presented the activities of the
RC 05 before the ISS body.

Detailed report of the Research Committee on the delibations in 48th AISC:

The first session was held on first day, i.e., 28th December 2023 from 4:15 onwards, which
was chaired by Dr. S. Nagaraja of department of sociology, Tumukur University, Tumukur,
Karnataka while it was co-chaired by Dr. Manish Kumar representing the Women’s College,
Madhepura, Bihar, and Mr. Murtuza Ali Nasiri, from MANUU, Hyderabad, was the
rapporteur for this session. The session witnessed presentations from diverse aspects covering
the sociology of education and its impact.

In the second session of the same day, i.e., 28th December, a panel discussion was
held on the topic, ‘NEP and Inclusive Education: The Way Forward’ where Prof. P. H.
Mohammad (Department of Sociology, MANUU; Prof. Rajesh (Beguluru University,
Bengaluru) and Prof. G. Nagaraju (Department of Sociology, HCU) participated as the panel
speakers deliberating on the topic. Also, the session witnessed the felicitation of Prof.
Chandrasekhar Bhatt who got the Lifetime Achievement Award from the ISS. The book
entitled, ‘Gender, State and Education’ written by Prof. Nagaraju Gundimeda was released in
this session. The book-releasing ceremony was done by Prof. Chandrasekhar Bhatt and Prof.
R. Indira.

ISS E-Newsletter Volume 13, No.6
September to December 2023
After the completion of the above event, a business session was undertaken. The
incumbent convener Prof. P. H. Mohammad announced that his given term of two years of
convenership is coming to an end. Thus Prof. P. H. Mohammad has activated the election
process. However, Prof. G. Nagaraju proposed the incumbent Convenor Prof. P. H.
Mohammad to continue the second term as the Convenor of RC 05 which was accepted by all
the members present. Hence, the election of Prof. P. H. Mohammad was unanimously upheld
as the Convenor for the second term. Accordingly, the following members were
appointed/nominated for different positions of the RC -05.

Convener: Prof. P. H. Mohammad, Department of Sociology, MANUU, Hyderabad

Co-Convener: Dr. Srabanti Choudhuri, Netaji Subhas Open University, Kolkata, W.B
Secretary: Dr. S. Nagaraja, Department of Sociology, Tumukur University, Tumukur
Executive Committee:
1. Dr. Sahana Sen
2. Dr. Anjanappa
3. Dr. Manish Kumar
4. Mr. Murtuza Ali Nasiri
Treasurer: Dr. Trilok Chandan Goud, Post Doctoral Fellow, Department of Sociology, HCU

Research and Academic Advisory Committee:

1. Prof. G. Nagaraju, Department of Sociology, HCU.
2. Prof. Rajesh, Bengaluru University, Bangalore
3. Dr. Mosam Trivedi

The Second day’s proceedings of the Research Committee 05 were held in session
three and session four. Session three was held in the technical session slot of AISC from 9:00
A.M. to 11: A.M. This session was chaired by Prof. Rajesh, Department of Sociology,
Bengaluru University while co-chaired by Dr. Shanti Sheshadri representing Smt. Maniben
M.P Shah Women College of Arts and Commerce, and Saheb Nadaf was rapporteur for the
session. The focus of this session was covering the themes and perspectives of quality
education across different states of the country and the challenges faced by education with
regard to technology and the issues of morality, etc. Similarly, the fourth session was held on
the second day of the conference, i.e., 29/12/2023 from 3:45 P.M. to 5:30 P.M. In this
session, Prof. G. N. Nimbarte chaired the proceedings while Dr. Mosam Trivedi co-chaired
the session and Dr. Trilok Chandan Goud, a Post Doctoral Fellow, Department of Sociology,
HCU was rapporteur. In this session, issues like educational disparities among rural and
urban students, educational issues of children in homeless shelters, the stress-related aspects
among the research students and its implications, education and its contribution to social
mobility among the Adivasi children, etc., were highlighted in the papers presented.

The fifth and last session of the RC – 05 was held on the last day of the AISC on
30/12/2023 at 9:00 AM to 10:45 A.M. This session was chaired by Dr. Srabanti Choudhuri
and co-chaired by K. Rachana from Kashi Hindu Vishva Vidyalaya, Varanasi while the
rapporteur was Manisha Jena and Farheena Muzaffar. The issues covered in the session were,
the NEP – 2020; secular and sacred education in the 21st Century, the unemployment and
missing skill sets and the youths’ perspective as well as the influence of parents on the
decision of career aspirations of children, etc.

ISS E-Newsletter Volume 13, No.6
September to December 2023
Report of RC: 06 Sociology of Religion
Convenor: Dr. M.T. Joseph
Email: iss06religion20@gmail.com

At the 48th All India Sociological Conference VIT, Vellore, 20 abstracts were submitted for
presentation at RC 06 of which 18 papers were presented.

The first session was a panel titled ‘Affect, precarity, faith: the existential sociology
of religion’ coordinated by Prof. Gita Chadha, and Obaid Siddiqui Chair Professor, National
Centre for Biological

Sciences, Bengaluru. The panel was chaired by Prof. Maitrayee Choudhuri, President-elect,
Indian Sociological Society. The four panelists Prof Gita Chadha, Prof. Pushpesh Kumar, Dr.
Sarover Zaidi, and Dr. Joseph M.T. presented their insights sociologically engaging with the
domain of religion. The panel attempted to apply a sociological lens to the existential
approaches to comprehend faith and its myriad expressions.

Eighteen papers were presented by research scholars spread across the rest of the
three sessions. The papers engaged with the following broad themes: contemporary
expressions of guru parampara and bhakti tradition, an interface between religion and ethnic
identity, the centrality of religious ethics in the protection of the environment, interfaith
dialogue, religion in times of COVID-19, religion and popular culture and negotiations that
accompany the visibility of religious symbols in public places.

Report of Research Committee -07: Adivasi and Tribal Studies

Convenor: Prof. Sukant Kumar Chaudhury
Email: iss07tribal20@gmail.com

In 48th AISC, Vellore the RC 07 had 4 technical sessions with 29 papers and one memorial
lecture and had a regular participation of 30-35 members. After the opening remarks by Prof.
Sukant K Chaudhury who spoke on the trends in tribal research in India today, the first
technical session on the theme of Discourse and Development among Tribes, was chaired by
Dr. Arvind Haldankar who addressed the development among tribes and how the State
understands the issue of development vis-a-vis tribes. In it, 5 papers were presented on issues

ISS E-Newsletter Volume 13, No.6
September to December 2023
like tribal arts and crafts, the impact of Covid and higher education, the health status of Bhil
women etc.

The second session was chaired by Prof.

Anthony Palackal and was co-chaired by Dr.
Sangram V. Gunjal on the theme Tribal
Cultures in India: Continuity and Change.
There were 10 papers dealing with the
challenges of the development of nomadic
tribes, the impact of the modern healthcare
system on tribes, livelihood practices among
the Kanjar tribe, and Marital preferences
among the Bakarwal tribe. Convenor Prof.
Sukant Kumar Chaudhury provided important

inputs and comments on how to formulate the

topics and write balanced papers that have a
strong theoretical framework as well as a
scientific analytical temperament. Adding to
the comments of the Convenor, the Chair
emphasized the necessity to ask the question
‘why’, what, and how. The Chair summed up
by emphasizing on the scientific temperament
in studying the tribes and how there is a need
to problematize specific issues so that the
study is epistemological and ontological.
Prof. Sukant Kumar Chaudhury emphasized
on how structural-functionalism is not much in use and now the academic trend is to
emphasize on Structuration: Structure and Agency wherein the people themselves are agents
and discussed the various ways in which they assert their own identities.

In the third session, the Prof. Vinay Kumar Srivastava Memorial lecture was delivered by
Prof. D.R. Sahu on ‘Trajectory of Tribal Resistance in Odisha’ and was chaired by Prof.

ISS E-Newsletter Volume 13, No.6
September to December 2023
Soumendra Mohan Patanaik. The session was on tribal social movements and 5 papers were
presented on different aspects of tribal protests and movements.

The fourth session was chaired by Prof. Sukant Kumar Chaudhury on the theme ‘Economy
and Social change among tribes’ where 9 papers were presented on various aspects of tribal
economy and change.

Report of RC-08: Inequalities, Stratification and Exclusion Studies

Convenor: Prof. Parvez Abbasi
Email: iss08inequality20@gmail.com

RC-08 organized four sessions on the occasion of the 48th All India Sociological Conference
held at VIT Vellore from 28th to 30th December 2023. A total of thirty abstracts were received
out of which one was from Bangladesh. Out of the total abstracts, 25 were in English and 5 in
Hindi language. All these papers were scheduled in four sessions as per the time allotted to
the RC.

In the sessions, 24 papers were presented by the members on various themes related
to inequality, stratification, and exclusion studies. Most of the papers were meaningful from a
sociological perspective and the presenters were suggested to submit full-length papers after
incorporating suggestions and questions that were raised during the discussions. The sessions
were chaired by Dr. V. Shreenarayan Murthy from Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, and
Dr. Supriya Singh from Khun-Khun Ji Girls Degree College, Lucknow.

The business meeting of the RC was held on 30th December, 2023 in the fourth session.
Dr. V. Sreenarayan Murthy from Andhra University, Dr. Supriya Singh from Khun-Khun Ji
Girls Degree College, Lucknow, and Dr. Jayashree Ambewadikar from Gujarat were
unanimously elected as convener, co-convener and executive members respectively. The
following decisions were taken in the meeting-
1. To bring out an edited book of the papers presented during the last three conferences
in RC-08.
2. To explore possibilities of collaboration with Research Committees of International
Sociological Association (ISA).

Report of RC 10- Gender Studies

Convenor: Dr. Rajni Bala
Email: iss10gender20@gmail.com

Mid-term Seminar of RC-10

On November 16-17, 2023, the Research Committee on Gender Studies (RC-10) of Indian
Sociological Society, in collaboration with DAV College, Chandigarh and Punjab Regional
Chapter, Mohali, organized a two-day seminar on the topic 'Empowering Women through
Higher Education: Examining the Efficacy of New Education Policy 2020. The inaugural
session featured the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Renu Vij, as the chief guest. Dr. Rajni Bala,
Convenor of RC-10, critically examined of the New Education Policy 2020. Prof. Abha

ISS E-Newsletter Volume 13, No.6
September to December 2023

Chauhan, President of Indian Sociological Society, New Delhi delivered the keynote address.
The seminar featured 80 delegates from 11 Indian states.

48th All India Sociological Conference, VIT, Vellore

During the conference, 101 papers were presented under RC-10 Gender Studies, for which 11
technical sessions were organized in three different rooms. The sessions were chaired by
senior members of RC-10, Prof. Rajesh Gill, Prof. Hilda C. Devi, Dr. Rajni Bala, Prof. Vinita
Lal, Prof. Niranjan Singh, Prof Leena Pujari, Prof. Sudeshna Mukherjee, Prof. T.B Singh, and
Dr. Asha Singh.

A special lecture session was also organized on the 2nd day of the conference, chaired
by Prof. R. Indira, former President, ISS. Prof. Ajailiu Niumai acted as the discussant.
Esteemed scholars in Gender Studies delivered special lectures, with Prof. Abha Chauhan
speaking on “Shifting Sociological Paradigm: Gendering Studies on Wars and Conflicts,” and
Prof. Rajesh Gill discussing “Mixing Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Gender

During the business meeting of RC-10 on the 29th, held in the presence of ISS
members and senior RC-10 members, Prof. Abha Chauhan, President of ISS, acted as the
Election Officer. Dr. Rajni Bala was unanimously elected as convener, with Dr. Sudeshna
Mukherjee and Dr. Leena Pujari being elected as co-convener and Secretary, respectively. An
advisory committee and a new executive were formed. Elected as members of the Advisory
Committee were Prof. Abha Chauhan, Prof. R. Indira, Prof. Rajesh Gill, Prof. Ajailiu Niumai,
and Prof. Dhananjay Sontake, while Prof. Niranjan Singh, Prof. C. Hilda Devi, Prof. T.B.
Singh, and Dr. Asha Singh were elected as members of the executive committee of RC-10.

ISS E-Newsletter Volume 13, No.6
September to December 2023

Report of RC 11- Sociology of Environment

Convener: Dr. Amar Pal Singh
Email- iss11environment20@gmail.com

RC-11 in collaboration with Govt. Degree College Darlanghat, Solan, H.P, RC-21, and RC-
19 of ISS organized the Third SSHP International Conference (Hybrid) Himachal Pradesh on
December 11 to December 12, 2023, on the theme "Development in Mountains: Issues,
Challenges, and Solutions".
RC-11 also started an International E- Lecture series on 06/12/2023 in collaboration
with the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Shri Ramswaroop Memorial University,
Lucknow-Deva Road, Barabanki. The first lecture was delivered by Prof. Bidur Dhungal

Executive Director, Southwestern Center for Research and Ph.D. Studies Kathmandu, Nepal
on Environment and Society.

For the 48th AISC Organized at VIT, Vellore, a total of 30 abstracts were received and 27
abstracts were found suitable and accepted for presentation. 25 Papers were being presented
out of 27 covering the themes and sub-themes. A total of 4 technical sessions and a business
meeting were conducted which were chaired by Prof. Manish K. Verma, Prof. D.R Sahu,
Prof. Balaji Kendre, Prof. Anshu Kedia, and Dr. Manisha Rao. Members in the business
meeting unanimously decided to give second term to Amar Pal Singh and elected Dr.
Manisha Rao as co-convenor of the RC.

ISS E-Newsletter Volume 13, No.6
September to December 2023

Report of RC-12: Sociology of Health, Ageing and Wellbeing

Convener: Dr. Prabhakar S.
Email: iss12health20@gmail.com

Dr. Prabhakar S., the Convenor apprised that on 28th December 2023 after Lunch of day first
of the 48th AISC, the first technical session of RC-12 started at 4:00 PM in Room 312 in TT
building. First, the business meeting was conducted as per the schedule which was witnessed
by 37 RC members and voting process was carried out as per the laid down ISS rules and
regulations at 4:30 pm to elect all office bearers for the session of 2024 – 2025. Dr. Sudha

Khokhate took the responsibility to convene the session and finally declared the newly
elected members: Prof. Prabakar, RC-12 convener, Prof. Manushi Srivastava, Co-convener,
Dr. Pratibha Desai, Secretary, Dr. J. Balamurugan, Treasurer along with 3 executive
committee members - Prof. M. Akram, Prof. Alok Kumar and Prof. Tamilarasan. The
business meeting ended with a vote of thanks. Afterwards at 4:50 pm, the 1st technical
session started and a total of 8 papers were presented in this session. This session was
Chaired by Dr. V. B. Singh and Co-chaired by Dr. Ziya. The second day 29th December,
2023 of AISC started with breakfast which ended with an academic start-up of the 2nd
technical session at 9:00 am in 312 room no. of TT building. The session was chaired by
Prof. Kunta Ailaiah and co-chaired by Dr. J. Balamurugan and a total of 42 members
witnessed the session and 15 presenters presented their research papers. The meeting ended
with a vote of thanks to all.

On the second day (29th December 2023) of AISC, the third technical session was held at
3:45 to 5:00 pm in 32 room no. of TT building. The session was chaired by Prof. Manushi
Srivastava. A total of 13 research papers were presented on the broad theme of women’s
health. The session concluded with a vote of thanks. More than 30 participants attended the
session. The fourth technical session started at 9:00 am and ended at 11:00 am on the third
day (30th December 2023) with a vibrant discussion and deliberations. A total of 11 papers
were presented on the theme Sociology of Aging. The session was chaired by Dr. Sudha
Khokhate from Bangalore and co-chaired by Dr. Pratibha B. Desai, Kolaphur. 36 participants
attended the session and discussion was held. A total of 47 papers were presented in RC-12
during the 48th AISC conference and the final session ended with certificate distribution to
all the participants and a final vote of thanks was extended to all.

Report of RC-13: Science, Technology and Society

Convener: Prof. Manoj Jena
Email: iss13science20@gmail.com

Research Committee – 13 (Science, Technology and Society) successfully conducted four

vibrant academic sessions and one business meeting at the 48th All Indian Sociological
Conference at VIT, Vellore. The keynote was delivered by Prof Manoj Kumar Jena on future
technology and its challenges. Thirty papers were selected for presentation out of which
nineteen English and two Hindi papers were presented in the Conference. All papers were
quite interesting and addressed various contemporary issues like issues of science policy in
India, the impact of Chat GPT on education, cyberfeminism, Digital interface and changing

ISS E-Newsletter Volume 13, No.6
September to December 2023
social life, Technology and Organic farming, Cyborg and youth, Digital Self and identity,
Cyber Security, AI and changing economic activity, Mobile education, Bridging the digital
divide etc. The valedictory address was delivered by Prof. Vivek Kumar on Philosophy,
Science, and Sociology and chaired by Prof. R. Rajesh. The business meeting was held on the
30th of December, 2023 in which Prof Manoj Kumar Jena was unanimously elected as RC
Convener for a second term. Dr Seema Dutta and Dr Sudhir Srivastava were also
unanimously elected as Secretary and Joint Secretary of RC 13. It was also decided that RC
13 would organize a mid-term conference and start a newsletter soon.

Report RC 14: Globalization and Culture

Convener: Dr. Deepthi Shanker
Email – deepthis2020@gmail.com

RC 14, Globalization & Culture organized

four sessions on the occasion of the 48th
AISC – All India Sociological Conference.
Twelve papers were received and were
presented in three different sessions as per
the time allotted to the RC. In the fourth
session, a talk by a senior sociologist was
followed by a business meeting.
In the sessions, eleven interesting and
meaningful papers were presented by the
members on various themes related to
‘Globalization & Culture’. Sessions were
chaired by Prof. Shreepal Chauhan and Prof.
Sthabir Khora. The business meeting was held
on 30th December 2023 in the fourth session.
Dr. Deepthi Shanker, Associate Professor,
Ramaiah Institute of Management (MSRIM),
Bangalore; Dr. Shreepal Chauhan, Associate
Professor, Maharshi University, MP; Dr.
Preethi Tiwari, Research Associate, GREFI,
Ghaziabad; Dr. Sthabir Khora, Former
Professor, TISS, Mumbai were unanimously
elected as Convenor, Co-convenor and
executive members respectively. Prof. V.P.
Singh and Prof. Parvez Abbasi were
nominated as advisors.

Report of RC 15: Rural and Agrarian Studies

Convener: Prof. Ashutosh Vyas
Email: iss15transformation20@gmail.com

RC-15 received 52 papers and among them, 45 papers were presented in four technical
sessions during the 48th AISC. The I-Session was Chaired by Prof. Ashutosh Vyas from
Chittorgarh and co-chaired by Dr. Sampat Kale from Mumbai. In this session, 12 papers were
presented. II-Session was chaired by Prof. D.K. Singh from BHU, co-chaired by Dr. Vinita

ISS E-Newsletter Volume 13, No.6
September to December 2023
Lal from Lucknow, and 10 papers were presented in this session. III-session was chaired by
Prof. Anirban Banerjee from West Bengal and co-chaired by Vivek Kant, 12 papers were
presented in this session.
On 30th Dec, 2023 IV- Session was chaired by Prof. Bipul Gogai, from Assam, and co-
chaired by Dr. Nilesh Barot, from Gujarat. In this technical session, 11 papers were
presented. In all sessions, the presenters discussed themes related to rural transformation,
agrarian structure, and other associated studies.

A book titled, "Peasant Movements, Consumer Culture and Conservation of Natural

Resources" was released during the conference, containing all papers presented in the
sessions at 47th AISC Meghalaya. As a regular feature of RC-15 “Prof. Deb Kumar Banerjee
Memorial Lecture” was delivered by Prof. B.K. Nagla, Rohtak on Prof. Vinay Kumar
Sarkar's contribution on Sociology & Nation. He also pointed out the life sketch of Professor
Sarkar and his book "Positive Background of Hindu Socialism". This session was chaired by
Prof. Manish K. Verma from Lucknow.
In the business meeting, it was decided that the writer’s forum would develop the writing
skills of the members. In this meeting, Dr. Sampat Kale was elected as the next RC Convenor
for two Years.

Report of RC-16: Work, Labour and Organization

Convener: Prof. Pranjal Sarma
Email: iss16work20@gmail.com

RC-16: Work, Labour and Organisation received altogether 23 abstracts from all over India,
especially from Assam, West Bengal, Bihar, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Delhi,
Mumbai, Kerala, Kashmir, Uttar Pradesh, and Punjab for presentation during the 48th AISC,
Vellore. 19 papers were presented in different sessions and had fruitful outcomes through the
process of interactions and discussions. Topics related to different areas of Work, Labour,
and Organisation were discussed, as for instance, the Factories Act and the working pattern of
Factory Inspectors, the Effect of casual labour in industries, spontaneous Coal Fire and
impact on Workers in Coal Mines, Women workforce in the Beedi Industry, Child Labour,
Health Disparities of the Women Tea Workers, Role conflict among women professionals,
Labour code on wage Bill 2019, Migrant workers, Work Dynamics in unorganized sector,
Informal Zardozi Workers, prospects for Gig workers, Problems of sanitation, Role of
Service Providers in Tourism sectors and so on. In the 3rd session, further discussions were
done on some of the papers presented in the morning session on 29/12/2023. Intensive

ISS E-Newsletter Volume 13, No.6
September to December 2023
interactions were made on some papers like on labour code on wage bill 2019, lived
experience of migrant labourers’ in Kashmir, Migrant labour in Greater Noida, Reforms and
Future Prospects for Gig-Workers etc.

At the end of the business session, some names were proposed for the Advisory
Committee of RC-16 as well as financial matters of the RC-16 were discussed. The
Constituted members of the Advisory Committee of RC-16 are:
1) Prof. Biswambhar Panda, NEHU Shillong.
2) Prof. Smita Awachar (Rtd.), Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University,
3) Prof. Kulvinder Kaur, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi.

Report of RC 17: Sociology of Movement

Convener: Dr. Rohit Jain
Email: iss17movements20@gmail.com

Session I of RC 17 was devoted to the A

R Desai Memorial Lecture. Prof Shruti
Tambe delivered the 11th A R Desai
Memorial Lecture. She spoke about
‘Decolonization Turn in Movement
Studies.’ Prof. D R Sahu chaired the
session. A total of 10 papers were
presented in Sessions II and III. RC 17
received 16 abstracts out of which 13
were selected. Out of 13, 10 papers were
presented. Session II was chaired by
Rohit Jain and Session III was chaired by
Prof Gayatri Bhattacharya. The papers
covered different themes on Social Movements. In the Business meeting held on 29th
December 2023 at 5.00 pm, the discussion was held on strengthening the RC and increasing
the membership. Prof Sahu was the election officer. After consulting and discussion with the
members present, a new RC 17 committee was formed and the new RC Convenor was
chosen. Prof. Shruti Tambe was
unanimously chosen as the new RC 17
convener. The co-convenors chosen were
Dr. Ajay Kumar and Dr. Meghana Arora.
The other executive members chosen
were Ms. Aditi Sinha, Ms. Debbani
Bhattacharya, Mr. Purushottam
Chandekar, Ms. Shipra Das, Dr. Pranay
Tiwari and Dr. Sampat Kale. An advisory
committee was also constituted
comprising of Prof. D.R. Sahu, Prof.
Biswajeet Ghosh, Prof. Debal Singha
Roy, and Dr. Rohit Jain.

ISS E-Newsletter Volume 13, No.6
September to December 2023
Report of RC 18: Social Demography
Convenor- Prof. Sandip Chaudhari
Email: iss18demography20@gmail.com

The membership of the RC has increased from 6 to 42 with 36 new members. 30 members
had submitted abstracts for the annual conference. The paper presentations were carried out
in four technical sessions on different sub-themes of social demography.

1. Population, Community Health, and Reproductive Health

2. Population Dynamics: Trends and Issues.
3. Population and Human Development Issues.
4. Population policy, education, and social media.
The papers focused on various dimensions
of social demography, with diversified
regional aspects. Senior sociologists from
different parts of the country chaired the
sessions. An advisory committee of three
senior sociologists, namely Prof. R.
Indira, and Prof. B. K. Nagla, and Prof.
Vinod Chandra, have been constituted.
The new executive body was elected
unanimously for the years 2024–25. The
convener is Prof. Naresh Kumar (Gujarat
Central University). Co-convener: Prof.
Chandrika K. B. (Rani Chennamma University,
Belgavi), and Treasurer: Dr. Pratibha Desai
(Shivaji University, Kolhapur). Members: Dr.
D. Ramarao (Andhra University), Dr. Rajani
Wadhai (Gondwana University), and Dr.
Balasaheb Shendge (Chhatrapati Sambhaji
Nagar). There is a plan to organize an
international conference in collaboration with
RC 41 of ISA.

Report of RC 19: Urban Studies

Convener - Dr. Manoj Kumar Teotia
Email: iss19urban20@gmail.com

Mid-Term Conference was organized in collaboration with RC-19, RC-11 & RC-21 of ISS,
Indian Sociological Society, ISS-National Council of Regional Associations, and Working
Group-5 of the International Sociological Association at Darlaghat, Solan, Himachal Pradesh
with the title Third SSHP International Conference (Hybrid), Darlaghat, Solan on:
‘Development in Mountains: Issues, Challenges and Solutions’ on December 11-12, 2013.
RC 19 Coordinated Virtual cum Physical Symposium on Contemporary Urban Issues in the
Context of Mountain Regions. Eminent Speakers included were: Prof. Debal K Singharoy,
Dr. Kulwant Singh, Prof. Ranvinder S Sandhu, Prof. R S Ghuman, Dr. B S Sekhon, Dr.

ISS E-Newsletter Volume 13, No.6
September to December 2023
Sumant Swain, Prof. Shruti Tambe, Prof. NK More, Tikender Panwar, Prof. Sanjeev
Chaddha, Mr. Shantanu Padhj and Dr. Manoj Kumar Teotia.
It was attended by a large number of
academicians, teachers, research
scholars, and students. The
symposium was chaired by Prof.
Debal K SinghRoy and Prof. S K

In the 48th All India Sociological

Conference, VIT, Vellore, 28-30
December 2023, RC 19 received 25
papers. It organized three technical
sessions, three plenaries (6 lectures)
and inaugural (4 lectures) and
valedictory sessions (5 lectures). In total 25 presentations were made including 10 papers by
young students and faculty and 15 lectures by senior and eminent sociologists. Prof. SL
Sharma, Prof. Debal SinghaRoy,
Prof Vidyut Joshi, Prof. Gurusami,
Prof. Abha Chauhan, Prof.
Maitrayee Chaudhuri, Prof. D.R.
Sahu, Prof. Rajesh Gill, Prof.
Balaji Kendre, Prof Shruti Tambe,
Prof. B B. Mohanty, Prof Pirzada
and Prof. RK Mohanty and some
other eminent professors gave
A business meeting of the RC-19
was held on 30th December 2023.
Manoj Kumar Teotia was
unanimously re-elected as its
Convenor for the next term. The members also elected a Secretary: Mr. Shankar Jyoti Saikia
as Co-convener. Dr. Priyanka Sonkar was elected as Treasurer and Professor M
Thamilarasan, Dr. Devender Pal Singh Tomar, Dr. Jagdish Mehta, Dr. Mritunjay Kumar
Yadavendu, and Dr Sreya Sen as Members of the Executive Board. An Editorial Team was
also elected to bring out a publication.

Report of RC-20: Media Studies

Convenor: Dr. Kali Nath Jha
Email: iss20media20@gmail.com

RC-20 received twenty-eight abstracts in AISC out of which twenty-two abstracts were
presented on different issues and aspects of media and mass communication. The sessions
were chaired and co-chaired by Prof. Dhananjay K. Sontakke, Prof. Partha Sarkar, Dr. Bidu
Bhushan Das, Dr. Jitendra Ram, Dr. Tanya Mohanty, Dr. Kali Nath Jha and Dr. G S
Purushottama. The rapporteurs were Amarmani Tripathi, Himanshu Goel and Shrotriya Dash.
During sessions, special lectures were delivered by Prof. R. Indira, Prof. Maittreyi
Choudhary, Prof. Manish K. Verma, Prof. Shweta Prasad, Prof. Anant Giri, Prof. Soumyajit
Patra, and Prof. Pradeep K. Meshram.

ISS E-Newsletter Volume 13, No.6
September to December 2023

During the business session, an Executive Committee consisting of five members and an
Advisory Committee consisting of three members- Prof. Manish K. Verma, Prof. Manoj
Kumar, and Prof. Dhananjay K.
Sontakke was constituted
unanimously. The RC-20 also
unanimously nominated Prof. P.K.
Choudhary as Co-Convenor and
Shrotriya Dash as Secretary of the
RC for the next one year. RC-20
proposed best wishes for outgoing
President Prof. Abha Chauhan and
Secretary Prof. Manish K. Verma
and welcomed newly elected
President Prof. Maitrayee Chaudhuri
and Secretary Prof. Shweta Prasad.

Report RC 22: Conflict and Violence Studies

Convenor: Prof. Sanjay Kolekar
Email: iss22conflict20@gmail.com

In the 48th All India Sociological Conference 2023, a total of 21 papers were received for the
presentation.14 participants presented their papers. In the first session of RC 22, Prof
Arvinder Ansari delivered a guest lecture on
‘Sociological perspectives on the Epidemiology
of Violence’. The session was chaired by Prof.
Jagan Karade. The paper presented in the RC
22 reflected on very diverse issues such as
gender violence, linguistic conflict, democratic
conflicts, gender inequality and issues of
identity, pandemic and violence, migration and
issues of conflict, domestic violence, cultural
hegemony and conflict, ethnic conflict, and violence; and educational inequality and issues of
conflict. Prof. Ramesh Mangalekar, Prof.
Smita Awachar, Prof. Antony Palackal, and
Prof. Ajailiu Niumai chaired the RC sessions
and gave valuable remarks. The business
meeting of the RC 22 was held on 29th
December and Prof. Arvinder Ansari was
elected as the Convenor unanimously by all
members for the next two years. It is proposed
to organise seminars, and lecture series in
coming years.

ISS E-Newsletter Volume 13, No.6
September to December 2023

Report of RC-23: Sociology of Law, Crime and Deviance

Convener: Prof. R.K. Mohanty
Email: iss23crime20@gmail.com

Research Committee 23, Sociology of Law, Crime, and Deviance, organized four sessions
during the All India sociological Conference. Prof. Rabindra K. Mohanty served as the
Convenor, and Prof. Ramesh H. Makwana, Member MC and as the Co-convenor. The
sessions included the inaugural session, technical sessions I and II, and the valedictory
session. The themes of technical sessions I and II were Crime against Women and Children
and Contemporary Research Trends respectively. The detailed report for each session is
presented below.

Session I

The inaugural session was held on 28th December 2023 (5:30 pm to 7:00 pm). The session
was chaired by Prof. Sunil Dhull from Kurukshetra University. It started with the inaugural
address by the RC Convener Prof. Mohanty, followed by three core lectures. Prof. Mohanty
delivered a lecture on the "Victimology of Witch-hunting Cases in the context of Mayurbhanj
District, Odisha. Prof. Makwana from Sardar Patel University explored "Crime and
Deviance: Lensing through Sociological Theories," and Prof. Mamta Patel from Dr.
Harisingh Gour University spoke on "Temples in India: Security Management and

Session II: Technical Session

The Session on 'Crime against Women and Children' convened in session II on December 29,
2023, scheduled from 9:00 am to 11:00 am. Professor Mohanty, the Convener, presided over
the session, joined by Professors Makwana, Mamta Patel, and Sunil Kumar. The platform
witnessed a presentation of a total of 6 papers during the allocated time frame. The
presentation was followed by an interaction session which included question-answer and
comments by the chair as well as senior professors.

Session III: Technical Session

The third session on Contemporary Research Trends was held on 29 th December 2023
(4:30pm to 5:30 pm). The session was chaired by Prof. Mamta Patel. Six papers were
presented in this session. At the end, the chair, Prof. Patel made her comments on all the
papers. She gave suggestions to the presenters for improvements and Abhishek R. offered the
vote of thanks.

Session IV: Valedictory Session

The session started at 9.00 am. Prof. Makwana was invited as the Session Chair by Prof.
Mohanty. Prof. Makwana said that the RC is increasing day by day. Young scholars should
have a vision to strengthen the RC.

At last, the business meeting of the RC was conducted, chaired by Prof. Makwana, Member
MC, ISS and advisor to RC 23. It was unanimously decided that:

ISS E-Newsletter Volume 13, No.6
September to December 2023
a) Prof. R.K. Mohanty will act as the convener for 2024-2025.

b) A mid-term seminar will be held in May 2024 and a book will be published in the
coming year as outcome. A proposal will be submitted to ISS for funds from RC 23
contribution to supplement the seminal expenditure.

c) A Newsletter will be published in the coming year.

Report of RC-24: Sociology of Childhood and Youth

Convener: Dr. Subhasis Bandyopadhyay
Email: iss24youth20@gmail.com

The executive committee of RC-24 has virtually become inoperative over the last six months,
making it practically impossible to initiate any meaningful academic work; in the meantime,
however, the extension work to educate street children by IIEST, Shibpur student volunteers
continues unhindered. At present 45 children between 8 and 15 years are being taught
English, Computer, and Mathematics by 20 odd volunteers from the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th year
B.Tech program.
We are now actively engaged with Orient Black Swan to publish an edited volume on the
collection of papers presented in RC-24 sessions in Lucknow and at the 48th All India
Sociological Conference, VIT, Vellore. We expect to clinch it within a month. The tenure of
the present Convenor expires in this Conference, which is likely to provide a fresh
opportunity to revamp the structure and function of the RC suitably.

Report of RC -25: Sociology of Sports

Convener: Dr. Ravi Prakash
Email: iss25sports20@gmail.com

In RC-25, Sociology of Sports, a total of 24 abstracts were received from its members on
various topics dealing with diversified aspects of sports. Twenty-three papers were presented
in three RC sessions which were held 28 and 29th December -2023. Papers from various
presenters from the states of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, J&K,
Karnataka, Tamilnadu, Jharkhand, Punjab, and Uttarakhand were presented. The sessions
were chaired by Dr. Sanjay Joshi, Dr Ravi Prakash, and Dr Sanjay Tiwary. The co-chairs

ISS E-Newsletter Volume 13, No.6
September to December 2023
were Dr. Vasudev Singh Jadon, Dr. Rakesh Kumar Tiwari, and Dr. Kumar Rajeev Ranjan.
A business meeting was held. The present convener Dr. Ravi Prakash has completed two
terms as the convener and so elections were held. Dr. Sanjay Tewari was elected as the new
Convenor for the RC 25 for the term 2024 -25. The house decided to come out with an edited
book containing papers presented in RC-25 sessions of the 48th AISC. The RC 25 has
currently 53 members and the house was of the view that an online /offline conference
webinar must be held sometime in March - April 2024.

Report of RC-26: Minority Studies

Convener: Dr. Imtiaz Ahmad Ansari
Email: iss26minority20@gmail.com

Research Committee on Minority Studies (RC-26) has approximately 40 members, the

majority of whom are life members of
ISS. For the 48th AISC, organized by
Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT),
from 28-30 December 2023, RC-26
received a total of 17 abstracts. The
screening committee approved all the
17 abstracts for presentation in the
48th AISC.
All the papers were divided
thematically into 4 technical sessions.
The first technical session (28th
December), was titled “Minorities
within Minorities: Dynamics of
Marginal Identities”, in which three
papers were presented. The session
was chaired by Dr. Saheed Meo, from the Department of Sociology, MANUU. The second
technical session (29th December) was on the theme of “Stratification, Exclusion and
Mobility: Minorities in Contemporary India”, in which four papers were presented and it was
chaired by Dr. Imtiaz Ahmad Ansari, from the Department of Sociology, Jamia Millia
RC-26 also organized an invited lecture on 29th December. The lecture was delivered by Prof.
Vivek Kumar, CSSS, JNU. The topic of his lecture was “Prof. Imtiaz Ahmad: A Plea for
Comprehensive Sociology of India”. The
session was chaired by Prof. Arvinder A.
Ansari, Department of Sociology, Jamia Millia
Islamia. In the third session (29th December),
three papers were presented and it was chaired
by Dr. K. M. Ziyauddin, Department of
Sociology, MANUU. The theme of the session
was “Democratic Rights and Dissenting
Voices: Debating Difference”. The business
meeting of RC-26 was held on 29th December.
In the meeting, an election for the next RC
Convenor was held. Members present
unanimously elected the current convener, Dr.
Imtiaz Ahmad Ansari, for one more term. In

ISS E-Newsletter Volume 13, No.6
September to December 2023
the business meeting, a discussion was also held about future activities of the RC. In the
fourth session (30th December), four papers were presented and it was chaired by Prof. T. B.
Singh, Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapith, Varanasi. The theme of the session was “Multiple
Marginalities: Education, Health and Livelihood”.

Forthcoming Events: The following activities have been proposed by RC-26:

1. RC-26 will be organizing a national conference focusing on the sociological

contributions of Prof. Imtiaz Ahmad. Prof. Imtiaz Ahmad, who expired on 19th June
2023, mainly contributed in developing the sociology of Muslims in the South Asian
context. The conference is scheduled to be held in the month of April 2024 in Delhi.

2. RC-26 will be organizing a national mid-term conference, in collaboration with the

Department of Sociology, Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapith, Varanasi (UP). The
theme (tentative) of the conference is Democracy, Development, and Discontent:
Understanding Lived Experiences of Youth in Minority Communities in India. It is
scheduled to be organized in the month of May 2024.

Report of RC-27: Sociology of Care

Convener: Prof. Soumyajit Patra
Email: iss27care20@gmail.com

At the outset, Prof. Soumyajit Patra, Convenor, delivered the welcome address and described
the importance of the theme of the RC (Sociology of Care). In the 48th AISC RC-27
organized two Plenary Sessions. Plenary Session I was held on 28-12-2023 in the First RC
Session and it was Chaired by Prof. Manish K. Verma, Secretary, ISS. Prof. R. Indira and
Prof. B. K. Nagla delivered the plenary speech. Dr. Kali Nath Jha, Convener of RC-20 acted
as the Moderator of the Session. The Second Plenary Session was Chaired by Prof. Shweta
Prasad of BHU. Prof. Debal K. SinghaRoy, Prof. Jagan Karade and Prof. Dipti Ranjan Sahu
delivered the plenary lectures in this session. Dr. Sangram Gunjal of Aurangabad University
acted as the Moderator of this session.
Besides this, RC-27 organized three special lectures. Prof. Ajailiu Niumai (UoH), Prof.
Ananta Kumar Giri (MIDS) and Prof. Nilika Mehrotra (JNU) delivered the special lectures in
RC Session III and IV respectively. This year we received 12 papers from different parts of
our country. We organized two Technical Sessions for them. These Technical Sessions were
Chaired by Prof. S A H Moinuddin (WB) and Prof. Tattwamasi Paltasingh (Odisha). Dr
Sourav Madhur Dey acted as the co-chair in these Technical Sessions. RC 27 is planning to
organize a Post-AISC Webinar soon. The Business Meeting was held on 29-12-23 and the
members unanimously decided to reelect the Convenor for another term of two years.

Report of RC-28: Sociology of Everyday Life

Convener: Prof. Sanjay Roy
Email: iss28everydaylife20@gmail.com

National Seminar in collaboration with the National Institute of Education and Research,
Bhubaneswar: RC 28, ‘Sociology of Everyday Life’, collaboratively organised a National
Conference on Science in Everyday Life with NISER Bhubaneswar on 24th and 25th March
2023. The conference witnessed critical ruminations around themes such as Nano-Science,

ISS E-Newsletter Volume 13, No.6
September to December 2023

Digital Divide, Hygiene, language technology, Ayurveda, COVID-19 and scientific literacy,
clinical trials, climate change, etc. Experts from the field of sociology of science and
everyday life who participated in the National Conference include Prof. E. Haribabu,
formerly with Hyderabad University, Dr. Ambika Prasad Nanda, Head, CSR, Tata Steel,
Prof. Abhijit Mitra, formerly with Burdwan University, Prof Amites Mukhopadhyay and
Prof. Dalia Chakraborty from Jadavpur University, Prof. Nagaraju Gundimeda from
Hyderabad University and Prof. Subhasis Sahoo from Allahabad University. Prof. Pranay
Swain, the Joint Convener of the RC 28 acted as the seminar director, and Prof. Sanjay K.
Roy, the Convener of the RC 28 delivered the introductory lecture and presented a paper.

International Seminar in collaboration with Cluny Women’s College, Kalimpong, West

Bengal: The RC organised a two-day international seminar on “Inequalities, Othering and
Violence in Everyday Life” in a mixed mode in collaboration with Cluny Women’s College,
Kalimpong, West Bengal, on 23-24 November 2023. Prof. Prasanta K. Ray delivered the
keynote address and Prof. Sanjay K. Roy delivered valedictory addresses. Among the
prominent scholars who spoke on occasion are (1) Prof. Salma Akter of Dhaka University,
(2) Prof. Amites Mukhopadhyay of Jadavpur University, (3) Prof. Pranay Swain of NISER,
Bhubaneswar, (4) Prof. Ritu Sen Chaudhury of West Bengal State University and (5) Prof.
Anjan Chakraborty, Director, HRDC, North Bengal University. More than 30 scholars
presented papers in the seminar. Dr. Sr. Pushpa Michael, the college principal, was the
seminar chief patron.

Online Seminar Programme:

As a part of its online monthly seminar programme, the RC organised two online talks on (1)
“The Place of Pain in Everyday” by Dr. Sohini Saha, and (2) “Living Sociology” by Prof.
Sanjay K. Roy on 2nd December 2023.
Proceedings of the RC Business meeting held at VIT during the 48th AISC Conference. In
the business meeting held on 30 December 2023, the following resolutions were taken:
1. The activities report of the RC for 2023 as outlined above was approved.
2. The statement of accounts showing a reserve fund of Rs. 58,958 in the RC Bank A/C on 30
December 2023 was approved.
3. The executive committee and the advisory committee of the RC for the year 2024-2025
were constituted unanimously as follows:

Convenor: Prof. Sanjay Roy, Department of Sociology, North Bengal University. Ph.
9609486579; Email: sanroy0015@gmail.com

Co-Convenor: Prof. Pranay Swain, NISER, Bhubaneswar. Email: pranay@niser.ac.in

Secretary: Dr. Suraj Beri, Nagaland Central University; Email: criticalsun@gmail.com

Treasurer: Dr. Pinaki Roy, Govt. General Degree College, Mangalkote College, West Bengal.
Email: pinakiroy88@gmail.com

Advisory Committee
1. Prof. Abhijit Mitra
2. Prof. Amites Mukhopadhyay
3. Prof. Rukmini Sen

ISS E-Newsletter Volume 13, No.6
September to December 2023
Report of Ad-Hoc Group- 01: Digital Sociology
Convener: Prof. Abdul Matin
Email: digitalsociology2022@gmail.com

Convenor: Prof. Abdul Matin, Convener, Adhoc Group- 01, Digital Sociology submitted the
report as follows:

Duration of the Adhoc Group: 1 year

Members: 45
1. Technical sessions at the Mid-Term ISS International Conference: Adhoc Group-01:
Digital Sociology has conducted two technical sessions at the Mid-Term ISS International
Conference on the theme “Sociology of and In Regions: Pedagogy, Practices and
Possibilities”, organized by the Department of Sociology, University of Lucknow, Indian
Sociological Society, New Delhi, EFCS & GIDS on 28-30 April 2023.
2. It has organized a Lecture series in 2023. Under this lecture series, three lectures were
3. A collaboration was initiated with the IEEE Task Force in Gamification Research and
Education, Latin America and TG 10 Digital Sociology, International Sociological
4. International Conference on the theme “Digitalization, New Media and Video Game
Culture” was organized by Department of Economics, Maulana Azad National Urdu
University, Hyderabad & Adhoc Group-01: Digital Sociology, Indian Sociological Society in
Collaboration with IEEE Task Force in Gamification Research and Education, Latin
America, TG-10 Digital Sociology, International Sociological Association & FLAIR, New
Delhi at MANUU campus on 7-8 December 2023. It was participated by delegates and
participants from Colombia, Chile, Mexico, Argentina and different parts of India. Total 55
papers were presented in 5 technical sessions.
5. Digital Sociology is going to conduct technical sessions at the 48th All India Sociological
Conference to be held in VIT, Vellore on 28th, 29th, and 30th December, 2023. It has
accepted a total of 26 papers for presentation.
Upcoming Plan of activities: Publications of an Edited book and Journal Special Issue,
Organizing Conference and Workshop, Collaboration for projects and Outreach Activities.

Report of Ad-Hoc Group- 02: Sociology of Sanitation

Convenor: Prof. Jagan Karade
Email: jagankarade@gmail.com

The Convenor Prof. Jagan Karade informed that the Adhoc Group-2 on the 'Sociology of
Sanitation' was established by Prof. Jagan Karade during the All-India Sociological
Conference of the Indian Sociological Society at VIT, Vellore, Tamil Nadu. Dr. Bindeshwar
Pathak, the founder of Sulabh International Foundation, played a pivotal role in shaping the
ideology of the Sociology of Sanitation. The primary aim of the Sociology of Sanitation is to
scientifically study and address societal issues related to sanitation, social deprivation, water,
public health, hygiene, ecology, environment, poverty, gender equality, children's welfare,
and empowerment for sustainable development. The approach emphasizes the attainment of
philosophical and spiritual knowledge to foster a happy life and contribute positively to the
lives of others.

ISS E-Newsletter Volume 13, No.6
September to December 2023
The Adhoc Group-2 was officially confirmed on December 27, 2023. The Adhoc Group
started on the first day with an inaugural program featuring former President of the Indian
Sociological Society Prof. Anand Kumar as the chief guest and well-known author Prof. B.
K. Nagla spoke on the 'Significance of Sociology of Sanitation.' Prof. Jagan Karade, the
Convenor, welcomed the guests. The afternoon second session was held with five paper
presentations chaired by Dr. Narayan Chaudhari. The topics covered various aspects of the
sociology of sanitation, contributing to the scientific understanding of the issues. The second
day featured a special lecture titled 'Sanitation: Problems and Prospects' with Prof. Arvind
Haldankar as the chairperson and Prof. S. Gurusamy as the speaker. Following the special
lecture, the next session was a plenary session titled 'Road-map for Sociology of Sanitation'.
Prof. Ramesh Makwana was the speaker, and the session was led by Prof. Balaji Kendre and
Dr. Sudha Kokhate. Adhoc group -2 continued with an afternoon session consisting of six
paper presentations, chaired by Prof. Ramesh Mangalekar, and convened by Prof. Jagan
Karade. A total of 11 papers presented during the Adhoc group 2 addressed crucial themes,
including gender and sanitation, the necessity for sanitation programs, sanitation challenges
in rural India, and sanitation issues in tribal societies.

The Adhoc Group- 2 successfully achieved its objectives by providing a platform for scholars
and experts to discuss and present research on the sociology of sanitation. The themes
covered in the papers contribute to the ongoing efforts to address societal challenges related
to sanitation and its broader implications. The impact of the conference extends beyond the
academic realm, as the knowledge shared and discussed has the potential to shape policies
and practices concerning sanitation in India. The Adhoc Group - 2 has played a vital role in
fostering awareness and scholarly engagement in the field of Sociology of Sanitation.

Lifetime Achievement Award 2023

Prof. Chandrashekhar Bhat (Central University Hyderabad, Hyderabad)

ISS E-Newsletter Volume 13, No.6
September to December 2023

Prof. Prof. Virginius Xaxa (Delhi School of Economics, Delhi)

Prof. M.N. Srinivas Memorial Prize 2023

1. Dr. Lekha N.B., Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, S.N. College,

Chempazhanthy, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala

2. Dr. Aleena Sebastian, Assistant Professor, National Institute of Advanced Studies,

Bangalore, Karnataka.

Revised Membership Fee (Effective from financial year 2024)

Sr. Membership Type Current Fees (Rs.) Proposed
No. Fees (Rs.)
1. Student Membership 300/- 500/-
2. Ordinary Membership 600/- 1000/-
3. Life Membership 5000/- 6000/-
4. Regional Association (for 3 years) 600/- 1000/-

1. Life Member (Foreign) $125 (South Asian) $250 (European Union)
2. Ordinary Member (Foreign) $20 (South Asia) $30 (European Union)
3. Student Member (Foreign) $15 (South Asia) $25 (European Union)

ISS E-Newsletter Volume 13, No.6
September to December 2023


National Co-ordinator NCRAs: Prof. R. Indira
National Co-coordinator, NCRAs: Prof. Antony Palackal

The National Council of Regional Associations (NCRAs) has been established with the
Regional Associations affiliated with the ISS. The Council aims to bolster and enhance the
discipline of Sociology by concentrating on region-specific knowledge generation and
dissemination. An online meeting for the formation of the NCRAs took place on May 27 th
2023, chaired by President Prof. Abha Chauhan. Attendees included Secretary Prof. Manish
K. Verma, Prof. Shweta Prasad (the Convener representing the Managing Committee of the
ISS), a few MC Members, and various Regional Association office bearers. During the
meeting, Prof. R. Indira from Mysuru, and Prof. Antony Palackal from Thiruvananthapuram
were nominated as the National Coordinator, and the National Co-Coordinator respectively.
An Executive Committee was also formed to develop the structure, rules, objectives, and
activities, as well as guidelines for the functioning of the Council.

Later in the online meeting held on September 9th 2023, the draft of the structure, rules,
objectives and activities, as well as the guidelines for the functioning of the Council prepared
by the Executive Council was discussed and decided to take it forward to the Managing
Committee of the Indian Sociological Society for further action. At the meeting of the
NCRAs held at VIT, Vellore on December 29, 2024, the second day of the 48th AISC, the
President Prof. Abha Chauhan informed the members about the formation of the National
Council of Regional Associations and the approval of the rules governing the structure and
functions of the NCRA by the Managing Committee (27th December 2023) of the ISS and the
General Body (29th December 2023) at their meetings held at Vellore. The following major
decisions were taken at this meeting:
1. To identify different regions in the country and nominate one member of the NCRA
to coordinate and monitor the activities of the Regional Associations in each of these regions.
2. To create a WhatsApp group for NCRA.
3. To meet at regular intervals to share information on the activities of the NCRA,
review the activities of the NCRA, and also to maintain a regular channel of communication
with the ISS office and office bearers for information sharing.
4. To explore possibilities of organizing Inter-Regional Association academic events.

After detailed discussions, the following regions were identified for decentralizing the
NCRA activities, and a coordinator for each of these regions was also nominated:

1. Northwest (Jammu & Kashmir, Ladakh, Punjab, Chandigarh, Himachal Pradesh,

Haryana)- Dr. Bhup Singh Gaur
2. Northeast (Manipur, Mizoram, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Nagaland,
Tripura and Sikkim) - Prof. Chandan Sharma
3. North (Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Delhi) - Dr. T.B. Singh
4. Central (Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh) - Dr. Preeti Sharma
5. East (West Bengal, Odisha, Bihar, Jharkhand) - Dr. Niranjan Singh
6. West (Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa, Dadar & Nagar Haveli/ Daman & Diu) -
Dr. Dhananjay
7. South (Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, Lakshadweep, A
& N Islands) - Prof. S. Gurusamy.

ISS E-Newsletter Volume 13, No.6
September to December 2023


Two-Day National Seminar on National Education Policy 2020, Sustainable

Development Goals, and Nation-Building

The Two-Day National Seminar was

organized by the Department of
Sociology, Babasaheb Bhimrao
Ambedkar University, Lucknow,
providing a comprehensive
exploration on "National Education
Policy 2020, Sustainable
Development Goals and Nation
Building: Perspectives, Issues,
Concerns & Challenges" held on
November 3-4, 2023. The
organizing secretary of the seminar
was Prof. Manish K. Verma, Dean,
Ambedkar School of Social Sciences (ASSS) & Secretary of the Indian Sociological Society
(ISS). It was a huge success, starting with the inaugural session in which the Chief Guest was
Prof. Sanjay Srivastava, Vice-Chancellor of MGCU, Motihari, and the Guest of Honor was
Mazhar Asif from JNU, New Delhi, who is also a member of the drafting committee of NEP.
The keynote address was given by
Professor N.V. Varghese, former
Vice-Chancellor of NIPA, New
Delhi, setting the tone for the
seminar and providing valuable
insights on NEP policy, SDGs, and
nation-building. It was a
resounding success, attracting more
than 600 delegates from diverse
regions of the country. The seminar
comprised rich programs, including
two symposiums and a Cultural

The valedictory address was

given by Professor Anand Kumar,
former Professor at JNU and former
President of the Indian Sociological
Society (ISS). The chief guest on
this occasion was Prof. I.S.
Chouhan, Former High
Commissioner, Delhi. It is pertinent
to note that Professor Anand
Kumar, an eminent sociologist and
Samajwadi, was facilitated by the
Department of Sociology. This

ISS E-Newsletter Volume 13, No.6
September to December 2023
momentous occasion took place in the presence of esteemed academicians and delegates from
various parts of the country. The Two-Day National Seminar successfully achieved its
objectives, bringing together scholars, and experts to deliberate on crucial issues regarding
the New Education Policy, sustainability, and the overarching goal of nation.

New Life Members Accepted by the LMI-5682 Kirti Bhadra Uttar Pradesh
Managing Committee (December 2023) Singh
LMI-5683 Ankur Panday Uttar
LMI NO. Pradesh
NAME STATE/UT LMI-5684 Moureen Kalita Assam
LMI-5658 Thomas Monteiro Haryana LMI-5685 Sreya Sen West
Uttar Bengal
LMI-5659 Anju Chaudhary
Pradesh LMI-5686 Shivani Tripathi Uttar
West Pradesh
LMI-5660 Moumita Das Bengal LMI-5687 Narendra Kumar Rajasthan
LMI-5661 Rajiv Ranjan Haryana
LMI-5688 Nishant Kumar Madhya
LMI-5662 Richa Agarwal Haryana
Dongre Pradesh
LMI-5663 Riya Gupta Haryana LMI-5689 Ananya Behera Odisha
LMI-5664 Indra Mohan Pant Uttarakhand LMI-5690 Basabadatta Jena Odisha
LMI-5665 Roluah Puia Uttarakhand LMI-5691 Jagdeep Singh Punjab
LMI-5666 Guinea Haryana LMI-5692 Narayan Shinde Maharashtra
LMI-5667 Hema Pal LMI-5693 Manish Prasad Bihar
LMI-5694 Deepali Jharkhand
LMI-5668 Umesh Kumar Jharkhand
Shobha Basavaraj
LMI-5669 Karnataka LMI-5695 Sitab Singh Uttar
LMI-5670 Abhishek Aryan Jharkhand LMI-5696 Priyasha Kaul New Delhi
LMI-5671 Telangana LMI-5697 Km Reetu Rani Uttar
LMI-5672 Bhagyavathi H. R Karnataka LMI-5698 Aniket Mandal Uttar
LMI-5673 Piyashi Dutta Delhi
Uttar LMI-5699
LMI-5674 Smriti Purwar Swati Malik Haryana
Pradesh LMI-5700 Pallavi Saikia Assam
LMI-5675 Kusum Lata LMI-5701 Satish N Puducherry
LMI-5702 Bijoy Das Assam
LMI-5703 Ananya Mishra Uttar
LMI-5676 Amrita Dwivedi Pradesh
LMI-5704 Vaishali Saikia Assam
LMI-5677 Indira Tamil Nadu LMI-5705 Nayanee Basu West
LMI-5678 Priyasha Kaul Delhi Bengal
LMI-5679 LMI-5706 Manish Kumar Bihar
Venkateswarlu Andhra
Vankayalapati Pradesh LMI-5707 Aditi Sinha Jharkhand
LMI-5680 Seema Joshi LMI-5708 Virendra Kumar Uttar
LMI-5681 Moumita Biswas West Pradesh
Bengal LMI-5709 Saravanan Tamil Nadu

ISS E-Newsletter Volume 13, No.6
September to December 2023
LMI-5710 Ilito H. Achumi Maharashtra Pradesh
LMI-5711 Jyoti Das Assam LMI-5743 Santosh Kumar Uttar
LMI-5712 Falendra Kumar Chhattisgar Singh Pradesh
h LMI-5744 Hrudanand Misra Gujarat
LMI-5713 Tls Bhaskar Karnataka LMI-5745 Shib Sankar Saha Chhattisgar
LMI-5714 Rajmee Mahanta Assam h
LMI-5715 Prity Kumari Jharkhand LMI-5746 Shivanand Karnataka
LMI-5716 Haseena Va Kerala Hiremath
Abdulkader LMI-5747 Jasleen Kewlani Punjab
LMI-5717 Shyam Sunder Rajasthan LMI-5748 Sanjana Hazarika Assam
Jyani LMI-5749 Sneh Kumar Chhattisgar
LMI-5718 Shubham Mishra Uttar Meshram h
Pradesh LMI-5750 Ramsha Aveen New Delhi
LMI-5719 Vinod Kumar Uttar LMI-5751 Simran Uttar
Yadav Pradesh Pradesh
LMI-5720 Kamlesh Kumar Chandigarh LMI-5752 Ritesh Kumar Uttar
Sahu Pradesh
LMI-5721 Aniruddha Naik Telangana LMI-5753 Shashikumara Karnataka
LMI-5722 Mosammath West K.N
Rajina Bengal LMI-5754 Prasanna Kumari Karnataka
LMI-5723 Smriti Prasad Haryana K
LMI-5724 Kalyan Shankar Maharashtra LMI-5755 Aswino Gomango Odisha
Vudayagiri LMI-5756 Seram Bhogendra Manipur
LMI-5725 Manju Pandey Delhi Singh
LMI-5726 Samuel L Mizoram LMI-5757 Silveru Harinath Telangana
Chuaungo LMI-5758 Pulkeshi Jani Gujarat
LMI-5727 Benet Rajadurai J Tamilnadu LMI-5759 Megha Sidhpura Gujarat
LMI-5728 Twinkle Siwach Delhi LMI-5760 Chetana Desai Maharashtra
LMI-5729 Sneh Lata Uttar LMI-5761 Mousumi Assam
Pradesh Choudhury
LMI-5730 Yogendra Pratap Uttar LMI-5762 Nitin Bhupat Bhai Gujarat
Singh Pradesh Makvana
LMI-5731 Khevana Desai Maharashtra LMI-5763 Kubendran Tamilnadu
LMI-5732 Azeem Ahmed Delhi Ayyavoo
LMI-5733 Anilbhai Gujarat LMI-5764 Sharadambi Karnataka
Shiluhbai Govindaraju
Chaudhari LMI-5765 Rahul Kumar Bihar
LMI-5734 Bhimrao Dattu Maharashtra Maurya
Mote LMI-5766 Paul Mansingh J Tamil Nadu
LMI-5735 Vishal Upadhyay Maharashtra LMI-5767 Jahnvi Jha Delhi
LMI-5736 Dheeraj Pratap Uttar LMI-5768 Amrita Sen West
Mitra Pradesh Bengal
LMI-5737 Krushna Chetty Gujarat LMI-5769 Swati Dyahadroy Maharashtra
LMI-5738 Sufal Bepari West LMI-5770 Haomom Merina Manipur
Bengal Devi
LMI-5739 Jaffar Ali Khan Ladakh LMI-5771 Yurkhanthing Manipur
LMI-5740 Sarishti Joshi Chandigarh Shangchiri
LMI-5741 Bijit Das Assam LMI-5772 Rakesh Nambiar Maharashtra
LMI-5742 Amit Malik Uttar LMI-5773 Anurag Kumar Uttar

ISS E-Newsletter Volume 13, No.6
September to December 2023
Pradesh Pradesh
LMI-5774 Vanitha J Tamil Nadu LMI-5803 Manas Kumar Odisha
LMI-5775 Repakaba Tzudir Nagaland Malik
LMI-5776 Savitha BC Karnataka LMI-5804 Prabhakar Maharashtra
LMI-5777 Vikhoto Richa Nagaland Gaikwad
LMI-5778 Hemalatha Tamil Nadu LMI-5805 Serbum Ryan Manipur
Gunasekaran Chumshing
LMI-5779 Subashini Ss Tamil Nadu Moyon
LMI-5780 Suchismita Telangana LMI-5806 Priyanka Verma Uttar
Satpathy Pradesh
LMI-5781 Swetank Sharma Bihar LMI-5807 Avinash Bharti Uttar
LMI-5782 Ananya Bihar Pradesh
Rajlakshmi LMI-5808 Ashka Raj Uttar
LMI-5783 Anil Gadekar Maharashtra Pradesh
LMI-5784 Pooja Yadav Uttar LMI-5809 Amrita Pathak Chhattisgar
Pradesh h
LMI-5785 Seema Anand Uttar LMI-5810 Mohamed Fazil Telangana
Pradesh LMI-5811 Vanchna Singh Madhya
LMI-5786 Srinivasa K V Karnataka Parihar Pradesh
LMI-5787 Prachodhay V Andhra LMI-5812 Vandana Uttarakhand
Pradesh Dangwal
LMI-5788 Zujanbeni M Nagaland LMI-5813 Devaraj Delhi
Lotha Balappagari
LMI-5789 Rianka Roy Connecticut LMI-5814 Hazrath Saheb Karnataka
LMI-5790 Sweety Yadav Uttar Nadaf
Pradesh LMI-5815 Lebia Gladis N P Kerala
LMI-5791 Vishav Jyoti Himachal LMI-5816 Priyanka Sonkar Uttar
Pradesh Pradesh
LMI-5792 Anita Misra Uttar LMI-5817 Aruna Kumari Uttar
Pradesh Pradesh
LMI-5793 Ashwani Umar Uttar LMI-5818 Suraj Kumar Bihar
Pradesh LMI-5819 S. Gayathri Devi Tamil Nadu
LMI-5794 Pragati Dubey Uttar LMI-5820 Bhavya Singh Uttar
Pradesh Pradesh
LMI-5795 Bhagawat Maharashtra LMI-5821 Swati Singh Uttar
Gajdhane Pradesh
LMI-5796 Parimala S Karnataka LMI-5822 Dhirendra Kumar Bihar
Hiremath LMI-5823 Rama Sharma Punjab
LMI-5797 Dnyaneshwar Maharashtra LMI-5824 Brajesh Kumar Bihar
Kashinath Singh
Bhamare LMI-5825 Bathalapalli Andhra
LMI-5798 Priya Ranjan Delhi Sesha Sathya Pradesh
LMI-5799 Amar Singh Uttar Ranga Rao
Pradesh LMI-5826 Hemlata Rajasthan
LMI-5800 Pragya Tripathi Uttar Mahawar
Pradesh LMI-5827 Hirenkumar R. Gujarat
LMI-5801 Vandana Joshi Uttar Chavda
Pradesh LMI-5828 Sulma Kumari Bihar
LMI-5802 Abhilasha Dohare Uttar LMI-5829 Anchal Srivastava Uttar

ISS E-Newsletter Volume 13, No.6
September to December 2023
Pradesh LMI-5863 Priyanka Borah Assam
LMI-5830 Priyanka Kumari Jharkhand LMI-5864 Mausumi Mishra Odisha
LMI-5831 Pragya Gautam Bihar LMI-5865 Nitin Khutel Delhi
LMI-5832 Kubendran C TAMIL LMI-5866 Elizabeth Kerala
NADU Abraham
LMI-5833 Aishna Verma Uttar LMI-5867 Diksha Sharma New Delhi
Pradesh LMI-5868 Gurvandana Delhi
LMI-5834 Kumari Nitu Bihar Gandhi
LMI-5835 Ruqqia Hashmi Karnataka LMI-5869 Mehernissa Tamil Nadu
LMI-5836 Dhavalkumar Gujarat Dewan
Makwana LMI-5870 Sangeeta Mobin Delhi
LMI-5837 Amrita Mohanty Odisha LMI-5871 Rajesh Maharashtra
LMI-5838 Pinky Kumari Jharkhand Harichandra
LMI-5839 Dileep Kumar Uttar Bhoite
Singh Pradesh LMI-5872 Ranjeet Jha Bihar
LMI-5840 Manjita Kulkarni Maharashtra LMI-5873 Karuna Kurien Tamil Nadu
LMI-5841 Niharika Arora Uttar LMI-5874 Amit Kumar Bihar
Pradesh LMI-5875 Dharmendra Madhya
LMI-5842 Mahadevan Tamil Nadu Suryavanshi Pradesh
Rajagopalan LMI-5876 Snehil Misra Uttar
LMI-5843 Kiran Beniwal Haryana Pradesh
LMI-5844 Satheesha N Karnataka LMI-5877 Reet Kohli Delhi
LMI-5845 Nikita Agarwalla Puducherry LMI-5878 Thimmanna Karnataka
LMI-5846 Awadhesh Tiwari Uttarakhand Anjanappa
LMI-5847 Prashant Kamble Maharashtra LMI-5879 Shambhavi Vijay Delhi
LMI-5848 Vijila C M Kerala LMI-5880 Vandana Vijay Delhi
LMI-5849 Andrew Michael Kerala LMI-5881 Priyanka Haryana
S Kushwah
LMI-5850 Dinabandhu Odisha LMI-5882 Isha Gupta Punjab
Sahoo LMI-5883 H.B Sedamkar S Karnataka
LMI-5851 Bhawana Sharma Delhi LMI-5884 Pitchaimani Tamil Nadu
Jha Govindharaj
LMI-5852 Jyoti Dahiya Haryana LMI-5885 Deepak Kumar Uttar
LMI-5853 Preeti Tiwari Uttar Pradesh
Pradesh LMI-5886 Anjali Jaipal Rajasthan
LMI-5854 Deepa Shirsat Maharashtra LMI-5887 Subodh Bihar
LMI-5855 Brijesh Verma Uttar Choudhary
Pradesh LMI-5888 Manisha Jha Delhi
LMI-5856 Mouneshwar Karnataka LMI-5889 Madhuja West
Badiger Bhattacharya Bengal
LMI-5857 Subhash Verma Uttar LMI-5890 Abhishek Vinkare Maharashtra
Pradesh LMI-5891 Mohmmad M.P
LMI-5858 Amit Rana Delhi Parwez
LMI-5859 Kavita Antil Delhi LMI-5892 Sharda Soni M.P.
LMI-5860 Hirendra Madhya LMI-5893 Nidhi Saroop Chandigarh
Sanodiya Pradesh LMI-5894 Sumresh Bihar
LMI-5861 Manjunath Karanataka LMI-5895 Ashish Kumar Delhi
Deshpande LMI-5896 Freda Tavares Goa
LMI-5862 Priya Kumari Bihar LMI-5897 Devadas Banjare Chhattisgar

ISS E-Newsletter Volume 13, No.6
September to December 2023
h LMI-5933 Dhananjay Uttarakhand
LMI-5898 Gopal Gangarde Maharashtra Sharma
LMI-5899 Subha Arumugam Tamil Nadu LMI-5934 Gargi Prajapati Haryana
LMI-5900 Prachi Uttar LMI-5935 Roopa Rathnam Karnataka
Pradesh LMI-5936 Lakshita Thakur Himachal
LMI-5901 Ekta Jakhar New Delhi Pradesh
LMI-5902 Gulab Pathan Maharashtra LMI-5937 Riya Das Odisha
LMI-5903 Terbi Loyi Maharashtra LMI-5938 Sudip Bhui West
LMI-5904 Gaurav Patil Maharashtra Bengal
LMI-5905 Rumina Pushkin Maharashtra LMI-5939 Arunoday Meghalaya
LMI-5906 Shweta Dwivedi Uttar Majumder
Pradesh LMI-5940 Sunita Tengse Maharashtra
LMI-5907 Roshan Kumar Bihar LMI-5941 Vinay Saharan Haryana
LMI-5908 Kuzhalvendan S Puducherry LMI-5942 Anupam Kumar UP
LMI-5909 Santhini Paul Kerala Singh
LMI- S Kalavathi Tamil Nadu LMI-5943 Jitendra Kumar Punjab
5910 Gond
LMI-5911 Prakash Kothale Maharashtra LMI-5944 Trilok Chandan Telangana
LMI-5912 Silpa G Nair Kerala Goud Kalali
LMI-5913 Parasram Maharashtra LMI-5945 Sanjeet Singh Uttar
Tukaram Chauhan Pradesh
Bachewad LMI-5946 Sajitha Kurup Kerala
LMI-5914 Zuvairiya A.M Tamil Nadu LMI-5947 Nilima Burh Odisha
LMI-5915 Chinmayee Odisha LMI-5948 Uttam Kumar Chhattisgar
Mishra Panda h
LMI-5916 Saptarshi Mitra Delhi LMI-5949 Jafar K Kerala
LMI-5917 Aparna G Kerala KUDUKKAN
LMI-5918 N Annavaram Telangana LMI-5950 Mekory Dodum Arunachal
LMI-5919 Subhash Kumar Gujarat Pradesh
LMI-5920 Siddhartha Kumar Uttar LMI-5951 Anirban Saha West
Pradesh Bengal
LMI-5921 Javeed Ahmad J&K LMI-5952 Datta Tangalwad Maharashtra
LMI-5922 Azhagesan S Tamilnadu LMI-5953 Anita Tomer Uttar
LMI-5923 Pruthvi Raj N Karnataka Pradesh
LMI-5924 Akhila Kerala LMI-5954 Vipin Gupta Delhi
Muraleedharan K LMI-5955 Lakhan Singh Madhya
LMI-5925 Rabia Sehrish Jammu Kushwaha Pradesh
LMI-5926 Arpit Chhapola Haryana LMI-5956 Rekha S Karnataka
LMI-5927 Jay Kiran U.P LMI-5957 Swagata Assam
LMI-5928 Shunami A West Chakraborty
Lepcha Bengal LMI-5958 Purabi Bhagawati Assam
LMI-5929 Madhusmita M.P LMI-5959 Manjunath Karnataka
Dungdung LMI-5960 Nabanita Baruah Assam
LMI-5930 Manish Kumar Uttar LMI-5961 Paro Mishra Delhi
Pradesh LMI-5962 Najamunnisa Karnataka
LMI-5931 Mahejabin Maharashtra Begum
Mhaishale LMI-5963 Mukesh Mohan Uttar
LMI-5932 Siddharth Maharashtra Pradesh
Nisargandhaa LMI-5964 Mahua Roy West

ISS E-Newsletter Volume 13, No.6
September to December 2023
Bengal LMI-5989 Priyanka Dwivedi Karnataka
LMI-5965 Arun Pandey Uttar LMI-5990 Joyeeta Banerjee West
Pradesh Bengal
LMI-5966 Sreeraj G Pai Kerala LMI- Arunesh Pratap Madhya
LMI-5967 Sanjay Pandey Uttar 5991 Singh Pradesh
Pradesh LMI-5992 Chandrashekhar Uttar
LMI-5968 Vasudha Katju Telangana Singh Pradesh
LMI-5969 Garima Rath Delhi LMI-5993 Yogesh Kumar Delhi
LMI-5970 Punam Bajaj Rajasthan LMI-5994 Arvind Sirohi Uttar
LMI-5971 Jayakumar T Tamil Nadu Pradesh
LMI-5972 Khrunuto Kezo Nagaland LMI-5995 Deepandra Uttar
LMI-5973 Gayatri Nair Delhi Pradesh
LMI-5974 Mushtaq Ahmad Jammu & LMI-5996 Sheetal Gahlaut Uttar
Kashmir Pradesh
LMI-5975 Sujata Senapati Odisha LMI-5997 Avinash Jharkhand
LMI-5976 Hemantha Gowda Karnataka LMI-5998 Tshering Bhutia Sikkim
TS LMI-5999 Sandesh KS Karnataka
LMI-5977 Garima Rathi Uttar LMI-6000 Priyanka Delhi
Pradesh Sachdeva
LMI-5978 Tarali Das Assam LMI-6001 Sarbeswar Sahoo Delhi
LMI-5979 Mr. Anil Haryana LMI-6002 Anuradha Khade Maharashtra
LMI-5980 Ankit Gautam Uttar LMI-6003 Anagha Tambe Maharashtra
Pradesh LMI-6004 Digantaraj Medhi Assam
LMI-5981 Amol Bhosale Maharashtra LMI-6005 Farha Naaz Uttarakhand
LMI-5982 Kavitha Tamilnadu LMI-6006 Agnivesh Pandey Uttar
V.R.Subramani Pradesh
LMI-5983 Tukaram Kolhe Maharashtra LMI-6007 Hina Kausar Delhi
LMI-5984 Rituraj Sharma Delhi LMI-6008 Ravi Kumar Delhi
LMI-5985 Syed Nadeem Delhi LMI-6009 Bhuwan Pandey Uttar
Fatmi Pradesh
LMI-5986 Akhilesh Kumar Uttar LMI-6010 Vivek Kalikotay West
Tripathy Pradesh Bengal
LMI-5987 Saroj Arya Uttar LMI-6011 Neha Singh Uttar
Pradesh Pradesh
LMI-5988 Rohit Patel Uttar LMI-6012 Naziya Bano Uttarakhand
Pradesh LMI-6013 Abhivyakti Vivek Delhi

Condolences 6. Dr. Santosh Khandare, Washim

1. Prof. M. N. Karna, Patna 7. Dr. Madhumita Bhattacharya,
2. Prof. Imtiaz Ahmed, Delhi Varanasi
3. Dr. Ramesh Ghode, Nagpur 8. Dr. Awadh Kishore Pandey, Varanasi
4. Dr. Mangalmurti Dhokte, 9. Dr. T. Rajendra, Tamilnadu
Solapur 10. Prof. S.M. Dube, Assam
5. Dr. Shiv Kant Mishra, Ayodhya 11. Prof. J.N. Singh, Varanasi

ISS E-Newsletter Volume 13, No.6
September to December 2023

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