Consultant (AHS)
Consultant (AHS)
Consultant (AHS)
Consultant (Allied Health Services) – Interim Commission for Allied and Healthcare Professions
National Health Systems Resource Centre (NHSRC), New Delhi on behalf of Secretariat of the Interim
Commission for Allied and Healthcare Professions, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare is seeking applications
from qualified candidates for the above-mentioned post purely on a contractual basis.
The National Commission for Allied and Healthcare Professionals Act, 2021 has recently been passed for the
purpose of regulation of standards of education and services by Allied and Healthcare Professionals in India. In
pursuance of the provisions of the same, the Interim Commission for Allied and Healthcare Professionals has
been constituted to carry on the functions till a regular National Commission is constituted. Qualified
professionals from various categories to be recruited to support the Secretariat of the Interim Commission.
Number of Positions: 03 (Three)
Reporting Officer: Secretary, Interim Commission for Allied and Healthcare Professions
Roles & Responsibilities:
Support the Commission in framing of policies and standards for the governance of allied and healthcare-
related education and professional services.
Support in activities of regulation of professional conduct, code of ethics, and etiquette to be observed by
the allied and healthcare professionals by or under NCAHP Act 2021-22.
Provide support in creating and maintaining an up-to-date online and live Central Register with details of
academic qualifications, institutions, training, skill and competencies of allied and healthcare
professionals related to their profession as specified in the Schedule.
Assist in the development of scope of practice of each profession keeping in view, inter alia, the need for
task shifting.
Assist in the formulation of basic standards related to multiple domains (education, course, curricula,
physical and instructional facilities, staff pattern, staff qualifications, quality instructions, assessment,
examination, training, research, continuing professional education, etc.) about allied health care.
Assist in deciding upon the allied and healthcare qualifications to be obtained by allied and healthcare
professionals as may be specified by regulations
Support in creation of a framework for uniform entry examination, counseling for admission into the
allied and healthcare institutions at the diploma, undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral level.
Support in conduct of exit or licensing examinations for allied and healthcare professionals for
professional practice or entrance into postgraduate or doctoral level.
Contribute to designing of a strategic framework for rational deployment of skilled manpower,
performance management systems, task shifting, and associated career development pathways for allied
and healthcare professionals
Contribute to designing of minimum standards framework for machinery, materials, and services.
Liaise at appropriate levels with State Allied and Healthcare Councils and Autonomous Boards,
Assessment and Rating Board, Ethics and Registration Board for ensuring compliance with the guidelines
Facilitate in the constitution of committees or engagement of independent technical experts related to any
of the professions under allied and healthcare professional category
Facilitate in the conduct of meetings of the Commission with multiple stakeholders, including National
Medical Commission and Homoeopathy Central Council.
Travel to states to provide technical assistance & ability to work on different assignments simultaneously
to meet tight timelines
Conduct periodic monitoring and review visits, systematic data collection, prepare reports, follow up with
Undertake such other functions as may be assigned from time to time.
Any other matters in respect of ICAHP.
Essential qualifications
At least 3 years of post-qualification experience in the field of Health and Hospital Management/ Health
Policy / Health Administration/ Public Health
Practical experience in any two of the following areas:
o Clinical
o Training
o Documentation
o Data analysis
o Research
Demonstrated ability to work in a multi-disciplinary team environment, taking initiative and delivering
quality inputs within strict timelines
Experience of working with senior government officials at central and state level
Capacity to effectively co-ordinate with the various divisions within MoHFW and States
Excellent analytical skills, oral and written communication and presentation skills in English, and
interpersonal abilities.
Age: Upper limit 40 years as on the last date of receiving application and sound health to undertake extensive
field visits.
Remuneration Range: Rs. 50,000/- per month.
Duration of Contract: Initial Contract till 31st December, 2023 (with further extension subject to satisfactory
Location: New Delhi with willingness to travel extensively to States
How to apply: Candidates are requested to fill the online application correctly which is available on the NHSRC
website ( Applications will be accepted in the prescribed online application format only.
Last date for receiving applications is 09-May-2023.
lanHkZ 'krsaZ
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lac) vkSj LokLF; lsok O;olk;ksa ds fy, varfje vk;ksx ds lfpoky;] LokLF; vkSj ifjokj dY;k.k ea=ky; dh vksj ls
jk"Vªh; LokLF; ç.kkyh lalkèku dsaæ¼,u,p,lvkjlh½] ubZ fnYyh] iwjh rjg ls vuqcaèk ds vkèkkj ij mi;qZDr in ds fy,
;ksX; mEehnokjksa ls vkosnu vkeaf=r djrk gSA
Hkkjr esa lac) vkSj LokLF; lsok is'ksojksa }kjk f'k{kk vkSj lsokvksa ds ekudksa ds fu;eu ds mís'; ls gky gh esa jk"Vªh;
lac) vkSj LokLF; ns[kHkky is'ksoj gsrq vk;ksx vfèkfu;e] 2021 ikfjr fd;k x;k gSAmlh ds çkoèkkuksa ds vuqlj.k esa]
fu;fer jk"Vªh; vk;ksx dk xBu gksus rd dk;Z djus ds fy, lac) vkSj LokLF; ns[kHkky is'ksojksa ds fy, varfje
vk;ksx dk xBu fd;k x;k gSA varfje vk;ksx ds lfpoky; dk leFkZu djus ds fy, fofHkUu Jsf.k;ksa ds ;ksX; is'ksojksa
dh HkrÊ dh tkuh gSA
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Hkwfedk,a vkSj ftEesnkfj;ka%
lac) vkSj LokLF; lsok lacafa/kr f'k{kk vkSj O;kolkf;d lsokvksa ds lapkyu ds fy, uhfr;ksa vkSj ekudksa dks
cukus esa vk;ksx dk leFkZu djukA
O;kolkf;d vkpj.k ds fofu;eu]uhfr lafgrk vkSj lac) vkSj LokLF; lsok O;kolkf;dksa }kjk ik, x, f'k"Vkpkj
;k ,ulh,,pih vf/kfu;e 2021&22 dh xfrfof/k;ksa esa leFkZu djukA
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vkSj LokLF; lsok O;kolkf;dksa dh {kerkvksa ds fooj.k ds lkFk v|ru vkWuykbu vkSj ykbo dsUnzh; jftLVj
dks cukus vkSj cuk, j[kus esa leFkZu nsukA
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lac) LokLF; lsok ds ckjs esa fofHkUUk dk;Z{ks=¼f'k{kk] ikB~;dze] v/;;u lwph] 'kkjhfjd vkSj vuqns'kkRed
lqfo/kk,a] LVkQ iSVuZ] LVkQ ;ksX;rk,a] xq.koRrk vuqns'k] fu/kkZj.k] ijh{kk] izf'k{k.k] vuqla/kku] O;kolkf;d f'k{kk
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fofu;eksa }kjk mfYyf[kr vuqlkj lac) vkSj LokLF; O;kolkf;dksa }kjk izkIr fd, tkus okys lac) vkSj LokLF;
lsok ;ksX;rkvksa dks r; djus esa lgk;rk djukA
leku izos'k ijh{kk ds fy, lajpuk cukus] fMIyksek] ijkLukrd] LukrdksRrj vkSj MkWDVjy Lrj ij lac) vkSj
LokLF;lsok laLFkkvksa esa izos'k ds fy, dkmaflfyax esa lgk;rk djukA
LukrdksRrj ;k MkWDVjy Lrj esa O;kolkf;d izSfDVl ;k izos'k ds fy, lac) vkSj LokLF; O;kolkf;dksa ds fy,
ykblsaflax ijh{kkvksa ds ,fDtV ds vk;kstu esa lgk;rk djukA
dkS'ky tu'kfDr dh foosdiw.kZ fu;qfDr ds fy, j.kuhfrd lajpuk ds fMtkbu djus] fu"iknu izca/ku iz.kkyh]
dk;Z LFkkukarj.k vkSj lac) vkSj LokLF; O;kolkf;dksa ds fy, lacaf/kr dfj;j fodkl ekxZ esa ;ksxnkuA
e'khujh] lkexzh vkSj lsokvksa ds fy, U;wure ekud lajpuk dks fMtkbu djus esa ;ksxnkuA
fn'kkfunsZ'kksa ds lkFk vuq:irk lqfuf'pr djus ds fy, jkT; lac) vkSj LokLF;lsok ifj"kn vkSj Lok;Rr cksMZ]
fu/kkZj.k vkSj jsfVax cksMZ] uhfr vkSj iathdj.k cksMZ ds lkFk mi;qDr Lrjksa ij laidZA
lfefr;ksa ds laxBu esa lg;ksx djuk ;k lac) vkSj LokLF;lsok O;kolkf;d ds v/khu O;olk;ksa esa ls
fdlh ls lacaf/kr Lora= rduhdh fo'ks"kKksa dh fu;qfDrA
jk"Vªh; fpfdRlk vk;ksx vkSj gksE;ksiSFkh dsUnzh; ifj"kn lfgr fofHkUUk fgLlsnkjksa ds lkFk vk;ksx dh cSBdksa dks
vk;ksftr djus esa lgk;rk djukA
jkT;ksa esa rduhdh lgk;rk iznku djus ds fy, ;k=k djuk vkSj l[r le;lhek dks iwjk djus ds fy, ,d
lkFk fofHkUu dk;ksaZ dks djus dh {kerk gksukA
vkof/kd ekuhVju vk;ksftr djuk vkSj ;k=kvksa dh leh{kk djuk] O;ofLFkr MkVk ladyu] fjiksVZ rS;kj djuk]
jkT;ksa ds lkFk vkxs dk dke djukA
le;≤ ij lkSais x, vuqlkj ,sls vU; dk;ksaZ dks djukA
vkbZlh,,pih ds lanHkZ esa vU; dksbZ ekeysA
vfuok;Z ;ksX;rk,a%
LokLF; ,oa vLirky izca/ku@LokLF; uhfr@LokLF; iz'kklu@yksd LokLF; ds {ks= esa ;ksX;rk i'pkr~ de ls
de 3 o"kZ dk vuqHkoA
fuEufyf[kr {ks=ksa esa ls fdUgja nks esa O;kogkfjd vuqHko
o uSnkfud
o izf'k{k.k
o izys[khdj.k
o MkVk fo'ys"k.k
o vuqla/kku
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xq.koRrk buiqV nsukA
dsUnzh; vkSj jkT; Lrj ij ojh"B ljdkjh inkf/kdkfj;ksa ds lkFk dke djus dk vuqHkoA
LokLF; ,oa ifjokj dY;k.k ea=ky; vkSj jkT;ksa ds vanj fofHkUUk izHkkxksa ds lkFk izHkko'kkyh leUo;u djus dh
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ifjyfC/k;ka% :i;s 50]000@& izfr ekg ¼lesfdr½A
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fVdV dh izfriwfrZ ds gdnkj gksaxsA
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vkosnu dSls djsa %mEehnokjksa ls vkxzg fd;k tkrk gS fd v‚uykbu vkosnu lgh rjg ls Hkjsa tks ,u,p,lvkjlh dh
oSclkbV ¼http://nhsrcindia.org½ ij miyCèk gSA vkosnu dsoy fuèkkZfjr v‚uykbu çk:i eas gksus ij gh Lohdkj
fd;k tk,xkA vkosnu çkIr djus dh vafre frfFk 09 ebZ 2023 gSA