TAX-101 (Estate Tax)
TAX-101 (Estate Tax)
TAX-101 (Estate Tax)
A. Estate Tax Return
Estate Tax Return BIR Form No. 1801
B. Effectivity of Transfer
Effectivity of transfer After death of transferor (Mortis causa)
1. Ordinary deductions 2. LITE* 2. Vanishing deduction
a. Losses* 3. Transfer for public use
b. Indebtedness (Claims against the estate)*
c. Taxes*
d. Claims against insolvent debtor*
e. Unpaid mortgage*
F. Administrative Provisions
1. Notice required Notice of Death– No longer required under TRAIN (effective January 1, 2018)
2. Tax Returns filed 1) In all cases of transfer subject to tax
2) Where the said estate consists of registered or registrable property (regardless of the value of
the gross estate)
3. Persons to file 1) Executor
returns 2) Administrator or
3) Any of the legal heirs
4. Information shown 1) The value of the gross estate of the decedent at the time of his death, or in case of non-resident
in the returns alien of that part of his gross estate situated in the Philippines;
2) The deductions allowed from the gross estate;
3) Such part of such information as may at the time be ascertainable and such supplemental data as
may be necessary to establish the correct taxes;
5. Time of filing returns Within one year from decedent’s death
6. Returns to be supported When the estate tax returns show a gross value exceeding P5,000,000
with statements certified
to by a CPA
7. Contents of the 1) Itemized assets of the decedent with their corresponding gross value at the time of his death, or
statements certified to in case of non-resident alien, of that part of his estate situated in the Philippines;
by a CPA 2) Itemized deductions;
3) The amount of tax due whether paid or still due and outstanding
8. Filing of certified copy of Within 30 days after the promulgation of such order
the schedule of partition
and the order of the
court ordering the same
9. Extension for filing the The Commissioner can, in meritorious cases, extend the filing of returns for a period not exceeding
returns 30 days.
When there is no reciprocity – The intangible personal property of non-resident alien situated in
the Philippines are included in the gross estate.
3. Properties considered The following shall be considered as situated in the Philippines (among others):
situated in the Philippines a. Franchise which must be exercised in the Philippines;
b. Shares, obligations or bonds issued by any corporation or sociedad anonima organized
and constituted in the Philippines in accordance with its law;
c. Shares, obligations or bonds issued by any foreign corporation 85% of the business of
which is located in the Philippines;
d. Shares, obligations or bonds issued by any foreign corporation if such shares, obligations
or bonds have acquired a business situs in the Philippines;
e. Shares or rights in any partnership, business or industry established in the Philippines.
4. Exercise: A decedent has the following properties. Check the appropriate box if included in the gross estate
Resident NRA-No NRA-With
decedent Reciprocity Reciprocity
House and lot, USA
Condominium unit, Philippines
Furniture and appliances, Philippines
Car, USA, recently purchased
Bonds, Philippines
Common shares of stock not traded in the local stock exchange, Philippine Corporation
Preferred shares of stock, foreign corporation, 85% of the business in the Philippines
Proceeds of life insurance, Philippines (administrator of the estate is irrevocable
1. Examples of taxable a. Transfer in contemplation of death – motivated by thought of death although death may not be
transfer imminent;
b. Revocable transfer – the enjoyment of the property may be altered, amended, revoked or
terminated by the decedent;
c. Transfer passing under general power of appointment;
d. Transfer with retention or reservation of certain rights;
e. Transfer for insufficient consideration.
2. Motives that preclude a a. To relieve donor from the burden of management;
transfer from the b. To save income or property taxes;
category of one made in c. To settle family litigated and unlitigated disputes;
contemplation of death d. To provide independent income for dependents;
e. To see the children enjoy the property while the donor is alive;
f. To protect the family from hazards of business operations; and
g. To reward services rendered.
Exercises: a. Determine whether or not the following fall under taxable transfers for estate tax purposes (Y/N)
Taxable transfer? Reason
1) Property transferred, transferor is of advanced age and thought of dying soon
2) Property transferred, transferor wanted to reward services rendered to him
3) Property transferred, transferor has the right to take the property back
4) Property transferred, transferor has the right to take the property back but waived the
right before he died
5) Property transferred under power of appointment which can be exercised in favor of
6) Property transferred under power of appointment which can be exercised in favor of a
person designated by the transferor of the power of appointment
7) Property transferred, the transferor has the right to the income of the transferred
property while still alive
Applicable rule Where property, other than a real property that has been subjected to the final capital gains tax, is transferred
for less than an adequate and full consideration in money or money’s worth, then the amount by which the fair
market value of the property at the time of the execution of the Contract to Sell or execution of the Deed of
Sale which is not preceded by a Contract to Sell exceeded the value of the agreed or actual consideration or
selling price shall be included in computing the amount of gross estate.
Exercise: Determine what value shall be included in the gross estate
FMV, time of Consideration Amount included in the gross
transfer received FMV, time of death estate
Case 1 P1,000,000 P 800,000 P1,200,000
2 P1,500,000 P 900,000 P1,000,000
3 P2,000,000 None P1,500,000
4 P2,500,000 P3,000,000 P3,500,000
5 P2,200,000 P1,500,000 P1,200,000
c. Unpaid taxes
Requisites for The tax must have accrued before the death of the decedent Unpaid taxes that accrued before the
deduction and decedent’s death but not including:
amount deductible a) any income tax upon income received
after the death of the decedent, or
b) property taxes not accrued before his
c) or any estate tax.
e. Unpaid mortgage
Requisites for a) The fair market value of the mortgaged property without Amount of unpaid mortgage
deduction and deducting the mortgage indebtedness has been initially
amount deductible included as part of the gross estate;
b) The mortgage indebtedness was contracted in good faith
and for an adequate and full consideration.
f. Computation of Deductible Losses, Indebtedness, Taxes, Claims Against Insolvent and Unpaid Mortgage (LITE) For
Non-Resident Alien Decedent
Formula Philippine gross estate
Total gross estate x LITE = Deductible LITE
The land received as inheritance was mortgaged by the prior decedent for P500,000 which was paid by S. Cruz before he died. The
total properties of S. Cruz including the properties above amounted to P20,000,000. The total LITE and TPU amounted to
P4,000,000. Computed the vanishing deduction.
b. Decedent was a citizen of the Philippines who was single at the time of death. Compute the vanishing deduction based on the
following information that were made available:
Properties inherited two-and-a-half years before death:
Personal property outside the Philippines P3,000,000
Real property located in the Philippines
FMV, when inherited 6,500,000
FMV, time of death 7,000,000
Unpaid mortgage on the property when inherited 1,500,000
Unpaid mortgage on the property at the time of death 1,000,000
Personal property acquired through own labor 2,000,000
Losses, indebtedness, taxes, etc. (including the unpaid mortgage of P1,000,000) 1,800,000
Transfer for public use (included in personal property acquired though own labor) 970,000
Medical expenses 800,000
Value to take (properties in the Philippines) P6,500,000
Less: Mortgage paid (1,500,000 – 1,000,000) 500,000
Initial basis 6,000,000
Less: Proportional deduction (6,000,000/12,000,000 x 2,770,000) 1,385,000
Final basis 4,615,000
Rate 60%
Vanishing deduction P2,769,000
34 Gross estate P30,000,000
35 Less: Ordinary deductions (30,000,000/50,000,000 x 6,000,000) 3,600,000
36 Estate after ordinary deductions 26,400,000
37 Less: Special deductions
37A Standard deduction 500,000
37B Family home -
37C Others -
37D Total special deductions 500,000
38 Net estate 25,900,000
39 Less: Share of surviving spouse -
40 Net taxable estate 25,900,000
17 Applicable tax rate 6%
18 Estate tax due P1,554,000
a. Family Home - The family home, constituted jointly by the husband and the wife or by an unmarried head of the family, is the
dwelling house where they and their family reside and the land on which it is situated.
Conditions for the allowance of family home deduction Amount deductible
1) The family home must be the actual residential home of the 1) Exclusive property Full value included in the
decedent and his family at the time of his death, as certified by the gross estate
Barangay Captain of the locality the family home is situated; 2) Conjugal/community One-half (1/2) of the value
2) The total value of the family home must be included as part of the property included in the gross estate
gross estate of the decedent; and 3) Partly exclusive Exclusive part (full value)
3) Allowable deduction must be in an amount equivalent to the property, partly Conjugal/community part
current fair market value of the family home as declared or included conjugal/community (1/2 x value)
in the gross estate, or to the extent of the decedent’s interest property
(whether conjugal/community or exclusive property), whichever is Note: In all three (3) cases, the maximum amount of
lower, but not exceeding P10,000,000 (old deduction was family home deduction is P10,000,000.
4) Exercise: For year 2021, determine the amount to be included in the GE, decedent’s interest and the FH deduction
Gross estate Decedent’s interest Family home deduction
Case 1 – Family home is conjugal property,
2 - Family home is conjugal property,
3 – Family home is exclusive property,
4 - Family home is exclusive property,
5 - Family home is partly common, partly
Exclusive lot – P5,000,000
Conjugal house – P8,000,000
b. Standard Deduction Under TRAIN (effective January 1, 2018)
Resident/citizen decedent Non-resident alien decedent
Amount deductible P5,000,000 P500,000
c. Amount Received by Heirs Under R.A. No. 4917
Requisite for deduction Amount deductible
The amount of the separation benefit is included as part of the Any amount received by the heirs from decedent’s employer as a
gross estate of the decedent consequence of the death of the employee-decedent
d. Charges Against Exclusive or Conjugal/Communal Property Under the Family Code
a. Support of spouses, their common children and legitimate children of either spouse CONJ/COMM
b. All debts and obligations contracted during the marriage by the designated administrator-spouse for the
benefit of the conjugal partnership of gain or community, or by both spouses, or by one spouse with the
consent of the other CONJ/COMM
c. Debts and obligations contracted by either spouse without the consent of the other to the extent that the
family may have been benefited CONJ/COMM
d. All taxes, liens, charges and expenses, including major and minor repairs, upon the conjugal/community
property CONJ/COMM
e. All taxes and expenses for mere preservation made during the marriage upon the separate property of either
spouse used by the family CONJ/COMM
Share of the Surviving Spouse
Gross conjugal/community properties P xxx
Less: Conjugal/community deductions xxx
Net conjugal/community properties (NCP) P xxx
Share of surviving spouse (1/2 x NCP) P xxx
4. Exercises:
a. Estate Tax: The estate of a decedent who dies January 1, 2018 has the following data (standard deduction already taken into
Net estate, Philippines P1,200,000
Net estate, Country A (after P10,000 estate tax paid) 190,000
Net estate, Country B (before P14,000 estate tax paid) 200,000
Net estate, Country C (100,000)
Compute the estate tax payable if: 1) resident alien 2) non-resident alien
Exercise: Decedent died January 1, 2024. Determine whether or not notice of death, estate tax return or statement
certified by a CPA need to be filed (Y/N)
S. Acts Requiring Certification from the Commissioner that the Estate Tax Has been Paid Under TRAIN (effective
January 1. 2018)
Acts requiring 1. Delivery of distributive shares to the heirs;
certification 2. Registration in the Registry of Deeds of transfer of inherited real property or real rights;
3. Payments of debt by decedent’s debtor to the heirs, legatees, executor or administrator of the
4. Transfer of inherited shares, rights or bonds;
5. Withdrawal from decedent’s bank deposit (allowed subject to final withholding tax of 6%, withdrawal
slip shall contain a statement that all joint depositors are still living at the time of withdrawal by any
one of the joint depositors and such statement shall be under oath by the said depositor)
3. A non-resident alien decedent, single, died on January 1, 2018 left the following properties:
Car, Manila (inherited 4 years before he died, FMV, date of inheritance was P1,700,000) P1.500,000
Car, USA 2.600,000
Shares of stock, USA 900,000
Shares of stock, Manila 800,000
House and lot, USA 4,800,000
Bank deposit, PNB-Manila 1,000,000
Other tangible personal properties, Manila 500,000
The administrator claimed the following deductions:
Actual funeral expenses P40,000
Judicial expenses 30,000
Loss of certain tangible personal properties 25,000
Claims against the estate 20,000
Unpaid taxes, accrued before death 15,000
Claims against insolvent person 10,000
Transfer for public use 10,000
Medical expenses 50,000
Compute the following using BIR Form No. 1801:
a. Line 34 page 2 (Gross estate)
b. Line 35 page 2 (Ordinary deductions)
c. Line 37D page 2 (Total special deductions)
d. Line 40 page 2 (Net taxable estate)
e. Line 18 page 1 (Estate tax due)
34 Gross estate 3,810,000
35: Less: Ordinary deductions 626,980
36 Estate after ordinary deductions 3,183,020
37 Less: Special deductions
37A Standard deduction
37D Total special deductions 500,000
38 Net estate 2,683,020
39 Less: Share of surviving spouse -
40 Net taxable estate 2,683,020
17 Applicable tax rate 6%
18 Estate tax due P 160,981.20
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