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AML and Personality Note Forms

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Pursuant to section 27(1) of the Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism
(AML/CFT) Act, 2008 (Act 749), the Commission is mandated to request the following information to help
structure systems for the effective implementation of the law.

Please complete the sections below: Tick where applicable.

1. Name of company ……………………………………………………………………
2. Address of Company ……………………………………………………………………
3. Previous name of company (if applicable) ……………………………………………………………………
4. Physical business address of the company……………………………………………………………………
5. Postal address of the company ……………………………………………………………………
6. Telephone number ……………………………………………………………………
7. Facsimile number ……………………………………………………………………
8. Date and Place of Incorporation of Company……………………………………………………………..
9. Company Registration number ……………………………………………………………………
10. GPS Address ……………………………………………………………………
11. Is the Company wholly or partly owned by another Company?
If ‘yes’ please give details of all holdings, subsidiary and associates of the holding Company.
YES ……………… NO ………………
Page 1
Relationship to
Registration Company, e.g. Percentage
Name of
Number and Nature of holding Company, Holding
Place of Business Company
Incorporation subsidiary,

NOTE – A corporate ‘family tree’ diagram detailing the relationship of the holding company to the
Company, subsidiary or associate, must accompany the declaration.

12. Is the company a holding company of a group of companies?

If ‘yes’ please give details of all subsidiary and associate companies of the group:
YES ……………… NO ………………

Registration Number
Name of Nature of % Shareholding of Company
and Place of
Company Business Subsidiary of Associate

NOTE – A corporate ‘family tree’ diagram detailing the relationship of the company to subsidiary and
associate, entities must accompany the declaration.

13. (a) Names, addresses and shareholdings of shareholders holding 5% or more of the issued
share capital of the company:

Page 2
Name Address Shareholding Percentage

(b) Number of other shareholders with less than 5% shareholding ……………………...

14. Names and addresses of any lenders, mortgagees or other persons providing finance, and the terms
under which they have undertaken to provide funding in respect of this application:

Account/Ref Type of Amount of Repayment Repayment

Name Address
No Facility Facility Period Terms

15. Provide details of any agreement relating to the ownership, operation of the Gaming Licence Applied
for, its development or its facilitation or any right or interest therein –

16. Has the company or any other company named in this declaration, or any Director, Manager or Officer
of such company while acting as such, ever been convicted of an offence?
If ‘yes’ please give details i.e. Court at which convicted, date of conviction, offence and penalty.
YES …………………… NO ……………………

17. Is there any reason to believe that a prosecution against the company or any other named associate or
subsidiary companies, directors or officers may be pending –
YES ……………. NO …………….
Page 3
If ‘yes’ give details –

18. Details of any civil/ criminal action taken against the company during the past five (5) years for recovery
of money owe?

19. Details of any civil action pending against the company for recovery of money owes?


20. Does the company have any interest, financial or otherwise, in any other company or with any person
or business, or has the company ever provided any financial assistance or other support to any other
company, business or other body involved with the ownership, administration or management of a
gambling related business?
YES …………………. NO ………………….

If ‘yes’ provide full details –

Page 4
21. Name and Address of Bankers (Details of all bank accounts, including foreign accounts, held by the
company at any time during the last five years).

Name of Relationship
Name of Bank(s) Account Number(s) Branch

22. Please attach copies of pages 1 & 2 of the Personality Notes Form of directors, key management staff
of the company.

23. Please attach copies of directors who have ceased to hold office for the past 5 years, if any. Use pages
1&2 format of the personality note form.

24. Names and address of the company’s lawyers/legal advisors, accountants, auditors or consultants.

25. Does the company have any interest, financial or otherwise, in any other company or with any person
or business, or has the company ever provided any financial assistance or other support to any other
company, business or other body, involved with the ownership, administration or management of a
gambling – related business? YES …………………. NO ………………….
If ‘yes’ provided full details: -

I hereby certify that the information provided herein is true.

NAME …………………………………………………………………………..

SIGNATURE …………………………………………………………………………..

DATE ………………………………… PLACE …………………………….

Page 5
Directors completing this form should apply to the Director, Criminal Investigation Department (CID) for
a police positive vetting report. The Police report should be submitted under the seal of the Director of
CID to the following address:

The Commissioner
Gaming Commission of Ghana
Plot 4. 5th Circular Road
Cantonments Accra.
GPS Address: GL -057-9259

NB: Under no circumstance should the applicant (Director) himself submit the report directly to the
Gaming Commission.

(To be completed by a Compliance Officer from the Commission)

Name ………………………………………………… Position………………………………………………

Signature ………………………………………………… Date …………………………………………………


Page 6
(See section E of Personality Notes Form).

FORM B Please attach

one recent


Game of Chance
e provided below each item
Please type or print your answers in block letters in the space

SECTION A – Personal Details

1.1 Surname 1.2 First and Middle Names 1.3 Previous Names (maiden, aliases,

1.4 Reasons for change of name (if any)

1.5 Date & Place of Birth 1.6 Hometown 1.7 Present Nationality
Previous (if any)

1.8 Passport (If any)

Type Number Place & Date of Issue Expiry Date

1.9 Travel History (includes dates) 2.0 Hobbies 2.1 Occupation / Profession

2.2 Parentage – provide particulars of parents (where deceased, state date of death)
Full name Date /Place of birth Hometown Nationality Occupation (last)

Residential Address (Include popular spot close to residence) Business Address (If

GPS Address:

Page 7
Full name Date /Place of birth Hometown Nationality Occupation (last)

Residential Address (Include popular spot close to residence) Business Address (If any)

GPS Address:

Page 8
2.3 List all professional, social, political parties, charitable organization to which you belong (ed)
contribute(ed) or with which your work (have worked)?

2.4 Marital Status (please tick appropriate box)

Single Married Widowed Separated Divorced
2.5 Date & Place of Marriage 2.6 Marriage Certificate 2.7 Name & Address of one Key Witness
No (If any)

2.8 Spouse (s) details (even if divorced, separated or widowed)

Full Name Present Date & Place of Birth Residential/Business Address Occupation/Profession

Former Names

2.9 Names and Date of Birth of children with previous spouse(s)

Name Date of Birth

……………………………………………. ……………………………………..

……………………………………………. ……………………………………..

……………………………………………... …………………………………….

……………………………………………… ……………………………………..

3.0 Names and Date of Birth of children with present spouse(s)

Name Date of Birth

……………………………………………. ……………………………………..

……………………………………………. ……………………………………..

……………………………………………... …………………………………….

……………………………………………… ……………………………………..

Page 9
SECTION B – Contact Information
3.1 Current Residential Address (Include house #, street, suburb, town, district, state or region)


3.2 Provide name of any landmark nearest to residence 3.3 Home or mobile phone number

3.4 Fax number 3.5 Your e-mail address 3.6 Your Correspondence Address, If different from 3.1

3.7 Previous Residence Address (If any)

(Include house #, street, suburb, town, district, state or region & any close landmark or personality)

3.8 Home Town Address (Include house #, street, town, district, region & any close landmark or personality)

3.9 Employment Address (If any)

(Include business name, street name, town, state or region & any close popular spot

4.0 Employer’s telephone number (s) 4.1 Employer’s fax number 4.2 Employer’s e-mail address

Page 10
SECTION C – Educational History
Formal Education (List all educational institutions you attend or have attended)

4.3 Secondary Education (Senior Secondary School & College)

4.4 Higher/Professional/Vocation Education (indicate whether full or part-time study)

Name and address of institution Date Attended Subject (s) Studied Qualification &
Or Degree Title Grades Achieved

Page 11
Educational History (cont’d)
4.5 List all Examination taken (including remedial, if any)
Examining Authority/Board Exam Title & Result Place/Date
Index No

4.6 Informal Education (list all training centers or places you acquired a particular training)
Name and address of trainer Specialised Skills or Training Acquired Year

Page 12
SECTION D – Employment History (Career)
4.7 Provide particulars of your employment since leaving school including periods of apprenticeship,
self-employment, unemployment and National service

Dates (from/to include Organisation full Name Post Brief Description of

month & year) and Address (Include duties & reasons for
telephone number, if any) leaving (if any)

Page 13
Employment History (cont’d)
Dates (from/to include Organisation full Name Post Brief Description of
month & year) and Address (Include duties & reasons for
telephone number, if any) leaving (if any)

4.8 Provide the following details if you serve (d) in any security service

Brach of Service/Unit Rank/Position Service Number Date & Place of Date & Reasons
enlistment for leaving (if any

Page 14
SECTION E – Economic Status
4.9 Do you own any assets (e.g. immovable property)? Yes No
If yes, list and provide particulars (including location) on each and how obtained

4.10 Tax details (where applicable)

(Provide evidence of last tax payment (s) on the assets; state type of tax certificate number & date issued)

Page 15
SECTION F – Your Company Profile
1.0 Name & Business Address of Company (include house #, street name, town & any close popular spot)

5.3 Name & Address of Bankers

5.4 Name & Address of Auditors

5.5 Name & Address of other Director (s) of the Company

5.6 Reasons for establishing the Company

Page 16
SECTION G – Associates & Character Referees
5.7 Associates
Please indicate full names, business and residential addresses (include popular spot close to the residence)

Full Name Business Address Residential Address Current Designation or

(Hall of Residence, If student) Position

Character Referees
Provide full names, business and residential address (include telephone number, e-mail address, popular
spot close to the Addresses) of two (2) character referees (not relatives or associates already indicated)
preferably senior public resident in Ghana:

Full names Business Address Residential Address Current Designation or


Page 17
SECTION H – Security Clearance & Declaration

5.8 Have you had any brush with the law Yes
No If yes, please give details

(If you need to comment on or provide additional information please do so here. State the
number to the question)

5.10 Declaration
I declare that the information given on this form is correct and complete to the best of my
knowledge and belief; I understand that any false statement or omission may make me liable
for punitive action under existing laws.

………………………………………. 20…….. ……………………………………..

Date Signature

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