Analysis of The Influencer Marketing, Ratings and Customer Reviews On Purchasing Decisions
Analysis of The Influencer Marketing, Ratings and Customer Reviews On Purchasing Decisions
Analysis of The Influencer Marketing, Ratings and Customer Reviews On Purchasing Decisions
Sri Mulyati1*, RDN Dwi Putriani1, Winanti1, Francisca Sestri Goestjahjanti1, Tiardo Jonathan Marusaha1,
Akhmad Farhan1, Yeremia Mendrofa1, Dwi Ferdiyatmoko Cahya Kumoro1, Istajib Kulla Himmy’azz1,
Marhaendro Purno1
Magister Manajemen, Universitas Insan Pembangunan Indonesia, Tangerang, Indonesia
There are still many companies that do not pay attention to the importance of influencer
marketing, ratings and customer reviews due to ignorance and low understanding. This
research underlines the importance of marketing strategies that combine influencer marketing
with positive interactions from customers and good product reputation to influence consumer
purchasing decisions effectively, so researchers are interested in conducting research entitled
The Influence of Influencer Marketing, Ratings and Customer Reviews on Purchasing Decisions.
With the research variables that will be analyzed are influencer marketing X1, Rating X2,
Customer Review the research results can be seen from the multiple correlation level value of
0.745, this shows that the correlation level has a strong influence. The coefficient of
determination value is 0.809, meaning that the Influencer Marketing, Rating and Customer
Review variables have an influence on purchasing decisions of 80.9% and the remaining 19.1%
is influenced by other variables not examined in this research. Meanwhile, the results of
simultaneous hypothesis testing show a significant effect because Fcount > Ftable (129,801 >
Marketing activities are one of the important things that can be done by business people
to attract consumer attention in order to create a sense of consumer desire to buy a particular
product (Winanti et al., 2024). Currently internet technology has become an alternative in a
digital marketing strategy (Jerry, 2018) by carrying out promotions through social media
(Winanti et al., 2023) which are managed independently by business people, or use third party
services which are usually referred to as influencer marketing.
Influencer marketing has now become commonplace in the business world and is
increasingly in demand, so it plays an important role in the product promotion process
(Pradiani, 2018). Utilizing influencer marketing services is considered more effective and able
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to attract buying interest from consumers using social media from teenagers to adults. Not
only social media, an influencer can also present himself in promotional activities in
advertisements or on television screens. In general, business people like or make themselves
social media influencers because they can influence their followers to buy the products or
services being promoted and follow current trends (Johansen et al., 2017).
The impact of influencer marketing is very significant in building brand awareness and
increasing sales. Influencers who have credibility and a good relationship with their followers
can provide recommendations that are considered more authentic and trustworthy than
traditional advertising, this helps companies build closer relationships with consumers and
increase brand loyalty (Tanwar et al., 2022).
Ratings are usually displayed in the form of a 1-5 star score on shopping ads and product
listings. This rating helps buyers make purchasing decisions and attracts more quality potential
buyers to the seller's product page site (Sadiq et al., 2021). The data is collected from various
sources. The star form of the rating can be given to assess the overall product rating or only
to assess certain features in a product. As part of online reviews, ratings can also be seen as a
form of consumer assessment of a product based on their experience which refers to the
consumer's psychological and emotional state when using the product (Supiana et al., 2024).
The impact of ratings is very significant in shaping reputation and business performance
(Latief & Ayustira, 2020). A high rating usually indicates better product or service quality and
can increase trust and attract more customers (Ali Al Aradatin et al., 2021). Conversely, a low
rating can be an indicator of problems that need to be addressed immediately by the company
to prevent a decline in sales and reputation, therefore companies need to actively manage and
improve their ratings as part of their marketing strategy. (Arbaini, 2020).
Customer reviews are evaluations or feedback from consumers who have purchased and
used a product or service. Along with the development of technology and the internet,
customer reviews have become increasingly important and easily accessible to the public.
Customer reviews are now an integral part of the purchasing process in making more informed
decisions, but also provide businesses with valuable feedback to improve their products and
services (Sianipar & Yoestini, 2021).
The impact of customer reviews is very significant on the reputation and success of a
business, positive reviews can increase trust and attract more customers while negative reviews
can damage a company's image if not handled well. Consumers today tend to trust reviews
from fellow users more than advertising or promotions from companies (Sudjatmika, 2017).
Additionally, customer reviews serve as a reputation management tool for companies that
encourages them to be more responsive to customer needs.
Users of the e-commerce market will continue to increase in Indonesia from year to year.
Estimated year 2024 – 2029 with a total of 33.5 million users (an increase of 53.03%). The
increase occurred for nine consecutive years and will peak in 2029, reaching 99.1 million users.
(Statista, 2024)
Shopee is the e-commerce marketplace category with the most visits in Indonesia
throughout 2023, reaching 2.3 billion visits. In the same period, the Tokopedia site received
1.2 billion visitors and the Lazada site received 762.4 million visitors. Blibli received 337.4
million visitors and the Bukalapak site 168.2 million visitors. Throughout 2023, Shopee site
visits will increase by 41.39% and on the other hand, visits to the Tokopedia site will decrease
by 21.08%, Lazada will decrease by 46.73% and Bukalapak will also decrease by 56.5%.(Ahdiat,
2024). This data shows that Shoepeeee is the most popular e-commerce platform in Indonesia
in 2023, followed by Toekoepeedia and Lazada. This Peerseentasee reflects the preference of
the Indonesian people in online shopping with Shoepeeee far superior to its competition.
Purchasing decisions are the process that consumers go through in determining whether
to purchase a product or service. This process involves several stages starting from recognizing
a need or problem, searching for information, evaluating alternatives, purchasing decisions, to
post-purchase behavior (Arbaini, 2020). In the digital era, easy access to information and
product reviews online has made consumers smarter and more selective in choosing products.
The impact of purchasing decisions is very significant for business success.
Understanding how consumers make purchasing decisions allows companies to develop more
effective and relevant marketing strategies. In addition, with customer feedback, companies
can continue to improve and develop their products, increase customer satisfaction and build
long-term loyalty.
Based on the research background above, the author can identify the problem
formulation in this research as follows:
a. What is the influence of Influencer Marketing on Customer Decision Making?
b. How does the Rating influence the Decision Making of the Member?
c. How does Custoemeer Rivieew influence the Peembeelian's decision?
d. What is the influence of Marketing Influencers, Ratings and Customer Reviews on Customer
Decision Making?
The aim of the research is to find out, analyze and prove the influence of Influencer
Marketing, Customer Review Ratings on Customer Decision Making.
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To find out the influence of Marketing Influencers, Ratings and Customer Reviews on Customer
Decision Making
Marketing management is a process involved in a number of activities carried out by a
company or organization to promote, sell and distribute products or services to consumers or
potential customers. (Fayzhall et al., 2022). The main focus of marketing is achieving business
growth, increasing sales, and strengthening the company's brand image (Rusdi, 2019). To
achieve this goal, marketing utilizes a variety of strategies and tactics that are designed
specifically to achieve company goals (Nugroho, 2016). Digital marketing is currently a very
potential medium for attracting potential buyers and is easier and more popular with
consumers (Jerry, 2018).
Rahmawati eet al,. (2023) Influencer marketing refers to a marketing strategy that is
considered very effective when it succeeds in attracting consumers' attention to the product
being advertised. This is due to the large influence that influencers have over their social media
followers, thereby allowing the ideas and actions of an influencer to become a source of
inspiration and influence for their audience.
Rating is an expression of consumers' evaluation of a product based on their experience
and reflects the emotional and psychologic conditions when using that product (Latief &
Ayustira, 2020). Gultoem eet al, (2023) States are scores given by customers as a guide to
evaluating their satisfaction with the shopping experience. This measurement is often carried
out using a star scale, which allows customers to provide an assessment of the quality of the
product or service they receive.
Zanee & Leestari (2022) Making a purchasing decision is a process in which consumers
identify the problem, look for information about a particular product or brand and evaluate
each alternative whether it is good in solving the problem and then lead to a purchasing
Empirical research is a research practice that involves the analysis or exploration of
phenomena using direct data or peer-reviewed concrete evidence. This approach utilizes
scientific meetings to collect information that can be compared with previous research with
the aim of expanding knowledge about the research being studied.
This research has similarities with research conducted by Purnoemoe eet al., (2023) that is,
they both use the independent variables of Influencer Market and Custoemeer Rivieew as well
as the related variables of Customer Decision Making. The difference between the two lies in
variable X2, namely using Viral Marketing and researchers using Ratings in variable X2. And
the basic difference between the two is that the research was funded by Purnoemoe et al.,
2023 in the marketing of Scarlett products, while this research was funded in the Flash market
marketing decision in 2024.
In the description of the problem that can be raised, the conditions for this research hypothesis
are as follows
H01 : P = 0 : It is suspected that there is no influence of Influencer Marketing on Purchasing
DecisionsHa1 : P = 0 : It is suspected that there is an influence of Influencer Marketing on
Purchasing Decisions
H02 : P = 0 : It is suspected that there is no influence of Rating on Purchasing Decisions
Ha2 : P = 0 : It is suspected that there is an influence of ratings on purchasing decisions
H03 : P = 0 : It is suspected that there is no influence of Customer Review on Purchasing
Based on the results developed by previous experts and researchers, the hypothesis
formulated by researchers is as follows:
a. There is an influence of Influencer Marketing (X1) on Customer Decision Making (Y)
b. There is an influence of Rating (X2) on the Decision Making Decision (Y)
c. There is an influence of Customer Review (X3) on Purchasing Decisions (Y)
There is an influence of Influencer Marketing (X1), Rating (X2) and Customer Reviews (X3) on
Purchasing Decisions (Y)
This research uses a quantitative approach, with a survey method, a quantitative research
design was chosen because it allows accurate and objective measurement of the variables
studied. The population in this research is all social media users who follow influencers, read
ratings and customer reviews. Samples were taken using a positive sampling technique where
respondents were selected based on certain criteria, such as actively following influencers on
social media and frequently reading ratings and customer review before conducting online
The sample size in this research was 98 respondents. Data was collected through online
questionnaire distribution using a survey platform such as Google Field. Dissemination is
carried out through social media and e-mail to reach respondents in accordance with the
sample criteria, the data obtained will be analyzed using SPSS 26 with the stages of Validity
and Reliability Test, Descriptive Analysis, Multiple Coerelation Test, Simultaneous Reegression
Deteermination Coefficient Test, Multiple Reegression Test and Hypothesis Test T and F.
Co-relation analysis aims to test the linear association (relationship) between two
variables. Coerrelation does not show a functional relationship, in other words, coerelation
analysis does not differentiate between deeper and deeper variables.
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Based on the results of the coefficient test of determination of Influencer Marketing X1,
Rating X2 and Customer Review X3 on Purchase Decision Y simultaneously, the coefficient of
determination value is obtained or the Adjusted R Square value is 0.809. This means that the
contribution of Influencer Marketing X1, Rating X2 and Customer Review X3 simultaneously
to Purchase Decision Y is 80.9%, the remaining 19.1% comes from other factors not examined
in this study.
Regression is used to predict how far the value of the dependent variable (independent
variable) will change if the value of the independent variable is manipulated or changed or
increased or decreased. The benefit of the results of the regression analysis is to make a
decision whether the increase and decrease of the dependent variable can be done by
increasing the independent variable or not.
The t-test is used to determine whether or not the independent variables have a partial
influence on the dependent variable.
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significant influence. Based on the results of the tcount and ttabeel test, it can be concluded
that tcount = 9,249 > ttabeel = 1,984, thus there is an influence on the Purchasing Decision
variable. Joint hypothesis testing is carried out using the F test, the F test is carried out to test
the significance between independent variables and bound variables as a whole..
products offered and ensure that these influencers have high credibility. Apart from that, long-
term collaboration with influencers can increase consumer trust. (2) Companies must focus on
product and service quality to get high ratings from consumers. In addition, encouragement
to provide a rating after purchase can be done, for example, through loyalty or incentive
programs. (3) Companies need to actively manage customer reviews by responding to
consumer reviews in a timely and professional manner, both positive and negative reviews,
negative reviews should be used as input for improving products and services. (4) Combining
influencers, ratings and customer reviews in one integrated marketing strategy will be more
effective in influencing consumers' purchasing decisions, campaigns involving these three
elements can increase the credibility and attractiveness of the product in the eyes of
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