After Mid 1,3,4,5,6
After Mid 1,3,4,5,6
After Mid 1,3,4,5,6
2.Communica on and collabora on: Computer networks facilitate communica on and collabora on
between devices and users, enabling people to share informa on, work together on projects, and
coordinate their efforts more effec vely.
3.Data sharing and transfer: Computer networks enable the transfer and sharing of data between
devices and users, making it easier to access and use informa on from different loca ons and devices.
4.Remote access: Computer networks can enable remote access to resources and applica ons, allowing
users to access them from anywhere with an internet connec on.
5.Improved efficiency and produc vity: By enabling resource sharing, communica on, collabora on,
and remote access, computer networks can help to improve efficiency and produc vity, allowing
organiza ons and individuals to accomplish more in less me.
1.Bus topology: Devices in a bus topology are connected to a single communica on line, which acts as a
shared medium for transmi ng data.
2.Star topology: Devices in a star topology are connected to a central hub or switch, which acts as a
communica on center for the network.
3.Ring topology: Devices in a ring topology are connected to each other in a circular loop, with each
device ac ng as a repeater to amplify the signal as it travels around the ring.
4.Mesh topology: Devices in a mesh topology are connected to each other in a complex web of
interconnec ons, with mul ple paths available for data transmission.
7- What are the factors that you should consider while choosing a certain network topology?
1.Scalability: A network topology should be scalable to accommodate future growth and expansion of
the network. The topology should be able to handle increased traffic and new devices being added to
the network.
2.Reliability: The network topology should be reliable, with redundant paths and backup mechanisms in
case of failure. This ensures that the network remains opera onal even if one or more devices or
connec ons fail.
3.Cost: The cost of implemen ng and maintaining the network topology should be considered, including
the cost of hardware, cabling, and network management tools. Some topologies may be more expensive
to implement than others.
4.Performance: The network topology should be capable of delivering the required performance for the
applica ons and services that will be used on the network. Factors such as bandwidth, latency, and
packet loss should be considered.
5.Security: The network topology should be secure, with appropriate measures in place to protect
against unauthorized access, data the , and other security threats.
Protocol: A protocol in networking refers to a set of rules, standards, and procedures that govern the
exchange of data between devices and systems on a network. Protocols define how data is transmi ed,
received, and interpreted by devices, and ensure that data is transmi ed reliably and securely.
DSL: is a type of broadband internet technology that provides high-speed internet access over exis ng
telephone lines. DSL works by using a special modem to transmit data over unused frequencies on a
telephone line, allowing for simultaneous voice and data transmission.
ADSL: It is a type of digital communica on technology that enables high-speed data transmission over
exis ng telephone lines. ADSL is considered "asymmetric" because it provides faster download speeds
than upload speeds.
ISDN: ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) is a type of digital phone line that can transmit voice,
data, and video signals over the same line. It provides faster speeds than tradi onal analog phone lines.
HTTP: HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is a protocol used for transmi ng data over the World Wide
Web. It defines how messages are forma ed and transmi ed, and is used to retrieve and display web
pages in a web browser.
WWW: The WWW (World Wide Web) is a collec on of interconnected web pages and other resources
that are accessed over the Internet using web browsers. It is one of the most widely used applica ons on
the Internet.
FTP: FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a protocol used for transferring files over a network. It is commonly
used to upload and download files to and from a web server.
Unicasts: Unicasts are a type of network transmission in which data is sent from one device to another.
The data is sent only to the intended recipient, and not to any other devices on the network.
Mul casts: Mul casts are a type of network transmission in which data is sent from one device to
mul ple recipients. The data is sent to a specific group of devices, and only those devices receive the
Broadcasts: Broadcasts are a type of network transmission in which data is sent from one device to all
devices on the network. The data is sent to every device on the network, regardless of whether it is
intended for a specific device.
IP: IP (Internet Protocol) is a protocol used for transmi ng data over the Internet. It is responsible for
addressing and rou ng packets of data between devices on the Internet.
TCP/IP: TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) is a suite of protocols used for
transmi ng data over the Internet. It includes a range of protocols, including IP, TCP, and others.
Server: A server is a computer or other device that provides services or resources to other devices on a
network. Examples include web servers, file servers, and database servers.
Client: A client is a computer or other device that uses services or resources provided by a server.
Examples include web browsers, email clients, and file transfer clients.
Modems: Modems are devices that convert digital signals to analog signals and vice versa, allowing
computers to communicate over tradi onal telephone lines.
RFC: RFC (Request for Comments) is a series of documents that describe various aspects of the Internet
and its protocols. They are published by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and provide
guidelines and recommenda ons for network communica on.
TTL: TTL (Time to Live) is a value that is included in IP packets to limit the amount of me
ISP: ISP (Internet Service Provider) is a company or organiza on that provides Internet access to
customers. ISPs offer various types of Internet connec ons, such as DSL, cable, and satellite, and typically
charge a monthly fee for their services.
Internet: The Internet is a global network of interconnected computer networks that use the TCP/IP
protocol to transmit data. It is one of the most widely used applica ons of computer networks and
provides access to a vast array of resources and services.
Extranet: An extranet is a private network that uses Internet technology to provide secure access to
selected external partners, vendors, suppliers, or customers. It is a controlled and secure way to share
informa on and resources between organiza ons.
Intranet: An intranet is a private network that uses Internet technology to provide secure
communication and collaboration within an organization. It is a network that is accessible only to
employees of the organization and can be used for a variety of purposes, such as sharing documents,
internal communication, and knowledge sharing.
9- What are the advantages and disadvantages of the following network topology?
Star User-friendly: Easy addi on High cost:
and removal of nodes without Implementa on of
affec ng the network. central network devices
can be expensive.
Centralized network: Central device
Monitored and managed dependency: Failure of
centrally using a hub, central the central hub leads to
computer, or switch. network down me.
High reliability: Failure of one High maintenance:
node or cable does not affect Central hub requires
the rest of the network. regular maintenance and
High efficiency: Lower chances addi onal resources.
of data collision, resul ng in Prone to damage: Cables
be er performance compared in the star topology are
to other network designs. suscep ble to damage.
Sheet 3
1 -Define the following Terms:
MAC address: MAC address stands for Media Access Control address. It is a unique iden fier assigned to
a network interface card (NIC) by the manufacturer. MAC addresses are used at the data link layer of the
OSI model to uniquely iden fy devices on a network.
DHCP: DHCP stands for Dynamic Host Configura on Protocol. It is a network protocol that automa cally
assigns IP addresses and other network configura on se ngs to devices on a network. DHCP simplifies
the process of network configura on and allows devices to join and leave networks without manual IP
address configura on.
Microso IIS component: Microso IIS (Internet Informa on Services) is a web server so ware
developed by Microso . It provides a pla orm for hos ng and serving websites and web applica ons on
Windows-based servers. IIS components refer to the various modules and features that can be installed
and configured within the IIS server to enhance its func onality.
10 Base 5: also known as Thicknet, is an Ethernet networking standard that uses coaxial cable as the
transmission medium. It supports a maximum data transfer rate of 10 Mbps (megabits per second) and
allows for network segment lengths of up to 500 meters. However, it is an older and less commonly used
Ethernet standard today.
10 Base 2: 10 Base 2, also known as Thinnet, is an Ethernet networking standard that uses coaxial cable
as the transmission medium. It supports a maximum data transfer rate of 10 Mbps and allows for
network segment lengths of up to 185 meters. It is called "Thinnet" because the coaxial cable used in
this standard is thinner compared to the thicker coaxial cable used in 10 Base 5.
DNS: DNS stands for Domain Name System. It is a decentralized naming system used to translate human-
readable domain names (such as into IP addresses. DNS serves as a directory for the
internet, enabling users to access websites and other resources using easy-to-remember domain names
instead of complicated IP addresses.
OSI: stands for Open Systems Interconnec on. It is a conceptual framework that standardizes the
func ons of a communica on system into seven layers. Each layer has specific responsibili es in the
process of transmi ng data over a network, ensuring compa bility and interoperability between
different systems.
IEEE 802.3: is a standard defined by the Ins tute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) for
Ethernet networking. It specifies the physical and data link layer protocols for wired Ethernet networks,
including various Ethernet cable types, signaling methods, and network access control.
Proxy server: A proxy server acts as an intermediary between client devices and other servers on a
network. It receives requests from clients and forwards them to the appropriate server, caching the
response data if necessary. Proxy servers can enhance security, improve performance, and provide
anonymity by masking the client's IP address.
2- What are the ten primary parameters that must be verified for a cable link to meet TIA/EIA
1.Wireman: Verifies the correct pin-to-pin connectivity of each wire in the cable
2.Length: Ensures that the cable length meets the specified requirements
3.Attenuation: Measures the signal loss over the length of the cable
4.NEXT (Near-End Crosstalk): Determines the interference between adjacent wire pairs at the near end
of the cable
5.FEXT (Far-End Crosstalk): Measures the interference between adjacent wire pairs at the far end of the
6.PSNEXT (Power Sum NEXT): Evaluates the crosstalk between multiple wire pairs
7.ELFEXT (Equal-Level Far-End Crosstalk): Measures the interference between adjacent wire pairs at the
far end, considering the attenuation effects
8.PSELFEXT (Power Sum ELFEXT): Evaluates the crosstalk between multiple wire pairs, considering the
attenuation effects
9.Return Loss: Measures the amount of signal reflected back from the cable's termination points
10.Delay Skew: Checks the difference in signal propagation delay between wire pairs in a cable
3- Compare between advantages and disadvantages of peer to peer and client /server
Pros Cons
Peer-to-peer Cheap because it does not need a It is generally slower because
central server. every user is accessed by
The system will not be disrupted if other users.
one of the computers crashes. It is less secure than other
The network does not need a unique network models.
opera ng system to func on. Possibili es of Illegal data
Client/server Authorized users can access and If the server crashes, the
modify data on a server. whole network will collapse.
Access and resources are be er Maintaining a central server
regulated on servers. can be costly and require a lot
Flexible so any new user can be of manpower and me.
simply integrated into the networks. The user policies in the
Backing up and archiving data is network must be set by an
easier in this network expert network administrator
4 - Determine the maximum channel capacity in bps of a voice grade channel having a signal
power of 34 db and noise power of 4 db.
To determine the maximum channel capacity in bits per second (bps) of a voice grade
channel, we can use the Shannon Capacity formula:
C = B * log2(1 + (S/N))
C is the channel capacity in bps,
B is the bandwidth in hertz,
S is the signal power in watts, and N is the noise power in watt
In this case, we'll assume a typical voice grade channel bandwidth of 4 kHz (4000 Hz). We need to
convert the signal power and noise power from decibels (dB) to watts.
Signal power in watts:
P_s = 10^(P_s(dB)/10)
(10/34)^P_s = 10
P_s = 25.12 watts
Noise power in watts:
P_n = 10^(P_n(dB)/10)
(10/4)^P_n = 10
P_n = 1.58 watts
5- Draw a diagram to show the ISO- OSI model and TCP/IP layered protocols.
7 - Determine the delay ra o for communica on signal transmi ed over a 4000 km coaxial
cable, and a signal transmi ed though a satellite link. Consider the satellite at an orbit 36000
Km. From the earth and the propaga on speed in cable is 180000 km/sec.
For the coaxial cable:
10- You will create a design for a network connecting four buildings in an industrial park.
Hand in a picture showing your network. There will be a core switch in each building.
Building A is the headquarters building. Building B is 85 meters south and 90 meters east of
the headquarters building. From the headquarters building, Building C is 150 meters south.
Building D is 60 meters west of Building C. Computers in Building A need to communicate
with computers in Building B at 60 Mbps. Computers in Building A need to be able to
communicate with computers in Building C at 300 Mbps. Computers in Building A must
communicate with computers in Building D at 50 Mbps. Computers in Building C must
communicate with computers in Building D at 75 Mbps. Building A will be connected directly
to Buildings B and C. Building C will be connected directly to Building D.
a) How will you connect Building A with Building B?
b) How will you connect Building A to Building C?
c) How will you connect Building C to Building D?
Here is a textual representation of the network design connecting the four buildings in the industrial
Building A --- Building B --- Building C --- Building D
a) To connect Building A with Building B:
A direct Ethernet link can be established between the core switches in Building A and Building B using a
fiber optic cable. This connection should support a speed of 60 Mbps to meet the required
communication between the computers in both buildings.
b) To connect Building A to Building C:
Again, a direct Ethernet link can be established between the core switches in Building A and Building C
using a fiber optic cable. This connection should support a speed of 300 Mbps to meet the required
communication between the computers in both buildings.
c) To connect Building C to Building D:
A direct Ethernet link can be established between the core switches in Building C and Building D using a
fiber optic cable. This connection should support a speed of 75 Mbps to meet the required
communication between the computers in both buildings.
11- Distinguish between single-mode and multimode fiber in terms of transmission distance.
Single-mode fiber:
Smaller core diameter (8-10 microns).
Supports a single, direct light path.
Longer transmission distances of tens to hundreds of kilometers.
Used in long-distance telecommunications and high-data-rate applications.
Multimode fiber:
Larger core diameter (50 or 62.5 microns).
Allows multiple light paths to propagate simultaneously.
Shorter transmission distances of a few hundred meters to a few kilometers.
Used in short-range applications like LANs and data centers.
12- Assume that a LAN for a small organiza on is to be developed. The number of
worksta ons in this LAN is supposed less than or equal 32. LAN specialists have made four
design scenarios as follows:
- Design using one 32-ports 100 mbps Ethernet Hub.
- Design using four 8-ports 100 mbps Ethernet Hub.
- Design using four 8-ports 100 mbps Ethernet Hub and one 100 mbps Ethernet Switch
- Design using four 8-ports 100 mbps Ethernet Switch.
Cost: This design requires a single hub, which tends to be less expensive
compared to switches.
Speed: All workstations connected to the hub share the same bandwidth,
resulting in lower overall network speed.
Coverage span: The coverage span is limited to the reach of the hub, which is
typically shorter compared to switches.
Design using four 8-ports 100 Mbps Ethernet Hubs and one 100 Mbps Ethernet Switch:
Cost: This design requires four hubs and one switch, which may be more
expensive compared to using a single hub or switches alone.
Speed: The switch provides dedicated bandwidth for each connected workstation,
resulting in higher network speed compared to using hubs only.
Coverage span: The coverage span is limited to the reach of each hub and the
switch, which is typically longer compared to using hubs only.
Cost: This design requires four switches, which can be more expensive compared
to using a single hub or hubs only.
Speed: Each switch provides dedicated bandwidth for each connected
workstation, resulting in higher network speed compared to using hubs only.
Coverage span: The coverage span is limited to the reach of each switch, which is
typically longer compared to using hubs only.
Sheet 4
1- A group of N sta ons share a 56-kbps pure ALOHA channels. Each outputs a 1000-bit frame
on an average of once every 100 sec, even if the previous one has not yet been sent (e.g., the
sta ons are buffered). What is the maximum value of N?
There are N Sta ons Sharing 56kbps Pure ALOHA Channel. The maximum throughput for pure Aloha is
Bits per second outpu ed by each sta on = 1000 bits / 100 sec = 10 bps.
For N sta ons in 1 sec, Total Output Data is 10*N bits this should be equal to the Channel Capacity in
pure ALOHA.
2- A LAN is working based on p-persistent system, p is given by p= (n/ (N+1)) where n is the
sta on number and N is the total number of LAN sta ons. Assuming that N=9 what is the
probability of a node number 6 to send its packet over an idle bus and what is the probability
to defer transmission to the next me slot?
So, the probability of node number 6 deferring transmission to the next me slot is 0.4 or 40%.
Circuit Switching:
Packet Switching:
5- What are the two approaches of packet switching techniques? Using diagrams explain the
sequence of opera on for each one?
6- Draw the frame format for Ethernet IEEE 802.3, then explain the meaning of each term in
the frame.
1. Preamble: A sequence of alterna ng 1s and 0s used for synchroniza on and signaling the start
of a frame.
2. Start of Frame Delimiter (SFD): An 8-bit pa ern indica ng the end of the preamble and the
beginning of the frame header.
3. Des na on MAC Address: The unique iden fier (MAC address) of the intended recipient of the
4. Source MAC Address: The MAC address of the device sending the frame.
5. EtherType/Length: Specifies the protocol or data type within the frame. If the value is less than
or equal to 1500, it indicates the length of the payload.
6. Payload: The actual data being transmi ed, its format and content depend on the specified
7. Frame Check Sequence (FCS): A 32-bit field for error detec on, containing a CRC value
calculated over the en re frame.
- Pure ALOHA
Sta ons can transmit data packets at any me, without checking for channel availability.
If two or more sta ons transmit simultaneously, a collision occurs, and all par cipa ng
sta ons detect the collision.
Colliding sta ons wait for a random amount of me and retransmit their packets.
- Slo ed ALOHA
Time is divided into discrete slots, and each sta on can only transmit at the beginning of a
Sta ons listen to the channel, and if it is idle, they transmit their packets in the next available
If a collision occurs, sta ons wait for the next available slot and retransmit their packets.
- One -Persistent
- p- Persistent
Sta ons use a predetermined bit map that divides me into slots.
Sta ons consult the bit map to determine when they can transmit their packets.
- Non – Persistent
Sta ons listen to the channel and wait for a random period before transmi ng if the
channel is idle.
A er the random backoff period, sta ons check the channel again and transmit if it is s ll
Sheet 5
Ques on one
For Router A:
Des na on Distance
B 2
C 3
D 1
For Router B:
Des na on Distance
A 2
E ∞
For Router C:
Des na on Distance
A 3
F 1
For Router D:
Des na on Distance
A 1
E ∞
F ∞
For Router E:
Des na on Distance
B ∞
D ∞
G ∞
For Router F:
Des na on Distance
C 1
D ∞
G 2
For Router G:
Des na on Distance
E ∞
F 2
Router A:
Des na on Distance
A 0
B 2
C 3
D 1
E 3
F 2
G 4
Router B:
Des na on Distance
A 2
B 0
C 4
Des na on Distance
D 2
E 1
F 3
G 3
Router C:
Des na on Distance
A 3
B 4
C 0
D 5
E 5
F 1
G 3
Router D:
Des na on Distance
A 1
B 2
C 5
D 0
E 5
F 5
G 2
Router E:
Des na on Distance
A 3
B 1
C 5
D 5
E 0
Des na on Distance
F 6
G 1
Router F:
Des na on Distance
A 2
B 3
C 1
D 5
E 6
F 0
G 2
Router G:
Des na on Distance
A 4
B 3
C 3
D 2
E 1
F 2
G 0
Ques on two
S + W - 1 = 0 + 350 - 1 = 349
Time to receive ACK = RTT + 0 = 0.8 seconds
The sending sta on will receive an ACK for the 500th frame 0.8 seconds a er it sends the frame,
assuming there are no errors or retransmissions.
Ques on Three
Tt + 2 x Tp + 2 x Tpex
Therefore, it will take approximately 2.8986 seconds to transmit 300KB of data across a 4km link with a
1Mbps bandwidth and a propaga on delay factor of 30us/km, assuming each host requires 100
microseconds to execute the protocol.
Ques on Four
we can flip the fifth bit in the third row (changing 101011110 to 101010110) will create an undetectable
corruption of the data.
Sheet 6
Question 1:-
Task: For the following IP host addresses determine which are valid for commercial networks.
Why or why not?
Explana on: Valid means it could be assigned to a worksta on, server, printer, router interface,
and so on.
Fill in the following table:
Question 2:-
Task: With the following IP host addresses, indicate the Class of each address, the Network
Address or ID, the Host por on, the Broadcast Address for this network, and the default Subnet
Explana on: The host por on will be all zeros for the network ID. Enter just the octets that
make up the host. The host por on will be all ones for a broadcast. The network por on of the
address will be all ones for the subnet mask
1. Fill in the following table:
Host IP Addres Network Host Network Default
Address s class address address broadcast subnet mask
address Class 255.255.255.
C 0 Class
A 5 Class
4 B 4 5 Class 194.125.35. 255.255.255.
C 0 0 Class
B 4
3. Which is the maximum number of hosts you can have with a class C
network address?
A class C network can have a maximum of 256-2 = 254 hosts.
Question 3:-
Task: Use the following information and the previous examples to answer the
following subnet related questions.
Explanation: Your company has applied for and received a Class C network
address of You want to subdivide your physical network into 4 subnets, which will
be interconnected by routers. You will need at least 25 hosts per subnet. You will need to use a
Class C custom subnet mask and will have a router between the subnets to route packet from
one subnet to another. Determine the number of bits you will need to borrow from the host
portion of the network address and then the number of bits left for host addresses. (Hint: There
will be 8 subnets)
Subnet No. Subnet bits Subnet bits Host bits possible Subnet / Use?
borrowed Decimal & binary values Host
Binary Subnet No. (range) Decimal
value (6 bits) range
Question 4:-
Task: Use the informa on below and from prior labs to help determine your valid subnets and
host IP addresses. Answer the following ques ons.
Explana on: Your ins tu on has a Class B network address of
This class B network address will be subdivided to accommodate your physical network and you
will need at least 50 subnets interconnected with routers. Each subnet needs to be able to handle
at least 750 hosts per subnet (worksta ons, servers and router interfaces). As the network
manager for your local campus at the ins tu on, you were given the first 10 of these subnets for
use with your local campus. You will be using 6 of these subnets now and will keep the others for
future growth. Do NOT use the first or last subnet.
1. What is the binary equivalent of the Class B network address in the exercise?
10010110 . 11000001 . 00000000 . 00000000
2. Which octet(s) and how many bits are used to represent the network
por on of this network address?
The first and second octets or 16 bits
3. Which octet(s) and how many bits represent the host por on of this
Class B network address?
The third and fourth octets or 16 bits
5. What is the total number of hosts that can be created with a Class B
network address if it has not been subdivided?
65,534 (2^16 – 2)
6. How many bits must you borrow from the host por on of the network
address in order to provide at least 50 subnets and at least 750 hosts per
6 bits (2^6 = 64 – 2 = 62 possible subnetworks. This leaves 10 bits or 2^10 – 2 = 1022 hosts per subnet)
7. What will the Subnet Mask be (using do ed decimal nota on) based on
the number of bits borrowed in step 6?
255 . 255 . 252 . 0 (The first 6 bit are borrowed from the le side of the host address. 128 + 64 + 32 + 16 +
8 + 4 = 252)
Ques on 5:-
Task: Complete the table below according to the previous ques on. Use the
informa on in the table to answer the ques ons and complete the diagram at the end of this
Explana on: Be sure to specify all four octets for the subnet address and subnet mask. The same
subnet mask should be used for all hosts, router interfaces and all subnets. Having a common
subnet mask will allow hosts and routers to determine which subnet the IP packet is intended for.
Router interfaces will usually be numbered first when assigning IP addresses and hosts will receive
higher numbers.
1. Fill in the following table for each of the possible subnets that can be created by borrowing
6 bits for subnets from the third octet (1st host octet). Iden fy the Network Address, the
Subnet Mask, the Subnetwork Address, the range of possible host IP addresses for each
subnet, the broadcast address of each subnet and also indicate whether the subnet is
useable or not. You will only use 3 of these subnets for the exercise.
2. Assign an IP Address and Subnet Mask to router interface A and write it down here. /
3. Assign an IP Address and Subnet Mask to router interface B and write it
down here. /
4. Assign an IP Address and Subnet Mask to router interface C and write it
down here. /
5. Assign a host IP Address to Host X on Subnet A and assign an IP address to Host Z on Subnet
C (answers may vary). Describe the steps (using ANDing) for the process of sending an IP
packet from Host X to Host Z through the router. Remember, when ANDing two 1s together
the result is a 1, ANDing any other combina on (1 and 0, 0 and 1 or 0 and 0) results in a zero
(0). Also, when ANDing two network IP addresses together the result of the ANDing process
will be the network (or subnetwork) address of the des na on IP address in the packet. Use
the informa on from the diagram below to help assign IP addresses and subnet masks.
Host X = (4.1 was used for the router interface on subnet A), Host Z = (12.1 was
used for the router interface on subnet C).
Host X compares (ANDs) the subnet mask to its own IP address and comes up with its own
network/subnet address of It then compares the subnet mask to the IP address of the
des na on host ( and comes up with the network/subnet address of the target network
Since the two do not match, host X must assume that the des na on host is not on its network and it
send the packet to its "Default Gateway" or the nearside port of the router (interface A).
The router goes through the same process on its incoming interface A and determines that network is on it's C interface.
The router forwards the packet to interface C and since the Router also knows the MAC address of hosts
directly a ached to its interfaces such as host Z, it forwards the packet to the
network/subnet LAN and host Z picks it up.
Hub c
Hub b
Hub a
Host z
Host x
Ques on 6
Network Address /26
Address class = Class B
Default subnet mask=
Custom subnet mask =
Total number of subnets = 64
Number of usable subnets =62
Total number of host addresses =64 per subnet
Number of usable addresses = 62 per subnet
Number of bits borrowed = 6
What is the 9th usable subnet range? to
What is the subnet number for the 10th usable subnet?
What is the subnet broadcast address for the 1022nd usable subnet?
What are the assignable addresses for the 1021st usable subnet? to
Ques on#6
Number of needed usable subnets 6
Number of needed usable hosts 30
Network Address
1. Address class = Class C
2. Default subnet mask =
3. Custom subnet mask =
4. Total number of subnets = 8
5. Number of usable subnets = 6
6. Total number of host addresses = 30
7. Number of usable addresses= 30
8. Number of bits borrowed =3
Ques on#7
Number of needed usable subnets 126
Number of needed usable hosts 131,070
Network Address
1. Address class = Class C
2. Default subnet mask =
3. Custom subnet mask =
4. Total number of subnets = is 2^3 = 8.
5. Number of usable subnets = 6
6. Total number of host addresses = 32
7. Number of usable addresses = 28
8. Number of bits borrowed = 3
Ques on#8
Number of needed usable subnets 2000
Number of needed usable hosts 15
Network Address
1. Address class = Class B
2. Default subnet mask =
3. Custom subnet mask =
4. Total number of subnets = 4096
5. Number of usable subnets =4094
6. Total number of host addresses = 57316
7. Number of usable addresses = 14
8. Number of bits borrowed =11 for subnets and 4 for hosts
Ques on#9
Number of needed usable subnets 250
Network Address
1. Address class = Class B
2. Default subnet mask =
3. Custom subnet mask =
4. Total number of subnets = 2048
5. Number of usable subnets = 2046
6. Total number of host addresses = 2046 * 13=26658
7. Number of usable addresses = 13
8. Number of bits borrowed = 11
Ques on#10
Number of needed usable hosts 50
Network Address
1. Address class = Class B
2. Default subnet mask =
3. Custom subnet mask =
4. Total number of subnets = 1024
5. Number of usable subnets =1022
6. Total number of host addresses = 1022*62 = 63364
7. Number of usable addresses = 62
8. Number of bits borrowed = 6
Ques on 11
1- What class of network is each of the following?
- 11001110 10010111 00110010 00001010 (Class B)
- 11101100 11100011 00111110 00111111 (Class C)
- 11110010 10001110 01110111 00110011 (Class D)
2- What is the network address and network mask for each of the following addresses
- -> Network address is with network mask
- -> Network address is with network mask
- -> Network address is with network mask
3- Assume that an ISP has assigned 32 IP numbers to a customer in which the numbers starts
with and ends with
- What is the network mask for this class?
- What is the sub-network mask for the given 32 IP numbers?