Miss Geeta
Miss Geeta
Miss Geeta
Module code and Name : PBT 102 Government and Politics in Bhutan
I hereby declare that this academic work is my own and those derived from other
sources have been appropriately acknowledged. I understood that if found other wise,
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Signature of student
Marking criteria
2. Critical Analysis…………………………… ( 5% )
3. Language/Structure…………………………………………..…… ( 2% )
Total Marks: 10
Development is an important process that helps a country to progress and deal with changes
that occurs in their social, economic, and environment. Over the years, the concept of
development had change mainly focusing on country economic indicator to determine nation
progress and human-wellbeing. Gross Domestic Products (GDP) is a country economic
indicator and measure the value of final good and services produced by a country in period of
time. However, Bhutan emphasized on sustainable development had led to adoption of Gross
National Happiness (GNH). A socio-economic development philosophy introduced by His
Majesty Jigme Singye Wangchuk that focused on balance development between economic and
environment conservation. Over the years, GNH has helped in balancing country economic
development and protecting its environment leading to balanced development and well-being of
people. However, question continue to arise about its efficacy to help Bhutan in smooth
development and competition with other nations in economic growth. This study will examine
the role of GNH in Bhutan development, GNH influence on Bhutan economic growth, and
balancing GNH with global economic competitiveness.
In conclusion, GNH is a holistic approach developed for sustainable development in Bhutan.
It focus on balancing socio-economic to enhance human well-being with economic growth. GNH
serves as a reminder for Bhutan policy-maker to frame policies based on GNH principle that can
enhance people happiness. It also indirectly support Bhutan in growth of economic through its
principle that focused on protecting its environment and heritage.
Thinley,J.Y. & Karp,J.H. (2019). National progress: Sustainability and Higher Goals:
The Case of Bhutan’s Gross National Happiness. Retrieved from