Friends STD II
Friends STD II
Friends STD II
Q4. Ques/Ans :-
1. What keeps us healthy?
A. Fresh and clean air keeps us healthy.
2. Define wind.
A. Moving air is called wind.
3. Write three use of water.
A. Drinking, cooking and washing.
4. Which form of water is contaminated in air?
A. Gaseous form of water is contaminated in air.
5. What does sun gives us?
A. Sun gives us heat and light.
6. Who is bigger than earth?
A. The sun is bigger than earth.
7. Who needs the sunlight?
A. Plants, Animals, People all need sunlight.
8. Write the types of coal?
A. Some rocks are marbles, granite, coal, diamond, slate ect.
9. How many bones are there in human body?
A. There are 206 bones in human body.
10. What does food gives us?
A. Food gives us energy to work and play.
11. What does safety prevents?
A. Safety prevents accidents, injuries and pain.
12. Where do eskimos live?
A. Eskimos live in igloo made of snow.
13. What is Kutcha house made of?
A. A Kutcha house is made of bamboo and mud.
14. Why do we need a house?
A. We need a house to live in for comfort and safety.
15. How many types of house?
A. A tent, A Kutcha house, A pukka house, houseboat, igloo etc.
16. Name three food items that help our body to grow?
A. Pulse, Fish, egg milk help our body to grow.
17. What does first aid box contain?
A. First aid box contain cotton, bandage, iodine, burnol, adhesive, tape and
18. How do our house protect us?
A. Our house protect us from the sunlight , rain, wind , and cold . it also protect
as from thieves and stray animals.
19. What is balanced diet?
A. A balanced diet is a diet which contain all types of food in proper amount.
20. What is our body made up of?
A. Our body is made up of bones and muscels ?
21. Write two use of diamond?
A. 1) It is used to cut glass.
2) It is also used in jewellery