Bohlmann Predicting (2008)
Bohlmann Predicting (2008)
Bohlmann Predicting (2008)
South Africa
Abstract: The impact of the sporting industry on economic decision making has increased
dramatically since the global media explosion in the 1980s. Tourism and advertising revenues
generated by mega-events such as World Cups or Olympic Games have become a major boost
to the economies of hosting nations. In addition, globalisation has placed great emphasis on the
importance of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), especially to developing countries.
This paper seeks to examine the impact of the 2010 FIFA World Cup on the South African
economy. Using a 32-sector Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model, the various shocks
on the economy, such as infrastructure developments, increased tourism and financing
implications, are modelled. Results are shown and carefully explained within the context of the
model. It is found that in the short term, there would only be a favourable outcome in the
economy should financing be shared between higher present taxes and revenue generated
from future economic growth and private investment.
Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Bohlmann, H.R. and van Heerden, J.H. (2008)
'Predicting the economic impact of the 2010 FIFA World Cup on South Africa', Int. J. Sport Management
and Marketing, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp.383-396.
Biographical notes: Heinrich Bohlmann is a Lecturer in the Department of Economics and member of the
African Institute of Economic Modelling at the University of Pretoria. He holds an MCom from the
University of Pretoria. In 2006, he wrote an essay on measuring the economic impact of FIFA 2010 using
Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) techniques. His other areas of specialisation include
macroeconomics and development economics.
Jan van Heerden is the Chair of the School of Economic Sciences and Professor of Economics at the
University of Pretoria. He holds a PhD from the Rice University in Houston, Texas, and specialises in
Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) Modelling. He has been focusing mostly on the environmental
economic applications of the CGE model, such as the effects of energy and water taxes on the South
African economy. His most recent paper appeared in The Energy Journal, while other papers have been
accepted in Water Resources Research and Ecological Economics.
1 Introduction
Sports have always been an integral part of the South African culture. Since the country's return to
the international fold in 1991, sports have also become an increasingly important part of the
economy. The hosting of mega-events, such as the Olympic Games, is generally reserved for
developed countries with an already advanced infrastructure. The FIFA World Cup tournament
has, since its inception, been held in countries with a rich football tradition, and consequently, in
countries with sufficient football infrastructure. However, motivated by a desire to promote football
and capitalise on its growing popularity elsewhere in the world, FIFA has begun designating host
countries outside of Europe and Latin America. This strategy by FIFA has led to the first-ever
World Cup to be hosted on African soil. South Africa's successful bid to host the 2010 FIFA World
Cup poses a unique opportunity to assess the impact of such a large-scale event on a developing
The purpose of this paper is to measure the impact of hosting the 2010 FIFA World Cup on
the South African economy, using a 32-sector Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model.
The CGE model is solved using the GEMPACK software package. The results aim to give a more
accurate and detailed estimate of the economic impact of the 2010 World Cup than is currently
2 Literature in brief
The first economic impact study of hosting the Olympic Games, conducted for the Los Angeles
Games of 1984, was a direct result of the interest generated by reports that Montreal declared a
considerable financial deficit from the 1976 Games. Subsequently, many studies have been done
on the wide-ranging and diverse impacts of sporting events on economies.
An economic impact study of the Rugby World Cup (RWC) 2003 held in Australia by URS
Finance and Economics (2004) found that RWC2003 was estimated to have generated $AU494
million in additional industry sales, an additional $AU55 million in revenue to the Commonwealth
Government, and more than 4000 full- and part-time jobs during 2003. The total contribution in
additional Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to the Australian economy was estimated at $AU289
The economic impact study of the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games, also held in Australia, by the
Centre for Regional Economic Analysis (1999) estimated that over the 12 years ending in
2005/2006, the Olympics was expected to increase New South Wales Gross State Product
(GSP) by an average of almost $AU490 million per year. The value of the impact on the
Australian GDP was estimated at $AU6.5 billion. This initial estimation was confirmed in a more
recent study by Madden (2002). CGE modelling techniques were used to simulate the impact on
the Australian economy in both the above-mentioned studies.
Brunet (2005) recently published a comprehensive review of the economic impact of the
Barcelona Olympic Games over the period 1986-2004 and beyond. Brunet found that Barcelona's
hosting of the Games was a remarkable success, and had contributed significantly to the urban
regeneration and attractiveness of the city. Barcelona's use of resources and planning was
exceptional and their minimising of organisational costs and careful planning with regard to the
required investment and funding thereof had led to tremendous gains for the city after the event.
As a result of its triumph on all levels, the Barcelona Games have become a model from a
sporting, organisational, economic, social and urban planning perspective.
Kim et al. (2006) found that the impact of the 2002 FIFA World Cup on South Korea was
unsatisfactory from an economic perspective. The benefits of cultural exchanges, and natural
resources and cultural development were, however, found to be adequate. The lower than
expected economic benefits may have been due to the fact that football has not traditionally been
a major sport in Asia, but apart from these unsatisfactory gains, the 2002 FIFA World Cup was a
successful event for South Koreans without any major societal and cultural problems.
Although there are many expected and perceived negative impacts from hosting a mega-
event, countries and cities still compete against each other to host these events because of the
expected benefits for the community and local businesses. The prospect of hosting a successful
mega-event and the positive spin-offs and opportunities that this might create through
international publicity and recognition (Jeong and Faulkner, 1996) often cause potential host
communities to ignore any negative impacts that might occur (Kim et al, 2006).
Sports economist Holger Preuss states that every modern Olympic Games, or mega-sporting
event, has had a non-sporting agenda. Preuss (2000) lists a number of objectives that these
countries had in hosting events of this nature. These include:
• putting the country 'on the map'
• showcasing the region
• promoting the political system
• creating new trading partners
• attracting investment
• boosting tourism
• creating jobs and business opportunities
• urban renewal, including housing and infrastructure
• building a legacy of sports infrastructure.
In another study, Ritchie and Adair (2002) emphasised the importance of legacy planning for host
destinations. He stated that without careful strategic planning that keeps destination and
community development in mind, it might be difficult to justify the large investments required to
host the event. Comprehensive legacy planning could therefore ensure that hosting a mega-event
would contribute to the development of the community, and thereby benefit residents for a long
period of time.
Matheson and Baade (2004) posed the question of whether hosting mega-events is a
worthwhile investment for developing nations. Building on their own previous research, they
carefully weighed the arguments for and against hosting a mega-event. They found that,
historically, the actual net economic impact of hosting mega-events has been very small
compared to initial estimates and predictions by those promoting the events. They warned that
should developing countries fail to plan adequately, hosting events of this nature could become
an even worse investment for developing countries than for industrialised countries.
An economic impact assessment by Thornton (2003) of South Africa's 2010 World Cup bid
and the Inspection Group Report for the 2010 FIFA World Cup (2004) highlighted some of the
potential benefits to the economy, and found that the staging of the World Cup in South Africa will
create significant direct and indirect economic benefits for the country's economy, with minimal
tangible and intangible costs. Although the cost-benefit analysis approach used in the study is
limited in its application, it remains the simplest and most easily understood method of measuring
potential economic impacts. The study expected a contribution of R21 billion to the economy, and
150 000 new jobs to be created. However, these findings were based on questionable income
and employment multipliers, which were probably overoptimistic compared to estimates from other
studies, such as Van Heerden et at. (2006).
It is clear that the outcomes from previous mega-events need to be considered in the light of
South Africa's specific characteristics. Host cities face different initial conditions when first
awarded mega-events. Developing countries usually require much larger capital investment in
order to prepare for events of this nature. The risks and opportunity costs are therefore much more
apparent (Matheson and Baade, 2004). Nonetheless, South Africa has been granted a huge
opportunity and honour in being nominated as the first African nation to host the FIFA World Cup.
If hosted successfully, a mega-event represents arguably the most striking manner in which a
country can promote itself on the world stage. All South Africans should work together in taking
full advantage of this remarkable occasion.
The model used in these simulations, UPGEM, is a 32-sector CGE model developed by the
University of Pretoria and the Centre of Policy Studies. Like the majority of CGE models, UPGEM
is designed for comparative-static simulations (Horridge, 2000).
A CGE model contains more variables than equations, and it is therefore necessary to choose
which of the variables will be determined endogenously within the model, and which variables will
be determined exogenously. The assumptions concerning the choice of endogenous and
exogenous variables are known as the 'model closure' and should reflect the true economic
environment in which the shocks are applied as closely as possible (De Wet, 2003).
Modifying the closure of the model allows for simulation under different assumptions, time
frames, and the ability to apply different shocks to the economy. As with all economic modelling
methodologies, it is important when interpreting the results to be aware of the assumptions and
restrictions under which the model is run, and how this may influence the various outcomes.1 One
should also remember that the percentage change in all exogenous variables that were not
directly shocked will be zero. The numeraire in these simulations is the nominal exchange rate,
phi, and is also kept exogenous.
The specific model closure used for simulating the economic impact of the 2010 FIFA World
Cup is a modified version of a standard short-run closure. Given the short-run nature of the
simulation, investment is therefore held constant.
The various shocks applied to the economy are grouped as follows: Scenario 1 refers to the
simulation where the capital stock of the transport and construction industries are increased by
2% each and the capital stock of the communication and hotel industries by 1% each. Scenario 2
refers to the simulation where technical change in the transport industry improves productivity by
5%, and in the construction and communication industries by 2% each. Scenario 3 refers to the
marginal increase in tourism as a result of the tournament. This relatively small increase in
tourism takes into account the crowding out effect of the tournament. Scenario 4 refers to the
simulation where the demand for these capital expenditures increases during the period of the
World Cup. Scenario 5 briefly analyses the impact of higher taxes as a means of financing the
required expenditures ahead of the World Cup. The final scenario combines all these individual
shocks to simulate the overall impact of hosting the event.
In order to correctly reflect the time period under consideration, and allow for the economic
components identified above to the shocked, the following variables are held exogenous. Capital
stocks, technical change, tax rates and investment are all exogenous. Employment is
endogenous, and determined within the model. From a macroeconomic point of view, the impact
on GDP and employment levels naturally attracts the most attention, but the results of the various
shocks on an industry level are also of great value for firms and investors.
The shocks applied in the various simulations, and their respective magnitudes, were based
on the general findings of the literature review in Bohlmann (2006), the proposed budget from the
National Treasury Budget Review (2006) over the Medium-Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF)
period, and the proposed infrastructure investment agreed to by the South African Local
Organising Committee (LOC) and FIFA. The precise magnitude of event-specific capital and
infrastructure expenditures remains a contentious issue nonetheless. Infrastructure specifically
required for the hosting of a mega-event, such as stadiums and practice facilities, are usually
easily distinguishable from other expenditures. However, there is a thin line between supporting
infrastructure developments, such as transport and communication upgrades, and general
infrastructure expenditure as part of, for example, the ASGISA macroeconomic framework.
Although there is no doubt that these additional infrastructure developments would have occurred
in time, it is assumed here that the hosting of the 2010 FIFA World Cup has shifted the majority of
these expenditures sufficiently forward to be considered as supporting infrastructure for the
4 Simulation results
When interpreting the findings of the different shocks to the economy, it is essential to keep the
type of model closure, or assumptions under which these simulations are run, in mind. Scenarios
1 to 3 measure only the impact of the benefits associated with the various shocks, and should be
interpreted as such. In Scenario 4, the impact of the increased demand for the relevant goods
and services is measured, and in Scenario 5, the impact of financing the associated capital
expenditures on the economy is measured separately. The section concludes with a discussion
on the overall impact of the 2010 FIFA World Cup on the South African economy, given the
results of the individual and combined simulations.
Table 1 presents a summary of selected macroeconomic results obtained for the given
shocks applied to the economy in the first three scenarios.2
In Scenario 1, we find the increase in capital stock leading to higher GDP growth and
employment, lower prices, higher exports owing to an increase in competitiveness, and a
positive impact on the balance of trade. Given the nature of the shock and model closure,
these results are to be expected. Prices decrease in this scenario because of the increase
in supply of capital stock. Demand is held constant in this scenario. A simple AD/AS model
would clearly illustrate the decrease in prices caused by the shock, and subsequent
increase in output and employment. Lower prices in the economy would improve the real
exchange rate3 of the country, increasing its competitiveness in international trade and
leading to a greater demand for domestic exports.
In Scenario 2, we find very similar results to that of Scenario 1. The increase in productivity
of the capital stock owing to technical progress enables output to increase relative to
inputs. The net effect of this is therefore very similar to that of the first scenario. Growth in
GDP and employment improves because of the relatively cheaper cost of production.
Prices subsequently decrease, once again improving the real exchange rate and
competitiveness of the country.
Scenario 3 simulates the impact of the expected increase in tourism as a result of the
event. The foreign demand for domestic accommodation, transport and telecommunication
services would therefore increase. Simulation results show that this would lead to higher
price levels and a subsequent decrease in international competitiveness. This is caused by
the increase in demand for domestic goods and services by the larger number of tourists,
pushing up prices. The impact on GDP is very small, though. In Tables 2-5, the
macroeconomic impacts of the various shocks are disaggregated to better understand
these results.
Table 2 above shows a relatively large increase in consumption and exports in the first
two scenarios. This is mostly due to the lower prices and improved competitiveness
caused by the increase in supply of capital goods and related productivity, respectively. In
Scenario 3, total exports increase slightly owing to the increase in foreign demand for the
specified services. However, this positive impact is negated to a large extent by decreased
exports from other sectors. In all three scenarios, the changes in investment and inventory
levels are zero because of the nature of the short-run model closure used in these
Industry-level results
In order to fully understand the magnitude and direction of change to macroeconomic
variables such as GDP, employment and exports caused by the various shocks, it is
essential to look at the disaggregated microeconomic or industry-specific results. The first
table in this section looks at the changes in activity level of selected industries. Table 4
briefly summarises the change in basic export demand of commodities from Scenario 3.
In Table 3, the first two scenarios clearly show the increased activity in all selected
industries. The increased capital stock and productivity seem to have a positive impact on
most industries. Owing to the interrelatedness of most industries, this is to be expected.4
In Scenario 3, activities in the hotel accommodation, communication and transport service
industries naturally increase, but show little impact on other industries. In Table 4, this
result is explained more clearly. The change in basic export demands of the three
shocked industries increase as expected, but the export demand for all other industries
decreases by between 0.1% and 0.3%.
This result is easily explained, though. Owing to the higher demand in the hotel,
communication and transport industries, the demand curve for these services is shifted to
the right, leading to higher prices and levels of output in these industries. The increase in
prices for these three commodities leads to an increase in the general price level of all
other commodities. As the law of demand suggests, this increase in prices would lead to a
decrease in the quantity demanded for these commodities, and subsequently, lower levels
of output. Furthermore, some industries would shift production to those commodities for
which a higher demand exists. This would also contribute to the lower levels of output in
other industries.
The Fan decomposition is most useful in determining the source of changes in activity
level of industries. Tables 5 and 6 decompose the changes in output for Scenarios 1 and
2. The second column of numbers in the Fan decomposition (Local) shows us by how
much we would expect local-commodity output to change, if output of the local commodity
increased in line with the change in domestic demand for commodity regardless of source,
i.e., domestic or imported. The third column (Domestic) can be interpreted as the amount
by which local-commodity output changes because of a relative price change favouring
import replacement. The fourth column (Export) shows the contribution to the change in
the output of the local commodity, brought about by the changes in exports. The last
column (Total) is the sum of the values in Columns 2 to 4, and should correspond to the
values in Table 3.5 The decomposition of Fan therefore aims to show the relative
magnitude of these three contributions to output change (Horridge, 2000). The results
found are in line with expectations, given the lower price levels generated in the first two
scenarios and the structure of the economy.
Table 7 shows the changes in employment by industry in the first two scenarios. The
increase in capital stock and productivity of capital decreases the demand for labour in the
construction and transport industries. This is due to the fact that capital is now cheaper and
more readily available. The use of labour is therefore replaced with the use of capital. The
communication industry still shows a marginal increase in employment owing to the smaller
change in capital stock and productivity. The effect of the increase in overall demand, and
partly labour, is therefore stronger than the relatively cheaper capital reducing the demand
for labour. For all other sectors, employment increases in line with the increase in total
output shown in Table 3 previously.
In the third scenario, simulating the impact of increased tourism inflow, employment results
are also very much in line with the results from changes in total output. Employments in the
hotel, transport and communications industry increase. Employments in all but two of the
remaining industries decline, however. Nonetheless, the net effect in total employment, as
shown in Table 1, is still a marginal increase. As discussed earlier, the nature of these
shocks are very specific, and the results are a disaggregation of all the events that would
occur during the 2010 FIFA World Cup period. Thus far, only the increased capital stock,
productivity gains, and tourist demand for certain goods and services have been simulated.
In the following scenario, we simulate the increased local demand for these capital goods
during the event period.
The stadiums and supporting infrastructure built for the World Cup will naturally be in
great demand during this time. Scenario 4 separates this impact and analyses the results.
Table 8 summarises the most important macroeconomic results.
It is clearly evident that the increased demand for these capital goods and services during
the event would shift the demand curve to the right, increasing general price, output and
employment levels. Higher prices would, of course, decrease the country's international
competitiveness, leading to lower exports. At an industry level, the outputs of the goods
and services in higher demand naturally increase the most, with related industries also
showing marginal increases in output growth.
One of the major concerns any host country of a mega-event such as the FIFA World
Cup has is how to finance these event-specific capital expenditures, and what the
opportunity cost of this is to the economy. Moreover, finding the most efficient manner of
financing these expenditures is of great importance. It is unlikely given the macroeconomic
environment in South Africa that tax rates would be increased. The possibility of a cut in
tax rates would, however, be greatly diminished. Alternatively, should South Africa not
have hosted the World Cup, many government expenditures, including the R8 billion
specifically earmarked for World Cup stadia development, would not have occurred. From a
psychological perspective, it is argued that agents react differently to, for example, having
to pay 1% more taxes as opposed to not receiving a 1% tax cut (Kahneman, 2003).
However, for simplicity, it is assumed here that the impacts of these two alternative
scenarios are the same. In Scenario 5, general sales tax by government is increased by
0.5% to simulate the impact of financing the capital expenditures. The results show a
relatively large negative impact on most macroeconomic variables, with both GDP and
employment declining. On an industry level, all sectors are adversely affected because of
lower overall demand.
5 Overall impact
Thus far, we have shown separately the impact of each shock to the economy as a result
of hosting the 2010 FIFA World Cup. When running these different scenarios
simultaneously, the model shows the overall impact of the event on the economy. Table 9
briefly summarises the most important macroeconomic results.
It should be remembered that the time period under consideration is relatively short. Many of
the associated benefits of hosting a mega-event, such as increased FDI, are therefore not
included. The impact of financing by the government also plays a significant role. In the high-
tax scenario in Table 9, it is assumed that the majority of the expenditure would be financed
through higher taxes. Under this scenario, there is a negligible increase in GDP, with lower
overall employment and high price levels. In this case, the economic costs of the event
therefore seems to outweigh the economic benefits. However, should taxes only be increased
by 0.5%, under the assumption that future investment, GDP growth and taxes generated
would finance the remaining amount, both GDP and employment would then show a positive
result in the short term, with prices still increasing. On an industry level, the construction,
transport, communications, and hotel industries remain the biggest winners in both
In reality, there remains a great deal of uncertainty regarding the overall impact of hosting
the World Cup on the economy. From a purely economic perspective, it is hard to imagine that
there would be any significant impact on GDP in the short term. Similarly, employment might
increase in the short term as a result of construction activities, but remain unchanged in the
longer term as demand for labour decreases again. However, if the World Cup is a
considerable success, and leads to large sums of foreign investment and increased domestic
activity, both GDP and employment could potentially increase even further in the long term.
Many intangible factors were also not explicitly considered. The organising of the World
Cup would place immense strain on the capacity of local and provincial governments. Other
negative aspects associated with mega-events, such as increased traffic congestion and
petty crime, were also not taken into account. Perhaps the most important intangible factor
associated with the hosting of a mega-event is the pride or happiness factor. Hosting a
successful mega-event and increasing the profile of the country, undoubtedly increases the
pride residents have towards their country. The long-term impact of a happier population
could be significant, and could be an interesting topic for future research.
6 Conclusion
Sports have transcended their position as merely a form of leisure or entertainment, to one of
the biggest industries in the world today. Since the introduction of live television broadcasts,
these events have dramatically risen in popularity. Subsequently, the money and prestige
involved in these sporting events have also increased.
The hosting of mega-events has become more fiercely contested than ever, with the prospect
of a large economic windfall luring potential host cities to the bidding process. However, this
study emphasises the fact that without proper planning and correct investment decisions, mega-
events could indeed become a fiscal nightmare for their hosts. Cities have become increasingly
aware of the immense cost associated with hosting modern events, and are placing a lot more
emphasis on legacy planning.
The focus of this study is on South Africa's hosting of the 2010 FIFA World Cup. A number of
considerations are highlighted in order for South Africa to derive the maximum benefit from
hosting the event. A CGE model of the South African economy is used to predict the economic
impact of hosting the event on the local economy. Overall, the real economic impact was found to
be negligible given the relatively short time period under consideration. Various industries, such
as construction, transport and accommodation, would naturally benefit during this period. It is
plausible that many of the macroeconomic benefits associated with hosting the event would only
be fully realised in the longer term.
It is important as hosts of the 2010 FIFA World Cup to maximise this opportunity. Events of
this nature can be viewed as a massive marketing campaign for the country. A lot of money has
to be spent to create a successful advert initially, but the longer-term gains will more often than
not outweigh the costs. However, hosting a successful World Cup does not necessarily imply
hosting the most expensive World Cup with regard to stadiums and supporting infrastructure.
Giving the event a distinctly African flavour, without too many extravagant bells and whistles
attached, could prove to be just as effective. The focus should rather be on investing heavily in
supporting infrastructure, such as transport and communication services, than excessive
stadiums with a low net worth after the event. That said, given the possibility of future mega-
events, stadiums should be upgraded and carefully maintained on a regular basis. The prospect of
building one major iconic stadium could also be considered. As always, the sustainability of these
investments is critical to its success. Given our status as a developing nation, the opportunity
costs of such large and visible expenditures are much more apparent, and therefore politically
Legacy planning has become the buzz word in hosting a mega-event. South Africa has been
given a huge opportunity to showcase itself. Some might argue that it is an opportunity that
comes at too great a cost. However, given proper long-term planning and vision, FIFA 2010 could
turn out to be the most profitable investment in this country's history.
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1 See Horridge (2000) and De Wet (2003) for a full discussion on model closures and how the CGE
model is solved within GEMPACK.
2 Scenarios 1, 2 and 3 refer to the increase in capital stock, productivity and tourism, respectively, as a
result of hosting the 2010 HFA World Cup.
3 The real exchange rate of a country is the ratio of foreign prices to domestic prices measured in the
same currency, and is defined by the equation
4 The sales matrix from the database file in the model clearly depicts the relationship between the various
sectors and the destination of their sales.
5 Minor discrepancies may occur due to rounding.