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Finite State Machines


128-bit word needs 8. This type of code is called a Hamming code, after R. Hamming, who described a method for creating such codes.


Finite State Machines


As we saw earlier, digital logic systems can be classied as combinational or sequential. Sequential systems contain state stored in memory elements internal to the system. Their behavior depends both on the set of inputs supplied and on the contents of the internal memory, or state of the system. Thus, a sequential system cannot be described with a truth table. Instead, a sequential system is described as a nite state machine (or often just state machine). A nite state machine has a set of states and two functions called the next-state function and the output function. The set of states correspond to all the possible values of the internal storage. Thus, if there are n bits of storage, there are 2n states. The nextstate function is a combinational function that, given the inputs and the current state, determines the next state of the system. The output function produces a set of outputs from the current state and the inputs. Figure B.10.1 shows this diagrammatically.

nite state machine A sequential logic function consisting of a set of inputs and outputs, a next-state function that maps the current state and the inputs to a new state, and an output function that maps the current state and possibly the inputs to a set of asserted outputs. next-state function A combinational function that, given the inputs and the current state, determines the next state of a finite state machine.

Next state Current state Next-state function

Clock Inputs

Output function


FIGURE B.10.1 A state machine consists of internal storage that contains the state and two combinational functions: the next-state function and the output function. Often, the output function is restricted to take only the current state as its input; this does not change the capability of a sequential machine, but does affect its internals.


Appendix B

The Basics of Logic Design

The state machines we discuss here and in Chapters 5 and 6 are synchronous. This means that the state changes together with the clock cycle, and a new state is computed once every clock. Thus, the state elements are updated only on the clock edge. We use this methodology in this section and throughout Chapters 5 and 6, and we do not usually show the clock explicitly. We use state machines throughout Chapters 5 and 6 to control the execution of the processor and the actions of the datapath. To illustrate how a nite state machine operates and is designed, lets look at a simple and classic example: controlling a trafc light. (Chapters 5 and 6 contain more detailed examples of using nite state machines to control processor execution.) When a nite state machine is used as a controller, the output function is often restricted to depend on just the current state. Such a nite state machine is called a Moore machine. This is the type of nite state machine we use throughout this book. If the output function can depend on both the current state and the current input, the machine is called a Mealy machine. These two machines are equivalent in their capabilities, and one can be turned into the other mechanically. The basic advantage of a Moore machine is that it can be faster, while a Mealy machine may be smaller, since it may need fewer states than a Moore machine. In Chapter 5, we discuss the differences in more detail and show a Verilog version of nite state control using a Mealy machine. Our example concerns the control of a trafc light at an intersection of a northsouth route and an east-west route. For simplicity, we will consider only the green and red lights; adding the yellow light is left for an exercise. We want the lights to cycle no faster than 30 seconds in each direction, so we will use a 0.033 Hz clock so that the machine cycles between states at no faster than once every 30 seconds. There are two output signals:

NSlite: When this signal is asserted, the light on the north-south road is green; when this signal is deasserted the light on the north-south road is red. EWlite: When this signal is asserted, the light on the east-west road is green; when this signal is deasserted the light on the east-west road is red. NScar: Indicates that a car is over the detector placed in the roadbed in front of the light on the north-south road (going north or south). EWcar: Indicates that a car is over the detector placed in the roadbed in front of the light on the east-west road (going east or west).

In addition, there are two inputs: NScar and EWcar.

The trafc light should change from one direction to the other only if a car is waiting to go in the other direction; otherwise, the light should continue to show green in the same direction as the last car that crossed the intersection.


Finite State Machines


To implement this simple trafc light we need two states:

NSgreen: The trafc light is green in the north-south direction. EWgreen: The trafc light is green in the east-west direction.

We also need to create the next-state function, which can be specied with a table:
Inputs Current state
NSgreen NSgreen NSgreen NSgreen EWgreen EWgreen EWgreen EWgreen

0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1

0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

Next state
NSgreen EWgreen NSgreen EWgreen EWgreen EWgreen NSgreen NSgreen

Notice that we didnt specify in the algorithm what happens when a car approaches from both directions. In this case, the next-state function given above changes the state to ensure that a steady stream of cars from one direction cannot lock out a car in the other direction. The nite state machine is completed by specifying the output function:
Outputs Current state
NSgreen EWgreen

1 0

0 1

Before we examine how to implement this nite state machine, lets look at a graphical representation, which is often used for nite state machines. In this representation, nodes are used to indicate states. Inside the node we place a list of the outputs that are active for that state. Directed arcs are used to show the next-state function, with labels on the arcs specifying the input condition as logic functions. Figure B.10.2 shows the graphical representation for this nite state machine. A nite state machine can be implemented with a register to hold the current state and a block of combinational logic that computes the next-state function and the output function. Figure B.10.3 shows how a nite state machine with 4 bits of state, and thus up to 16 states, might look. To implement the nite state machine in this way, we must rst assign state numbers to the states. This process is called state assignment. For example, we could assign NSgreen to state 0 and


Appendix B

The Basics of Logic Design


NSgreen NScar NSlite EWlite




FIGURE B.10.2 The graphical representation of the two-state trafc light controller. We simplied the logic functions on the state transitions. For example, the transition from NSgreen to EWgreen in the next-state table is ( NScar EWcar ) + ( NScar EWcar ), which is equivalent to EWcar.

EWgreen to state 1. The state register would contain a single bit. The next-state function would be given as NextState = ( CurrentState EWcar ) + ( CurrentState NScar ) where CurrentState is the contents of the state register (0 or 1) and NextState is the output of the next-state function that will be written into the state register at the end of the clock cycle. The output function is also simple: NSlite = CurrentState EWlite = CurrentState The combinational logic block is often implemented using structured logic, such as a PLA. A PLA can be constructed automatically from the next-state and output function tables. In fact, there are computer-aided design (CAD) programs that take either a graphical or textual representation of a nite state machine and produce an optimized implementation automatically. In Chapters 5 and 6, nite state machines were used to control processor execution. Appendix C discusses the detailed implementation of these controllers with both PLAs and ROMs. To show how we might write the control in Verilog, Figure B.10.4 shows a Verilog version designed for synthesis. Note that for this simple control function, a Mealy machine is not useful, but this style of specication is used in Chapter 5 to implement a control function that is a Mealy machine and has fewer states than the Moore machine controller.


Finite State Machines


Outputs Combinational logic

Next state

State register

Inputs FIGURE B.10.3 A nite state machine is implemented with a state register that holds the current state and a combinational logic block to compute the next state and output functions. The latter two functions are often split apart and implemented with two separate blocks of logic, which may require fewer gates.

module TrafficLite (EWCar,NSCar,EWLite,NSLite,clock); input EWCar, NSCar,clock; output EWLite,NSLite; reg state; initial state=0; //set initial state

//following two assignments set the output, which is based only on the state variable assign NSLite = ~ state; //NSLite on if state = 0; assign EWLite = state; //EWLite on if state =1 always @(posedge clock) // all state updates on a positive clock edge case (state) 0: state = EWCar; //change state only if EWCar 1: state = NSCar; //change state only if NSCar endcase endmodule
FIGURE B.10.4 A Verilog version of the trafc light controller.

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