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Java Programs -ISC & ICSE



Model Question Paper –

ISC computer science -
July 2018
 SEPTEMBER 26, 2018

PART – I (20 Marks)

Answer all questions.
While answering questions in this Part, indicate
brie8y your working and
reasoning, wherever required.

Question 1

1. State the involution law. Prove anyone

using truth table. [1]
2. Simplify expression using Boolean laws
F1=a.b’ + a’ + a’.b +b’

3. Find the complement of :

F 2 =(a’ +c’ +d)(b +c+d’)


4. Verify using truth table ( ~p ^ q) V (p^q)

= q. [1]
5. Write the dual of F3 = p’.0 + q.1 +r’

Question 2

1. An array D [-2…10][3…8] contains

double type elements. If the base
address is
4110, Znd the address of D[5][5], when
the array is stored in Column Major
Wise. [2]
2. I) What do you understand by the
keyword : Integer
3. Write the syntax of a string input.
4. From the premises p àq and q àp,
conclude q’
+pq [2]
5. What are wrapper classes? Give two
o. State De Morgan’s laws. Verify anyone
using truth table [2]

Question 3

1. Given the following method


void fnM(int p)

int RM[]={3,6,9,12,15};

for( int j=1; j<=RM.length-1; j++)

RM[j-1] = RM[j-1] +RM[j];

RM[j] = RM[j-1] *3;

System.out.print(“OUTCOME=” +RM[p]);

i)What will be the output if p=2?
ii)What will be the output if p=4?
iii)Which token Znds the size of the array?
PART II (50 Marks)
Answer six questions in this part, choosing
two questions from Section A,
two from Section B and two
from Section C.
Answer any two questions

Question 4

Given the Boolean function : F(A,B,C,D)

i) Reduce the above expression by
using 4 variable Karnaugh map,

the various groups (i.e., octal, quads,
ii) Draw the logic gate diagram for the
reduced expression. Assume that

variables and their complements are
available as inputs.
Given the Boolean function : F(P, Q,R,S)
=Π (0, 1, 3, 5,7, 8, 9,10,11,14,15)
Reduce the above expression by using 4
variable Karnaugh map, showing [4]
the various groups (i.e., octal, quads,
Draw the logic gate diagram for the
reduced expression. Assume that the
variables and their complements are
available as inputs.

Question 5

Given the Boolean function: F(A,B,C,D)=

a. Reduce the above expression by
using 4-variable K map, showing the
various groups (i.e., octet, quads and

1. b. Draw the logic gate diagram for the

reduced expression. Assume that the
variables and their complements are
available as inputs.

Given the Boolean function: F (A, B, C,

D) =(A+B+C+D)(A+B+C+D’)(A+B+C’+D’)
Reduce the above expression by using 4
variable K map showing the various
groups (i.e., octet, quads and

1. Draw the logic gate diagram for the

reduced expression. Assume that the
variables and their complements are
available as

Question 6

A person is allowed to travel in a reserved

coach of the train, if he/she satisZes any one
of the criteria given below:

The person has a valid reservation ticket and a

valid ID, proof.

The person does not have a valid reservation

ticket, but holds a valid pass issued by the
Railway department with a valid ID proof.

The person is a senior citizen and holds a valid

pass issued by the Railway department along
with a valid ID proof.
The inputs are:

R The person has a valid
reservation ticket

P The person holds a valid pass

issued by the Railway department

D The person has a valid ID proof.

S The person is a senior citizen

(in all the above cases 1 indicates yes and 0
indicates no for all cases)

Output: T – Denotes allowed to travel [1

indicates yes and 0 indicates no.]
Draw the truth table for the inputs and outputs
given above and write the SOP expression for
T(R, P, D and

What is redundant group?

Convert the following Boolean expression into
its Canonical SOP form: [3]
XY’ + X’Y + X’Z’


Answer any two


Each program should be written in such a way

that it clearly depicts the logic of the problem.
This can be achieved by using mnemonic
names and comments in the program.
(Flowcharts and Algorithms are not required.)
The programs must be written in Java.

Question 7

A class SeriesSum is desgined to calculate the

sum of the following series: [10]
Sum = x2/1! + x4/3! + x6/5! + xn/(n-1)!
Some of the members of the class are given
class name : SeriesSum
Data members/ instance variables :
x : to store an integer number
n : to store number of terms
sum : double variable to store
the sum of the series

Member functions:
SeriesSum(int xx, int nm) : constructor to
assign x=xx and n=nn
double Zndfact(int m) : to return
the factorial of m using recursive technique
double Zndpower(int x, int y) : to return x
raised to the power of y using recursive
void calculate() : to calculate the
sum of the series by invoking the recursive
functions respectively.
void display() : to display the
sum of the series.
Specify the class SeriesSum, giving the details
of the above member data and methods only.
DeZne the main() function to create an object
and call the member function accordingly to
enable the task.


1. Write a program in Java to perform

Bubble Sort in a given array of integers
in ascending order.
2. Write a program to obtain maximum and
minimum element in an array using
maximum( int[] t) and minimum( int[] t).
Also deZne a main() and call the
methods to enable the task.


A class Binary deZnes a recursive function to

convert a binary number into its equivalent
decimal form.
Example: Let Binary number 1101, its
equivalent decimal 1*23 + 1*22 +0*21 + 1*20=
The details of the class are given below:
class name : Binary
Data members/ instance variables :
bin : long integer data to
store binary number
de : long integer data to
store decimal number
Member functions/methods:
Binary() : default constructor
void readBin() : to read a binary
number in bin.
long convertDec(long): to convert the
binary number stored in bin into its equivalent
decimal using Recursive technique. Store the
decimal number into dec and return.
void Show() : to display the
binary number and its equivalent decimal
number stored in dec by invoking the recursive

Specify the class Binary, giving the details of

the above member data and methods only.
DeZne the main() function to create an object
and call the member function accordingly to
enable the task.


Answer any two questions.

Each program should be written in such a way

that it clearly depicts the logic of the problem.
This can be achieved by using mnemonic
names and comments in the program.
(Flowcharts and Algorithms are not required.)
The programs must be written in Java.


Show the output of the following code;

( In all output questions you must give dry run/

working and after that Znal output should be

void fnCheck(int n)

int s=0,t=1;


System.out.println(“n =”+ n+ “t =” +t);

} while(n>0);

1. What will be the output if n=25?


The following is a public member function of

some class which Znds whether an integer
number ‘n’ is a perfect number or not. There
are Zve places in the code marked as ?1?, ?2?,
?3?, ?4?, ?5? which must be replaced by the
expressions or statements so that the program
works correctly. Answer the questions given
after function.

void Check_Number(int a)

int s = ?1? ;

for (int q=1; q <n; q++)

if(a% ?2? ==0)

s=s+ ?3?;

if( ?4? === ?5?)

System.out.println(n+ “is a perfect number”);


System.out.println(n+ “is not a perfect


1. What is the expression or statement at ?

2. What is the expression or statement at ?
3. What is the expression or statement at ?
4. What is the expression or statement at ?
5. What is the expression or statement at ?


The following is a function of some class

which sorts an array arr[] in descending order
using the bubble sort technique. There are Zve
places in the code marked by ?1?, ?2? , ?3? , ?
4? , ?5? which must be replaced by an
expression or statement so the function works

void bubblesort(int arr[]) {

int i, j, k, temp;

for(i=0;i < ?1? ; i++)

for( j=0; j< ?2? ; j++)

if(?4? < ?3?){



arr[j+1]= ?5? ;

1. What is the expression or statement at ?

2. What is the expression or statement at ?
3. What is the expression or statement at ?
4. What is the expression or statement at ?
5. What is the expression or statement at ?

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Model Question Paper Model Question Paper

June 2018-ISC ISC Computer
Computer Science Science 2018
Model Question Paper PART – I (20 Marks)
ISC Computer Answer all questions.
Science 2018 PART – While answering
I (20 Marks) Answer questions in this Part,
all questions. While indicate briety your
answering questions
September 26, 2018 working and26, 2018
In "Education" In "Education"

ISC – Model Question

Paper -October 2018
Question 1 Draw the
truth table and logic
diagram for the 2
inputs XOR gate. [1]
Using the truth table,
verify the31,
October following
In "arrays"



Model Question Paper ISC Computer
Science 2018

Model Question Paper June 2018-ISC


Computer Science

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remove the duplicate characters present in it. March 1,


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