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8 Proteases

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Biotechnology Advances 70 (2024) 108304

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Research review paper

Proteases immobilized on nanomaterials for biocatalytic, environmental

and biomedical applications: Advantages and drawbacks
Muhammad Bilal a, b, **, Sarmad Ahmad Qamar c, Diego Carballares d, Ángel Berenguer-Murcia e,
Roberto Fernandez-Lafuente d, *
Department of Sanitary Engineering, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Gdansk University of Technology, G. Narutowicza 11/12 Str., 80-233 Gdansk,
Advanced Materials Center, Gdansk University of Technology, 11/12 Narutowicza St., 80-233 Gdansk, Poland
Department of Environmental, Biological & Pharmaceutical Sciences, and Technologies, University of Campania ‘Luigi Vanvitelli’, Via Vivaldi 43, 81100 Caserta, Italy
Department of Biocatalysis, ICP-CSIC, C/ Marie Curie 2, Campus UAM-CSIC Cantoblanco, Madrid, Spain
Departamento de Química Inorgánica e Instituto Universitario de Materiales, Universidad de Alicante, 03080 Alicante, Spain


Keywords: Proteases have gained significant scientific and industrial interest due to their unique biocatalytic characteristics
Proteases and broad-spectrum applications in different industries. The development of robust nanobiocatalytic systems by
Immobilization attaching proteases onto various nanostructured materials as fascinating and novel nanocarriers has demon­
strated exceptional biocatalytic performance, substantial stability, and ease of recyclability over multiple reac­
tion cycles under different chemical and physical conditions. Proteases immobilized on nanocarriers may be
Green biotechnology
much more resistant to denaturation caused by extreme temperatures or pH values, detergents, organic solvents,
and other protein denaturants than free enzymes. Immobilized proteases may present a lower inhibition. The use
of non-porous materials in the immobilization prevents diffusion and steric hindrances during the binding of the
substrate to the active sites of enzymes compared to immobilization onto porous materials; when using very large
or solid substrates, orientation of the enzyme must always be adequate. The advantages and problems of the
immobilization of proteases on nanoparticles are discussed in this review. The continuous and batch reactor
operations of nanocarrier-immobilized proteases have been successfully investigated for a variety of applications
in the leather, detergent, biomedical, food, and pharmaceutical industries. Information about immobilized
proteases on various nanocarriers and nanomaterials has been systematically compiled here. Furthermore,
different industrial applications of immobilized proteases have also been highlighted in this review.

1. Introduction designed to fulfill their physiological role under stress conditions.

However, industry intends to use them under fixed and controlled
1.1. Enzyme immobilization conditions. Enzyme regulation is no longer necessary in this prospect,
but it has become a problem. Enzymes are unstable and become
Enzymes are biological catalysts that perform essential functions in inhibited by-products, substrates, and other reagents. Moreover, most
different metabolic processes and are considered “green catalysts” due enzymes with industrial interest are soluble, making their reuse and
to their environmentally friendly nature, extreme selectivity and speci­ recovery complex (Schoemaker et al., 2003).
ficity, and extraordinary activity under mild conditions (Hauer, 2020; Enzyme stability and kinetic features may be tailored using many
Schmid et al., 2001; Sheldon and Brady, 2019; Sheldon and Woodley, different tools. Metagenomics opens the possibility of utilizing all
2018). However, this biological origin of enzymess is the source of many biodiversity (past and present enzymes may be utilized) (Fernández-
problems for their industrial implementation. Enzymes are naturally Arrojo et al., 2010; Ferrer et al., 2008; Ferrer et al., 2016), directed

* Corresponding author.
** Corresponding author at: Department of Sanitary Engineering, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Gdansk University of Technology, G. Nar­
utowicza 11/12 Str., 80-233 Gdansk, Poland.
E-mail addresses: muhammad.bilal@pg.edu.pl (M. Bilal), rfl@icp.csic.es (R. Fernandez-Lafuente).

Received 25 August 2023; Received in revised form 30 November 2023; Accepted 15 December 2023
Available online 21 December 2023
0734-9750/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-
M. Bilal et al. Biotechnology Advances 70 (2024) 108304

et al., 2021). Nowadays, enzymes bearing several active centers may be

created (Carballares et al., 2022a), e.g., the case of pluryzymes (Alonso
et al., 2020; Roda et al., 2022; Santiago et al., 2018). Enzyme chemical
modification is more directed and efficient every day in altering enzyme
features (Díaz-Rodríguez and Davis, 2011; Giri et al., 2021; Pagar et al.,
Immobilization is a technique that was developed to permit enzyme
recovery and, if the enzyme remains active, to reuse the enzymes in
biocatalysts that were costly in their first moments (DiCosimo et al.,
2013; Liese and Hilterhaus, 2013; Sheldon and van Pelt, 2013). Immo­
bilization of enzymes may also simplify the down-stream processing and
allow the use of a variety of reactor configurations and a stricter control
of the reaction, avoiding product contamination by the enzyme (very
important in food technology to prevent allergic reactions). Due to the
considerable improvements in enzyme production, enzyme reuse is no
longer required to make an enzymatic process viable (Bolivar et al.,
2022). For example, Novozymes has launched a lipase to produce bio­
diesel (Eversa), designed to be used in free form and only represents 5%
of the total process costs (Monteiro et al., 2021). Moreover, some stra­
tegies to recover and reuse free enzymes already exist (Woodley, 2017).
However, enzyme immobilization has proved useful for far more than
enabling enzyme recovery. Proper immobilization may improve enzyme
stability for many different reasons, such as multipoint (Rodrigues et al.,
Fig. 1. Schematic representation of some of the most common nanomaterials
2021) or multi-subunit immobilization (Fernandez-Lafuente, 2009),
used in enzyme immobilization.
generation of micro-environments (Virgen-Ortiz et al., 2017), and fixa­
tion of more stable forms (Rodrigues et al., 2019), and this means
evolution permits to improve a specific feature under the desired con­ widening the operational conditions range (drastic pH, temperatures,
ditions mimicking natural evolution (Arnold and Volkov, 1999; Currin and presence of denaturing agents) (Rodrigues et al., 2021) and increase
et al., 2015; Denard et al., 2015). Site-directed mutagenesis enables the enzyme activity under drastic conditions (Dal Magro et al., 2019b; Dal
improvement of the active center (Mateljak et al., 2019; Petrenko et al., Magro et al., 2020). If adequately designed, enzyme immobilization may
2020) or even the creation of new activities (Panis et al., 2020; Tong be coupled to the purification of the enzyme (Barbosa et al., 2015). In

Fig. 2. Problems in the immobilization of large proteins in porous and non-porous matrices.

M. Bilal et al. Biotechnology Advances 70 (2024) 108304

Fig. 3. Substrate diffusional limitations using porous and non-porous biocatalysts.

some instances, it is possible to immobilize hyperactivated forms of the As with any other enzyme, protease application may be improved if
enzyme, increasing enzyme activity (e.g., especially in the case of lipases immobilized. They can be used in immobilized form even to produce
immobilized through interfacial activation) (Manoel et al., 2015). milk clotting in the cheese-making industry, as long as some precautions
Moreover, the enzyme interacts with the support surface, producing are taken (e.g., performing the hydrolysis under coagulation tempera­
distortions (Souza et al., 2022; Souza et al., 2021). That way, new ture to prevent trapping of the immobilized enzyme) (Siar et al., 2020).
enzyme forms will be produced, in many instances with worse catalytic However, they have some peculiarities that can make understanding the
properties than the native enzyme, but if a high number of immobili­ effects of their immobilization complex. When used to modify small
zation strategies are utilized, involving different immobilization events, substrates (e.g., in the synthesis of peptides, and resolution of racemic
immobilized enzymes with better selectivity, specificity or activity in a mixtures) (Tavano et al., 2018), they can behave as standard enzymes.
specific process may be achieved (Rodrigues et al., 2013). Enzyme in­ However, when they are used as proteolytic agents, the substrate will be
hibitions may also be decreased by diverse causes (Cowan et al., 1987; large and relatively rigid, perhaps larger than the enzyme. This will
Mateo et al., 2004; Mateo et al., 2007). Very importantly, enzyme generate some problems using porous support.
immobilization is compatible with all the previous techniques for The trouble with using immobilized enzymes is even bigger if applied
improving enzyme features (Coscolín et al., 2018; Cowan and in textiles to attack some solid fibers of textile fabrics. In this instance, it
Fernandez-Lafuente, 2011; Madalozzo et al., 2015; Rodrigues et al., is required that the enzyme is correctly oriented (and at maximum
2011; Rueda et al., 2016; Sánchez et al., 2021; Yao et al., 2014). Thus, loading; this may be more complex, as previously discussed) and, in the
enzyme immobilization becomes no longer just a means to recover the case of a solid, fully exposed to the medium. This reduces the utilization
enzymes but may also become an essential step in preparing a biocata­ of proteases immobilized on porous supports. That way, the pores of the
lyst with adequate features. support where the protease is immobilized should be larger enough to
permit the entry of the substrate, not only of the enzyme (Cipolatti et al.,
2016; Garcia-Galan et al., 2011; Morellon-Sterling et al., 2022; Tacias-
1.2. Proteases in biocatalysis Pascacio et al., 2021).
Using porous supports, protease immobilization can produce an
Protease enzymes can hydrolyze peptide bonds. They have impres­ enzyme with correct orientation, with the structure fully preserved but
sive applications in a wide diversity of areas, ranging from food modi­ almost inactive in the target reaction because only the tiny fraction of
fications (Mamo and Assefa, 2018; Tavano, 2013), cheese making (Alavi enzyme molecules located on the support external surface will be active
and Momen, 2020; Morellon-Sterling et al., 2020), and fine chemistry versus large substrates (Cipolatti et al., 2016; Garcia-Galan et al., 2011;
for the production of peptides, resolution of racemic mixtures (Tavano Morellon-Sterling et al., 2022; Tacias-Pascacio et al., 2021). As later
et al., 2018), textile (partial hydrolysis of fabrics) (Razzaq et al., 2019; discussed, this may be solved using nanomaterials to immobilize pro­
Singh and Bajaj, 2017), medicine (Nitsche et al., 2014), production of teases. A second peculiarity of proteases is their capability to produce
antibody fragments (Morellon-Sterling et al., 2020) or biochemical autolysis (Alexandre et al., 2001; Bickerstaff and Zhou, 1993; Kapust
studies (proteolytic maps), among others. One of the most important et al., 2001). This means that as they are also proteins, they can be
applications nowadays is the hydrolysis of proteins to achieve functional attacked by other protease molecules and be proteolyzed. The proteo­
peptides (Castañeda-Valbuena et al., 2022; Görgüç et al., 2020; Karami lyzed enzymes may have lower stability or even change their selectivity
and Akbari-Adergani, 2019; Nwachukwu and Aluko, 2019; Tacias-Pas­ or specificity. The immobilization on porous supports prevents this
cacio et al., 2020).

M. Bilal et al. Biotechnology Advances 70 (2024) 108304

Fig. 4. Effect of enzyme orientation regarding the support surface and the enzyme loading on the substrate diffusional issues when immobilized on non-
porous supports.

possibility entirely, as the enzyme will be dispersed and can no longer 1.3. Bio-enzyme coordination with nanocarriers
attack other enzyme molecules (except those on the external surface of
the support, a very small fraction) (Garcia-Galan et al., 2011; Morellon- Progress in nanobiocatalysis has devoted an impressive potential for
Sterling et al., 2022; Tacias-Pascacio et al., 2021). refining enzyme functionality by immobilizing the enzymes on different
This protection is no longer offered when immobilizing the enzyme nanocarriers (Ansari and Husain, 2012; Bilal et al., 2018; Ding et al.,
on a non-porous support, as all enzymes will be exposed to proteolysis 2015; Jiang et al., 2009; Vaghari et al., 2016; Verma et al., 2013; Wang
(and to the interaction with interfaces and aggregation) (Cipolatti et al., et al., 2009; Zhai et al., 2010). Nanobiocatalytic methodologies use
2016; Garcia-Galan et al., 2011; Morellon-Sterling et al., 2022; Tacias- several nano-structured constituents to immobilize enzymes, including
Pascacio et al., 2021). One academic problem in the prevention of nanoparticles (Bilal et al., 2018; Popat et al., 2011; Sharma et al., 2022;
protease autolysis is the increase in enzyme stability just by immobili­ Vaghari et al., 2016; Zangi et al., 2023; Zhao et al., 2022), nanofibers
zation on porous supports (Bolivar et al., 2022). This can suggest that an (Khan et al., 2023; Rather et al., 2022; Ribeiro et al., 2021), nanotubes
increase in enzyme rigidity has been achieved when only enzyme pro­ (Bilal et al., 2020; Feng and Ji, 2011), nanosheets (Monajati et al., 2018;
teolysis has been prevented, making the researcher reach the wrong Sáringer et al., 2021; Wang et al., 2016), nanocomposite scaffolds
conclusions (Rodrigues et al., 2021). Comparison of the target biocata­ (Verma et al., 2013) (Fig. 1) for enzyme immobilization and the stabi­
lyst with a single point immobilized enzyme or in the presence of in­ lization of their catalytic performance (Bilal et al., 2021; Reshmy et al.,
hibitors may be a solution (Rodrigues et al., 2021). However, this is only 2021).
of academic interest; the fact is that the operational stability of the Most of these are non-porous supports, bringing forth the pros and
immobilized proteases will be increased. In many instances, the use of cons of these materials in enzyme immobilization (Cipolatti et al., 2016;
proteases under drastic conditions is necessary. For example, to prevent Garcia-Galan et al., 2011). Taking as example nanoparticles, we can
contamination or because the enzyme is utilized to hydrolyze aggre­ discuss some of these features. The main advantage is that by using non-
gated enzymes that are resolubilized in chaotropic agents. Only very porous nanoparticles, all enzyme molecules will be immobilized on the
stable biocatalysts will maintain the activity under concentrations of surface of the support (Cipolatti et al., 2016; Garcia-Galan et al., 2011).
urea or guanidine able to resolubilize these aggregates, and the use of That way, any enzyme molecule can be immobilized on the support,
very stable enzymes further stabilized by multipoint covalent immobi­ independently of its size, while this did not happen using porous sup­
lization may be a requirement (Siar et al., 2017) ports, where supports with larger pores must be utilized (Fig. 2)
(Cipolatti et al., 2016; Garcia-Galan et al., 2011).

M. Bilal et al. Biotechnology Advances 70 (2024) 108304

Fig. 5. Modification of very large substrates by enzymes immobilized on porous and non-porous supports.

Scarce substrate diffusional problems may be expected compared to of protease molecules (Garcia-Galan et al., 2011; Morellon-Sterling
the enzyme immobilized on porous support (Fig. 3). However, the use of et al., 2020; Morellon-Sterling et al., 2022; Tacias-Pascacio et al., 2021)
fully loaded biocatalysts can present some small diffusional limitations (Fig. 8). Using low loadings, with protease molecules immobilized at
even on small substrates when the enzyme does not present the correct large distances from one another, not fully correctly oriented enzyme
orientation towards the reaction medium, as the substrate must diffuse molecules can access the large substrate; only when the active center is
between the two closely immobilized enzymes, increasing the tortuosity oriented towards the support surface, the activity will become null due
of substrate pathway to reach the enzyme active center (Fig. 4). This will to steric considerations (Fig. 8). (Morellon-Sterling et al., 2022; Tacias-
not occur if the enzyme orientation concerning the active center is fully Pascacio et al., 2021). If we use a fully packed enzyme layer on the
oriented towards the reaction medium. enzyme support, the enzyme molecules will have any activity versus
Most importantly, as explained in the previous section, all of the larger substrates only as long as the enzyme active center has the correct
immobilized enzyme molecules have access to any substrate, indepen­ orientation (Fig. 8). This is important as most immobilization methods
dently of their size, a clear advantage compared to porous supports give oriented enzyme molecules, even if in an uncontrolled way (Mor­
(Cipolatti et al., 2016; Garcia-Galan et al., 2011) (Fig. 5). Using porous ellon-Sterling et al., 2022; Tacias-Pascacio et al., 2021),
supports, only the tiny fraction of the enzyme that is immobilized on the That means that we can have next to 100% activity using moderate
outer surface of the bead can access very large substrates, meaning that enzyme loading, which drops to almost 0% using fully loaded bio­
<1% of the immobilized enzymes can attack the substrate. However, the catalysts (Garcia-Galan et al., 2011; Morellon-Sterling et al., 2020;
fragments released from this first attack can penetrate inside the beads, Morellon-Sterling et al., 2022; Siar et al., 2017; Tacias-Pascacio et al.,
and a progressive increase in enzyme activity may be detected (Fig. 6). 2021). However, if the enzyme orientation is not entirely homogenous
However, the activity cannot be taken for granted, even using non- and some enzyme molecules are properly oriented, and others are not,
porous nanomaterials. Only correctly oriented enzyme molecules will the adequately oriented ones will attack the substrate. That means that
have the possibility of attacking large substrates (Cipolatti et al., 2016; the initial hydrolysis rate will be minimal. However, the small fragments
Garcia-Galan et al., 2011; Hernandez and Fernandez-Lafuente, 2011) released for the action of this fraction of enzymes may be attacked by
(Fig. 7). This proper orientation requirement is more important if the some improperly oriented enzyme molecules, producing an increase in
surface of the support becomes highly covered in an increasing amount the reaction rate over time (Fig. 9). Properly oriented molecules at low

M. Bilal et al. Biotechnology Advances 70 (2024) 108304

Fig. 6. Use of enzymes immobilized on porous supports to hydrolyze very large substrates: initially only the molecules located on the external surface of the bead can
hydrolyze the substrate, but the fragments, of reduced size may go inside the porous structure of the support and become modified by the enzyme immobilized inside
the porous structure.

loadings can attack from the first moment the large substrate and the generate a problem, as the breaking of the external surface of the
smaller fragments (Fig. 10). nanoparticles can release non-magnetic fragments, bearing some
Activity recovery will not be too high using solids as substrates of the enzyme molecules, or make the particle so small that it is not captured
enzymes, such as fabrics, even under the best conditions (all enzymes by the magnet, producing an apparently operational inactivation of the
are properly oriented). Only those enzyme molecules immobilized on biocatalysts (Fig. 13).
one of the sides of the nanoparticle can attack the solid, as the other ones Problems derived from the internal substrate/products/H+ diffusion
will not be in contact with it (Fig. 11). Using enzymes immobilized on matters are unimportant using non-porous supports. The protease
suitable porous supports, only a small fraction on the surface may attack immobilized on non-porous supports can hydrolyze large and small
the substrate, and only those protease molecules on the support side may substrates, and there are no discernible degrees in substrate concentra­
come in contact with the solid substrate. That can give initial activities tion when going towards the core of the biocatalyst particles using high
lower than 50%, even if the enzyme molecules are perfectly active and enzyme loadings as it occurs using porous supports (Bolivar et al., 2022)
well-oriented. Later, when some soluble fragments of the solid substrate (Fig. 3). In this sense, as commented above, if the active center is ori­
are released, it becomes feasible for those enzyme molecules located in ented towards the support surface, even using a small substrate, there
different areas to act (like the examples shown in Figs. 8 and 9). If the are some diffusional matters, mainly using fully loaded biocatalysts: the
nanoparticle is magnetic, this has further advantages (Bilal et al., 2023; substrate must diffuse in the space between enzyme molecules (a short
Bilal et al., 2018; Maroju et al., 2023; Vaghari et al., 2016). The diameter pore, even being a pore of short length) and later into the pore
immobilized enzyme may be used on a substrate composed of suspen­ formed by the enzyme and the support surface (Fig. 4). Using porous
sions; there are no risks of pores obtrusion and, as the biocatalysts will supports, this problem using highly loaded biocatalysts will be added to
be recovered by magnetism, the suspension of the substrate and the the problems of the entry of the substrate to the particle (Bolivar et al.,
biocatalysts may be easily separated (Arco Arrieta et al., 2021) (Fig. 12). 2022).
This situation may be widespread in food technology (juices clarifica­ The lack of internal diffusional issues may not always be advanta­
tion, for example) and constitute other of the “natural” niches of geous. For example, advantages of enzyme co-immobilization based on
nanobiocatalysis (Dal Magro et al., 2019a; Dal Magro et al., 2018; the promotion of concentration gradients of the product of the enzyme X
Karataş et al., 2021; Kharazmi and Taheri-Kafrani, 2023). that will be a substrate for enzyme Y are lost (however, synergy effects of
Magnetic non-porous particles may permit a real one-step enzyme co-immobilization will be maintained) (Arana-Peña et al., 2021; Mon­
immobilization and purification of extracellular enzymes directly from teiro et al., 2022). This turns enzyme co-immobilization on non-porous
the culture, as the presence of cells and debriding is not a problem in nanomaterials into a not-very-adequate biocatalyst design, considering
recovering the biocatalyst (Cao et al., 2017; Dold et al., 2016; Gennari the many problems derived from the design and utilization of co-
et al., 2022; Jianping et al., 2003; Luo et al., 2021; Zhao et al., 2017) (the immobilized enzymes (Arana-Peña et al., 2021). One option is to form
situation will be similar to the presence of solids in the reaction mixture, enzyme successive layers ever the support surface, but there are no ex­
shown in Fig. 12). Using magnetic capture of the nanoparticles may amples of this, and perhaps an enzyme layer is too short to promote a

M. Bilal et al. Biotechnology Advances 70 (2024) 108304

Fig. 7. Effect of the enzyme orientation on the modification of large and small substrates, when the enzyme is immobilized on a non-porous support.

real substrate gradient. It is impossible to fine tune over differences in enzyme per 100 mg of dried support (Zucca et al., 2016); few nano­
internal and external pH values, although this possibility has been materials can provide these figures. The size is related to the loading
scarcely utilized even using porous supports. Still, it can have an un­ capacity of non-porous nanomaterials; the particles must be very small
debatable interest. Using non-porous materials to immobilize enzymes to reach values like this. Tiny particles are difficult to handle in industry;
and proteases presents some other specific problems, (Cipolatti et al., recovery by standard filtration will not be possible, and the only way to
2016; Garcia-Galan et al., 2011) as we will explain now. That means that recover may be by centrifugation (or by using membrane reactors)
nanomaterials should generally be selected as protease immobilization (Cipolatti et al., 2016; Garcia-Galan et al., 2011). Magnetic nano­
support if the advantages are evident (Cipolatti et al., 2016; Garcia- particles solved this problem, but they are quite expensive and incom­
Galan et al., 2011). patible with all media (too viscous a medium can make recovery
First, as discussed in the previous section, non-porous supports difficult) and reactor size. Moreover, there is one additional problem
expose the enzyme fully to the external medium. That means the en­ usually overlooked in the literature: a nanoparticle with a small diam­
zymes could be rendered inactive by proteolysis, and interactions with eter will offer a lower geometric congruence with the enzyme; that way,
interfaces (e.g., gas bubbles or drops of immiscible solvents); thus, one the enzyme immobilization positive effects may be hindered or even lost
advantage of immobilizing enzymes is lost (Figs. 14–17). However, as (Pedroche et al., 2007; Rodrigues et al., 2021) (Fig. 20). If the support
previously discussed, this immobilization of the enzyme fully exposed to features are inadequate, this poor geometrical congruence may become
the medium is also the main reason for immobilizing enzymes on positive, as the negative enzyme-support interactions will decrease
nanomaterials. Enzymes may be protected by coating with some poly­ (Santos et al., 2015). However, if that is the case, the proper solution is
mer (Betancor et al., 2005) (Figs. 12–15), but this can also reduce the to change the support, when immobilizing an enzyme, we pursue to
capability of the enzyme to attack large substrates in a similar way that improve the enzyme features. In any case, if an intense multipoint co­
cannot attack other protease molecules (but this may be interesting valent attachment is desired, large nanoparticle particles are necessary,
when using a suspension where a small substrate is present) (Fig. 18). If which means a lower support loading capacity.
the enzyme orientation is not the “correct” one, it is possible to reduce or Thirdly, there is no possibility of ordering the enzyme molecules.
even eliminate the risks of autolysis. It is more challenging to hydrolyze Using porous supports, it becomes possible to co-immobilize enzymes
an immobilized enzyme than a free protein; still, some activity versus forming crowns on the support pores as long as the immobilization rate
large substrates may be found (Fig. 19). Also, these biocatalysts may be is high enough (Diamanti et al., 2022; Rocha-Martín et al., 2012)
used to modify small substrates. (Fig. 21). Using nanoparticles, this is not possible (Fig. 22). Janus par­
Secondly, it is frequently stated that the loading capacity of nano­ ticles, bearing areas with some groups and other areas with other
materials is higher than that of porous supports. However, many porous groups, may permit to co-immobilize enzymes following different stra­
supports can immobilize 100 mg of enzyme per ml of packed support. In tegies (Boujakhrout et al., 2015; Cao et al., 2015; Sánchez et al., 2013;
the case of 10% agarose beads, it is possible to immobilize 100 mg of Tang et al., 2020), but the real advantages of this are dubious, as

M. Bilal et al. Biotechnology Advances 70 (2024) 108304

Fig. 8. Effect of the enzyme loading of non-porous supports when the biocatalyst is used in the modification (e.g., hydrolysis) of large substrates.

previously mentioned. but it may be the only way to maintain the nanoparticles as individual
However, it is possible to have some s position ordering of one and dispersed ones.
enzyme regarding the others, as successive enzyme layers can be formed Nanobiocatalysts with high biochemical and industrial applicability,
(using adequate connection strategies, for example, using a polymer including enzymatic stability and working performance with process­
such as polyethyleneimine) (Arana-Peña et al., 2020a; Arana-Peña et al., ability and reusability, are to be trailed. The improvement of practical
2020b; Carballares et al., 2022b; Hou et al., 1998; Kawakita et al., 2002; nanomaterials as enzyme transporters, maintenance, and restriction
Kong et al., 1994; Rios et al., 2019; Willner et al., 1993). In multilayer methods has been intensively studied in the previous few years (Mur­
construction, nonporous nanoparticles have advantages. In opposition ugappan et al., 2020; Qamar et al., 2020). The industrial-scale pre­
to the use of porous supports, in nanoparticles, no apparent limits are sentations of nanobiocatalysts and their assistance in bioprocesses have
described to the number of layers and the diameter, and that way, not been well-established. Bioprocess actions provide a distinct position
specific areas of the biocatalyst particle increase with each new enzyme for the construction of desired marketable products. With remarkable
layer. That way, the last enzyme layer will have a higher enzyme loading performance in recyclability and productivity, nanobiocatalysts have
capacity than the first one, in contact with the support, in opposition to become attractive candidates for the pre-treatment of substrate,
porous supports (Figs. 23–24). Only the last layer will be really exposed biotransformation, and biofuel production processes (Bilal et al., 2021).
to the medium, so, only this layer can attack large or solid substrates This review summarizes the current progress in using the protease
(Fig. 25); the inner molecules may be useful to attack fragments or small based-nanobiocatalysts in engineering bioprocesses. Initially, protease
substrates. immobilization on different innovative nanocarriers such as polymeric
One problem with using nanomaterials is that, in many instances, the nanocarriers, silica nanocarriers, carbon nanotubes/rods, magnetic/
final biocatalyst is the product of nanoparticle aggregation (Cipolatti non-magnetic nanocarriers, crosslinked enzyme aggregates (CLEAs),
et al., 2016; Garcia-Galan et al., 2011; Morellon-Sterling et al., 2022; and metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) has been described in detail.
Tacias-Pascacio et al., 2021). Finally, in many instances, a “macroporous Novel approaches for the functionalization and production of nano­
biocatalysts” is produced, losing the advantages of using non-porous biocatalysts are formerly addressed for diverse enzyme immobilization.
nanoparticles (Fig. 26). This aggregation may be produced during par­ The encapsulation and estimation of biocatalytic events and bio­
ticle activation (using bifunctional materials, it is likely that some processing applications of subsequent nanobiocatalysts have been
nanoparticles can covalently form covalent aggregates) (Fig. 27) or described with future research trends in this area.
during enzyme immobilization (Fig. 28). One way to prevent this ag­
gregation is to use a large excess of “bifunctional agent”, the activator or
the enzyme (Figs. 27 and 29). This means a lower immobilization yield

M. Bilal et al. Biotechnology Advances 70 (2024) 108304

Fig. 9. Effects of a non-fully homogenous orientation of enzyme molecules on the surface of non-porous supports when using the biocatalyst for modifying
large substrates.

2. Prospective nano-supports to develop protease-based nano- glutaraldehyde furnished the highest protease immobilization yield of
biocatalysts 69.9% yield. Additionally, it was observed that the immobilized bio­
catalyst exhibited high pH and thermal stabilities, with an activity
2.1. Polymeric nanocarriers as immobilization supports retention of up to 47.08% after three consecutive cycles. In another
study, glutaraldehyde-activated chitosan beads were used to immobilize
Nanomaterials can provide an excellent supportive environment for protease from a UV-mutated Bacillus sp. The immobilized protease
enzyme immobilization because they possess several desirable charac­ exhibited high immobilization efficiency and activity of 86.43% and
teristics, such as mass transfer resistance, high surface area, and effec­ 10.31 U/mL, respectively. Furthermore, it exhibited exceptional reus­
tive enzyme loading, which define the effectiveness of nanobiocatalysts. ability (70.53%) following seven consecutive washings, along with
The inclusion of a homogeneous distribution of nanoparticles in poly­ enhanced thermal and pH stability (Kamal et al., 2021).
meric nanocomposites results in a significantly increased interfacial area The hybrid polymeric nanoparticles are reported to be efficient
between the matrix and nanofiller, which alters the molecular mobility, support matrices for protease immobilization. In a recent study, Kar­
relaxation behavior, and subsequent mechanical and thermal properties akurt and Samsa (2023) reported protease immobilization onto silica-
of the material (Bustamante-Torres et al., 2021). Natural biopolymeric chitosan gel beads using glutaraldehyde as crosslinker. The hybrid
materials, including alginate, cellulose, chitin, pectin, collagen, starch, polymer matrix, composed of silica and chitosan, achieved a high
carrageenan, sepharose, and chitosan, are commonly used for enzyme immobilization yield of 96% and retained over 50% of its activity after
immobilization because of their biocompatibility, non-toxic nature, five consecutive cycles at 40 ◦ C. Immobilized protease exhibited
widespread availability, and ease of modification, which is facilitated by improved activity towards metal ions, and its activity was further
the presence of numerous functional groups on their surfaces. Chitosan- improved (about 18%) in the presence of Mg2+ (5 mM) ions for 1 h.
based nanostructured particles are natural materials with robust phys­ Furthermore, it presented higher stability in commercial laundry de­
icochemical and biological properties, which render them an environ­ tergents than the free enzyme (Karakurt and Samsa, 2023). Similarly,
mentally friendly material for a wide range of bioproducts and Badoei-Dalfard et al. (2023) reported immobilization of Serratia mar­
applications, such as enzyme immobilization, tissue engineering, food cescens protease using chitosan/cellulose acetate nanofibers function­
packaging, diagnostics, biosensing, pharmaceutical, and wastewater alized with glutaraldehyde. High immobilization yield (85%) and
treatment (Verma et al., 2020). For instance, Shojaei et al. (2017) con­ activity recovery (121.3%) were reported at 4 h crosslinking in 5.0%
ducted the immobilization of Penaeus vannamei protease onto chitosan glutaraldehyde using 210 mg protein/g support for 8 h at pH 9. About
nanoparticles using a non-covalent binding technique at varying pH and 52% increased protease activity was observed using immobilized pro­
temperature ranges. The immobilized protease exhibited excellent tease rather than free enzyme in pH 10. High thermal stability (>75%
reusability, demonstrating up to 10 cycles without any noticeable activity retention) was reported at 60 ◦ C for 180 min. In addition,
decline in activity. Recently, Ramalho and de Castro (2023) carried out immobilized protease exhibited 73% activity retention after three weeks
the immobilization of alkaline protease from Bacillus licheniformis onto of storage (Badoei-Dalfard et al., 2023).
chitosan biopolymer, modified with ethylenediamine and glutaralde­ Although plenty of reports describe protease immobilization using
hyde. Results revealed that 5% chitosan modified with 5% different (bio)polymeric nanocarriers, only a few studies have reported

M. Bilal et al. Biotechnology Advances 70 (2024) 108304

Fig. 10. Hydrolysis of large substrate catalyzed by enzymes immobilized on non-porous supports bearing the correct orientation regarding the support surface.

protease immobilization on a commercial scale. Some factors should be provide optimal diameters for the efficient loading of a large amount of
considered, such as the stability of protease, which should remain high enzyme molecules. Moreover, the biocompatibility and biosafety of
during the intermediate steps, and the protocols must be robust, scal­ SNPs make them highly promising carriers for the immobilization of
able, and reproducible. Additionally, bioprocesses must have minimal enzymes, particularly in therapeutic contexts (Zhao et al., 2022). A
societal and environmental effects. Combining nanobiotechnology and serine alkaline protease from halotolerant alkaliphilic Salipaludibacillus
green chemistry is necessary to develop renewable polymeric nano­ agaradhaerens strain AK-R was covalently attached to activated double
carriers to improve the efficiency and industrial viability of processes, mesoporous core-shell silica (DMCSS) nanospheres. In comparison to
with a focus on sustainability. Table 1 provides a summary of current the free enzyme, the DMCSS-incorporated AK-R protease derivative
research that has reported the immobilization of protease onto poly­ showed a displacement in the optimal pH and temperature from pH 10.0
meric (nano)carriers in terms of immobilization yield, key features, and to 10.5 and 60 to 65 ◦ C, respectively. After the treatment for 1 h at 50 ◦ C
recyclability potential. and 60 ◦ C, the soluble enzyme maintained 47.2% and 9.1% of its orig­
inal activity, whereas, the immobilized nanobiocatalyst preserved
87.7% and 48.3%, respectively. In addition, the immobilized AK-R
2.2. Silica-based nanocarriers as immobilization supports
construct demonstrated considerable improvement in enzyme stability
at higher concentrations of surfactants, organic solvents, NaCl, and
Silica-based nanoparticles (SNPs) and nanocarriers have shown sig­
commercial detergents. It also presented excellent functional stability,
nificant research interest in biocatalysis and enzyme immobilization due
retaining over 75% of its initial activity after 10 consecutive reuse cycles
to their structural stability, excellent biocompatibility, controllable
(Ibrahim et al., 2021).
particle size, larger surface area, and easy surface functionalization
Protease enzymes offer an efficient solution to the environmental
(Popat et al., 2011). In comparison to many other alternative materials,
degradation caused by chemical dehairing of animal hides in the tannery
silica is environmentally friendly, relatively cheap, and exhibits notable
industry. Nevertheless, achieving cost-effective, reliable, and industri­
chemical, mechanical, and thermal stability when employed as a sup­
ally acceptable manufacturing of alkaline protease poses a significant
port matrix. The pore dimensions of SNPs can be easily tailored to

M. Bilal et al. Biotechnology Advances 70 (2024) 108304

Fig. 11. Modification of solid substrates by enzymes immobilized on porous and non-porous supports.

Fig. 12. Advantages of using magnetic materials when the reaction media is a suspension: easy biocatalyst recovery utilizing a magnet.

hurdle. Joshi et al. (2021) reported a one-pot green synthesis of nano- potential at 37 ◦ C. In 2017, Özbek and Ünal conducted a study on the use
silica conjugates of alkaline protease from Bacillus circulans grown in a of polymer-coated mesoporous nano-silica for immobilizing subtilisin by
renewable waste-based medium. Acetone-precipitated alkaline protease adsorption technique. In order to achieve this objective, chitosan and
was examined to be the best for the biogenic synthesis of nano-silica and acrylic acid were combined to form a polymeric layer known as poly­
the development of protease-based nano-conjugates. The developed acrylic acid and chitosan using in-situ polymerization. Both free and
protease nano-constructs (ranging from 100 to 200 nm), exhibited up to immobilized enzymes exhibited their maximum catalytic activity at pH
1.7-folds of increased protease activity with excellent dehairing 9.0. However, the immobilized biocatalyst showed greater thermal

M. Bilal et al. Biotechnology Advances 70 (2024) 108304

Fig. 13. Problems in the use of magnetic biocatalysts caused by the particle physical rupture: the breakage of the external surface leads to enzyme immobilized in
non-magnetic materials, in the best-case scenario, the smaller magnetic nanoparticle cannot be retained by the used magnetic field.

stability compared to the free enzyme. After immobilization, the activity (nano)carriers from recent investigations.
was reduced to 45.83% after 5 consecutive repeats. Further, the
immobilized enzyme showed higher storage stability retaining 60% of
2.3. Carbon nanotubes as immobilization supports
its activity after 28 days of incubation (Özbek and Ünal, 2017).
In a recent study, Zhang et al. (2023) studied in-situ immobilization
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have garnered considerable attention due
of a model enzyme (hemoglobin) using mesoporous silica nanoparticles.
to their notable chemical stability, exceptional mechanical strength, and
Zeolitic imidazolate framework-8 (ZIF-8) was used as a sacrificial tem­
electrical conductivity (Mirsalari et al., 2021). Considering CNTs as
plate for the synthesis of Hb@ZIF-8. At a constant amount of Hb, the
potential materials for enzyme immobilization, Wang et al. (2008)
nano-construct was gradually changed from flake to granular. Further,
studied the synthesis of polyaniline-coated Fe3O4/CNT nanocomposite
the increased amount of Hb by fixing the molar ratio of 2-methylimida­
to immobilize trypsin for efficient protein digestion. Polyaniline was
zole and Zn2+ resulted in the highest enzyme loading of 460 μg/mg
coated onto Fe3O4/CNT by in-situ polymerization in the presence of an
possible. The nano-construct maintained over 74% of its initial activity
enzyme to create trypsin-based nanoconstructs. The performance and
in a hollow mesoporous silica nanoreactor under extreme conditions.
feasibility of the resultant biomaterial were demonstrated by the rapid
Kim et al. (2022) reported protease immobilization onto halloysite
digestion of lysozyme, myoglobin, and bovine serum albumin in 5 min.
nanotubes modified with 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane and Fe3O4
It showed promising applications in protein analysis due to its excellent
nanoparticles. The protease nano-construct showed 59.56 mg/g enzyme
dispersibility and high magnetic responsivity. The convenient separa­
loading capacity and excellent immobilization (87%) yield. As an
tion from digests using an external magnetic field indicates its potential
immobilization matrix, silica nano-constructs provide good enzyme
applications in proteome research (Wang et al., 2008). In another study,
adsorption through physical and chemical interactions due to their large
Homaei and Samari (2017) reported non-covalent immobilization of
surface area. The pore size of approximately 3–10 nm is comparable
papain protease onto MWCNTs. Papain nano-conjugates showed
with the hydrodynamic radius of the majority of enzymes in the
improved pH and thermal stabilities and high recyclability as compared
biotechnology industry. Nevertheless, the application of microporous
to free enzyme. A slight increase in Km value of the immobilized enzyme
zeolites for enzyme immobilization is restricted by their small pore di­
suggests that the presence of MWCNTs did not substantially impede the
ameters, which typically range from 0.4 to 1.5 nm. In recent years, there
interaction between the enzyme and substrate, nor the release of the
has been a rise in the number of research reporting the development of
product. Furthermore, the convenient separation from the product
zeolites with mesopores ranging from 2 to 10 nm for the immobilization
makes it a desired candidate to develop multi-enzyme systems (Homaei
of biomolecules and enzymes (Ibrahim et al., 2021; Kumari et al., 2015).
and Samari, 2017).
Table 2 summarizes the results, important biocatalytic properties, and
The immobilization and activity maintenance of protease absorbed
recyclability potential of protease immobilization onto silica-based
onto monolayer organo-modified SWCNTs were studied by (Almarasy

M. Bilal et al. Biotechnology Advances 70 (2024) 108304

Fig. 14. Possibility of enzyme interaction with external interfaces when immobilizing the enzymes in porous and non-porous supports.

et al., 2021). Protease was immobilized onto the subphase after the method on CNT and target-specific enzymes is required for practical
formation of a monolayer on the waster surface of organo-modified applications. There is an emerging concern about the precise function­
SWCNTs. The enzyme nano-construct was evenly distributed in the so­ alization of CNTs to construct robust and biocompatible nanocomposites
lution containing luminous casein, resulting in the detection of fluo­ that can serve as strong frameworks for immobilizing enzymes. CNTs-
rescence emission. The protease in a free state, when dissolved in water, based nano-biocatalysts exhibit superior operational stability and cata­
demonstrated the capacity to break down molecular chains only at lytic performance compared to other types of nanomaterials. Despite the
ambient temperature. However, the nano-construct exhibited function­ emergence of nano-engineering in enzyme biotechnology, additional
ality up to 160 ◦ C, showing a high level of thermal stability. Addition­ studies are required to understand the interactions between CNTs and
ally, it displayed a distinct and intense spectrum emission (Almarasy other counterparts with biocatalysts and their mutual influence on
et al., 2021). The protease, purified from Penaeus vanamei shrimp, was enzymatic structure and function.
immobilized onto MWCNTs after activating with nitric acid. To achieve
this objective, a solution containing enzymes with a concentration of 7 2.4. Magnetic/non-magnetic nanocarriers as immobilization support
mg/mL was introduced to the MWCNTs and maintained at a tempera­
ture of 10 ◦ C for 4 h. The immobilized enzyme exhibited significant Magnetic nanocarriers for enzyme immobilization offer numerous
thermal stability within the temperature range of 60 to 80 ◦ C. However, advantages for commercial applications due to their convenient sepa­
the pH stability was observed to be the same for both the free enzyme ration and high reusability potential. Magnetic nano-supports possess
and the immobilized enzyme. Immobilization resulted in the modifica­ the advantage of lacking any external diffusional problems, which en­
tion of kinetic parameters (Km and Kcat), suggesting their potential sig­ hances their attractiveness for large-scale applications. For instance, Jin
nificance in many biotechnological applications (Deghan and Homaei, et al. (2010) studied covalent immobilization of alkaline protease onto
2016). (3-aminopropyl) trimethoxysilane-modified magnetic nanocarriers. A
Literature studies highlight that the immobilization of protease and significant catalytic bioactivity of up to 47.8% was observed using
other industrial enzymes onto CNTs and their derived nano-constructs casein as a substrate. Magnetic nano-constructs retained 98.63 ± 2.37%
provides a powerful tool for constituting the biocatalytic process. of catalytic activity after 60 days indicating a high level of storage sta­
CNT-based materials are emerging as host matrices for protein/enzyme bility. To carry out mix-and-separation experiments, rapeseed meal was
immobilization because of their favorable physicochemical character­ used as a substrate, which showed 9.86% and 10.41% degree of hy­
istics, including high biomolecular loading, mechanical and thermal drolysis in the presence of immobilized and free protease, respectively.
stability, and large surface area. However, the immobilization methods The convenient recyclability of magnetic nano-constructs using a mag­
significantly influence the catalytic performance of CNTs-immobilized netic field could be a practical method for the continuous production of
enzymes. Therefore, careful consideration of the immobilization active peptides (Jin et al., 2010). Similarly, looking at the enzyme

M. Bilal et al. Biotechnology Advances 70 (2024) 108304

Fig. 15. Protection of enzymes immobilized on non-porous supports versus interaction with external interfaces by coating with some hydrophilic polymer.

reusability and cost perspectives, Glomm et al. (2021) conducted sub­ development of silica-coated, amine, and cysteine-functionalized nano-
tilisin A (a food-grade protease) immobilization onto magnetic nano­ constructs. The highest catalytic activity of immobilized protease was
particles. Glutaraldehyde-mediated immobilization was carried out found to be 290 μg/mL and 105 μg/mL for Enterococcus sp. and Pseu­
using three different amine ligands: aminopropyl trimethoxy silane, Jeff domonas sp., respectively. The immobilization capacity was found to be
amine, and chitosan. The nano-construct exhibited excellent storage 6000 μM/g. Further, a high stability was also obtained as compared to
stability, with a retention of ≤93% activity after 25 months, as well as the free protease (Masi et al., 2018).
remarkable reusability, with a retention of ≤85% after six repeated da Silva et al. (2022) reported Mucor subtilissimus fibrinolytic pro­
cycles. It was also able to catalytically degrade and extract protein from tease immobilization onto Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles, activated with
turkey tendons and chicken meat (Glomm et al., 2021). glutaraldehyde and coated with polyaniline. High immobilization yield
Alkaline protease produced by soy residues and hair waste was (52.13%) was obtained using magnetic nanoparticles, which were
immobilized onto functionalized magnetic nanoparticles using glutar­ capable of maintaining >60% of enzymatic activity at pH 7–10 and
aldehyde as a crosslinker (Yazid et al., 2016). High immobilization yield temperature of 40 to 60 ◦ C as compared to free enzyme. Further, no
(93%–96%) was obtained using covalent binding from hair waste and cytotoxicity was found against J774A.1 and HEK-293 cells, which in­
soy residue-based proteases, respectively. However, simple adsorption dicates its potential applications in the treatment of cardiovascular
resulted in 47%–54% yield after 8 h for both proteases. Both free and diseases with sustained release using an external magnetic field. Despite
immobilized proteases showed identical pH stabilities; however, ther­ recent advancements in biocatalytic immobilization using magnetic
mal stabilities were significantly improved (40 ◦ C–60 ◦ C) after immo­ nanocarriers, these systems still suffer from challenges, such as mass
bilization. High storage stability (>85%) was reported after two months transfer limitation, changes in catalytic characteristics, and less effi­
at 4 ◦ C. Reusability and ease of separation were achieved using the ciency against insoluble substrates. Therefore, further studies are
immobilized protease as the activity retention was >60% after seven needed to address such issues for industrial applications of proteases.
hydrolysis experiments (Yazid et al., 2016). Similarly, Masi et al. (2018)
studied the protease production from Enterococcus hirae and Pseudo­
monas aeruginosa isolated from dairy industries. Immobilization was
carried out using surface transformation techniques such as the

M. Bilal et al. Biotechnology Advances 70 (2024) 108304

Fig. 16. Possibility of nanobiocatalyst aggregation during storage or operation. The coating with hydrophilic polymers can prevent this possibility.

2.5. Graphene/graphene oxide-based nanocarriers as immobilization immobilization using glutaraldehyde-functionalized, nitrogen-doped

support graphene quantum dots. After immobilization, the stability of papain
was significantly improved (80% for 150 min) as compared to free
The synthesis of graphite oxide first involves the oxidation of enzyme (55% after 50 min). The stability of immobilized enzymes was
graphite to graphite oxide, followed by the exfoliation of this graphite improved especially in polar solvents. The Km value decreased from
oxide to obtain graphene oxide. This unique material has a two- 2.02 g/L to 1.20 g/L, while Vmax decreased from 932.1 μmol/mg.min to
dimensional structure, with carbon atoms that are sp2 hybridized and 62.5 μmol/mg.min after immobilization (Mirzaei et al., 2022).
organized in a hexagonal pattern (Raghavan et al., 2015). Its good op­ A graphene oxide silver nanoparticles hybrid was synthesized by Liu
tical transmission, thermal conductivity, high intrinsic mobility, and et al. (2021) to immobilize trypsin. The immobilization capacity of
good electrical conductivity make it an excellent candidate for enzyme graphene oxide silver nanoparticles was higher as compared with bare
immobilization purposes. Moreover, it is environmentally friendly, graphene oxide. Further, it was confirmed that silver nanoparticles did
biocompatible, and possesses a remarkable ratio of surface area to not interfere with the adsorption of trypsin by GON. The amino acid
volume. microenvironment of trypsin was altered after immobilization. The
Graphene oxide nanosheets (GON) have intriguing properties for enhanced activity of substrate hydrolysis was reported using bovine
enzyme immobilization owing to their expansive specific surface area serum albumin as a substrate. Gu et al. (2018) reported the synthesis of
and numerous functional groups. In this sense, (Ranjbari et al., 2019) GON-nanosheets that were functionalized with 3-aminopropyltriethoxy­
assessed the potential of GON as an immobilization matrix for Penaeus silane. The produced nano-constructs were utilized to immobilize
vannamei protease using glutaraldehyde as a coupling agent. The papain. An immobilization efficiency and yield of over 80% were ach­
immobilization process had no impact on the optimal pH. However, the ieved at 35 ◦ C and pH 8.0. The immobilized enzyme exhibited superior
stability at higher pH levels and the thermal stability (activity at 90 ◦ C) thermal stability in comparison to the free enzyme. In addition, the
were enhanced after the enzyme immobilization on GON. The free immobilized enzyme also exhibited significant storage stability, retain­
enzyme exhibited a mere 10% of its original activity after being exposed ing around 63% of its activity after 30 days at 4 ◦ C. The substrate
to a temperature of 90 ◦ C for 24 h. In contrast, the GON-conjugated binding affinity of the immobilized enzyme was enhanced due to the
protease maintained over 90% of its initial activity under the same distinctive properties of graphene.
conditions. The Km and Vmax values were found to be comparable for Shi et al. (2014) used polydopamine-coated magnetic graphene for
both the free and immobilized proteases. The hydrolysis studies, uti­ the immobilization of trypsin via facile PDA chemistry rather than
lizing casein as a substrate, demonstrated the superior performance of introducing other coupling agents. High immobilization efficiency
the GON-immobilized enzyme compared to the free enzyme (Ranjbari (0.175 mg/mg) was obtained. High storage stability (about 100% ac­
et al., 2019). Similarly, (Mirzaei et al., 2022) studied papain tivity retention at 4 ◦ C after 30 days) was shown by the immobilized

M. Bilal et al. Biotechnology Advances 70 (2024) 108304

Fig. 17. Autolysis of proteases immobilized on non-porous supports may be prevented by coating with hydrophilic polymers.

enzyme. Further high recyclability (around 100% activity) after 5 (2015) achieved the one-pot synthesis of enzyme-encapsulated MOFs. In
repeated experiments indicates its potential for commercial-scale ex­ this regard, the enzyme was typically inserted over MOF crystal pro­
periments. Because of their remarkable properties, graphene and gra­ duction, in which enzymes immobilized in MOFs showed excellent
phene oxide-based support materials are promising candidates for catalytic performance in contrast to the non-immobilized enzyme. Ul­
immobilizing enzymes and other biomolecules. Furthermore, biocom­ timately, MOFs offer an optimal framework for the immobilization of
patibility, high surface area, adequate conductivity, excellent process­ enzymes. Given their high porosity, superior crystallinity, and design
ability, and abundance are the additional benefits of graphene versatility, there are an array of possibilities for protease immobiliza­
derivatives over other counterparts such as fullerene, diamond, and tion. For example, proteases and other enzymes can be immobilized by
nanotubes. The engineering of robust and cost-effective processes for studying factors such as pore size/structure, surface hydrophobicity,
protease immobilization onto graphene and its derivatives with a suit­ attachment of various functional groups, and BET surface area. More­
able immobilization strategy will result in the practical applications of over, gaining a more comprehensive insight of the interplay between
nano-biocatalytic systems. Table 3 summarizes recent research that proteases and support matrices based on MOFs would contribute to
represents protease immobilization onto graphene oxide-based mate­ advancing the commercialization of enzyme-based processes.
rials along with key characteristics, immobilization yield, and potential Gao et al. (2018) cloned the aspartic protease gene from Geomyces
for recyclability. pannorum and expressed it in Aspergillus oryzae by cultivating at 20 ◦ C.
The resulting purified enzyme showed optimum activity at 60 ◦ C and
2.6. Metal-organic frameworks as immobilization supports retained about 80% of its original activity at 50 to 70 ◦ C. The protease
with a specific activity of 585 U/mg, Km 1.01 mg/mL, and Vmax 4.4 ×
Recently, numerous techniques have emerged to fabricate enzyme- 10− 2 mg/min.mL showed broad substrate specificity. Furthermore, its
incorporated nanomaterials, such as nanoflowers, capsules, and metal- immobilization onto iron oxide nanoparticles increased the pH and
organic frameworks (MOFs). These approaches have yielded notable thermal stability (Gao et al., 2018). Another study by Moslemi et al.
advancements in elucidating the mechanisms involved and demon­ (2018) described the introduction of amine groups through chemi­
strating their efficacy and potential for both industrial and academic sorption of L-aspartic acid and the development of magnetic Fe
applications of enzymes. Metal-organic frameworks are endowed with (OH)3@Fe3O4 nano-construct using a facile co-precipitation method.
outstanding features like tunable frameworks, high porosity, structural Penaeus vannamei protease immobilization. The immobilized enzyme
diversity, ultrahigh surface area, a wide range of pore shapes, low showed higher thermal stability by 10 ◦ C and pH stability (from pH 7 to
toxicity, and easy chemical functionalization. Chulkaivalsucharit et al. pH 8), as compared to free enzyme. Furthermore, the pH, thermal, and

M. Bilal et al. Biotechnology Advances 70 (2024) 108304

Fig. 18. Effect of nanobiocatalysts coating with polymers in the modification of large and small substrates.

storage stabilities were significantly improved after immobilization. studies reporting protease immobilization onto metallic/metal-organic
High reusability (70% of its initial activity after 15 cycles). frameworks with immobilization yield, key features, and recyclability
Magnetic MOFs were used for the immobilization of Bacillus protease potential are summarized in Table 4, whereas Fig. 30 represents
KHB3 by (Karami et al., 2022). The optimum temperature for free and advanced nanocarriers to develop protease-based nano-biocatalysts.
mMOF-immobilized protease was 40 ◦ C and 60 ◦ C, respectively.
Furthermore, an activity improvement (20%) was recorded for the 3. Emerging applications of protease-based nanobiocatalysts
immobilized protease at 80 ◦ C as compared to the free enzyme. Higher
Vmax values (1.54 and 1.55-folds) after immobilization were recorded 3.1. Protease-based nanobiocatalysts in the food sector
towards fibrin and gelatin, respectively. Two-folds higher activity
retention of immobilized protease was recorded over the free enzyme Although enzymes in their soluble form possess excellent functional
after 21 days. Improved clot lysis was observed by the immobilized properties, they have not been optimized to perform in large-scale in­
enzyme indicating its potential application in the protein hydrolysis dustrial bioreactors operating under extreme pH conditions, rising
experiments. Similarly, Badoei-Dalfard et al. (2020) studied MOF- temperatures, high substrate and product concentrations, mechanical
immobilization of protease from Bacillus sp. CHA410. The optimum agitation, or solvent use. Enzyme engineering is demonstrated as a
activity from both free and MOF-immobilized enzymes was obtained at prodigious approach to address these challenges, representing the most
pH 8 and pH 9, respectively. The relative activities after 160 min incu­ intriguing transdisciplinary and challenging objectives of industrial
bation showed 25% and 41% improvement after MOF-immobilization at biotechnology (Guisan, 2006). In this context, advancements in enzyme
60 and 70 ◦ C, respectively. The Km value of immobilized protease was immobilization technologies have been developed to enhance the
decreased from 0.685 to 0.033 mg/mL, while using fibrin as a substrate characteristics of enzymes employed in the food industries. The utili­
the Km value was decreased from 0.292 to 0.145 mg/mL. Furthermore, zation of immobilized biocatalysts has exhibited better performance in
the catalytic activity of protease was improved in the presence of continuous operations at the industrial scale (Gómez et al., 2007). The
divalent cations such as Zn2+, Mg2+, Mn2+, etc. Improved thermal and protease from Penaeus vannamei was immobilized onto chitosan nano­
storage stabilities were observed after MOF immobilization. Recent particles using a non-covalent method and employed for the clarification

M. Bilal et al. Biotechnology Advances 70 (2024) 108304

Fig. 19. Possibility of preventing autolysis via immobilization of proteases with a not full orientation towards the media: some activity versus large substrates may
be maintained.

of orange juice (Shojaei et al., 2017). The protease enzyme mediates the The utilization of multi-enzyme systems in conjunction with a reason­
efficient breakdown of proteins present in the juice, hence preventing able immobilization technique has been shown to improve productivity
the formation of complexes between positively charged proteins and and reduce the cost associated with product recovery. Kharazmi and
negatively charged pectin. The occurrence of turbidity and insolubility Taheri-Kafrani (2023) introduced an effective approach to fabricate a
is attributed to the interaction between proteins and cell components or novel nanobiocatalytic system for fruit juice clarification by covalently
phenolic compounds and can be mitigated through proteolytic activities co-immobilizing pectinase and xylanase onto functionalized magnetic
(Pinelo et al., 2010). Using chitosan nanoparticles immobilized protease nanoparticles. After 2 h of enzymatic treatment, the resulting co-
showed a significant reduction in turbidity formation over the cold immobilized system catalyzed over 50% turbidity reduction in pine­
storage period. apple juice. It retained over 60% of the original catalytic activity after
Recently, the fluidized-bed reactor has gained considerable popu­ nine successive cycles, suggesting that this bienzyme nanobiocatalyst
larity for implementing continuous processes, particularly in cases has potential applications in industrial juice processing. In another
where substrates consist of dispersed particles or exhibit high viscosity study, Benucci et al. (2019) utilized a new multienzymatic system
(Benucci et al., 2020; Gómez et al., 2007). Therefore, the synthesis of consisting of covalent immobilization of protease and pectinase on
food additives and food processing can be carried out with ease and in a chitosan microspheres, for the clarification of pomegranate juice using a
more efficient way. A set of biocatalytic systems utilizing pectic enzymes fluidized bed reactor.
was developed by covalent immobilization on glass beads, nylon gran­ The hydrolysis of proteins holds considerable significance within the
ules, and polyacrylonitrile-based beads and employed for clarifying food industry and in the synthesis of bioactive peptides. (Siddiqui and
apple juice. Results revealed that the utilization of a fluidized bioreactor Husain, 2019) assessed the biocatalytic effectiveness of polydopamine-
containing immobilized enzymes resulted in the complete hydrolysis of coated silver nanoparticles (Ag-PDA)-conjugated protease for the hy­
pectin within 41 mins, whereas packed reactors required 131 mins for drolysis of various types of proteins, including casein, ovalbumin, and
the same process (Diano et al., 2008). The study highlights the potential bovine serum albumin. Regarding the native enzyme, the enzymatic
of fluidized bed bioreactors in continuous juice clarifying for industrial capability of Ag-PDA-immobilized trypsin was observed to be superior
implementation, emphasizing their ability to effectively reduce pro­ for protein hydrolysis. About 50% and 80% of the casein protein was
duction costs. hydrolyzed in 40 min by the catalytic action of free and immobilized
The immobilization of a single enzyme has shown promise for several trypsin, respectively. Similarly, the immobilized nanobiocatalyst
industrial applications. However, studies have indicated that employing demonstrated an improvement of 17% and 8% in the hydrolysis of
a co-immobilization technique, which involves the collaboration of ovalbumin and BSA in 2 h, respectively. The findings were comparable
multiple enzymes, can significantly enhance their biocatalytic activity. to protein digestion using immobilized trypsin onto tannin-capped

M. Bilal et al. Biotechnology Advances 70 (2024) 108304

Fig. 20. Enzyme-nanoparticles geometrical congruence dependence on the diameter of the nanoparticle: the smaller the nanoparticle, the smaller the percentage of
enzyme surface that can interact with the support.

Fig. 21. Enzyme distribution on a porous support depending on the ratios immobilization rate/enzyme diffusion rate.

M. Bilal et al. Biotechnology Advances 70 (2024) 108304

Fig. 22. Enzyme distribution on nanoparticles is not possible, independently of the immobilization rate. Moreover, it should not have a real impact on
enzyme features.

Fig. 23. Building of multilayer-enzyme biocatalysts using a porous support: each enzyme layer is smaller and there is a physical limit to the number of enzyme layers.

magnetic nanoparticles (Atacan et al., 2017). The low hydrolytic ability its stability and prolonged activity during digestion. Lastly, the presence
of native trypsin compared to Ag-PDA-linked derivative may be attrib­ of AgNPs in the PDA matrix provides a greater surface area, allowing for
uted to the inadequate proteolytic process resulting from steric a higher enzyme-to-protein substrate ratio and accelerating digestion
obstruction or autolysis. On the other hand, the enhanced digesting ((Siddiqui and Husain, 2019).
effectiveness of trypsin attached to Ag-PDA can be ascribed to many
factors. Firstly, the minimum steric hindrance allows optimal interaction
between the enzyme and the protein substrate, facilitating efficient 3.2. Protease-based nanobiocatalysts in detergent formulations
digestion. Secondly, the limited autolysis of the trypsin molecule ensures
Proteases are of paramount importance in detergent formulations

M. Bilal et al. Biotechnology Advances 70 (2024) 108304

Fig. 24. Building of multilayer-enzyme biocatalysts using a non-porous support: each layer is larger and there is not a physical limit to the number of enzyme layers,
just the size of the nanobiocatalyst that loses this condition.

since they contribute to removing protein-based stains and enhance the exposed to identical soil substrates (Soleimani et al., 2013). The afore­
overall efficacy of detergents. Incorporating protease enzymes in de­ mentioned findings indicate that using immobilized protease in deter­
tergents has evolved from minor additives to integral constituents. gent formulations may be highly effective under high temperature and
Nevertheless, the stability of enzymes is compromised by an alkaline alkalinity conditions. This suggests that there is potential for practical
environment, elevated washing temperatures, and the presence of application in detergent formulations.
different chemical agents (Maurer, 2004). Proteases compatible with
detergents and particularly resistant to alkaline conditions and washing 3.3. Protease-based nanobiocatalysts in leather processing
temperatures are direly needed in the industrial sector. Immobilization
is one of the intriguing ways to enhance the adaptability and resilience In recent years, enzyme-mediated bioprocesses have largely replaced
of enzymes against harsh reaction conditions. The stability of protease chemical-based procedures in the leather industry for dehairing and
immobilized on glutaraldehyde-cross-linked chitosan-silica gel beads opening skin fibers before their conversion into leather. This involves
was observed to be higher when compared to the free enzyme in the the exploitation of protease for hair removal and amylase for fiber
presence of various commercial laundry detergents such as Bingo, Omo, opening, as alternatives to sodium sulfide and calcium hydroxide,
and Perwoll. The free and immobilized protease exhibited 84%, 131%, respectively. Protease-assisted dehairing techniques on raw skin/hides
and 85%, and 87% of activity in Omo and Ariel detergents, respectively. have proven to be a significant development in the leather industry. The
According to Karakurt and Samsa (2023), the immobilized biocatalytic enzymes participating in this process facilitate the hydrolysis of non-
system demonstrated approximately 10% higher biocatalytic efficiency collagenous substances, such as albumin, casein, elastin, and pro­
compared to the free enzyme in the presence of Perwoll and Bingo. teoglycans, while ensuring the integrity of keratin and collagen within
In their study, Gulmez et al. (2022) investigated the stability char­ the skin (Anzani et al., 2017). Proteases have demonstrated efficacy in
acteristics of an organic-inorganic hybrid nanoflower by a thermal cleaving the peptide bonds of proteins and proteoglycans inside the hair
treatment process. The nanoflower-incorporated enzyme was subjected bulb region, leading to hair detachment from the skin matrix (Saravanan
to heating at temperatures of 30, 40, and 50 ◦ C for 2 h in liquid and solid et al., 2014).
laundry detergents including Omo, ART, ABC, Ariel, Alo, and Perwoll. In contrast to the traditional sodium sulfide treatment, the utilization
The activity of the immobilized nanobiocatalyst was shown to be su­ of protease immobilized on zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnNPs) has
perior to that of the free counterpart across all evaluated temperatures. emerged as a more sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative
The recombinant subtilisin protease derived from Bacillus subtilis PTTC for the dehairing of skin. The utilization of the ZnNP-based nano-bio­
1023 exhibited full retention of its original enzymatic activity when catalytic system resulted in a notable decrease in the duration necessary
exposed to Ariel, Tursil, Cosla, and Persil detergents at temperatures of to attain equivalent dehairing efficiencies (Murugappan et al., 2020).
30, 40, and 50 ◦ C (Gulmez et al., 2018). The utilization of protease During the dehairing procedure, it was noticed that the pristine
immobilized on silica nanoparticles resulted in enhanced efficacy in protease-treated skins had signs of putrefaction, as evidenced by a
removing protein-based stains in laundry detergents. Conversely, the pronounced odor. However, skins treated with nano-biocatalyst were
unmodified enzyme exhibited little impact on enzymatic activity when less vulnerable to microbial attack and did not exhibit any adverse

M. Bilal et al. Biotechnology Advances 70 (2024) 108304

Fig. 25. The formation of a multilayer-enzyme biocatalyst produces substrate diffusional limitations and steric hindrances for the activity of the enzymes in the inner
layer, raising some problems similar to porous supports.

alterations, which might be ascribed to the antimicrobial activities of enzyme exhibited a maximum degree of hydrolysis of 70%. Hence, it can
zinc oxide nanoparticles. Additionally, compared to the control, the be shown that proteases originating from various sources exhibit distinct
nano-biocatalyst demonstrated a higher level of effectiveness in catalytic characteristics and effectiveness, which depend on the specific
removing intra-fibrillary material from the skin, indicating increased substrate employed.
protease activity upon nanoparticle immobilization. The alkaline protease derived from Bacillus circulans MTCC 7906 was
Alkaline proteases derived from protein-rich waste materials, i.e., immobilized onto silica nanoparticles to create a bioconjugate formu­
soya residues and hair waste, were immobilized onto glutaraldehyde- lation of nano-silica alkaline protease. The nanobiocatalytic system that
functionalized iron oxide nanoparticles (MNPs), and the resulting was developed demonstrated potential utility in the dehairing of goat­
MNPs-immobilized proteases were then used for the hydrolysis of skin while also avoiding any histopathological degradation (Joshi et al.,
different types of proteins, including casein, oat bran protein isolate, and 2021). After 12 h of treatment at 37 ◦ C, the same group demonstrated an
egg white albumin. The immobilized Phw (protease derived from hair admirable dehairing performance with nano‑silver enzyme bio-
waste) exhibited a 24% greater degree of hydrolysis than the free Phw conjugate complex containing alkaline protease. The histological ex­
enzyme within the initial 30-min treatment process. Furthermore, the amination revealed a complete removal of hairs with minimal rar­
immobilized Phw enzyme achieved a peak hydrolysis rate of 80% after a efication, demonstrating the superior performance of the nano‑silver
24-h duration. In a similar vein, the efficacy of MNPs-immobilized Phw enzyme bio-conjugate compared to both the crude enzyme and com­
and Psr (protease produced from soya residues) was confirmed through mercial preparation (Joshi et al., 2020). Rai and Mukherjee (2011)
the hydrolysis of oat bran protein isolates. Notably, both MNPs- further supported the suitability of alkaline protease for dehairing goat
immobilized Phw and Psr exhibited superior hydrolysis efficiency skin. Overall, the research indicates that enzymatic processes have
compared to their free counterparts. The findings were consistent with emerged as the preferable way for dehairing, surpassing chemical
earlier studies, which utilized immobilized proteases on highly active methods due to their ability to mitigate hazardous waste and enhance
agarose supports and magnetic chitosan nanoparticles for the hydrolysis leather quality.
of whey and soya protein isolates (Lamas et al., 2001; Wang et al., 2014).
When utilizing a vegetable protein source, both the free and immobi­
lized forms of Psr exhibited a greater degree of hydrolysis compared to 3.4. Protease-based nanobiocatalysts for silver recovery.
Phw. Regarding the hydrolysis of egg white albumin, it was observed
that the immobilized Psr enzyme achieved a maximum hydrolysis rate of Microbial proteases are of significant importance in the metal re­
60% within a 24-h period. On the other hand, the immobilized Phw covery process, particularly in the context of silver recovery from X-ray
films. The conventional techniques for silver recovery encompass the

M. Bilal et al. Biotechnology Advances 70 (2024) 108304

Fig. 26. Nanobiocatalyst aggregation leads to the loss of the advantages/problems of nanobiocatalyst, forming a porous macrosupport.

incineration of X-ray films, the extraction of silver through smelting enabling the reuse of films after silver extraction. These films can be
from the resulting ashes, and the chemical exfoliation of silver from the employed in various applications, such as the development of X-ray film
film. However, it is important to note that these methods have adverse and the production of recording tapes, fabric, packaging materials, and
effects on the environment and may lead to a low-grade silver recovery. soft-drink bottles (Radha and Arun, 2010).
The implementation of environmentally sustainable techniques for the
recovery of silver utilizing hydrolyzing enzymes, such as proteases and
3.5. Protease-based nanobiocatalysts in bioremediation.
keratinases, has the potential to enhance the quality of the recovered
silver while concurrently diminishing the labor and chemical con­
Numerous industrial operations and processes, including those
sumption associated with conventional processes (Liya et al., 2023).
within the food sector, such as the manufacturing of leather from animal
Nevertheless, the cost associated with the recovery of silver from X-ray
hide, the extraction of gelatin from animal bones, and the processing of
films can be further reduced with the immobilization of protease,
fish and meat, resulted in the generation of wastewater with elevated
enabling their repeated utilization.
levels of total dissolved solids (TDS). This is primarily attributed to the
Using free and Ca-alginate immobilized proteases, Qamar et al.
utilization of sodium chloride and calcium chloride salts. The discharge
(2020) successfully hydrolyzed the gelatin layer from discarded X-ray
of untreated saline wastewater that contains high levels of TDS and
sheets. While the free enzyme required 40 min of immersion time at 8
organic constituents has a detrimental impact on the environment
pH and 40 ◦ C to dissolve the gelatinous layer, the Ca-alginate entrapped
(Sivaprakasam et al., 2011). Physicochemical methods are commonly
protease only took 20 min to completely dissolve the layer and release
employed for the treatment of these effluents; however, these ap­
silver particles. Gelatin attached to silver was removed from X-ray films
proaches are associated with high costs. Furthermore, the presence of
with the use of a magnetic CLEA-protease nanocomposite treatment. The
organic impurities and pollutants in the wastewater contributes to the
formation of a clear zone following a 2-h treatment signifies the
issue of air pollution (Boopathy et al., 2013).
breakdown of gelatin and the release of silver from it. Additionally, it
Recently, reports have established the potential of employing
was discovered that protease in its immobilized form hydrolyzed gelatin
enzyme-mediated biocatalytic methods to treat high TDS-containing
more than the enzyme in its free form (Hashemabadi and Badoei-
wastewater and the degradation of organic matter in highly saline en­
Dalfard, 2019). In addition to its cost effectiveness and environmental
vironments. For example, Pounsamy et al. (2019) developed a nano­
friendliness, protease-assisted hydrolysis offers the notable advantage of
porous carbon catalyst utilizing a halotolerant protease for protein

M. Bilal et al. Biotechnology Advances 70 (2024) 108304

Fig. 27. Chemical nanoparticles aggregation using bifunctional reagents in the activation step (e.g., glutaraldehyde). The use of a large excess of this reagent
prevents aggregation.

breakdown in tannery-TDS wastewater produced during the soaking immobilized nanobiocatalyst retained its activity over 25 consecutive
procedure. Following a treatment duration of 1.5 h, the catalytic activity cycles when exposed to the protein content of the soak liquor. The
of nanoporous-activated carbon-immobilized protease resulted in over catalytic efficacy of PersiProtease1, a thermo-halo-alkali-stable protease
95% protein hydrolysis at pH 6.0 and 7.0. However, the catalytic ac­ derived from tannery wastewater, was demonstrated in the biodegra­
tivity was gradually decreased in alkaline environments. A protein dation of various substances, such as real sample tannery wastewater
fragmentation rate of 96% was observed at a temperature of 30 ◦ C, and protein, whey protein, chicken feathers, dehairing sheepskin, and waste
the nanobiocatalyst maintained its efficacy, with protein fragmentation X-ray films. The results revealed that PersiProtease1 has shown
levels ranging from 70% to 75%, even at elevated temperatures of 50 ◦ C considerable potential in efficiently decomposing both liquid and solid
and 60 ◦ C. industrial waste materials containing high protein levels (Ariaeenejad
In another study, Maharaja et al. (2017) investigated the remediation et al., 2022).
capabilities of protease immobilized functionalized nano porous acti­ The rapid expansion of the poultry industry has led to significant
vated carbon (Pr-NPAC) in the breakdown of protein found in the waste generation within poultry farms and slaughterhouses. This issue
soaking liquor discharged from the leather industry. The findings of the can potentially present a dilemma for both human and ecological sys­
study indicate that the protein content of the soak liquor decreased by tems (Brandelli et al., 2015). Owing to the escalating environmental
91.5% when the temperature was raised to 40 ◦ C. Additionally, it was contamination associated with the poultry industry, particularly con­
observed that further temperature increases resulted in a decrease in cerning keratin waste, developing effective biocatalysts for hydrolysis
protein degradation and amino acid formation. This phenomenon may keratin has become a compelling objective for researchers. In this
be attributed to the increased kinetic motion, which hinders the respect, a Bacillus keratinase was immobilized onto the functionalized
adsorption of protein molecules onto the immobilized matrix. The magnetic nanoparticles using the cross-linked enzyme aggregates

M. Bilal et al. Biotechnology Advances 70 (2024) 108304

Fig. 28. Chemical nanobiocatalyst aggregation during enzyme immobilization step, where the enzyme acts as crosslinking reagent.

(CLEAs) technique. Following a 2-h incubation period at 42 ◦ C, it was resulted in a 50% reduction in the size of skin wound regions infected
observed that the immobilized magnetic nanobiocatalyst exhibited a with Staphylococcus aureus in rats following a treatment period of 4 days.
threefold increase in the hydrolysis degree of keratin waste compared to In addition, the implementation of an immobilized enzyme led to a
the free enzyme (Lotfi et al., 2021). In their study, Sarathi et al. (2019) three-logarithmic reduction in the number of S. aureus cells on the
examined the viability of utilizing electrospun polyvinyl alcohol chito­ surfaces of the wounds over six days. This contrasts with the control
san nanofibers electrospun as a support material for immobilizing ker­ group, which required more than ten days to reach the same outcome.
atinases for the degradation of chicken feathers. The researchers found Other benefits include a smoother reepithelialization process and the
that the immobilized keratinase achieved a hydrolysis efficiency of development of new tissue that closely resembles the collagen structure
approximately 88% in degrading chicken feathers after 72 h. Abdel- found in the native tissue. The findings indicate that the utilization of
Fattah et al. (2018) found that the crude keratinolytic protease from immobilized Ficin exhibits potential advantages in addressing biofilm-
Bacillus licheniformis ALW1 demonstrated a hydrolysis degree of up to associated infections while also facilitating wound healing and micro­
63% for natural feathers after a 24-h treatment. In conclusion, the bial decontamination at an accelerated rate. In another study, the same
application of immobilized proteases in the treatment of wastewater group also showed that immobilized endolytic cysteine protease papain
effluents offers many significant benefits compared to the utilization of on chitosan matrices of medium (200 kDa) and high molecular weight
free enzymes, such as enhanced stability, simplified handling, reus­ (350 kDa) increases the efficiency of antimicrobials against bacteria
ability, and a resulting reduction in operational costs. embedded in biofilms (Baidamshina et al., 2021). Both the soluble and
immobilized forms of papain shown high efficacy in eradicating biofilms
3.6. Protease-based nanobiocatalysts in the biomedical sector formed by S. aureus and S. epidermidis. As a result, papain can enhance
the efficacy of antimicrobial agents against Staphylococci embedded
So far, numerous studies have demonstrated the potential benefits of within biofilms, making it potentially useful for the treatment of
proteolytic enzymes as wound-healing agents. The enhancement of external wounds.
antibacterial therapeutic efficacy by proteases can be achieved by Fabricating novel nano-supports with multifunctional properties is
accelerating the breakdown of the protein constituents inside the biofilm immensely important for protease immobilization. Kim et al. (2022)
matrix. In their study, Baidamshina et al. (2020) documented the ca­ designed a 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane and Fe3O4 NPs functionalized
pabilities of chitosan-immobilized Ficin, a nonspecific sulfhydryl pro­ halloysite nanotubes-based multifunctional nano-support to immobilize
tease, in inhibiting biofilm formation and promoting wound healing. protease type I enzyme. The as-synthesized nanomaterial construct
The chitosan-immobilized Ficin could disrupt biofilms induced by deciphered robust anti-biofilm activities against Escherichia coli, Staph­
staphylococcal bacteria and enhance the effectiveness of antimicrobial ylococcus aureus, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, and anti-
drugs against bacteria embedded inside the biofilms. In an in vivo bacterial potential. Prabhawathi et al. (2019) fabricated gold core and
setting, the application of Ficin, whether in soluble or immobilized form, silver shell nanoparticles (AuAgNPs) and employed them to conjugate

M. Bilal et al. Biotechnology Advances 70 (2024) 108304

Fig. 29. The use of a large excess of enzyme during immobilization on non-porous nanomaterials can prevent the biocatalyst crosslinking via the enzyme, although
this can lead to very poor immobilization yields.

Table 1
Protease immobilization onto polymeric (nano)carriers with immobilization yield, key features, and recyclability potential.
Immobilization matrix Immobilization Key features Recyclability References
yield (%)

Alginate/dextrose 77.6 Lower activation energy and deactivation constant, 92.7 and 52.4% after 8 and 12 hydrolysis (Abdella et al.,
improved thermostability cycles, respectively. 2023)
Calcium alginate >70 Lower activation energy, and improved thermal >80% activity retention during initial 8 cycles (Qamar et al.,
and pH stability profiles that was decreased to 73% and 68% in next 2020)
Calcium alginate 68.76 Improved thermal and pH stability with 80.88% 32.97% activity retention after 7 consecutive (Adetunji and
storage stability at 4 ◦ C for 30 days cycles Olaniran, 2023)
Porous chitosan 76.7 ± 1.7 Improved catalytic activity and stability after 70.3% activity retention after 7 repeated (Tang et al., 2023)
microspheres immobilization hydrolysis cycles
Chitosan 69.9 Increased optimum temperature range (50–70 ◦ C) 47.08% activity retention after three cycles (Ramalho and de
Castro, 2023)
Chitosan-silica gel beads 96 High stability on metal ions and catalytic 50% activity retention after 5 repetitive cycles (Karakurt and
performance Samsa, 2023)
Chitosan/cellulose acetate 85 52% increased activity than free protease at pH 10. About 81% activity rendition after 10 cycles (Badoei-Dalfard
nanofiber High storage stability about 75% at 60 ◦ C and 180 of reuse et al., 2020)
min at pH 9
Chitosan beads 86.43 ± 1.15 High pH and thermal stability than free protease 70.53% activity retention after 5 repeated (Kamal et al.,
cycles 2021)
Chitosan nanoparticles 262.32 High thermostability 73.53% activity retention after 15 cycles (de Oliveira et al.,
κ-carrageenan/ 84.38 ± 0.83% at High thermostability and increased half-life 89% activity retention after 8-weeks storage (Awad et al.,
hyperbranched poly pH 9.3 at 4 ◦ C 2020)
Magnetic chitosan – 52% activity enhancement by the immobilized 70% activity retention after 10 cycles (Khankari et al.,
enzyme 2021)

M. Bilal et al. Biotechnology Advances 70 (2024) 108304

Table 2
Protease immobilization onto silica-based (nano)carriers with immobilization yield, key features, and recyclability potential.
Immobilization matrix Immobilization yield Key features Recyclability References

Double mesoporous core-shell 75.3 High stability in commercial detergents, salt, 79.8% activity retention after 10 (Ibrahim et al.,
silica nanospheres organic solvents, and surfactants repeated cycles 2021)
Nano-silica – 1.7-folds increased in enzyme activity. High – (Joshi et al., 2021)
catalytic stability
Polymer-coated mesoporous silica – 60% storage stability after 28 days of incubation. 45.83% activity retention after 5 (Özbek and Ünal,
NPs repeated cycles 2017)
Fe3O4@SiO2 –NH2 – Improved thermostability of trypsin 85% activity retention after 6 (Aslani et al.,
repeated cycles 2018)
Hollow mesoporous silica 460 μg/mg Over 74% enzyme activity maintenance under 80% activity retention after 5 (Zhang et al.,
nanoreactors extreme conditions repeated cycles 2023)
Magnetic silica nanoparticles – High storage stability (up to 93%) after 25 months. About 85% activity retention after six (Glomm et al.,
consecutive cycles 2021)
Cellulose monoacetate/ 82 No significant change in activity and stability of the 59% activity retention after 7 (Aykut et al.,
polycaprolactone enzyme repeated cycles 2017)
Magnetic core/ mesoporous shell 91.2 Improved activity and stability of enzyme 75% activity retention after 10 (Ibrahim et al.,
silica NPs repeated cycles 2016)
Fumed silica nanoparticles – High exopeptidase activity – (Katić et al., 2021)
Supermagnetic halloysite – Antibacterial effect and antibiofilm effect on E. coli 43% activity retention after 5 (Kim et al., 2022)
nanotubes and S. aureus repeated cycles
Magnetic halloysite nanotube 185.5 mg/g Improved kinetics, thermodynamics, and storage Up to 56% activity retention after 10 (Sillu et al., 2022)
stability repeated cycles

Table 3
Recent studies reporting protease immobilization onto graphene oxide with immobilization yield, key features, and recyclability potential.
Immobilization matrix Immobilization Key features Recyclability References
yield (%)

Graphene oxide nanosheets 57.35 Improved thermal and pH stability. 92% storage – (Ranjbari et al.,
activated with glutaraldehyde stability at 4 ◦ C for 30 days 2019)
Nitrogen-doped graphene 78 Stability enhancement in polar solvents. Improved 65% of initial activity retention after 5 (Mirzaei et al.,
quantum dots thermal stability repeated cycles 2022)
Graphene oxide silver NPs – Higher immobilization capacity and improved – (Liu et al., 2021)
catalytic activity
Graphene oxide nanosheets 80 35% activity retention at 25 ◦ C for 30 days. Improved 54% activity retention after 10 repeated (Movahedi
thermal stability after GO binding cycles et al., 2019)
Graphene oxide nanosheets 80 Improved thermal stability. 63% activity retention at – (Gu et al., 2018)
4 ◦ C after 30 days
Graphene oxide – High thermostability and storage stability (89.9% Up to 40% of initial activity after 3 (Su et al., 2012)
after 5 days) repeated cycles
Graphene oxide – Improved storage stability of nano-immobilized – (Su et al., 2013)
Polydopamine-coated magnetic 0.175 mg/mg High storage stability (almost 100% activity at 4 ◦ C Almost 100% (like first cycle) activity (Shi et al., 2014)
graphene after 30 days) retention after 5 repeated experiments
Graphene oxide – Improve and maintain the activity of protease enzyme – (Xu et al., 2012)
Graphene oxide nanosheets – Improved thermal and chemical stability (up to 80% – (Sakata et al.,
at 50 ◦ C for 6 h, whereas free enzyme showed only 2012)

subtilisin, aiming to explore their potential in biomedical applications. There was an average 50% increase in the thrombolysis rate when
The obtained biomaterial AuAgSNPs demonstrates antibiofilm charac­ urokinase-coated MNPs were introduced. The in vitro thrombolysis test
teristics against E. coli and S. aureus, though with a lower effectiveness conducted in a microfluidic channel demonstrates an almost complete
level than the biomaterial made with bare AuAgNPs. It was observed eradication of thrombus, which can be attributed to the clot-dissolving
that subtilisin has the ability to disrupt the adhesive surface proteins of properties of urokinase. This effect is particularly notable since it pre­
bacteria, hence impeding the process of biofilm development. In vents the formation of blood clots during the magnetically-activated
contrast to AuAgNP, the AuAgSNPs did not exhibit any cytotoxic effects microablation process. In addition, the experiment shows that a 10.32
on 3 T3 cells. Furthermore, the presence of subtilisin was found to mg thrombus mass may be removed entirely in the microchannel within
enhance the proliferation of fibroblast cells. The biocompatibility, 180 s (Chang et al., 2017).
antibacterial, and antibiofilm activities of AuAgSNPs suggest its utili­ Utilizing a non-toxic natural hydrogel to encapsulate cross-linked
zation in medical devices and implants. enzyme aggregates (CLEAs) is highly advantageous for orally deliv­
Urokinase is an enzyme that is involved in the breakdown of blood ering bioactive protein drugs, peptides, and enzymes. Sangeetha and
clots. As a thrombolytic agent, it can dissolve blood clots by converting Abraham (2008) studied the controlled protein release efficacy of sub­
proenzyme plasminogen into active enzyme plasmin, which plays its tilisin encapsulated in alginate: guar gum hydrogel composite beads.
role in fibrinolysis. Immobilizing urokinase onto agar-coated magnetic The beads encapsulated with CLEAs exhibited a protein loading of
nanoparticles has been studied for its potential utility in thrombus 66.65%. Protein release was observed to be extremely slow at pH 1.2.
clearance. Thrombolytic analysis revealed a noteworthy improvement Nevertheless, the entrapped protein was released quickly due to the
in the thrombus removal efficiency using magnetically controlled hydrogel swelling at pH 7.4. The hydrogel exhibited a lower protein
urokinase-coated MNPs compared to a pure urokinase preparation. release at pH 1.2 compared to pH 7.4, which was mainly attributed to

M. Bilal et al. Biotechnology Advances 70 (2024) 108304

Table 4 biotechnological applications of protease-based nanobiocatalysts.

Recent studies reporting protease immobilization onto metallic/metal-organic
frameworks with immobilization yield, key features, and recyclability potential. 4. Concluding views and outlook
Protease Nanomaterials for Key features References
enzyme type immobilization Progress in nano-structured immobilized enzymes has devoted a
Alkaline Gold–TiO2 Improved (Farhadyar and great potential for refining enzyme functionality. Nanobiocatalytic
protease Core–Shell catalytic stability Sadjadi, 2011) methods use several nano-structured constituents, including nano­
Nanowire particles, nanofibers, nanotubes, and nanoporous materials, for enzyme
Protease γ-Fe2O3/Fe3O4 Improved (Xin et al., 2010)
immobilization and maintaining their catalytic performance. Nano-
Magnetic NPs stability
Protease Zinc oxide Improved (Diyanat et al., structured materials have been shown to possess various superior
nanoparticls catalytic and 2018) characteristics over conventional solid supports for enzyme immobili­
thermal stability zation. Nanocarriers immobilized proteases were reported as more
Aspartic Iron oxide Improved (Gao et al., 2018) resistant to denaturation caused by the change in temperature and pH,
protease nanoparticles catalytic activity
Aspartic Fe(OH)3@Fe3O4 Improved (Moslemi et al.,
detergents, organic solvents, and various other denaturants.
protease stability 2018) Nanocarrier-immobilized proteases have been successfully studied for
Trypsin and Vinyl sulfone Improved (Morellon-Sterling their continuous and batch reactor operations for different purposes in
chymotrypsin agarose beads stability and et al., 2021) leather, detergents, biomedical, food, and pharmaceutical industries.
catalytic activity
Furthermore, the high catalytic efficiency of protease in organic solvents
Protease co- Copper oxide Improved (Murugappan and
immobilized catalytic stability Sreeram, 2021) has been reported after immobilization onto nano-support matrices.
with amylase Immobilization technology in the near future will provide cost-effective
Keratinase Fe3O4 Improved (Lotfi et al., 2021) alternative methods for bio-industry.
nanoparticles catalytic activity The emerging applications of immobilized enzymes in biocatalytic,
Protease Magnetic Improved (Karami et al.,
environmental, and biomedical sectors are often confronted by non-
metal–organic catalytic activity 2022)
frameworks and thermal biodegradable support materials, the elevated cost of support fabrica­
stability tion, and the incapability of using the biocatalytic system on a larger
Protease Metal–organic Improved (Badoei-Dalfard scale, mass transfer efficiency, and translation from lab-scale processes
frameworks thermal and et al., 2020)
to industrial level. The most significant obstacles in transforming this
storage stability
with lower technology towards their deployment are the elevated costs of con­
activation structing novel support materials with unique features, adequate
energy enzyme production, and satisfactory enzyme immobilization. Additional
Trypsin Nanoporous metal- High catalytic (Liu et al., 2013) research is necessary to overcome the issues of biodegradability,
organic stability
bioavailability, and high cost of enzyme-conjugated carriers for making
Proteases Nanoflower-like High catalytic (Li et al., 2023) this technology industrially and commercially feasible.
metal organic activity. The development of an immobilization bio-system should be metic­
frameworks Improved ulously considered in terms of using an adequately designed support
thermla and
carrier, an appropriate functional group on the surface of the support,
organic solvent
and the right immobilization procedure (i.e., support activation, con­
ditions for enzyme immobilization, multi-interaction conditions be­
tween support and enzyme). If any of these factors are not considered
while immobilizing the enzyme, the optimal results might not be ach­
ieved, leading to an enzyme with even poorer biocatalytic properties
compared to the free form of the enzyme in some instances. On the other
hand, a properly adopted immobilized protocol can yield enzyme sys­
tems with high stability (even thousands of folds) and improved prop­
erties than soluble counterparts.

Declaration of Competing Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.



program is graciously acknowledged for supporting this work under the
international collaboration project awarded to Muhammad Bilal (Grant
number 44/2023/IDUB/I.1). We gratefully recognize the financial
Fig. 30. Different uses of nanobiocatalysts of proteases.
support from Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and Agencia Estatal de
Investigación (Spanish Government) (PID2022-136535OB-I00). A.B.M.
the pH-sensitive properties of the alginate component rather than the
thanks the Generalitat Valenciana (CIPROM/2021/70) for financial
guar gum. The incorporation of guar gum, a nonionic polysaccharide,
support and PID2021-123079OB-I00 project funded by MCIN/AEI/10
has enabled the controlled release of protein under pH 7.4 conditions.
.13039/501100011033 and “ERDF A way of making Europe”.
The findings indicate that the subtilisin enzyme, when encapsulated
within hydrogel beads, exhibits potential for facilitating the oral
administration of peptides. This is attributed to the enzyme-controlled
release occurrence at pH 7.4, which corresponds to the physiological
pH of the jejunum region. Fig. 31 demonstrates the emerging

M. Bilal et al. Biotechnology Advances 70 (2024) 108304

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