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Aerodynamic Wake Investigations of High-Lift Transport Aircraft With Deployed Spoilers

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Ulrich Jung, Christian Breitsamter
Lehrstuhl für Aerodynamik, Technische Universität München,
Boltzmannstr. 15, 85748 Garching, Germany

Keywords: Aerodynamics, High-Lift, Spoiler, Wake, Transport Aircraft

Abstract is shown that the wake of none of the three in-

Commercial Transport Aircraft (CTA) make use vestigated spoiler configurations does impose a
of spoilers in the approach phase. In doing so, significant increase of vertical turbulence inten-
the aerodynamic wake of the CTA’s wing is sity on the HTP; neither broadband nor nar-
highly influenced by the deployed spoilers, po- rowband.
tentially leading to horizontal tail plane (HTP)
buffet. Mean and turbulent flow field quantities
downstream of a CTA model’s wing are investi- Nomenclature
gated experimentally to evaluate the near field b = model wing span
wake. The used detailed half model features c = wing mean aerodynamic chord
slats, aileron and flaps in high-lift approach CL = lift coefficient, 2 L / ρU ∞2 S
configuration. Spoiler configurations comprise f = frequency
a baseline configuration with no spoilers de- k = reduced frequency, f b / (2U∞)
ployed, a configuration with outboard conven- L = lift
tional spoilers deployed by δ = 30°, and two Re∞ = freestream Reynolds number based on
configurations, with two types of unconven- wing mean aerodynamic chord, U ∞ c /ν ∞
tional outboard spoilers. The experiments are S = wing planform
performed in Wind Tunnel A at the Institute of Sw’ = power spectral density of w’
Aerodynamics, Technische Universität
München. Angles of attack are chosen for each Tuz = vertical turbulence intensity, w'2 / U ∞
configuration corresponding to a lift coefficient U∞ = freestream velocity
of CL = 1.5. The freestream velocity is set to u, v, w = axial, lateral and vertical flow veloci-
V∞ = 50 m/s corresponding to a Reynolds num- ties
ber based on wing mean aerodynamic chord of w’ = fluctuation part of w
Re = 1 × 106. Two stream wise positions are u* = nondimensional axial velocity, u/U∞
chosen to evaluate the evolution of the wake x, y, z = axial, lateral and vertical coordinate
from near the trailing edge of the wing to the x* = nondimensional axial coordinate, x/b
tail of the model. Stereo Particle Image Veloci- y*, z* = nondimensional y, z coordinates, 2y/b,
metry is used to measure the velocity distribu- 2z/b
tion in the wake planes. At selected positions of α = angle of attack
the planes additional velocity measurements are δS = spoiler deflection angle
taken by means of Constant Temperature Hot- v∞ = freestream kinematic viscosity
Wire Anemometry. These time-resolved meas- ρ = air density
urements serve to conduct a spectral analysis. It

Copyright © 2010 by U. Jung and C. Breitsamter.

Published by the International Council of the Aero-
nautical Sciences (ICAS), with permission.
Ulrich Jung, Christian Breitsamter

Besides the reduction of source noise, new

operational procedures are essential items to
meet the aircraft noise requirements. These
comprise first and foremost steeper approach
paths potentially combined with the continuous
descent approach technique. Investigation on
this technology’s benefit can be found in [6],
[7], [8], and [9].
To permit these slow steep approaches, the
aerodynamic performance of the approach set-
ting of conventional commercial transport air-
craft is not sufficient. Thus, deflection of some
kind of spoiler device is required for steep ap-
Fig. 1 US and EU-goals for reducing received This investigation focuses on the near
noise [4]
wake of an approaching CTA, which is highly
influenced by the deployed spoilers. Turbu-
lences and vortices in the wake can cause issues
concerning horizontal tail plane (HTP) buffet as
1 Introduction
well as hazard to following aircraft flying into
Since the 1950s air transport has become a the wake. Therefore, mean and turbulent flow
means of mass transportation - its growth is ex- field quantities downstream of a CTA models’
ponential [1]. To avert noise from airport wing are investigated to evaluate the near field
neighbors, a growth in airport noise restrictions wake with and without deployed spoilers.
for departing and approaching commercial The aerodynamic performance related to
transport aircraft (CTA) is distinctive [2]. The the longitudinal motion of the CTA half model,
EU Advisory Council for Aeronautical Research which is used in this investigation, were already
in Europe asks in their Vision 2020 [3] for a re- experimentally evaluated for various spoiler
duction of noise impact by one half per opera- configurations in [12].
tion relative to the technology of the year 2000 Besides the conventional spoilers, one
(Fig. 1). NASA’s goals in their Quiet Aircraft could imagine other types of air brakes; Mertol
Technology Program comprise a reduction of for example investigated the feasibility of fuse-
perceived noise impact of future aircraft by one lage air brakes in [10]. Flaig et al. postulate a
half relative to the technology of the year 1997 “high-lift system of minimum complexity” [11].
within ten years and by three quarters (-20 dB) This infers a modified spoiler system of the
within 25 years. One has to note, that a same dimensions as the conventional spoiler
reduction by one half corresponds to a reduction system. The last consideration led the authors to
of 90% in sound power. the idea to investigate two unconventional
The noise sources of commercial aircraft spoiler types with the same basic dimensions as
can be split in two categories: the first category the model’s conventional spoilers.
covers all the sources generated by the propul-
sion unit, the second being the noise sources
associated with the airframe. On modern civil 2 Experimental Setup
transport aircraft airframe and propulsion noise
are approximately of the same magnitude during
approach and landing [5]. The reduction of the 2.1 Wind Tunnel Model
source noise is investigated in recent years by A model representing the starboard wing and
experimental and numerical methods (CAA) half fuselage is used, designated as the half-
[5]. model. Basic geometrical model parameters are
representative for a modern twinjet CTA. The


ity to use a half-model with peniche instead of a

full-model to receive appropriate results for stall
incidence, lift, drag and pitching moment of
high lift configurations [14].
The Reynolds number Re∞ represents the
most important dimensionless quantity for vis-
cous flow phenomena to ensure dynamic simi-
larity [15]. For all tests a wind tunnel freestream
velocity of V∞ = 50 m/s was chosen, which leads
to Re∞ ≈ 1.0 × 106 based on wing mean aerody-
namic chord. This is at least one order of
magnitude lower than in real flying conditions.
To achieve realistic aerodynamic values out of
the wind tunnel tests, the transition of the
boundary layer from laminar to turbulent is
tripped by strips at positions, where transition is
anticipated for the real aircraft. Transition strips
are used around the leading edge of the nacelles
as well as at the nose of the fuselage. The pres-
sure distribution on the wing with slats deployed
Fig. 2 Transport aircraft half-model in WTA provokes a natural transition at or near the lead-
ing edge that makes an artificial transition un-
necessary on the wing [16].
starboard jet engine is modeled by a through
flow nacelle. The nacelle is equipped with two
engine nacelle strakes modeled by metal sheets 2.2 Spoiler Setup
with a tapered leading edge. They are attached The design of multi-element airfoil systems or-
in flow direction rectangular to the outside of dinarily involves the modification of a cruise
the nacelle and can lead to a reduction in inter- airfoil in order to provide high lift for takeoff
ference drag, increase in CLmax and L/D at high and landing. Extremely rigid constraints relating
α, a broader range of high CL, and less abrupt to mechanical retractability serve to limit the
stall characteristics [13]. aerodynamically design in terms of both the
Tests are performed for a typical approach shape and orientation of the airfoil elements.
high-lift-configuration, consisting of full-span Considering these limits, it is self evident to in-
leading edge slats, discontinuous only at the na- vestigate spoiler concepts fitting into the exist-
celle mount, inboard as well as outboard single ing high lift design. More precisely, all herein
slotted fowler flaps and a drooped aileron. The investigated spoiler types only affect the wing
deflection of the high-lift devices is chosen to shroud geometry already used by the conven-
represent a full-landing configuration. A picture tional spoiler system. The elements studied
of the half-model installed in Wind Tunnel A comprise the planform of the two most outboard
(WTA) of the Institute of Aerodynamics of located conventional spoilers. These two spoil-
Technische Universität München can be found ers were integrated in a single model part. It
in Fig. 2. constrains the investigations to simulate a si-
To reduce the interaction of the wind tun- multaneous deflection of both control surfaces.
nel floor boundary layer with the aerodynamics This applies also to the alternative spoiler con-
of the half-model, it is supported with small cepts. The investigated air brake concepts are
clearance directly above an earthed peniche, characterized by the following details:
having the same outline as the fuselage. The gap a) Baseline configuration (BL): The high-
between fuselage and peniche is closed with a lift configuration with no air brake de-
labyrinth seal. Earnshaw et al. show the feasibil- flection serves as baseline. Deflected are

Ulrich Jung, Christian Breitsamter

wing’s shroud is hereby deflected up-

wards, leaving a wide opening between
Α−Α δS the rear end of the wing and the flap. In
Fig. 3 a thumbsketch gives an overview
of the CS configuration. To get an im-
pression of the model parts, Fig. 4 shows
a detailed view of the half-model’s wing
in the vicinity of the spoiler.
c) Unconventional spoiler 1 (U1): This
configuration comprises a novel spoiler
of the same basic dimensions and at the
Α−Α same position as CS.
d) Unconventional spoiler 2 (U2): This is a
modified version of U1.
All air brake configurations are investi-
gated for a fixed spoiler deflection of δS = 30°.
A positive deflection is defined as an upward
rotation of the spoiler, as illustrated in Fig. 3.
The angle of attack is chosen for each configu-
ration corresponding to a lift coefficient of
CL = 1.5.
Fig. 3 Schematic view and definition of deflec-
tion angle δS of conventional spoiler (CS).
2.3 Test Facility
leading edge slats, inboard as well as All tests are conducted at continuous low-speed
outboard single slotted fowler flaps and Wind Tunnel A at the Institute of Aerodynam-
the aileron. The deflection of the high- ics, Technische Universität München (WTA).
lift devices is chosen to represent a full- The facility features a closed circuit and an open
landing configuration. test section. General operating data of WTA can
b) Conventional spoiler (CS): This type of be found in Table 1.
air brake can be found on any modern
transport aircraft. A segment of the Table 1 Operating data of WTA [17]
Maximum velocity V∞ = 65 m/s
Cross-section 1.80m × 2.40 m
Turbulence intensity Tux,y,z < 0.4%
Deviation of flow direction ∆α, ∆β < 0.25°
Deviation of static pressure ∆p/q∞ ≤ 0.4%
Temporal deviation of ∆V∞ ≤ 0.67%
freestream velocity
Spatial deviation of ∆V∞ ≤ 0.67%
freestream velocity

2.4 Measurement System

Two methods are used to investigate the near
wake of the half-model: Stereo Particle Image
Velocimetry (PIV) and Constant Temperature
Fig. 4 Detail view of the wing including the con- Hot-Wire Anemometry (HWA).
ventional spoiler (CS) model. By means of the used PIV-system one has
the ability to obtain the distribution of all three

Fig. 5 PIV measurement in progress at WTA. Tux in x1 and x2 is visualized in false color representation.

instantaneous velocity components at once for a Besides PIV, Constant Temperature Hot-
plane, which is perpendicular to the inflow ve- Wire Anemometry (HWA) with a two-wire
locity. The sampling rate of the PIV measure- probe is utilized to examine the instantaneous
ments is f = 5 Hz, where 388 samples are re-
corded per measurement. From this data both
the mean velocity components as well as the
root mean square velocities can be obtained
with a high spatial resolution. A picture of the
system in action can be found in Fig. 5. Herein,
the laser system unit is on the right hand side. It
produces a vertically expanded green laser
sheet, which is directed to the left crossing the
wake of the half-model’s wing. Seeding parti-
cles are injected into the air flow. The particle’s
positions in this laser sheet are recorded by two
cameras located upstream and downstream of
the measurement plane laterally to the model.
By means of cross correlation based on Fast
Fourier Transformation, the velocity distribution
in the wake plane can then be computed. In Fig.
5, the axial turbulence intensity Tux is visualized
in false color to represent the two investigated
wake planes.
Fig. 6 Hot wire probe traversed in model wake

Ulrich Jung, Christian Breitsamter



Fig. 7 Velocity distribution in plane x1. a) BL, b) CS



Fig. 8 Velocity distribution in plane x1. a) U1, b) U2

Ulrich Jung, Christian Breitsamter

velocity components at selected positions with a The positions were chosen to resolve the imme-
high sampling rate of f = 3000 Hz. Anemometer diate wake region of the spoiler in this plane.
output voltages are low pass filtered at 1000 Hz It is not possible to get the velocity field of
and digitized with 16 bit precision. The meas- the complete wing wake by PIV at once, but
ured time is 6.4 s corresponding to 19200 values only sequentially for rectangular sectors due to
per hot-wire voltage per measurement station. the measurement window size of the PIV sys-
These measurements serve to conduct a spectral tem. Thus, the PIV laser and camera system is
analysis delivering possible dominant frequen- traversed to get ten overlapping sectors in span
cies related to respective configurations. The direction and thereby covering a large wake area
HWA test setup is illustrated in Fig. 6. reaching from y* ≈ 0.25 to y* ≈ 1.1. The vertical
position of each sector is chosen to incorporate
2.5 Test Parameters the axial velocity deficit region of the wing
wake in the center of the plane. The presented
All measurements are conducted in two planes results were not interpolated; the borders of the
in the near wake of the half-model’s wing. The sectors are not corrected. This sometimes leads
planes are perpendicular to the inflow velocity to comparatively harsh value intersection from a
vector. The coordinate system is related to the sector to the next, observed for example in Fig.
Wing Reference Point (WRP) namely the most 8b between sector four and five counted from
outboard position of the wing’s trailing edge: inboard to outboard.
xWRP/b = 0, yWRP/(b/2) = 1, and zWRP/(b/2) = 0. Analyzing the axial velocity u* of BL, one
Plane 1 (x1) is defined to be located at can identify the main deficit area is concentrated
x1/b = 0.12. It represents the near field wake of inboard between y* = 0.25 and y* = 0.5. This is
the wing. Plane 2 (x2) is chosen to represent the due to the inboard flap and the nacelle posi-
position of the leading edge of the CTA’s HTP, tioned upstream of this area. Ranging between
which is not included in the wind tunnel model, y* = 0.5 and y* ≈ 0.8, u*-deficit spots are ordered
and is positioned at x2/b = 0.92. in two horizontal streaks at z* ≈ -0.15 and
z* ≈ -0.08. Further outboard the streaks are not
3. Results so clear any more and no more ordered in clear
Velocity distributions as well as turbulence in- lines, but still observable ranging outboard to
tensities of the investigated configurations ob- y* ≈ 1. The crossflow velocity distribution indi-
tained from the PIV measurements are dicussed cated in the figures by arrows shows the down-
in this section. Power spectral densities as func- wash in the complete wake plane superposed by
tion of reduced frequency from the HWA meas- vortical structures. These vortices arise at the
urements are analyzed for one selected position trailing edge of the wing, where a gradient in
representing the HTP’s tip. the spanwise aerodynamic load distribution is
Compared to this, the velocity distribution
3.1 Velocity Field in Near Wake of CS shows clear differences to BL between
Fig. 7a and 7b show the velocity field in plane y* ≈ 0.4 and y* ≈ 0.75. Within this interval, two
x1 obtained by PIV for the BL and CS configu- large and strong velocity deficit spots are pre-
rations; Fig. 8a and 8b shows it for the U1 and sent. These spots are connected only by a nar-
U2 configurations, respectively. The silhouette row intersection and originate from the de-
of the half-model’s fuselage, wing, engine na- ployed spoiler. This spoiler wake region is even
celle and spoiler is sketched into the pictures to more pronounced for both U1 and U2 configu-
facilitate the attribution of detected flow phe- rations (Fig. 8a and 8b). For U1, the structure
nomena to geometrical details of the half-model. with a large axial velocity deficit (u* < 0.75) is
The small circles filled with white color in these much wider and also no more separated into two
pictures represent the positions in the plane, for spots, but concentrated in one spot with a kid-
which HWA-measurements were carried out. ney-like shape. The lateral extension of this




Fig. 9 Vertical turbulence intensity distribution in plane x1. a) BL, b) C1

Ulrich Jung, Christian Breitsamter


Fig. 10 Vertical turbulence intensity distribution in plane x1. a) U1, b) U2




Fig. 11 Vertical turbulence intensity distribution in plane x2. a) BL, b) C1

Ulrich Jung, Christian Breitsamter


Fig. 12 Vertical turbulence intensity distribution in plane x2. a) U1, b) U2


a) b)

c) d)

Fig. 13 Comparison of power spectral densities of the vertical velocity fluctuations in plane x2 at in
Figs. 11 and 12 marked measurement positions. a) BL, b) CS, c) U1, d) U2

velocity spot has nearly the same size for U2, accountable for excitation of the HTP, leading
but an elliptic shape. potentially to HTP buffet.
All Tuz-distributions show some scatter of
3.2 Vertical Turbulence in Near Wake regularly located spots in the low turbulence
areas. This is due to a low number of sample
Figure 9 and Fig. 10 show the vertical turbu- points. Nevertheless, the shapes of the high in-
lence intensity distributions, Tuz, in plane x1 for tensity turbulence areas are clearly observable.
all investigated configurations. Figure 11 and For all configurations, one distinct high Tuz
Fig. 12 show it in the further downstream lo- structure is observable inboard in plane x1
cated plane x2, which represents the position (Figs. 9 and 10), which is related to the nacelle
where the HTP’s leading edge is located. Tuz is upstream. The three spoiler configurations fea-
ture a second high Tuz structure related to the
Ulrich Jung, Christian Breitsamter

spoilers. For this second structure, significantly for U2, Sw’ = 7 × 10-3 for U1 and Sw’ = 1 × 10-2
larger high Tuz areas are found for both uncon- for C1. For higher frequencies k ≥ 2.5 × 10-1, Sw’
ventional spoiler configurations U1 and U2 degrades monotonously in each case.
compared to CS in both planes x1 and x2.
Whilst in plane x1, the high turbulence areas of
U1 and U2 are elongated in both vertical and 4 Conclusions
lateral dimensions compared to the area of CS, An experimental investigation is conducted to
this is different in plane x2: Here, lateral exten- study effects of different spoiler configurations
sions of these high turbulence areas are compa- on the near field wake of a commercial transport
rable to the CS configuration, but the areas are aircraft configuration. The unsteadiness in the
vertically more elongated compared to the area wake is identified to pose potentially a thread to
of CS and have a different shape. the horizontal tail by inducing buffet phenom-
For all three cases, the area of high turbu- ena.
lence Tuz ≥ 0.1 is limited to lateral positions out- A wind tunnel half-model in full approach
board of the HTP’s tip. This leads to the conclu- setting is successively fitted with three spoiler
sion that none of the three spoiler configurations systems, namely a conventional and two uncon-
pose danger relating HTP buffet for the investi- ventional ones. Additionally, the non-spoiler
gated zero side slip flow conditions. To further deflection case is investigated representing the
strengthen this conclusion the HWA data are baseline configuration. For each configuration,
discussed in the following section. the angle of attack is adjusted to set the lift coef-
ficient to CL = 1.5.
3.3 Spectral Analysis in Near Wake Two wake planes are investigated by
The white color filled circles in Figs. 11 and 12 means of Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV),
represent the positions where HWA- which enables to receive the distribution of all
measurements were carried out in the cross flow three velocity components. The turbulence in-
plane x2. The positions were chosen to resolve tensities can also be derived, though no real
the immediate wake region of the spoiler as well time resolution is achieved due to the low sam-
as two positions along the span of the HTP. One pling rate. For this reason, Hot Wire Anemom-
of these two represents the tip of the HTP - etry is used to supplement the PIV data with ve-
marked by a red circle in Figs. 11 and 12. Ex- locity measurements of high sample rates at se-
clusively, the HWA results for these HTP tip lected positions. Based on these measurements
positions are discussed here. It should be noted spectral analyses deliver the power spectral den-
that the vertical positions of the measurement sity related to each spoiler configuration.
points along the HTP’s span vary per configura- Based on these investigations, all three in-
vestigated outboard spoiler configurations pose
tion due to the fact that α is adjusted for each
no risk of HTP buffet for the no side slip condi-
configuration to maintain CL = 1.5.
tion investigated here exclusively. This is based
To analyze the HWA data, a Fast Fourier
on the finding, that the HTP is located inboard
Transformation was carried out to obtain the
of the high turbulence areas identified by the
power spectral density S as function of reduced
PIV measurements and originating from the
frequency k. Figure 13 shows all four configura-
spoilers. This is the case despite the fact that the
tions’ results for the fluctuations of vertical ve-
turbulent wake region is significantly larger for
locity w’. For the baseline case, Sw’ is smaller
both unconventional spoilers, but the enlarged
than 10-3 for all frequencies except a moderate
regions extend only in the vertical direction.
peak at k = 2.5 × 10-1 with Sw’ = 2 × 10-3. All
The HWA measurements confirm this just once
three spoiler cases show no significant peak at a
more by showing moderate values of vertical
specific frequency in the power spectral density
velocity power spectral density values for all
analysis, but feature a broad band and moderate
frequencies and all spoiler configurations,
Sw’-distribution in the range from k = 1 × 10-2 to though higher values than for the baselinee.
k = 5. The maximum Sw’ is thereby Sw’ = 4 × 10-3

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