LPL4805 Exam - May-June 2024
LPL4805 Exam - May-June 2024
LPL4805 Exam - May-June 2024
First: Ms S Motjopi.
Second: Mrs TH Nkuna.
The QR code is below:
6.1 Please note: If a student is found to have been outside the invigilator
app for a total of 10 minutes during their examination session, they will
be considered to have violated Unisa's examination rules and their
marks will be withheld.
6.2 You only have 10 minutes after the due time to submit your script
on the Invigilator App
6.3 You will have 48 hours from the date of their examination to upload
their invigilator results from the Invigilator App. Failure to do so will
result in students deemed not to have utilised the invigilation or
proctoring tools.
7.2 Note the file requirements such as:
a. File size limit.
b. Number of files that can be submitted.
c. File formats allowed.
7.4 Review your submission information regarding the status and click on
your submission file link to check if it's correct.
7.5. If you need to resubmit a file, you can click on the Edit Submission button. Do
not click on the Remove submission button. Note: You will need to delete
any existing files.
7.5 Use proper PDF conversion software to create the final file for upload.
Free PDF conversion software is available on the Internet.
7.6 Add your student number and the module code in the file name. That
will assist you to select the correct document to upload during
7.7 You are advised to preview your submission (answer script) to ensure
legibility and that the correct answer script file has been uploaded.
8. The cover page for your take-home exam must include your name,
student number and the module code.
10. Whether your answers are typed or handwritten, your submission on the
myExams platform on Moodle must be made in the form of one PDF
document. Only the last file uploaded and submitted will be marked.
10.1 The exam answer file that you submit must not be password protected
or uploaded as a “read only” file.
10.3 The mark awarded for an illegible examination answer file submission
will be your final mark. You will not be allowed to resubmit after the
scheduled closing date and time of the exam.
10.4 Listening to audio (music) and utilising audio-to-text software has been
strictly prohibited during your examination session, unless use of the
software is related to a student’s assistive device which has been
declared. Listening to music, utilising such software and/or failing to
declare the software is a transgression of Unisa’s examination rules and
the student's marks will be withheld.
11. If your answers are typed, ensure that the following requirements are
adhered to. Items 11.3-11.6 applies to written assignments as well.
11.1 The text must be typed in Arial font, size 12 with single line spacing
within the paragraph, and double line spacing after the paragraph.
11.3 All of the pages must be numbered in the right-hand corner at the bottom
of the page.
11.4 All margins must be 2.5cm, but the left margin must be 3cm.
11.5 South African English and not American English should be used. For
example, the correct spelling is “Labour” and not “Labor”.
11.7 All quotes that are two lines long (or less), must form part of the main
text, be written in italics, and be bracketed by quotation marks. Where
a quotation is longer than two lines, it must be typed in a separate
paragraph in italics in size 11 font and must be indented by 1 cm. No
quotation marks are required when the quotations stand alone. Use
quotations very sparingly. In this take-home exam, a maximum of 5% of
the text may be quoted.
12. The arguments that you make must be logical, well-structured and
substantiated by all of the relevant legal principles. Use the time given
12.1 Ensure that you give reasons for each answer. Substantiate your
answers by referring to ALL of the relevant authorities, e.g. sections
from relevant legislation and/or court cases in the text or in your
not illustrate how it applies to the factual situation they have been asked
to solve. Finally, state your conclusion.
13. You must complete the online declaration of own work when submitting.
13.1 By ticking the Honesty Declaration, you confirm that you have read (i)
the University’s Policy on Copyright Infringement and Plagiarism and
the Student
Disciplinary Code, which are both available on myUnisa:, and (ii) the information relating to student
values and plagiarism that is found at
13.3 The use of Artificial Intelligence software (ChatGPT, etc) and online
sources (Course Material) during your online examination session is
strictly prohibited.
For all other exam-related challenges, you may contact the SCSC on 080 000
1870 or e-mail or refer to Get-Help for the list of
additional contact numbers.
Question 1.
(ii). Name the essential elements that the contract must contain in
order to qualify as a contract of lease.
1.4. Name any three documents that have to be drafted by a notary before
they will be accepted for registration in the deeds registry.
Question 2.
2.1. What is the significance of section 6(1) and (2) of the Matrimonial
Property Act 88 of 1984?
2.3. Name the facts that must be mentioned in a notarial bond in terms of
section 61 of Deeds Registries Act 47 of 1937 in order to make such
bond acceptable for registration.
Question 3.
3.2. Which assets are not taken into account when accrual is calculated?
Question 4.
4.2. Name the key requirements that a trust must meet to function as such.
Question 5.
5.1. May the registrar of deeds register a notarial bond over a lease or
sublease in respect of both movable and immovable property?
Substantiate your answer
5.2. What are the required periods for the registration of a notarial bond in
more than one deeds office?
Unisa 2024.