Pleural Mesothelioma
Pleural Mesothelioma
Pleural Mesothelioma
Citation: Nwanji ID, Adegoke OO, Awosusi BL. Rare Presentation of Pleural Mesothelioma with Associated Dysphagia in an
Elderly Female Cement Trader and the Resultant Diagnostic Challenges: A Case Report. Medi Clin Case Rep J 2023;1(2):43-46.
Received: 31 August, 2023; Accepted: 04 September, 2023; Published: 07 September, 2023
*Corresponding author: Babatope Lanre Awosusi, Department of Histopathology, King Khaled Hospital, 2397, Bin-Abdulmutalib
street, Aljamiyin District, Almajma’ah 15365, Saudi Arabia, Mobile Number: +966554537950, Email:
Copyright: © 2023 Nwanji, ID., et al., This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author
and source are credited.
Mesotheliomas are rare mesenchymal tumours that arise from the neoplastic proliferation of mesothelial cells lining various
body cavities. Dysphagia is a rare complication of advanced mesothelioma usually occurring as a result of tumour compression
or direct invasion of the oesophagus. Here we describe the case of an elderly female cement trader who presented on account
of complaints of difficulty in swallowing of three months duration initially to solid foods and later to liquids. Chest X-Ray
done showed a homogenous opacity in the left lower lung zone with obliteration of the left costophrenic angle. Computed
tomography scan revealed thickened left pleura with reduced left lung volume. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy revealed a
vague lower oesophageal stricture suggestive of metastatic cancer from a lung primary. Patient had a gastrostomy on account
of severe dysphagia. Her clinical condition deteriorated during the third week of hospital admission. Despite interventions and
intensive care admission, she eventually succumbed to her illness and was certified dead after 25 days of hospital admission. At
autopsy, there was a predominantly left-sided pleural-based mass with irregular thickening of the pleura maximal at the costo-
diaphragmatic region with nodular involvement of the pericardium. Even though the oesophageal lumen was free of tumour
along its length, the closely related aorta was fixed to the vertebral bones by tumour causing a mass effect. A conclusive diagnosis
of epithelioid mesothelioma of the left pleura was made based on the gross and microscopic features of this tumour. This case
suggests that in addition to recognized risks among construction workers exposed to asbestos, cement sellers/traders may also
constitute an epidemiologic risk group for developing pleural mesotheliomas. Large-scale population based prospective studies
may be needed to further explore this risk.
Keywords: Pleural mesothelioma; Dysphagia; Cement trader
Medi Clin Case Rep J | Vol: 1 & Iss:2
Nwanji, ID., et al.,
Case Presentation
History and examination findings
The decedent was a 68-year-old Nigerian female who
presented at the University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria
on account of complaints of difficulty in swallowing of three
months duration. The difficulty in swallowing was initially to
solid foods and then gradually progressed to difficulty in taking
liquids. There was associated retrosternal chest pain and weight
loss. There was no history of ingestion of any corrosive substance.
She is a known hypertensive. She did not take alcohol or use
tobacco in any form. She was a cement trader (who had been in
the cement trade for 20 years). Examination findings were those
of a chronically ill-looking elderly woman with significant chest
findings of dull percussion notes, and reduced breath sounds on
the left lower lung zone. The remaining physical examination
was essentially normal.
Laboratory and radiologic investigations
Laboratory work-up showed normal full blood count,
urea, creatinine, and liver function tests. However, there was Figure 1. A - Photomicrograph showing the inferior surface of the left
hypokalaemia with serum K+ value of 2.0mmol/l (normal lung base (double green arrows). There is marked pleural thickening by
reference range is 3.5-5.0mmol/l) and an elevated erythrocyte greyish white tumour (single green arrow).
sedimentation rate of 102 mm/hr (normal reference range is B - Photomicrograph showing cut sections of the lung at the costophrenic
0-15mm/hr.). angle with markedly thickened pleural tissue (black arrows).
Chest X-Ray done showed a homogenous opacity in the left C - Pericardial surface with multiple greyish-white tumour nodules
lower lung zone with obliteration of the left costophrenic angle. (black arrows).
The thoracic computed tomography (CT) scan revealed thickened D- Transverse section at the apical mediastinum showing greyish-white
left pleura with reduced left lung volume. The oesophagus was tumour (single green arrow) infiltrating the posterior aspect of the aorta
dilated. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy revealed a vague lower (double green arrows). The oesophagus is located anteriorly (three
third oesophageal stricture suggestive of metastatic oesophageal green arrows) and it is free from tumour involvement.
malignancy from a lung primary and a provisional diagnosis
Definitive histopathologic diagnosis
of an oesophageal malignancy was entertained. However, the
oesophageal biopsy done was negative for malignancy. The histologic examination of the pleural mass showed a
neoplasm composed of infiltrative cells disposed in pseudo-
Clinical diagnosis, treatment and patient outcome
acinar patterns. The tumour cells were relatively monomorphic
The patient then had a gastrostomy on account of severe with bland nuclei and moderate amphophilic cytoplasm (Figure
dysphagia. Her clinical condition deteriorated around the third 2A). No cytoplasmic mucin vacuoles were seen. These tumour
week of hospital admission. She developed marked dyspnoea and cells were seen to be infiltrating the wall of the aorta (Figure
subsequently had a cardiovascular arrest. Despite interventions 2B). The underlying lung tissue showed atelectatic changes. A
and intensive care admission, she eventually succumbed to her conclusion of epithelioid mesothelioma of the left pleural was
illness and was certified dead after 25 days of hospital admission. made based on the gross and histologic features of this tumour.
Autopsy Findings
The significant findings at autopsy were in the thoracic cavity.
The left lung and visceral pleura were morbidly adherent to the
parietal pleural at the superior and inferior aspects of the left
hemithorax (Figure 1A). There were areas of pleural thickening
and firm greyish-white tumour noted at the aforementioned
sites. The maximum thickness of the pleura is 1.1cm (at the
costodiaphgragmatic area, Figure 1B). At the left lung apex,
the tumour encompassed the subclavian vessels. There were
multiple tumour nodules seen at the pericardial pleura ranging
from 0.5cm to 1.5cm in diameter (Figure 1C). The tumour Figure 2. A: Photomicrograph of the pleural tissue showing
extended to the midline and involved segments of the thoracic infiltrative, mildly pleomorphic cuboidal cells disposed in
aorta, firmly attaching it to the vertebral bones. The oesophagus; pseudoglandular patterns (Hematoxylin and eosin stain, x 400
however, was free of tumour along its entire length (Figure 1D). magnification).
There was atelectasis of the left lung. The right lung B - Photomicrograph shows sections of the wall of the aorta
was moderately heavy and weighed 650g (reference range: with adventitial infiltration by tumour cells (single black arrow).
280-500g). The cut sections of the right lung showed moderate Double black arrows highlight the tunica intima. (Hematoxylin
oedema and congestion. and eosin, x40).
Nwanji, ID., et al., Medi Clin Case Rep J | Vol: 1 & Iss: 2
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Medi Clin Case Rep J | Vol: 1 & Iss:2
Nwanji, ID., et al.,