Ketjen ETHACURE Detda
Ketjen ETHACURE Detda
Ketjen ETHACURE Detda
Diethyltoluenediamine is an effective extender for polyurethane
Me Et
elastomers, particularly in RIM applications. Other uses are as curing
agent for polyurethanes and epoxies; antioxidant for elastomers,
CH3 Et NH2 lubricants and industrial oils; and as a chemical intermediate.
PROPERTIES Appearance clear, amber liquid *
Ethanol Miscible
Toluene Miscible
Water 1.0
An asterisk (*) indicates that this will darken with time and exposure to air.
Shipping classification:
U.S. DOT: not regulated in transportation
IMCO or ICAO: Class 9
Other information:
U.S. TSCA Chemical Inventory Number: CAS 68479-98-1
NORTH AMERICA 4350 Congress Street, Suite 700 • Charlotte, North Carolina 28209 • Tel: +1 980 299 5700
EUROPE Industriepark Höchst, Gebäude G 879, 5926 Frankfurt am Main, Germany • Tel: +49 69 40 12 60
LATIN AMERICA Isidora Goyenechea Nro. 3162, Oficina 202, Las Condes • Santiago, Chile • Tel: +56-55-2351008
ASIA PACIFIC Albemarle Management (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. • Building 6, A-Sun Science & Technology Park, Lane 399 Shengxia Road
Pudong, Shanghai 201210, China • Tel: +86-21-6103-8666
SINGAPORE: 30 Cecil Street, Gopher Center, #28-05 • 08 Prudential Tower • Singapore 049712 • Tel: +65.6424.8400
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