Clinical Profile of Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Neonates
Clinical Profile of Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Neonates
Clinical Profile of Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Neonates
1. Introduction
2. Review of Literature
5. Proforma
6. Results
7. Discussion
8. Conclusion
9. List of Abbreviations
10. References
During fetal life ductus arteriosus (DA) serves to divert blood from
the fluid filled lungs to the descending aorta and placenta. After birth closure
of the DA has to take place to result in the separation between pulmonary
and systemic circulation. The closure of DA occurs in two phases, the
functional closure occurring in the first few hours after birth and anatomic
closure occurring over the next several days. The closure depends on the
balance between dilating and constricting forces. Lower oxygen
concentrations in utero, and high circulating levels of prostaglandin E 2
(PGE2), Prostaglandin I2(PGI2)1 and nitric oxide (NO) like vasodilators help
in keeping the ductus patent. After birth the increase in arterial Po2, decrease
in blood pressure in the ductus lumen (due to decrease in pulmonary
vascular resistance), decrease in circulating PGE2 and PGE2 receptors 2
result in the constriction of the ductus. The constriction of the DA produces
ductus wall hypoxia which leads to remodeling 3 and thus anatomical closure
takes place. PDA in term infants is because the wall of ductus is deficient in
both mucoid endothelial layer and muscular media. In contrast with the full
term infants the premature ductus is less likely to close due to decreased
intrinsic tone, decreased sensitivity to oxygen and increased sensitivity to
PGE2 and nitric oxide4. Even when the premature ductus does constrict, it
fails to produce profound hypoxia and to undergo remodeling and thus
susceptible to vessel reopening.
The incidence of PDA is inversely proportional to gestational age and
birth weight. The incidence of PDA in term infants has been estimated to be
57 per 1,00,000 live births5, whereas every third preterm infant with a birth
weight of 500 to 1500 grams can be expected to have a PDA 6. Female to
male ratio is 2:1. Approximately 20% of children with respiratory distress
syndrome have PDA. Exogenous surfactant therapy, lack of antenatal
steroids, presence of sepsis, liberal fluid therapy, congenital rubella,
maternal drug intake (like phenytoin and amphetamine), alcohol use and
exposure to radiation in mother and familial causes are other risk factors for
Treatment of PDA is either conservative or by pharmacotherapy or
surgery. Indomethacin a non selective cyclooxygenase 1 (COX1) and
cyclooxygenase 2 (COX2) inhibitor has been used in the treatment of PDA.
Three doses of indomethacin are given as there are chances of spontaneous
opening with a single dose 9. The drugs ability to produce ductus closure is
inversely proportional to the post natal age at the time of treatment 10.
However indomethacin has been associated with several side effects like
bleeding tendencies, NEC and alterations in renal function. These effects
have led to the search for other alternatives. Ibuprofen also a nonselective
COX inhibitor has been found to have an equal efficacy with fewer side
effects11. PDA in preterm not responding to medical treatment and in term
infants requires surgical ligation by thoracotomy, video assisted
thoracoscopy or device closure.
The present study aims at analysing the risk factors, the clinical
features, the complications, the efficacy of various modalities of treatment
and the outcome at discharge.
Sepsis: Sepsis was suspected when there was presence of two of the
following four parameters: Total leukocyte less than 5000 cells/ mm 3, band
to total neutrophil ratio of more than 0.2, C-reactive protein more than
10ng/ml and micro-ESR of greater than 10 mm in one hour.
Sepsis was proven when there was isolation of pathogens either from blood,
cerebrospinal fluid, urine or trachea.
Baby’s Name:
Provisional Diagnosis:
Final Diagnosis:
Apnoea: Yes/No
Feeding intolerance: Yes/No
Family History:
Antenatal History:
Maternal age:
Antenatal ultrasonography:
Hypertension: Yes/No
Smoking: Yes/No
Fetal distress:
Medications given:
Neonatal Assessment:
Chest circumference:
Risk factors:
Sepsis: Yes/No
Presence of hyaline membrane disease: Yes/No
General Examination:
Cardiovascular System:
Heart Rate:
Pulse pressure:
Murmur (Systolic/ Continuous):
Respiratory System:
Respiratory Rate:
Crepts: Yes/No
Death: Yes/No
Serum sodium:
Serum potassium:
Blood urea:
Serum creatinine:
Chest X-ray:
Treatment Given:
Fluids: ml/kg/day
Medical Management:
In utero the DA serves to divert ventricular output away from the lungs and
towards the placenta by connecting the main pulmonary artery to the descending
aorta. A PDA in the first 3 days of life is a physiological shunt in both term and
preterm newborn infants.
The incidence of PDA in term infants has been estimated to be 57 per 1, 00, 000
live births5. Also every third preterm infant with a birth weight between 501 to
1500 grams have a persistent PDA6. Left to right shunting through the PDA causes
an increased risk for IVH, NEC and death. In a retrospective study done by Noori
et al it was observed that persistent PDA was a risk factor for increased mortality 12.
Historical background:
The DA is a normal and essential structure in the fetus. Persistence of the ductus to
close after birth becomes abnormal. In the fetus the proximal portion of the sixth
pair of embryonic aortic arches become the proximal branch pulmonary arteries.
The distal portion of the left sixth arch persists as the DA which connects the left
pulmonary artery with left dorsal aorta. The distal right sixth aortic arch loses its
connection to the dorsal aorta and degenerates. This is usually complete by 8
weeks of gestation.
The incidence of PDA is inversely proportional to gestational age and birth weight.
The incidence of PDA in term infants has been estimated to be 57 per 1,00,000 live
births5, whereas every third preterm infant with a birth weight of 500 to 1500
grams can be expected to have a PDA 6. In a study by Kapoor and Gupta they
analyzed the diagnosis of children suffering from congenital heart disease and
PDA constituted 14.6% of all congenital heart diseases15.
Of the 65% of the fetal cardiac output that reaches the right ventricle, only about 5
to 10% of it passes through the lungs 16,17. Majority of the right ventricular output
passes through the DA into the descending aorta. Thus DA is an important
structure in normal fetal development as it helps in the diversion of right
ventricular output away from the high resistance pulmonary circulation.
Intrauterine closure of the ductus will lead to fetal hyrops due to right heart
Grossly the fetal ductus appears to be similar to the main pulmonary and
descending aorta. However there are important histological differences. The media
of surrounding aorta and pulmonary artery are composed of circumferentially
arranged layers of elastic fibres. The media of the ductus has longitudinally and
spirally arranged layers of smooth muscle fibres with loose, concentric layers of
elastic tissue19. The intima of the ductus is thickened and irregular with abundant
mucoid material which is also known as intimal cushions3.
The ductus arteriosus smooth muscle cell (DASMC) is an oxygen sensing site. The
endothelium releases vasoactive substances which are important in modulating the
tone of DA. Fetal patency is maintained by low oxygen tension and prostanoids
mainly PGE2 and PGI2. Due to the placental production and diminished clearance,
PGE2 and PGI2 levels are high in the fetus 19. After birth the post natal increase in
PaO2 and the decrease in circulating vasodialtors such as PGE 2 and PGI2 induce
the constriction of DASMC and eventually the functional closure of the ductus
arteriosus. The mechanism by which oxygen constricts the ductus needs more
investigation. Oxygen sensing mechanism in the DAMSC causes cell membrane
depolarization, which allows calcium influx and contraction. Developmentally
regulated potassium channels allow voltage gated potassium channels to open and
cause calcium influx20. Studies in preterm rabbits have shown that immaturity of
both potassium and calcium channels leads to ineffective oxygen mediated
Rho/Rho-kinase pathways induce calcium sensitization which causes sustained
vasoconstriction due to myosin light-chain phosphorylation 21. Rho/Rho-kinase
signaling depends on mitochondrial derived reactive oxygen species which may be
decreased in the preterm21. Oxygen induces release of endothelin-1 by the ductus,
which is a potent vasoconstrictor. It acts by increasing intracellular calcium
through G-protein coupling, though its role in closure of the ductus is
Successful contraction of the ductus causes “hypoxic zones” locally which triggers
cell death and production of growth factors such as transforming growth factor b
and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). These result in vascular
remodeling and thus anatomical closure of the ductus. In preterm infants there is
failure to cause hypoxic zones and thus true anatomic closure doesn’t take place.
Echtler et al22 recently demonstrated that platelets are recruited to the luminal
aspect of the murine DA after birth. Persistent ductus arteriosus has been noticed in
those with induced platelet adhesion dysfunction or transgenic defects of platelet
biosynthesis. It has also been noted that non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs
increase platelet mediated thrombosis rather than decreasing it 23. Indomethacin also
promotes platelet accumulation after endothelial injury 22. Lower platelet counts are
associated with higher failure rate of indomethacin induced PDA closure 24. In a
retrospective study involving newborns between 24 to 30 weeks of gestation it was
found that thrombocytopenia to be an independent predictor of PDA 22. Infection
associated inflammatory mediators such as tumor necrosis factor is associated with
patency of DA. A temporary infection increases the chance of failure of closure of
the ductus. Possibly the proinflammatory cytokines affect platelet function and
thus inhibit thrombotic sealing of the constricted ductus 22. In preterm infants,
oxygen sensitivity is reduced but the sensitivity to PGE 2, NO and endothelin 1 is
increased4. PGE2 acts through G protein coupled receptors that activate adenyl
cyclase and therby making cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) to relax
vascular smooth muscle layers. Nitric oxide activates guanyl cyclase to produce
cyclic guanosine monophospahte (cGMP). It has been observed in fetal sheep that
the more immature sheep have decreased ability to degarade cAMP or cGMP and
thus more sensitivity to PGE2 and NO25. It has been shown that administration of
cortisol in fetal lambs in utero will result in ductus that respond similar to oxygen
and prostaglandin inhibition similar to mature fetus 26. This explains the decreased
incidence of PDA in preterms born to mothers who have received antenatal
The magnitude of shunting determines the hemodynamic effects of PDA. This
largely depends on the flow resistance. Resistance is determined by the length, the
narrowest diameter, overall shape and configuration of the DA. Also as the flow in
the ductus in dynamic and pulsatile, the elasticity of the ductal wall may affect the
impedance of flow27. The magnitude of shunting also depends on the pressure
gradient between aorta and pulmonary artery. This pressure gradient is dynamic
with systolic and diastolic components. This largely depends on systemic vascular
resistance, pulmonary vascular resistance and cardiac output. The impact of
changes in systemic and pulmonary vascular resistance is more in larger ductus
which have less flow resistance.
Pulmonary overcirculation and left heart volume overload develop as a result of
left to right shunting through the DA. Increased pulmonary blood flow due to the
ductal shunting causes increased pulmonary fluid volume. In patients with
moderate to large shunts this causes decreased lung compliance, which can result
in increased work of breathing. Pulmonary edema is usually uncommon but can
occur in patients with congestive cardiac failure.
Increased flow returning to the left heart leads to increased left atrial and left
ventricular end diastolic pressures. The left ventricle thus compensates by
increasing stroke volume and will eventually hypertrophy to normalize stress on
the wall. Neuroendocrine adaptation takes place in the form of increased
sympathetic activity and circulating catecholamines. These result in increased
contractility and heart rate. Due to diastolic “runoff” through the patent ductus the
diastolic pressure in the aorta decreases. This coupled with shorter diastolic time as
a result of tachycardia, increased intramyocardial tension from left ventricular
dilatation and increased myocardial oxygen demand can result in subendocardial
Risk factors:
The incidence of PDA is inversely proportional to the gestational age. Every third
infant born with a birth weight of 501 to 1500 grams have a persistent PDA 6. Also
55% of infants born extremely low birth weight (<1000 grams) have been shown to
have persistent PDA that will ultimately require medical treatment 31. 60 to 70 % of
infants born <28 weeks of gestational age require medical or surgical therapy for
PDA4. In a study done by SI Omokhodion et al 32 it was shown that around 81% of
both preterm and term infants had suspected sepsis. Confirmed septicemia was
seen in 7.9% and 3.4% of term and preterm infants respectively. In the same study
it was shown than 5 out of 7 infants with respiratory distress had PDA. Also it was
observed that 40% of preterm and 25% of term infants who had birth asphyxia had
developed PDA. In a study by Echtler et al it was shown that lower platelets were
associated with decreased chance of closure of the DA 22. Gonzalez et al33 in their
study showed that infection associated inflammatory mediators such as tumor
necrosis factor (TNF) are associated with late patency of DA. A temporally related
infection increases the odds for failure of closure of the DA. Also it is possible that
other proinflammatory cytokines affect platelet function and thus inhibit
thrombotic sealing. Requirement of mechanical ventilation has been shown to
cause delayed closure of PDA. Nemerofsky et al 34 reported that spontaneous ductal
closure at 2 weeks of age occurred only in 50% of ventilated compared with 80%
of nonventilated very low birth weight infants. Bell et al 35 in their study had
compared the occurrence of PDA with restricted a liberal fluid intake. They had
observed that liberal fluid intake was associated with higher incidence of PDA.
Clinical features:
The clinical features of PDA vary greatly from those who are completely
asymptomatic to those with severe congestive cardiac failure and
Eissenmegerisation. Many infants are detected due to the murmur or incidentally
by echocardiogram.
Small PDA’s are usually asymptomatic. Physical signs of PDA may appear soon
after birth. They may present as failure to wean from ventilator, feed intolerance,
hepatomegaly, systolic murmur beast heard at left second parasternal area radiating
toward the back, increased precordial impulses and bounding peripheral pulses
(pulse pressure > 25 mm Hg). These signs have been described as the classical
physical signs of PDA. They usually appear on day of life 5 onwards 36. The
accuracy of these signs in diagnosis is not high. Also indicators of ductal opening
in a ventilated child have been studied. Metabolic acidosis not attributable to
hypoperfusion or sepsis, deteriorating respiratory status on day 3 or 4 after a period
of relative stability, increasing ventilatory requirement on day 3 or 4 unexplained
CO2 retention, fluctuating FiO2, requirements and recurrent apneas in a ventilated
baby should raise the suspicion of PDA.
Kupferschmid et al compared37 clinical and echocardiographic findings in infants
with PDA. They found that bounding pulses and murmur were absent in 15% and
20% of patients respectively. They suggested hyperdynamic precordium to be the
most sensitive sign which was found in 95% of the patients.
In a study by Davis et al 38 a high percentage of patients with PDA had no murmur.
Bounding pulses were also a poor indicator for the presence of PDA. They found
that bounding pulses and murmur had a sensitivity of 43% and 42% respectively.
Also specificity was 87% for murmur and 74% for bounding pulses. The
combination of bounding pulses and murmur had a positive predictive value of
Skelton et al39 examined a cohort of preterm infants daily for the first week after
birth with independent and blinded clinical and echocardiographic examinations.
On day 1, it was found that all infants had silent shunts though they had significant
shunts on ECHO. In the next 3 to 4 days, each of the signs of bounding pulses,
active precordium and systolic murmur were of reasonable specificity but of low
sensitivity for the diagnosis of PDA that was confirmed by echocardiography. The
presence of signs often correlated with the presence of PDA but most significant
PDA’s had no clinical signs. This study demonstrated that relying on clinical signs
led to a delay in diagnosis by a mean of about 2 days with a range of 1 to 4 days.
Evans and Moorcraft40 in their study found that there was no difference in pulse
pressure between babies who did and did not have significant PDAs. They found a
reduced systolic and diastolic pressure particularly among infants whose birth
weights were less than 1000 grams. Similar findings were seen in a prospective
study done by Ratner et al41. They found that PDA associated with reduced systolic
and diastolic pressures.
The importance of clinical diagnosis is that it has a better correlation with long
term morbidity. Also available evidence does not recommend routine screening
with echocardiography for at risk neonates42.
Chest Radiograph:
Radiographic findings are non specific for the diagnosis of PDA. Depending on the
size of the shunt, the chest radiograph may be completely normal or may
demonstrate cardiomegaly. There are signs of left atrial and left ventricular
enlargement with increased pulmonary vasculature. Upturned left bronchus may be
seen due to left atrial enlargement. Main pulmonary artery is frequently enlarged.
When pulmonary vascular obstructive disease develops, the heart size becomes
normal and there is marked prominence of the pulmonary artery segment and hilar
The electrocardiographic findings in PDA vary depending on the size of the lesion.
In a small to moderated PDA the electrocardiogram may be completely normal or
features of left ventricular hypertrophy may be seen. With a large PDA, combined
ventricular hypertrophy is usually seen. Right ventricular hypertrophy is seen when
pulmonary vascular obstructive disease develops.
Echocardiogram is the procedure of choice to confirm the diagnosis and to
characterize PDA. Echocardiogram helps in classifying PDA into silent, small,
moderate or large. Also it can determine the presence of other associated cardiac
diseases. M-mode echocardiography is used to determine cardiac chamber sizes
and quantitate left ventricular systolic function.
Assessment of ductal patency, determination of ductal shunt direction and
measurement of ductal pressure gradient are important. PDA can be visualized
from subxiphoid, modified left parasternal windows in infants using standard high
frequency ultrasound probes. Ductal size is usually measured by 2D imaging at
the narrowest point, which is usually towards the pulmonary end of the duct, where
it constricts first. Color Doppler mapping facilitates visualization of PDA and
allows evaluation of the direction of flow through the shunt. Shunt direction
reflects the difference between aortic and systemic circulation. Normally a left to
right shunt is present which will cause diastolic retrograde flow in the abdominal
aorta. The degree of flow reversal in the descending aorta provides information on
the amount of diastolic left to right shunting through the duct 43. If pulmonary artery
pressures are super systemic, right to left shunting will occur during systole and
rarely in diastole if the pulmonary artery diastolic pressure exceeds aortic diastolic
pressure. Hence, the duration of right to left shunt and the presence or absence of
retrograde flow in the descending aorta at the level of diaphragm provides
information on the degree of pulmonary hypertension and can be assessed during
follow up and treatment. For calculation of gradient pressure, pulse wave or
continuous wave Doppler interrogation is performed parallel to the direction of the
ductal flow jet as seen on color Doppler mapping. This Doppler gradient can be
used to assess pulmonary artery pressures, by comparing peak and mean Doppler
gradients to simultaneous systemic and arterial systolic and mean arterial blood
pressures. PDA gradient may require the use of continuous wave Doppler, whereas
information regarding the location of narrowing is better evaluated by pulsed-wave
Assessment of hemodynamic significance of the duct becomes important. This can
be performed by combining the folowing echocardiographic measurements 44. A
minimal ductal diameter greater than 1.5 to 2 mm is considered a
hemodynamically significant ductus. The direction of transductal shunt is
dependent on the transductal gradient, which is influenced by difference between
systemic and pulmonary vascular resistance and ductal size. Assessing shunt
direction and gradient becomes important. The quantification of left heart size
reflects the chronic effect of LV volume loading due to left to right shunt through
the ductus. Left ventricular end diastolic volumes can be measured on the basis of
M-mode or 2D measurements. A dilated left ventricle indicates the presence of
large shunt. The left atrial/aorta ratio can be used as an indicator of shunt size, with
a ratio >1.4 indicating a significant left to right shunt. In the presence of a ductal
left to right shunt, pulmonary venous flow increases and the rise in left atrial
pressure will result increased transmitral flow. Thus, an increase in early mitral
flow velocities reflects the amount of ductal shunting, assuming the absence of
atrial shunt, mitral valve stenosis or significant mitral regurgitation. In neonates
with large left to right shunts, the increased early transmitral flow can result in an
E/A ratio >1.0. The tracing reverts to typical preterm E/A ratio < 1.0 after ligation.
A large ductus with left to right shunting will result in significant retrograde flow
from the thoracic and abdominal aorta. The amount of retrograde flow may be
>50% of total aortic flow in neonates with a large ductus. The presence of
holodiastolic retrograde flow suggests at least a moderate amount of left to right
ductal shunting. A ductal diameter of >1.4 mm/kg of body weight Suggests a
hemodynamically significant shunt. Pulse-wave Doppler interrogation of the main
pulmonary artery in neonates with a hemodynamically significant DA
demonstrates turbulent systolic and diastolic flows and abnormally high antegrade
diastolic flow (>0.5 m/second).
Magnetic Resonance imaging and computed tomography:
Magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography may be useful in defining
the anatomy in patients with unusual PDA geometry and in patients with
associated abnormalities of aortic arch 45. These include ductus arteriosus
aneurysm, PDA associated with vascular rings, with right aortic arch and with
cervical arch. A set of coronal spin-echo images is used to localize the ascending
aorta and pulmonary trunk. Flow is calculated as a product of the area of the great
vessels and the net mean velocity within it. The mean flow rate over the cardiac
cycle is calculated over the mean R-R interval, determined from the image
software for the calculation of blood volume per heart cycle to assess left and right
ventricular stroke volume.
Radionuclide scanning:
Techneticum-99m is injected via a cannula into a peripheral vein. Data analyses
assume exponential indicator clearance from normal cardiac chambers by
dilatation. The late prolongation of tracer disappearance compared with the initial
clearance rate indicates an abnormally early return of the indicator to the cardiac
chamber. Patients with left-to-right shunts demonstrate prolonged clearance of
radioactivity from all cardiac chambers distal to the site of the shunt. The
magnitude of curve distortion is quantitatively related to the size of the shunt and
counts recorded from the right lung are used for shunt quantization.
Cardiac Catheterization:
Therapeutic catheterization is the treatment of choice for most children and adults.
Cardiac catheterization allows to fully evaluating pulmonary vascular resistance
and degree of shunting. In patients with elevated pulmonary artery pressure,
assessment of pulmonary vascular resistance and its response to vasodilating
agents may be helpful in determining advisability of ductal closure. Assessment of
hemodynamics during temporary test occlusion with a balloon catheter also
provides information regarding advisability of closure. Angiography defines the
anatomy of the ductus arteriosus. Detailed anatomy of the ductus is essential for
transcatheter closure. Important features include minimal diameter, the largest
diameter, the length and the relationship of the ductus to the anterior border of the
tracheal shadow which helps in device positioning.
A left to right shunt through the ductus will cause increased pulmonary blood flow.
In the case of preterm preterm, respiratory distress with low plasma oncotic
pressure and increased plasma capillary permeability can result in interstitial and
pulmonary alveolar edema and also decreased lung compliance. This will inturn
lead to increased ventilatory settings, prolonged ventilation, high oxygen load 53 and
probably to chronic lung disease. In very low birth weight and extremely low birth
infants, lung injury is usually associated with myocardial dysfunction due to left-
side volume overload. This together with ductal steal phenomenon will worsen
systemic perfusion. Thus, infants born less than 1500 grams are susceptible to
hypoperfusion of vital organs and resultant additional comorbidities such as IVH,
periventricular leukomalacia, NEC and renal failure. In a retrospective study by
Noori S, McCoy M, Friedlich P, et al it was shown that a persistent PDA was a risk
factor for increased mortality12.
In a study by Marshal DD et al 54 and Oh w et al55 PDA has been shown to be a risk
factor for chronic lung disease (CLD). Also preterm baboons exposed to PDA have
arrested alveolar development, which is characteristic of BPD. However,
prophylactic PDA ligation within 24 hours did not decrease the rates of CLD56.
The complication of PDA to cause IVH is still unclear. In a study which assessed
prophylactic PDA ligation it was found that there was no significant reduction in
the occurrence of IVH but the study wasn’t sufficiently powered. However
prophylactic indomethacin use has shown to reduce IVH and improve long term
neurological outcome56. The effect of PDA on periventricular leukomalacia is still
Preterm infants with PDA have decreased intestinal and renal blood flow and also
blood-flow velocity on ultrasound when compared to gestational age matched
infants without PDA57. These values normalize after ductal closure. In a systemic
review of PDA it was shown that the incidence of NEC has been decreased
significantly in those infants born less than 1000 grams who were treated early as
compared to the group that delayed treatment for 6 days 58. Also in a study it has
been shown that prophylactic ligation within 24 hours of life significantly reduced
the incidence of NEC56.
The incidence of infective arteritis associated with PDA has been decreased due to
the use of prophylaxis for infective endocarditis. Vegetations usually occur on the
pulmonary artery end of the ductus and embolic events are usually of the lung
rather than the systemic circulation. Aneurysm of the ductus is an entity reported
with an incidence as high as 8%. Ductal aneurysm most commonly presents in
Different treatment strategies have been tried for the treatment of PDA. Treatment
may be conservative, with drugs or surgery. Also prophylactic treatment for PDA
has been tried.
Conservative Management:
Vanhaesebrouck et al59 studied 30 neonates <30 weeks of age in a prospective
study. As soon as a hemodynamically important PDA was made the infants were
treated conservatively. Conservative treatment involved fluid restriction
(maximum of 130 ml/Kg per day beyond day 3) and adjustment of ventilator
settings which included lowering inspiratory time and higher positive end-
expiratory pressure. No medication for PDA either therapeutic or prophylactic was
given. Also it was decided that those who didn’t show clinical improvement will
undergo surgical ligation. In their study ten neonates developed a clinically
important PDA. After conservative management the ductus in all neonates closed,
and none required surgical intervention. Also the rates of major complications
were the same as other studies. Hence it has been suggested that for a selective
group of very low birth weight preterm infants, conservative management
consisting fluid restriction and ventilator adjustment may be an alternative
treatment, though it requires larger studies to prove its efficacy.
Medical Management:
In 1976 it was first shown that nonselective cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibitors such
as indomethacin or ibuprofen inhibit prostaglandin synthesis 60. The efficacy of
COX inhibitors depends on gestational age and they are less effective in severely
preterm infants60. This has been frequently attributed to inadequate contraction of
DAMSC and also a failure of intimal cushion formation. Intimal cushion formation
involves nitric oxide mediated fibronectin synthesis 61 and chronic activation of the
prostaglandin receptor that promotes hyaluronic acid synthesis 62. Thus the
blockade of prostaglandin by COX inhibitors prevents effective closure in
immature infants. Also it has been observed that COX inhibitors are much less
effective in term infants versus preterm infants63.
The rate of primary ductal closure is similar in both ibuprofen and indomethacin
that is around 60 to 80% of premature infants with decreasing efficacy and high
recurrence rates in extremely preterm infants 11. After primary treatment failure in
infants born <1000 grams or <28 weeks gestation, successful PDA closure after a
second course of either indomethacin or ibuprofen was found in 44% 64 and 40%65
Ibuprofen does not seem to be a potent vasoconstrictor on the mesenteric, renal and
cerebral vascular beds compared to indomethacin. In a study comparing both drugs
there was no statistically significant differences in the adverse events of pulmonary
hemorrhage, CLD and NEC between the two drugs. However NEC was found
twice often with indomethacin treatment and chronic lung disease occurred more
frequently with ibuprofen11.
Prophylactic trials with COX inhibitors have shown a decreased need for surgical
ligation, decreased incidence of pulmonary hemorrhage and serious
intraventricular hemorrhage58. However there is high incidence of spontaneous
ductal closure that many infants are unnecessarily exposed to drugs with pontential
adverse effects66. On the basis of current data, there is no role of ibuprofen in
VLBW infants who are at risk for PDA66.
Renal failure can occur with both indomethacin and ibuprofen. It has been
observed that renal failure or oliguria are more frequent with ibuprofen than
indomethacin, though it is reversible. Indomethacin in conjugation with postnatal
corticosteroids has shown to increase the risk of intestinal perforation 67. In a
clinical trial it was observed that prophylactic ibuprofen use is associated with
severe pulmonary hypertension66. However in a larger trial such association was
not noted.
Surgical management:
Surgical ligation is performed when either treatment with COX inhibitors fail or
are contraindicated. Beyond the fourth week of life, the successful closure with
pharmacological therapy decreases rapidly as the ductal tissue become more
mature and less regulated by prostaglandins. There is low morbidity and mortality
associated with PDA closure in experienced centers. However there are adverse
effects that have been reported. Recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy, chylothorax,
pneumothorax, a period of left ventricular dysfunction immediately after ligation
and concerns over development of scoliosis have been reported 68. A retrospective
study of 446 preterm infants revealed that surgical ligation was associated with
chronic lung disease69. In a study a trial of prophylactic ligation in the first 24
hours reduced the incidence of NEC 56. However there are no recent prospective
studies comparing surgical versus medical versus no treatment. Hence the risks and
benefits of surgical ligation compared with other modalities are still unknown.
If the neonates with PDA are managed appropriately with fluid restriction and
medications it may decrease the need for surgical intervention.
We studied the clinical profile and outcome of 50 neonates with PDA over a period
of 2 years. The results are presented below.
25-29 12 24%
30-34 26 52%
35-39 6 12%
40-44 6 12%
Number of
6 6
25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44
GA (weeks)
This data suggests that 24% (n=12) of the neonates were less than 30 weeks of
gestation, 52% (n=26) were between 30 to 34 weeks while 12% (n=6) were
between 35 to 39 weeks. 12% (n=6) were between 40 to 44 weeks.
0.500-0.999 9 18%
1.000-1.499 23 46%
1.500-1.999 11 22%
2.000-2.499 2 4%
2.500-2.999 3 6%
3.000-3.499 2 4%
3.500-3.599 0 0%
Number of babies
Number of babies
10 9
5 3
2 2
0.500- 1.000- 1.500- 2.000- 2.500- 3.000- 3.500-
0.999 1.499 1.999 2.499 2.999 3.499 3.599
Weight (kg)
The median birth weight was observed to be 1.308 kgs. 18% (n=9) of neonates
were between 0.500 to 0.999 kgs (Extremely low birth weight). 46% (n=23) were
between 1 to 1.499 kgs (very low birth weight). 22% (n=11) were between 1.5 to
1.999 kgs. 4% (n=2) of neonates were between 2 to 2.499 kgs. 6% (n=3) were
between 2.5 to 2.999 kgs. 4% (n=2) of the neonates were between 3 to 3.499 kgs.
70% (n=35) of the infants were appropriate for gestational age while 30% (n=15)
of the infants were born small for gestational age. None were large for gestational
Murmur 27 54%
Apnoea 23 46%
44 (88%) of our neonates with PDA had respiratory distress as their presenting
complaints. 37 neonates (74%) had presented with hyperactive precordium. Failure
to wean from ventilation and increased pulse pressure were seen in 66% (n=33)
and 62 % (n=32) of our infants respectively. Other presenting complaints were
murmur (54%), apnoea (46%) and feed intolerance (40%).
5 Number of babies
s m n e ur a ce
iu tio ur oe an
si tr or
d la ss r m n ler
y d
ec en
ti pr
u Ap to
r pr v lse In
ira ve ro
m pu ed
sp cti f ed Fe
Re ra an as
ype we cre
H to In
Presenting feature
Prematurity 41 82%
Sepsis 33 66%
Maternal diabetes 2 4%
Exposure to radiation 2 4%
Out of 50 neonates, 42 (84%) of neonates were born to mothers who had not
received antenatal steroids. 41 (82%) of the neonates had prematurity as a risk
factor. Sepsis was found in 33 neonates (66%). 25 neonates (50%) had hyaline
membrane disease. 18 (36%) babies had perinatal depression at birth. 15 (30%)
neonates were born to mothers who had pregnancy induced hypertension. 2
neonates (4%) were born to mothers who had gestational diabetes. Also 2 neonates
(4%) were born to mothers who were exposed to radiation antenatally.
Risk factors
45 42 41
35 33 32
25 23
20 18
Number of patients
5 2 2
Number of babies
ds rity is s e nt ion n s y
r oi u eps gm e as cta ss sio ete tall
t s a n b a
ste ma S 0
5 0 ne d
i rf re te ia n
tal r e <1 su dep p er al d ante
na P a d
t r e al hy tern on
n te eigh emb ceiv inat ed a ati
a w r e r c M i
ed h e m ot Pe ind
ceiv B irt alin N y to
e Hy nc re
o gna o su
N re p
lp Ex
Risk factor
Figure 7: Average fluid received per day (ml/kg/day)
fluid received
Average fluid received
Average fluid received on
On an average the neonates had received 77.20 ml/kg of fluid on day 1. On day 2
they had received 87.2 ml/kg of fluids. The neonates received 97.75 ml/kg and
110.20 ml/kg of fluids on the third and fourth day respectively.
130-149 - - - 4 (8.16%)
The above table represents the daily distribution of fluids among the neonates.
Figure 8: Fluid therapy over 4 days:
Fluid therapy
40 39
35 50-69 ml
30 70-89 ml
Number of patients
90-109 ml
25 110-129 ml
20 130 - 149 ml
16 17
10 9
5 4
2 1
0 0 0 0 0
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4
Fluid Therpy on
Figure 9: Average fluid received over 4 days.
70-89 ml
90-109 ml
110-129 ml
On an average 16 (32%) neonates who had PDA had received 70-89 ml/kg/day of
fluids over 4 days. 31 (62%) of neonates had received 90-109 ml/kg/day and 3
(6%) neonates had received 110-129 ml/kg/day of fluids on an average of 4 days.
Table 6: Complications of PDA.
Intraventricular 8 16%
Necrotizing entrocolitis 3 6%
Pulmonary hemorrhage 3 6%
Number of babies
Number of patients
10 8
5 4 3 3
re re e e s e
ag as liti ag
ia lu ia lu r h ise co r h
f f or d or
ac na
ng tro
di re em u en em
r h cl g h
e lar ni sin ry
ve Ac u r o
sti ric Ch cr on
ent Ne u lm
Co v P
Hypospadiasis 1
Midgut volvulus 1
3 of our neonates (6%) had an associated ventricular septal defect (VSD). Atrial
septal defect (ASD) was seen in association in 2 of our neonates (4%). 1 neonate
(2%) had ASD and VSD in association whereas 1 neonate (2%) had persistent
foramen ovale (PFO) as an association.
Conservative Medical
Management Management
(n=12) (n=38)
Indomethacin 1 Closed
Ibuprofen First
Closed (n=3) Not closed (n=) course (n=37)
second course
5 4
se se cin cin Number of babies
our our tha tha
ec o
c e
on tw dom do
en en in In
r of r of by
up up we
Ib Ib ll o
r of
25 24
Number of patients
Not closed
15 13
10 9
5 4
3 3
1 1
0 0
Ibuprofen Ibuprofen Ibuprofen Indomethacin No treatment Medication
one course two course followed by followed by
indomethacin surgery
12 3 (25%) 9(75%)
Gestational age
(weeks) Total PDA
12 9 (75%) 3 (25%)
26 22 (84.6%) 4 (15.4%)
6 5 (83.3%) 1 (16.7%)
6 1 (16.6%) 5 (83.4%)
Number of babies
10 Not closed
25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44
Gestational age (weeks)
Completely closed
22% PDA asymptomatic
PDA in failure not medically con-
Out of the 50 babies who had PDA, it was closed in 37 (74%) of them and
remained patent in 13 (26%) of them. Out of those 13, it was asymptomatic in
11(22%) of neonates and symptomatic in 2 neonates (4%).
We studied clinical profile of 50 neonates with patent ductus arteriosus over the
period of 2 years. The results of the patients are discussed below.
The premature ductus is less likely to close due to decreased intrinsic tone,
decreased sensitivity to oxygen and increased sensitivity to PGE2 and nitric oxide 4.
In our study of 50 neonates with PDA, 76% (n=38) were below 34 weeks of
gestational age, whereas only 12% (n=6) each were between 35-39 weeks and
above 40 weeks of gestational age respectively.
Therefore as expected, our study also shows an inverse relationship between
occurrence of PDA and gestational age with the occurrence reducing with
increasing age.
Shanthala et al70 had studied 21 neonates with PDA. They found 70% (n=14)
neonates to be below 32 weeks of gestational age, while 20% (n=4) were between
33 to 36 weeks of gestational age. 10% of their neonates were above 37 weeks of
gestational age. These findings are similar to our study.
Reller et al71 did studied ductal patency in the premature infants. They found 40 to
55% of their infants born less than 29 weeks of gestation to have PDA.
Hence prematurity remains an important risk factor for the development of PDA.
Associated congenital anomalies and heart defects with PDA (Table 7,8) :
In our study we found that 8% (n=4) of our neonates had associated congenital
anomalies while 14% (n=7) had associated heart defects. The associated
anomalies were hypospadiasis in 2% (n=1), midgut volvulus in 2% (n=1),
multicystic dysplastic kidney 2% (n=1) and small left kidney 2% (n=1).
Associated cardiac anomalies were VSD in 6% (n=3), ASD 4% (n=2), PFO 2%
(n=1) and VSD with ASD 2% (n=1).
Prematurity and low birth weight were the major risk factors for PDA. 76% of the
neonates in the study were below 34 weeks of gestational age while 64% (n=32)
and 86% (n=43) were below 1500 grams and 2000 grams respectively.
Respiratory distress and failure to wean from ventilation were the most common
presenting features found in 88% and 74% of the neonates. Hyperactive
precordium, widened pulse pressure and murmur were the other common features.
Sepsis and hyaline membrane disease were also found to be important risk factors
for PDA accounting for 66% and 64% of the neonates respectively. 84% and 46%
of neonates had not received antenatal steroid and surfactant respectively.
PDA closure occurred in 65% of infants after only one course of ibuprofen,
whereas closure rate was only 45% when they went on to receive a second course.
4 children were given indomethacin after 2 courses of ibuprofen and closure rate
was found to be 25%.
PDA was closed surgically in 4 neonates (8%). 9 neonates in whom PDA had not
closed and remained asymptomatic would require closure at a later date.
Congestive cardiac failure and acute renal failure were the most common
complications observed seen in 76% and 20% of the neonates respectively.
Intraventricular hemorrhage, necrotizing enterocolitis, chronic lung disease were
the other complications observed.
Prematurity by itself predisposes to complications like sepsis, NEC, RDS and IVH.
In conjunction with PDA the morbidity and mortality increase significantly. Hence
it is prudent to initiate early treatment for its closure in a selected group of patients.
List of Abbreviation:
COX1- Cyclooxygenase 1
COX2- Cyclooxygenase 2
COX- Cyclooxygenase
NT-pro-BNP- N-terminal-pro-BNP
PGE2- Prostaglandin E2
PGI2- Prostaglandin I2
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