Mirakyan 2015
Mirakyan 2015
Mirakyan 2015
Atom Mirakyan
Roland De Guio
Three Domain
Modelling and
Applications in Long Range
Infrastructure Planning
Energy Systems
Series editor
Panos M. Pardalos, Gainesville, USA
More information about this series at http://www.springer.com/series/8368
Atom Mirakyan · Roland De Guio
Atom Mirakyan Roland De Guio
European Institute for Energy INSA de Strasbourg
Research (EIFER) Strasbourg
Karlsruhe France
This book is the synthesis of the results of several research activities during our
previous 10 years of experience in energy planning and modelling. While some
elements of this work have been published in a Ph.D. thesis, journals and pro-
ceedings of international conferences, until now there had been no single resource
that described all of these works in a unified view. These scientific and practical
experiences are the basis of this book. However, new observations and experiences
have also been included, and the discussion is organized for a broad audience.
The central problem discussed here is that the local infrastructure, e.g., energy
systems, has numerous and diverse subsystems, nonlinear interactions, multi-
ple scales and heterogeneity. Planning and modelling such systems over the long
range is a complex task connected with different uncertainties. In addressing this
problem, the reader will find answers to several questions such as:
• What is energy infrastructure planning in cities and territories, and which plan-
ning steps and phases exist?
• What are the main requirements and quality factors of methods or methodolo-
gies supporting integrated planning in cities and territories?
• What is uncertainty in a model-based local planning context, and which types of
uncertainty exist?
• How are different types of uncertainty allocated according to planning and mod-
elling procedures?
• Which types of uncertainty are addressed in the planning literature, and which
methods and methodologies have been used to address different types of
uncertainties yet?
• Which method or set of methods based on which paradigm is most appropriate
for modelling and uncertainty analysis in a coherent, comprehensive and prag-
matic way?
• How does one avoid the strong cut consideration between a developed model
and its environment to avoid uncertainties and model complexity?
• What is the return of the experience for the proposed modelling and uncertainty
analysis approaches according to defined quality factors?
viii Preface
This book has eight chapters. Chapters 1 and 2 introduce practical and research
contexts, problems, energy infrastructure planning and several background
theories. Chapter 3 discusses a deterministic view of modelling and planning
proposing 3 domain-modelling concepts; Chaps. 4 and 5 discuss a stochastic view
of modelling and an uncertainty analysis suggesting two multi-method approaches
for uncertainty analysis based on probability and fuzzy set theories, respectively.
The applicability of the proposed multi-method approaches for modelling and
uncertainty analysis is illustrated in Chap. 6 in two different ‘Use Cases’ and is
then evaluated in Chap. 7. Chapter 8 concludes with the main outcomes, discusses
the limitations and proposes future work. Many different individual methods for
modelling and uncertainty analysis are reviewed and discussed according to the
defined quality factors in different chapters. Some additional empirical results are
presented in the appendixes.
In this volume, theories, methodological backgrounds and practical imple-
mentation in case studies will help not only understand the proposed methodolo-
gies for modelling and uncertainty analysis but also show how these approaches
are working in practice and the empirical outcomes and performance of these
approaches. The proposed approaches can be implemented not only in the context
of energy planning but also in other infrastructure planning, such as transportation
or water resources planning, and on the level of national planning.
We hope that business professionals, city or territory planners, researchers or
students using this book will have several advantages, e.g., learning, discovering
future research areas or implementing the proposed methodologies in real case
studies to cope with the complexity and uncertainty successfully.
This book has significantly benefited from the feedback, interactions and dis-
cussions in projects ‘City simulation platform development’ and ‘Smart and
low carbon cities’ of the European Institute for Energy Research (EIFER) and
Électricité de France (EDF) R&D. Thanks to all project participants and particu-
larly to Fabrice Casciani, Kevin McKone, Nico Schweiger, Susanne Schmidt and
Tobias Jäger for valuable suggestions and to Ludmila Gautier and Andreas Koch
for evaluation support.
1 Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 Scope and Structure of the Book. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Main Questions Addressed and the Purpose of the Book . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3 Overall Definitions and Theoretical Backgrounds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.3.1 Defining Planning, Scenarios, Strategies and Initiatives. . . . 5
1.3.2 Systems from the System Science Point of View. . . . . . . . . . 8
1.3.3 Models and Modelling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.3.4 Mixed Method Methodologies, a Pragmatic View. . . . . . . . . 12
1.3.5 Pre-existing Concepts of Uncertainty in Planning
and Modelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
1.3.6 Planning and Decision Making in Different
Information Availability Conditions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
1.3.7 Theories for Uncertainty Analysis and Representation. . . . . 17
References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
x Contents
3 3-Domain Modelling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
3.2 3-Domain Metasystem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
3.3 3-Domain Modelling: Different Approaches
for Different Domains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
3.3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
3.3.2 Data-Driven Modelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
3.3.3 Process-Driven Modelling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
3.3.4 Judgmental-Driven Modelling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
3.4 Defining Modelling Approaches for Different Modelling Domains
and Use Cases. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
3.4.1 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
3.4.2 Modelling Approaches for Targeted Domain. . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
3.4.3 Data Driven Modelling Approaches for Neighbouring
and Distant Domains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
3.4.4 Modelling the Distant Domain and Its Impact
to Other Domains. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
3.5 Summary of Modelling Approches for Different Use Cases
and Domains. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
3.6 3-Domain Modelling in Context of Multi Method Research. . . . . . . 63
References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Appendix D: C
omparison Different Extrapolation,
Data Driven Methods and Intervals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
Index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
List of Figures
xiv List of Figures
xvi List of Tables
xviii Abbreviations and Symbols
⊆ Subset of
∩ Intersection
∪ Union
A, B Sets
max Maximum operator
min Minimum operator
µA (x) Membership function of A
Ac Complement of A
∅ Empty set
CoG Centre of gravity
c Amount of clusters
n Amount of objects
m Fuzzy exponent m ∈ (1,∞)
ui,j Degree of membership of object j to cluster i
d Distance between object and cluster centre i
xj Character vector of objects j, X = {�x1 , x�2
, . . . , x�n }
βi Character vector of cluster centre i, B = β�1 , β�2 , . . . , β�c
PC(U) Partition coefficient of U cluster
PE(U) Partition entropy U cluster
ωch Weights for connections between constant input and hidden neurons
ωco Weights of the direct connection between constant input and output
ωih Weights between inputs and hidden neurons
ωho Weights between hidden neurons and output
fh , f0 Activation functions
σ2 Variance
PI Prediction interval
h Period
n (h)
X Forecast of the series Xt
α Quintile of the distribution
Yi Observation at time t
Yi−1 Observation at time t − 1
n Time periods considered
K Key descriptor or factor
Sm m scenario
kj Value of key factor kj
c(knii · kj ) Consistency value of combination value knj
Csum (Sm ) Sum of consistency values of different combinations
PPrior A priory probability
Pnorm Posterior probability
Ni Number of potential adopters in the population
Ni Cumulative number of adopters
a Time shift parameter
k Constant of innovation diffusivity
b Diffusion rate parameter
p Order of autoregressive part (AR)
d Degree of first differencing involving
q Order of the moving average part (MA)
φ(B), θ(B) Polynomials
B Backshift operator
∝, β Smoothing parameters
AB Agent-based simulation
AS Analytical sophistication
BA Boundary adequacy
Bel. Belief
C Correlations or copula
D Discontinuities
DC Dimensional consistency
DES Discrete event simulation
DDM Data-driven modelling
DM Decision Maker
EC Extreme conditions
EE Expert elicitation
FC Fuzzy clustering
FI Fuzzy inference
xx Abbreviations and Symbols
The scope of this book is the modelling and uncertainty analysis of long-range
infrastructure development in cities and territories. The focus of the discussion is
concentrated on energy infrastructure as one of the critical parts of overall city and
territory infrastructure. Local energy infrastructure has numerous different sub-
systems with nonlinear, dynamic interactions. Usually, energy infrastructure plan-
ning is performed on the national level. Several methods and methodologies, such
as Integrated Resource Planning (IRP), Integrated Assessment of Supply, Demand-
Side Options (IASDO) and Least-Cost Planning (LCP), have been developed and
applied at the national level. The liberalization of energy markets in several coun-
tries, along with the growing emphasis on environmental protection and sustainable
development worldwide, has increased the interest in integrated energy infrastruc-
ture planning on the territory or city level [1]. The importance of using integrated
approaches for infrastructure planning in cities and territories has been recognized
by the European Commission [2] and previous research [3–8]. Compared to other
planning approaches, which consist of either business planning (focused primar-
ily on profit) or policy planning (where public participation is limited), the specific
characteristics of Integrated Energy Planning in the Cities and Territories (IEPCT)
is that it is public planning involving different planning participants directly.
Additionally, and unlike policy planning, IEPCT takes place under constrained
budget conditions (e.g., the energy transition in Germany in 2011). IEPCT is a pro-
cess rather than a single task, involving different uncertainties, unclear problems
and local specificities. The main tendencies in IEPCT have been identified by [1]:
• “Within the cities and the territories, a growing community awareness of envi-
ronmental issues;
• Growing interest in the use of distributed generation technologies based on
renewable resources and small cogeneration systems;
• An increasing number of decision makers with different interests and prefer-
ences participating in the planning process;
• Development of a cross-sector analysis among several sectors such as industry,
households and transportation”.
Long-range planning and modelling of this type of infrastructure is a very complex
task containing many uncertainties. These tasks require methods and methodologies
that are progressively designed, presented and discussed in the following chapters of
this book. However, first and foremost, this chapter provides basic definitions that are
used along with the different chapters such as planning, scenarios, initiatives, systems
and uncertainty and introduces the overall considerations that support the discus-
sion regarding the methodologies, the design of which is presented in this book: the
system and its modelling; the motivations and framework for using a mixed meth-
odology approach for designing a uncertainty analysis methodology of long-range
infrastructure development in cities and territories; and the multiple concepts behind
uncertainty and its representation. Moreover, for the reader who would not follow a
linear reading of this book, the next section provides the main questions addressed
in each chapter. Based on a literature review, Chap. 2 highlights the general needs
and issues related to long-term infrastructure planning, particularly to IEPCT. These
needs and issues are then reformulated into general requirements and quality factors
of IEPCT methods. Once the requirements are stated (known), the design of methods
to support infrastructure planning can begin. The modelling of infrastructure devel-
opment in cities and territories raises many questions that are addressed in Chap. 3,
which introduces the 3-domain Metasystem framework and its implementation in
IEPCT: the 3-domain modelling. The 3-domain Metasystem framework allows iden-
tification of the appropriate modelling approach while taking into account simultane-
ous system consideration, multiple study perspectives and planning constraints such
as limited expertise or data. It is a framework for creating a dynamic and flexible
modelling environment. In addition, it allows a coherent, comprehensive and prag-
matic coverage of the planning problem. Based on the 3-domain Metasystem frame-
work, a 3-domain modelling concept is discussed. For different domains and ‘Use
Cases’ different modelling approaches are identified on the basis of the literature
1.1 Scope and Structure of the Book 3
discussions and experiences. However, the final evaluation of the modelling approach
for a given domain is discussed again in Chap. 7, after feedback from practical imple-
mentation is presented. To incorporate uncertainty analysis in IEPCT, it is essential to
clarify which types of uncertainties are present at the different stages of the IEPCT
process. By answering this question, Chap. 4 provides a framework for incorporat-
ing uncertainty types into an IEPCT methodology. Following the example of Chap. 2,
which provides a general requirement for IEPCT, Chap. 5 begins by defining the per-
formance criteria and quality factors of methods when intending to address uncer-
tainty categories in IEPCT. These definitions supply the design of a methodology
with additional constraints and requirements when aiming to incorporate uncertainty
analysis into the context of IEPCT. In addition, it allowed the review of available
methods for uncertainty assessment and choosing those which are used in the two
multi-method approaches for uncertainty analysis provided at the end of the Chap. 5.
The two proposed methodologies are devoted for two different IEPCT situations.
Their use is illustrated in two characteristic ‘Use Cases’ in Chaps. 6 and 7 discusses
the feedback we acquired of their use from the point of view of the different quality
factors. Finally, Chap. 8 summarizes the work and provides openings for future work.
One common way to deal with complex systems’ modelling like those involved in
IEPCT, is to use several approach from different domains. But each domain has its
own way of thinking, modelling implementing different terminologies. The same
word in one domain may have another meaning in another one, or the same word
may have multiple meanings. In order to clarify our working definitions this sec-
tion provides some useful definitions and theoretical backgrounds.
As told previously, this books aims at providing not only organized sets of
methods for modelling and for addressing uncertainties in IEPCT, but also keys
to design and evaluate them. Thus we found important to share with the reader the
overall underlying backgrounds of the design process and the choices we made.
Planning can have different dimensions. According to the time horizon, it can
be short-, middle- or long-term planning [10]. According to the hierarchical aspect,
it can be strategic, tactical or operative planning [10]. In energy planning, the time
horizon and hierarchical aspects differ from usual business planning. These issues
are discussed in Sect. 2.2.
Laux [11] discussed the different planning dynamics: flexible, rigid and rolling
planning. In flexible planning, depending on the changes of the environmental con-
ditions, the plans are continuously fixed each time. In contrast to flexible planning,
in rigid planning, the plans are defined irrepealably at the beginning of the planning
period without pre-calculating optional plans in the case when the environmental
conditions change. An example of such planning is deterministic perfect foresight
planning. Rigid planning with plan revisions is called rolling planning. Plans are
revised over time and repeatedly adapting to the changing environmental condi-
tions. However, rolling planning is considered rigid planning because not all of the
changes in the later planning period are included and calculated at the beginning
of planning. Another specific planning category is robust planning, which can be
implemented in uncertain conditions. It is defined by different robustness criteria,
such as the robustness of information, the robustness of the result or the robust-
ness of the optimality. Interested readers can find more details about this category
in Scholl [10].
Depending on the planning domain, planning can be public, policy and
company (or business) planning [12]. The main feature of business planning is that
it is mainly cost or profit oriented, while public planning also considers different
aspects (e.g., social and environmental) and is performed not only according to
existing regulations (like business planning) but also according to public policies.
However, unlike policy planning, where planning is performed by administra-
tion and government, the public or affected parties can be involved directly in the
public planning process.
Planning can also take place on different levels (e.g., national, regional, urban
or neighbourhood levels).
Grünig et al. [13] considered strategic planning as a process. In community
planning, Williams [14] emphasized that “The new strategic discourse needs to
emphasize the process more than the content, the actors more than the structures.”
In management and company development, strategic planning is defined accord-
ingly as a systematic process for long-range strategy formulation and integrated
company development.
Planning can be described with different phases and sub steps. Mintzberg [9]
defines six overall planning steps:
1. Seeing the Need of Planning
2. Formulating Alternatives
3. Selecting the Best Alternative
4. Implementing the Best Alternative
5. Monitoring and Controlling Results
6. Pursuing versus Abandoning Plans and Planning
1.3 Overall Definitions and Theoretical Backgrounds 7
One of the working hypotheses of this book is that we are dealing with complex
systems in the planning phase and that we will have to address different represen-
tations of it and consider several aspects that are provided below; therefore, this
section will provide some system theoretical discussion regarding systems and
complex systems.
Skyttner [22] states that the ‘scientific world view’ starts in the beginning of
the 18th century and that “Tradition and speculation were replaced by rational-
ism and empiricism with the assumption that natural phenomena can and must
be investigated and explained.” The moral world was separated from the scien-
tific world and what cannot be explained was a matter of ‘undiscovered’ science.
Reductionism becomes a pre-dominant doctrine, which argues that phenomena
on high level can be reduced to number of sub-basic elements and explained by
knowledge about these elements. The reductionism was inhered in the different
sciences such as physics, mathematics or social science. Many complex problems
such as traffic-system breakdowns, environmental disasters, accumulation of emis-
sions or exponential urbanization starting in the middle of the twentieth century,
that after approximately 200 years of success of classical science, the existing
explanation(s) do not provide satisfactory results. It was released among others
that the wholeness of the system cannot be explained by its parts any more [22].
This phenomenon has been previously recognised by Greek philosopher, Aristotle
(384–322 BC), who stated that, “The whole is more than the sum of its parts.”
Making an extensive review Skyttner [22] provides an overall definition of
General Systems Theory. From a basic science standard, deals on an abstract
level, with general properties of systems, regardless of physical form or domain
of application and are supported by its own metaphysics in Systems Philosophy.
As many theories, General system theory is based on underlying assumptions that
are also discussed by Skyttner [22]: “One of the basic assumptions embraces the
concept of order—an expression of man’s general need for imaging his world as
an ordered cosmos within an unordered chaos” [22].
Oxford Dictionary defines a system as “A set of things working together as
parts of a mechanism or an interconnecting network”. However, as stated in
Skyttner [22] “Any system exists in (or is unique to) the eye of the beholder (be
this a person or a group) and is associated with interests, […].” In the philosophi-
cal discussion, Cameron explains that the “System is defined as a mode of descrip-
tion, as a description of a conceptual holism”. An important property of holism is
function “Evidently, the function is ‘of’ the holism” [23]. A system can be material
or abstract. It is distinguishable from the environment for considerable length of
Flood et al. [24] defines Systems thinking as “… a framework of thought that
helps us to address complex things in a holistic way. The formalization of (giving
an explicit, definite, and conventional form) this thinking is what we have termed
systems theory”.
1.3 Overall Definitions and Theoretical Backgrounds 9
Models and modelling play an important role in infrastructure planning. They are
implemented in different branches such as energy system models, transportation
models for prediction, and decision support or analysis of complex behaviour. The
definitions and classification of models discussed in this section will support the
design and identification of different modelling approaches for the proposed 3
domain Metasystem framework in Chap. 3.
Numerous definitions of the term models and modelling exist in different disci-
plines. A very general definition of a model is provided in Zahn [28]. Accordingly,
a model is defined as a representation of something for someone and for a par-
ticular purpose. In the context of environmental modelling and in energy panning,
the modelling process is presented using different model building steps and dif-
ferent model definitions according to the modelling stage. Mirakyan and De Guio
[29] present the modelling process starting from mental models to applied models.
Refsgaard et al. [30] also use different model terms according to the modelling
stage such as conceptual model, model code or model.
In the planning context, models are a simplified representation of the real sys-
tem (e.g., energy system) relevant to give planning context.
Stachowaik [31] defines three main features of a model: representation, abbre-
viation, and pragmatics.
Representation feature
If all attributes of considered system elements and the planning system as a whole,
is similar to the model and vice versa then the model is isomorphic [31]. However,
in planning, a model is an abstraction of the real system and only relevant ele-
ments, attributes and relations of system are considered. These types of models are
homomorphic [31].
Abbreviation feature
The abbreviation might be performed in two steps: abstraction and relaxation. In
the abstraction abbreviation, only parts of the system that are relevant within the
planning context are considered. In the relaxation abbreviation, complex interrela-
tions in the model are relaxed, e.g., making dynamic models static or a nonlinear
interrelation linear [32], which makes the models more operational. Models can
have also features that are not available in the original object. These type of mod-
els are called abundant [31].
1.3 Overall Definitions and Theoretical Backgrounds 11
Pragmatic feature
As defined before, a model is a representation of something (a planning sys-
tem) for someone and is utilised for a particular planning purpose and under cer-
tain conditions. The planning conditions, such as the availability of data, time,
resources or expertise of a planner or modeller, can vary significantly. The goal of
modelling is to have a flexible and manageable model for certain planning condi-
tions. Elert et al. [33] states that “The complexity of a model must be weighed
against the availability and uncertainty of the input data because the apparent
advantage of using a more complex model, which may give a better representation
of reality, may be overshadowed by the introduction of greater data uncertainty.”
Modelling approaches can be classified in many ways. According to the pur-
pose (goal) of modelling in the context of planning, models can have different
determinations [12]. On the one hand, for the analysis of a historical or current
situation, modelling can support the development of models of a real system or
planning object, e.g., analysing the behaviour of current or historical model behav-
iour. On the other hand, it might be necessary to analyse the future states of a real
system. In this case, foresight-models are required. For the impact assessment or
appraisal, assessment-models are required to implement certain value systems,
such as the life cycle assessment model. Another category of models discussed by
Zürni [12] are decision-models. These models provide direct recommendations to
decision makers to address certain situations.
Modelling approaches can also be classified from a structural and behavioural
[24] point of view. In the structural approach, system elements are defined a pri-
ori. In the behavioural approach, only a particular type of interaction of interest is
chosen and this is then used to identify the structure of the system.
Zürni [12] provides a matrix of nine model types depending on the input cate-
gory and the interconnections of the model variables. Examples of these categories
are ‘semi-quantitative system models’ or ‘quantitative simulation models’. If the
interdependency among the model variables are defined via the ordinal scale (e.g.,
no impact, low or high impact), the models are defined as system models. If the
relations among the variables of the model can be presented using equations, the
models are called simulation models.
Depending on the mathematical formulation, modelling methods can be, e.g.,
linear programming or nonlinear programming.
According to modelling perceptive, modelling can be performed via top-down
or bottom-up. In bottom-up modelling, sometimes also referred to as ‘engineering-
type’ models, the description of a given system’s elements and their behaviour are
typically aggregated and represented for the whole system. Most of the bottom-
up models are highly disaggregated. In contrast, the top-down modelling approach
starts with the macro-economic performance of the economy as a whole, and then
the behaviour of subsystem elements are disaggregated and simulated.
Extensive reviews of different modelling methods implemented in city or terri-
tory planning are provided by [1, 34, 35].
12 1 Introduction Introduction
As we are dealing with complex systems, the questions whether we should build a
single method, how to use the pre-exist methods developed for uncertainty analy-
sis in different domains, how to integrate them in a consistent way for given goals,
how to prepare its evolution appeared early. We decided to take a multi methodol-
ogy approach for many reasons that are provided bellow.
Intensive research and discussions about the mixing of methods started in the
1960s. Abbas et al. [36] presented the limitations of using one method exclusively
within any of the predominant paradigms, qualitative (constructivist) or quantitative
(positivist or naturalist), and argued for using multiple methods (pragmatic para-
digm) to study complex problems. The same authors [37] define mixed-methods as
follows: “Mixed method studies are those that combine the qualitative and quanti-
tative approaches into the research methodology of a single study or multi phased
study”. Mingers [38] defined mixed methods as follows: “Multimethodology just
means employing more than one method or methodology in tackling some real-
world problem”. The key feature of mixed-method research is methodological plu-
ralism. The theoretical foundations of mixed-methods research, which has been
discussed, among others in [38–40], state three favourable situations for using
multi-methodology: first, in an intervention where different aspects, such as techni-
cal, ecological or social aspects, have to be taken into account; second, an interven-
tion that is not a single event but a process with different phases; and third, when
triangulation of different methods can increase the validity of results and provide
more confidence. All these conditions are present in IEPCT.
Five rationals for using mixed methods have been identified in [41]: triangula-
tion, complementarity development, initiation and expansion.
Triangulation seeks convergence, corroboration and correspondence of results
from different methods investigating the same phenomena [41]. The assumption
behind triangulation is that implementing heterogeneous methods for the same
problem will increase the validity of the results.
1.3 Overall Definitions and Theoretical Backgrounds 13
Mingers [39] provides the activity associated with social, personal and material
dimensions of a project for each major stage of an intervention. The different
phases of intervention that have been proposed are:
• “Appreciation of the problem situation as experienced by the agents involved.
• Analysis of the underlying structure/constraints generating the situation as
14 1 Introduction
• Assessment of the ways in which the situation could be other than it is; of the
extent to which the constraints could be altered.
• Action to bring about desirable changes”.
These stages are not discrete, sequential steps but “they are aspects of the interven-
tion that need to be considered throughout, although their importance will differ as
the project progresses”. These stages fairly correspond to IEPCT phases discussed
in Mirakyan and De Guio [1].
Multidimensionality is presented in Rosenhead and Mingers [40] in three
dimensions: the material world which is outside of human beings; the personal
world consisting of individual thoughts, emotions, experiences and beliefs; and the
social world, where individuals are members and share a certain social system.
Creswell [43] suggests four different aspects which influence the design of
a mixed-method study (timing, weighting, mixing, Theorizing\Transforming
Perspectives). These aspects are discussed below.
Timing indicates whether qualitative or quantitative methods should be used
sequentially or simultaneously, and the intervention phase in which they are com-
bined. The choice of the first method to be used depends on the problem context
and the intent of the participants [43]. Collecting participants’ qualitative judg-
ment at the beginning of the study leads to a study design that focuses on the
participants’ view to understand the phenomena. On the other hand, a deductive,
quantitative approach collects quantitative data to confirm certain hypotheses or
research questions. A sequential procedure can be repeated continuously, making
the process iterative e.g., qualitative → quantitative → qualitative. Qualitative and
quantitative approaches can also be implemented simultaneously or concurrently,
which might be a more practical approach in some cases for results validation.
Weighting refers to the priority assigned to qualitative or quantitative methods
or data. Weighting could either be equal for each metric or higher for one metric
compared with others [43]. The priority can depend on planning participants’ pref-
erences but also on the quality of information and data source available.
Mixing indicates the integration of qualitative and quantitative methods, the
phases in which they are mixed and their usage in combination. The different
phases include problem framing or questions definition, information collection,
analysis and assessment or interpretation and presentation of results [43].
Mingers [39] distinguishes different ways of mixing methods:
• Whether only quantitative or only qualitative methods or both are mixed,
• Whether certain elements of different methods or methodology are mixed,
which is called Multi-methodology [39] or else methods are mixed as a whole
which is called methodological combination [39]
• Whether one method supports or enhances other primary methods which is
called Methodology enhancement [39]
Additionally, mixing can also be differentiated by the manner in which methods
are linked
1.3 Overall Definitions and Theoretical Backgrounds 15
• Whether methods are linked hard or loose. In the hard link case, methods are
dependent on each other, have feedback and are linked in a dynamic way. In the
loose link case, there is no dynamic link and no information feedback.
Theorizing or Transforming Perspectives aspect indicates whether certain theo-
retical perspective guides the entire mixed-method design [43]. Theories might be
explicitly or implicitly mentioned. Theories shape the types of questions asked, the
participants in the study, the mode of data collection, and the interpretations made
from the study [43].
Some of multi-methodology designing aspects and rationales will be used in
Chap. 5 when designing multi-method approaches for uncertainty analysis.
As it will be seen in Sect. 1.3.4 we decided to use a multi-method approach for
analysing uncertainty in IEPCT. In our context we will show that the multi-method
methodology that has to be designed consists of a set of pre-existing and new
methods that have to work together in order to provide global and robust results
and to perform expected requirements.
One of the main discussion point in the book is the uncertainty analysis in context
of IEPCT, therefore the basic notion and definitions of uncertainty is discussed in
this section based on literature review and our experiences.
In the integrated assessment and environmental literature several taxono-
mies and concepts of uncertainty have been proposed and numerous definitions
of uncertainty have been provided in recent years [44]. However, there is still no
common agreement on typology and sources of uncertainties.
Van Asselt and Rotmans [45] proposed a concept for the sources of uncertainty
in integrated assessment. They classified uncertainty into two main sources that
are further divided into subcategories. These two sources of uncertainties have
been defined as: (i) uncertainty due to variability (inherent randomness of nature,
value diversity, behavioural variability, societal randomness, technological sur-
prise). Increased knowledge may narrow the variability, e.g., uncertainty interval,
but it cannot reduce it completely; and (ii) uncertainty due to limited knowledge
(inexactness, lack of observations/measurements, practically immeasurable, con-
flicting evidence, indeterminacy).
Walker [46] provided a generic, detailed conceptual framework for defining
uncertainty and categorisation for model-based decision support. Similar categories
of uncertainties have been discussed in Refsgaard [47]. Walker [46] also provided
a broad definition of uncertainty as being any departure from the unachievable
ideal of complete deterministic knowledge of the system. Norton [48] submitted
that “Modellers’ view of uncertainty is considered rather than a decision makers’
perspective” and “classification scheme omits some relevant sources of uncertainty
16 1 Introduction
(perhaps even the most important ones) that arise before and after scientific mod-
els are applied”. Additionally, “Insufficiently definition the ‘level’ dimension of
uncertainty like statistical dimension since distinct spectrum of well-established
methods, not all statistical, for characterising degrees of credibility, ranging from
bounds (binary classification as possible/impossible) through rough sets (ternary
classification as possible/doubtful/impossible), fuzzy sets.”
Ascough et al. [44] presented a review of the status of uncertainty analysis in envi-
ronmental modelling and suggested a new framework for uncertainty typology that
denote certain critical challenges. To some extent, their framework, which could be
considered an extension of the concept of Walker et al. [46], includes uncertainties in
not only related to model building but to the whole model-based decision-making pro-
cess. Ascough et al. propose an additional uncertainty categories like decision mak-
ing or linguistic uncertainty. However, their framework does not contain the levels of
uncertainty, such as statistical, scenario and ignorance, as suggested by Walker [46].
In public decision-making, Klauer and Brown [49] consider uncertainty as a
subjective property distinguishing different levels of imperfect knowledge in pub-
lic decision-making: Ignorance, Uncertainty, Error and Risk situations.
Ignorance is accordingly defined as follows [49]: “A person is ignorant with
respect to an event if they are unaware of the (potential) outcomes of that event or
of the event itself.”
Uncertainty is defined as follows [49]: “A person is uncertain if they lack confi-
dence about the specific outcomes of an event. Reasons for this lack of confidence
might include a judgement of the information as incomplete, blurred, inaccurate or
potentially false.” However, it is also indicated that uncertainty is not only a sub-
jective property but mainly caused by objective reasons.
Risk or risk situation is defined as follows [49]: “A risk situation is a person’s
representation of an event, where they assume to know all potential outcomes as
well as the probabilities of each outcome.” Most common approaches to address
risk are probability-based methods.
Error is defined as follows [49]: “Assume an event can be quantified within the
representation of the subject by
a value x̃ of the variable from the true value x. There are two types of errors:
the absolute error, ∆x =x̃ − x and
the relative error, εx x = x̃ − x /x”.
Error concept is very common in ex post analysis [49].
These definitions will be used in this book as fundamentals for the design of
uncertainty analysis frameworks.
“all states having equal probability” [53]. It is used in everyday life as an intuition
of what is likely to happen.
Probability is defined in relative frequency theory as the fraction of cases in
which the event U appears nU if the situation under consideration was repeated an
infinite number of times n.
Prob(U) = lim
n→∞ n
In classical set theory, an element can either belong to a set or not. Fuzzy Set-
Theory is a generalization of the classical set theory. Belohlavek et al. [54] states
that “ […] generalizing classical set theory to fuzzy set theory was to introduce
the capability for dealing with categories that lack sharp boundaries in a rigorous,
mathematical way”.
Fuzzy set theory was first published and mathematically formulated by Zadeh
in 1965 [55, 56]. He introduces new concept for applying and manipulating natu-
ral language in fuzzy terms. Several authors like [57–60] works on development of
Fuzzy set theory in different application.
In fuzzy theory, fuzzy set A of universe W is defined by function µA (x) called
the membership function of set A. The question is now not whether an element x
belongs to set A or not like in crisp set, but to which degree element x belongs to
set A. Mathematical it can be defined as follow
µA (x) : X → [0, 1],
µA (x) = 1 if x is totally in A
µA (x) = 0 if x is not in A
1.3 Overall Definitions and Theoretical Backgrounds 19
Fig. 1.1 An example for positive membership function for real number
20 1 Introduction
m(A) represents a portion of total belief mass assigned (BMA) to A on the base of
available piece of evidence, which represents how strongly A is supported by evi-
dence. Total belief committed Bel(A) to A and plausibility Pl(A) that one does not
commit to the negation of A are defined by
Bel(A) = m(B), Pl(A) = m(B)
B⊆A B∩A� =φ
Future the belief Bel(A) in the occurrence of an event and the plausibility Pl(Ac ) of
the non-occurrence of an event must sum to one [72]
Bel(A) + Pl Ac = 1
1.3 Overall Definitions and Theoretical Backgrounds 21
Presented in layman terms, a piece of pure evidence proves a statement with a cer-
tain probability but has no opinions on its negation, therefore
Bel(A) + Bel Ac ≤ 1
In contrast to probability theory where occurrence and non-occurrence of an event
must sum to one, specification of plausibility is capable of incorporating recogni-
tion of alternatives that might manifest in the sum of the plausibility in the occur-
rence Pl(A) and non-occurrence Pl(Ac ) of an event being greater than one [72].
Pl(A) + Pl Ac ≥ 1
Despite the advantages having many intuitively properties, some shortcomings of
implementation of evidence theory have been discussed in the literature. Pearl [70]
concludes that “The BF (belief function) formalism encounters difficulties repre-
senting domain knowledge, […]”. He founds that “[…] belief functions have dif-
ficulties representing incomplete knowledge, primarily knowledge expressed in
conditional sentences (when evidences are in conflict)”. In a book review Zadeh
[73] states “In particular, the theory does not address the issue of chaining, nor
does it come to grips with the fuzziness of probabilities and certainty factors.”
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24 1 Introduction
2.1 Introduction
The infrastructure in cities and territories is not only composed of a material com-
ponent, but it also involves social and economic components. It is impossible to
explain these components separately for long-range planning. Referring to critical
infrastructure systems, Ouyang [1] states “These systems are not alone but interde-
pendent at multiple levels to enhance their overall performance”. Considering the
whole, an infrastructure is the disposition of transportation, communications, fuel
and energy, water supply, and institutions in the fields of education, health, and
insurance [2]. Moreover, infrastructure in cities and territories needs to promote
eco-system integrity and environmental regeneration, thus avoiding environmen-
tal degradation and providing economic and social goods and services [3]. The
energy system in cities and territories is one of the critical elements of this infra-
structure. In this book, energy infrastructure will be the focus of the discussion
At the beginning of the nineties, several events lead to changes in the energy
market, and energy planning become more complex. These events include EU
directives for the liberalisation of the energy markets, increasing environmental
restrictions, an diverse interest of different people being involved in energy plan-
ning, a scarcity of fossil fuels, the use of intermitted renewable energies, and the
increasing share of small distribution generations systems.
In an extensive review preformed in a previous study [6], a generic IEPCT
framework was proposed for cities and territories. The planning is divided accord-
ingly into different phases and sub steps. The overall planning procedure is pre-
sented in Fig. 2.1.
2.2 Integrated Energy Planning in Cities and Territories 27
Fig. 2.1 General procedure of IEPCT (adapted from [6], used with permission of Elsevier)
From a methodological point of view, the planning processes are [6] divided
into the following four phases:
Phase I Preparation and orientations
Phase II Model design and detailed analysis
Phase III Prioritization and decision
Phase IV Implementation and monitoring
Different levels have been distinguished in the planning process [6]:
Participatory level, which describes planning participants
Process level, which describe planning tasks and activates
Methodological level, which shows methods and tools that are used to support dif-
ferent planning activities.
simultaneously electricity suppliers by using their own e.g. small PV system. The
intermittent nature of renewable energy resources, energy market deregulation, and
different interests and behaviour of different actors (supplier or energy consumer)
make planning and modelling of such complex integrated systems very challeng-
ing and requires the appropriate modelling paradigm taking into account uncertainty
issues. Integrated energy systems cannot be planned and modelled with only from the
technical (point of) view because aspects, such as behavioural issues of the energy
user or market requirements can have a strong influence on energy system design.
Urban or regional systems have different activities, natural processes, culture, trans-
portation or energy systems that are in different scales and have numerous interac-
tions that make the modelling task highly complex. Accordingly, an integrated energy
system in city or territory is a sociotechnical system. As defined in [7] “Sociotechnical
systems are systems that involve both complex physical–technical systems and net-
works of interdependent Actors”. It is a system of systems, an infrastructure involving
different technical manifestations and social organizations [8].
Long range energy system in cities or territories can’t be planned or analysed
focusing only on local conditions within certain administrative zone or by pure
geographic boundaries. Important parts of system like upstream flows of energy or
national energy price is not considered in this case which might have high impact
on planning and design of local system. How to consider this problem in planning
and modelling is discussed in the Chap. 3.
The methods discussed in this book concern integrated energy planning in cities
and territories (IEPCT) having more than 50,000 inhabitants for time horizons
greater than 10 years. However, the planning process conditions can differ. In
some situations, at the very beginning, an integrated model and plan is intended to
be developed using one quantitative overall model, which is developed by a par-
ticular planning group. In another situation, the planning can begin with an inte-
grated view for the city or territory development, without the possibility, or even
the need, for developing an integrated single quantitative model. Separate models
might be developed by different groups in different planning or project develop-
ment time spans. It is also uncertain whether these separate models will be com-
bined into one integrated, quantitative model in the near future. This leads us to
define two general type of Use Case I and II.
In this case, the integrated plan is not implemented in one integrated quantitative
model. Instead, different models might be developed by different teams separately
2.4 Defining Typology of Application or Use Cases 29
with large project time lag. One model, for instance, might refer to the transporta-
tion sector, while another might refer to heating systems. These models are not
integrated in one quantitative integrated model at the beginning of study and it is
not intended to do so in some project time frame.
Here, planning is based on one integrated model, which is developed in the fore-
seeable future, in a given planning time frame by a certain planning and modelling
team. The integrated model can include different sub-models that are integrated
in one model having different quantitative links e.g., a model for transportation, a
cooling system or energy demand in industry.
Some mixtures of considered Use Cases are also possible but will not be con-
sidered here as separate cases.
2.5 Modelling in IEPCT
Calibrated models are the verified, corroborated models evaluated and tested
by using different approaches, such as sensitivity or uncertainty analysis or cali-
brating some model parameters or functions against independent, exogenous
Applied models are implemented to support a decision maker’s needs, such as
analysis scenarios and assessment impacts of actions. These models present an
opportunity for post auditing of the model: the model can be redesigned according
to the decision maker’s needs.
The link of different modelling and planning steps are presented in [9]. One
of the main output of planning phase I is accordingly the conceptual model,
which takes into account different study restrictions and planning participants
needs. However, the conceptual model can be updated in future planning stages
progressively. The formal model is usually developed in planning phase II and
III. The computer model is usually not separate from the formal model and it
developed simultaneously by implementing the formal model in computer code.
The applied or final developed model ready in planning phase III. However, the
modelling process continues in planning phase IV where the integrated plan
is fleshed out into several programs and subproject. The integrated model can
be divided into several partial models that support the planning activities in
phase IV. The interrelation of modelling and planning activities are presented in
Fig. 2.2.
Fig. 2.2 IEPCT process and modelling steps (adapted from [9] used with permission of Else-
2.6 Overall Requirements and Quality … 31
A quality (from Latin qualities) is defined in [12] as “The standard of sth when
it is compared to other things like it; how good or bad sth is […]”. ISO 9000
defines quality as the “degree to which a set of inherent characteristics ful-
fils requirements”. And requirement is defined as “need or expectation that is
stated, generally implied or obligatory”. ISO 9000 definitions will be imple-
mented here. Certain requirements can have several characteristics or quality
factors which measure fulfilment of requirement, such as when a requirement
is “use less resources” for the implementation of a certain method. The measur-
able quality factors may be the “time” or “cost” required for implementing the
method. Requirements and quality factors can be organised together in a hierar-
chical manner as shown in Fig. 2.3 and Table 2.2, where quality factors belong
to the lowest level of measurable indicators. The structure and composition of
the requirement tree can vary depending on study needs. As there are no pre-
defined IEPCT planning standards, regulations or broth consensus known yet, the
requirements and quality factors are defined based on a review of the empirical
study’s needs.
The overall quality of planning and modelling depends on several factors, such
as implemented methods, experiences and competencies of planning participants,
and conformity of the planning and decision-making procedure with existing laws.
The planning atmosphere/venue can also play an important role. The quality of
planning and modelling results/outputs are also a part of the overall planning qual-
ity. Planning and modelling under uncertainty, where planning output cannot be
evaluated exactly, the planning process and used methods or methodology becomes
the focus for quality evaluation [13]. These general factors provide the opportunity
to see the extent of different aspects influencing the entire planning quality.
In general for rational choose, which is also the case for IEP in cities and ter-
ritories three elements are important:
What do I want?—Goals and values of decision maker and planning participants
What can I do?—Initiatives, strategies or solutions to reach goals
What might happen?—Outcomes: Situations today and in the future.
Technical consideration
Technical consideration is the main functional requirement of methods or meth-
odology implemented in planning. Three different quality factors can be used for
classification this requirement.
Validity and legitimacy of method depends on different aspects. E.g. conform-
ity of implemented method can be dependent on national or international norms
like ISO-norms. This factor has formal character evaluating whether the method is
conform to existing regulation or norms.
Generation of required outputs characterise whether the method or methodol-
ogy produce required output for given planning and modelling step fully or par-
tially. Let’s notice that among others, some methods have to support generation of
objectives and participants values, other methods have to provide numerical values
of parameters of solution models, or outline the types and levels of uncertainty.
Holistic aspect refers in IEPCT studies the consideration of different aspect like
economic, environmental or technical aspects, whole energy infrastructures tak-
ing into account different preferences of decision maker. Holistic view is particu-
larly important for integrated studies for supporting long term sustainable territory
development because it measures the possibility of method to appropriately incor-
porate different aspects and elements of infrastructure.
Incorporate qualitative and quantitative information: In long term interactive
planning available information can be in quantitative e.g. statistical survey or qual-
itative like expert judgment, also preferences of decision maker, which are qualita-
tive, need to be included in the analysis.
Incorporation of uncertainty is factor which shows whether all uncertainty
aspect related to planning are considered and to what extent. These aspects are
discussed in Chap. 5 more detailed.
Organisational capability
Organisational capability presents the aspects of flexibility and required resources
for using the method or methodology.
Required time, money, expertise indicates how much time, resources or exper-
tise is required for implementation of the method.
Flexibility of methods or methodology refers to whether it can be imple-
mented and adapted according to different planning and modelling situations,
Use Cases or phases without large effort e.g., using method or methodology in
other conditions which requires less data, resources or expertise without large
34 2 Energy Infrastructure Planning in Cities …
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Chapter 3
3-Domain Modelling
3.1 Introduction
After developing a conceptual model there are still questions remaining to develop
formal and other models. Among them:
• How can the model complexity of energy infrastructure be reduced while con-
sidering different planning perspectives? As discussed in Sect. 2.3, the energy
system is a social-technical complex infrastructure without clear boundaries,
which might evoke different uncertainties?
• How are the amount of resources and time requirements in model development
reduced while maintaining model adequacy for planning purposes and the
modelled system at the same time?
• How is the limited availability of expertise or knowledge dealt with, at least
explicitly, for planning of the overall complex infrastructure?
• How is the model of the overall system represented according to the interests and
responsibility of decision makers and planning participants?
3.2 3-Domain Metasystem
The central question in the system analysis is “how to define a system?” Klir [2]
provides a hierarchy of epistemological levels of systems for development of
methodologies or organization of a set of methods for systems analysis and prob-
lem solving. Epistemological levels are distinguished from each other by the level
of additional knowledge regarding the variables of the associated system, which is
not available at the lower level. Five system epistemological levels are presented
in [2] based on the interaction between the investigator, object and environment.
The lowest ‘0’ level is defined as the ‘source system’, and it is the system on the
conceptual level. The system is described via a set of variables and their potential
states. It is denoted as ‘source system’ to indicate that such a system is, at least
potentially, a source of empirical data. The system is defined according to the
study propose and investigation constraints (e.g., time and resources). Each higher
level of a system includes all of the knowledge of any lower level systems and
contains some additional knowledge, which is not available at the lower levels [2].
The highest level of a system, ‘4’ or ‘5’, contains all of the knowledge regarding
the corresponding lower level systems. This higher level system is defined as a
‘metasystem’. It contains information not only about the data and their potential
states but also a metacharacterization of knowledge such as rules, relations or pro-
cedures. If interested, a reader can find a detailed discussion about different levels
of a system and their characterization in [2].
Some notion of this approach will be implemented for the design of the
3-domain Metasystems as a framework for identification and development of mod-
elling approaches.
To avoid having ‘considered a model’ and ‘not considered an environment’
in modelling, which is common praxis in modelling studies, a 3-domain Meta-
system framework of the overall system is proposed here (Fig. 3.1). According to
a particular studies needs and system considerations, the overall system is con-
sidered in three domains. It is important to note that boundaries among domains
may not necessarily correspond to defined physical or spatial demarcation such as
the spatial boundaries of a region. Indeed, when the system is considered from
3.2 3-Domain Metasystem 41
domain Neighbouring
Causal forces
Driving forces
possible states. In this domain, not only foresight models but also impact and
decision models are required (see model definitions in Sect. 1.3.3).
Neighbouring domain: Although problems and goals are not located in this domain
(e.g., demography, which might not be the primary problem in some energy plan-
ning contexts), there might be some important drivers in a neighbouring domain that
have a high influence on the targeted domain models and also have a strong interre-
lation. Planning participants do not have enough knowledge or resources to analyse
and model the system structure and processes (e.g., demographic) in this domain.
However, they might be more interested by having a description of system states
using foresight models and less interested for causation, impact or decision models.
Distant domain: Usually, local planners or modellers have less experience or knowl-
edge of distant domains and there might be no real need to develop and analyse
system structure and processes in a distant domain. This domain can be related to
international or transnational issues, such as the distant domain of local energy plan-
ning but also to some aspect inside the city or territory, such as crime, which might
be not directly linked with energy planning problems or goals. However, planners or
decision makers can be interested in general information, such as economic trends
and cycles, or large changes such as climate change or migration effects. For the
distant domain, planning participants can be interested in the description of system
states and less interested in causation or decision models because they might have
neither competencies nor responsibilities for making decisions in this domain.
In some situations, it might be useful to integrate the neighbouring and distant
domain as a whole instead of considering them separately.
Causal forces are forces from the distant domain that can impact models in a
neighbouring or targeted domain.
Driving forces are forces from a neighbouring domain that can impact models in a
targeted domain.
The opposite direction of influence from targeted to neighbouring domain also
exist, and in the sense of identification of the main drivers in the neighbouring
domain, which may have a higher influence on the targeted domain.
The targeted domain has a passive role on the distant domain in a city and
territory modelling case. The impacts of local planning on the targeted domain and
on global issues in the distant domain are incorporated quantitatively rather than
on a higher level such as national level planning.
Each domain needs to be ‘identifiable’ and ‘consistent’ in terms of the system
requirement and planning problems. The integration of domains needs to satisfy
several requirements. Klir [2] provides different requirements when integrating
several systems into a large system. All 3-domains and their interactions are
defined here as a Metasystem.
Defining Ax as a sets of variables of particular x sub systems in a given domain,
A will be defined as a total amount of variables of each domain.
Ad = Ax
3.2 3-Domain Metasystem 43
If two domains are coupled, then they share coupling variables, which are defined
above as casual or driving forces. If two different domains, e.g., targeted domain
Atx and neighbouring domain Anx share variables, then
Atx ∩ Anx �= ∅
Sharing variables of different domains must be compatible and have the same
type of data with the same units, etc. None of the variables in the sets of Ax of the
domains, as defined above, is allowed to be declared as an output variable in more
than one of the domains to keep consistency among the domains. Another required
condition is that the shared variables in each domain need to have the same pro-
jected behaviour. Assuming that S x is the sampling variable of the Ad in the set of
variables, then
Ad ⊇ S x
The behaviour consistency conditions will ensure that the behaviour functions fBt
and fBn for each pair of domains, with respect to variables they share (coupling
variables), are equal.
fBt ↓ Sxt ∩ Sxn = fBn ↓ Sxn ∩ Sxt
However, coupling variables must not be computed synchronically. This is particu-
larly required when the coupling variable has different scales in different models
and there is a need for adapting scales before synchronisation.
The proposed 3-domain Metasystem should allow the representation of the rel-
evant planning system in a holistic, coherent and pragmatic way while maintaining
the parsimony principle. The 3-domain Metasystem will also support the balance
between complexity, data availability, planning perspective and uncertainty trades
off. Two general principles of system complexity are identified by Ayyub [3],
which need to be considered:
• The measure of the complexity of a system should be proportional to the
amount of information required to describe the system.
• The measure of the complexity of a system should be proportional to the
amount of information needed to resolve any uncertainty associated with the
system involved.
3.3.1 Introduction
The 3-domain Metasystem discussed above provides more flexibility for model
formalisation according to the available information, expertise and study needs.
The focus of the discussion below is concentrated on foresight and impact model-
ling approaches (see definition in Sect. 1.3.3).
44 3 3-Domain Modelling
3.3.2 Data-Driven Modelling
This type of modelling approach is basically data oriented and based on surveys
or measurements. Data driven modelling is not oriented on or specific to a certain
branch. For example, data driven modelling does not distinguish whether the data
describe demography or financial issues. It considers only the data behaviour.
Methods that are used for this type of modelling are based, e.g., on univariate mod-
els, such as time series mathematical methods, or on multivariate models, such as
neural networks, which can also be used for univariate analysis. This type of model-
ling can be employed for historical or current data descriptive analysis and inductive
analysis based on given historical data behaviour. Data-driven modelling requires the
least contextual information for modelling of a given planning object.
3.3 3-Domain Modelling: Different Approaches for Different Domains 45
3.3.3 Process-Driven Modelling
The range of complex system modelling approaches varies from cell based
behavioural modelling to self-organised evolutionary complex system model-
ling approaches. Comparing different complex system modelling approaches [13]
concludes “[…] in general using Agent Based modelling approach you are able
to capture more real life phenomena than with system dynamics or discrete event
46 3 3-Domain Modelling
3.3.4 Judgmental-Driven Modelling
To a large extent, these modelling approaches are based on the expertise of people.
This category of models is mainly qualitative or semi-qualitative and the related
methods use heuristics: different cognitive maps such as causal or fuzzy maps for
3.3 3-Domain Modelling: Different Approaches for Different Domains 47
3.4.1 General
they were tested; another was that even if it had been possible to select the meth-
ods on the basis of a priori knowledge or experiences, it would have been impos-
sible to apply a single criterion to all models. It was therefore decided to select
modelling approaches that are widely available and already in use. These model-
ling approaches are then tested in Use Cases and evaluated.
In this domain, planning participants are interested for foresight model as well as
for impact and decision model according to the definition in Sect. 1.3.3. However,
depending on use cases Sect. 2.4 the particular needs might differ. No quantita-
tive integrated model for ‘Use Case—I’ was required to be developed at the begin-
ning of planning and modelling. However, in order to have an integrated view of a
city or territory, qualitative approaches such as causal, cognitive maps or a qualita-
tive system dynamic approach can be useful. It is important both to represent the
interaction of different single quantitative sub models, such as models for cooling
a district or models for lighting, and identify important driving forces for all sub
models and their interaction according to influence and dependence. Therefore,
for Use Case—I a qualitative MICMAC approach is selected for targeted domain
modelling and for representation of the interaction of city or territory drivers and
to capture the interdependency of the different sub-models driving forces.
A system dynamic approach is selected for implementation and modelling of
targeted domains for ‘Use Case—II’ because of study needs. However, system
dynamic have some limitations, e.g., in modelling individual spatial depend-
ent fluctuations in a territory. These types of limitations can be overcome using,
e.g., sensitivity analysis to examine the possible trajectories of the system changes
[23]. Aggregated representation of real processes using system dynamics support
to achieve a compromise assessment that avoids any excessive detailed precision
likely to be arbitrary and so uncertain in low data available study conditions. In
such limited conditions and study requirements behavioural modelling approaches
like Agent based simulation was difficult to be implemented.
Detailed descriptions of process-driven modelling methods are presented below.
A system dynamics approach was developed by Jay W. Forrester during the 1950s
and 1960s [24, 25]. This approach has been used in different areas in control,
3.4 Defining Modelling Approaches for Different Modelling … 49
where t is time and Rate is the change rate of the stock and t0 the time at initial
Before implementing the SD model to support decisions, the SD model
is tested and validated using different tests and uncertainty analyses that are
discussed in Sect. 5.6.8.
The fundamental purpose of a SD model is to assist the understanding and
simulation of the relationships between the behaviour of the system and the
underlying structure over time.
The SD principle and theory is discussed in previous works [27–29]. An updated
description of the SD approach with examples of applications in different area have
also been previously provided [30].
50 3 3-Domain Modelling
1 2
Dependent scale
Influential scale
Influential scale
Dependent scale Dependent scale
Stable system Unstable system
Sector 5: Average factors. These factors cannot be clearly allocated to the remain-
ing sectors. They are not sufficiently influential or dependant.
Additionally, the influence-dependence chart presents the interaction un-/stabil-
ity of system variables. The configuration or allocation of the set of factor-points
in the influence-dependence matrix allows the stability of the entire system to be
determined (Fig. 3.4).
The cloud of points spread along the axis (L shape) indicates that the system
responds to the given impulse of determining variables with a certain degree of
certainty. The system is stable. By contrast, when clouds of variables are spread
along the bisecting line, notably when the points are concentrated in the north-east
frame, the system can be considered as unstable.
Detailed information about MICMAC is discussed by Godet [33–35].
Also Makridakis [37] states whereas for short term seasonality, for mid-
term cyclical effect are important, for long term extrapolation trend factors
plays important roll. In the same work it was also argued that “[…] treatments
of complex data sets for extrapolation ARIMA models were indicated to be
appropriate, it optimise data structure and minimise the residue.” On the other
side Makridakis et al. [36] states that less formal approaches are often better.
Therefore several modelling methods have been chosen for implementation and
evaluation. For many modelling approaches like ARIMA models there is a need
to define several model parameters a priory which requires technical and domain
specific knowledge. Therefore automatic model identification, selection and
parameterization of the process can be useful [38] as an expertise is not always
available in cities and territories.
To select data-driven modelling approaches for modelling neighbouring or dis-
tant domains, the following additional criteria where used:
• The method or combination of methods has been successfully implemented
for long-period extrapolation and has shown good performance criteria using
annual data;
• The method is not complex or data intensive;
• It can identify and predict long-term trends and data behaviour automatically in
the case of absent technical competency and when new data are available;
• The method is widely applied and available in existing software or there is at
least enough information to develop script for implementing the method.
It was also important to have methods that are based on a different paradigm, e.g.,
mathematical versus artificial intelligence based, for possible triangulation or
discovering paradoxes.
Reviewing the studies, eight different initial methods have been identified in
Table 3.1 using the criteria discussed before. Certainly, there are other methods
that may also be suitable, such as FORSYS [39] or ARARMA [40], which show
good performance for long-term modelling. However, insufficient information
about these methods could be found yet for integrating them in the analysis.
It is also important to analyse and prepare data before implementation of meth-
ods like identifying outliers or possible correlation with other variables. However,
the focus of this book is inductive analysis. Nevertheless, some results of descrip-
tive analysis like identification of distributions or seasonality, trends or stochasticity
are presented in annex A.
A detailed description of each individual method is given in Sect.
Linear Regression
Linear regression is one of the most commonly used and accepted methods in
energy planning and modelling. A linear regression can capture long-term histori-
cal data trend.
Regression methods are explanatory approaches that establish relationships
between one or more inputs (explanatory variable x) and single outputs (dependent
variable Y). Simple regression establishes relationship between single inputs and
single outputs. If one dependent forecast variable y is related to many explanatory
inputs (x1, x2… xk); this process is called multiple regression.
In a general form, the regression model can be presented as the following:
Yi = f (xi ; β) + εi
where β is the unknown parameter and ε denotes the error.
In simple linear regressions, the model-dependent variables change at a con-
stant rate as the value of the explanatory variable increases or decreases:
Yi = β0 + β1 xi + εi
The objective is to discover β0 (intercept) and β1(slope) so that the line Yi presents
the best fit to the data. The least squares estimation procedure is used to discover
this line of best fit. The least squares principle selects β0 and β1 that minimizes the
sum of squared residuals εi or sum of square error (SSE):
SSE = e2i = (Yi − Ŷi )2
i=1 i=1
where ei = (Yi − Ŷi )) is the error for the ith observation and Ŷi is estimated value
of Yi.
However as stated by Armstrong “[…] diagnostic statistics that are commonly
provided with regression analysis may lead to confusion, reduced accuracy, and
overconfidence” [41].
54 3 3-Domain Modelling
Theta Model
The Theta model has been successfully implemented for the numerous series of
the M3 competition which was developed in 1999 [42]. This model proposes a
different approach to decompose the seasonally adjusted series into short- and
long-term components. The basic concept modifies the local curvatures of the time
series by using the Theta (θ) coefficient [42]:
′′ ′′
Xnew (θ ) = θ Xdata
Xdata = Xt − 2Xt−1 + Xt−2
at time t.
Xt′′ denotes the second difference of Xt. Smaller θ produce larger degrees of defla-
tion. When θ = 0, the time series is transformed into a linear regression line [42].
Forecasts obtained by the Theta model are similar to simple exponential
smoothing with drift [43]. However, it shows good performance in long range
forecasting. The drift in Theta model is computed as follows:
q 2
X̂n (h) ± σ (h − 1)α 2 + 1
where α is the smoothing parameter, q is prediction interval for h period, σ2 is the
variance and X̂n (h) is the point forecast of series Xt.
ARIMA Models
For certain situations when well-trained users are unable to identify appropriate
extrapolation methods or to handle unusual time series patterns in robust ways, an
automatic forecasting algorithm is useful. Examples of automatic forecasting algo-
rithms are based on ARIMA. An automatic ARIMA forecasting algorithm will be
considered in this book.
To select the appropriate model for a given data set, Akaike’s Information
Criterion is used:
AIC = L θ̂ , x̂0 + 2q
The robust trend method was initially developed for telecommunication data [49].
“Robust Trend performed best according to all of the relevant error measures used
for all forecast horizons” for the telecommunications data [7]. It is stated that “it is
of interest to discover whether it will perform well on other time series” [7].
At time T, the k step ahead forecast is the following:
XT +k = XT + k µ̂T
where estimator based on observations up to t is as follows
mT ZT − M T
µ̂T = MT + ψ
T mT
56 3 3-Domain Modelling
where ωch are the weights of the connections between the constant input and the
hidden neurons; ωco are the weights of the direct connection between the c onstant
input and the output. ωih and ωho denote the weights for the other connections
between the inputs and the hidden neurons and between the hidden neurons and
the output. The functions fh and f0 denote the activation functions used in the
hidden layer and in the output, respectively.
Different activation functions exist. The most commonly used functions are
presented in Fig. 3.6.
The implementation of an ANN to forecast exogenous energy model param-
eters is particularly notable because occasionally it is not possible or there is no
need to explain all interrelation among exogenous parameters. For example,
explaining the change in global oil prices by a city planning team using extensive
58 3 3-Domain Modelling
process or causal driven models is difficult and is not required. In this situation,
the “black box” syndrome is not a large drawback. In the energy sector, ANNs
have been implemented for long-term load forecasting [54], for monthly energy
demand [55], for forecasting daily urban electric load profiles [56] and for fore-
casting electricity market prices [57].
A time-space innovation diffusion model was suggested at the end of the 1970s
as the following equation:
∂Ni km∂ N̄i − Ni
= (a + bNi ) N̄1 − Ni +
∂ti ∂y f(y)i−1,i
When the distance gradient element and space element are constant, then the tradi-
tional logistic time dependent model will be the following:
= (a + bNi ) N̄1 − Ni
In distant domain planning participants have more interest for foresight model,
less interest for impact and concern for decision model according to the definition
in Sect. 3.2. There is poor knowledge or planning resources to build a process-
driven model for this domain. However, the question of ‘what will happen’ might
still be interesting and necessary for planning. Typically, information about this
domain is collected from different sources or experts. In some situations when suf-
ficiently good quality data is available, data-driven approaches (see Sect. 3.4.3)
can be implemented; otherwise judgmental-driven methods can be used. There is,
however, a need to organise the available information in distant domain and show
the impact on other modelling domains. In next section, a new method Reference
Impact Matrix (RIM) will be discussed for these tasks.
Trends and cycles are general changes that are experienced by everyone over
periods of several years or decades. Usually, individual organisations or even
nations cannot do much to change them. An example of a trend or cycle is
long-term economic cycles such as Kondratieff waves [68].
“Discontinuities refer to rapid and significant shifts in trajectories without the
aspect of being mostly unanticipated or deeply surprising” [67]. An example of
discontinuities is changes and innovations in technologies.
Weak signals are the first warning signals of possible but not confirmed changes in
future trends or discontinuities. Weak signals are still too incomplete for an accurate
estimation of their impact. An example of a weak signal is global warming [66].
Wild cards or shocks are those surprising events and situations that can happen
but usually have a low probability of doing so—but if they do, their impact is
very high and there is not enough time resources etc. for adequate response. The
changes tend to be fundamental and create new trajectories. Natural disaster or
epidemic are examples of a wild cards.
The category drivers proposed by [66] is not included in RIM because it is
study model specific and will be defined according to individual study model.
The row ‘impacted domain model feature’ shows which domain and entity
or feature of a model is impacted by a particular category, whether it is model
structure, parameter, etc.
There are diverse type of impact, like the changes in the model structure or in
trends, or driving variable behaviour changes. Four types of changes are defined.
Depending on the direction of the causal force in distant domains and trend
direction of driving forces in other domains, the types of impact are divided into
four sub categories:
• Trend change refers to a change of direction for a certain model variable, such
as energy price.
3.4 Defining Modelling Approaches for Different Modelling … 61
• Transfer changes refer to events that transfer the variable change from one point
in time to another without changing the overall trend in the long range.
• Transient change influences only during a particular event occurs. When an
event is over, the effect does not last any longer.
• Quantum Jump changes occur when the effect of a non-repetitive new event is
very strong or permanent such as in the case of wild cards.
Similar impact types are used by [69] for knowledge assistance and adjustment of
statistical forecasting. Not every trend, discontinuity, etc., will necessarily have an
impact on targeted or neighbouring domains in different study conditions (Fig. 3.7).
Time Time
Trend Change
Time Time
Transfer Change
Time Time
Transient Change
Time Time
Quantum jump
Case—II and Use Case—I, and the MICMAC qualitative method is more appro-
priate because of the study conditions. An experts’ elicitation is used in all
domains and cases, and therefore, not indicated in Table 3.4.
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33. Godet M (2000) The art of scenarios and strategic planning: tools and pitfalls. Technol
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spective. Unesco Publishing, Paris
36. Makridakis S, Wheelwright SC, Hyndman RJ (2008) Forecasting methods and applications.
Wiley, Bengaluru
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39. Lewandowski R (1982) Practitioners’ forum. Sales forecasting by forsys. J Forecast
1(2):205–214. doi:10.1002/for.3980010206
40. Parzen E (1982) ARARMA models for time series analysis and forecasting. J Forecast
1(1):67–82. doi:10.1002/for.3980010108
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Chapter 4
Conceptual Basis of Uncertainty in IEPCT
To a large extent, the discussion in this chapter is based on the uncertainty concept
discussed in Sect. 1.3.5 and proposed by Mirakyan and De Guio [1]. Different
types about uncertainty in the context of integrated energy planning are presented.
Detailed information about different uncertainty types and a literature review is
provided in [1].
Different reasons have been presented and discussed regarding the need for
uncertainty analysis in infrastructure planning in [1]. Flyvbjerg et al. [2] argue, “In
the public sector, the establishment of a credible risk management plan should be
a part of the documentation required before any decision is taken on whether to go
ahead with a project or not.” The authors present different reasons for prediction
of failures such as discontinuous behaviour and the influence of complementary
factors or unexpected changes of exogenous factors [2]. The need for uncertainty
analysis is also indicated by [3–6].
4.2 Typology of Uncertainty
Table 4.1 Uncertainty types in modelling and planning process ([1] used with permission of
Uncertainty typology Planning steps
Planning phase I Planning phase II Planning phase III
and IV
Modelling steps
Mental Expressed Conceptual Formal Computer Applied
model model model model model model
Epistemic, Context and framing x x
reducible or Model inputs and x x! x
knowledge parameters
Model structure x
Model technical x
Model output x
Linguistic Vagueness x!
uncertainty Ambiguity x
Under specificity x x
Decision- Goals/objectives x x
making Actions/strategies x x
Assessment criteria
performance measure
Procedural Communication x x x x x
Available time, x x x x x x
Key x: uncertainty type appears and is present notably in the related planning and modelling step,
if this type of uncertainty is not addressed at this planning step it will remain in all planning
phases “!” This uncertainty type is addressed in this step reminded in IEPCT literature yet
4.2 Typology of Uncertainty 69
4.2.1 Linguistic Uncertainty
Linguistic uncertainty is defined “as uncertainty that arises because our natural
language is vague, ambiguous, and because the precise meaning of words can
change over time”. Linguistic uncertainty are presented using three sub-categories.
Vagueness uncertainty arises because of limitations in natural and scientific
language that cannot precisely describe quantity in some cases (i.e., probability
of some unexpected event or change of lifestyle) [7]. “Ambiguity arises because
some words have more than one meaning and it is not clear which meaning is
intended” [7]. Under-specificity can also arise as a result of epistemic uncertainty
[7] which refers to generalisation or specification of some information.
Uncertainties related to model framing, model inputs or structure etc. are
referred to an overall category denoted epistemic or knowledge uncertainty.
4.2.2 Epistemic Uncertainty
4.2.3 Variability Uncertainty
4.2.5 Procedural Uncertainty
4.2.6 Levels of Uncertainty
Different levels of uncertainty proposed in and discussed in Sect. 1.3.6. There are
• Level 0: Decision in deterministic environments
• Level 1: Decision in risk laden environments
• Level 2: Decision in uncertain environment
– Level 2.1: Decision in environments described by fuzzy probabilities
– Level 2.2: Decision in environment with environments described by a belief
and plausibility function
– Level 2.3: Decision in environments described by a possibility membership
• Level 3: Decision in ignorant environment
These levels of uncertain environments cannot be ranked according to their confi-
dence level coherently because the conceptualisation of uncertainty in the environ-
ments is formalized differently by different theories [1].
4.4 Conclusion
integrates different methods for dealing with different uncertainty types d uring
the planning process in a holistic and complementary way based on different
5.1 Introduction
Quality factors
Analytical Mixed method
sophistication degree; Section 5.3 research, chapter 1,
Section 5.2 Section 1.3.4
Design of multi
Uncertainty types, method approach Individual methods
Chapter 4, section 4.2 for uncertainty Section 5.6
analysis (UA)
Fig. 5.1 Themes and aspects influencing the design of multi-method approaches for uncertainty
5.2.1 Introduction
As was already mentioned, IEPCT has budget constraints and, among other
criteria, planning costs are important. Paté-Cornel concludes “Again, full
treatment of uncertainties may or may not be needed depending on the decision
to be made. However, a gradual move from level 2 to level 4 is desirable when
cost-effectiveness is an issue.” The degree 3 analytical sophistication is the most
implemented degree in energy planning studies, as seen in the review in [3, 4].
Degree 3 will be used as a reference for comparing the discussed approaches in
the Chap. 7. Distinct representations of uncertainty types, which are required when
implementing ‘analytical sophistication degree 5’, are stated to be important in
[5, 6]. However, as indicated by Hofer [7], “Separation of uncertainties is costly
because there is effort involved in consistent separation
• expert judgement elicitation has to account for separation
• propagation through the model needs to happen separately
• presentation has to cater for two uncertainty dimensions
• sensitivity measures are of interest in both dimensions and depend on situations
of practical relevance.”
Because of the limited expertise for the different types of uncertainty for given
case studies, degree 5 is not considered in the next chapters.
The final remaining candidates for the analysis are degree 4, 4a and 3 as
reference. The degree 4 single risk distribution is the one candidate. Another
candidate is degree 4a, which includes also degree 2 but provides additional
opportunity to present not only possible bounds, but many different scenarios also
information about consistency and, if required, the rough probability of scenarios.
5.3 Quality Factors of Methods for Uncertainty Analysis 77
The overall quality of the methods used for uncertainty analysis depends not only on
addressing all uncertainty types discussed in Chap. 4 but also on other overall quality
factors presented in Sect. 2.6 in Chap. 2. These quality factors, which are specified
below for uncertainty analysis methods, can provide a framework for reviewing,
evaluating available methods and for developing methods or methodology.
5.3.2 Organisational Capability
• Required resources and time: The computational time for using methods
has been stated to be an important issue in the last decades. However, these
aspects have become less significant because of increasing computer power and
decreasing associated expenses. More important are the time and money required
for collecting information from different sources, including experts in order
to use the given method completely. For example, there is a need to have not
only upper and lower bounds of a certain value but also the entire probability
distribution to implement Monte Carlo analysis fully. This quality factor can be
evaluated using qualitative ordinary measures like low, middle or high.
78 5 Multi-method Approaches for Uncertainty Analysis
A detailed review of all of the methods and references of the reviewed papers is
provided in Sect. 5.6. In this section, we provide a summary of the results.
5.4.1 Evaluation Criteria
different types of uncertainty are provided. Therefore, only the methods that are not
discussed in these papers or the methods that are used for designing the multi-method
approach for uncertainty analysis are discussed in this book, in Sect. 5.6.
The items that have been used for the review consist of the attributes suggested
in [11] for presenting and describing uncertainty, the quality factors of the
previous section and additional attributes about the application area. The last part
is added to show for which Use Case and for which modelling domain the method
application is most appropriate. The following is a list of used item categories:
• Brief description of the method
• What type of uncertainty does or can this method address?
• Potential rationales in the context of mixed method research
• Method performance: How is the method rated according to the quality factors
defined above?
• References to handbooks, user guides, example case studies and web sites are
also provided for each method, for future reading.
The most widely available and commonly used methods are selected for review.
Some of them have been already implemented in the area of energy planning and
modelling see Chap. 4.
1. Correlations, copula
2. Expert Elicitation
3. Fuzzy inference
4. Innovative multimethod approach
5. Inverse modelling (predictive uncertainty)
6. Interval prediction
7. Monte Carlo Analysis
8. Multiple model simulation
9. NUSAP (Numeral Unit Spread Assessment Pedigree)
10. PRIMA (Pluralistic Framework of Integrated uncertainty Management and
risk Analysis)
11. Scenario Analysis and Fuzzy clustering
12. Sensitivity Analysis
13. Tests of complex models
A review of each method according to the concepts discussed in the above sections
is presented in Sect. 5.6. The results of the evaluation can be summarised as
5.4 Methods and Methodologies for … 81
• There are different methods for coping with different types of uncertainty.
However, none of them can address all the types of uncertainty.
• The methods for supporting a detailed analysis of some uncertainty types, such
as uncertainty in ignorance situations, could not be found.
• The reviewed methods show significant differences according to the quality
criteria defined in Sect. 5.3.
• There are comprehensive methodologies such as NUSAP or PRIME that
can be used in combination with other methods. However, the methodology
discussions are only focused on environmental or process-driven models and
do not cover other modelling domains. Moreover, the combination of different
individual methods depending on the Use Case and planning or modelling
procedure is not specified yet and uncertainty typology used differs from that
what is presented here.
5.5.1 Introduction
individual models but for the context of the whole city or territory considering
interdependency among several sub-models at least in a qualitative way.
For this situation, when there is not enough quantitative information and most
of the information are qualitative with non-precise values, Fuzzy proposition and
Possibility theory-based methods are more appropriate, as discussed in Sect. 1.3.7
Chap. 1 and as concluded by [12], “[…] problems involving a complicated
weave of technical, social, political, and economic factors and decisions; and
problems with incomplete, ill-defined, and inconsistent information, where
conditional probabilities cannot be supplied or rationally formulated, perhaps
are candidates for fuzzy logic applications”. As discussed in Chap. 2 Sect. 2.3
energy system in cities and territories is sociotechnical system and decision has
to be done in uncertain environment where no probability or only some fuzzy
probability information is available. Therefore, FSUA approach is designed using
the methods of fuzzy proposition to use qualitative information efficiently and
decrease linguistic uncertainty. Particularly, fuzzy clustering method and fuzzy
inference is implemented to incorporate non prices information and probabilities.
The overall uncertainty analysis, according to the analytical sophistication 4a level
Sect. 5.2, has different functional steps, which require different individual methods.
The functional steps and involved individual methods are defined according to
IEPCT planning and the modelling process discussed in Sect. 2.2. The uncertainty
analysis, combined use of different methods and stream of information have been
defined according to the mixed method research aspects discussed in Chap. 1. The
functional steps and the functional view of the analysis are presented in the Fig. 5.2.
Methods for supporting decision or model context uncertainty in the initial planning
phase are proposed and discussed in [13]. The functional step ‘model technical
uncertainty’ is not presented in the picture because its functional position is not
fixed. It can be implemented after the 3rd or 4th function. The main restriction
for all functional steps is the availability of data, information, time resources and
expertise. Each box performs certain functions, have input and output information
and require methods and people to perform the function under given constraints.
The model structure uncertainty of the judgmental-driven model for Use Case-I is on
conceptual level. The MICMAC judgmental-driven modelling approach is proposed
to implement for Use Case-I for modelling the targeted domain. For the uncer-
tainty analysis of the model structure, the interrelation among different key factors
or descriptors of the study area are presented using Fuzzy linguistic terms such as
weak, moderate or strong influence. Expert elicitation using by group of experts pro-
vides the opportunity to avoid uncertainty in model structure making e.g. judgmental
sensitive analysis. The fuzzy scores also help to incorporate the fuzzy information of
experts, reducing uncertainty because of vagueness at this stage of analysis.
Methods Main function Mixing Mixing Mixing type
rationales sequence
Experts elicitation + Representation Development, Iterative Multi-methodology
fuzzy linguistic of relation extension
terms/fuzzy scores + among different
sensitivity analysis key factors in
fuzzy, linguist
terms, scores and
make sensitivity
A reference impact matrix (RIM) with expert elicitation and fuzzy inference can
be implemented to address uncertainty analysis of the causal forces, impacted
data-driven models. Inverse modelling approach can be implemented for
identification of model parameter using historical data. Expert elicitation can be
used in combination for development or triangulation.
Methods Main function Mixing rationales Mixing sequence Mixing type
Reference impact Incorporation of Expansion, Sequential, Combination
matrix + fuzzy different impacts development iterative
inference to the model
Inverse modelling Identification Development Iterative Combination
parameter of parameter triangulation
estimation values according
to given data set
of data driven
Expert elicitation Identification of Development Sequential, Combination
impact type and triangulation iterative
RIM use different terms, categories like trends, weak signals, wild cards or
discontinuities as input to model in the distant domain. Uncertainty analysis of
these inputs can be performed using expert elicitation. However it is important to
5.5 Multi Method Approaches for Uncertainty Analysis 87
Expert elicitation can be helpful for the uncertainty analysis of models developed
by RIM and using with predefined categories like trends or discontinuities.
Methods Main function Mixing rationales Mixing sequence Mixing type
Reference impact Representation Expansion, Sequential, Combination
matrix of uncertainty development iterative
in different
categories: weak
signal, wild cards
Expert elicitation Assessment Expansion, Concurrently, Combination
of categories, triangulation iterative
of impact type
and extent
Model technical uncertainty can be performed using different software for the
same model which requires additional time and resources.
Methods Main function Mixing Mixing Mixing type
rationales sequence
Multi software Computation the Triangulation Concurrently Combination
simulation same model in
different software Uncertainty Communication
Different methods are used according to different domain and types of uncertainty,
which have been identified and conceptualised in Chap. 4 previously. Some methods
address multiple types of uncertainty and have different roles in different modelling
approaches and domain. For example, interval prediction is used to find the model
output uncertainty of data-driven models; it is also used to determine the model
input uncertainty of process-driven models (Table 5.2).
The specific situation in Use Case-II is that it can have integrated quantitative
model. Assuming that sufficient amount data is available, an approach is
proposed according to the ‘4 analytical sophistication degree’, which is based on
probability theory [1]. Random sampling methods, which are increasingly used
in modelling and planning, are implemented in the PRSUA because of simplicity
and the automatic capability to generate samples, which might reduce subjectivity
issues and efforts working with experts (see Monte Carlo simulation in Sect.
5.6). PRSUA involves several steps and functions. The functions are performed
iteratively as their outputs provide inputs for other functions which in return
may update their inputs. The functions, required resources and constraints with
inputs and outputs for each sub function are presented in the Fig. 5.3. PRSUA
was designed using a similar logic as that for developing the FSUA approach.
The procedure includes five main different functional steps, which require
different inputs and methods to produce results. The main restriction for all of
the functional steps is the availability of data, information, time resources and
expertise. Each box performs certain functions, have input and output information
and require methods and people to perform the function under given constraints.
The methods required for each sub function are discussed in the next sections. A
detailed description of methods is provided in Sect. 5.6.
The functional step model technical uncertainty is not presented in the picture
because its functional position is not fixed. It can be implemented after the 3rd or
4th function.
Different paradigms exist for the modelling of the processes of real systems, as
discussed in Sect. 3.4.2 in Chap. 3. Modelling in a static equilibrium way for
large energy infrastructure will not provide satisfactory results because of many
interactions, feedbacks and dynamics. As discussed in section “System Dynamic
(SD) Approach to Model the Targeted Zone in Case II—Mexico”, a system dynamics
model can be implemented for modelling a targeted domain. The uncertainty of the
model structure can be divided into two parts: uncertainty in the conceptual model
and uncertainty in the formal model. There are different methods, also called tests
for the uncertainty analysis of system dynamics formal models, such as dimensional
consistency, extreme conditions and behavioural tests. These types of analysis are
particularly important for complex models. Another approach for analysing model
structure uncertainty is multiple model simulation (see Sect. 5.6.9). Modelling the
same real system using different modelling paradigms such as system dynamics and
simple equilibrium approach can prove useful for triangulating results or discovering
inconsistencies. However, using multi model simulation in targeted domain to
model process is very resource intensive. Therefore multi model simulation won’t
be considered in the discussion below. Test for complex model evaluation playing
important role. Depending on the study conditions some test might be implanted
other not. See detailed discussion in Sect. 5.6.12.
The main function, mixing rationales and sequences using these methods in the
overall approach are presented in the table below.
The methods for the analysis of model structure uncertainty for data-driven m
for neighbouring and distant domain modelling are the same as that for FSUA.
Methods Main function Mixing rationales Mixing sequence Mixing type
EE + MMS + Evaluation of model Triangulation Iterative, Combination
MASE, MdAPE error and multi initiation concurrently
model simulation
The main model drivers or key descriptors are variables that have large impacts on
the model outputs. The sensitive analysis is one of the helpful instruments which
might support this function. However, not only numerical sensitivity (numerical
change of model output value) is important, particularly for complex system
models, but also behaviour or policy sensitivity [15]. As a minimum, to identify
key drivers, the simple on-at-the-time sensitivity analysis method discussed
in Sect. 5.6.11 can be implemented. For representation and ranking of key
descriptors tornado diagram can be very helpful.
Methods Main function Mixing Mixing Mixing type
rationales sequence
Simple, one at Identification and Multiple Sequential Methodology
time sensitivity ranking of key rationales for enhancement
analysis and descriptors of expansion or
tornado diagram targeted domain development
94 5 Multi-method Approaches for Uncertainty Analysis
The analyses in this step are similar to analysis of FSUA. A reference impact
matrix (RIM) with expert elicitation can be implemented to address uncertainty
analysis of the causal forces influencing data-driven models. Also, inverse
modelling approach can be implemented for identification of model parameters
using historical data. Expert elicitation can be used in combination with data
driven modelling methods for development or triangulation of results.
5.5 Multi Method Approaches for Uncertainty Analysis 95
Expert elicitation can be helpful for the uncertainty analysis of models (trends,
weak signal, discontinuities etc.) developed by RIM and using predefined
categories like trends or discontinuities.
Methods Main function Mixing rationales Mixing sequence Mixing type
Reference impact Representation Expansion, Sequential, Combination
matrix of uncertainty in development iterative
different categories:
weak signal, wild
Expert elicitation Identification Development Concurrently, Combination
of impact type iterative
and extent
Expert elicitation can be helpful for the uncertainty analysis of models developed
by RIM and using with predefined categories like trends or discontinuities.
Methods Main function Mixing Mixing Mixing type
rationales sequence
Multi software Computation the Triangulation Concurrently Combination
simulation same model in
different software Uncertainty Communication
Different PRSUA methods are used according to domain and different types of
uncertainty that were identified and conceptualised in Sect. 4.2, in Chap. 4. Some
methods address multiple types of uncertainty and have different roles in different
modelling approaches and domain. For example, interval prediction is used
for the model output uncertainty of data-driven models and for the model input
uncertainty of process-driven models (Table 5.3). Description
Clemen and Reilly [19] describe three correlation assessment methods, which can
support experts who think about the relation of random variables. In a statistical
approach, an expert might make a judgment based, e.g., on R2 that would result
from the regression of one variable against another. An alternative possibility
is for experts to work with several scatterplots representing different levels of
correlation and select one that is consistent with their belief regarding the strength
of the relationship between the variables. Another approach is concordance
probability. Here, an assessment of conditional or joint probabilities is related to
Pc concordance probability. For a bivariate population (X, Y), by considering two
independent draws (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) Pc can be defined [19] e.g.
Pc = P(x1 ≤ x2 |y1 ≤ y2 )
The third approach is conditional Fractile Estimates. Here Spearman’s ρ is derived
using conditional estimates. Let F(x) and G(y) be distribution functions for X
and Y random variables respectively, then the standard nonparametric regression
representation is [19]:
E[F(X)|y] = ρXY G(y) − 0.5 + 0.5
where ρXY is the Spearman correlation between X and Y.
The common way of defining conditional distributions among different model
input variables is a demanding task because the amount of input variables in
large city models, such as infrastructure development, are very high. The experts
or analysts have to define each variables interaction probability distributions, the
number of which can be very high. An alternative approach for construction of
joint distributions is using copula. Copula-based joint distribution can be defined
using rank-order correlations to reduce the number of required assessments and
relax the need to search for conditional independence [19]. In the copula approach,
a joint distribution of random variables is expressed as a function of the marginal
5.6 A Review of Methods and Methodologies for Uncertainty Analysis 99
distributions. Sklar’s theorem is the building block of the theory of copulas [17]:
Let xn be a random variable with F1 (x1 ), F2 (x2 ) . . . Fn (xn ) marginal distribution
functions. Then there exist a copula function C such as for all (x1 , x2 , . . . xn ) joint
cumulative distribution function F(x1 , x2 , . . . xn )
F(x1 , x2 , . . . xn ) = C(F1 (x1 ), F2 (x2 ) . . . Fn (xn ))
C is uniquely determined when F1 (x1 ), F2 (x2 ) . . . Fn (xn ) are all continuous.
There are different ways to construct and use copula-based joint densities
such as multivariate normal copulas or maximum-entropy copulas discussed by
Abbas [20].
C is appropriate for model inputs uncertainty in risk conditions for process driven
Organisational Capability
• Required time and resources: Main time and resource requirements are linked
with the work of experts, which can be defined as mid- to high-time or resource
• Required information: Information needs can be on the level “Int05”.
• Required expertise and skills: If using C, familiarity with statistical and
probability concepts are required.
100 5 Multi-method Approaches for Uncertainty Analysis
• Satisfaction working with the method: Familiarity with statistical and probability
concepts related to correlations etc. is not always the case by planners and
analysers having an engineering background.
• Satisfaction by DM with the method: No information is available at this stage of
research. Future Reading
5.6.2 Expert Elicitation Description
1Experts in this context are persons having specific knowledge about certain domain e.g. in
The method is usually implemented in the situation where the availability of data or
information is low in order to develop information for planning or for other methods.
It is also used concurrently for triangulation or validation of empirical methods.
Organisational Capability
• Required time and recourses: EE procedure is high time and recourse intensive.
E.g. expert identification, involvement and elicitation procedure.
• Required information: EE methods do not require high data intensity, it can be
on Level “Int 01” but also higher depending with which method is EE used.
• Required expertise and skills: No particular expertise or skills are required to
use EE.
• Flexibility: EE is appropriate in any planning and modelling context and
planning phase.
• Legitimacy: Legitimacy of EE depends on special city or territory conditions
and availability of domain experts.
• Satisfaction by DM with method: For decision maker (DM) the certain formalisation
of method which helps to incorporate domain knowledge of experts can increase
satisfaction of DM. Future Reading
Large list of papers, books, example studies and software are presented by [11, 24–26].
5.6.3 Fuzzy Inference Description
Fuzzy inference is based on compositional rules of inference. There are two different
fuzzy inference techniques: Mamdani and Sugeno-style. Mamdani method is more
intuitive and user friendly in contrast Sugeno-style is more computationally efficient
[27]. The process of Mamdani knowledge based fuzz-inference has different steps:
First step is to determine which crisp inputs belong to which appropriate fuzzy
stets. The crisp inputs can be a priory probability of values of key factors or
conditional probability used e.g. in a cross impact (CIM) analysis among different
values of different key factors. Here the formulation of e.g. a priory probability is
not any more to say the probability of occupancy of certain value of key factor is
P = 0.15 but it is defined now in fuzzy linguistic terms that the occupancy is “very
seldom”. The idea is to replace crisp probabilities through linguistic variables
and membership functions. The similar procedure is performed for conditional
probabilities using in CIM.
For definition membership values of crisp sets trapezoidal membership function
is commonly used.
Every combination is a rule from two premises and one conclusion. The rules
must be combined aggregating all outputs of rules. Aggregation is the process
where fuzzy sets which represent the outputs of each rule are combining into
a single fuzzy set. The rules can be also weighted before combining. There are
different implication methods e.g. Max (maximum AND), prober (probabilistic
OR) or sum (simply sum of each rules output set).
After fuzzing input values and using rules evaluation forming linguistic
variables and aggregating them, now membership values have to be again
translated into crisp values. The aggregated fuzzy set has range of output values
and must be defuzzified. There are several methods for evaluation of a single
defuzzified number. Most commonly used methods are centroid method Centre
of Gravity (CoG), the average maximum method or weighted average maxima
method [29].
The method is usually implemented in the situation where the availability of data
or information is low or no precise to develop information for planning or for other
methods. It can be also used concurrently for triangulation with other methods.
Organisational Capability
• Required time and recourses: FI procedure is high time and recourse intensive
only for identification, involvement and elicitation of experts. If the input values
are available FI has low time or recourse intensity.
• Required information: EPR methods do not require high data intensity, it can be
on Level “Int 01” to “Int 03”.
• Required expertise and skills: Certain expertise or skills are required for using
FI, which is not included in common educational systems.
• Flexibility: FI is appropriate for all planning phase. Use Cases and modelling
• Legitimacy: Legitimacy of FI depends on special city or territory conditions. Future Reading Description
IMMA can address different types of uncertainty. For dealing with uncertainties
related to context framing and conceptual model development or to objective and
solutions definition IMMA can provide valuable help.
IMMA can be used for multiple rationales. It can be helpful e.g. for development to
generate inputs for other methods like conceptual model or for extension addressing
issues which cannot be addressed using other methods in given planning context.
Organisational Capability
• Required time and recourses: IMMA procedure is high time and recourse
intensive. E.g. key stakeholder involvement or organisation of workshops.
• Required information: IMMA methods do not require high data intensity, it can
be on Level “Int 01”.
• Required expertise and skills: No particular expertise or skills are required for
• Flexibility: IMMA is appropriate particularly at the beginning of planning and
modelling. It can be implemented in both Use Cases.
• Legitimacy: Legitimacy of IMMA depends on special city or territory conditions.
• Satisfaction working with method: IMMA have not been used frequently in
different studies.
• Satisfaction by DM with method: Standardised questions, procedure with steps
and graphical interactive maps might provide satisfaction by decision maker.
However, future studies are required for performance assessment of IMMA.
106 5 Multi-method Approaches for Uncertainty Analysis Future Reading
IMMA is presented, and discussed in [13]. In the same study the applicability of
the methodology is demonstrated and the performance of IMMA is evaluated.
5.6.5 Inverse Modelling Description
Inverse modelling (IM) or also denoted as automatic calibration are used for
parameter estimation. Parameter values are calibrated through optimisation. Objective
function is minimizing in order to find set of optimal parameters values. Most of
these techniques have the benefit that they produce calibration statistics in terms of
parameter correlation and parameter uncertainties as well. However, the particular
limitation of this method is that the model calibration is based on a single model.
Parameter uncertainty does not include in this case uncertainty due to model structure.
[10]. IM can be implemented only for process- and data-driven models [33].
Organisational Capability
• Required time and recourses: IM require very low time and recourses if data for
calibration of model parameters are available.
• Required information: IM methods require high data intensity, it can be on
Level “Int 04”.
• Required expertise and skills: Some expertise or skills about optimisation
approaches might be required.
• Flexibility: IM is appropriate particularly in planning phase II in quantitative
modelling and planning phase, in can be used only in Use Case-II for targeted
• Legitimacy: Legitimacy of IM depends on special city or territory conditions. Future Reading Description
(1-α)-Prediction-intervals is built with the forecast mean value x̂T+h added with
the α2- quintile of the normal distribution multiplied with the root of the variance of
the forecast error et (h) [34].
In some situation when not enough observation is available and there are
doubts about model assumptions empirical based or resampling methods can be
considered [34].
Next implemented method for calculating IP is resampling method: bootstrapping
which do not need a priory assumption about parametric distribution (usually
normal). It samples from the empirical distribution of past fitted errors [34]. For
complex models or for small data set bootstrapping is particularly helpful [34]. The
basic idea is: if we cannot sample from the entirely dataset (e.g. not enough data or
distribution is not known), the sampling is done from approximation of total data
set. Some observations from original set might occur more than once in bootstrap
samples and some not at all.
Another method for calculating IP is judgmental IP As stated by Wright et al.
[37] on the base of review of different findings “Evidence on the accuracy and
calibration of judgmental interval prediction is not very encouraging.” Reviewing
several study [37] found that judgmental IP is influenced by data characteristics
like seasonality, trend, or randomness. It is also stated that even scale of a
graphical plot presented for judgment can influence to define IP [37].
In general [34] states that empirical studies have shown that judgmental PI’s
tend to be too narrow on average. The reason for that can be very different e.g.
there are outliners in the data, the wrong model may be used or the model may
change either during the period of fit or in the future [34]. Because of that [38]
suggests a modification of equation above √
Var(et (h))
x̂T+h ± √
Where the constant 1/ ∝ (which replaces q α) is selected using an argument based
on Chebychev’s inequality.
Specific interval generation approaches for time series analysis methods like
exponential smoothing was proposed by Hyndman et al. [39] and for ARIMA
approaches by Snyder et al. [40].
Organisational Capability
• Required time and recourses: Only qualitative IP require high time and
recourses for involvement of experts. Other quantitative IP methods have low
time and recourses needs.
• Required information: Qualitative methods for IP do not have high data
intensity. Quantitative IP generation methods require high data intensity, it can
be at least on Level “Int 02”.
• Required expertise and skills: Some expertise or skills about statistic
approaches might be required
• Flexibility: IP is appropriate particularly in planning phase II in quantitative
modelling and planning. It is appropriated for neighbouring domain for both
Use Cases.
• Legitimacy: Legitimacy of IP depends on special city or territory conditions. No
information is available at this stage of research. Future Reading
Detailed discussions about different IP methods are presented in [34, 35, 39]. Description
The method is usually implemented in the situation where the availability of data
or information is low to develop information for planning or for other methods. It
can be also used concurrently for triangulation.
Organisational Capability
• Required time and recourses: MCA method has low time and recourses
• Required information: MCA methods have high data intensity, it can be up to
Level “Int 05”.
• Required expertise and skills: Some expertise or skills about statistic approaches
might be required.
• Flexibility: MCA is appropriate particularly in planning phase II in quantitative
modelling. It can be only used in Use Case-II for targeted domain.
• Legitimacy: Legitimacy of MCA depends on special city or territory conditions.
No information is available at this stage of research. Future Reading
Large amount different books and studies exist about MCA. References [10, 11]
give short description of MCA. For more detailed information [41] can be useful. Description
Organisational Capability
• Required time and recourses: MMS method has very high time and recourses
requirements for process driven modelling because for the same real system
two different methods must be implemented for targeted domain. MMS for data
driven modelling has low time and recourses requirements.
• Required information: Data intensity depends on MMS methods used.
• Required expertise and skills: Expertise or skills about different modelling
approaches like complex system modelling and static equilibrium modelling are
required. Also using different data driven modelling approach requires expertise
and skills.
• Flexibility: MMS is appropriate particularly in planning phase II in quantitative
modelling. In can be used in Use Case-II in for targeted domain.
5.6 A Review of Methods and Methodologies for Uncertainty Analysis 113
• Satisfaction working with method: The planner and analysis were satisfied using
MMS system dynamics and stationary equilibrium models. However, in other
situation it can be different because of high time and resource requirements.
• Satisfaction by DM with method: No information is available at this stage of
research. Future Reading
A new framework for coping with model structure uncertainty bases on different
conceptual model and assessment of their pedigree is presented by Refsgaard et al.
[42]. Using parallel modelling [43] could identify key uncertainty in one of sub models. Description
Different methods exist for MMS for data driven modelling. Different criteria
are used for MMS comparison of data driven models, particularly for time
series models for prediction. Making a review [44] propose “we prefer Mean
Absolute Scaled Error (MASE) as it is less sensitive to outliers and more easily
interpreted than Root Mean Squared Scaled Error (RMSSE), and less variable
on small samples than Median Absolute Scaled Error (MdASE)”. Alternatively
Median Absolute Percentage Error (MdAPE) and Geometric Mean of the Relative
Absolute Error (GMRAE) are also recommended as a criteria by Armstrong and
Collopy [45]. They have high reliability for annual based data forecasting for
longer period.
MdAPE and MASE will be considered in the analysis.
The absolute percentage error (APE) for given horizon of particular series is
defined as
APEt =
and MdAPE
MdAPE = medianAPEt
114 5 Multi-method Approaches for Uncertainty Analysis
ASEt = 1 n
(n−1) i=2 |Yi − Yi−1 |
et is forecast error,Yi denote the observation at time tYi−1 denote the observation at
time t-1n are time periods consideredand MASE
MASE = mean|ASEt |
The method is usually implemented in the situation where different models have to be
compared. It is used concurrently for triangulation or validation of empirical methods.
Organisational Capability
• Required time and recourses: MMS method do not have high time and
recourses requirements because for the same data stets different methods can
be implemented. Particularly, if there are sufficient data amount available using
some automatic methods like auto ARIMA for secondary method for MMS the
time and recourses requirement is very low.
• Required information: Data intensity depends on data driven modelling
approach and not on MMS.
• Required expertise and skills: Some expertise or skills about different modelling
approaches like neuronal nets or statistical approaches are required as well as
for different MMS criteria.
• Flexibility: MMS is appropriate particularly in planning phase II in quantitative
modelling, for neighbouring domain for both Use Cases.
5.6 A Review of Methods and Methodologies for Uncertainty Analysis 115
• Satisfaction working with method: The planner and analysis were satisfied
using MMS if sufficient data is available for using data driven modelling.
• Satisfaction by DM with method: No information is available at this stage of
research. Future Reading
A survey about of evaluation criteria for data driven extrapolated models and their
relative importance as determined academicians and practitioners is done by [46].
A discussion about comparison of measures of accuracy is provided in [44]. Description
Step 1
Different sub methods can be implemented in each step. For step 1, for field
identification or problem framing different methods can be implemented which are
discussing in Use Case-I.
Step 2
For step 2, for key descriptors or factors identification one at time sensitivity
analysis can be used for Use Case-II or MICMAC (Matrice d’Impacts Croisés -
Multiplication Appliquée à un) or system grid can be implemented for Use Case-I.
Step 3
Step 4
In these step interaction among different factors must be defined either using
consistency analysis or cross impact analysis. The final set of factors values will
be evaluated accordingly with total consistency or probability measure.
Consistency numbers are subjective, ordinal, contradiction free relationship
between two variables/key factors values. They describe interdependency.
The interdependency can be presented in way to show whether to variables are
supportive intensifying the direction of development, opposing or neutral [48].
An example building consistency matrix is demonstrated below. Consistency
analysis is carried out for each pair of key model input values/factors [48]. All
factors have to be checked with each other, values Ai) or Bj) of key factors “A”
and “B” are compared. The consistency of each comparison is assessed using
different scales e.g. (1–5) or (−2, −1, 0, 1, 2) [48], −2 = strong inconsistency,
−1 = weak inconsistency, 0 = neutrality, 1 = weak consistency, 2 = strong
consistency (Table 5.4).
This is not complete enumeration, so only the half of table needed to be filed
in. The information for probability is not needed in consistency analysis.
Consistency values can be summarised in additive approach as follow:
nj nj
Csum (Sm ) = c(kini · kj ) = c(kini · kj )
Sm:ni,nj i=1 j=i+1
Different methods exist to identify and select final scenarios like according to high
consistency or probability value. However, scenarios must be different, stable,
consistent and plausible set of factors or descriptors [50]. One of the methods
supporting this function is clustering approach. The purpose of the cluster analysis is to
divide objects (in our case values of descriptors) in a groups or clusters in a way that:
the objects of a group are as much as possible similar homogeneous to each other and
the objects from different clusters are as much as possible different, heterogeneous.
Assignment of certain partition to exactly one cluster using classical clustering
method often leads to loss internal homogeneity within a cluster and loos of
information. The fuzzy cluster analysis has on the other hand the opportunity to deal
with this problem using membership function and assigning membership to each object
to each cluster. This will help also to identify objects with high membership value in
cluster and which might be the potential representative scenario for given cluster.
The Fuzzy C-Means algorithm (FCM) [51] is the most common used fuzzy
clustering algorithm. It is objective Function Method which allow the most precise
(but not necessarily more valid) formulation of the clustering criterion [51]. The
task to find fuzzy clusters in a space can be done minimizing target function of the
problem. The function J (X, U, B) is formulated as:
J(X, U, B) = m
ui,j · d 2 β�i , x�j
j=1 i=1
5.6 A Review of Methods and Methodologies for Uncertainty Analysis 119
c Amount of clusters
n Amount of objects,
m fuzzy exponent m ∈ (1,∞),
ui,j degree of membership of object j to cluster i,
d Distance between object and cluster centre i,
xj Character vector of objects j, X = {�x1 , x�2 , . . . , x�n }
βi Character vector of cluster centre i, B = β�1 , β�2 , . . . , β�c
The function must be minimize taking into account following restrictions
ui,j = 1 for all j ∈ (1, . . . , n)
ui,j > 1 for all i ∈ (1, . . . , c)
The starting amount of cluster is not known therefore it can be selected e.g. from 2
to 9 cluster. The final amount of scenarios depends on cluster qualities or validity.
There are different quality or validity criteria’s like the Partition Coefficient,
Classification Entropy, Proportion Exponent, Normalization and Standardization
of Validity Functional etc. [51].
The simplest global quality criterion is to be minimized objective function J
(X, U, B). However, in order to reduce the large number of cluster and provide
some quality measure criteria like portion coefficient or classification entropy can
be implemented.
Partition coefficient or degree of separation
The idea based on that a good clustering of the objects makes possible the objects
clearly assign to certain cluster. The membership value must be close to 1 or
120 5 Multi-method Approaches for Uncertainty Analysis
Classification Entropy
Classification Entropy is an indicator for internal homogeneity of cluster. The
quality of clustering is bigger if entropy is smaller.
c n
PE(U) = − ui,j ln(ui,j )
i=1 j=1
Organisational Capability
• Required time and recourses: SC approach can have high time and recourses
requirements because of experts or stakeholder involvement.
• Required information: Information needs for quantitative scenarios is on the
level “Int01-04”.
5.6 A Review of Methods and Methodologies for Uncertainty Analysis 121
• Required expertise and skills: Some expertise or skills are required for using SC
particularly when using probabilities and Fuzzy inference or clustering.
• Flexibility: The approaches is used commonly in planning phase II. It can be
implemented in different Use Cases.
• Legitimacy: No information is available at this stage of research.
• Satisfaction working with method: SC is one of the popular and frequently used
• Satisfaction by DM with method: In Use Case-II, DM were satisfied with SC
and produced results Future Reading
5.6.11 Sensitivity Analysis Description
Sensitivity analysis (SA) cited in [10] and defined by Saltelli et al. [59] as “Sensitivity
analysis is the study of how the variation in the output of a model (numerical or
otherwise) can be qualitatively or quantitatively apportioned to different sources of
variation, and of how the outputs of a given model depend upon the information fed
into it”. SA can be distinguished into three different categories [11].
For identification of short list of the most important sensitive factors a screening
SA used to change inputs but not quantifying exactly the total amount of variation
that each factor accounts for [11].
Local SA compute effect of the variation in each input factor keeping others at
some constant level in order to define the rate of change of the output relative to
the rate of change of the input.
Global SA quantifies the effects on the outcomes of interests of variation in the
inputs, as all inputs are allowed to vary over their ranges. The analysis can also
include shapes of probability density function. In this case sampling procedures are
required like Monte Carlo simulation. However, for large models having hundreds of
inputs it is time resources demanding even not possible to have priory information
to specify inputs with their ranges and probability density function for all imputs.
Therefore, screening SA can be very helpful to analysis like Morris method [60].
A so-called one step-at-a-time method is performed giving in each run only one
input parameter a new value. Another method simple approach to define relative
122 5 Multi-method Approaches for Uncertainty Analysis
where x0 and y0 are nominal input and output. This measure of uncertainty
importance is also known as elasticity. However, the changes of single inputs are
not contingent on the values that other parameters may take, which is considered
partially by Morris approach.
The results of screening SA can be presented using tornado diagram [62].
The results of global SA are presented using intervals, probability or cumulative
distribution functions.
Organisational Capability
• Required time and recourses: SA do not have high time or recourse requirement.
• Required information: Depending on method the information needs is on the
level “Int02-05”.
5.6 A Review of Methods and Methodologies for Uncertainty Analysis 123
Satisfaction working with method: SA is one of the popular and frequently used
Satisfaction by DM with method: No information is available at this stage of
research. Future Reading
Compering different SA methods for models with average complexity [63] found that
simple methods like Morris method produce comparable results to those obtained by
more computationally expensive methods. A comprehensive review of SA methods
is presented by Hamby [64]. A guiding book [59] helps non-expert through their
problem in order to enable them to choose and apply the most appropriate SA method. Description
Tests are mainly for model structure, model output or behaviour uncertainty analysis.
5.6 A Review of Methods and Methodologies for Uncertainty Analysis 125
Organisational Capability Future Reading
A detailed discussion about different test have been done by Barlas [65]. Description
Both methodologies can use diverse other methods to address most uncertainty
types mainly for process driven models.
Organisational Capability
• Required time and recourses: Both approaches can have very high time and
recourses requirements because of experts or stakeholder involvement.
• Required information: Information needs depends on methods used and can
have low or high data intensity.
• Required expertise and skills: Expertise or skills might be required for some
methods used.
• Flexibility: Both approaches are flexible and can be implemented through all
planning and modelling process. However, for Use Case-II NUSAP approach
want be possible to be implemented fully.
• Legitimacy: Legitimacy of both approaches depends on special city or territory
conditions. No information is available at this stage of research.
Future Reading
Additional information about NUSAP are in [70] or [73] and for PRIME in [71]
5.7 Summary
23. Spetzler CS, Carl-Axel SSVH (1975) Probability encoding in decision analysis. Manage Sci
22(3):340–358. doi:10.2307/2629647
24. O’Hagan A (2012) Probabilistic uncertainty specification: overview, elaboration techniques
and their application to a mechanistic model of carbon flux. Environ Model Softw 36:35–48.
25. Booker JM, Anderson MC, Meyer MA (2001) The role of expert knowledge in uncertainty
quantification (Are we adding more uncertainty or more understanding?), pp 155–161.
26. Tversky A, Kahneman D (1974) Judgment under uncertainty: heuristics and biases. Science
185(4157):1124–1131. doi:10.2307/1738360
27. Mamdani EH, Assilian S (1975) An experiment in linguistic synthesis with a fuzzy logic
controller. Int J Man Mach Stud 7(1):1–13. doi:10.1016/S0020-7373(75)80002-2
28. Chen G, Pham TT (2000) Introduction to fuzzy sets, fuzzy logic, and fuzzy control systems.
Taylor & Francis
29. Siler W, Buckley JJ (2005) Fuzzy expert systems and fuzzy reasoning. Wiley-Interscience
30. Celikyilmaz A, Türksen IB (2009) Modeling uncertainty with fuzzy logic: with recent theory
and applications. Springer, Heidelberg
31. Zimmermann HJ (2001) Fuzzy set theory-and its applications. Kluwer Academic Publishers
32. Lawry J, Miranda E, Bugarin A, Li S, Gil MA, Grzegorzewski P, Hryniewicz O (2007) Soft
methods for integrated uncertainty modelling
33. Hyndman RJ, Khandakar Y (2008) Automatic time series forecasting: the forecast package
for R. J Stat Softw 27(3):1–22
34. Chatfield C (1993) Calculating interval forecasts. J Bus Econ Stat 11(2):121–135.
35. Chatfield C (2002) Time-series forecasting. Taylor & Francis
36. Williams WH, Goodman ML (1971) A simple method for the construction of
empirical confidence limits for economic forecasts. J Am Stat Assoc 66(336):752–754.
37. Wright G, Lawrence MJ, Collopy F (1996) The role and validity of judgment in forecasting.
Int J Forecast 12(1):1–8. doi:10.1016/0169-2070(96)00674-7
38. Everette S, Gardner J (1988) A simple method of computing prediction intervals for time
series forecasts. Manage Sci 34(4):541–546. doi:10.1287/mnsc.34.4.541
39. Hyndman RJ, Koehler AB, Ord JK, Snyder RD (2005) Prediction intervals for exponential
smoothing using two new classes of state space models. J Forecast 24(1):17–37. doi:10.1002/
40. Snyder RD, Ord JK, Koehler AB (2001) Prediction intervals for ARIMA models. J Bus Econ
Stat 19(2):217–225. doi:10.2307/1392165
41. Fishman GS (2006) A first course in Monte Carlo. Thomson Brooks/Cole, Duxbury
42. Refsgaard JC, van der Sluijs JP, Brown J, van der Keur P (2006) A framework for dealing
with uncertainty due to model structure error. Adv Water Resour 29(11):1586–1597.
43. Visser H, Folkert RJM, Hoekstra J, de Wolff JJ (2000) Identifying key sources of uncertainty in
climate change projections. Clim Change 45(3–4):421–457. doi:10.1023/a:1005516020996
44. Hyndman RJ, Koehler AB (2006) Another look at measures of forecast accuracy. Int J
Forecast 22(4):679–688. doi:10.1016/j.ijforecast.2006.03.001
45. Armstrong JS, Collopy F (1993) Error measures for generalizing about forecasting methods:
empirical comparisons. Int J Forecast 8(1) 69–80. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0024-6301(93)
90280-S (June 1992. Long Range Planning 26(1):150 )
46. Carbone R, Armstrong JS (1982) Evaluation of extrapolative forecasting methods: results of a
survey of academicians and practitioners. J Forecast 1(2):215–217. doi:10.1002/for.3980010207
47. Zürni SU (2003) Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Methode der Szenarioanalyse in der
Öffentlichen Planung: eine Analyse am Beispiel der Schweizer Energieplanung wiku-verlag
48. Mißler-Behr M (1993) Methoden der Szenarioanalyse. Deutscher Universitäts-Verlag, Univ,
130 5 Multi-method Approaches for Uncertainty Analysis
Two different types of Use Cases in the context of IEPCT have been identified in
Chap. 2, Sect. 2.4. Similar types of planning conditions appear in the cooperation
projects at the EIFER institute. In one study related to Use Case I—Singapore,
there was an overall vision for “Singapore sustainable growth”. However, because
of the starting conditions of the study, it was not possible to develop a single, inte-
grated, quantitative model at the beginning. This type of situation is not unique, as
experience shows that it is not easy to start to develop an integrated multi-sector
model because of various difficulties, e.g., missing data or expertise availability,
different sector departments using different approaches, and terminologies or plan-
ning rationales. Nevertheless, even in these situations, an overall view of the city
development is required, which links the different single-sector models together, at
least in a qualitative manner. In the second study, related to Use Case II—Mexico
City, there was a clear need to develop a single, quantitative integrated “waste to
energy” model for Mexico City at the beginning of the study.
The main study objective was the development of a plan for sustainable growth
in Singapore. Different models, such as a cooling system or lighting system, were
planned to be developed. However, it was only possible to integrate different mod-
els in a qualitative way at the beginning of planning. An overall uncertainty analy-
sis was required for all modelling domains addressing all types of uncertainties.
The data implemented in modelling and uncertainty analysis are publicly available
data, which had been found in journals, books or in internet.
At the beginning, the Singapore sustainable growth model was developed. The
modelling was performed according to the 3-domain modelling concept presented in
Chap. 3. Firstly defined modelling methods had be applied to each domain. In par-
allel, data were collected for uncertainty analysis, which was performed during the
modelling process. Secondly, uncertainty analysis in different domains in performed.
The performance of the applied methods was evaluated after implementation.
The targeted domain is the entire city, which considers different sub models, such
as the energy generation model, lighting model, cooling model, etc. However,
it was necessary to have an integrated view of all of these required models.
Moreover, individual models were not complete at that stage of the planning. For
this type of situation, particularly when there is little data available at the beginning
and certain expert knowledge is available, judgment driven models can be helpful.
The MICMAC approach, discussed in section “MICMAC Approach to Model the
Targeted Zone in Case 1—Singapore”, has been implemented to develop the qualita-
tive model of the study area, taking into account the descriptors of all sub models.
The picture on the top left side of Fig. 6.1 shows the interaction among d ifferent
city descriptors. The picture on the right side shows the output of analysis, i.e., the
allocation of different city descriptors according to influence and dependency. The
descriptors are mostly allocated along the dependency or influence axes, form-
ing similar as ‘L’ shape, which indicates stability of the overall model and low
dependency of different sub models, such as the cooling system or solar PV model,
on each other.
After collecting all the inputs of the sub models and including some general
descriptors of the city, such as gross domestic product (GDP), electricity tar-
iffs (Elec-tarif) etc. interdependency among these model inputs and city general
descriptors was established using qualitative terms of the MICMAC approach. The
analysis of the interaction among descriptors was performed in three steps. In the
first step, the analysis of the direct influence of descriptors is conducted; in the
Fig. 6.1 Qualitative “Singapore sustainable growth” model and identification of key descriptors
Implementation of Discussed Uncertainty Analysis Approaches …
6.2 An Example of Use Case I: Singapore 135
second step, the indirect cumulated influence is analysed; and in the third step, the
potential future influence is integrated into the analysis.
Descriptors in the highlighted area in the top left rectangle of Fig. 6.1 are those
that have high influence and low dependence. These descriptors have to be ana-
lysed in more detail and included in scenario building for integrated city model in
subsequent steps.
Figure 6.2 shows the ranking of different descriptors according to their impor-
tance (having high influence on other descriptors and low dependency). The first
column shows the ranking when only direct interdependency among different
descriptors is considered. The second column shows the ranking of descriptors
when both direct and non-direct influences are included. The third column, on the
right side, shows the descriptor order when potential influence of the descriptors,
which might have importance in the future, are also considered. Green and red
lines link a descriptor’s different ranks, which vary as information about influence
increases or decreases. A green line indicates that the importance of the descriptor
increases when indirect or potential influence among descriptors are considered. A
red line indicates the opposite.
136 6 Implementation of Discussed Uncertainty Analysis Approaches …
All pre-selected data driven models have been implemented for more than 29
datasets regarding the demography, economy, etc. of Singapore. The performance
of methods across all data sets according to quality criteria is discussed in section
“Model Structure uncertainty in the Neighbouring Domain”.
A reference impact matrix (RIM) was used to model the distant domain and
incorporate information for the neighbouring domain and targeted domain. Using
various categories, the current and possible future situations are presented in
Table 6.2, based on a literature review and expert judgment. The theoretical back-
ground or RIM is explained in Sect.
An example to clarify the output of the matrix key descriptor ‘temperature’
in Singapore is considered. According to the weak signals WS8, WS12 and WS
13 the temperature in model context will have some transient effects. However,
the trend of increasing temperature will stay. Extend of impact is evaluated and
discussed in section “Model Inputs Uncertainty Analysis of the Neighbouring
6.2.2 Uncertainty Analysis
A model context uncertainty analysis was performed using IMMA [6]. The devel-
opment and framing of the conceptual model, and uncertainty analysis of model
framing using the conformity checklist for quality assurance are demonstrated in
[6]. Also uncertainty related to ambiguity about objectives and initiatives are dis-
cussed in this study.
The developed qualitative model for the targeted domain is based on qualitative
interrelation among city descriptors. The uncertainties of interdependency are
incorporated using fuzzy linguistic terms and expert elicitation according to the
MICMAC1 approach. Additionally, judgmental sensitivity analysis is used to see
whether the position and influence ranks of descriptors change. There were some
change of key descriptors position or rankings see Figs. 6.1 and 6.2.
Impact category Trends-cycles (T) Discontinuities (D) Weak signals (WS) Wild cards (WdC)
Frame of reference
Beyond 2025 Beyond 2025 Beyond 2025 Beyond 2025
T11. Environmental- D11. Shift to Alternative WS11. Artificial Intelligence Applications WdC11. Natural Disasters
Sustainability Awareness Energy Scarcity of WS12. Consequences of Climate Change WdC12. Technological
T12. Scarce Natural Resources WS13. Efficient Energy Policies Breakthroughs
Resources D12. Climate Change WS14. New World Order and Patterns of WdC13. Energy and Oil Crisis
T13. Ageing Population D13. Sustainable Life Styles Democracy WdC14. New Political/
T14. Alternative Energy D14. New Advances in WS15. Availability of Information and Economic Alliances
Sources Medicine Confidentiality WdC15. Wars and Conflicts
Transnational D15. Smog or haze from fire
in Indonesia
National [5] 1990–2005 1990–2005 –2013 2008–2015
T15. Very high value D16. New information and WS16. Increasing temperature WdC16. From WC5
added technology & communication technologies Increasing Migration Flows
knowledge based manu-
facturing and services
City, territory, See above national level See above national level See above national level See above national level
Impacted model 2008–2015 2008–2015 2008– 2008–2015
domain, feature,
variables, param-
eters etc.
T16. Energy consump- WS17. Increasing temperature (WS8, WdC17. Demography.
tion reduction (T1;T2) WS12, WS 13) Affected by (WdC5)
T17. Increase technology WdC18. Energy and fuel
efficiency (T5) prices (WdC1;2;3)
Implementation of Discussed Uncertainty Analysis Approaches …
Table 6.2 (continued)
Impact category Trends-cycles (T) Discontinuities (D) Weak signals (WS) Wild cards (WdC)
Frame of reference
2016–2025 2016–2025 2015–
T18. Energy consump- D17. Chang of consumption WdC19. Energy supply
tion reduction (T6) patterns (D1) and (D8) security (WdC1; 2; 3; 6, 8,10)
T19. Increase technology D18. High diffusion rate of
efficiency (T8) photovoltaic panels (D6)
D19. Change of Temperature,
Solar radiation (D15)
2016–2025 2016–2025 2025–
T20. Change of D20. Chang of consumption WdC19. Energy supply
Temperature, Solar radia- patterns (D8) security (WC11, 13, 15)
6.2 An Example of Use Case I: Singapore
Table 6.3 Average performance of data driven models and methods across all data sets for some
data of Singapore
Methods, Theta ARIMA auto.ARIMA Nnet LinReg Random RobTrend
models (0.2.2) walk with
MASE 0.943 0.493 0.509 0.706 2.146 0.815 0.808
MdAPE 0.041 0.035 0.037 0.035 0.070 0.034 0.034
Theta model, arima (0.2.2) model, arima (1.2.2) is generated via auto.arima; nnetar, neu-
ral networks; RandWalkFwD, random walk with drift or ‘trend’; LinReg, Linear Regression,
RobTrend, Robust trend (see more details in Sect. 3.4.3)
Data driven model structure uncertainty has been performed using the multi model
simulation MMS method (see Sect. 5.6.9). Pre-defined methods and the models
from Sect. have been used for the same data set to identify not only the
most appropriate method according to the MASE and MdAPE values but also to
make triangulation. The performances of methods are very different for long-term
extrapolation and depend on the available historical data set.
The analysis (see Table 6.3) shows that, for large amount of memory data or
available observation (more than 12 historical periods), for 29 data sets from dif-
ferent domains, including demography and economy, the best MASE value has
ARIMA (0.2.2), automatic ARIMA and neural networks. The least best MdAPE
values show Robust Trend, random walk and ARIMA (0.2.2) and neural networks.
There is no clear ranking among different methods when considering MASE
and MdAPE jointly. The performance of tested methods and models depends
strongly on the available data amount and character of the individual data set. The
Use Case—II Mexico city will help to clarify ranking using additional data sets.
However, less than 12 memory data were not enough for the neuronal nets method
for recognition of plausible patterns. Neuronal nets showed better results when
there were large amounts (more than 20 historical periods) of memory data avail-
able especially when using quartile or monthly data. More results of the analysis
are in Appendix B.
Using multi model simulation MMS for triangulation gives the opportunity to
analyse, compare different models result and make composite extrapolation and
model structure uncertainty analysis. Ideally, triangulated results by different
methods have to be in insight the drift generated by best fitted method or model.
The distant domain is modelled using a reference impact matrix and expert elic-
itation. Uncertainty is mainly related to fixed terminologies and categories such
as trend, discontinuities, etc. used in RIM. These categories have been already
6.2 An Example of Use Case I: Singapore 143
discussed and evaluated in large expert community see Sect., therefore no
uncertainty analysis of the model structure of the distant domain is explicitly per-
formed additionally in this study.
Uncertainty of the model inputs exists for each single driving force, as well as
because of the interaction among different forces.
Fig. 6.4 Uncertainty of model driving forces, different intervals (Normal, based on normality
assumption of residue; Chebychev, interval method based on Chebychev’s inequality, see more
details in Sect. 5.6.6)
144 6 Implementation of Discussed Uncertainty Analysis Approaches …
Fig. 6.5 Consistency analysis of the targeted domain key descriptors development of Singapore
6.2 An Example of Use Case I: Singapore 145
Fig. 6.6 Cross-impact analysis of the targeted domain key descriptors development of Singapore
Despite the randomness of model inputs, which is presented using intervals (see
section “Uncertainty of Individual Model Driving Forces”), uncertainty from distant
domain are incorporated using causal forces (see Sect. Reference impact
6.2 An Example of Use Case I: Singapore 147
matrix (RIM) helps to identify the model inputs and type of impact coming from
distant domain. Different approaches have been presented how to incorporate the
extent of impact in Sect. The relevancy of a causal force for neighbouring
domain is evaluated in this case study by following overall question: Which data
driven method or model with a certain interval has the best MASE and MdAPE
value, as well as an extrapolated mean value that is still in the generated interval
if the impact of causal force is equal to the highest residue for all types of impacts
discussed in Sect. The focus was selected data driven methods and models
(see Sect. and ‘normal’ interval generation approach (see Sect. 5.6.6). The
best performance concerning the interval stability after disturbance shows linear
regression and auto arima the lows performance shows theta and arima (0.2.2) mod-
els. However, linear regression shows the largest interval and feting error.
The main inputs to build the reference impact matrix are based on the literature
research and discussion with experts to check the relevancy of different categories,
such as trends, discontinuities, weak signals, and wild cards for the given study.
However, most of these categories where already discussed and published previ-
ously by a large group of experts [3, 4].
Model output uncertainty of data driven models, which is also model input uncer-
tainty for process driven models, are analysed and presented using different tech-
niques for interval analysis (see Appendix D). The implementation of different
interval analysis methods can give different results. Different interval analysis
methods are presented in Fig. 6.4 and compared. Most stable interval generation
methods we denote ‘normal’ interval generation method. Intervals generated by
method based on Chebychev’s inequality generate very large non stable intervals
see Fig. 6.4.
The overall uncertainty of modelling the neighbouring domain includes not
only interval analysis but also uncertainty in the model input and model structure.
The process of uncertainty analysis of model output in the neighbouring domain is
used as model input uncertainty analysis of ‘process driven models’.
The model output of the targeted domain developed using process driven models
considers all uncertainty in different modelling steps and domains. Uncertainty
148 6 Implementation of Discussed Uncertainty Analysis Approaches …
analysis for this Use Case—I is performed using the fuzzy scenario uncertainty
analysis approach and the output present in different scenarios.
The final scenarios using consistency analysis are presented in the Fig. 6.8.
Over 2000 sets of different key descriptor combinations are generated. However,
some of them are not consistent, and others have very low consistency values.
A priori and posterior probabilities of different descriptor evaluations using
CIM and fuzzy inference are presented in Fig. 6.9.
The results of analysis show that scenario number 2 from enumerated 200 sce-
narios has the highest consistency in the total set of scenarios.
Different scenarios have been developed based on the method discussed before.
The results show that scenario N 2 also has, in the fuzzy inference based scenario
generation, the highest frequency of appearance. However, such scenarios as N 1,
3 or 4, which have high consistency, had low values for appearance.
For the final selection of scenarios, fuzzy-cluster analysis is implemented (see
Sect. 5.6.10).
The initially generated number of raw scenarios was greater than 2000. The
first 200 most-consistent scenarios have been selected for cluster analysis. Low
consistent and non-consistent raw scenarios have not been considered in the
6.2 An Example of Use Case I: Singapore 149
Each scenario has a certain value for several descriptors, which is also called
the dimension. In the Singapore Use Case, the scenarios have more than 10 dimen-
sions (key descriptor values). These dimensions have different scales and units,
e.g., population or energy costs. To normalise and bring different units or attrib-
utes into the same scale, normalisation has been performed using the following
ϑ − averagevalue
ϑ′ =
maxϑ − minϑ
ϑ is the real value
ϑ is the normalized value
The Fuzzy C mean (FCM) algorithm has been implemented (see Sect. 5.6.10).
150 6 Implementation of Discussed Uncertainty Analysis Approaches …
The analysis was initiated with 9 cluster centres. Figure 6.10 shows the decreas-
ing value of the objective function in relation to the amount of clusters. However, it
is not possible, on the basis of this trend, to select the final number of relevant clus-
ters because minimum optimality indicates the highest number of clusters.
The relation between the partition coefficient, the classification Entropy and the
number of clusters is presented in Fig. 6.11. To identify amount of clusters having
internally high homogeneity and externally high heterogeneous quality criteria, the
partition coefficient and classification entropy have been implemented.
For the analysis of the quality criteria, the coefficient and classification entropy
show a light elbow criterion for 3 clusters. This will be the orientation for the selection
of the number of clusters. Many studies recommend not using a large amount of sce-
narios, and instead limiting the number of scenarios within the range 3–5.
The scenarios that having the highest consistency value shows following mem-
bership values to different three clusters see Table 6.6.
The analysis shows that scenario N° 2 is also the most probable scenario. Based
on the cluster quality criteria (see Fig. 6.11), taking into account the analysis from
the previous sections. Scenarios having enumeration number N°2, N°176 and N°4
are the three scenarios considered for the final analysis. It can be interesting to
identify scenarios in opposite way, identifying first cluster centres and then defin-
ing scenarios. Doing so, it is possible to have high membership values than for
predefined scenarios.
The Singapore scenarios are visions that provide an opportunity to explore future
situations, to test implementation of actions and strategies and to support objective
and target reformulation. Different single sub models can be developed, and the out-
put uncertainty of these models can be evaluated according to these overall scenarios.
Each identified scenario has high consistency and stability and represents 3 dif-
ferent clusters.
Values of some descriptors in different scenarios are synthesised in Table 6.7.
Scenario Id. Nr. 2 Reference Scenario
This scenario has not only very high consistency but also highest frequency of
appearance compared to other scenarios. The developments of most of the key
descriptors have average value. Typical characteristics of this scenario are high com-
fort orientation, average electricity prices growth and average economic growth.
6.2 An Example of Use Case I: Singapore 151
Fig. 6.11 Trade off among the partition coefficient and classification entropy according to
amount of cluster centres
The output of the distant domain is presented in different categories, such as weak
signals or wild cards Table 6.2. Uncertainty of occupancy of these categories,
which might have impact on other models, is performed based on literature review.
The main study objective was the evaluation of various potential technologies for
energy production using waste in Mexico City. The model, which was developed
by the EIFER team with cooperation’s partners, includes the whole waste manage-
ment system and the potential energy system for energy production.
Contrary to Use Case I—Singapore, in this study the objective and initial solu-
tion were formulated a priori. Therefore, analysis of planning phase I according to
Sect. 2.2 in Chap. 2 was not required. Additionally, decision and context framing
uncertainty were not required.
This Use Case had an integrated, quantitative model that models different sec-
tors, such as waste, partial transportation and the energy system, in an integrated
manner. It was necessary to perform uncertainty analysis for this model. The
PRSUA approach was implemented for this model. The analysis steps and meth-
ods used were performed according to Sect. 5.5.3. Before uncertainty analysis
3-domain modelling concept was implemented (see Sect. 3.3).
Modelling the distant and neighbouring domain and the methods implemented are
the same as in Use Case I—Singapore. However, modelling of the targeted domain
is different. The demonstration of the modelling of the targeted domain is con-
ducted in the following sections.
6.3 An Example of Use Case II: Mexico City 153
Mexico City, also called Distrito Federal (D.F.), is one of the 32 federal enti-
ties of the Mexican State. It is the capital of Mexico and, together with the Zona
Metropolitina del Valle de Mexico City (ZMVM), is one of the most populated
domains in the world. The ZMVM consists of the 16 delegations, or boroughs,
of Mexico City, 59 municipal domains of Mexico State and one of the states of
Hidalgo. Approximately 20 million people live in the ZMVM, with 8.8 million liv-
ing in the D.F.
Mexico City generates, by itself, an amount of ca. 12,500 tons of solid waste
per day, of which 60 % correspond to inorganic and 40 % to organic waste. The
distribution of waste generation per sector is shown in Fig. 6.12. Almost 50 % of
waste is generated in dwellings, while the commercial sector accounts for 29 %
and the service sector for 15 % [8]. Waste recycling is only of minor importance
in Mexico City: only between 3 and 10 % of the total waste generated is recy-
cled in one of the three selection plants; the rest is disposed of in the landfill site
“Bordo Poniente”. Although “Bordo Poniente” is currently the only landfill site,
it was planned to close it already by the end of 2013. It is expected that the rate
of waste production will increase in Mexico City by 130 tons per year; therefore,
environmental management will become an important issue for the government
[9]. Several projects and action plans have been suggested and are in-progress
for implementation, such as a new landfill site or so-called “Centro Integral de
Reciclaje y Energia (CIRE)” on waste transfer to a landfill site in “Mineral de
Total Waste
Production <perc c3-t3>
Reforma”, in the state of Hidalgo. Within the special program for climate change,
two overall objectives were proposed: (1) achieve an integral management of
waste and (2) avoid non-controlled emissions in final disposal sites by means of
controlled combustion and energy generation through waste utilisation [10].
According to the study and project needs, the targeted domain only focuses on
the energy, waste and partially transportation system necessary to process waste
from the time of collection until and its energetic use. System dynamics modelling
approach, which describes the system as processes, was implemented (Fig. 6.13).
Because of confidential reasons the system dynamic model won’t be discussed
here detailed. The main outputs, or key performance indicators, of the waste-to-
energy model have been identified at the beginning. They are the total produced
waste, total costs and total GHG emissions. For identification of the main model
driver or descriptors, a one-at-a-time sensitivity analysis approach has been used
(see Sect. 5.6.11). Each model input has been changed separately keeping the rest
of the model inputs unaffected intentionally (Fig. 6.14).
From hundreds model inputs, 15 key model drivers have been identified as hav-
ing the highest impact on the model outputs (Table 6.8).
The main drivers of the waste-to-energy system have been modelled using data
driven modelling approaches. Different methods and models, such as ARIMA (0.2.2)
or neural nets, are discussed in Sect. 3.4.3. Different data analysis techniques exist
for historical data analysis. The focus of this book is not the descriptive but induc-
tive analysis (Fig. 6.15; Table 6.9). However, some results of descriptive analysis like
decomposition of time series, identification of outliners are presented in Appendix A.
The analysis (see Table 6.3) shows that, for large amount of memory data or
available observation (more than 12 historical periods), for 24 data sets from dif-
ferent domains, including demography and economy, the best MASE value has
ARIMA (0.2.2), automatic ARIMA. The best MdAPE values show automatic
ARIMA and ARIMA (0.2.2). More results of the analysis are in Appendix C.
The final evaluation of data driven models based on both use cases are provided
in Chap. 7.
A reference impact matrix has been implemented for modelling the distant domain.
The same categories implemented in Use Case I—Singapore, such as wild card or
156 6 Implementation of Discussed Uncertainty Analysis Approaches …
Table 6.8 List of the 15 key descriptors of Mexico city waste to energy model
Related model output Key model drivers or descriptors
Total waste Ratio of waste from inhabitant per year_Residential_glass
Growth rate of inhabitants
Growth rate waste per inhabitants
Total GHG Fuel consumption per truck diesel
Global emission per fuel diesel
Ratio of waste from inhabitant per year_Residential_SC
Global emission per fuel_LPG
Emissions Global elect. grid
Total cost Ratio of waste from inhabitant per
Specific operating costs sorting centre
Ratio of waste from inhabitant per year_Residential_SC
Specific operating costs landfill
Specific investment costs sorting centre
Specific investment costs landfill
Specific costs manpower and equipment
weak signals, have been implemented. The expected global trends of wild cards
and weak singles were similar to the Singapore case. However, the implementation
of RIM was not completely finalised due to the lack of local information in Mexico
City and project constrains. The global trends, discontinuities, wild cards and weak
signals presented in Table 6.2 are also usable for Mexico City.
6.3 An Example of Use Case II: Mexico City 157
Fig. 6.15 Population growth in Mexico, multi model simulation, composite extrapolation (Data,
historical data; Theta, ARIMA (0,2,2), ARIMA (4,1,2) is generated via auto.arima; NNAR(1),
neural networks; RandWalkFwD, random walk with drift; LinReg, Linear Regression, RobTrend,
Robust trend [see more details in Sect. 3.4.3])
6.3.2 Uncertainty Analysis
As was mentioned previously, the context and the frame, as well as the objective
and solutions or actions using waste for energy production, was predefined for
this study a priory. Therefore, the methodology discussed in Sect. 5.6.4 was not
implemented completely. However, the implementation of conformity checklist [6]
helps to updated the model context and boundary conditions.
Fig. 6.16 Syntax, and model components specification tests of Mexico city’s waste-to-energy
Table 6.9 Average performance of data driven models and methods across all data sets for some
data of Mexico
Methods, Theta ARIMA auto.ARIMA Nnet LinReg Random RobTrend
models (0.2.2) walk with
MASE 0.975 0.492 0.514 1.129 1.9 0.78 0.76
MdAPE 0.032 0.019 0.018 0.022 0.046 0.024 0.023
Theta model, arima (0.2.2) model, arima (1.2.2) is generated via auto.arima; nnetar, neu-
ral networks; RandWalkFwD, random walk with drift or ‘trend’; LinReg, Linear Regression,
RobTrend, Robust trend (see more details in Sect. 3.4.3)
6.3 An Example of Use Case II: Mexico City 159
An example shows that if Municipal Solid Waste Generated per capital is zero,
then the total produced municipal waste must also be zero.
Other tests like the policy implication test that examine how robust policy
implications are when changes are made in boundaries or parameters, are not
implemented at this stage.
Model inputs uncertainty analysis in distnat domain is performed similar to Use Case
I—Singapore see section “Model Inputs Uncertainty Analysis of the Distant Domain”.
50% 75% 95% 100%
Total Waste Production
200 M
150 M
100 M
50 M
0 5 10 15 20
Time (Year)
Model output uncertainty is generated using Monte Carlo simulation. The results
of model outputs are presented using intervals and the distribution of values with
quintiles (Fig. 6.18).
The results show a decreasing growth of the central value of the total waste pro-
duced in Mexico City. However, the uncertainty analysis shows that this value has
high uncertainty and e.g., in 20 years the waste production could ¾ time more than
central value.
1. Energy Supply Security Planning in the ASEAN (ESSPA), Promotion on Energy Efficiency
and Conservation (PROMEEC) (2009). The 2nd ASEAN Energy Demand Outlook
2. Brief diagnosis of the energy and environment context of Singapore (2010). EIFER-
Technical report, Karlsruhe
162 6 Implementation of Discussed Uncertainty Analysis Approaches …
3. Saritas O, Smith JE (2011) The big picture—trends, drivers, wild cards, discontinuities and
weak signals. Futures 43(3):292–312. doi:10.1016/j.futures.2010.11.007
4. Saritas O, Nugroho Y (2012) Mapping issues and envisaging futures: an evo-
lutionary scenario approach. Technol Forecast Soc Chang 79(3):509–529.
5. Wong T-C, Yuen BKP, Goldblum C (2008) Spatial planning for a sustainable Singapore.
Springer, Singapore
6. Mirakyan A, De Guio R (2014) A methodology in innovative support of the integrated
energy planning preparation and orientation phase. Energy 78:916–927. doi:10.1016/j.
7. Sinus Software and consulting. http://www.sinus-online.com/szeno-plan-top.html
8. Inventario de Residuos Solidos del Distrito Federal (2010). (3)
9. de Buen Rodríguez O (2008) Acción climática de la ciudad de México 2008–2012
10. Programa Especial de Cambio Climático 2009–2012 (2009)
11. Susanne Schmidt et al (2012) Mexico “Waste to energy” model. Technical report. EIFER,
Chapter 7
Evaluation and Discussion
7.1.1 General Technical Quality Organisational Capability
Both MICMAC and system dynamics are flexible approaches and do not require
high amount of time and resources. Where as MICMAC approach is qualitative,
system dynamics required primarily quantitative data. For MICMAC there is a
need for expertise in order to represents interaction among different descriptors,
for system dynamics there is also a need of knowledge to represent real physical
and/or economic processes in form of equations, relations etc.
Using MICMAC approach was very suitable because of its transparent easy under-
standable logic that takes into account special planning conditions with low quan-
titative data availability. Despite of the scarcity of data, it provides some results
required by planning participants.
As system dynamics is a commonly used approach, planning participants
were familiar with the method and no need to additional learning was required.
Particularly, system dynamics makes it possible to have a quantitative aggregated
view of the long range system’s behaviour, which was required in Use Case-II.
7.1 Evaluation and Discussion of the 3-Domain Modelling … 165 Technical Quality
Data driven modelling approaches were selected on the base of the literature review.
After implementing them in Use Cases, the methods show different performances
according error measure MASE and MdAPE discussed in Sect. 5.6.9. The compari-
son of seven data driven modelling approaches for inductive analysis, for extrapo-
lation, performed on 53 demographic, economic, climate etc. data sets, shows that
automatic ARIMA and ARIMA (0, 2, 2) have the best performance according to
MASE and MdAPE. Theta model and linear regression shows the lowest perfor-
mance. The average performance according to MASE and MdAPE shows neural
networks, random walk with ‘drift’ and Robust trend. However, the purpose of mod-
elling the neighbouring domain is not only seeking “the best” modelling method
with the least error, but having a set of different methods that can be used for com-
posite inductive analysis, triangulation and model structure analysis using different
methods from different paradigm. The best set of methods, according to the need
identified in Sect. 2.6 for long range planning, can be the composed of auto ARIMA,
ARIMA (0, 2, 2), neural networks and Random walk with drift (or we denote with
‘trend’) as reference because of its simplicity and above-average performance across
all data sets. In addition to trends identification and extrapolation, Auto ARIMA and
neural networks can also discover cyclical effects for annual based data sets. Organisational Capability
Data driven modelling approaches are quantitative and require different data
amount for appropriate analysis. As discussed in Sect. 3.4.3 ARIMA approaches
and particularly neural networks method require sufficient amount of data to be
effective. In scare data conditions such as diffusion of new technologies logistic
S-shaped curve method was very useful. The simplicity of modelling approaches
as discussed is important. ARIMA approaches and neural networks required cer-
tain analytical expertise. Other methods like random walk with drift or linear
regression are easier to understand or use, but they have low technical perfor-
mance discussed above. Most of the tested data driven modelling approaches are
available in statistical software’s like R.
The selected data driven approaches were either predefined i.e. there was no need to
adapt the model to data, or the model was automatically adapted to give data set like
auto ARIMA with less subjective judgment. Automatic features made the approach
reproducible, very flexible, easy to implement for different data sets and provides
166 7 Evaluation and Discussion
satisfactory results. However, the implementation shows that the planner needs cer-
tain analytical background or ability to learn new approaches like neural networks,
which is not commonly included in regular engineering studies at the universities. Technical Quality Organisational Capability
For development of RIM on the global level there was no additional information
required, since some information about trend, weak signals etc. was published by
expert groups before. Expertise was required for information on national and local
level which requires some time and knowledge. RIM was flexible to implement in
both Use Cases.
7.2.1 General
Quality factors for the uncertainty analysis methods were discussed in Sect. 5.3
for evaluation of the discussed uncertainty analysis approaches these quality fac-
tors are utilised. However, discussion from the literature is included for an overall
evaluation of uncertainty analysis methods. For some quality factors, such as sat-
isfaction with methods, the evaluation was performed using a qualitative descrip-
tion on the basis of the experience implementing them in the given Use Cases and
literature research.
7.2 Evaluation and Discussion of Uncertainty Analysis Approaches 167 Organisational Capability Organisational Capability
The review of different studies shows that, in context of integrated energy plan-
ning in cities and territories Sect. 4.3 and the analytical sophistication Degree 3
“Best estimate” method 5.2 is mostly used yet. However, in Sect. 4.1, the conse-
quence of using the deterministic “Best estimate” approach was shown, along with
reasons to be explicit for uncertainty analysis. Based on the discussion and analy-
sis of the implementation of FSUA and PRSUA in the previous sections, a qualita-
tive comparison of the discussed multi method approaches for uncertainty analysis
is presented in Table 7.1.
The conclusion of the comparative assessment is summarised in last Chap. 8.
By addressing several open questions, the book presents the following main
subjects. First, a 3-domain modelling concept is presented using a 3-domain meta-
system framework. Second, two novel multi-method approaches for uncertainty
analysis in the context of energy planning have been suggested. The implementa-
tion of these approaches have been demonstrated in Use Cases in Singapore and
Mexico cities and evaluated using quality factors for method evaluation.
Detailed findings and contributions are synthesized according to chapters of the
book below.
The extensive reviews in Chaps. 1 and 2 show that the following are general trends
in the context of integrated energy planning in cities or territories (IEPCT):
• Within cities and territories, a growing community awareness of environmental
• Growing interest in the use of distributed generation technologies based on
renewable resources and small-scale technologies such as cogeneration systems;
Based on integrated energy planning and modelling studies’ review, the need for
consideration of uncertainty is highlighted. Using an identified planning and model-
ling framework, a conceptual basis of uncertainty is presented showing the alloca-
tion of different types of uncertainty according to each planning and modelling step.
A review of practices in energy planning and modelling shows the gap between
need and practices and implemented methods to address some uncertainty types.
This conceptual basis clarifies the diverse typology of uncertainty in the plan-
ning and modelling process. This uncertainty concept can be reused in other
studies dealing with uncertainty, which is problematic not only in the context of
IEPCT but also in other model based infrastructure planning such as transportation
or water resource management.
• The implementation in the Singapore Use Case shows that the planning partici-
pants’ satisfaction is higher when they have ‘natural’ scenarios using FSUA than
a probability distribution or statistical significance of results using PRSUA.
• The proposed reference impact matrix (RIM) makes it possible to deal partially
with ignorance.
Although it is too early to say which approach is the best for any IEPCT, a com-
parative assessment of the proposed approaches in previous chapter can help to
identify the appropriate approach according to the importance of the quality fac-
tors for a given IEPCT.
The PRUSA might be relevant for short planning time horizons of less than
10 years and for single sector specific planning when a sufficient data amount
is available. For long-term (several decades) integrated infrastructure planning,
FSUA will be more appropriate.
Both approaches can be implemented not only in IEP in the city or territory
level but also on the national level or in other branches such as water, transporta-
tion infrastructure or general territory planning.
8.6 Future Work
Both discussed uncertainty analysis approaches are for integrated energy planning
until an integrated plan is developed. However, there is uncertainty in planning
phase III and IV, where an integrated plan has to be fleshed out and implemented
for individual projects. Future work should be performed for uncertainty analysis
in planning phase III and IV and uncertainty types for incorporating uncertainty
perception, not only from experts but also from decision makers during the selec-
tion of options.
Uncertainty related to communication and availability of time or resources,
which are present in all planning and modelling processes, is another research
topic that needs more detailed work.
The feasibility to use possibility theory combined with the random sampling
technique in IEPCT can be another resarch area.
Appendix A
Descriptive Analysis, Modelling
of Historical Data
Different methods exist for the descriptive analysis and modelling of historical
and current situation. The analysis provide about historical development of several
model descriptors. There are different methods for descriptive analysis. The results
of some implemented methods are presented below.
Useful modelling methods are like multiplicative or an additive decomposi-
tion model. The results of additive decomposition model is shown in Fig. A.1. It is
defined as follow
xt = mt + st + zt
where, at time t, xt is the observed series, mt is the trend, st is the seasonal effect,
and zt is an error term that is, in general, a sequence of correlated random variables
with mean zero.
The graphic shows that there was significant trend of minimum temperature in
Singapore in the last decades.
Different methods exist for definition of distribution of existing data and identi-
fication of possible outliner. For interactive analysis and communication of results
a histogram presents the distribution of a univariate data set graphically, which
gives the opportunity to analyse the skewness or spread of data, identify median or
potential outliners (Fig. A.2).
However, for more precise definition of the distribution goodness of fit tests
like Kolmogorov-Smirnov or Anderson-Darling tests can be useful.
Another useful graphical tool to calculate and present low and upper quar-
tiles, median or interquartile range IQR is box plot. This gives also the opportu-
nity to identify potential outliers. However, the outliers need contextual revision
before removing or replacing from original data set. According to Tukey’s Outlier
Filter [1] only in one dataset some outliner was found across all 53 time series for
Singapore or Mexico City datasets (Fig. A.3).
Inductive analysis
Inductive analysis
Inductive analysis
Inductive analysis
Inductive analysis
Appendix B: Some Empirical Results of Use Case I-Singapore 189
Inductive analysis
“Increases in consumer spending and the trends observed in values and life-
styles are expected to continue for the coming years” p. 555
190 Appendix B: Some Empirical Results of Use Case I-Singapore
Inductive analysis
Appendix B: Some Empirical Results of Use Case I-Singapore 191
Inductive analysis
192 Appendix B: Some Empirical Results of Use Case I-Singapore
Inductive analysis
Inductive analysis
Inductive analysis
Inductive analysis
Appendix D
Comparison Different Extrapolation,
Data Driven Methods and Intervals
Applied models, 10, 30 Epistemic uncertainty, 69
Error, 16, 53, 55, 69, 108, 109
Expansion, 12, 13, 63
B Expressed models, 29
Belief, 14, 17, 18, 20, 21, 98
Business planning, 2, 6
Flexible planning, 6, 35
C Forecasting, 7, 45, 47, 54, 55, 58, 62, 107
Calibrated models, 30 Foresight, 7, 11, 42, 43, 51, 59, 123
Case, 3, 6, 11, 14, 17, 28, 33, 41, 46, 63, 70, Formal model, 29, 30, 92
118, 147 Fuzzy-Scenario based Uncertainty Analysis
Causal forces, 42, 61, 62, 94, 146 approach (FSUA), 81, 87, 93, 94, 127,
Complementarity, 12, 13 131, 132, 167, 168, 176, 177
Complex system, 3, 5, 8, 9, 12, 25, 45, 46, 93,
97, 112
Computer models, 29 I
Conceptual model, 10, 29, 30, 105, 111, 138 Ignorance, 16, 81, 120, 167, 169
Initiation, 12, 13, 84
Initiative, 3, 5, 7, 33, 45, 70, 71, 138
Data-driven modelling, 44, 94, 107, 112, 165
Decision making uncertainty, 70 J
Development, 2, 4, 6, 7, 11, 13, 18, 20, 33, 39, Judgmental-driven modelling, 44, 46
40, 46, 62, 63, 71, 75, 78, 85, 86, 98,
99, 105, 108, 116, 126, 132, 138, 151,
152, 167, 170 L
Distant domain, 40–42, 45, 51, 59, 86, 93, Levels of uncertainty, 16, 33, 71
138, 147, 160, 166 Linguistic uncertainty, 16, 69, 103, 118, 144,
Domain, 5, 12, 42, 43, 45, 59, 63, 85, 89, 97, 159, 167, 169
142, 166
Driving forces, 42, 43, 60, 144
Mental models, 10, 29 Scenario, 2, 3, 5, 16, 71, 75, 85, 115, 117, 119,
Metasystem, 40, 42 121, 148, 150, 167–169
Mixing, 12, 14, 101, 105, 112, 167 Sociotechnical system, 28, 82
Model, 3, 4, 10, 11, 28–30, 39, 40, 42, 45, 46, Strategic planning, 5, 6, 26, 136
48, 54–56, 60, 68, 69, 71, 75, 81, 82, 88, Strategy, 7, 75, 115
94, 95, 108, 111, 113, 131, 132, 137, System, 1, 3, 7, 8, 10, 28, 29, 40, 43, 45, 50,
143, 147, 157, 158, 160, 161, 164, 165 51, 69, 92, 111, 123, 132, 154
Necessity, 20 Tactical planning, 26
Neighbouring domain, 42, 43, 51, 62, 86, 89, Targeted domain, 41, 42, 47, 62, 84, 92, 112,
97, 109, 114, 137, 138, 142, 147, 161, 133, 138, 147, 170
165 Theorizing, 14, 15
Timing, 14
Triangulation, 12, 13, 63, 84, 86, 94, 101, 103,
O 106, 108, 110, 112, 114, 122, 124, 126,
Operative planning, 6, 26 142, 165, 169
Planning, 3–6, 10, 11, 15, 27–29, 33, 41, 70, Uncertainty, 1–4, 11, 15, 28, 32, 67–70, 79,
71, 97, 100, 101, 104, 106, 110, 115, 80, 84, 89, 96, 104, 110, 126, 138, 142,
126, 132, 164, 165, 168, 169, 172 147, 152, 157, 166
Plausibility, 17, 20, 21, 117
Policy planning, 2, 6
Possibility, 17, 19, 20, 33, 76, 98 V
Probabilistic, Random Sampling based Variability uncertainty, 70
Uncertainty Analysis approach
(PRSUA), 81, 90, 176
Procedural uncertainty, 70 W
Process-driven modelling, 44, 45 Weighting, 14
Public planning, 2, 6
Reference impact matrix, 59, 86, 94, 97, 138,
146, 154
Rigid planning, 6
Risk, 3, 16, 75, 76, 99, 167
Rolling planning, 6