GTD OmniFocus2 Setup Guide Letter
GTD OmniFocus2 Setup Guide Letter
GTD OmniFocus2 Setup Guide Letter
Setup Guide
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11 Configure Default Project Types
12 Change Miscellaneous Project Names
13 Customizing Your Contexts for GTD Next Action Lists
14 Setting Context Views
15 Customizing Your Toolbar
15 Setting Up Clippings
16 Setting Up Mail Drop
16 Creating Email Support Folders
17 Integrating with Your Calendar
17 Syncing to iPad® and/or iPhone®
17 Using SIRI with OmniFocus
18 Adding New Projects and Related Actions
19 Adding New Next Actions and Linking to the Related Project
20 Adding New Next Actions Not Related to Projects
20 Creating Project Folders
21 Capturing Notes
21 Storing Reference
22 Processing Items in the OmniFocus Inbox
23 Due Dates or No Due Dates?
23 Mark Complete Versus Delete
23 The GTD Weekly Review® Ties It All Together
24 Saving Time with Keyboard Shortcuts
25 Additional Resources
To get the most out of OmniFocus® as a tool for your GTD practice, let’s review the fundamentals of the Getting
Things Done® approach, so you understand how the methodology and tools will intersect.
GTD is the shorthand brand for “Getting Things Done,” the groundbreaking work-life management system and
best-selling book1 by David Allen, which provides concrete solutions for transforming overwhelm and uncertainty
into an integrated system of stress-free productivity.
2. Implementation You have installed at least the basic gear to support a GTD system, including ubiquitous
collection tools, functioning reference systems for your non-actionable information, and seamless buckets with
“clean edges” for tracking your projects and next actions.
3. Behavior Change The five phases of Mastering Workflow are second nature to you. You have changed the way
you think and work and are achieving stress-free productivity on a regular basis. When you “fall off” you know what
to do to get “back on”.
This Guide will leap forward to the “Implementation” stage, by configuring OmniFocus as an organizing tool for your
projects, actions, and reference. Success at the implementation stage depends on your understanding of GTD.
If you are committed to GTD and experiencing stress-free productivity, don’t shortchange yourself by skipping the
“Understanding” stage.
Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity; Viking, New York; 2001, 2015 hardback or paperback. Available from booksellers
or at
© 2014 David Allen Company. All rights reserved. 818-15JUN2017-LTR UNDERSTANDING THE GTD BEST PRACTICES 1
yy Read the book – Getting Things Done is the essential manual for this methodology (part one is an excellent
overview of the whole game).
yy Take a course – The courses offered by the David Allen Company and our global partners are excellent primers
for understanding the key phases of Mastering Workflow.
yy Practice, practice, practice – The GTD Workflow Map (shown below) is a fantastic coaching tool for walking
yourself through the core models for capturing, clarifying, organizing, reflecting, and engaging.
Areas of Focus
and Accountability
(If multi-step)
Project Support Material NEXT ACTION? INCUBATE
(review for actions) Possible
For me to do, specific to a action Someday / Maybe lists / folders
day or time (calendar / tickler) DELEGATE
For me to do, as soon as I can Date-specific triggers
(Next Actions lists / folders / trays) If less than 2 minutes
We recommend getting the full Workflow Map, with all of the GTD models, which comes as a full-color poster
or PDF download. Visit our online store at to learn more.
© 2014 David Allen Company. All rights reserved. 818-15JUN2017-LTR UNDERSTANDING THE GTD BEST PRACTICES 2
The purpose of this Guide is to equip you with our best practices for using OmniFocus as your GTD system for
lists. This Guide is not about teaching you every feature of OmniFocus, or even using all of the features in the way
OmniGroup intends, as we have found some features to be counterproductive to the GTD methodology (e.g. forcing
all actions to be associated with a project, assigning deferred start dates on next actions, and relying on flagging
items to get your attention.) What we will coach you through are the essential features we would use ourselves and
teach our clients, to build a seamless and sustainable GTD system for lists.
I nbox – For collecting new, unprocessed input. This maps to the “Capture” phase of GTD.
Example: “Idea: I want to take a vacation”
Projects – For tracking projects/outcomes. We will also adapt this section to store Reference information.
This maps to the “Organize” phase of GTD.
Example: “Project Outcome: Take vacation to Tahiti”
Contexts – For tracking next action lists. These will be your day-to-day lists for choosing actions to
complete. Context refers to the person, place, or tool you will need to complete the action. This maps
to the “Organize” phase of GTD.
Example: “Next Actions: Search online for Tahiti hotels” and “Buy new suitcase for Tahiti”
yy Items in the inbox represent inputs you have not yet processed or organized (David Allen calls this
“stuff”). To create trustworthy inboxes for collecting potentially meaningful input, you need to empty
them regularly.
yy Processing your inbox means making decisions about what each input means and what you are going
to do about it (see Workflow Map for how this is done).
yy Use the Quick Entry window (OmniFocus Window Menu > Show Quick Entry) to do a GTD Mind Sweep 2
to capture what has your attention.
yy Use the OmniFocus Clippings or Mail Drop features to send information from other applications
directly into your OmniFocus Inbox. Configuring both of these features is explained in the section
of this Guide on Configuring OmniFocus.
yy Projects are defined as outcomes that will require more than one action step to complete and that you
can mark off as finished.
yy Your Projects list serves as a master index of the projects you are committed to completing within the
next 12 months—think of your Projects list as a current table of contents of the current outcomes on
your plate.
yy In OmniFocus, projects are stored in the Projects section.
The Mind Sweep is a GTD process for capturing what has your attention. Refer to the Getting Things Done book for helpful
Mind Sweep trigger lists.
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yy The typical number of projects for most people we work with ranges from 10-100, personally and
professionally. Current projects have at least one next action, waiting for, or calendar action, in order
to be considered current.
yy Projects that have no current next action, waiting for, or calendar action are either no longer projects
for you (completed or dropped), or should be incubated to Someday/Maybe.
yy Future actions (i.e., actions that are dependent on something else happening first) do not go on the
Next Actions (Contexts) lists until you can take action on them. Even though OmniFocus allows you
to enter a start date, we do not recommend using this feature, so that your Next Action lists truly
represent a clear view of your current action choices only.
yy The Projects list and project plans are typically reviewed in your Weekly Review, ensuring each project
has at least one current next action, waiting for, or calendar item.
yy It’s fine to have multiple next actions on any given project, as long as they are parallel and not
sequential actions (e.g., “Buy stamps” and “Mail invitations” would not both be on Next Actions lists
for the “Put on Party for David” project given that you need to
buy the stamps before you can mail the invitations). Examples of Projects Defined
yy Projects are listed by the outcome you will achieve when you by the Outcome:
can mark it as done. (What will be true?) - Roll out leadership initiative
yy Effective project names motivate you toward the outcome you - Take summer vacation
wish to achieve, and give you clear direction about what you - Buy a new car
are trying to accomplish.
yy In OmniFocus, Next Action lists are stored in the Contexts section.
yy Next actions are defined as the physical, visible steps required to get something done and describe
what you want to do to move toward a successful outcome.
yy Your Next Action lists serve as the day-to-day working lists of your action choices.
yy Contexts are sorted by the people, place, or tool required to complete the action.
yy Next Action lists are reserved for your next actions only—not sequential or dependent actions that
require something else to happen first.
yy It’s common to have multiple actions you can do in Examples of Next Actions Defined by
parallel on any given project. the Next Physical, Visible Step:
yy Next actions should start with a verb, clearly - Email Mike about budget for
describing what you will do. (e.g., Call, Read, Write, leadership initiative off-site meeting
Email, Edit, Talk to, Outline, etc.)
- Research online for hotels for
yy Projects that do not have at least one current next summer vacation
action, calendar item, or waiting for should be marked
- Test drive the new Tesla
complete, deleted, or incubated to Someday/Maybe.
yy Not every next action, calendar item, or waiting for is
related to a project. (e.g., “Buy shampoo” doesn’t mean you have to create a project called “Wash my
yy OmniFocus will force you into linking every next action to a project, but we will show you an easy
workaround for that by creating a “---” project, as a placeholder.
yy Next Action lists are to be reviewed as often as you can.
yy Effective next action descriptions attract you more than repel you toward completing the action.
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There are 10 lists recommended in the Getting Things Done book that are a good starter set for most people.
yy Next Actions lists sorted by context:
–– Agendas
–– Anywhere
–– Calls
–– Computer
–– Errands
–– Home
–– Office
–– Waiting For
yy Someday/Maybe
yy Projects
Agendas – This list tracks the topics and agenda items for people you interact with regularly. For example, if you
have a standing meeting with a particular team, and want to capture agenda items to bring up at the next meeting,
this is the place to capture them.
1. Add the person or team name in the subject line and use the note field to capture your agenda items. With this
method, you only have one agenda entry per person or team.
The advantage with option one is that all of your agenda items are parked in one place, which can be easier
to retrieve and/or print as one page before you go into a meeting.
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2. Create a separate list for each person/team. With this method, you would have many items on your Agenda list,
representing all of the different agenda items you need to track.
The advantage with option two is usually creating entries faster by simply creating a new Task, versus navigating
to the agenda entry you need and adding your item to the note field, as described in option one.
The Agenda list is not for tracking next actions that you need to take related to that person or team (for example,
a call you need to make to that person, which would instead go on your “Calls” list.) Once you’re on the call, you
may refer to the Agenda list for that person, but it’s the Calls list that triggers the action to make the phone call,
not Agendas.
You could easily have a dozen people and meetings that you are tracking this way—your direct reports, your boss,
your assistant, your spouse, the weekly staff meeting, the monthly board meeting, etc. Just be careful you don’t
create so many Agenda lists that it becomes difficult to find what you need and keep them current.
NOTE: Instead of Agendas, OmniFocus calls this People; People: Boss, and People: Spouse in the default set of Contexts.
Anywhere – An action that can be accomplished, without any restriction about where it’s done, would go on this list.
Typical examples would be: Draft ideas re: family vacation (if you like doing that by hand with pen and paper instead
of at the computer) or Draft ideas for new team structure.
NOTE: OmniFocus does not include Anywhere in the default set of Contexts. We recommend you add it, in the section of this
Guide on Configuring OmniFocus.
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Calls – Place reminders of calls you need to make in this category, if they can be made from any phone. If you are
highly mobile, take the time to type or cut and paste the phone number on the subject line as well.
Computer – If the action requires a computer (emails to send, documents to edit or draft, spreadsheets to develop,
websites to visit, data to review, etc.), place it here. This list then comes into play whenever you are at your
computer(s) with any discretionary time. Even if you only have a computer in the office, it’s still convenient to have
this list separate from your Office list of things to do, because you wouldn’t need to look at this list when the server
is down or you are looking for non-computer things to do.
NOTE: Instead of Computer, OmniFocus has two pre-populated lists instead called Mac: OmniFocus and Mac: Online. The Mac:
Online list (or Computer: Online to be consistent) could be useful if you tend to be offline at times and want to partition out
actions that require you to be online. Some people also like a list called Computer: Email if they have a high volume of email.
We do not see a need for a Mac: OmniFocus list and recommend deleting that in the Configuring OmniFocus section.
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Errands – This holds reminders of things that you need to do when you are “out and about” (stop by the bank, take
something to the tailor, buy something at a store, etc.). If you are likely to think of more than one thing to do or get
at one of those locations (like the hardware store), make “Hardware store” the Subject and put your running list of
things to get/do there in the Notes field below.
If you are a regular road warrior you might consider having two errands lists—one for things you could do anywhere,
in any city, and one for errands that need to be completed where you live.
Home – This list is for next actions that have to be done in your home environment (gather tax receipts, repair the
cabinet door, clean up the tool shed, etc.). It would also hold reminders of calls that you have to make, if you have
to be at home to make the call.
Office – These are the next actions that require you to be at your office, such as calls that you have to make from
your desk because of the materials you need for the call. Purge your files, review information stored in your office,
scan some documents, and look something up in the corporate library would also be examples of the kind of items
you would want to have on this list.
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Waiting For – This list keeps track of all the actions, projects, and deliverables that you want to happen, but which
are someone else’s responsibility. It could be something you’ve ordered that hasn’t come yet, something you’ve
handed off to your assistant for which you’re waiting on a response, or something your boss is supposed to be
finding out before you can move forward on a key project.
We suggest adding the date you started waiting in the description of the item. This can be helpful when deciding
when it’s time to follow-up again, if they have not responded.
The Waiting For list should be reviewed as necessary (at least once a week in the GTD Weekly Review® 3 ), triggering
appropriate actions on your part to follow up, light a fire, or just check the status.
Someday/Maybe – These are the things you might want to do at some point in the future, but with no commitment
to move on them at present.
Projects – Any of your desired outcomes that will require more than one action
step to complete, which you expect will be done over the next 12-18 months.
The Projects list should be reviewed weekly in the Weekly Review, and should
include reviewing your project plans and capturing any new next actions for your
contexts lists.
he GTD Weekly Review is the recommended process for getting your workflow clear and current, so that you can get creative. Refer to the
Getting Things Done book for a helpful Weekly Review checklist.
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The categories we have suggested should serve as a starting point. As we mentioned earlier, some people find
they need to break out their Computer context into more specific lists, such as Computer, Computer: Email. Some
managers find a Projects – Delegated category useful as a high-level Waiting For list, and executive support staff
can often use a context called Meetings to Schedule.
Remember, contexts map to the people, places, and tools you need to get work done. Be willing to experiment
to find the set that will work best for you. In the next section, on Configuring OmniFocus, we’ll show you how to
change the contexts built into OmniFocus to adapt them for your needs.
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These one-time configuration changes, broken down into some simple steps, should take you about 20 minutes
to complete. We recommend these changes to adapt OmniFocus to the optimal configuration that best supports
a GTD system.
Sequential assumes you only have one next action for any given project, and even if you have a context assigned
to other next actions for that project, only the first one listed will appear in Next Actions. With Sequential, additional
next actions will only appear on Next Actions when you complete actions one by one. For this reason, we recommend
only using the Parallel type for all of your projects.
With the Parallel type, you will have the most flexibility in working with your projects and completing actions. We
have found the Sequential type to be far too limiting for most people’s needs, by forcing you into only one next
action. It also makes a false assumption that the next listed next action under your project is the actual next one.
That may not be the case at all. Have you ever known, when starting a project, exactly what the steps are in the
project, in the exact order that those actions should happen, with no new variables along the way? It’s unlikely.
Therefore, we always recommend you choose Parallel as the type, when creating projects in OmniFocus, to give
you the most options in choosing what to do.
2. Under OmniFocus > Preferences > Organization, be sure Parallel is the default project type when creating
new projects:
© 2014 David Allen Company. All rights reserved. 818-15JUN2017-LTR CONFIGURING OMNIFOCUS 11
The project type can be changed in the Type field in your project details:
Before leaving the Organization preferences, change Clean up changed items to immediately:
2. Double click on the project named “Miscellaneous” to be able to edit the project name (if you do not have
a project named “Miscellaneous,” see next page).
© 2014 David Allen Company. All rights reserved. 818-15JUN2017-LTR CONFIGURING OMNIFOCUS 12
If you do not have a project named “Miscellaneous,” click on New Action in the Toolbar.
Add a new action (even a sample placeholder for now), assign it to a context (such as Online), but do not assign
it to a project. Click Save. Go back to Projects and you should now see “Miscellaneous” as a new project. Change
the name to “---” as described on the previous page.
2. Click the plus icon toward the bottom left of your window to create a new context.
3. Enter Someday/Maybe as a new context. Repeat this step for any new lists you need to create.
To change any existing Context names, double click on the current name and type in the new name. This would
be a good time to change the default “OmniFocus” list (not one we recommend) to Email, if having a separate list
for email actions that need to be completed would be useful for you.
To delete a context, highlight the context name and press delete on your keyboard. If you have actions assigned
to a context you are deleting, they will go to the No Context view.
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To change the order of any context, highlight the context name and drag it up or down in the list. Be careful where
you place it, as it’s easy to “drop” it as a sub-list of another list rather than placing it as its own top-level list.
© 2014 David Allen Company. All rights reserved. 818-15JUN2017-LTR CONFIGURING OMNIFOCUS 14
For easy access to the OmniFocus features you
will use most often, be sure your Toolbar is set
how you need it.
The OmniFocus Clippings feature can be a useful addition to your workflow. It allows you to copy text from other
applications and quickly create a new entry in OmniFocus. This can be particularly useful in email, to grab next
actions out of an email that should go on to your Next Actions lists. You’ll also likely find it useful when browsing the
web when you come across useful reference information you want to save with your Reference lists in OmniFocus.
To use this feature, you’ll need to create a keyboard shortcut for Clippings, if you haven’t already done so.
In the OmniFocus menu, go to OmniFocus > Preferences > General tab. Click on Set Shortcut, which will launch two
new windows: OmniFocus Help instructions about Clippings and a Macintosh system window to set your shortcut.
Go to the window for setting the shortcut, which will look like this:
© 2014 David Allen Company. All rights reserved. 818-15JUN2017-LTR CONFIGURING OMNIFOCUS 15
In that window, you should see two panes: on the left is a list of shortcut categories, and on the right is an outline
of items within that category. In the left pane, click on Services, and on the right scroll down until you see the group
of Text services. In there, you should see an item for the OmniFocus Send to Inbox service. Click on that service,
and an add shortcut button should appear, which you can use to assign a keyboard shortcut.
Navigate to the Mail Drop field and select Create Address and follow the simple instructions that follow.
Be sure to copy and add your new Omni Sync Server address to your address book for use later.
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Think of these folders as “storage tanks” holding the email until you can take the action or complete the waiting
for. We recommend you create the same two folders for your hard copy data. As paperless as you may think you
are, you’ll be surprised by the random hard copy things you’ll still need to track, and having an analog system that
matches your digital system will come in handy.
For example, OmniFocus will track your next actions, while Support folders (in email and hard copy) will serve as
“storage tanks” holding the supporting information you need to complete those actions.
A helpful way to think of the difference between what is stored in your Calendar versus OmniFocus is:
Calendar = Stores actions that need to be completed ON a day (e.g. Call Todd on Friday)
OmniFocus = Stores actions that need to be completed BY a day (e.g. Call Todd by Friday) or on ANY day (e.g. simply
Call Todd)
To configure the syncing between your devices, go to OmniFocus > Preferences > Synchronization tab.
Choose the type of syncing that works best for you. Many people choose the free Omni Sync service.
There are some slight differences in how the same information will be displayed across the different devices
(including the sorting of Contexts), but OmniFocus is intuitive enough that this shouldn’t be an obstacle for you.
To configure Siri for OmniFocus and to read more about this feature, visit the OmniFocus website at:
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You are now ready to start populating OmniFocus with your work.
2. Click on the + icon in the lower left hand corner of your OmniFocus window and select New Parallel Project.
3. Describe the desired project outcome in the Project Name (use “Take vacation to Tahiti” for this example).
4. Highlight the new project in the Projects list and click New Action.
5. Now enter the four actions listed below for this sample project. Pressing Enter/Return twice after each one will
bring you to a new field.
© 2014 David Allen Company. All rights reserved. 818-15JUN2017-LTR POPULATING OMNIFOCUS 18
Looking at this list, only three of these are potentially next actions that can be done in parallel, whereas one (Pack
for Tahiti) is dependent on the others happening first, and is technically a “future” or “sequential” action. In other
words, you can’t pack until you’ve bought the new suitcase. So, in this example, only the three you can take action
on now will be assigned contexts and will appear on your Next Actions lists.
This is a critical GTD learning point to understand, as it ensures your Next Action lists in Contexts remain active,
functional lists showing only the choices for action you can take now. All future actions remain listed with your
project, without a context assigned to them, until you can take the action.
Add those contexts now by clicking on the drop down menu next to each of those and assigning the appropriate
context to them.
As soon as you are able to take action on Pack for Tahiti, simply come
back to this list for this project and assign it a context. Until then, it will
be stored here and be considered part of your project plans.
In order for this method to work correctly, and for all of your current
next actions to appear in your Next Actions view, the project must be
created as a “Parallel” project (see the icon in the example above
indicating Parallel type, described in more detail on page 11) and your
view in Contexts set to “Remaining” (as described earlier in the Guide).
3. Enter a new next action for your Tahiti project (e.g., “Buy sunscreen”). Assign it to the “Take Tahiti…” project
and the Errands list. OmniFocus will suggest a list if you start typing the first few letters in the column for your
© 2014 David Allen Company. All rights reserved. 818-15JUN2017-LTR POPULATING OMNIFOCUS 19
Not every Next Action will be related to a Project. OmniFocus’s design, however, is to associate all actions to a
pre-set project called “Miscellaneous.” That’s why, earlier in the Guide, we asked you to change Miscellaneous
to “---.” If you didn’t make that change page on page 12, we recommend you do that now.
2. Enter your Next Action (“Send flowers to mom”), don’t assign a project, but do assign it a context.
4. In the Context view, this will appear under the context list you assigned to this next action and in the Project
view, this will appear under the project “---”.
NOTE: You can also use the New Action icon in the Toolbar to create new next actions, which will create new items for
whatever list you have highlighted in the left margin. Be careful with this, as it’s easy to start adding actions to the wrong
context. If you do that, you can simply drag and drop them to the correct list or adjust the context in the drop-down menu.
To create new folders, click on the + sign in the bottom left-hand corner of OmniFocus and choose New Folder.
You can move your Projects into folders and change the order of your new folders by simply dragging and dropping
them into the order you prefer.
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Both Contexts and Project forms include a handy note field for
capturing additional information, such as text, hyperlinks, and file
attachments. This can be helpful when you want to add details that
don’t belong in the subject line (which is typically reserved for your
project name or next action). You can view, add, or edit your notes
by clicking on the entry and viewing the note box in the right panel.
For example, here are notes associated with an Agenda list:
We have found that the Projects section works well to store various reference lists and checklists. For example,
a common checklist recommended in GTD is the travel checklist. A great place to park this is in the Projects
section, created as a Single Action list. To do this, go to the Projects view. Select File > Add Single Action List.
Name your list.
© 2014 David Allen Company. All rights reserved. 818-15JUN2017-LTR POPULATING OMNIFOCUS 21
To get started, here are some possible reference categories and lists to play with:
Checklists Clients
Areas of Focus Fun
Ideas Great quotes
Inspirations Might like to read
Might like to buy Next time in…
Music to download Vacation ideas
If you create a number of these Single-Action lists for reference, you may find it helpful to group them together
in a folder called Reference. For example:
If you use the Quick Entry form for a new item, but do not assign it to a project or next action, it will be sent to the
Inbox view in OmniFocus. If you use the “Clippings” feature in OmniFocus (mentioned on page 15 of this Guide),
those items will also appear in your Inbox, if you did not assign a context or project. To process Inbox items,
highlight the item in the Inbox, edit the subject line to capture your next action (remember to include a verb),
assign it to a project if applicable, and select the context list required to take the action.
For example, let’s clarify the item “cards” that was captured:
3. As soon as you click away from the Inbox view, or click the Clean Up icon in the Toolbar, the item will be
removed from the Inbox view and get moved to the context or project list you assigned it to.
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Our recommendation is to use due dates so that you trust them. In other words, use them carefully, so that when
you see them they are actually a motivator and an accurate reflection of your choices. Many people get into the
habit of due-dating everything to death, which leads to not really trusting any of them. Even though OmniFocus
allows you to enter a start date, we do not recommend using this feature, so that your Next Action lists truly
represent a clear view of your current Action choices only.
On the other hand, if it serves no harm and you have the space on your computer, there’s no reason to delete what
might be useful to recall someday or remind you of the excellent work you’ve completed.
Collect Loose Papers and Materials
Get “IN” to Zero
Empty Your Head
Review Action Lists
Review Previous Calendar Data
Review Upcoming Calendar
Review Waiting For List
Review Project (and Larger Outcome) Lists
Review Any Relevant Checklists
Review Someday/Maybe List
Be Creative and Courageous
© 2014 David Allen Company. All rights reserved. 818-15JUN2017-LTR POPULATING OMNIFOCUS 23
OmniFocus has a Review function built-in with our GTD Weekly Review in mind. We don’t consider this to be
an essential feature of OmniFocus for your doing your GTD Weekly Reviews, but it can be a useful piece to try.
Please note—using this feature does not replace what we consider to be the complete GTD Weekly Review.
It’s simply helping to facilitate reviewing Action, Project, and Waiting For Lists, in our checklist above.
To use the Review feature, click on the Review icon in the Sidebar.
You will see a list of your current Projects. Review each one, ensuring each one has a current next action and any
actions you’ve finished are marked complete. This is where you would assign any “future” actions to context lists
if they can be done now. If they are still a future action, they remain where they are, with no context assigned,
until your next review of that project.
When you have completed reviewing a project with the Review feature, click the Mark Reviewed button to log the
date of your last review in the Review box in the details panel for that project. (The Mark Reviewed button only
applies to the overall Project, not the Next Actions under that Project.)
© 2014 David Allen Company. All rights reserved. 818-15JUN2017-LTR POPULATING OMNIFOCUS 24
Our intention with this guide was to show you the essential set of features in OmniFocus that are available to build
a seamless system of lists for yourself. It’s tempting for some people to create their initial system with a complex
set of lists and sub-lists. If you have a solid understanding of the GTD and OmniFocus basics down, by all means
experiment with a more customized setup.
Be careful not to overcomplicate your systems to the point where you can only maintain them when you are at your
peak of mental clarity. It’s too easy to be out of that mindset and have the whole system fall apart. Your list manager
should be complex enough to manage your workflow, but simple enough that if you were sick in bed with the flu
you could still easily maintain it. Don’t worry about using every feature in OmniFocus or any tool. There is likely far
more built-in than you will ever need. Focus on what makes a difference for you.
If you are new to OmniFocus, this Guide should be an excellent starting point for you to build a solid foundation
for managing your Projects and Actions. If you are already established in OmniFocus, use it as an opportunity
to fine-tune or simplify if you have found you’ve under-used or overbuilt your setup.
Please visit our website to take advantage of the many support tools and services available to assist you in getting
your GTD system up and running.
David Allen Company
© 2014 David Allen Company. All rights reserved. 818-15JUN2017-LTR CONCLUSION 25