Law No. 10 of 2003 On Telecommunications Regulatory Law
Law No. 10 of 2003 On Telecommunications Regulatory Law
Law No. 10 of 2003 On Telecommunications Regulatory Law
Law No. (10) of 2003 Concerning Egyptian Telecommunications (As amended 2022)
Promulgated on 4 February
Promulgated by Egypt Telecommunications Regulation Law
In the name of the people,
The President,
The People Assembly has adopted this law and we hereby enact it:
Article 1
The provisions of the attached law shall enter into force and shall regulate all types of telecommunications
except for those excluded by a special text, or by any other law, or required by virtue of the provisions of
the law due to national security issues. Any provision in discord with the provisions of the attached law
shall be repealed.
Article 2
Whoever operates a Telecommunications network or provides telecommunications in the Arab Republic of
Egypt on the date of the enforcement of this law shall legalize its affairs under the attached law, according
to the rules and procedures to be issued by a resolution of the competent Minister, within six months as of
the date of the entry into force by this law.
Article 3
This law shall be published in the official Gazette, and it shall come into force as of the day following the
date of its publication. This law shall be stamped by the Seal of the Republic and shall be implemented as
one of its laws.
Issued in the Presidency on: 3 Dhul Hijjah 1423 AH
Corresponding to: 4 February 2003 AD
Hosny Mubarak
Article 1
In the application of this law, each of the following expressions shall bear the meaning assigned thereto
respectively: be into force definitions
1. The Authority (NTRA)
The National Telecommunications Regulatory Authority.
2. Competent Minister
The Minister in charge of Telecommunications matters.
3. Telecommunications
Any means of transmitting or receiving signs, signals, messages, texts, images or sounds of whatsoever
nature whether through wired or wireless communication.
4. Telecommunications Service 2/18
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Providing or operating telecommunications using any means whatsoever.
5. Telecommunications Network
The system or the group of integrated systems for telecommunications including any needed
6. User
Any individual or juristic person who uses or benefits from Telecommunications Services.
7. Telecommunications Service Provider
Any individual or juristic person authorized by NTRA to provide one or more of the Telecommunications
8. Operator
Any individual or juristic person authorized by NTRA to construct and operate a Telecommunications
9. Equipment
Any instrument, machine or device used or prepared to be used in Telecommunications Services.
10. Telecommunications Terminal Equipment
Telecommunications Equipment used by a User to connect to a Public or Private Telecommunications
11. Infrastructure
All that is used or prepared to be used in telecommunication, including buildings, lands, structures,
machines, equipment, cables, towers, poles, communication lines, systems and software.
12. Private Networks
Telecommunications systems providing Telecommunications Services to a single user using a
Telecommunications Network without providing services to any other party.
13. Radio Waves
Electromagnetic waves used in providing Radio Telecommunications Services.
14. Frequency
Number of complete frequencies per second for a single Radio Wave.
15. Frequency Spectrum
Range of waves that can be used in wireless Telecommunications as specified by the publications of the
International Telecommunications Union (ITU).
16. Frequency Band
A part of the Spectrum, which starts with a specific frequency and ends with another one.
17. Interconnection
Connecting the licensed networks of two or more Providers with each other enabling connection between
Users through whatsoever networks or services they use.
18. International Telecommunications Service
Telecommunications Service between Users in Egypt and abroad through international Telecommunications
19. National Security
All related to the Armed Forces, Military Production, Ministry of Interior and Public Security, National
Security Authority, the Presidency and all Authorities related to these entities.
20. National Security Entities
Including the Presidency, the Ministry of Interior and the National Security Authority.
21. Rescue and Emergency Telecommunications Services :
Including ambulance, police, civil defense and fire department. 3/18
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1. Publicity of information
2. Protection of free competition
3. Provision of Universal Service
4. Protection of Users' rights
All of these shall be as clarified herein. 4/18
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Such standards shall be issued by resolutions from the concerned ministers and the heads of the
aforementioned entities, and such resolutions shall be published in the Egyptian Official Gazettes. 5/18
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3. A representative of the Ministry of Defense chosen by the Minister of Defense.
4. A representative of the Ministry of Finance chosen by the Minister of Finance.
5. Four representatives of the National Security Entities.
6. A representative of the Radio and Television Union chosen by the Minister of Information.
7. Six members appointed by a decree from the Minister Concerned, three of them shall be experts on
telecommunications and three shall be public figures representing the Users.
8. One of NTRA employees to be nominated by the Federation of Egyptian Workers.
Except for the Executive President of NTRA, the Board of Directors membership duration shall be two
years, renewable, and the membership remuneration shall be determined by a decree from the Prime
The Board of Directors may constitute a committee or more among its members, on a temporary basis, to
be assigned with some duties. The Board shall also have the right to delegate some of its powers to the
Chairperson of the Board or the Executive President. 6/18
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the Telecommunications field. Also setting the rules regulating the issuance, granting and cancellation
or modification of these certificates, and setting curricula and examination procedures as well as
controlling and supervising the educational technical aspects in these institutes, without prejudice to
other powers prescribed in this respect for the Ministry of Education concerned.
18. Looking into whatever may be suggested by the Chairperson or the Executive President to the Board.
All regulations stated in this Article are to be issued by virtue of a resolution by the Minister Concerned.
Article 16 Authority of the Chief Executive to replace the Chair of the Board
The Executive President shall temporarily replace the Chairperson of the Board in case of his absence or
vacancy of position.
Section I Licenses
Article 22
NTRA resolutions regarding licenses shall be published in the Official Gazette or any of the widespread
daily newspapers at the expense of the licensee, provided that publishing includes all licensing conditions. 8/18
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Commitment to provide uninterrupted service and abiding by the procedures to be adopted in case of
disconnection or suspension of the service.
6. Determining the price of service, methods of its collection and the obligation of publicizing such
7. Making the services available to the public without discrimination.
8. Abiding by NTRA National Numbering Plan.
9. Considering Universal Service Obligations.
10. Providing rescue and emergency call services free of charge and providing subscribers' directory. All
of this shall be in accordance with the type of the licensed service.
11. Commitments related to National Security restrictions.
12. Commitments related to health and environmental safety, constructional and planning technical rules
that should be applied in accordance with the standards set in coordination with the State Ministries
and entities concerned.
13. Contributing to scientific research and training.
14. Commitment to pay the charges set by NTRA for burdens sustained towards the verification of the
licensee's fulfillment of his obligations as well as deposits and all periodical dues.
15. Providing all information and data requested by NTRA in connection with the license.
16. Payment of financial penalties and compensations.
17. Providing services within the scope of free competition rules.
18. Setting a system for receiving and investigating complaints and clearing efficiently the faults.
19. Guaranteeing confidentiality of Telecommunications as well as for licensees' customers' calls and
setting rules to ensure such confidentiality.
Article 28 Interconnection
In order to achieve Interconnection, different Telecommunications Services Providers shall abide by the
1. Disclosing the technical specifications and data of the offered services that may be required for
achieving interconnection to enable any of the Service Providers to become aware thereof.
2. Concluding agreements to achieve Interconnection with reasonable terms that do not discriminate
between any of the Service Providers, provided that such agreements are submitted to NTRA for
approval, or joining agreements already concluded and approved by NTRA in this respect.
3. Submitting the data necessary to establish and prove the extent of harm occurred to the Service
Provider as a result of an act by any subscriber in another Service Provider Network, upon a petition
filed by the Service Provider claiming damages and following approval of NTRA.
NTRA shall set the rules and conditions to achieve Interconnection in case of disagreement between
Service Providers at the request of any of them. 9/18
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NTRA shall, when studying any of the disputes, have the right to request any of the parties to submit the
necessary documents or data. The decision issued by NTRA in the dispute shall be conclusive.
The Minister Concerned shall issue a resolution determining the rules and regulations for the proceedings
of such disputes.
It is prohibited to file any action before a Court of Law regarding such disputes except after a resolution is
issued by NTRA or after 60 days have lapsed from the date of submission, whichever is shorter.
Section II Permits 11/18
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specifications and types of equipment approved by NTRA.
NTRA shall obtain consent from the Armed Forces, the National Security Authority and the Ministry of
Interior before importing, manufacturing, assembling, possessing or using for its favor and before it grants
authorizations to the units of the administrative authorities of the State including ministries, authorities,
municipal administrative units and organizations, entities, companies of all types, individuals and others,
with respect to Telecommunications Equipment specified by a resolution from the Minister of Defense in
coordination with National Security Entities.
Provisions of the first paragraph shall not apply to equipment used in radio and television broadcasting of
the Radio and television Union provided that the Union shall obtain the consent mentioned in the second
paragraph in accordance with the provisions stated therein. 12/18
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The license shall be issued within a period not exceeding 90 days from the date of submission of all
necessary documents with due consideration to the requirements of the Armed Forces and National
Security Entities.
The licensee shall only use a Frequency or a Frequency Band in accordance with the license conditions. In
case of breach of such conditions, NTRA may cancel such license.
Provisions of this Article shall not apply to Frequency Bands exclusively allocated by the International
Telecommunications Union for services provided by the Radio and Television Union.
Provisions of this Article shall also not apply to the existing networks used by the Radio and Television
Union for transmission and distribution of its radio and television programs.
Article 55 Right to inspect and monitor frequency use and license compliance
NTRA may use all the means, which enables it to detect unauthorized frequency usage and to verify that
the licensees comply with the conditions of their licenses. In addition, NTRA may also inspect authorized
Radio Equipment to verify their compliance with the licensing conditions. This shall be done in coordination
with the Armed Forces and National Security Entities in order to ensure non-infringement of regulations
applicable at such entities.
Article 69
Employees assigned by NTRA, the Armed Forces and National Security Entities may, upon a resolution by
the Minister of Justice in coordination with the Concerned Minister, be considered judicial officers regarding
crimes committed in violation of this law as related to their positions' scope of work.
Part 7 Penalties 15/18
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In all cases, the court shall, automatically pass a ruling obliging the perpetrator to pay the value of
whatsoever has been demolished or damaged or the costs of restoration, without prejudice to the right of
indemnity. 16/18
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imprisonment and/ or a fine not less than one hundred thousand pounds and not exceeding three hundred
thousand pounds. This penalty does not apply in case of wireless devices which NTRA issues a general
licence for their possession, use, installation or operation without prejudice to the provisions of Article (44)
The rigorous imprisonment penalty shall be applied in case that the equipment is imported, manufactured,
assembled, possessed installed, operated, used or marketed in violation of the Law for the purpose of
breaching the national security.
The penalty referred to in the first, second and third paragraphs of this Article shall be doubled in terms of
its minimum and maximum limits in case of recidivism.
In all cases, the court shall order the confiscation of the crime-subject equipment along with its
components. 17/18
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the administration concerned. In case of negligence or inactiveness, the administration concerned or
whoever it assigns shall execute such removal, and in all cases it shall be done at the expense of the
Article 85 Penalties for Violations of Articles (19), (21/3), (28/1), (28/3) and (59/2)
A fine penalty of not less than twenty thousand pounds and not exceeding two hundred thousand pounds
shall be imposed on any Telecommunications service provider or operator who violates any condition of
the license granted thereto, or infringes the technical quality controls or the standard measures of
performance quality for the licensed Telecommunications services.
Whoever infringes the Telecommunications services rates as approved by NTRA shall be liable to a fine
penalty equivalent to tenfold the amount charged in excess to those rates. The fine shall recur by the
number of users in whose respect the infringement has taken place.
Article 87 Exemption for the Armed Forces and National Security Entities
Provisions of Articles (5 "item 8", 21, 24, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44 "first clause", 48, 51 "first clause", 53 and 59)
of this law shall not apply to the Armed Forces, National Security Entities and Companies of the National
Authority for Military Production in regard of Telecommunications Equipment that are related to National
Security requirements.
Also the provisions of Articles (59) of this law shall not apply to the Radio and Television Union, and the
provisions of Articles (51) and (53) shall not apply to rescue and emergency services and other services
provided by the Services Organizations of the State. 18/18