Deep Learning in Mental Health An In-Depth Analysis of Prediction Systems
Deep Learning in Mental Health An In-Depth Analysis of Prediction Systems
Deep Learning in Mental Health An In-Depth Analysis of Prediction Systems
Abstract- Millions of people worldwide continue to suffer from Types of anxiety disorders include panic, phobias, social
a variety of diseases that frequently go undetected or untreated, anxiety, separation anxiety, illness anxiety, and obsessive-
making mental health disorders a major public health concern. In compulsive disorder. According to an epidemiology survey in
addition to a full examination of the many types of mental 2018, anxiety disorders are prevalent in 6 to 16% of the world’s
disorders, symptoms, diagnostics, and investigations of mental population [3]. Depression is characterized by pleasure loss and
disorders, this review paper gives a detailed description of the uninterrupted sadness. It influences your functioning in normal
mental disorder detection utilizing deep learning-based situations, like thinking and behavioral patterns. Depression can
methodologies. The review starts out by going over the frequency, be a chronic long-term illness or even short-term; it varies from
importance, and difficulties in timely diagnosing mental health
person to person.
illnesses. The system design for employing deep learning to identify
mental disorders early on is then further explored. In addition, the Some of the symptoms of depression include feelings of
comparative analysis component of the article, which is covered in sadness, angry outbursts, sleep disturbances, tiredness, reduced
the literature review section, provides a critical evaluation of the or increased hunger, lack of concentration, anxiety, a feeling of
datasets and evaluation metrics currently in use for training and worthlessness, suicidal thoughts, and physical pains [4].
evaluating deep learning models for the identification of mental Depression can be categorized into Major Depressive Disorder,
disorders. The advancements in this field, including the Bipolar Disorder, Seasonal Affective Disorder, Persistent
identification of depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, and other
Depressive Disorder, Psychotic Depression, and Postpartum
mental health issues, are demonstrated through a thorough
Depression. The aim of the paper is to emphasize the research
assessment of recent studies and their findings. This work also
discusses future possibilities and challenges in the field of deep conducted by various researchers in the field of mental disorders
learning for the diagnosis of mental disorders, highlighting the detection using various machine learning and deep learning
importance of large-scale, diversified, and representative datasets. approaches, based on the symptoms and diagnostics of mental
disorders [5]. The article summarizes the symptoms, diagnostic
Keywords- Mental health, Machine learning, Deep Learning, methods, and detection techniques that have previously been
Anxiety, LSTM employed for the detection of mental disorders.
Usually, this procedure is conducted by mental health experts of elimination to arrive at the most accurate
with training, including psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, and diagnosis.
licensed therapists. The following outlines the essential elements
The length of time and the intensity of
of the mental disorder diagnostic process (Table 1): symptoms play crucial roles in the diagnosis of
mental disorders. Generally, conditions are
diagnosed when symptoms endure for a
specific duration and have a substantial impact
Diagnostics Descriptions
on the individual's everyday existence.
This is the beginning of the diagnostic process,
which entails a thorough assessment of the
Continual observation and reevaluation hold
patient by a mental health professional. The
significant importance because mental health
gathering of information about the person's
conditions can evolve over time. Consistent
Clinical medical background, family history, and
Ongoing follow-up meetings with the mental health
Assessment current symptoms is part of this evaluation. To
Monitoring expert are pivotal in confirming the
gather pertinent data, the assessment typically
effectiveness of treatment and making
uses interviews, questionnaires, and
necessary modifications when required.
standardized evaluations.
Once a diagnosis is made, a treatment plan is
The DSM-5, which is published by the
developed. Treatment options may include
DSM-5 American Psychiatric Association, is
Treatment psychotherapy, medication, lifestyle changes,
(Diagnostic and frequently used by mental health professionals
Planning and other therapeutic interventions tailored to
Statistical as a reliable source for diagnosing mental
the specific disorder and individual.
Manual of disorders. The criteria and explanations it
Mental provides help professionals make accurate
During the assessment process, mental health
Disorders, Fifth diagnosis for a variety of mental health
practitioners may closely observe the
Edition) problems.
individual's conduct and mannerisms. This
Observation observation can yield valuable insights into
Certain countries utilize the International
their mental condition and the symptoms they
ICD-10 or ICD- Classification of Diseases, which is issued by
are experiencing.
11 the World Health Organization, as a tool for
(International mental disorder diagnosis. This system offers a
Some physical and neurological conditions can
Classification of worldwide standard for categorizing medical
mimic or contribute to mental health
Diseases) and mental health conditions. Rule Out
symptoms. It's essential to rule out any
underlying medical issues that may be causing
Psychometric assessments, including Conditions
or exacerbating the symptoms.
personality evaluations, cognitive
examinations, and mood measurements, might
be conducted to acquire impartial information
about the individual's psychological II. LITERATURE REVIEW
performance. Machine and deep learning algorithms have been useful in
studying patterns and predicting the output of patient data at an
Family members, close friends, or other
relevant sources might provide further
individual level in order to achieve better results. These
perspective on the person's behavior and algorithms use statistical and computational methods that can
Collateral automatically learn from data and shows promising results in
symptoms. This additional information can be
very helpful in producing a more thorough understanding large-scale mental health problems. Keeping these
review. facts in mind, we have presented the authors' contribution to
detecting and diagnosing various types of mental disorders using
Differential Mental health professionals may consider
Diagnosis multiple potential diagnoses and use a process various machine and deep learning techniques that had been
encountered during their research (Table 2):
AUC = 80%
Data collected from Lithium
Nunes et al. [14] Depression disorder Random forest Sensitivity = 53%
treated patients
Specificity = 90%
Autism screening behavioural
Shamseddine et al.
Neurodevelopmental disorder data Logistic Regression Accuracy = 65%
Autism facial image data
Accuracy = 94.11%
eXtreme Gradient Recall = 94.16%
Mateo et al. [16] Bipolar disorder Real EEG data
Boosting Precision = 94.42%
F1 score = 94.79%
Following the problem definition, the next phase is data ensuring the quality of the dataset. Tasks within this phase may
collection. During this stage, a comprehensive dataset is involve minimizing noise in the data, employing data
assembled, encompassing individuals both with and without the augmentation techniques, and normalizing data to a consistent
target mental disorder(s). It is imperative that this dataset format. Additionally, the dataset should be partitioned into
accurately represents the population you intend to serve. Each distinct subsets for training, validation, and testing purposes. This
data sample should be meticulously annotated, with labels separation is essential for the accurate evaluation of the model's
denoting the corresponding diagnosis or the severity of the performance. In the feature extraction phase, deep learning
disorder. The subsequent phase, data preprocessing, is crucial for models exhibit their capability to autonomously discern pertinent
patterns within the raw data. However, depending on the data's neural networks can impede clinical adoption. Researchers and
modality (e.g., text, audio, or images), there may be a necessity practitioners must continue to develop AI systems that provide
to preprocess the data and extract relevant features, such as insight into the decision-making process and are interpretable.
sentiment from text, acoustic characteristics from audio, or This review concludes by highlighting the revolutionary potential
distinctive attributes from images. The model selection process is of deep learning models for mental disorder detection. In the
critical in determining the appropriate deep learning architecture future, we can develop and investigate techniques to enhance the
to employ. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are well- interpretability of deep learning models used in mental disorder
suited for image data, while Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) detection. Personalized Mental Health Assessment will
excel in handling sequential data, such as text or time-series data. simultaneously investigate the creation of personalized mental
For scenarios involving multiple data modalities, architectures health assessment models.
like Convolutional-LSTM, which amalgamate features from
different sources, may be advantageous. Moreover, in cases with REFERENCES
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