Zixi Liu is a PhD candidate at the GPS Laboratory at Stanford University. She received her B.Sc. degree from Purdue University
in 2018 and her M. Sc. degree from Stanford University in 2020.
Juan Blanch is a senior research engineer at the GPS laboratory at Stanford University.
Sherman Lo is a senior research engineer at the GPS laboratory at Stanford University.
Todd Walter is a Professor of Research and director of the GPS laboratory at Stanford University.
GNSS serves safety-of-life applications in aviation such as precise navigation for approach and landing operations. Interference
events happen near airport can severely affect the safe operations of the airspace. A recent interference event happened at
Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport (KDFW) in October/2022 caused a widespread disruption. This incident resulted in
multiple aircraft reporting GPS unreliable within 40NM, closure of a runway, and rerouting of air traffic. In this study, we
performed a detailed investigation on this event, and run our localization algorithm to provide an initial estimation of the
potential jamming source.
There were no public reports from ground infrastructures during this event, which means collecting data from the ground is
not sufficient. Therefore, in this study, we used data collected from Automatic Dependent Surveillance—Broadcast (ADS-B)
system. It is a satellite-based surveillance system on the airplane which broadcasts aircraft position information. ADS-B is
already widely in use and was made mandatory in Europe and the U.S.A. by 2020. This ubiquity and openness of ADS-B
provides widely available source of GNSS information.
In addition to investigating Dallas event, this research also built on our previous work on localizing interference sources (Liu
et al., 2022) and provided a method to calculate an error bound on the final estimated jammer location. In our prior research, we
built an algorithm that can identify the most likely location and transmitted power of potential jammer in real time. In this work,
we designed an algorithm to provide real-time confidence information about the localization result. The error bound calculated
from this confidence monitoring scheme is compared with result from the bootstrap method (Stine, 1989). The goal of this
design is to help narrow down the ground searching area in order to physically shut down the jamming source. We implemented
and demonstrated this capability using recorded ADS-B transmissions from known interference events.
Automatic Dependent Surveillance—Broadcast (ADS-B) is a surveillance system on the aircraft that periodically broadcasts
the GNSS derived position every 0.4 – 0.6 sec on a 1090MHz frequency band (DO-260B RTCA (Firm), 2011). The benefit
of using ADS-B data for interference detection and localization, compared with traditional methods such as radio direction
finding, is that it’s less time consuming. In addition, this crowd-sourced data from multiple aircraft offers broader coverage
of the impacted airspace. The drawback to this method is that ADS-B message does not contain information from the GNSS
receiver such as carrier to noise ratio (C/No). However, ADS-B messages have some built-in parameters which indicate the
integrity and accuracy levels of the reported GNSS measurements. In our research, we used Navigation Integrity Category
(NIC) to estimate the quality of GNSS reception. NIC describes the size of an integrity containment radius that the current
horizontal position is guaranteed to be within, with 99.999% probability. Figure1 shows the tables for NIC and how it reacts
under different circumstances. According to ADS-B equipment performance requirements defined in Title 14 of the Code of
Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 91 by Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration (2013),
under normal circumstances, the aircraft’s NIC value must be ≥ 7 (containment radius less than 0.2 nautical miles). When NIC
equals to 0, the corresponding errors are much worse than typical GNSS performance. For GNSS to perform this poorly, other
than incorrect setting of the ADS-B system, it is likely that the aircraft has been severely affected by the jammer.
In this study, we used ADS-B data to investigate an interference event happened at Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport
(KDFW) in October/2022. We refined and applied our localization algorithm which identified the most likely location of the
jammer with an error bound for the Dallas event. In addition, it generated a probability heat-map for the possible locations
of the interference source. The main goal of this research is to design a system of algorithms that is able to perform rapid
detection and accurate localization of GNSS interference source. The resulted information should help identify and characterize
some properties about the potential jamming source. The ultimate goal is to have this algorithm be able to quickly identify and
guarantee finding the interference threat in order to physically shut down the jamming source.
In this paper, we validated and tested the algorithm on two GPS interference events. The first event occurred around Denver
International Airport (KDEN) in January 2022. Figure2 shows how that interference event affected aircraft GNSS reception
and hence ADS-B outputs. On the left is a top view picture of aircraft flight tracks passing KDEN during few hours on regular
days, and the plot on the right shows data collected from few hours during the interference. The color of each dot represents
corresponding NIC value. On regular days, all aircraft have NIC value greater than or equal to 7. On the contrast, during
interference, some aircraft have low NIC values such as NIC = 0 (dark blue) which can be observed at the center of the plot on
the right.
Figure 2: Top view of ADS-B data collected from KDEN before (left) and during(right) interference event.
The second event happened recently around Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport (KDFW) in October/2022. This event
caused dramatic impact including a closure of a runway, and rerouting of Texas air traffic. The cause or the source of the
interference is still unknown at current stage, we did our own investigate on this event and we run our algorithm to estimate the
most likely jammer location with a probability heat-map. Figure3 shows a sample plot of how aircraft has been affected during
a 1-hour time window. To have a better visualization, all position points with low NIC values (NIC < 6) are marked in red and
position points with high NIC values (NIC ≥ 6) are marked in green. The detailed investigation of this event is shown in the
result section.
Figure 3: Top view of ADS-B data collected from KDFW airspace on October/17/2022.
The localization algorithm we designed involves solving linearized weighted least squares problem of the jammer characteristics
which are location and transmitted jamming power. Therefore the unknown states of the algorithm can be written as [x, y, z, Pt ]
in Earth-centered, Earth-fixed coordinate system (ECEF).
The measurement in this problem is the amount of jamming power received by the aircraft at each position point which is
written as Pr [dBW ]. Since ADS-B data does not provide direct information about received jamming signals, we need to infer
information about the GNSS reception from the NIC value of ADS-B data. We characterized the relation between NIC and
received jamming power through data collected from a Trimble receiver under attack of wideband jammer. Figure 4 shows
the experiment result. The x-axis is the received jamming power at the aircraft antenna and the y-axis is the NIC value. The
experiment is done by simulating transmission of different levels of jamming power to the aircraft antenna. For each power level,
we observed a set of position points with protection level information. Then we convert protection level to NIC value based
on table shown in Figure 1. The result gives us an observable relation between received jamming power and NIC value. The
top plot shows box plot of the experiment result. The bottom plot shows how many percentage of points were at corresponding
NIC value and the mode value at each power level is connected by a black line. This experiment helps us understand what is the
expected amount of received jamming power for a given NIC value and the corresponding variances.
To estimate or predict the amount of jamming power received at each point, we use the Friis formula (H. T. Friis, 1946) which
shows the power loss of a signal from the transmitter to the receiver in a space without signal blockage. Pr is the power
received in watts, Pt is the power transmitted in watts, λ is the transmitted signal wavelength in meters, d is the distance between
transmitter (jammer) and receiver (aircraft) in meters, Gt , Gr are the transmit and receive antenna gain.
Gt Gr λ2 Pt
P̂r =
(4π)2 d2 (1)
where d2 = (x − xa )2 + (y − ya )2 + (z − za )2
The objective function then becomes to minimize the difference between the estimated (Pˆr ) and measured (Pr ) received jamming
power at each position point. The aircraft position can be written as [xa , ya , za ] in ECEF:
σ̂ 2 = ∥Pr − Pˆr ∥2 (3)
Where m is the number of measurements and n is the number of unknown parameters in jammer state. Once we have the variance
of the noise, we can calculate the error variance of the estimator from the covariance matrix of the least squares estimator. One
thing special about this problem is that the objective function itself is non-linear, to better fit the problem into weighted least
squares problem, we first convert power from watts to dBWatts by taking 10log10 of both sides, then linearize the objective
function about current Kth iteration:
f (X) = Pr − P̂r ≈ f (X (k) ) + (X (k) )(X − X (k) ) = A(k) X − b(k)
h DX i
where A(k) = 2(x−x a) 2(y−ya ) 2(z−za ) −1 (4)
ln(10)d2 ln(10)d 2 ln(10)d 2 ln(10)Pt
Then the 95% confidence interval of ith estimator in jammer state X = [x, y, z, Pt ] can be calculated by:
x̂i ± 1.96 var(
ˆ x̂i )
ˆ x̂i ) is ith element on the diagonal of (A(k)T A(k) )−1 σ̂ 2
where var(
By removing the above types of anomalies, we now have a better understanding of the timeline and impact regions of the Dallas
event. Figure7 shows how many numbers of flights have been affected with respect to time. We identified jammed flights based
on the reported NIC value and the flight tracks behaviours such as sudden loss of the flight path. The significant impact of
the jamming started at around 10/17/2022 19:21:00UTC and ended at around 10/18/2022 19:10:00UTC. Figure8 shows the
overall picture of how aircraft have been affected spatially. For better visualization, this plot only shows flight paths observed
during a 3-hr time window. On the left is a top view of all flight trajectories, on the right is the side view of flight paths with
respect to latitude and longitude. By looking at only the points that were affected, the impact region seems to indicate that the
jammer is more likely to be a directional antenna than omnidirectional, and this antenna type information is considered during
the implementation of our localization algorithm.
Figure 7: Numbers of flights been affected before, during, and after the jamming event.
Figure 8: Top view (left) and side view (right) of all flight tracks during 3-hr time window.
Figure10 shows the results obtained from Bootstrap method. We created 10,000 sets of data. The plot on the left shows jammer
locations calculated from using bootstrap method and the cyan cirle shows the jammer location calculated from running Gauss
Newton method on the original dataset. The plot on the right shows distribution of estimated jammer latitude and longitude.
Recall that in the least squares method, we represent jammer location in terms of (x, y, z) in ECEF. Therefore, we need to
convert latitude and longitude from degree to meters in ECEF. The resulted error variance from the 10,000 subsets of solutions
is [1.3798e + 07, 8.1378e + 05, 2.7101e + 06, 1.360].
Figure 10: Estimated jammer locations and distribution from Bootstrap method.
Now that we have the error variance from both methods, we can then calculate the corresponding error bounds with 95%
confidence interval using equation 5. Figure 11 shows the error bound from both methods. The error bound obtained from
least squares is larger than the error bound from bootstrap method. This is as desired since the algorithm needs to protect the
reliability by having more robust bound on the estimated jammer location.
Figure 11: Error bound from Least squares and Bootstrap method.
b) directional antenna
We can change the antenna type from omnidirectional to directional by changing the antenna gain pattern which is Gt in
equation2. By looking at only the affected points as shown in Figure13, it is likely that the jammer is a directional antenna
pointing towards an azimuth angle aiming 30◦ or 210◦ . This direction does not align with any runway at Dallas-Fort Worth
International airport, so it is also possible that the interference source is omnidirectional but the jamming signal is blocked from
the east and west side by nearby buildings or mountains.
Figure 13: Sampled ADS-B data with an emphasis on affected position points (low NIC).
Figure14 shows the residual heatmap of jammer location assuming it is static directional with continuous transmission. This
objective function points more strongly to the global minimum point which means the assumption of directional antenna fits
better to current dataset.
Figure 14: Residual heatmap with the localization result and corresponding error bound, assuming transmitter with directional antenna.
We gratefully acknowledge the support of the FAA Satellite Navigation Team for funding this work under Memorandum of
Agreement #: 693KA8-22-N-00015. We also thank OpenSky Network(Schäfer et al., 2014) and ADS-B Exchange for providing
ADS-B data for this study.
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