Nayana Aicet
Nayana Aicet
Nayana Aicet
Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is one of the most popular and significant missions in the
History of India. This campaign was introduced by the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, and was
launched on 2nd
October 2014 to honour Mahatma Gandhi’s vision of a clean country.
Slogan ―One step towards cleanliness‖.
Note: Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi received the award of ―Global Goal
keeper from the Gates Foundation forth initiative of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan on September 25,
2019, in New York.
Initially, this Swachh Bharat Abhiyan campaign was run on a national level in all the towns,
rural and urban areas.
Swachh that is cleanliness is the abstract state of being clean and the habit of achieving and
maintaining that state. Cleanliness may imply a moral quality, as indicated by the aphorism
"cleanliness is next to godliness", and may be regarded as contributing to other ideals such as
health and beauty on a practical level cleanliness is related to hygiene and diseases prevention.
When we talk about hygiene and diseases then it is necessary to add drinking water and
sanitation with it. Without proper sanitation we can‘t keep our surroundings clean and prevent
ourselves from diseases. Around 1989, David Strachan put forth the "hygiene hypothesis" in the
British Medical Journal that environmental microbes play a useful role in developing the
immune system; the fewer gems peoples are exposed to in early childhood, the more likely they
are to experience health problems in childhood and as adults.
Sanitation and drinking water in India have always been the central issue. However, it
continues to be inadequate despite of the longstanding efforts by the various levels of the
government and communities to improve the coverage. The rural sanitation programmed in India
was introduced in 1954 as a part of First Five Year Plan of Government of India. The 1981
census revealed that rural sanitation coverage was only 1%. The government has begun giving
emphasis on rural sanitation after declaration of International Decade for Drinking water and
Sanitation during 198190. In 2015, 40% population has access to improved sanitation, 63% in
urban and 29% in rural area. In 2008, 88% of population in India had access to an improved
water source but only 31% had access to improved sanitation. In rural areas where 72% of
India‘s population lives, the respective share is 84% for water and 21% of sanitation. In the light
of the above, on 2nd October, 2014, Prime Minister of India launched a nationwide cleanliness
campaign called Swachh Bharat Mission.
• PlasticseRaksha‖
• SwachhtaPakhwada‖
• SwachhtaShramdaan‖
• SwachhtaHeeSeva‖
The action plan for the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is laid by the Ministry of Drinking
Waterand Sanitation. The vision is to triple the facility of sanitation by 2019. The major change
to be implemented is in the Making of an Open Defecation Free (ODF) India.
seats, and 2.6 lakh public toilet seats. It also proposes to establish solid waste
management facilities in every town.
The major objective of the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is to spread the awareness of
cleanliness and the importance of it. The concept of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is to provide basic
sanitation facilities like toilets, solid and liquid waste disposal systems, village cleanliness, and
safe and adequate drinking water supply to every person.
At the core of these mission components:
1. Individual house hold toilets.
2. Community toilets.
3. Public toilets.
4. Municipal Solid Waste Management.
5. Information and Education Communication (IEC) .
6. Capacity Building.
• The Urban Clean India mission seeks to eradicate open defecation; convert insanitary toilets
to flush toilets; eradicate manual scavenging, and facilitate solid waste management.
• The mission emphasizes on ushering in a behavioral change among people, for healthy
sanitation practices, by educating them about the damaging effects of open defecation, the
environmental dangers spreading from strewn garbage, and so on.
• To achieve these objectives, urban local bodies are being brought in and fortified to design,
implement and operate systems to promote a facilitating environment for the participation of the
private sector in terms of both capital and operations expenditure.
• Construction of Anganwadi toilets and management of solid and liquid waste in all Village
Panchayats is the object of the Clean India mission.
Ranking of cities
Every year, cities and towns across India are awarded the title of ―Swachh Cities‖ based on their
cleanliness and sanitation drive as a part of the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan that was launched in
• Indore in Madhya Pradesh is India‘s cleanest city and Howrah in West Bengal is the
• Out of 10 cleanest cities, 3 are from Andhra Pradesh, 2 are from Madhya Pradesh and
Maharashtra, and while Gujarat, Telangana, and Delhi each have one.
• Out of 10 dirtiest cities are from West Bengal only.
• 118 out of 500 cities were found to be Open Defecation Free (ODF).
• According to the survey among top 50 clean cities: Gujarat has a maximum of 12
cities followed by Madhya Pradesh with 11 and 8 in Andhra Pradesh.
• Telangana and Tamil Nadu account for 4 cities each followed by Maharashtra with 3
• Note: The 2024 ranks are yet to be out. It will be released post the complete of
Swachh Survekshan 2024 (1st February – 15th February 2024).
Drinking Water
Well, hand pump and pond are the major source of water in the village. In recent times,
awareness level on drinking water has been increased. Purification of water is believed to be a
preventive measure which decreases the possibility of water borne diseases.
In the past, villagers use to visit to the quacks for treatment of diseases. However, awareness on
health has been increased considerably. Now, most of the villagers got the PHC or private
Students of K R Pet Krishna Government Engineering College, K R Pet are taking part in
AICTE Activity-2 at Surroundings of Government engineering college, K R Pet below we will
see how things are done by those days.
We chose the topic ―Developing and managing efficient Swachh Bharat system‖ as the second
activity, under this we took up the cleanliness of the college, we did this activity for five days as
two hours a day, we picked some places and took their cleaning, disposal of waste, plastic, tear
down unwanted we did in the grounds that our college campus looks beautiful compared to
before, this has resulted in good places to sit on the college campus, all teachers have encouraged
us to complete this activity, and I would like to thank them all.
3.1 Introduction
“The Roots of Education are Bitter, but the Fruit is Sweet”–Aristotle
General Introduction :
In every student‘s life SSLC examination is an important stage, in this stage almost all
students are feared about the public examination. Most of the students will scoreless marks in the
examination, though they worked hard due to lack of systematic study and planning.
At times it becomes confusing for students after completing their class 10th board‘s examination
what to do next. Some students try to take a break, and some move ahead to choose after 10 th
courses. 10th standard is a significant point in a student‘s life. The stream/path that he/she
chooses after 10th will co-operate a large role in determining his/her career path.
“Live as if you were to die tomorrow, Learn as if you were to live forever” –
Mahatma Gandhi
Celebrate the exams as a festival‖ it means don‘t be too much worried about the exams,
feel freely. Start your preparation right now. When you do smart work, it is not too difficult to
score more than 90 marks in all subjects in 10th class exam. The figure 2.1 shows the four major
things we need to focus. There are:
• Reading.
• Writing.
• Time.
• Health.
Reading Tips: "Weapons practice should not be during war", it means do not read
overnight on exam days, finish the work as soon as possible. Please understand and read
it will help you more.
The following points will tell you how to read:
• Make a proper time table (later we discuss in detail how to make a time table), and read as
per the schedule mentioned in that time table.
• Collect some previous year question papers. Practice solving previous years question paper
sand sample/model Papers, because by solving previous year question papers, we are aware
of these things:
Selection of question.
About quantity of answer.
About composition of lessons.
• Read the chapters in detail and try to summarize each chapter in your own words.
• First read the question paper properly, use the first 15 minutes effectively and don‘t worry too
much about difficult questions, first attend the easy questions properly.
• Make Key Notes: Making of key notes play a very important role, let us see how to make
key notes among individual subjects, recall the key points once before you go to sleep.
• Queen of the subject “Mathematics”: Mathematics is a high scoring subject; you just need
to make sure to be clear with the concepts. Practice more and more to solve your problems.
Make separate copies for formula and theorems to revive easily any Time.
In the key notes, write the theorems and practice well.
Note down the formulas separately.
• Social Science:
Be perfect at locating the place, rivers, multi-purpose river valley projects, air ports and
• Science:
Writing Skills
• Hand Writing: Try to write neatly as much as possible, your writing should be eligible, if
your hand writing is not so good, don‘t worry too much about hand writing, then give more
importance to presentation that will help you score more marks.
• Presentation Skills: Presentation is also an important skill to gain good marks in exams.
From our presentation we can attract evaluators. The following points will help you how the
presentation should look like:
Write your answers point by point.
Avoid strike offs.
Make strike offs by marking a single line over the word or sentence, wherever necessary.
Under line the highlight points by using pencil.
Time Management:
Time is very precious and we should not waste it in anyway. Likewise, we can earn the
money we spent but we cannot get back the time we have lost. So, this makes the time more
valuable than money. Hence, we should utilize the time in the most possible way.
Making of Time Table: Make a proper time table and read as per the schedule
mentioned in that time table, when preparing a time table, consider the following points:
Make a time table yourself depend on your convince.
Allot the time for all the subjects, in that time table.
Which subjects are more difficult for you, allocate more time for the difficult subject.
Give some break between the one subject to the another subject.
How to manage time during examination: Time is more precious in exam hall, manage
the time thoroughly and utilize the 3 or 2(1/2) hours properly in exam hall.
Health is wealth, health is very important so give importance on your health, when you have
good physical health, then you can write the exam well or else it will be very difficult. Eat
healthy food in appropriate quantities.
Health Care Tips: Don‘t read overnight during exam days, because our mind need five
to six hours of sleep, stop negative thoughts and motivate yourself, and take care of your
• Take rest.
The figure 3.2 shows some more experts tips on how to get good grades/marks in 10th class
exams, it consists of 12 valuable tips, more concentrated on these tips and study well,
“If you are planning for a year, sowrice; if you are planning for a decade, plant trees; if you
are planning for a lifetime, educate people” –Chinese Proverb
Many students as well as parents today are perplexed by this question. Choosing your future
begins with self-analysis; and we do mean SELF. The opinion of your parents, teachers, and
friends should count a little, but not too much. Traditional thinking seems to limit your choices
to science, mathematics, commerce and humanities – but that‘s no longer the case. Your careers
are now best based on your natural skills and talents-whether for writing or for sports or for any
interest dear to you. If you have a pen chant for music, acting or modeling then choose subjects
that will help you pursue these career courses after 10th. You have many options as……..
• PRE UNIVERSITY COURSES (PUC): „Science, Commerce and Arts‟. Though some
streams do offer combinations between the above three, most schools and colleges have
clearly defined optional subjects. Except in NIOS (or if a student has obtained
exemption due to Learning Disability), one has study another language with English.
The most common choices offered are Kannada, Hindi and Sanskrit, while selected
colleges do offer French and other languages also.
The four ―core‖ [3] or ―optional‖ subjects define which category the student belongs to.
Commerce: Commerce is the most popular stream among the students after 10th
standard. There are more career options available after completing graduation in
commerce stream.
The students have interest making career as Chief Financial Accountant, Financial Manager
Economist, Finance Consultant, Company Secretary, Financial Planner, Foreign Trade cost, and
works account and banking jobs take commerce stream after 10th standard.
Science: craze for the subjects of science has its special space in education field where
students learn physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology, electronics and other subjects.
Students may have career opportunities to become doctor, engineer, scientist and others
in this stream.
1. PCMB - Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology.
2. PCMC - Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Computer Science.
3. PCME - Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Electronics.
Arts: Students who plans their career mainly in IAS, Economist and Psychologist etc. In
fact, this stream is for those students who have strong linguist, social, artist and
interpersonal intelligence. This stream have interesting subjects such as Psychology,
Sociology, Education, Languages, Music, Economics, History, Geography, Political
Science, Logic, etc.
DIPLOMA COURSES: Engineering Diploma courses are job oriented and enable the
diploma holders to work for reputed employers. These courses happen to be of 3 years of
span and every academic year is separated into two semesters. So altogether, there are 6
semesters with each having a 6 monthly term. Post completion, the students will be
granted with the Diploma degree.
Diploma Streams: Moreover you can have option for having Diploma from Industrial
Training Institutes as well as Diploma in Commercial Art, Diploma in Stenography,
Diploma in Laboratory Technician, Diploma in Hotel Management & Catering
Technology, Marine Diplomas, Diploma in Beauty Culture & Hair Dressing , Diploma in
Garment Technology, Diploma in Art Teaching and etc.
Diploma in Journalism.
Diploma in Fashion Designing.
Diploma in Engineering.
Diploma in Nursing.
Diploma in Interior Designing.
Paramedical Courses: Diploma in any of the courses listed underneath is useful for
students who are not willing to opt in for junior college and wish to straight away go in
for something semi-professional. Once you complete this, you are all set for a job at the
age of 17 or 18. This is useful for individuals who wish to join the work force quickly.
On the other hand, post you complete this course; you can opt for another course in
degree or certification in the event that you wish to specialize in something different or
switch the stream. List of paramedical courses:
ITI Corses: Industrial Training Institutes offers admission to ITI courses for students
who have completed their class 10. The main aim of the institute is to provide the
technical skills of the aspirants and help them grow in the industrial sector. There are
many ITIs across the country in public as well as private sectors providing professional
training to the candidates. The ITI courses are certificate program for engineering and
non-engineering stream. The aspirants will receive a National Trade Certificate on
successful completion of the course. The institutes offer training in two types of courses:
The courses under engineering background are technical in nature focusing on concepts of
mathematics, science and technology.
The non-engineering courses cover non-technical concepts including soft languages and specific
skills and knowledge of other sectors.
The duration of these courses can vary from six months to three years. The top
government and private institutes analyze the skills of the students with the written test. Some
private institutes also provide direct admission.
The courses under engineering background are technical in nature focusing on concepts
of mathematics, science and technology.
The non-engineering courses cover non-technical concepts including soft languages and
skills specific and knowledge of other sectors.
The duration of these courses can vary from six months to three years. The top
government and private institutes analyze the skills of the students with the written test.
The Class 10th results are announced by CBSE, ICSE and most of the state education
boards, it will be time for students to decide what to do next. If you think that industrial work and
smallscale businesses are your things then ITI courses after 10th can help you in getting good
jobs after completing the course. ITI courses after 10th are for students who want to pursue
short-term courses in order to pursue jobs.
If you want to start earning early, then courses offered by ITI after class 10 is one of the options
that you have.ITI courses after 10th can also help you choose specializations according to your
area of interest as Industrial Training Institutes (ITI) offer diverse programs in engineering as
well as non-engineering fields.
ITI Courses Admission Process: The admission process for ITI courses in India
varies from state to state. Some states conduct a centralized admission process for ITI
courses, and the selection of candidates will be based on merit i.e., marks scored in Class
10th exams.
ITI Courses: ITIs or Industrial Training Institutes are usually organizations or training
centers that provide courses to students seeking easy employment just after completing
school. These
Vocational center strain students in performing certain tasks to enable them to get a job by the
end of the course duration. These courses can be technical as well as non- technical and students
can pick one according to their preferences.
ITI in Tool and Die Making: This is one among the unique courses and the duration of
the course will be three years. One will learn about metal working skills, hot- working of
metals, surface grinding, cylindrical grinding, engineering drawing and others.
ITI in Mechanic of Radio and TV: The employment opportunities are huge after
companies and refurbishing firms besides government undertaking. One can also consider
self- employment.ITI in Mechanic Medical Electronics: With ITI course in this
specialization, one can also aim for higher studies such as BE in medical electronics and
diploma in medical electronics. After pursuing this course, one will get opportunities as a
biomedical equipment technician, medical equipment repairer, network specialist and
ITI in Laboratory Assistant of Chemical Plant: This is a well-known position in the
chemical plants with a lucrative pay band. This is also a two-year course and candidates
will learn both practical and theory. The positions involved after pursuing this course is
research associate, R&D associate and laboratory analyst.
ITI in Horticulture: This course involves an agriculture plant cultivation trade. One will
learn about various techniques involved in the cultivation that includes fruit and vegetable
cultivation. They will also learn about soil fertility and soil fertility management.
ITI in Draughtsman (Mechanical): This two-year course will make students get
familiar with all the basic concepts involved in draughtsman. One will get jobs as a junior
technical assistant, an AutoCAD draughtsman, a draughtsman piping and a structural
draughtsman.ITI in Building Maintenance: The course is all about how to repair and/or
maintain residential buildings with many things such as painting, roofing, installation and
drywall. They will get opportunities in commercial complexes such as multi scale
operative and maintenance assistant.
On the completion of the classwork, candidates have to appear for the AITT (AllIndiaTrade Test)
that is organized by NCVT (National Council for Vocational Training).Once the candidates pass
the AITT, candidates will be awarded a National Trade Certificate that will enable them to
practice different courses. Candidates seeking job opportunities in welding, carpenter workshops,
electrician shops, textile mills, etc. can find different opportunities after completing this course.
After completing courses from ITI, candidates can also seek jobs in government workshops and
various other government job profiles. Students looking for ITI course can also have a look at the
diploma courses to pursue after class 10th.
Higher Studies
Diploma Courses: There are several engineering diploma courses available for students who
have completed ITI training in technical or engineering courses.
Just like other professional and vocational courses institute, even ITIs have dedicated placement
cells which look after placement of students. These placement cells have tie-ups with various
governmental organizations, private companies and even foreign companies, who hire the
students for jobs in several trades.
Jobs in Public Sector Units: The biggest employer of ITI students is the public
sector or the government agencies. Students who have completed their ITI can seek
employment with various Public Sector Units / PSUs such as Railways, Telecom / BSNL,
IOCL, ONCG, State wise PWDs and others. In addition to this, they can also explore
career opportunities with the Indian Armed Forces i.e., Indian Army. Indian Navy, Air
force, BSF, CRPF and other paramilitary forces.
Jobs in Private Sector: Private sector, especially the ones dealing in manufacturing
and mechanics seek out ITI students for trade specific jobs. The key sectors in which ITI
students can find lucrative career opportunities include construction, agriculture, textiles,
energy. As far as specific job profiles are concerned, electronics, welding refrigeration
and air- conditioner mechanic are the most sought- after skills in an ITI student in the
private sector. SelfEmployment: This is probably the most important advantage of
opting for ITI course, a sit allows one to start own business and be self-employed. Thanks
to the preference towards whitecollar jobs, professionals who do blue collar services.
Therefore, today we find an acute shortage of trained and qualified plumbers, carpenters,
construction workers, agricultural workers etc. This is a great opportunity for students
with an ITI certificate to start their business and be selfemployed.
Jobs in Foreign Countries: Another career opportunity that ITI students can
explore after the completion of their course is off-shore jobs. Similar to India, many
developed and developing countries are facing the shortage of blue-collar professionals;
people who can fix things or provide associated services. Especially for specific trades
like Fitters, there are many job opportunities with international oil and gas factories and
shipyards etc.
Planning is the key of success. If we study as per the planning definitely we will succeed in the
examination. I hope you all go through proper planning and get succeed, if you score more, my
effort will be effective and fruitful. Work smartly, all the best to everyone.
Many of you must have already chosen the stream and subjects which you are going to study in
the higher education, and some of the students are confused to choose the right one, I hope this
section will helpful to everyone. All of you have a bright future, All the best for your future.
I hope you all make a good marks in your upcoming 10th examination, and also choose the best
course after class 10th.
4.1 Introduction
Digital payments are transactions that take place via digital or online modes, with no
physical exchange of money involved. This means that both parties, the payer and the payee, use
electronic mediums to exchange money.
The Government of India has been undertaking several measures to promote and
encourage digital payments in the country. As part of the “Digital India” campaign, the
government has an aim to create a „digitally empowered‟ economy that is “Faceless, Paperless,
and Cashless’. There are various types and methods of digital payments.
Digital payments can take place on the internet as well as on physical premises. For
example, if you buy something from Amazon and pay for it via UPI, it qualifies as a digital
payment. Similarly, if you purchase something from your local Kirani store and choose to pay
via UPI instead of handing over cash, that also is a digital payment.
Digital Transaction:
A digital transaction is a seamless system involving one or more participants, where transactions
are effected without the need for cash. The digital transaction involves a constantly evolving
way of doing things where financial technology (fintech) companies collaborate with various
sectors of the economy for the purpose of meeting the increasingly sophisticated demands of the
growing tech-savvy users.
Key Takeaways:
• A digital transaction is a process by which transactions take place without the use of cash.
• A digital transaction involves the collaboration of several parties including large financial
firms and a number of sectors within the economy.
The rise of the digital payments era has been nothing short of meteoric. From its birth in
the early 90s to its dominance today, we have reached the stage where it is almost impossible to
fathom a world in which digital payments didn‘t exist.
As the use of physical cash continues its decline, digital payments continue to strengthen
its iron grip on the financial transaction environment, offering users a greater level of speed,
safety, convenience, and efficiency than cash ever could.
The history of digital payments is quite recent, making its development all the more remarkable.
• A web of opportunity
It‘s safe to say that the introduction of the internet opened up a realm of opportunities that had
never been dreamed of before. The launch of ARPANET back in 1966 laid the technical
foundation for the internet as we know it today.
While the platform existed in the mid-1960s, it was not until the late 1980s when we started
truly noticing the internet‘s potential.
In 1989, Tim Berners-Lee devised a system of pages and sites which could be connected by
hyperlinks, effectively paving the way for the realization of digital payments.
The mid-1990s saw the introduction of online payments. The Stanford Federal Credit
Union is credited as the first organization to offer their clients an online payment system, having
first done so in 1994.
Legend has it that the first-ever online purchase was a pizza from Pizza Hut! Several
corporations soon followed suit, with digital payment giants Millicent and E-cash launching
in1995 and 1996 respectively.
These corporations specialized in supplying electronic cash alternatives, such as digital cash,
emoney and tokens. This period also saw the birth of another ecommerce company: a little
corporation called Amazon.
The company‘s system became wildly popular with eBay users, the online auction firm. As
PayPal continued to push the boundaries with innovative solutions such as making payments
using email addresses and mobile payment apps, eBay launched its online payment service
called Billpoint to ring-fence their clients and rival PayPal.
However, Billpoint never gained much traction with users. E-Bay eventually gave up on
Billpoint and purchased PayPal in October 2002. As the saying goes, if you can‟t beat them,
acquire them.
In the coming decade there will be numerous factors that shape the way the government
delivers services to the citizens. Indian consumers are hungry for new, simple and personalized
digital experiences. From 10,000 million transactions in 2016-17 to 20,540 million in 2017- 18,
there has been a large-scale adoption of digital transactions in India, because of the spread of
smartphones and mobile internet at affordable prices. With Digital India, the government aims to
make the country a faceless, paperless, cashless society. It has come up with a six-point formula.
• All cash counters in government offices should put up BHIM-UPI QR codes for
accepting digital payments.
• Cash counters can send an indent to customers‟ phones to enable payment through UPI.
There are only 3.1 million POS (point-of-sale) terminals in India compared with nearly
60 million merchants, creating a challenge for the government. However, over the past two
years, the POS terminal presence has improved substantially. Reduced debit card pricing for
merchant payments, increase in use of cards for non-cash withdrawal transactions and improving
adequacy of POS terminals are healthy signs for sustaining the cashless momentum.
There will be a saving of Rs2 lakh crore if the country goes for digital payments, as the
cost of handling and transporting cash would go down. For the digital dream of India to
materialise, digital trust in the government will be at its core.
• Mobile Wallets
• Phone pay
• Google pay
• Paytm
Dept of ECE , K K GEC K R Pet. Page 32
AICTE Activity 2023-24
• PoS Terminals
• Internet Banking
• Mobile Banking
One of the most significant advantages of digital payment is the seamless experience they
provide to customers. Reduced dependency on cash, fast transfer speed, and the ease of
transacting make online payments a preferred option.
• Economic progress
Customers transact more online when they see the ease security of online payment
While demographic factors like age, gender and income are relevant factors which
determine this choice, we find compelling evidence that a person’s usage of digital payment
methods is influenced by her perception of these instruments, as well as her trust in the overall
payments framework and banking system in general.
This activity was done in Kikkeri Village as per our survey Kikkeri has a total population
of 647 peoples. Literacy rate of Kikkeri village is 56.31% out of which 66.17% males and
48.13% females are literate. There are about 77 houses in Kikkeri village. Pincode of Kikkeri
village locality is 571423.
Survey Results
This survey given the information about number of people using online payment, UPI, mobile
banking like phone pay, Google pay and other method.
• Then with our instructions villagers installed themselves and made their first payments.
We chose the topic ―Facilitating 100% Digitized Money Transaction‖ as the second activity,
under this we took up the digitization of the village, we did this activity for five days as two
hours a day, we picked Mallenahlli village.
Digital payments are transactions that take place via digital or online modes, with no physical
exchange of money involved. This means that both parties, the payer and the payee, use
electronic mediums to exchange money. By giving all information made a installation of digital
payment toaware them and made theirs payment by giving demo to the to people.
Sustainable water management means the ability to meet the water needs of the present
without compromising the ability of future generations to do the same. Water sustainability also
means effective and holistic management of water resources. Sustainable development is systems
are commonly defined by the brunt land as meeting the needs of present generations without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. ―Needs‖ include
economic, environmental and ecosystem service delivery, and cultural goals including identify
and subjectively defined values. Together, these are commonly referred to as the sustainability
triple bottom line. Sustainable development is the combination of sustaining the natural
environment, resources, and community, and development of the economy and societal goals.
(SWM) is a critical component of sustainable development. May defines SWM as meeting
current water demand for all water users without impairing future supply. More specifically
SWM should contribute to the objectives of society and maintain ecological, environmental, and
hydrologic integrity. For groundwater management cites protection of the components in the
sustainability triple bottom line environment, economy and society. A more holistic objective is
provided in agenda 21 which ensures that ―adequate supplies of water of good quality are
maintained for the entire population of the planet, while preserving the hydrological, biological
and chemical functions of ecosystems, adopting human activities within the capacity limits of
nature and to combat vectors of water –related diseases.
Sustainable development and SWM are inherently related due to the requirement of water for
development .water is a fundamental requirement for human life and well-being, thus proper
management of water means to improve food production ,reduce poverty and water related
diseases.SWM involves allocating water between competing purposes and users. This allocation
can be represented as a hierarchy, similar to maslow‘s hierarchy of human needs (table 1).
• Physiological for survival (Air, water, food, shelter, procreation) Biophysical individual needs
(water for survival).
• Safety (security, stability, law, order) Local development (agriculture, domestic water, water
quality standards).
• Esteem (status, recognition) National water projects (supply, remediation, public awareness).
• Reduced water and sewer costs: Low flow water conservation devices reduce water usage
and costs as well as sewer costs.
• Weather –based irrigation controls: This type of control system saves water usage and cost
especially during the hot summer months.
• Reduced energy usage: Low flow water devices reduce the amount of hot water used
which, in turn, reduces the amount of energy used to heat the water.
• Reduction of unbilled water: Replacing old, inaccurate water meters and distribution
piping can result in increased revenues for the water district.
• Wastewater treatment energy usage: Wastewater treatment plants are one of the largest
users of energy within a city. Plant upgrades and aeration optimization can dramatically
reduce energy usage and save money.
Water is an essential resource for all life on the planet. of the water resources on earth only three
percent of its fresh and two-thirds of the fresh water is locked up in icecaps and glaciers of the
remaining one percent ,a fifth is in remote, inaccessible areas and much seasonal rainfall in
monsoonal deluges and floods cannot easily be used.
At present only about 0.08percent of all the world‘s fresh water is exploited by mankind in ever
increasing demand for sanitation, drinking, manufacturing, leisure and agriculture.
• Rainwater harvesting
• The challenge of obtaining municipal and other types of non–peer reviewed document.
• Omission of relevance of country geography, climate, and other factors. While urban and
agricultural systems account for over 80% of global water consumption, other water uses such
as industrial and recreational can be significant in some countries or local regions.
Future reviews of other water uses would be complementary to this one, and provide value
in improving water management practices across sectors. Much of the relevant literature,
especially for urban water management, may include white papers, municipal reports, and other
documents which are not typically available in academic databases. This review likely overlooked
numerous documents describing SWM assessments, practices, challenges, and solutions. Future
reviews would benefit from a more thorough search for these reports. Lastly the scope of this
paper did not include a synthesis of how country geography, climate, and other factors affect
SWM practices.