Review Unit 1-4: 1. What Is Business Ethics? What Are The Needs For Business Ethics?
Review Unit 1-4: 1. What Is Business Ethics? What Are The Needs For Business Ethics?
Review Unit 1-4: 1. What Is Business Ethics? What Are The Needs For Business Ethics?
- Business ethics: the moral principles, policies and values that govern the way businesses
and individuals engage in business ativity
- The needs for business ethics are fundamental to the proper functioning and success of
any business
Trust and Reputation: Ethics build trust and credibility, enhancing the company's
reputation and differentiating it from competitors.
Legal Compliance and Risk Management: Ethics ensure legal compliance, prevent
legal issues and financial penalties, and help manage risks effectively.
Employee Satisfaction and Retention: Ethical practices create a positive work
environment, increasing employee satisfaction and loyalty.
Customer Loyalty and Investor Confidence: Operating ethically attracts and retains
customers and investors by upholding responsible and sustainable practices.
Social Responsibility and Fair Decision-Making: Ethics ensure the company
contributes positively to society and provides a framework for making fair and
responsible decisions.
2. Have you ever heard of the 3Cs of business ethics? Read and give more insights into each
3. Explain the concept of corporate culture and its significance within an organization.
4. Discuss the role of organizational leaders in shaping and defining a successful corporate
An organization's leaders must have a clear vision of what attitudes and values they want as
part of their corporate culture. This vision differs from organization to organization based on
leadership, employees, location, business and many other factors.
5. Evaluate the potential risks associated with a corporate culture that lacks transparency
and is considered toxic
Organization that lack a healthy culture or that have a toxic culture are at higher risk for poor
economic results, higher employee turnover and even failure. In fact, experts have found that
negative corporate cultures have caused or contributed to criminal corporate activity and other
serious problems.
6. What is corporate culture and identify the 4 types and how to ensure a positive corporate
7. What is the role of DEI in corporate culture and the goals DEI strategies aim to achieve?
Operations management refers to the activities, decisions and responsibilities of managing the
production and delivery of products and services.
The operations function is the part of the organization that is responsible for the arrangement
of resources that are devoted to the production and delivery of products and services.
Operations managers are the people who have particular responsibility for managing some, or
all, of the resources which comprise the operation function.
- Design of operations processes, products and services and the work of individuals
- Planning and control of operations once designs are in place and operational
- Ensuring quality of products and services produced and delivered and improving on
Right Quality: The quality of a product is established based upon the customers' needs and
requirements. The right quality does not mean the highest and the best quality. Quality is
determined by the cost of the product and the technical specifications as suited to the specific
8. How can companies deliver goods and services of the quality, quantity, cost and
availability that will satisfy the customers’ needs while at the same time making most
effective use of resources?
- Right Quality: The quality of a product is established based upon the customers' needs
and requirements. The right quality does not mean the highest and the best quality.
Quality is determined by the cost of the product and the technical specifications as
suited to the specific requirements.
- Right Quantity: The manufacturing company should have the production amount in
the right quantity. If they are produced more than the demand, the capital will block
up in the form of inventory and if the quantity is produced less than the demand, it
leads to shortage of product
- Right Time: One of the most important factors is the timeliness of delivery to judge the
effectiveness of the production department. Therefore, the production department
must make the optimal utilization of input resources to achieve its objective
- Right Manufacturing Cost: Manufacturing costs are determined before the product is
actually manufactured. Hence, all attempts should be made to produce the products at
the pre-determined cost, so as to decrease the difference between actual and the
standard (pre-established) cost.
- Efficiency means doing something at the lowest possible cost. The goal is to produce a
good or provide a service by using the smallest input of resources
- Effectiveness means doing the right things to create the most value for the company
10. Is it often possible to maximize both effectiveness and efficiency simultaneously? Why?
It is often possible that maximizeing both effectiveness and efficiency simultaneously creates
conflict between the two goals. In this situation, the company needs to trade off and choose
between efficiency and effectiveness to some degree depending on the conditions.
Unit 3
Unit 4