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MSP GeoTrans39 Release Notes

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BAE Systems
10920 Technology Pl.
San Diego CA 92127

Document No: 2100500

CAGE Code: 12436
Date: 15 April 2022

Mensuration Services Program (MSP)

Release Notes / Version Description Document for
MSP Geographic Translator (GEOTRANS) Version 3.9

Program Title: Radiance

Contract No: HM0476-17-D-0015

SDRL: A029
DID: Contractor Format

Prepared For: National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency

7500 GEOINT Drive
Springfield, VA 22150

© 2022. BAE Systems.

All rights reserved.

Document No.: 2100500
15 April 2022

Revision Record

Version Date Description

- 15 April 2022 Original issue.

Document No.: 2100500
15 April 2022

Table of Contents

1. Scope ...........................................................................................................................................1

1.1 Identification .......................................................................................................................1

1.2 System Overview ................................................................................................................1

1.3 Document Overview ...........................................................................................................2

2. References ...................................................................................................................................3

3. Release Notes Description ..........................................................................................................4

3.1 Inventory of Material ..........................................................................................................4

3.2 System Requirements..........................................................................................................4

3.3 Additional Software Required ............................................................................................5

3.3.1 Java Runtime Environment ..............................................................................................5

3.3.2 Visual Studio Redistributable package ............................................................................5

3.4 Summary of Software Changes ..........................................................................................5

3.5. Installation Instructions ....................................................................................................12

3.6 MSP Help desk support ....................................................................................................13

Appendix A – ACRONYMS .........................................................................................................14

Document No.: 2100500
15 April 2022


This document is the Release Notes for Version 3.9 of the MSP Geographic Translator


GEOTRANS is an application that allows you to convert geographic coordinates among a wide
variety of coordinate systems, map projections, grids, European Petroleum Survey Group (EPSG)
codes, and datums. GEOTRANS runs in Microsoft Windows and LINUX environments.

The user interface of GEOTRANS consists primarily of a single window. To convert coordinates,
select the EPSG code or the coordinate reference frame and datum in which your coordinates are
defined, enter any associated parameters, and enter the coordinates in the upper half of the window.
Then select the EPSG code or the coordinate reference frame and datum to which you want the
coordinates to be converted, and enter any associated parameters, in the lower half of the window.
Click on the Convert Upper-to-Lower button, and the resulting coordinates will be displayed in
the lower half of the window. You can convert additional coordinate sets from the same source
by just entering the new coordinates and clicking on the Convert Upper-to-Lower button. You can
change any of the coordinate reference frame, datum, or parameter selections at any time. Also,
you can reverse the roles of input and output by using the Convert Lower-to-Upper button.
Currently, forty-one different types of coordinate systems, map projections, grids, and coding
schemes are supported, as well as more than two hundred different horizontal datums and one
hundred thirty EPSG codes.

GEOTRANS can also be used to efficiently convert large numbers of coordinates contained in text
files. The file format is very simple. A multi-line file header defines the coordinate reference
frame and datum of the coordinates contained in the file, including any associated parameter
values. Following the header, each line contains a single set of coordinates, separated by commas
followed by at least one space. Using the GEOTRANS file processing interface, you can select
an existing file of coordinates to be converted. You can then define the coordinate reference frame
and datum to which you want to convert the coordinates, along with any associated parameter
values. Finally, you can specify the name and location of the output file that is to be created.
GEOTRANS then converts all of the coordinates in the input file and creates the output file as a
single operation.

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15 April 2022


The MSP GEOTRANS 3.9 Release Notes describes what has changed between the MSP
GEOTRANS 3.8 release and the 3.9 release. It also describes the installation process.

GEOTRANS software is provided via the WWW, SIPRNet, and JWICS networks. It can also be
requested via CD-ROM or DVD media. Users can download the executable software only or the
executable software and the source code. Executable software is provided as built for three
platforms: Windows 10 32-bit, Windows 10 64-bit, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) v7 64-bit.
It should also work on all later versions of these operating systems.

The GEOTRANS software consists of the Coordinate Conversion Service (CCS) libraries and the
GEOTRANS application. The GEOTRANS CCS libraries are written in C++. The Windows
version was built using Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 (32-bit) and Microsoft Visual Studio 2015
(64-bit). The Linux version was built using GCC v4.8.5. The GEOTRANS application Graphical
User Interface (GUI) is written in Java and requires the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version
1.8 or later to execute. We recommend using JRE version 1.8 update 265 or later to address all
known vulnerability issues in the earlier versions of JRE.

Software Integrators should refer to the Programmer's Guide for information regarding the
GEOTRANS software structure, the programming environment in which it was developed, the
Application Programming Interface (API) and the process for building and modifying the
GEOTRANS software.

Users should refer to the User's Guide for information regarding the capabilities and use of the
GEOTRANS GUI for interactive coordinate conversion.

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15 April 2022

For a list of references, see the MSP GEOTRANS Programmer's Guide or the User's Guide.

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15 April 2022



The unclassified MSP GEOTRANS 3.9 release provides executables and libraries built for three
operating systems and compiler combinations: Windows 10 32-bit, Windows 10 64-bit, Red Hat
Enterprise Linux (RHEL) v7 64-bit. Dynamic link libraries (.so for Linux and .dll for Windows)
and static link libraries (.a for Linux and .lib for Windows) are provided in this release.

The GEOTRANS software was designed to reduce operating system (OS) dependencies and,
therefore, should work on all later versions of these operating systems. If not, the source code is
provided for rebuilding on the user's platform of choice. For information regarding the
GEOTRANS software structure and building the software from the source code, refer to the
Programmer's Guide.


The hardware requirements for GEOTRANS software are minimal. It is designed to run on any
32-bit or 64-bit processor with 512MB (or more) of memory and 300MB (or more) of available
disk space.

GEOTRANS software operates on Windows and Red Hat Linux operating systems.

Platform OS and Version Compiler and Version

PC Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 64-bit multi- GCC 4.8.5


PC Windows 10 32-bit multi-thread Visual Studio 2015

PC Windows 10 64-bit multi-thread Visual Studio 2015

Supported Operating Systems and Compilers

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15 April 2022



The GEOTRANS application GUI is written in Java and requires JRE to execute. JRE version resolves all known vulnerabilities and was used for testing MSP GEOTRANS 3.9. It is
recommended that GEOTRANS users also use or later. JRE (or the latest JRE)
can be downloaded from Amazon Corretto 8:



GEOTRANS libraries on Windows are compiled using Microsoft Visual Studio C++ compilers
and they required the runtime components of Visual C++ libraries to run. If the system does not
have the required runtime components of Visual C++ libraries, GEOTRANS users will need to
install the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package.

Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable Package can be downloaded from the following



The MSP GEOTRANS 3.9 release repairs several issues and provides added functionality. To
support EPSG code usage, there is a minor change to the GUI. However, there is not a substantial
change in the look and feel of the GUI from earlier versions.

NOTE: Beginning in GEOTRANS 3.2 an iterative algorithm has been used in the Geocentric to
Geodetic conversion to achieve better accuracy. If a user needs to revert back to the legacy non-
iterative GEOTRANS algorithm, then an environment variable
MSPCCS_USE_LEGACY_GEOTRANS needs to be defined before starting GEOTRANS.

The following tables describe: the resolved Discrepancy Reports (DRs) and Enhancement
Requests (ERs) included in the MSP GEOTRANS 3.9 release (Table 1); the Open Discrepancy
Reports remaining in the MSP GEOTRANS 3.9 release for implementation in a future release
(Table 2); and the Open Enhancement Requests for consideration in a future release (Table 3). The
priority assigned to each DR compiles with the definitions in the NGA Configuration Management
Plan (NCMP). Priority 9 is used to designate an ER.

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15 April 2022

Table 1. MSP GEOTRANS 3.9 Resolved DRs and ERs

ID Title Pri Impact Resolution/Workaround
GTR-53 Add support of EPSG 9 Add the support of European The implementation is on the
code in GeoTrans Petroleum Survey Group (EPSG) GUI side (no change to the
codes in GeoTrans. C++ Coordinate Conversion
Code) based on a list of EPSG
codes (in a csv file) provided
by NGA.
GTRU- Error in 4 A GeoTrans user reported a problem Corrected the code per
12 GARS::convertToGeo with GARS::convertToGeodetic that description.
detic can result in a longitude value which is
incorrect and out of range. The code fix
is to set the fourth character (array
index 3) in the ew_str array to null (\0)
before calling atoi. The corrected code
is shown below:
/* Get 30 minute east/west value, 1-720
ew_str[3] = 0;
ew_value = atoi( ew_str );
GTRU- Arguments Reversed 4 A user reported a bug in the Reversed the latitude and
24 in DatumLibraryImplementation::Geodet longitude arguments at line
DatumLibraryImplem icDatumShift method. In source file 1159.
entation::GeodeticDat DatumLibraryImplementation.cpp at
umShift line 1158-1159 the latitude and
longitude arguments are reversed:
if ( sourceIndex == targetIndex )
{ /* Just copy */
return new GeodeticCoordinates(

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15 April 2022

Table 2. MSP GEOTRANS 3.9 Open DRs

ID Title Pri Impact Resolution/Workaround
27158 GEOTRANS in the Java, 4 Minor. User cannot close the The workaround is to select the
Look and Feel mode, Enter “Help About” GUI using the OK button to remove the
does not remove the “Help, Enter key from the keyboard window. The resolution is to
About” GUI when Java Look and Feel allow Enter to close the window
mode selected. when in the Java Look and Feel
mode, as is the case for the
Solaris and Windows Look and
Feel modes.
29600 GEOTRANS does not 4 The Belgium Lambert 1972 None.
accept latitude of origin at projection specifies a latitude
90 degrees of origin of 90 degrees. MSP
does not allow latitudes of
origin above 89:59:59.
29645 Update GEOTRANS 4 None. When user enters an None
Lat/Lon Error Message improperly formatted latitude
or longitude, an “out of range”
message is displayed, which
does not indicate improper
29966 GeoTrans Error Message 4 When the New Zealand Map Geotrans should either set the
Should be Enhanced Grid is either the "To" or the datum automatically to GEO or
"From" coordinate system and the error message should state
the datum is NOT set to "Datum must be GEO".
"GEO: Geodetic Datum 1949,
NZ", the buttons turn red. If
the user attempts to make a
conversion the error message
states "Ellipsoid must be
International" (something
similar to those words).
However there are many
datums that use the
International Ellipsoid
including all EUR datums, so
this error message should be

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15 April 2022

ID Title Pri Impact Resolution/Workaround

29974 GeoTrans Setting of Data 4 GeoTrans relies on the setting The work around is to make sure
Directory has Problems of an environmental variable environment variable
to set the data directory. A MSPCCS_DATA is set properly
user reports a problem and a
related desired enhancement.
The problem is with copying
to memory that has not been
allocated when the
environmental variable is not
present. The related
enhancement is to centralize
and simplify the setting of the
data directory and to offer an
alternative to setting an
environmental variable.
30396 Correct problem with 3 The following issues need to None
GEOREF coordinate be corrected: 1) Geodetic
system coordinates are rounded
instead of truncated to get
GEOREF. 2) GeoTrans rounds
at 50 minutes instead of 30
minutes. 3) At 1 degree of
precision, 0:51E ON converts
to NGAA1. Attempting to
convert back to geodetic gives
an error. At 1 degree of
precision, 0:51E 0:51N
converts NGAA11.
Converting back to geodetic at
1 min precision gives 0:1E
0:1N, which is wrong. 4)
Allowing 10 minute precision
is a mistake. 0:35E 0:45N
converts to NGAA4050. But,
this is indistinguishable from 1
min precision. 5) At 1 min
precision, 1:59.5E 0:59.5N
becomes NCBA5960. The 60
should not appear. It should be

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15 April 2022

Table 3. MSP GEOTRANS 3.9 Open ERs

ID Title Pri Impact Resolution/Workaround
23926 Gauss-Kruger projection 9 Many users do not realize that The resolution is to list the
the Gauss-Kruger projection is Gauss-Kruger as a projection
a member of the transverse type.
Mercator family. Listing the
Gauss-Kruger as a projection
type would streamline the
workflow of users.
25411 GEOTRANS GUI File - 9 Users of GEOTRANS The resolution is to provide the
> Load Setting returns installed as a shared capability to save and restore
an error application on a network settings to/from a User's Home
cannot Save and Load directory, instead of to/from the
personal settings. installed directory.
26200 MSP should allow for 9 Users are limited to the The resolution is to design the
third party coordinate coordinate conversions capability for a “plug-in”
conversions provided by GEOTRANS. coordinate conversion.
26551 Add UTM units option 9 Surveyors in the US who use The resolution is to add the US
of US Survey Feet units of US Survey Feet with Survey Feet as a selectable unit
UTM coordinates cannot use for UTM Easting and Northing
GEOTRANS to/from UTM values.
26987 MSP GEOTRANS 9 GEOTRANS users cannot use The resolution is to add the
should add new the seven-parameter model transformation to the CCS and
transformation model described in NATO STANAG to the GEOTRANS GUI as
2211. described in NATO STANAG
27339 Add an “administrative 9 Users cannot convert to True The resolution is to add an
rules” button to the UTM coordinates in the “Administrative Rules” button
UTM coordinate option special regions over Southern to the GEOTRANS GUI to
Norway and Svalgard, without control whether True UTM
specifying a zone override. coordinates are returned or the
special rules for UTM zones are
27813 GeoTrans User Defined 9 Modify GeoTrans to allow a The resolution is to modify
Spherical Radius user entered radius for all GeoTrans to allow a user
spherical models of the earth. entered radius for all spherical
models of the earth.
27814 Coordinate Conversion 9 Coordinate Conversion Modify Coordinate Conversion
Service report Point Service to report Point Scale Service to report Point Scale and
Scale factor and and Convergence of Meridians Convergence of Meridians for
Convergence of for conformal mappings. conformal mappings. This is a
Meridian change to the CCS API. It is not
needed for the GeoTrans GUI.

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15 April 2022

ID Title Pri Impact Resolution/Workaround

28084 Z Pass Through option 9 A user in the bathy group at No workaround.
for batch coordinate NGA uses GeoTrans to
conversions convert between Degrees
Minutes Seconds and Decimal
Degrees and would like the Z
value to be a pass through. In
addition, UTM's to
geographics (DD or DMS)
with a "z pass through" is
needed for for hydrographic
work. Hydrographic survey
work, commercial or DOD
(Naval Oceanographic Office
and Army Corps of Engineers)
is routinely in UTMs,
normally WGS84, but
frequently in State Plane; in
the case of data received from
other international partner, it
may be in a local, national
datum as well.
29536 Allow users to save 9 Configuration settings are The workaround is to have
their own settings saved in setting.xml in the different installation for each
MSPCCS_DATA directory user.
and the changes are common
for all users. This forces users
to copy the data files into their
home directory structure to
save settings. It would be nice
to have a separate
environment variable for the
settings directory in order to
give users the option to save
the settings as well as custom
datums in their own directory.
29573 Add setting methods to 9 A user reports that currently The resolution is to add setting
class UPSCoordinates UPSCoordinates class only methods as recommended.
class provides a single method to
set hemisphere, easting and
nothing all at the same time.
It is an inconvenience not to
be able to set the values
individually. Recommend
adding the following methods:
setHemisphere, setEasting,
setNorthing to
UPSCoordinates class.

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15 April 2022

ID Title Pri Impact Resolution/Workaround

29739 Enhance Constant 9 Constants such as PI and PI/2 The resolution is to define
definitions for GeoTrans are defined multiple times in global constants in one place.
the GeoTrans code.
Sometimes they are defined
using #define and other times
they are global C++ constant
30083 Enhance GeoTrans to 9 Some geotrans users have This enhancement is to allow a
support third party geoids that define mean sea user to drop a geoid into
geoids level for their area of interest geotrans and have it available
and they would like to be able for use on the ellipsoid drop-
to use these geoids with down menu.
geotrans without have to do
external calculations.
GTRU-1 EGM 2020 9 GEOTRANS does not No workaround.
currently have support for
EGM 2020
GTRU-22 Update Spreadsheet 9 The spreadsheet tester results The resolution is to regenerate
Tester Data Files for files contain the earlier results the spreadsheet tester results.
MGRS – which don’t match the
current results.
GTRU-18 Add Deir az Zor Datum 9 GEOTRANS does not User can enter the parameters
currently have support for the manually for a custom datum.
Deir az Zor datum.
GTRU-17 Add Reference 9 GEOTRANS does not No workaround.
FrameWGS-84 currently have support for the
Realizations to WGS-84 realizations.
GTRU-8 Uninitialized ENV may 9 Some uninitialized ENV Ensure all ENV variables are
cause crash variables may cause crash. initialized.

Document No.: 2100500
15 April 2022


The unclassified MSP GEOTRANS 3.9 release can be downloaded from the WWW, SIPRNet, or
JWICS networks—or can be delivered via CD-ROM or DVD media by request. The unclassified
MSP GEOTRANS 3.9 release is provided in zip format for Windows platforms and tgz format for
Linux platforms and does not require a registration key or a license key to install and run. The
MSP GEOTRANS web page addresses are as follows:

WWW  https://earth-info.nga.mil/
SIPRNet – http://www.geoint.nga.smil.mil/products/gandg/update/index.php
JWICS  https://www.geoint.nga.ic.gov/products/gandg/update/index.php

The GEOTRANS 3.9 application requires JRE to operate. JRE version 1.8.0 update 265 or later
is recommended. The startup script may need to be modified to set the correct version of the JRE.

The startup script for Linux systems is found in:

<install dir>/geotrans3.9/GEOTRANS3/linux/runGeotrans.csh

For Windows systems, it is found in:

<install dir>\geotrans3.9\GEOTRANS3\win\runGeotrans.bat.

For Linux systems, using an editor of your choice, open the runGeotrans.csh start up script and
modify the following line so that the parameter JAVA_HOME is set to Java’s home directory. For
example :
setenv JAVA_HOME /usr/jdk1.8.0_265

For Windows systems, using an editor of your choice, open the runGeotrans.bat startup script and
modify the following line so that the path to the JRE is set correctly. For example change:

@java –Xss1024k –jar MSPCCS.jar

@”C:\Program Files\java\jre1.8.0_265\bin\java.exe” –Xss1024k –jar MSPCCS.jar

For Linux systems please ensure to set LC_NUMERIC to en_US.UTF-8 or equivalent such that a
dot character (".") is interpreted as a decimal point in ellips.dat

GEOTRANS 3.9 for Windows can also be self-installed using the InstallAnywhere package. After
downloading the installation file from the web-site, double click on install.exe and follow on
screen instructions to complete the installation.

Document No.: 2100500
15 April 2022

The GEOTRANS 3.9 InstallAnywhere package supports silent installation. To perform silent

1. Create the properties file installer.properties in C:\Temp directory

C:\> install.exe –r c:\Temp

2. Specify the installation directory by modifying C:\Temp\installer.properties.

3. Perform silent installation

C:\> install.exe –i silent –f C:\Temp\installer.properties


For help with the installation, to request a delivery on CD-ROM or DVD media, to report an issue,
or for general help of any kind, contact the MSP Help Line at MSP_Help@nga.mil.

GEOTRANS Enhancement Requests can be reported to the MSP Help Line or to the National
Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) Coordinate Systems Analysis Team (CSAT) at (314) 676-
9124, DSN 846-9124 or coordsys@nga.mil.

Document No.: 2100500
15 April 2022

API Application Programming Interface

CCS Coordinate Conversion Service

CD-ROM Compact Disk – Read Only Memory

CSAT Coordinate Systems Analysis Team

DR Discrepancy Report

DVD Digital Versatile/Video Disk

EGM Earth Gravity Model

EPSG European Petroleum Survey Group

ER Enhancement Request

GCC GNU Compiler Collection

GEOTRANS Geographic Translator

GUI Graphical User Interface

JRE Java Runtime Environment

MB MegaByte

MS Microsoft

MSL Mean Sea Level

MSP Mensuration Services Program

NGA National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency

RHEL Red Hat Enterprise Linux

WWW World Wide Web


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