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Facetrack Attendance System - Formatted Paper

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Research and Applications of Web Development and Design

Volume 7 Issue 2
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11471465

Facetrack Attendance System

Ritik Kumar Singh1, Himicka Sengupta2, Amitava Kar3, Anish Mondal4, Champak Ray5,
Dr. Anindita Mukherjee6
Student, 6Associate Professor, Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering, Dream Institute
of Technology, Kolkata, West Bengal.

*Corresponding Author
E-mail Id: - projectgroup998@gmail.com

This study is about making a face recognition attendance system using Python that's easy for
anyone to use. We made a simple interface with clear instructions. When users open it, they
can upload their picture. The system then checks if their face matches any in the database
and marks them present if it does. It also keeps attendance records.
In summary, we've shown that it's possible to make a user-friendly face recognition
attendance system with Python. Our system has a simple interface and uses strong libraries
like OpenCV and face recognition, making it easy to use and set up.

Keywords:-Face recognition, attendance system, Python, Graphical User Interface (GUI),

numpy, OpenCV, face recognition, cmake, implementation process

INTRODUCTION attendance tracking simpler for schools

Face recognition technology has made and workplaces.
attendance tracking much easier and more
accurate. Instead of dealing with paper RELATED WORK
records that can be messy and error-prone, Related work in face recognition spans
we now have computers that can recognize various aspects such as algorithm
faces and mark attendance automatically. development, applications, ethical
Our project aims to simplify attendance considerations, and future improvements.
tracking in a few ways. First, it gets rid of Firstly, researchers focus on developing
errors that often happen with manual algorithms that teach computers to
recording. Second, it gives instant updates recognize faces accurately. This involves
on who's present, so teachers always know techniques like deep learning, where
who's in class. computers learn to identify patterns in
Our system is easy to use. Teachers just images, and methods to extract important
enter students' ID numbers and take their features from faces, like shapes and
pictures. The system then captures textures.
multiple images to make sure it gets the
right person. Secondly, face recognition finds
Besides keeping electronic records, our applications in security systems for
system also stores data in a database and identity verification and access control, as
can export it to an Excel sheet. This makes well as in biometric applications such as
it easy to check and analyze attendance unlocking devices or accessing sensitive
information. information like bank accounts.
In short, our face recognition attendance
system makes attendance tracking easier Ethical concerns and discussions are also
and more reliable. With a simple interface prominent in this field. Privacy issues arise
and good data management, we're making regarding who has access to facial data and

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Research and Applications of Web Development and Design
Volume 7 Issue 2
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11471465

how it is used. Fairness and accuracy are Cultural Sensitivity: Facial recognition
crucial considerations, especially in technology may not effectively
ensuring that face recognition systems accommodate diverse facial features or
work equally well for different cultural attire, raising concerns of
demographics. exclusion and discrimination.

Looking towards the future, researchers LITERATURE SURVEY

aim to improve face recognition Utilizing Nfc Technology Alongside an
technology by combining it with other Embedded Camera on a Mobile Device
biometric methods for enhanced security Combining NFC technology with a mobile
and reliability. They also work on making device's camera can create a versatile
these systems more adaptable and robust solution for many applications, especially
against potential attacks or adversarial attendance systems. NFC lets devices
manipulations. communicate without physical contact,
In summary, related work in face while the camera adds security and
recognition involves developing verification features.
algorithms for accurate recognition,
applying this technology in various fields, In this system, each user gets an NFC tag
addressing ethical concerns such as with unique ID info, like on an ID card or
privacy and fairness, and continually wearable. The mobile device, with NFC
striving for improvements in security and and a camera, runs an app that works with
performance. NFC tags and takes pictures.At a
checkpoint, users tap their NFC tags on the
DRAWBACKS OF EXITING SYSTEM device. At the same time, the camera takes
Cost: Implementing facial recognition their picture. This double-check ensures
attendance systems can be financially that the person tapping the NFC tag is the
burdensome, particularly for smaller right user.The app then checks the NFC
organizations with limited budgets. tag info and the picture to confirm the
Accuracy: Despite advancements, facial user's identity from a central database. If it
recognition systems still harbor the matches, the user's attendance is logged.
potential for errors, leading to incorrect Administrators can see real-time
attendance records and operational attendance on a web dashboard. It's easy to
inefficiencies. add more users or checkpoints as needed.
Privacy Concerns: Criticism surrounding This system is secure, with data encryption
facial recognition technology stems from and access controls to protect privacy. It's
legitimate worries regarding the privacy flexible and can work in schools,
implications of biometric data collection companies, and other places.
and usage. In short, combining NFC and a camera on
Security Risks: Inadequately secured a mobile device makes attendance tracking
facial recognition systems are vulnerable easy, safe, and efficient.
to cyber-attacks, posing threats to the
confidentiality of attendance records and Facial Identification Based Attendance
organizational data. System
Dependence on Technology: Technical A face recognition attendance system uses
glitches within facial recognition systems advanced technology to make keeping
can disrupt attendance management track of attendance easier. It works by
processes, necessitating backup methods in using special algorithms to recognize
case of system failures. people's faces accurately and quickly.
First, during enrollment, the system takes

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Research and Applications of Web Development and Design
Volume 7 Issue 2
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11471465

pictures of people's faces from different track of attendance, generate reports, and
angles to build a detailed database of how adjust settings using LabVIEW on a
they look. computer or mobile device. This system
also ensures the security of fingerprint data
When it's time for attendance, people just through encryption and access controls,
need to stand in front of a camera. The protecting people's privacy. It's designed to
system then checks their face against the grow with the organization,
database and confirms who they are. Once accommodating more users and locations
it confirms, it marks them as present as needed. This makes it suitable for
automatically, saving time and reducing schools, offices, and other places where
mistakes. accurate and secure attendance tracking is
Administrators can easily see who's essential.
present or absent in real-time. This system
can fit into existing databases, making RFID is the foundation of the student
record-keeping smoother. attendance monitoring system
RFID (Radio Frequency Identification)
To make sure everything is secure and technology is like the foundation of
private, the system uses strong protections modern student attendance systems in
like encrypting data and controlling who schools. It's a big upgrade from old ways
can access it. It's also designed to work of tracking who's present.
well even if the number of people or Here's how it works: each student gets a
locations changes. special RFID tag with their info on it.
These tags send out signals that RFID
In simple terms, this system uses face readers, placed around the school, can pick
recognition to take attendance accurately up. When students walk by these readers,
and quickly, with a focus on security, their tags are scanned automatically,
privacy, and adaptability. marking them as present without any
manual work.
A Fingerprint-Based Attendance System
integrates microcontroller hardware Using RFID makes attendance-taking
with LabVIEW software for accurate much easier and faster, saving time for
fingerprint recognition and attendance teaching. It's also super accurate, so there
tracking. are fewer mistakes or fake attendance
A fingerprint-based attendance system reports. Plus, schools can see who's there
using a microcontroller and LabVIEW right away, helping them make quick
software is a reliable way to track decisions.
attendance efficiently. It works by first RFID also boosts security because schools
capturing and storing high-quality images can track where students are on campus,
of people's fingerprints, which have unique improving safety. It can also connect with
features that help identify them.When other school software to make managing
someone needs to mark their attendance, students and analyzing data simpler.
they place their finger on a sensor Overall, RFID in attendance systems is a
connected to the microcontroller. The smart way for schools to keep track of
microcontroller then compares this students and make everything run
fingerprint with the stored ones to verify smoother.
the person's identity. LabVIEW software
helps in this process by managing the data SYSTEM PROPOSED
and making sure everything runs The attendance system design has two
smoothly. Administrators can easily keep main parts: hardware and software. First,

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Research and Applications of Web Development and Design
Volume 7 Issue 2
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11471465

we focus on building the hardware. We tracking through facial recognition

gather necessary parts like a good quality technology. Open CV, integrated with
camera, a power cable, and a 16GB Python, is utilized in this project to
memory card. Meanwhile, we also set up facilitate a seamless and efficient
software libraries like OpenCV and attendance process for educational
NumPy in Python. institutions. The system components
include a computer, an HD video camera,
OpenCV, or Open Source Computer and either a Wi-Fi module or an internet
Vision, is a set of tools that help computers connection.
see and understand images in real time. It Initialization of the "firstpage.py" Python
started as a project by Intel Research to script.
make it easier for developers to work with Creation of a student dataset by inputting
complex visual tasks without redoing the their ID numbers. Training of the dataset,
same work each time. It also makes resulting in the creation of a YAML
sharing and understanding code easier for file.Capture of a classroom image,
everyone involved in vision-related followed by initiation of the
projects. "RECOGNIZER" Python file. Attendance
is recorded by cropping faces from the
So, in simpler terms, we first gather image and comparing them with entries in
hardware components like a camera and the database.
power supply, and then we set up software Upon a successful match, the
tools like OpenCV to help the system corresponding student name is marked as
"see" and understand attendance data "PRESENT" in an Excel file, along with
effectively. the current date and time.
Optionally, the Excel file can be sent via
Prototype email by activating the "MAIL" Python
The proposed system is a software-based script.
solution designed to streamline attendance

Basic steps

Fig.1:-Guide Book

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Research and Applications of Web Development and Design
Volume 7 Issue 2
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11471465

STEP-01:- User can easily to understand all the option buttons are shown in below:

STEP-02:- User can easily to fill Enrollment number & Name of particular student and
also we used clear option buttom when user wants to clear data of a particular box.

STEP-03:- For taking image, user CLICK- Take Images option to capture 300 images
from his/her webcam.

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Research and Applications of Web Development and Design
Volume 7 Issue 2
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11471465

STEP-04:- User will get a pop-up message (Images Saved for Enrollment:
Enrollment Name: xyz).Its means images capture successful…

STEP-05:- Train Images option button is used to train the machinefor recognised the given
face for data set (for storing the data of images that are captured previously).

We can see all the taken images in traing folder from your system where you want to store,
here all the images has unique data set that helps to identify the student face.

HBRP Publication Page 29-38 2024. All Rights Reserved Page 34

Research and Applications of Web Development and Design
Volume 7 Issue 2
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11471465

STEP-06:- CLICK - Manually Fill Attendance button to take attendance manually, After
that one pop up window will open where you fill to Subject.
After filling subject details to CLICK- Fill Attendance.

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Research and Applications of Web Development and Design
Volume 7 Issue 2
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11471465

STEP-07:- CLICK-Check Sheets button to view the Student information in Excel Sheet.

STEP-08:- CLICK-Check Register Student to check Student details.

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Research and Applications of Web Development and Design
Volume 7 Issue 2
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11471465

STEP-09:- Fill-Enter usrename-> fill user name then Fill-Enter password->password

STEP-10:- After entering both to CLICK- Login button to check register Student.

CONCLUSION The only thing we needed for this new

Our project has made a big change in how system was enough space to store the face
we track attendance by using facial data, which we managed well using micro
recognition technology. This new way is SD cards. We built a strong face database
more accurate and gets rid of the problems and made a system that works reliably.
we had before. We've also saved resources
and reduced the need for people to do the But our project doesn't stop there. We also
work manually. added a feature where users can get

HBRP Publication Page 29-38 2024. All Rights Reserved Page 37

Research and Applications of Web Development and Design
Volume 7 Issue 2
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11471465

attendance info through email, making it 4. Hussain, E., Dugar, P., Deka, V., &
easier for everyone. Hannan, A. (2014). RFID based
In short, our project is a big improvement student attendance system. In National
in attendance tracking. It's accurate, Conference cum Workshop on
efficient, and easy to use. By using facial Bioinformatics and Computational
recognition, we've made attendance Biology (pp. 30-32).
monitoring better in schools and other 5. Documentation for OpenCV, a
places, helping things run smoother. computer vision library
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