2024 Li Zhang CG
2024 Li Zhang CG
2024 Li Zhang CG
Keywords: Geostructures, vital for the progress of civilisation, often face inefficiencies and suboptimal performance due to
Topology optimisation the lack of optimisation in current designs. Achieving cost-efficiency in geostructure design involves optimising
Limit analysis material usage while considering practical construction aspects. While size and shape optimisations are common
Density-based method
in geostructure design, the application of topology optimisation remains underexplored. This paper addresses
Soil foundation
this gap by introducing a novel topology optimisation method for three-dimensional geostructure design. The
method integrates mixed limit analysis and density-based topology optimisation theories, allowing for two-
material design focused on the ultimate bearing capacity of the geostructure. The innovation resides in align
ing the applied external load in the topology optimisation process with the ultimate load that the designed
geostructure can sustain. The robustness of the proposed method is exemplified through its application to the
design of an embankment and soil foundation, showcasing its potential to enhance the efficiency and perfor
mance of geostructures. This research contributes to the advancement of geostructure design practices, ulti
mately promoting sustainable and resilient infrastructure development.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: xue.zhang2@liverpool.ac.uk (X. Zhang).
Received 27 November 2023; Received in revised form 11 March 2024; Accepted 12 March 2024
Available online 16 March 2024
0266-352X/© 2024 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
X. Li et al. Computers and Geotechnics 169 (2024) 106239
optimisation, designs obtained through this approach may not ensure and stress as variables, as introduced by Krabbenhøft et al. (2007), and
the feasibility of stress states in relation to material strength. In simpler operates within the framework of the generalized Hellinger Reissner
terms, the optimised design generated by the traditional SIMP method variational principle proposed by Zhang et al. (2019). Specifically, a
does not guarantee that the stress states within the structure remain mixed limit analysis formulation is expressed as a min–max optimisation
below the yield limit of the material when subjected to the considered problem:
external loads. This raises concerns about the structural integrity and ∫ ∫ ∫
performance of the designed system in real-world conditions. The stress-
min max α + σ T ∇T (u)dΩ − α t udΓ − bT udΩ
u ( σ ,α ) (1)
constrained topology optimisation method was proposed to address this Ω Γt Ω
subject to f (σ ) ≤ 0
issue (Duysinx and Bendsøe, 1998), wherein stress constraints are
additionally incorporated. Remarkably, linear elastic structural analysis ( )T
continues to be utilised in the traditional stress-constrained topology where σ = σ xx σyy σzz σyz σ zx σxy represents the Cauchy
optimisation, notwithstanding the added stress constraints (Holmberg stress, u denotes the displacement, b is the body force, t is the prescribed
et al., 2013). This persistence results in a conservative design, as traction, f(σ ) is the yield function, α is the collapse load factor (e.g., αt
demonstrated in the work of Zhang et al., (2023a) and Li et al. (2023). indicating the ultimate force the structure can sustain), and ∇ is the
An alternative approach, which considers stress, is the topology opti differential operator matrix.
misation method for stiffness and strength. Functioning as a hybrid In 3D cases, when employing a four-node tetrahedron, the approxi
method, it seeks to minimise both the compliance of a structure and the mation of displacement (u) within an element is expressed as:
homogenisation of stresses and was recently applied in the design of u(x) ≈ N̂
u (2)
strip foundations (Hadjiloo et al., 2023).
In a recent development, Kammoun and Smaoui (2015) proposed a where ̂u comprises the displacement values at mesh nodes, and N rep
density-based topology optimisation formulation that integrates limit resents the shape function. Accordingly, the strain is approximated by:
plasticity. This method, grounded in lower bound finite element limit
analysis, ensures the preservation of a statically admissible stress field ε ≈ ∇T (N̂
u ) = B̂
u (3)
throughout the optimisation process, thereby facilitating the determi
nation of a structure’s ultimate plastic limit. Subsequently, Herfelt et al. with B = ∇T N being the strain–displacement matrix. Sequentially, the
(2019) introduced an alternative plasticity-based formulation that en min–max problem (1) is discretised as
ables both upper and lower bound finite element limit analysis using ∫ ∫
different elements. However, their formulation produces designs solely min max α + σ T BdΩ̂
u− α t NdΓ̂
u− bT NdΩ̂
û (σ ,α) Ω Γt Ω (4)
in greyscale. To overcome this limitation, Zhang et al., (2023a) intro subject to f (σ ) ≤ 0
duced a penalty into the framework proposed by Herfelt et al. (2019),
allowing for the creation of black-and-white designs. It is also demon where σ represents the uniform stress in the integral domain. The min
strated that the formulation proposed in the work of Zhang et al., imisation part of (4) can be resolved analytically, leading to a subse
(2023a) does not require a stress-relaxation technique. Li et al. (2023) quent maximisation problem which is
further extended the work specifically for three-dimensional scenarios
involving mesh refinement techniques. Alternatively, Mourad et al. max
(σ ,α)
(2021) introduced a formulation for topology optimisation incorpo ∫ ∫ ∫
σ T BdΩ = α
bT NdΩ (5)
rating plastic limit analysis. Diverging from the previously mentioned subject to : t NdΓ +
Ω Γt Ω
approaches (Herfelt et al., 2019; Kammoun and Smaoui, 2015; Li et al., f (σ ) ≤ 0
2023; Zhang et al., 2023a), Mourad et al. (2021) aims to maximise the
load-bearing capacity of the structure. This is accomplished while The mixed limit analysis formulation mentioned above has been inte
considering material strength properties and adhering to a material grated into the finite element limit analysis commercial software
volume constraint. OptumG2/G3. In the implementation, the finite elements utilised as
This paper aims to develop a tailored topology optimisation method sume a quadratic displacement field and a linear stress field. It is note
for designing three-dimensional geostructures, with a emphasise on worthy that the occurrence of volumetric locking is evident when
achieving the design’s limit state. To fulfill this goal, the devised method employing elements with linear shape functions, for instance three-node
integrates both mixed limit analysis theory and density-based topology triangular elements in 2D cases and four-node tetrahedral elements in
optimisation theory. It accommodates two materials, such as soils and 3D cases. To tackle this issue, this study incorporates nodal integration
foundations/reinforcements, and incorporates gravity effects into the based on smoothing domains, also referred to as cells, following the
topology optimisation process. The ultimate formulation seeks to work of Zhang et al. (2023b). The construction of cells involves dividing
minimise the volume of material used for foundations or reinforcement, each tetrahedron into four hexahedrons (see Fig. 1(a)), ensuring equal
considering yielding states of both soil and foundations/reinforcements. volumes, by connecting the centroid of the tetrahedron to the centroids
To validate the proposed method, the geostructure resulting from the of the four surface triangles and then the centroid of each surface tri
developed method is extracted for bearing capacity analysis. Addition angle to the three mid-edge nodes of the triangle. The cell associated
ally, a comparative analysis between the performance of designs derived with a node comprises all hexahedrons adjacent to that specific node.
from our approach and those using traditional geotechnical practices Fig. 1(b) illustrates a cubic domain discretised using cells. For further
was conducted to illustrate the robustness and efficiency of our method. insights into the construction of smoothing domains/cells, interested
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. Section 2 introduces the readers are directed to the work of Li et al. (2023) and Zhang et al.
theory of mixed limit analysis. Section 3 presents the plasticity-based (2023b). It has been demonstrated that the volumetric locking issue
topology optimisation formulation for two-material design. Numerical associated with linear elements can be effectively overcome by
examples are illustrated in Section 4 with conclusions drawn in Section employing this approach (Meng et al., 2020; Zhang et al., 2023b).
5. Following nodal integration, maximisation problem (5) is written as
X. Li et al. Computers and Geotechnics 169 (2024) 106239
Fig. 1. Illustrations of 3D cell construction: (a) A tetrahedron divided into four hexahedrons, and (b) the cell generated based on tetrahedrons for a cube (Zhang
et al., 2023b).
∑ where ̂
ρ = [ρ1 , ρ2 , ⋯, ρNN ]T represents a vector containing the ‘density’
where ( • ) denotes the standard finite element assembly operator, V i
(ρ) at all nodes, and L = [V1 , V2 , ⋯, VNC ]T is a vector comprising the
is the volume of the ith cell, V j is the volume of the jth tetrahedron, ne is volumes of all cells. In the work of Li et al. (2023), only one material is
the total number of tetrahedron elements adjacent to the ith node, and considered in the optimal design. Thereby, ρi = 0 in problem (10) im
Bij is the strain–displacement operator at the ith node contributed by the plies that the ith cell is a void. In this study, the von Mises model is
( )
jth adjacent tetrahedron. Hence, V1i ne
∑ 1 T j employed as the plasticity model for clay. The yield condition of von
j=1 4Bij V represents the
Mises provides a smooth approximation of the Tresca yield condition,
weighted average of the strain–displacement operator at the ith node. which has been widely embraced for the analysis of clay in undrained
The surface force and body force are Ft and Fb , respectively, whose conditions (Dunne and Martin, 2017, Walker and Yu, 2010, Zhang et al.,
estimates based on nodal integration are 2023b). When using the von Mises yield criterion, the inequality
∫ ∑
NN ( ) constraint in problem (10) is expressed as:
T i
Ft = α t NdΓ = α βiΓ ̃t Γi √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
Γt i=1 f i = 3J2 − ρi fy ≤ 0 (11)
X. Li et al. Computers and Geotechnics 169 (2024) 106239
min LT ̂
(σ̂ ,ρ̂)
⎪ BT ̂
σ− F ̂b̂
ρ = Ft + F ̃b
⎨ √ ̅̅̅̅̅̅
subject to: f i (̂
σ , ̂ρ ) = 3J2 − ρi fy1 − (1 − ρi )fy2 ≤ 0
⎪ 0 ≤ ρi ≤ 1 i = 1, 2, ⋯, NN
⎪ ( ))
⎪ ∑NN 1 ∑ne (1
B = B V T j
⎪ i=1 V i j=1 4 j
⎪ ∑NN ( i
⎪ )
⎪ ̂b =
F b1 V i − bi2 V i
⎨ i=1
⎪ ∑NN ( i )
⎪ Ft = α i=1 βiΓ ̃tn Γi
⎪ ∑NN ( )
⎪ ̃b =
F bi2 V i
⎪ i=1
X. Li et al. Computers and Geotechnics 169 (2024) 106239
X. Li et al. Computers and Geotechnics 169 (2024) 106239
300 kPa. Given that MB is much more expensive than MA, we are ex
pected to minimise the use of MB while ensuring that the designed plate
can sustain the given shear load.
Fig. 3 illustrates the evolution of material distribution through
various iterations. It is evident that a highly diffuse structure is achieved
when no iteration is conducted (Fig. 3(a)). Because of the application of
penalisation, an almost binary material structure emerges through
subsequent iterations (Fig. 3 (b)–(d)). As shown, with increasing itera
tions, the plate’s domains are predominantly occupied by either MA
(ρ = 0) or MB (ρ = 1), with very few domains exhibiting 0 < ρ < 1. The
material layouts after 4 iterations (Fig. 3(c)) and 6 iterations (Fig. 3(d))
closely resemble each other, indicating a converged solution. This
convergence aligns with the trend observed in the volume ratio of MB (e.
g., the ratio of the volume of MB to the total volume of the plate) against
iteration number, as illustrated in Fig. 4. After 4 iterations, the volume
Fig. 5. The illustration of (a) the converged material layout with meshes and
ratio of MB stabilises, showing minimal change and converging to a
(b) the extracted binary-material structure.
value of 16.5 %.
Notably, this study incorporates the mesh refinement technique
introduced by Li et al. (2023) for enhancing computational efficiency.
The fundamental concept of this technique involves refining meshes in
the domain with a density greater than a specified value, such as 0.3 in
this study. The simulation begins with 6,642 nodes and 19,200 ele
ments. As the simulation progresses, both the number of nodes and el
ements gradually increase, reaching 10,671 nodes and 37,808 elements,
respectively. Following this point, these quantities remain constant. The
total computation time for this particular case, involving a total of 10
iterations, amounts to 243 s. This refinement results in a very thin
transition area from a density of 0 to a density of 1, as illustrated in Fig. 5
(a). For validation purposes, a binary material structure is extracted
from Fig. 5(a), as shown in Fig. 5(b). Utilising the commercial software
OptumG2, the maximum shear load that this structure can sustain is
determined to be 230 kPa, which closely matches the external shear load
value of 227 kPa applied in the initial topology optimisation simulation. Fig. 6. Schematic diagram of an embankment.
This alignment demonstrates the accuracy and validity of the proposed
method. biopolymer-treated clays, ensuring it meets the required Factor of
4.2. Embankment design The schematic representation of the embankment is depicted in
Fig. 6, with only one-half simulated owing to its symmetrical nature. The
Earthen embankments play a crucial role in civil engineering in bottom of the embankment is fully fixed, while symmetric boundary
frastructures, serving to control flooding and provide support for various conditions are imposed on the left surface. The front and back surfaces
overlying transport structures. A recent focus has been on exploring are fixed in the z direction, mimicking a plane strain condition. The
biopolymer-treated soil for constructing embankments, aiming to embankment will be constructed using normal clays with a bulk unit
address challenges such as mitigating internal erosion and enhancing weight of 19.6 kN/m3 and a cohesion of 30 kPa, and biopolymer-treated
stability (Chang et al., 2020). In this section, we will apply the developed clays with a bulk unit weight of 27.5 kN/m3 and a cohesion of 230 kPa –
topology optimisation approach to design an embankment using values falling within the reported range (Chang et al., 2020). When
utilising only normal clays in the construction, the Factor of Safety (FoS)
for the constructed embankment is 2.87. In this study, we will explore
how to further incorporate the minimal biopolymer-treated clays into
the construction, ensuring a FoS of 4.0. The domain allowed to use
biopolymer-treated clays is in a shape of parallelogram (i.e., the light
blue region indicated in Fig. 6), referred to as design domain. In this
study, the yield stress fy of clays is twice the value of the cohesion,
implying that the von Mises yield surface middle circumscribes the
Tresca yield surface. Additionally, the yield stress to be used in the to
pology optimisation process should be fy /FoS to ensure the required FoS.
In the simulation, a fine mesh with a mesh size of he = 0.1 m is employed
to discretise the region where biopolymer-treated clay can be applied. In
contrast, a relatively coarse mesh with he = 0.2 m is utilised in the
remaining area. This configuration yields a total of 10,908 nodes and
55,152 elements. Without further refinement of the meshes in the
simulation, the computational cost amounts to 335 s, allowing for the
attainment of a converged solution over 9 iterations.
Fig. 7 shows the evolution of material distribution across different
iteration steps. Like the first example, an initially diffuse distribution is
achieved without iteration. However, after undergoing 9 iterations, the
Fig. 4. The curve of volume ratio of Material B (MB) against iteration number.
X. Li et al. Computers and Geotechnics 169 (2024) 106239
Fig. 7. The evolution of material distributions for the embankment with iteration number (a) iter = 0; (b) iter = 2; (c) iter = 4; and (d) iter = 9, where ‘density’ ρ =
0 represents normal clays, and ρ = 1 represents biopolymer-treated clays.
material distribution transforms into a nearly binary state, yielding a topology optimisation simulation. Whilst the geometry remains constant
biopolymer-treated clay volume ratio of 6.1 %. Most biopolymer-treated for the stability analysis, it is imperative to extract interface information
clays (i.e., red part in Fig. 7(d)) are concentrated along the left and right to differentiate between the domains occupied by normal and
surfaces of the design domain (i.e., the parallelogram). A notable biopolymer-treated clays. The identification of interfaces entails
quantity of these clays is also found in the bottom-left corner of the discerning boundaries between domains with densities exceeding and
design domain. Stability analysis of the embankment design resulting falling below 0.5. This geometric and interface data is then utilised to
from the topology optimisation was conducted using the commercial construct the analysis model in OptumG2, with corresponding material
software OptumG2. In the analysis, both the normal clay and parameters, such as unit weight and cohesion, allocated to the respective
biopolymer-treated clay were treated as rigid-perfectly plastic materials. domains to facilitate the analysis. Nodes and elements are automatically
Specifically, the Drucker-Prager (DP) model in OptumG2 was employed. generated in OptumG2 utilising mesh adaptivity technique, thereby
The two strength parameters associated with the DP model are M = 0 guaranteeing the achievement of converged solutions. Fig. 8 illustrates
and k = 2c/ 3 where c is the cohesion for normal clay (30 kPa) and the stability analysis results from OptumG2. The FoS of the embankment
biopolymer-treated clay (230 kPa). Consequently, the values of with biopolymer-treated clays is 3.946, in agreement with the expected
parameter k for normal clay and biopolymer-treated clay are 35 kPa and FoS. Compared to the embankment constructed using just normal clay
266 kPa, respectively. With such settings, the DP model in OptumG2 (Fig. 8(a)), fewer soils are disturbed when the embankment with
degrades to a von Mises model with the yield surface middle circum biopolymer-treated clays fails (Fig. 8(b)). This is attributed to the
scribing the Tresca yield surface, ensuring that the material model used presence of the biopolymer-treated clays on the far left of the design
in the stability analysis remains consistent with that utilised in the domain, causing the shear band to propagate on its right.
It is notable that the shape of the region designated for biopolymer-
treated soil exhibits irregularity, which poses significant challenges for
practical engineering implementation. Hence, it is advisable to slightly
simplify the derived optimal topology to yield a more practical and
easily implementable soil distribution for engineering purposes. This
adaptation ensures that the insights gained from the optimisation pro
cess are translated into feasible engineering solutions. Table 1 illustrates
the designed simplified from our topology optimisation solution and
three other designs influenced by traditional reinforcement approaches.
These conventional strategies include the integration of reinforced ma
terials at the base, the implementation of ecological blankets, and their
synergistic combinations. All designs maintain a consistent area occu
pied by biopolymer-treated soils, approximately 2.29 m2, reflecting a
6.1 % volume ratio of biopolymer-treated clays achieved from our to
pology optimisation. Table 1 reveals that the design strategy inspired by
combining ecological blanket implementation and toe reinforcement
(type 3) yields the highest FoS (3.756) among the three designs
emulating conventional reinforcement strategies. Nevertheless, this FoS
is still lower than that of the embankment design simplified from our
topology optimisation solution (i.e., type 4), standing at 3.896. This
underscores the effectiveness of the proposed method for embankment
X. Li et al. Computers and Geotechnics 169 (2024) 106239
Table 1
Four layout designs with the same volume ratio of the biopolymer-treated clays.
Reinforcement type Schematic diagram of the model Geometry of the reinforced soil (total area 2.29
Fig. 9. An illustration of soil foundation design in 3D case: (a) Overall domain; and (b) top view of quarter section.
shown in Fig. 9. The scenario involves a cuboid domain measuring 12 m optimisation process.
× 6 m × 12 m. All surfaces are fixed, excepted for the top surface where The obtained material layout obtained from the developed topology
we intend to apply a pressure of 250 kPa to a circular region with a optimisation approach is shown in Fig. 10 (a). As illustrated, mesh
diameter of 2 m. When the entire domain is occupied by normal clays of refinement techniques are employed in the simulation to enhance
a bulk unit weight of 19.6 kN/m3 and a cohesion of 30 kPa, the ultimate computational efficiency, leading to a total computational cost of 927 s
pressure on the circular region it can sustain is 150 kPa. This study aims for this case. The region that should be reinforced using biopolymer-
to increase the bearing capacity up to 250 kPa using minimal treated clays is depicted in Fig. 10 (b) and (c), with a volume of 4.54
biopolymer-treated clays. The bulk unit weight and cohesion of the m3 implying a volume ratio of 2.1 %.
biopolymer-treated clays are 27.5 kN/m3 and 230 kPa, respectively. Due Although such a material layout can sustain a pressure of 250 kPa on
to symmetry, a quarter of the domain is considered in the topology the circular region, the irregularity of the reinforced clays escalates
X. Li et al. Computers and Geotechnics 169 (2024) 106239
Fig. 10. An illustration of the designed soil foundation from topology optimisation: (a) material layout; (b) region with biopolymer-treated soil (before rendered);
and (c) region with biopolymer-treated soil (after rendered).
Table 2
Design of soil foundations and their bearing capacity.
X. Li et al. Computers and Geotechnics 169 (2024) 106239
complexity in practice. We thus simplify the design according to the reproduce the results have been defined in the paper.
topology from the simulation to alleviate the construction challenges.
Three designs are illustrated in Table 2: a cylinder as the traditional Acknowledgements
circular foot, a hollow cylinder, and a design close to the shape from our
topology optimisation solution. The volume of all three cases are the This work was supported by the New Investigator Award grant of UK
same, namely 4.54 m3. Simulation analysis of the bearing capacity for Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EP/V012169/1),
the three distinct designs was conducted utilising Optum G3. Although the Royal Society International Exchanges grant (IEC/NSFC/191261)
the failure mechanism of the structure is similar for these three designs, and the China Scholarship Council (CSC, No.202108420035).
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the work reported in this paper.
Zhang, X., Li, X., Zhang, Y., 2023a. A framework for plasticity-based topology
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Data availability Zhang, Y., Zhang, X., Nguyen, H., Li, X., Wang, L., 2023b. An implicit 3D nodal
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The data on optimisation algorithm are available from the corre
sponding author upon reasonable request. All the details necessary to