Pharm Summary
Pharm Summary
Pharm Summary
ca channel -pine
Lowers bp Orthostatic Monitor BP, P
Prevent Ca movement hypotension Patient education to
-amil Dizziness change position
blocker -zem
across myocardial cell
membrane Bradycardia slowly
Lowers bp Angioedema
ace Cough Monitor SE
-pril Prevent conversion of
Increase K Monitor K+ level
inhibitor angiotensin I to
angiotensin II. Hypotension Monitor BP + Pulse
medication class prefix/suffix Mechanism of action side effects nursing considerations
reduce stomach acid Abdominal Administer drug
proton pump before meals
-zole Suppress the secretion Pain
Educate patient to
inhibitor of HCL Nausea,
Vomiting not crush or chew
promotes ulcer healing
h2 receptor -dine Dizziness Antacid can decrease
the absorption of
Blocks the action of Drowsiness
antagonist -tidine histamine Headaches cimetidine
pharmacology summary
medication class prefix/suffix Mechanism of action side effects nursing considerations
pain relief Respiratory Monitor respiratory
OPIOIDS -ONE Suppresses pain depression status
-DONE impulses. Constipation Antidote: nalaxone