Production Engineering Course
Production Engineering Course
Production Engineering Course
Dr Raheem Al-Sabur
Delivery Plan (Weekly Syllabus)
Week 11 Cold and Hot Working: Principles of cold and hot working processes
Week 12 Hot Rolling: Principles of rolling processes, Rolling types, Force analysis in rolling
Week 13 Drawing Process: Types of hot drawing, Drawing analysis, Hot Extrusion
2. Proportional limit
It is defined as the maximum stress under
which a material will maintain a perfectly
uniform rate of strain to stress.
A – Limit of proportionality
B – Elastic limit
3. Elastic limit C – Yield point
D – Maximum stress point
E – Breaking of fracture point
Many metals can be put under stress
slightly above the proportional limit
without taking a permanent set. The greatest stress that a material can endure
without taking up some permanent set is called elastic limit.
4. Yield point
At a specific stress, ductile metals particularly cease, resisting tensile forces.
This means, the metals flow and a relatively large permanent set takes place
without a noticeable increase in load. This point is called yield point.
5. Strength
Strength is defined as the ability of a material to resist the externally applied
forces with breakdown or yielding. This property of material therefore
determines the ability to withstand stress without failure. Strength varies
according to the type of loading. It is always possible to assess tensile,
compressive, shearing, and torsional strengths. The maximum stress that any
material can withstand before destruction is called its ultimate strength.
6. Stiffness
It is defined as the ability of a material to resist deformation under stress. The
resistance of a material to elastic deformation or deflection is called stiffness
or rigidity.
7. Plasticity
Plasticity is defined the mechanical property of a material which retains the
deformation produced under load permanently. This property of the material
is required in forging, in stamping images on coins and in ornamental work.
Plastic deformation takes place only after the elastic range of material has
been exceeded.
8. Ductility
Ductility is termed as the property of a material enabling it to be drawn into
wire with the application of tensile load. A ductile material must be strong
and plastic. The ductility is usually measured by the terms, percentage
elongation and percent reduction in area which is often used as empirical
measures of ductility.
9. Brittleness
Brittleness is the property of a material opposite to ductility. It is the property
of breaking of a material with little permanent distortion. The materials
having less than 5% elongation under loading behavior are said to be brittle
materials. Brittle materials when subjected to tensile loads, snap off without
giving any sensible elongation. Glass, cast iron, brass and ceramics are
considered as brittle material.
Hardness is defined as the ability of a metal to cut another metal. A harder
metal can always cut or put impression to the softer metals by virtue of its
hardness. It is a very important property of the metals and has a wide variety
of meanings.
1.2 Destructive and Non-Destructive Tests
The purpose of metal testing is estimating the behavior of metal under loading
(tensile, compressive, shear, torsion and impact, cyclic loading etc.). Also, it is very
important that the material shall be tested so that their mechanical properties
especially their strength can be assessed and compared.
➢ Destructive tests of metal include various mechanical tests such as tensile,
compressive, hardness, impact, fatigue, and creep testing.
➢ Non-destructive testing includes visual examination, radiographic tests,
ultrasound test, liquid penetrating test and magnetic particle testing.
1.2.1 Tensile test
A tensile test is carried out on standard tensile test specimen in universal testing
machine. A standard test specimen for tensile test is shown in Fig. 1.1 according to
ASTM E8/E8M standard while Fig. 1.2 shows a schematic set up of universal testing
machine reflecting the test specimen griped between two cross heads. Fig. 1.3 shows
the stress strain curve for ductile material. Fig. 1.4 shows the properties of a ductile
A – Limit of proportionality
B – Elastic limit
C – Yield point
D – Maximum stress point
E – Breaking of fracture point
Charpy tests show whether a metal can be classified as being either brittle or ductile.
This is particularly useful for ferritic steels that show a ductile to brittle transition
with decreasing temperature. A brittle metal will absorb a small amount of energy
when impact tested, a tough ductile metal absorbs a large amount of energy. The
appearance of a fracture surface also gives information about the type of fracture
that has occurred; a brittle fracture is bright and crystalline; a ductile fracture is dull
and fibrous.
2. Ferrous Metals
The ferrous metals are those which have iron as their main constituents. The ferrous
metals commonly used in engineering practice are cast iron, wrought iron, steel and
alloy steels. The basic principal raw material for all ferrous metals is crude (pig iron)
which is obtained by smelting iron ore, coke and limestone, in the blast furnace.
The principal iron ores with their metallic contents are shown in Table 2.1.
3. Steel: Steel is an alloy of iron and carbon with carbon content maximum up
to 1.7%. The carbon occurs in the form of iron carbide, because of its ability
to increase the hardness and strength of the steel
a. Plain carbon steels
i. Dead Carbon steels
ii. Low Carbon steels
iii. Medium Carbon steels
iv. High Carbon steels
b. Alloy steels
i. High speed steel
ii. Stainless steel
magnesium. The amounts of silicon, phosphorus, and sulfur present will determine
the purification process used in the manufacture of the steel.
The output from the furnace in form of crude (pig) iron is collected in large ladles
from the tap hole existing at lower portion of furnace. As the coke burns, aided by
the air forced into the furnace, the ore melts and collects in the hearth. As the melting
process proceeds, the entire mass settles and thus makes room for the addition of
charges at the top. While the melting is going on, the limestone forms a slag with the
carbon becomes part of the pig iron used in the making of steel. The control of this
carbon during the subsequent processes determines the properties of the steel.
The crude (pig) iron is then processed for purification work for production of various
kinds of iron and steel in form of ingots (large sections) using different furnaces.
The steel ingots can be further processed in rolling mill or blooming mill to produce
different structural shapes and sections of steel.
Fig. 2.3 Flow chart for converting pig iron into useful iron and steel
2.3.1. Bessemer Convertor
The Bessemer process was the first inexpensive industrial process for the mass-
production of steel from molten pig iron. The process is named after its inventor,
Henry Bessemer, who took out a patent on the process in 1855. The key principle is
removal of impurities from the iron by oxidation with air being blown through the
molten iron. The oxidation also raises the temperature of the iron mass and keeps it
molten. The process is carried on in a large ovoid steel container lined with clay or
dolomite called the Bessemer converter. The capacity of a converter was from 8 to
30 tons of molten iron.
Extraction of Aluminium
The aluminium production process can be broken down into three stages:
• first Bauxite, ore which contain aluminium, are extracted from the ground.
• Second, bauxites are processed into aluminium oxide or alumina (white
powder from which aluminium can be extracted)
• Third, pure aluminium is produced using electrolytic reduction,
1.2. Copper
Copper is one of the most widely used non-ferrous metals in industry. Pure copper
is soft, malleable and ductile metal with a reddish-brown appearance. It is a good
conductor of electricity. It is non-corrosive under ordinary conditions and resists
weather very effectively.
1.2.1. Copper Ores
1.3. LEAD
Lead is a bluish grey metal with a high metallic lustre when freshly cut. It is a very
durable and versatile material. The heavy metal obtained from the bottom of the
furnace is further oxidized in Bessemer’s converter to remove most of the impurities.
Lead has properties of high density and easy workability. It has very good resistance
to corrosion and many acids have no chemical action on it. It is the softest and
heaviest of all the common metals. It can readily be scratched with fingernail when
a. Lead is used in safety plug in boilers, fire door releases and fuses.
b. It is also used in various alloys such as brass and bronze.
c. In the soldering process, an alloy of lead and tin is most widely utilized as a
solder material for joining metals in joining processes.
1.4. ZINC
Zinc is bluish grey in color and is obtained from common ores of zinc are zinc blende
(ZnS), zincite (ZnO), calamine (ZnCO3). These ores are commonly available in
Burma. The oxide is heated in an electric furnace where the zinc is liberated as vapor.
The vapors are then cooled in condensers to get metallic zinc. Zinc possesses high
resistance to corrosion.
Zinc is the fourth most utilized metal after iron, aluminium, and copper. It is
commonly used as:
a. a protective coating on iron and steel in the form of a galvanized or sprayed
b. It is used for generating electric cells and making brass and other alloys.
c. The oxide of zinc is used as pigment in paints.
d. Parts manufactured by zinc alloys include carburetors, fuel pumps,
automobile parts, and so on.
1.5. TIN
Tin is considered as a soft and ductile material. It possesses very good malleability.
Tin is recognized as brightly shining white metal. It does not corrode in wet and dry
conditions. Therefore, it is commonly used as a protective coating material for iron
and steel. The main source of tin is tinstone.
a. Tin-base white metals are commonly used to make bearings that are subjected
to high pressure and load.
b. Tin is used as coating on other metals and alloys owing to its resistance to
c. Because of its high malleability, it finds application in tin cans for storing food
and food items.
1.3.Classification of Plastics
Plastics are broadly classified into thermos-plastics and thermo-setting plastics.
1.3.1. Thermo-Plastics
Those plastics which can be easily softened again and again by heating are called
thermoplastic. They can be reprocessed safely. They retain their plasticity at high
temperature, i.e. they preserve an ability to be repeatedly formed by heat and
Structure of thermoplastic types (A) linear and (B) with side chains
Types of Thermo-Plastics
(A) Amorphous
1. Polystyrene
2. P.V.C (Polyvinyl chloride)
(B) Crystalline
1. Polyethylene
2. Polypropylene
Themo-plastics can be formed by
Thermosetting plastics can be
Injection molding, Extrusion, Blow
formed by Compression or transfer
molding, Thermo-forming, and
molding and Casting
Applications. Telephone receivers,
Applications. Toys, combs, toilet electric plugs, radio and T.V.
goods, photographic films, insulating cabinets, camera bodies, automobile
tapes, hoses, electric insulation, etc. parts, tapes, hoses, circuit breaker
switch panels, etc.
Final Processing
• Following firing, some ceramic products are processed further to enhance
their characteristics or to meet dimensional tolerances.
• Ceramics can be machined by abrasive grinding, chemical polishing,
electrical discharge machining, or laser machining.
• Annealing at high temperature, followed by gradual cooling can relieve
internal stresses within the ceramic and surface stresses due to machining.
• Coatings also may be applied to improve strength, and resistance to corrosion
or for decoration.
1. What do you understand by powder metallurgy? What are the main stages of
powder metallurgy process?
2. Explain the objectives of powder compaction and list important products of
powder metallurgy.
3. Describe the atomization process of making powder in detail.
1. Patterns are required to make molds. The mold is made by packing molding
sand around the pattern. The mold is usually made in two parts so that the
pattern can be withdrawn.
2. If the casting is to be hollow, additional patterns, referred to as core boxes, are
needed to shape the sand forms, or cores, that are placed in the mold cavity to
form the interior surfaces and sometimes the external surfaces as well of the
3. Molding is the operation necessary to prepare a mold for receiving the metal.
It consists of ramming sand around the pattern placed in support, or flask,
removing the pattern, setting cores in place, and creating the gating/feeding
system to direct the metal into the mold cavity created by the pattern, either
by cutting it into the mold by hand or by including it on the pattern, which is
most used.
4. Melting and pouring are the processes of preparing molten metal of the
proper composition and temperature and pouring this into the mold from
transfer ladles.
5. Cleaning includes all the operations required to remove the gates and risers
that constitute the gating/feeding system and to remove the adhering sand,
scale, parting fins, and other foreign material that must be removed before the
casting is ready for shipment or other processing.
The pattern is the principal tool during the casting process. It is the replica of the
object to be made by the casting process, with some modifications. The main
modifications are the addition of pattern allowances, and the provision of core prints.
If the casting is to be hollow, additional patterns called cores are used to create these
cavities in the finished product.
Types of Patterns
Solid pattern - A solid pattern is a model of the part as a single
piece. It is the easiest to fabricate but can cause some difficulties
in making the mold. Solid patterns are typically used for
geometrically simple parts that are produced in low quantities.
Metal forming is also known as the mechanical working of metals. Metal forming
operations are frequently desirable either to produce a new shape or to improve the
properties of the metal. The main objectives of metalworking processes are to
provide the desired shape and size under the action of externally applied forces in
Metals are commonly worked by plastic deformation because of the beneficial effect
that is imparted to the mechanical properties by it. The necessary deformation in a
metal can be achieved by application of mechanical force only or by heating the
metal and then applying a small force. This plastic deformation of a metal takes place
when the stress caused in the metal, due to the applied forces reaches the yield point.
During the process of plastic deformation in metal forming, the plastic flow of the
metal takes place, and the shapes of the grains are changed. If the plastic deformation
is carried out at higher temperatures, new grains start growing at the location of
internal stresses caused by the metal. If the temperature is sufficiently high, the
growth of new grains is accelerated and continuous till the metal comprises entirely
only the new grains. This process of formation of new grains is known as
recrystallization. The temperature at which recrystalisation is completed is known
as the recrystallisation temperature of the metal. It is this point which draws the line
of difference between cold working and hot working processes. Mechanical working
of a metal below its recrystallization temperature is called as cold working and that
accomplished above this temperature but below the melting or burning point is
known as hot working.
3. Cold Working
The cold working of metal is carried out below its recrystallization temperature.
Although average room temperatures are ordinarily used for cold working of various
types of steel, temperatures up to the recrystallization range are sometimes used. In
cold working, recovery processes are not effective.
• Percentage elongation
• Reduction of area
• Impact strength
• Resistance to corrosion
• Ductility
4. Hot Working
1. Hot rolling
2. Hot extrusion
3. Hot drawing
coefficient of friction, μ
Reduction (r)
The power
F is in newtons,
L is in meters, and
N is the revolutions per minute (rpm)
Ex: A 300-mm-wide strip 25-mm thick is fed through a rolling mill with two powered
rolls of radius = 250 mm. The working thickness must be reduced to 22 mm in one
pass at a roll speed of 50 rev/min. The work material has a flow curve defined by K
= 275 MPa and n = 0.15, and the coefficient of friction between the rolls and the
work is assumed to be 0.12. Determine if the friction is sufficient to permit the rolling
operation to be accomplished. If so, calculate the roll force, torque, and power.
The draft attempted in this rolling operation is
d = 25 - 22 = 3mm
Maximum draft
1. Two thick slabs of 300mm each, the first one is used in cold rolling where
μ=0.08 while the second is used in cold rolling where μ=0.5. The mill roll
diameter in each case is the same as 600mm. Determine the max draft
(reduction) in both cases. Discuss the wide difference in results.
2. A tensile specimen of the metal of 100 mm is length stretched to a length = of
157 mm during the rolling process. If the metal has a flow curve with
parameters: K = 850 MPa and strain hardening exponent n = 0.30. Determine
the average flow stress that the metal has been subjected to during the
3. During the rolling process, the average flow stress is 20,000 lb/in2,
determining the amount of reduction in the cross-sectional area (use n = 0.40
and K = 35,000 lb/in2).
4. A plate of 270 mm wide and 25 mm thick from carbon steel. A two-high
rolling mill is used to reduce the thickness to 20 mm. Roll radius = 600 mm,
and roll speed = 8 rpm. Strength coefficient = 500 MPa, and strain hardening
exponent = 0.25. Determine (a) roll force, (b) roll torque, and (c) power
required to perform the operation.
Drawing Types:
1- Deep Drawing:
Deep drawing is a sheet metal forming process in which a sheet metal blank is
radially drawn into a forming die by the mechanical action of a punch. It is thus a
shape transformation process with material retention. The process is considered
"deep" drawing when the depth of the drawn part exceeds its diameter. This is
achieved by redrawing the part through a series of dies. The flange region (sheet
metal in the die shoulder area) experiences a radial drawing stress and a tangential
compressive stress due to the material retention property. These compressive stresses
(hoop stresses) result in flange wrinkles (wrinkles of the first order). Wrinkles can
be prevented by using a blank holder, the function of which is to facilitate controlled
material flow into the die radius.
The recommended metals for Deep Drawing are: Aluminum, Brass, Bronze, cold
rolled steel, Copper, Iron, Molybdenum, Nickel, Silver, Stainless steel, and others.
2- Wire drawing:
To begin the wire drawing process, a spool of wire is placed at beginning of the
machine on a spool. To feed it through the machine, the end of wire must be cut or
flattened. It is fed through the machine and through a series of dies to achieve its
final cross-sectional area. The end of the machine usually has a spool or coiler, so
the finished product is a coil of wire at the desired cross-sectional area. The end
process may also be a barrel packer where a barrel is placed, and the coiled wire is
spooled directly into the barrel using a turntable.
It is vitally important the temperature of the machinery does not get too hot
(primarily caused by the energy released while deforming of the metal) and the wire
has a constant tension and speed as it moves through the series of dies.
There are many applications for wire drawing, including electrical wiring, cables,
tension-loaded structural components, springs, paper clips, spokes for wheels, and
stringed musical.
a- Tube Sinking:
In this process, tube is simply pulled through the die. The outer diameter is
regulated by the die diameter but there is no regulation of inner diameter or
thickness of tube. The surface finish on inner diameter is also not good.
During the drawing operation the thickness of tube generally changes.
b- Tube Drawing with Floating Mandrel:
The process of tube drawing with a floating mandrel. The position of mandrel
with respect to the die gets adjusted by the normal and tangential forces
exerted by tube material on the mandrel. The frictional force tends to pull the
mandrel into the die while the normal force tries to it push out. Since there is
no external control on the position of the mandrel, it may change its position
if the frictional condition changes, thus resulting in change in tube thickness.
c- Tube Drawing with Fixed Mandrel:
The tube is drawn through a die and a mandrel. The position of mandrel may
be adjusted by the bar attached to its rear end to change the thickness of tube
and the internal diameter. The external diameter is determined by the die
diameter. The surface quality of both the surfaces, internal as well as external
gets improved. The pull required is certainly more than that in tube sinking
because of the additional deformation in the thickness of tube and due to
frictional force between the tube and the mandrel.
d- Tube Drawing with Moving Mandrel:
The process is illustrated the cylindrical mandrel and the tube are pulled
together through the die. The process is generally used to reduce the thickness
of tube. Since the area of cross section of tube increases towards the entry side
its speed decreases while the mandrel being rigid moves with the same speed
as the speed of tube at the exit. Therefore, in the deformation zone the mandrel
moves faster than the tube. The frictional force between the tube and the
mandrel pulls the tube inside the die while the frictional stress between the
tube and die acts in the opposite direction.
Drawing Analysis
Area Reduction
where r area reduction in drawing; Ao original area of work, and Af final area
True strain:
Draw Stress
Draw Force
Ex: Wire is drawn through a draw die with entrance angle 15°. Starting diameter is
2.5 mm and final diameter 2.0 mm. The coefficient of friction at the work–die
interface 0.07. The metal has a strength coefficient K=205 MPa and a strain-
hardening exponent n = 0.20. Determine the draw stress and draw force in this
= (2.5+2)/2=2.25
=(2.5-2)/(2*sin15) = 0.966
Draw stress
Draw force
Q1: A spool of copper wire has a starting diameter of 2.5 mm. It is drawn through a
die with an opening that is 2.1 mm. The entrance angle of the die = 18°. Coefficient
of friction at the work die interface is 0.08. The pure copper has a strength coefficient
= 300 MPa and a strain hardening coefficient = 0.50. The operation is performed at
room temperature. Determine (a) area reduction, (b) draw stress, and (c) draw force
required for the operation.
Q2: Aluminum rod stock with a starting diameter = 0.50 in is drawn through a draw
die with an entrance angle = 13. The final diameter of the rod is = 0.375 in. The metal
has a strength coefficient = 25,000 lb/in2 and a strain hardening exponent = 0.20.
Coefficient of friction at the work-die interface = 0.1. Determine (a) area reduction,
(b) draw force for the operation.
Q3: Bar stock of initial diameter = 90 mm is drawn with a draft = 15 mm. The draw
die has an entrance angle = 18, and the coefficient of friction at the work-die interface
= 0.08. The metal behaves as a perfectly plastic material with yield stress = 105 MPa.
Determine (a) area reduction, (b) draw stress, (c) draw force required for the operation.
3. Welding Positions
There are four types of welding positions, which are given as:
1. Flat or down hand position
2. Horizontal position
3. Vertical position
4. Overhead position