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Ventures Private Limited

B r o c h u r e
Qriocity 2023




Enhancing IoT Device

Longevity: A Hybrid Evaluating hybrid encryption's energy Hybrid

Encryption Approach efficiency in IoT devices using an RNN to Encryption,

Combining AES with predict AES and hybrid encryption times based PRJ-046 IoT,

Lightweight Algorithms on file size and device. Results are visualized in Technology Lightweight

for Energy Efficiency a Streamlit app, showcasing potential energy Algorithms

savings and efficiency improvements.

Advancing Abstractive Text Comparing T5, BERT, and LSTM models for Abstractive
Summarization: A abstractive text summarization on the PRJ-047 Natural Summarizat
Comparative Analysis of T5, Gigaword dataset. T5 achieved superior Language ion, T5,
BERT, and LSTM Models ROUGE scores, indicating its efficacy and Processing, BERT,
Using Gigaword Dataset and suitability for practical summarization Technology LSTM
ROUGE Evaluation Metrics applications.
Enhancing Decision-Making The AI-Driven Business Insight project AI,

with AI: Integrating ARIMA, addresses sales, profit, and revenue Decision

Linear Regression, OLS, and prediction using ARIMA and linear PRJ-048 Business Making,

KNN for Dynamic Business regression. It also includes price optimization Intelligence, Business

Insight Predictions via OLS and customer segmentation with Technology Insights


Enhancing ATM Accessibility: A Creating an accessible ATM app for visually Dual

Dual-Language (Tamil and impaired users in Tamil and English. Features Accessibility, Language,

English) Streamlit Application include account management, transactions, PRJ-049 Technology Streamlit,

with Audio Guidance and Voice and audio guidance with Tamil voice Accessibility
Command for Visually Impaired commands via Streamlit for independent
Users financial management.
Enhancing Text Input
Accuracy: An Advanced The Auto-correct App improves text input
accuracy with a custom spelling correction Autocorrect,

Autocorrect App with PRJ-050 User Interface, Spelling

Custom Spelling algorithm, secure signup login, user


dashboard, and efficient auto-correct Correction

Correction Algorithm and
Secure User functionality, enhancing user productivity
Authentication and experience.

Enhancing Network Security: Machine

A Botnet Classification App Enhancing network security with botnet Security, Learning,
detection using machine learning models like PRJ-051
Leveraging Diverse Machine Network BotnetClassifi
Learning Models for Random Forest. This project identifies and Security cation
Improved Accuracy and mitigates threats by accurately classifying
Detection network traffic patterns.
Enhancing cardiac arrhythmia diagnosis with
Advancing Cardiac Arrhythmia machine learning: models include KNN, Machine
Diagnosis: A Hybrid Machine Health,

Learning Model Integrating Logistic Regression, Random Forest, and SVC. PRJ-052 Medical
Random Forest and Logistic A hybrid Random Forest and Logistic Diagnosis CardiacArrhyt
Regression for Enhanced Regression model showed superior accuracy hmia
Classification Accuracy on balanced datasets.
Qriocity 2023




Enhancing Comment
Moderation: A Novel Classifying comments into categories like Machine

'toxic', 'severe_toxic', 'obscene', 'threat', 'insult', Learning,

Binary Classification PRJ-053

Approach for Multilabel and 'identity_hate' using binary classification Technology, Comment

Challenges in Comment models. Logistic regression was selected for its Social Media Moderation
Toxicity Detection superior accuracy and integrated into a
Streamlit app for enhanced performance.

Advanced Cyberbullying Detecting cyberbullying through textual and Machine

Detection: Integrating visual content analysis using Pytesseract for PRJ-054 Security, Learning,
Pytesseract, Demoji, and OCR, demoji for emoji transcription, and Social Media Cyberbully
BERT for Comprehensive BERT for NLU. Achieving 98% accuracy, it's ing
Textual and Visual Content implemented in a user-friendly Streamlit app
Analysis for seamless input and result display.
Enhancing DDoS Attack Detecting DDoS attacks using SVM, Machine

Detection: Leveraging Random Forest, and Decision Tree models. Security, Learning,

Decision Tree Machine The Decision Tree model excelled, aiming to PRJ-055 Network DDoS

Learning Model for Real-Time improve real-time cybersecurity by Security Detection

Monitoring and Adaptive accurately identifying and mitigating DDoS
Threat Identification attacks.

Revolutionizing Energy Predicting energy consumption with machine

Management: Leveraging learning algorithms (Decision Tree, Random Energy Machine

Random Forest for Precise Forest, Linear Regression). Random Forest, PRJ-056 Management, Learning,

Energy Consumption the most accurate, optimizes energy Sustainability Energy

Prediction and Sustainability management using historical data, weather, Prediction

Enhancement and calendar effects for cost reduction.
Advancing Network Security: Comparative analysis of ML algorithms for network
intrusion detection: logistic regression, SVC, Machine

A Comprehensive decision trees, random forests, and ensemble

Comparative Study of methods like bagging, stacking, AdaBoost, gradient PRJ-057 Security, Learning,

Machine Learning and boosting, and XGBoost to identify the most Network Intrusion

Ensemble Algorithms for effective approach. Security Detection

Effective Intrusion Detection
Enhancing Social Media Detection of fake social media accounts using ML:
Integrity: A Multi-Platform Trained AdaBoost, Bagging, Decision Tree, Logistic
Regression, Random Forest, XGBoost, and MachineLearni
Machine Learning Approach Gradient Boosting on Twitter, Facebook, and PRJ-058 Security,
to Detecting Fake Accounts Instagram data. Streamlit app shows predictions; Social Media FakeAccountD
with a User-Friendly Random Forest excelled. Integrity etection,
Streamlit Interface Streamlit

Advancing Online Safety: A Detecting online hate speech using BERT, Naive BERT,
Comprehensive Hate Speech Bayes, Logistic Regression, SVM, Random Forest, EnsembleMet
Detection System Using and ensemble methods. Developed a Streamlit app
PRJ-059 Security,

for interactive, real-time classification, enhancing Online Safety hods,

BERT, Ensemble Methods, online community safety. HateSpeech
and Traditional Algorithms in a Detection,
User-Friendly Streamlit App Streamlit
Qriocity 2023



Advancing Agricultural
Safety: A Streamlit-Based The HumanFood Monitoring project aids Streamlit,

HumanFood Monitoring farmers in managing pesticide use via a Pesticide

Streamlit app. It logs data, warns of unsafe PRJ-060 Agriculture, Management,

System for Real-Time

Pesticide Usage levels, and provides precautionary info, Safety Data

Management and Secure ensuring safer agricultural practices. Security

Data Handling
Enhancing Network Security Developed an IDS using machine learning to MachineLe
with IDS-IOT: A Machine detect and classify real-time network attacks. PRJ-061 Security, arning,
Learning-Powered Intrusion Trained with Decision Trees, Random Forests, Network RandomFor
Detection System Using and Logistic Regression, Random Forest Security, IoT est
Random Forest for Real-Time excelled. The app processes network data,
Attack Classification offering an intuitive tool for security.
Revolutionizing Cybersecurity: Focused on cybersecurity, we use Random Machine

A Unified Machine Learning Forest, AdaBoost, Gradient Boosting for Security, Learning,

Approach for Real-Time intrusion detection, Naive Bayes, Random PRJ-062 Cybersecurity Intrusion

Intrusion, Malware, and URL Forest, SVM for malware, and URL Detection,

Detection Using Random detection. Random Forest performed best, Malware

Forest and Advanced powering our real-time threat detection app. Detection,

Algorithms URLDetection,
Enhancing Liver Disease Our project predicts liver disease using
Diagnosis: A Machine Learning Logistic Regression, Random Forest, and Health, Medical Machine

Solution Using Random Forest SVM, where Random Forest showed highest PRJ-063 Diagnosis Learning,

for Accurate and Non-Invasive accuracy. It offers a user-friendly interface LiverDisease,

Predictions for healthcare professionals, aiding early RandomForest

diagnosis and improving patient outcomes.
Enhancing Cybersecurity The project employs multiple models—Naive
Bayes, Random Forest, Logistic Regression, MachineLearning,

Across Domains: An Voting Classifier, SVM, and KNN—for real-time

Integrated Application Using malware detection. Random Forest excels, PRJ-064 Security, RandomForest,

Random Forest and Diverse enhancing cybersecurity via automated threat Cybersecurity DDoSDetection,

Algorithms for Real-time identification and classification. MalwareDetection,

DDoS, Malware, and URL URLDetection

This project develops a multilingual hate speech
Advancing Hate Speech detection system using OpenAI's Whisper for
converting diverse media into text. It employs HateSpeechD
Detection: A Multilingual the fine-tuned Llama-2 model and a Streamlit PRJ-065 Social Media, etection,
System Using Llama-2 for app for intuitive real-time analysis. Speech Analysis Multilingual,
Real-Time Analysis of Audio, Llama2
Video, and Text Content

Enhancing Music Discovery: A Our Music Recommendation System utilizes SentimentAn

Real-Time Recommendation NLP and sentiment analysis to suggest music alysis,
System Using Sentiment based on emotional text or audio inputs. It PRJ-066 Entertainment,

Music Discovery EmotionalMat

Analysis and Emotional transcribes audio, analyzes sentiment using ching,
Matching with Spotify Hugging Face models and PySentimiento,
offers artist-filtered tracks, and finds SpotifyIntegr
Integration alternatives with Levenshtein distance. ation
Qriocity 2023




Revolutionizing Network
Our IDS uses CNNs with Decision Trees, CNN,

Security: Integrating
Convolutional Neural Random Forests, and Logistic Regression for Intrusion

real-time threat detection and classification, PRJ-067 Security, Detection

Networks for Enhanced
Real-Time Intrusion offering a user-friendly interface for proactive Network
Detection and Automated network security. Security
Attack Classification
Enhancing Network Security The Intrusion Detection project identifies tection,
with Anomaly Detection: A network anomalies using Decision Trees, PRJ-068 Security, DecisionTre
Machine Learning Approach Random Forest, and SVM algorithms, Network es,
Using Decision Trees, distinguishing between normal and suspicious Security RandomFor
Random Forest, and SVM for activities to enhance network security. est, SVM
Real-Time Intrusion
Enhancing Movie Discovery: A Our Movie Recommendation System uses a GraphNeuralN
Real-Time Recommendation GNN to personalize suggestions based on Entertainme etworks,
System Utilizing Graph Neural user preferences, analyzing ratings and PRJ-069 nt, Movie Recommendati
Networks for Personalized features. Implemented in a Streamlit app, it Discovery onSystem
User Preferences offers an intuitive interface for enhanced
movie discovery.

Enhancing Social Media The Rumor Identification system classifies

Integrity: A Machine Learning- tweets as rumors or non-rumors using various Social Media, Machine

Based Rumor Identification algorithms, with CNN performing best. It PRJ-070 Integrity Learning,

System Utilizing CNN for includes text preprocessing and offers a user- Rumor

Accurate Real-Time Tweet friendly interface for real-time tweet analysis Identification
Analysis and predictions.
Enhancing Sentiment The sentiment analysis system classifies text
Analysis: A Real-Time Text into positive, negative, or neutral using Machine

Classification System Using Multinomial Naive Bayes, Random Forest, and PRJ-071 Sentiment Learning,

Advanced Machine Learning Gradient Boosting models, with a user- Analysis Text

Algorithms for Accurate friendly Streamlit interface for real-time Classification

Sentiment Detection analysis.

Revolutionizing Movie The movie recommendation system uses

Discovery: A Streamlit Web LSTM for se uential learning and cosine
Application Leveraging similarity for content-based filtering. PRJ-072 Entertainment, CosineSimilari
LSTM and Cosine Similarity Accessible via a user-friendly Streamlit app, it Movie ty, Streamlit
for Personalized Film helps users discover movies based on their Discovery
Recommendations preferences.

Streamlining Network The SIP Signal project uses CNNs to analyze CNN,
Security: A Convolutional SIP network data in real-time, detecting and SIPSignalAnal
Neural Network-Based PRJ-073 Security,

responding to potential attacks swiftly, Network

System for Real-Time SIP enhancing network security operations. AttackDetect
Signal Analysis and Attack Security
Qriocity 2023





Advancing Mental Health This project classifies user mental states from text or
Support: An Automated audio as depression, suicidal, or normal using Logistic
Classification System Regression, Decision Tree, Random Forest, and Text

PRJ-074 Mental Health, Classification,

Using Text and Audio Multinomial models, with Logistic Regression most
Inputs to Identify accurate. It then offers tailored video support. Support Audio

Depression and Suicidal Classification


Enhancing Communication for Tamil Gesture aids hearing-impaired individuals by

Hearing Impaired: 'Tamil converting Tamil audio into gesture GIFs. Users can
PRJ-075 Accessibility, TamilGestu
Gesture'—A System for record or upload audio, which is processed to re,
generate gesture animations, enhancing Communicat
Translating Tamil Audio to communication through visual cues. ion AudioTransl
Gesture GIFs to Improve ation
Accessibility and Comprehension
The Tamil Agriculture Chatbot supports Tamil-
speaking farmers with an audio-based query
Empowering Tamil-Speaking system. It processes Tanglish queries into text, Agriculture,
Farmers: A Tanglish- providing agricultural information to aid informed PRJ-076 Farmer Tanglish,
Supported Audio-Based decision-making effectively. Support AudioChatbot
Agriculture Chatbot for Real-
Time Query Responses

All-in-One Telegram Bot: The All-in-One Telegram Bot offers news

Integrating News, updates, entertainment, fitness schedules, and Communicati TelegramBot
Entertainment, recommendations for movies, books, and PRJ-077
restaurants, along with alarms, text translation, on,
Recommendations, and math problem-solving, and general knowledge Entertainment,
Utilities for Enhanced User queries, optimizing user convenience. News
Convenience and Interaction

Enhancing Autonomous The project developed a self-driving car system

using TensorFlow's MoveNet Thunder variant to Hand

Vehicle Navigation: Traffic recognize Indian traffic police hand signals. It trained
Police Hand Gesture on 8,000 images to improve autonomous vehicles' PRJ-080 Autonomous Gesture

Recognition for Self-Driving understanding of human directions, vital for Vehicles, Traffic Recognition,

Cars in India Using MoveNet navigating Indian traffic effectively. Management MoveNet

Thunder Thunder

Enhancing Diabetes Diabetes Prediction integrates Random Forest and

Prediction Through Hybrid XGBoost algorithms for early detection. It includes
data collection, preprocessing, feature selection, ML,
Fusion of Random Forest and and training to enhance predictive accuracy and PRJ-131 Health, DiabetesPredi
XGBoost Algorithms by robustness in diabetes diagnosis. Technology ction
Improving Accuracy and
Detect frame duplication in digital videos using a
Enhanced Detection of Frame combined approach of ML and signal processing.
Duplication in Digital Videos Workflow: data collection, video preprocessing,
through Integrated Machine feature extraction, signal processing for frame
PRJ-132 Technology,
patterns, ML model training, and validation for Security VideoAnalysis
Learning and Signal accurate duplication identification.
Processing Techniques
Qriocity 2023




Enhanced Real-Time
Detection of Cyber Detect and classify abnormal network traffic ML,

Threats through Adaptive and cyber threats in real-time using machine CyberSecurity
learning. Workflow includes data collection, PRJ-133 Security,
Machine Learning in
Network Traffic Analysis preprocessing, model training, and real-time Technology
anomaly detection for accurate threat
identification and classification.

Real-Time Shift-Invariant 2D Develop a system for traffic sign recognition TrafficSigns
CNN for Enhanced Traffic in video streams using shift-invariant 2D PRJ-134 Road Safety,
Sign Recognition in Vehicle CNN. Workflow: frame conversion, image Technology
Video Streams preprocessing, CNN training on traffic sign
data, and deployment for real-time
applications like car dash cams.
Integrated PredNet Predict city-wide traffic congestion levels AI,
Framework for City-Wide using CNN for image features, LSTM for Urban TrafficPredict
Traffic Congestion Prediction temporal modeling, and Transpose CNN for PRJ-135 Mobility, ion
Using CNN, LSTM, and congestion prediction. Technology
Transpose CNN

Enhanced Loan Amount The project predicts loan amounts using

Prediction through various ML algorithms: data collection, Business, ML,

Comparative Analysis of preprocessing, feature engineering, and PRJ-136 Technology Loan

Advanced Machine Learning training models like Random Forest, Prediction

Algorithms and Feature XGBoost, and Linear Regression. Identifying
Engineering the most accurate prediction algorithm is the
Enhancing Deep Learning Integrate MaxPooling and Average Pooling
Capabilities through Custom into a custom RISC-V processor for deep DL,

Hardware Integration in a learning. Define specs, design hardware PRJ-137 Technology, Hardware

RISC-V Processor modules, integrate into architecture, test Education Integration

functionality, and optimize for performance,
enhancing support for advanced deep
learning applications.
Enhanced Credit Analysis Develop an automated credit analysis system
Using Recurrent CatBoost by using Recurrent CatBoost Classifier for ML,
Integrating Dynamic predicting loan eligibility and PRJ-138

Business, CreditAnalysis
Parameters for Improved creditworthiness. Integrate new parameters, Finance
Loan Eligibility Prediction train, evaluate performance, and deploy for
real-time decisions, aiming for improved
accuracy and efficiency.
Enhanced Prediction of Developing a COVID-19 prediction model
COVID-19 Through Advanced using ML algorithms and symptom data.
Symptom Analysis and PRJ-139 Health, Hospital ML, COVID19
Involves data collection, preprocessing, model
Dynamic Machine Learning training, evaluation, and deployment for
Models accurate early detection and treatment
guidance based on symptoms and test results.
Qriocity 2023




Enhancing Movie
Recommendations Develop a movie recommendation system ML,

through Advanced using collaborative filtering to personalize Movie

suggestions based on user interaction data. It PRJ-140 Entertainment, Recommendation

Collaborative Filtering and
Hybrid Techniques with includes data collection, preprocessing, Technology
Real-Time Updates filtering algorithms, and model training to
predict preferences, enhancing user viewing
experiences dynamically.
Enhancing Network Threat Build a real-time network threat detection ThreatDete
Detection Using KNN and system using K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) PRJ-141 Security, ctionML,
SVM for Real-Time Anomaly and Support Vector Machine (SVM) Technology ThreatDete
Analysis algorithms. Preprocess data, train models on ction
historical data, and deploy for effective
anomaly detection.
Enhanced Prediction of Loan Enhance loan amount prediction using ML,
Amounts Using Multi-Model multiple machine learning models. Business, LoanPredict
Machine Learning and Preprocess data, train with Linear PRJ-142 Finance ion
Advanced Feature Regression, Random Forest, and XGBoost,
Engineering and evaluate for accuracy with RMSE and R²

Integrative Multi-Objective Transform drug design with multi-objective

Drug Design with AES optimization and AES encryption for Health, ML,

Encryption for Personalized personalized healthcare. Tailor treatments for PRJ-143 Technology Drug

Healthcare Optimization efficacy, minimize side effects, and optimize Design

drug selection for cost and performance,
ensuring robust data security.
Enhanced Multi-Class Develop a cardiac sound diagnostic system
Cardiac Sound Diagnosis using Phonocardiogram signals and advanced DL,

Using Advanced PCG Signal preprocessing techniques. Employ PRJ-144 Health,


Analysis and Deep Learning Convolutional Neural Networks and LSTM Hospital Sound
Integration networks for accurate disease classification,
enhancing diagnostic reliability.

Advanced Anti-Spoofing Develop an advanced anti-spoofing system

System for Real-Time to detect print attacks in biometric AI,
Detection of Print Attacks in modalities (iris and palm recognition). Utilize PRJ-145

Security, AntiSpoofing
Biometric Modalities algorithms to distinguish genuine from fake Technology
inputs, enhancing biometric authentication
security against spoofing.

Enhanced Cryptocurrency Enhance cryptocurrency price predictions

Price Prediction Using using machine learning models trained on
Machine Learning and Real- PRJ-146 Finance,
historical data, market trends, and social media Technology
Time Data Integration sentiment analysis. Provide accurate insights Cryptocurre
for investors and traders to improve decisions ncy
in the volatile cryptocurrency market.
Qriocity 2023





Enhancing Ship
Localization in SAR
Develop a deep learning model for ship localization in DL,

Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images. Train on a Ship

Images through Deep dataset to detect ships accurately and provide PRJ-147
Learning-based coordinates, enhancing maritime applications like Technology, Localization
Convolutional Neural navigation and search and rescue operations. Environment

Automated Blood Group Develop an automated system to detect blood BloodDetec
Detection System Using groups using image processing on blood sample Health,
images. Extract features related to blood group PRJ-148 tion
Image Processing for Non- antigens and classify blood groups for efficient, Technology
Invasive Antigen Feature non-invasive blood typing, improving safety and
Extraction and Classification efficiency.

Entropy-Based Detection of Detect Slow Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) ML,

attacks using an entropy-based model. Identify
Slow DDoS Attacks: Proactive subtle deviations in traffic to proactively enhance Security, DDoSDetect
Defense Mechanism network resilience against these threats, ensuring PRJ-149 Technology ion
Integrating Machine Learning sustained performance and availability.
for Network Resilience

Machine Learning Analysis of Implement a machine learning algorithm to analyze

EEG Signals to Predict EEG signals for studying working memory. Health, ML,

Working Memory Functionality Understand neural correlates, develop predictive PRJ-150

models, and contribute to cognitive disorder Research EEGAnalysis
and Cognitive Disorders diagnostics, enhancing understanding of decision-
making and learning processes.

Integrating Advanced Models Develop a comprehensive cyber-attack mitigation

system integrating Fuzzy Logic, CEPITS model, AI, Cyber

for Holistic Cyber Threat Deep Defence, and XGBoost-based RNN. Enhance
Mitigation and Resilience cybersecurity by addressing detection and PRJ-151 Security, Security
Enhancement mitigation across various threat aspects for Technology
resilience and effectiveness.

AI-Enhanced Image Develop an AI-powered workflow for root canal

Processing for Precision procedures using advanced image processing.
Analyze tooth structure images to aid precise AI,
Navigation in Root Canal navigation of the root canal system, enhancing PRJ-152

Health, ImageProcess
Procedures by Optimizing treatment accuracy and efficiency for better Technology ing
Clinical Efficiency and patient outcomes.
Develop an automated image classification system
Deep Learning-Based using deep learning to detect pests like rats and
Automated Pest Detection rodents in healthcare and hotel environments.
System for Healthcare and Enhance safety and hygiene by accurately identifying
PRJ-153 Health,
and mitigating pest-related risks with advanced Environment
Hospitality Environments image analysis technology. PestDetect
Qriocity 2023




Deep Transfer Learning

for Early COPD Prediction Predict Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary DL,

Using ECG Signals: Disease (COPD) early using deep transfer COPD

learning on ECG signals. Extract features with PRJ-154 Health, Diagnosis

Leveraging Pretrained
Models for Non-invasive pretrained models to predict COPD likelihood, Technology
Diagnosis facilitating timely intervention and disease

Neuroimaging-Based Predict Alzheimer's disease using machine Alzheimer's
Machine Learning for Early learning on neuroimaging data. Identify brain PRJ-155 Health,
Alzheimer's Disease image patterns indicative of Alzheimer's for Research
Prediction and Intervention early detection, enabling timely intervention
and enhancing patient outcomes.

Revolutionizing Bone Cancer Utilize YOLOv8's advanced deep learning DL,

Detection: Real-Time Medical for real-time bone cancer detection from Health, BoneCancerD
Imaging Analysis Using medical images. Enhance accuracy, reduce PRJ-156 Technology etection
YOLOv8 for Enhanced detection time, and support early
Diagnostic Accuracy and intervention, providing medical professionals
Speed with a reliable tool for precise diagnosis.

Enhancing Security with Real- Develop a deep learning model to detect

Time Animal Intruder animal intruders in restricted areas, triggering Security, DL,

Detection: A Deep Learning alarms and sending email alerts with captured PRJ-157 Environment Intruder

Approach for Automated images and animal identification. Enhance Detection

Alerts and Notifications security with real-time monitoring for
agricultural, wildlife, and private properties.
Advancing Early Autism Use machine learning to detect early signs of
Detection: Leveraging autism spectrum disorder (ASD) from ML,

Machine Learning for behavioral and physiological data. Analyze PRJ-158 Health, Autism

Objective and patterns for accurate, early diagnosis, Education Detection

Comprehensive Assessment enhancing intervention timing with advanced
from Behavioral and algorithms compared to traditional methods.
Physiological Data
Create a virtual mouse control system using
Enhancing Accessibility and computer vision and machine learning for AI,
User Experience: Virtual hand gesture-based computer interaction, PRJ-167

Accessibility, GestureCont
Mouse Control Using enhancing accessibility and user experience, Technology rol
Advanced Hand Gesture especially for hands-free computing
Recognition solutions.
Automatically generate descriptive image
Bridging Vision and captions using generative AI, combining
Language: Generative AI- computer vision and natural language
Based Image Captioning for PRJ-168 Education,
processing. Enhance accessibility and Technology
Enhanced Accessibility and understanding of visual content across social ImageCaptio
Understanding media, image search engines, and assistive ning
technologies for the visually impaired.
Qriocity 2023



Revolutionizing Lung
Cancer Detection:
Detect lung cancer early using machine learning on ML,

medical images (X-rays, CT scans). Utilize image Cancer

Leveraging Machine processing and deep learning to identify cancerous PRJ-169

Learning for Early and nodules or lesions, facilitating prompt medical Health, Detection
Accurate Diagnosis from intervention and improving patient outcomes. Technology
Medical Images

Automated Document Combine image and PDF processing with Character
Processing: Combining OCR generative AI for OCR and summarization. Convert Technology,
images/PDFs to text using OCR algorithms, then PRJ-170 Recogniti
and Generative AI for summarize using Google Gemini's AI to enhance Business on,
Efficient Text Extraction and document processing efficiency and Generative
Summarization comprehension. Artificial
Utilize YOLOv8 to detect and classify pests in real- YOLOv8, Pest
Revolutionizing Agricultural time from agricultural images or video feeds. Alert
Pest Management: Real-Time farmers or pest control professionals for proactive Agriculture, Management,
Detection and Classification management, reducing crop damage and PRJ-171 Technology Crop
Using YOLOv8 for Enhanced enhancing agricultural productivity. Protection
Productivity and Crop
Enhancing Pet Bird Care: Real- Employ YOLOv8 to classify pet bird breeds and
Time Breed and Disease detect diseases in real-time from images or video Health, YOLOv8,

Detection Using YOLOv8 for feeds. Aid pet owners and veterinarians in PRJ-172
understanding bird health, enabling early disease Technology Bird Care,

Improved Health Monitoring detection and appropriate care based on breed Health

and Management characteristics. Monitoring

Proactive Road Maintenance: Develop a pothole detection web app using

A Streamlit-Based Web Streamlit and computer vision to locate and map Streamlit,

potholes from road images or videos. Assist Pothole

Application for Real-Time authorities in identifying repair areas to enhance PRJ-173 Urban Mobility,
Pothole Detection and road safety and infrastructure management. Technology Detection,

Visualization Visualization

Revolutionizing Satellite Data Utilize deep learning for semantic segmentation of Deep
Analysis: Deep Learning- satellite imagery to classify buildings, water Learning,
reservoirs, and roads accurately. Enhance urban Environment,
Based Semantic planning, disaster management, and environmental PRJ-174

Segmentation for Urban monitoring for better infrastructure development Urban Planning Segmentation,
Planning and Environmental Urban
Monitoring Planning

Advancing Environmental Automatically identify and delineate trees using Machine

Monitoring: Automated Tree machine learning on satellite imagery. Provide Learning,
Detection from Satellite valuable data on tree locations and boundaries for
PRJ-175 Environment,
forest monitoring, urban planning, and conservation, Technology
Imagery Using Machine improving understanding of tree distributions across Detection,
Learning landscapes. Satellite
Qriocity 2023




Empowering Artistic
Expression: Interactive
Apply artistic styles from reference images to target Generative

images using generative AI and neural style transfer Artificial

Style Image Transfer algorithms. Enable creative expression by PRJ-176

Using Generative AI transforming images with characteristics of famous Art, Technology Intelligence,

Techniques artworks or photographs, fostering artistic exploration Style Transfer,

and unique compositions. Artistic


Revolutionizing Textile Utilize the YOLO algorithm to detect cloth defects Textile
Quality Control: Real-Time such as tears, stains, and irregularities from images Manufacturi
or video feeds. Enhance quality control in textile PRJ-177 Quality,
Cloth Defect Detection Using manufacturing to ensure flawless products ng, Defect
YOLO Algorithm for Technology Detection
Enhanced Manufacturing
Optimizing Traffic Flow: Real- Utilize computer vision to detect traffic congestion Computer
in real-time by analyzing video feeds from traffic
Time Traffic Congestion cameras or drones. Identify slow-moving vehicles Urban Vision, Traffic
Detection Using Computer and traffic jams to help traffic authorities optimize PRJ-178 Mobility, Management,
Vision for Improved Road flow and reduce delays for commuters. Technology Congestion
Management Detection

Automating Plant Use machine learning algorithms to classify plant Machine

Identification: High-Accuracy species based on leaf images, analyzing shape, Learning,

texture, and vein patterns for accurate

Agriculture, Plant

Leaf Species Recognition PRJ-179 Technology

identification. Aid biodiversity monitoring, Identification,

Using Machine Learning ecological research, and agriculture with

Algorithms automated species recognition tools.


Enhancing Road Safety: The driver drowsiness detection project uses

computer vision to monitor real-time driver Computer

Real-Time Driver Drowsiness alertness. It analyzes facial features and eye

Detection Using Advanced movements to detect fatigue, aiming to enhance PRJ-180 Road Safety, Vision,

Computer Vision and road safety by preventing accidents. Technology Driver Safety,

Machine Learning Drowsiness

Techniques Detection

Advancing Environmental The Satellite SAR project uses machine learning to Machine
Monitoring: Machine analyze imagery for terrain, land use, and forest Learning,
cover changes. It enhances environmental Environment,
Learning-Driven Analysis of monitoring and disaster management with PRJ-181

SAR Imagery for Enhanced advanced data analysis capabilities. Technology Monitoring,
Surface Feature Detection SAR Imagery
and Change Analysis
The immune cell classification project employs
Enhancing Immunological machine learning and image processing to categorize Machine
Research: Automated Immune immune cells from microscopic images based on Learning,
Cell Classification Using shape, size, and texture. It aids medical research and
PRJ-182 Health, Research Immunologi
diagnostics with an automated classification tool.
Machine Learning and Image cal Research,
Processing Techniques Cell
Qriocity 2023





Enhancing Colon Cancer

Diagnosis: Automated The colon cancer classification project uses Machine

Histopathological Image machine learning to classify tissue samples Learning,

from histopathological images. It identifies PRJ-183 Health,


Classification Using
Advanced Machine cancerous cells based on structural and Hospital Diagnosis,

Learning Techniques morphological features, aiding efficient Histopathological

diagnosis and treatment planning. Imaging

Enhancing Underwater The underwater image enhancement project Underwater
Imagery: Advanced Image employs CycleGAN to enhance image quality PRJ-184 Environment, Imagery,
Quality Improvement Using by addressing color distortion and haziness. It Research Image
CycleGAN for Marine aids marine biologists and photographers in Enhancem
Research and Photography visual analysis and research. ent

Quantum-Enhanced Hybrid The brain hemorrhage prediction project Quantum

Models for Accurate Brain uses Quantum Machine Learning (QML) to Health, Computing,
Hemorrhage Prediction from enhance accuracy and speed in analyzing PRJ-185 Technology Machine
Medical Imaging Data medical imaging data. It combines quantum Learning, Brain
computing with traditional methods to Hemorrhage
explore hybrid models for superior Prediction
Enhanced Image Inpainting The image inpainting project advances with Generative
Using Spatially-Aware and Spatially-Enhanced GAN (SE GAN) and Adversarial
Art, Technology Networks, Image
Dual-Stream Generative Dual-Stream Enhanced GAN (DSE GAN) to PRJ-186
Adversarial Networks for High- fill missing or corrupted image regions Inpainting,
Fidelity Content Restoration realistically. It aims to enhance inpainting Content
quality through architectural improvements. Restoration

Enhanced Multi-Modal The multi-modal emotion detection project

integrates LSTM, Transformers, and RNNs to Long Short-Term

Emotion Detection Using Memory,

LSTM, Transformers, and analyze emotions from text, audio, and video PRJ-187 Health,
data. It enhances accuracy through diverse Emotional

RNNs: Integrating Text, Technology Analysis,

Audio, and Video Data for dataset training and optimized fusion
strategies. Multi-Modal

Comprehensive Emotional Detection

Multi-Task Facial Analysis The age, gender, and emotion prediction Convolutional
Using Wide Deep CNN project uses a Wide Deep model with CNNs Neural
Models by Enhancing Age, to analyze facial images for accurate PRJ-188

Technology, Networks,
Gender, and Emotion predictions. It explores diverse datasets and Security Facial Analysis,
Prediction Accuracy Across architectural enhancements for improved Demographics
Diverse Demographics performance across demographics.
The attendance and emotion tracking project
Deep CNN-Based Integrated uses Deep CNNs to recognize faces for Convolutional
System for Attendance attendance and analyze facial expressions for Neural
Tracking and Emotion PRJ-189 Business,
emotion detection. It explores diverse Technology
Detection in Real-Time datasets to enhance model performance and Attendance
Applications efficiency through improved architecture and Tracking,
training techniques. Emotion
Qriocity 2023



Enhancing Multi-Cancer The multi-cancer classification project employs VGG

Classification with VGG Deep

and EfficientNet CNNs to detect cervical, brain, Learning,

and EfficientNet: kidney, lymphoma, lung, colon, oral, and breast PRJ-190 Health, Cancer

Evaluating CNN cancers. Training on diverse datasets evaluates their

Performance for effectiveness, with VGG showing superior Technology Classification,

Automated Detection in performance over EfficientNet. Medical

Medical Imaging Imaging

Enhancing Heart Disease The heart disease classification project uses Deep Learning,
Diagnosis through Advanced CNNs to categorize ECG images into Myocardial Health,
Infarction, History of MI, Abnormal Heartbeat, and PRJ-191 Heart
Deep CNNs for Multi-Class Normal categories, enhancing diagnostic accuracy Technology Disease,
ECG Image Classification and efficiency. ECG
Enhancing Food Management The food management system predicts wastage Machine
using Random Forest, facilitating donations to
Efficiency through Integrated NGOs with prompt notifications. It aims for Business, Learning, Food
Prediction and Donation accurate predictions and efficient food distribution PRJ-192 Health Management,
System Using Random Forest through diverse dataset training. Donation
Algorithm System

Enhancing Gastrointestinal The project uses ResNet50 to detect Deep Learning,

Disease Detection Through gastrointestinal diseases from medical images, Disease
comparing with VGG16 and MobileNetv2. ResNet50
Health, Detection,
ResNet50 and Comparative PRJ-193 Technology
exhibits superior accuracy in identifying conditions, Medical Imaging
Analysis of Deep Learning trained and evaluated on diverse datasets for robust
Architectures for Medical disease detection.
Image Classification

Transformer-based Unified The project aims to create a captioning system for

images and GIFs with a Transformer-based Artificial
Captioning System for encoder-decoder model. It generates descriptive Intelligence,
Images and GIFs by captions using the Transformer architecture, PRJ-194 Technology, Image
Enhancing Contextual focusing on diverse dataset training for accuracy. Education Captioning,
Understanding and Long- Transformers
range Dependencies
Enhancing Computer The project uses MediaPipe to control mouse Artificial
Interaction Through actions via hand gestures, enabling intuitive Intelligence,
computer tasks. It focuses on training models for Technology,
MediaPipe-Based Hand accurate gesture recognition and optimizing PRJ-195

Hand Gesture
Gesture Control for responsiveness for seamless user interaction. Accessibility Control,
Accessibility and Efficiency MediaPipe

Enhancing Heart Rate The project predicts heart rate from facial features in Deep
Prediction through Deep videos using Deep CNNs, analyzing color changes Learning,
and micro-movements for accuracy. It trains and Health,
Heart Rate
CNNs using Facial Features evaluates on diverse datasets, aiming to enhance PRJ-196
from Non-Contact Video Technology Prediction,
model performance and reliability.
Analysis Non-Contact
Qriocity 2023



Enhancing Brain Tumor

Visualization through Deep The project integrates MRI and CT brain tumor Deep

Learning-Based Fusion of images using the VGG network to improve Learning,

MRI and CT Images with VGG diagnostic accuracy. By combining modalities, PRJ-197 Health, Brain Tumor,

Network it enhances tumor visualization and diagnosis Technology Medical

through effective feature extraction and Imaging


Enhancing Speech Emotion The project uses RNNs to predict emotions Learning,
and Gender Prediction and gender from speech signals, capturing PRJ-198 Health, Speech
through Advanced RNN temporal dependencies and vocal nuances. It Technology Emotion
Architectures and trains on diverse speech samples to enhance Analysis,
Comprehensive Dataset accuracy through improved architectures and Gender
Analysis training techniques. Prediction
Enhanced Deep Fake The project combines InceptionResNetV2 Deep
Detection through Fusion of and GoogleNet to detect deep fake videos, Technology, Learning,
InceptionResNetV2 and enhancing accuracy with their PRJ-199 Security DeepFake
GoogleNet Architectures complementary strengths. It trains and Detection,
evaluates on diverse datasets for robust Security
detection in real-world scenarios.

Enhancing Pancreas The project aims to automate pancreas Deep Learning,

Segmentation in Medical segmentation in medical images using the Pancreas
Health, Segmentation,
Images Using UNet by UNet architecture. Training and evaluating on PRJ-200 Technology
Leveraging Advanced Deep diverse CT and MRI datasets ensure accurate Medical Imaging
Learning for Precision segmentation, crucial for diagnosing and
Diagnosis and Treatment treating pancreatic diseases, including
Enhancing Resume Machine
Screening Efficiency with The project employs OneVsRestClassifier
with KNeighborsClassifier for multi-label Learning, Resume
Advanced Multi-Label PRJ-201 Business, Screening,
Classifier Fusion and resume classification, enhancing screening Technology
efficiency and accuracy by leveraging data Classifier Fusion
Classification proximity.

Intelligent Traffic Signal Developing an intelligent traffic signal system Artificial

Optimization via Real-Time using Canny edge detection for density Intelligence,
Density Estimation and estimation and YOLOv8 for vehicle counting. PRJ-202

Urban Mobility, Traffic

Vehicle Counting with Canny It aims to optimize signal timings dynamically, Technology Optimization,
Edge Detection and YOLOv8 enhancing traffic flow in diverse conditions. YOLOv8

Deep CNN-Based Encoder- This project develops a robust system using Deep
Decoder Model for Robust and CNNs to hide and extract secret data within Learning,
Secure Image Steganography images, ensuring security and imperceptibility PRJ-203 Security
with Enhanced Payload Capacity through comprehensive training and Steganograp
and Resistance to Steganalysis evaluation. hy, Security
Qriocity 2023




LSTM-Based OCR for

Tamil Inscriptions for Tamil Inscription OCR Using LSTMs Machine

Enhancing Accuracy Developing an OCR system for Tamil Learning,

inscriptions using LSTM networks to PRJ-204 Culture, Optical

through Sequential Data

Modeling and Cultural accurately transcribe complex scripts from Technology Character

Preservation ancient monuments and manuscripts. Recognition,


Real-Time Exercise Repetition Real-Time Exercise Repetition Counter Intelligence,
Counter Using MediaPipe Pose Using MediaPipe Pose Estimation PRJ-205 Health, Exercise
Estimation for Squats, Developing a system to count squats, Fitness Tracking,
Pushups, and Lunges pushups, and lunges in real-time using MediaPipe
MediaPipe's pose estimation framework for
accurate exercise monitoring and feedback.
Voice-Enabled Inclusive E- An accessible website designed for visually Artificial
Commerce Platform for impaired and non-disabled users, Business, Intelligence, E-
Visually Impaired and Non- facilitating voice-based shopping and PRJ-206 Accessibility Commerce,
Disabled Users navigation for an inclusive online shopping Voice Control

Integrated Telemedicine This pro ect aims to create an integrated Telemedicine,


Platform for Patient-Doctor telemedicine platform for patients and Health,

Connectivity, Real-Time doctors, enabling real-time interactions and PRJ-207 Connectivity,
Technology Real-Time
Prescription, and Report medical report management.
Management Prescription

Integrated Web-Based Artificial

Platform for AI-Enhanced A web app using AI for autism assessment
via facial and voice analysis, promoting Intelligence,
Autism Assessment, Social PRJ-208 Education, Autism
Interaction, and Support social interaction and community support. Health Assessment, Web

Cloud-Based File This full-stack web app uses Cloudinary for Cloud
Management Platform with secure file uploading and cloud storage, Computing,
Advanced Privacy Controls with advanced privacy controls and PRJ-209

Business, File
and Selective Sharing selective file sharing capabilities. Technology Management,

Inclusive Educational Platform: This pro ect develops interactive quizzes for
Interactive Quizzes with blind and sighted children, integrating text- Quizzes,
Integrated Text-to-Speech for to-speech for accessibility and enhancing PRJ-210 Education,
Blind and Sighted Children learning through fun, educational activities. Accessibility Speech
Qriocity 2023



Integrated Prescription
Management and Hospital Alert streamlines hospital-patient Healthcare,

Automated Alert System communication via a web platform, managing Prescription

prescriptions and enhancing medication PRJ-211 Health, Management,

for Enhanced Hospital-

Patient Communication adherence with automated alerts and Technology Alerts
and Medication reminders.
Integrated Real-Time Malware Detection is a MERN stack website ty, Malware
Malware Detection Platform for scanning uploaded files using the PRJ-212 Security, Detection,
with TotalVirus API with TotalVirus API, enhancing security with real- Technology MERN
Enhanced Security and User time virus detection and user-friendly file Stack
Experience through MERN scanning interface.
Integrated MERN-Based Real Real-Estate Website is a MERN stack Real Estate,
Estate Platform with Real- platform connecting sellers, buyers, agents, Real Estate, MERN, Role-
Time Notifications, Role- and admins with role-specific functions, PRJ-213 Technology Based Access
Based Functions, and real-time notifications, and administrative
Administrative Control controls for efficient property management
and transactions.

Enhancing Data Security This project emphasizes AES encryption and Data Security,
Through AES-Based Group robust key management to secure file AES, Key
Security, Management
Key Management and Secure uploads and facilitate secure collaboration. PRJ-214 Business

Enhanced Healthcare A comprehensive healthcare management

system featuring role-based access, Healthcare, Role-
Management System: Role- Based Access,
Based Access, Prescription prescription tools for doctors, and APIs for PRJ-217 Health,
medicine verification, geolocation services, API Integration
Tools, and API Integration Technology
and pharmacy stock checks.

Enhanced Accessibility and A project improving email accessibility for the Accessibility,
Security in Voice-Driven visually impaired through voice commands, Security,
Email Management for including pagination, search, and PRJ-218

Accessibility, Voice-Control
Visually Impaired Users comprehensive inbox management. Features Security
include email composition, reading, replying,
and secure login via face recognition.
AI-Enhanced Learning The Learning Assistant uses large language Education,
Assistant Platform Utilizing models to enhance education by enabling quiz Artificial
Large Language Models for creation, real-time doubt resolution, and PRJ-223 Education,
Personalized Quizzes, Real- providing a chatbot for immediate assistance. Technology Learning
Time Doubt Resolution, and It also offers targeted learning analytics to Analytics
Targeted Learning Analytics identify and address weak points.
Qriocity 2023




Advanced Skin Care

Assistant Platform Featuring The Skin Care Assistant uses a CNN model to Healthcare,

CNN-Based Diagnosis, diagnose skin conditions, offering personalized Skin Care,

treatment recommendations and facilitating PRJ-224 Health, Beauty Convolutional

Personalized Treatment
Recommendations, and dermatologist appointment bookings through Neural

Integrated Dermatologist an integrated platform. Networks

Appointment System
Enhanced ESOP The ESOP Management System automates Employee
Management System with stock issuance, tracks vesting, and manages PRJ-225 Business, Stock
Automated Stock Issuance, transactions, enhancing transparency and Finance Ownership
Real-Time Vesting Tracking, efficiency in employee stock ownership plan Plan,
and Integrated Compliance administration. Compliance
Reporting Tools
Qriocity 2023


Enhancing Machine Enhance machine learning interpretability

Learning Interpretability by using the ECII algorithm to identify Machine

through Automated meaningful concepts, handling incomplete PRJ-001 Education, Learning

Concept Induction from information, and offering clearer Research
Incomplete Data Using explanations for understanding dataset
ECII Algorithm differences in complex, real-world data.

Enhancing Multilingual T5 The research enhances the multilingual T5 Multilingual,

Question Answering with PRJ-002
model for Tamil by integrating a synset Education, T5,
Tamil Synset Integration for database, improving word sense Semantic
Improved Semantic Language
disambiguation and semantic relationships. Understand
Understanding and Accuracy ing

Advancing Image Super- The research aims to enhance low-

Resolution with SRGAN with resolution images using SRGAN SRGAN,

Enhanced Architectures and models on diverse datasets, exploring PRJ-003 Environment, Super-

Loss Functions for High- architectural improvements and loss Technology Resolution,

Fidelity High-Resolution functions to generate high-fidelity, High-Fidelity

Image Generation high-resolution images.

Dynamic Traffic The project develops an intelligent traffic

Optimization through control system using cloud computing and Road

Cloud-Enabled Big Data big data analytics. It analyzes real-time data PRJ-004 Safety, Urban Machine

Analytics and Machine to optimize traffic flow, reduce congestion, Mobility Learning
Learning for Enhanced and improve travel times and safety with
Urban Mobility dynamic adjustments.

Comparative Analysis of The research compares ConvNeXt,

EfficientNet, a custom CNN, and ResNet Health, Medical,

Deep Learning Models for Deep

Automated models for detecting cardiovascular diseases PRJ-005 Hospital,

from retinal images. It evaluates performance Research Learning,

Cardiovascular Disease Cardiovascular

Detection from Retinal metrics like accuracy, sensitivity, specificity,
Images and AUC-ROC to identify the best model.

AI-Driven Multi-modal Story The AI-driven storyteller project uses the

Generator by Integrating Google Gemini API to analyze images and AI,
Image Understanding with the OpenAI API to generate unique stories. PRJ-006 Education,
Entertainment Storytelling,
Creative Narrative This tool inspires artists and writers by Creative
Generation Using Gemini transforming visual input into engaging
and OpenAI APIs narratives.

Integrated AI-Driven Aircraft Developing an AI-powered aircraft

Maintenance System with maintenance system integrating YOLO for AI,
Real-Time Crack Detection, PRJ-007 MNC Security,

real-time crack detection, machine learning Technology Maintenance,

Battery Life Estimation, and for battery life estimation, and predictive Predictive
Jet Engine Predictive algorithms for jet engine lifespan.
Qriocity 2023


Integrating Privacy- Developing a Bitcoin transaction analysis

Enhanced Blockchain system using advanced analytics and privacy
tools like Isekai to detect illicit activities, trace PRJ-008 Security, Blockchain,

Transaction Analysis with

Advanced Analytics for transaction flows, and enhance network Business Analytics,

Enhanced Bitcoin Security security. It ensures transaction transparency Bitcoin

while safeguarding user privacy.

Innovative Multi-Modal Creating an innovative CAPTCHA alternative Security, CAPTCHA,

CAPTCHA System with Blink using blink detection and OTP verification for PRJ-009 MNC Security,
Detection and OTP enhanced security and user experience. It Security, Authenticat
Verification for Enhanced challenges users with either a blink detection Home ion
Security and User Experience task or secure OTP. Security

AI-Powered Culinary Developing an AI-powered system to

Recognition and Recipe recognize Indian and international dishes AI,

Platform for Enhanced Dish from images using deep learning. It classifies PRJ-010 Nutrition, Culinary,

Identification, Recipe dishes and offers relevant recipes, Education Recipes

Accessibility, and User enhancing user experience with interactive
Experience access to diverse cuisines and recipes.

Advanced Curriculum- Enhancing text summarization with

Based Abstractive Text curriculum reinforcement learning and the T5 Education,
Summarization with T5 model, progressively improving PRJ-011 Research Summarization,

Language Model and summarization quality. Leveraging T5's T5,

Reinforcement Learning capabilities for accurate, fluent abstractive Reinforcement

summaries from input texts efficiently.
Enhancing Image Clarity
through ViT-Based Research aims to use Vision Transformers ViT,

Denoising with Optimized (ViTs) to improve image clarity by removing Denoising,

PRJ-012 Environment,
Attention Mechanisms noise types, leveraging their global context Health Clarity
and Architectures for understanding.
Superior Noise Reduction

Developing a speaker verification replay

Dynamic DNN-Controlled attack detection system with a DNN- DNN,
Front-End for Enhanced controlled adaptive front-end to analyze PRJ-013 Security,

MNC Security Verification,

Replay Attack Detection in artifacts. Enhanced by a DNN-based Security
Speaker Verification Systems classifier, evaluated on ASVspoof datasets
for real-world effectiveness.

Enhancing KYC verification with a system

Enhanced KYC Verification integrating face recognition and multi- KYC, Face

Using Multi-Directional Face directional face verification. It uses secure PRJ-014 Security,
Recognition and Secure algorithms and database management to MNC Security Security
Database Management compare live captures with registered data,
improving security against spoofing attacks.
Qriocity 2023


Conversational AI for FOODGPT, an AI chatbot, offers personalized FoodAI,

Personalized Restaurant restaurant and dish recommendations based on PRJ-015 Nutrition, Recommen-

and Dish user preferences like location, cuisine, and Business dations,

Recommendations Using budget. Using NLP and machine learning on a Personalization

Advanced Machine large database, it enhances dining experiences
Learning with tailored suggestions.

Ethereum Transaction Blockchain,

Anomaly Detection by Research focuses on developing anomaly PRJ-016 AnomalyDe
Integrating Machine Learning detection systems for Ethereum transactions Security,
Business tection,
Models and Fuzzy Networks using machine learning and fuzzy networks. RealTimeM
for Enhanced Security and onitoring
Real-Time Monitoring
Enhancing Financial Fraud Developing an advanced financial fraud Fraud

Detection by Leveraging detection system using Llama2 language Detection,

Llama2 NLP and Neo4j Graph model and Neo4j graph database. Llama2 PRJ-017 Security, NLP,

Database for Contextual extracts insights from unstructured data, Business Graph

Analysis and Relationship while Neo4j models transactional Database

Modeling relationships.

Real-Time Helmet and Proposing a computer vision system for real- Computer

Triple Riding Detection time detection of helmetless motorcycle Road Safety, Vision, Helmet

System with Automated riders and triple riding using object detection PRJ-018 Technology Detection,

Email Notifications for algorithms on surveillance footage. It Email

Enhanced Road Safety captures violations and notifies authorities or Notifications

owners via email to enhance road safety.
Enhancing PAN Card Developing a PAN card recognition system in
Security with OCR-Based India using OCR for text extraction and face OCR,

Information Extraction and recognition for identity verification. This dual- Face

PRJ-019 Security, Recognition,

Face Recognition for layer approach aims to enhance security and Business
Reliable Identity streamline identity verification processes, Identity

Verification reducing fraud and ensuring authenticity. Verification

Enhancing Near-Duplicate Research aims to improve near-duplicate

Image Detection Using DeepLearning,
image detection using spatial transformer Technology, ImageDetecti
Spatial Transformer networks STNs integrated with deep PRJ-020
Networks in Deep
( ) Environment on,
learning models. STNs adapt to TransformerN
Learning Models transformations like translation and rotation. etworks
AI-Powered Nutrition
System: Dish Detection, Developing an AI-powered nutrition
Freshness Analysis, and monitoring system integrating dish NutritionAI,
Ingredient Recognition for detection, freshness analysis, and ingredient PRJ-021 Health,
Enhanced Dietary recognition. Using image recognition, Nutrition ring, Dietary
Monitoring and Health computer vision, and NLP, it assesses
Promotion dishes, freshness, and ingredients.
Qriocity 2023


Predictive Maintenance Developing a machine learning model for

for Electric Motors, RPM predictive maintenance of electric motors using MNC, Predictive

RPM data to estimate Remaining Useful Life PRJ-022 Technology Maintenance,

Data, Machine Learning

for Proactive Life Cycle (RUL). Analyzing RPM patterns and failure Machine

Management correlations enables proactive maintenance Learning,

scheduling, reducing downtime and optimizing Motors

motor performance.

Business, CloudCom
Interactive Simulation Tool for Developing an interactive simulation tool with PRJ-023 Technology puting,
Cloud Resource Allocation Streamlit to visualize and analyze cloud Simulation,
Strategies and Performance resource allocation strategies. ResourceAll
Analysis ocation

Creating Secure Vision with MobileNet for Computer

Secure Vision: Integrated real-time spoofing detection and ResNeXt Security, MNC Vision,

Anti-Spoofing and Deepfake for deepfake identification. This project aims PRJ-024 Security AntiSpoofing,

Detection System Using to combat spoofing attacks and deepfake Deepfake

MobileNet and ResNeXt videos by leveraging efficient detection and Detection

strong feature extraction capabilities.

Interactive Simulation and Developing an interactive simulation tool with Education, Simulation,

Comparative Analysis of Streamlit to evaluate scheduling algorithms in Technology Scheduling

Scheduling Algorithms in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). Users can PRJ-025 Algorithms,

Wireless Sensor Networks optimize latency, throughput, and energy Wireless

using Streamlit consumption for WSN scheduling and Networks

protocol design.
Enhancing Skin Disease Enhancing skin cancer detection by using
Classification Through GANs to generate synthetic skin lesion Health, HealthAI,

GAN-Generated images, addressing data scarcity. Augmenting PRJ-026 Research GAN,

Synthetic Images for CNN training with realistic representations Classification

Improved CNN Training aims to improve skin disease classification
and Generalization model accuracy and robustness.

SKintellet: AI-Powered
Facial Analysis for Acne SKintellet aims to create an AI platform using Health, HealthAI,
Detection, Oilyness YOLO for facial analysis to detect acne and Technology
PRJ-027 FacialAnalysis,
Assessment, Personalized oiliness from selfies. It offers personalized Recommendat
Recommendations, and skincare advice and facilitates direct ions
Dermatologist Booking dermatologist bookings.
Enhancing Solar Power Enhancing solar power forecasting using a
Forecasting Through novel stacking ensemble approach with GRNN,
Integrated GRNN, ENN, Energy,
ENN, and BPN neural networks. Trained on PRJ-028 Technology Forecasting,
and BPN Stacking historical data, this model aims to improve
Ensemble for Improved Ensemble
accuracy and robustness in predicting solar
Accuracy and Adaptability power generation.
Qriocity 2023


Privacy-Preserving CNN Research explores split learning for training Machine

Training Using Split CNNs on MNIST, enhancing privacy by Learning,

partitioning between client (raw data handler) PRJ-029 Security Privacy

Learning for MNIST:

Efficiency, Security, and server (processor). Evaluates accuracy, Preserving,

Performance communication overhead, and privacy CNN,

guarantees in digit classification. Split


Enhanced Real-Time Wireless Developing a real-time wireless intrusion Security

Intrusion Simulation with simulation system using object detection to PRJ-030 Security,
MNC AI, Intrusion

Dynamic Object Detection identify intruders in wireless networks. Detection

and Adaptive Security Utilizing cameras and sensors, it tracks and Security
Evaluation evaluates security measures.


Integrated Stock Market Creating a stock market analysis dashboard Visualization,

Analysis Dashboard Using with Apache Superset and MySQL, featuring PRJ-031 Business, Stock

Apache Superset and MySQL interactive visualizations for analyzing stock Education Analysis
for Interactive Visualization prices and trading volumes to aid investors
and Decision Support and traders.

Attribute Telemed - Secure Django,

Django-Based Telemedicine Attribute Telemed: a secure Django web Healthcare, SSS

Platform with SSS Encryption, platform enabling doctor-patient PRJ-032 Telemedicine Encryption,

Seamless Communication, and consultations with Secret Sharing Scheme User

Enhanced User Experience (SSS) encryption for data confidentiality.


Advanced Authentication Developing a multi-modal authentication

and Secure File system (audio, image grid selection, face
recognition) with randomized combinations Security,

Management System with PRJ-033 Security, File MultiModal,

Multi-Modal Security for enhanced security. Includes role-based file Sharing

management for secure sharing and efficient Access

Integration and Role- Control

Based Access Control organizational file handling.

Enhanced Inventory Django,

Management System Developing a Django-based inventory Business, InventoryMan
management system for tracking, managing, PRJ-034 Technology
Powered by Django for Real- agement,
time Tracking, Analytics, and and analyzing inventory, transactions, and RealTime
Scalability suppliers.

Voice-Activated Email Creating a voice-based email assistant with VoiceRecogni

Assistant with Secure Face speech recognition for managing emails and tion,
Recognition Signup for Accessibility,

secure sign-up via face recognition. Enhances PRJ-035 Security FaceRecognit

Enhancing Accessibility and accessibility and supports hands-free ion,
Security operation with secure authentication. EmailAssist
Qriocity 2023


Drone-Sourced Crop Developing a crop image segmentation system Drone,

Segmentation and using drone data and U-Net deep learning. Crop

Identifies crop types and features for accurate PRJ-036 Agriculture, Segmentation,

Analysis System with U-

Net Deep Learning and delineation and classification, visualized via Technology Deep

Streamlit Visualization Streamlit for interactive crop analysis and Learning

farming optimization.


Integrated Deep Learning Proposing a deep learning framework using Learning,

Framework for Automated ResNet for glaucoma classification and PRJ-037 Health,

Glaucoma Detection, Optic YOLOv5 for optic disc and cup segmentation Medical Detection,
Disc/Cup Segmentation, and in fundus images. Calculates cup-to-disc ratio Imaging OpticDisc

CDR Calculation (CDR) for early glaucoma diagnosis and

improved patient outcomes. ion
Integrated Real-Time Accident Creating a real-time accident detection and RealTime,

Detection and Rescue System rescue system with sensors sending data to a Road Safety, Accident

with Automated Emergency Flask server via an ESP32. The system PRJ-038 Health,

Response and Medical notifies authorities, locates hospitals and Emergency Medical

Resource Optimization ambulances, enhancing emergency response Response Optimization


Developing a multimodal emotion detection

Enhancing Emotion Detection system using Explainable AI (XAI) for accurate Emotion Multimodal,

Accuracy and Transparency classification and transparent model PRJ-039 Detection, AI Fusion,

through Multimodal Fusion and explanations across text, audio, and video Explainable

Explainable AI data. AI

Advanced Deforestation Developing a deforestation monitoring system

Monitoring via Custom using satellite imagery and an encoder- Deforestation

Encoder-Decoder decoder segmentation model. It segments PRJ-040 Environment, Monitoring,

Segmentation and deforested areas, calculates ratios, and Technology Encoder

Interactive Streamlit visualizes data via Streamlit for conservation Decoder,

Interface and environmental monitoring. Streamlit

Integrative Machine Learning MachineLearni

System for Comprehensive Developing a machine learning system to Education, ng,
track student personality traits and correlate PRJ-041 Student
Student Personality PersonalityAss
Assessment and Academic them with academic performance metrics like Assessment essment
Performance Enhancement grades.

Developing a video summarization system with DeepLearni

Deep Learning-Driven Real- RNNs and BiLSTM networks to extract
Time Video Summarization Video
keyframes and create concise summaries. It PRJ-042 VideoSummar
with Temporal Modeling and models temporal dependencies, learns from Processing,

Attention Mechanism Technology ization

human-generated summaries, and generates
accurate video summaries in real-time.
Qriocity 2023


Developing an AI-powered 3D construction

AI-Driven Diffusion and modeling tool using diffusion and LoRA AI,

LoRA Models for models to create customizable room images PRJ-043 Design, 3D

Customizable 3D Room from user input. Enhances architectural Technology Visualization

Visualization and Design design efficiency and creativity with detailed
Enhancement 3D representations from text, sketches, or
mood boards.

Enhanced Music Recognition Creating a music recognition app using

App with Audio Music AudioFinge
audio fingerprinting and the Shazam API PRJ-044 rprinting,
Fingerprinting, Shazam for song identification. Users upload audio Recognition,
Integration, and Streamlit Technology Shazam,
clips, processed for unique fingerprints Streamlit
Interface matched against a database, displaying
song details via Streamlit.
Enhancing Movie Developing and comparing CF models Collaborative

Recommendations Through (classification-based, matrix factorization, Filtering,

Advanced Collaborative embedding-based, latent class with Embedding

Filtering Techniques and PRJ-045 Entertainme Models, Movie

MDPs for movie recommendation using

nt, Technology
Comparative Analysis Using the MovieLens dataset to enhance Recommend-

Embedding-Based Models effectiveness. ations

Telugu Emotion The Telugu Emotion Recognition project

Recognition: A Multilingual detects emotions from English and Tamil Telugu,
System for Real-Time inputs, assigning Telugu labels using NLP and PRJ-078 Emotion EmotionDet
Emotion Detection from deep learning. It enhances emotional analysis Recognition, ection,
English and Tamil Inputs across languages like happiness, sadness, Multilingual DeepLearn
Using Deep Learning and anger. ing

Personalized Tourism The Tourism Recommendation System

employs GPT-3.5 for personalized travel Personalize
Recommendation System: Tourism, dRecomme
Leveraging GPT-3.5 for itineraries based on user inputs like Travel
destination, trip type, duration, activities, PRJ-079 ndation
Comprehensive and Real- Planning
Time Travel Itineraries budget, and preferences, offering detailed
real-time recommendations.
The AI-Driven Visual Question Answering
Multimodal AI-Enhanced project uses deep learning and NLP to
Educational Assistant with assist with educational queries across MultimodalAI,
PDFs, videos, audio, text, and images. It PRJ-081 Education, AI
Real-Time Q&A and Dynamic Assistant RealTimeQA
Learning Support features Gemini 1.5 Pro for inference and
models like Spacy, T5, BERT, LSTM, and
GPT-3.5 Pro for interactive support.
Enhancing Stock Market The project uses ARIMA for time series
Prediction Accuracy Using analysis to forecast stock prices of ARIMA,
ARIMA Time Series Analysis technology firms like Netflix, Tesla, Meta, and TimeSeriesAn
Microsoft. It aims to improve accuracy in PRJ-082 Finance, Stock
for Major Technology Market alysis
Companies predicting market trends for informed
investment decisions and strategy
Qriocity 2023


ThiefGuard: Real-time ThiefGuard uses deep learning with YOLO

Theft Detection System for real-time theft detection, validated by Security, Theft YOLO,
Integrating YOLO and GeminI for accuracy. It sends email alerts for PRJ-083
Detection Gemini
GeminI for Enhanced swift intervention, providing efficient theft
Accuracy and Rapid prevention through a streamlined
Response application.

The anaemia detection system analyzes

Enhanced Anaemia Detection fingernail images using ResNet50,
Using Deep Learning Models Healthcare, DeepLearni
EfficientNetB9, and DenseNet169 models. PRJ-084 Medical ng,
Integrated into a Web-Based Integrated into a web app with email
Fingernail Imaging Diagnosis FingernailI
authentication, it provides a non-invasive maging
Application with Email tool for early diagnosis and treatment of
Authentication anaemia.
Enhanced Diabetic Enhanced diabetic retinopathy grading DiabeticRetin
Retinopathy Assessment integrates MIL-ViT, combining Multiple opathy, MIL-
Using MIL-ViT by Integrating Instance Learning (MIL) and Vision ViT,
Multiple Instance Learning and Transformers (ViT). This framework improves PRJ-085 Healthcare, MultipleInstan
Vision Transformers for accuracy and efficiency in assessing DR Medical ceLearning
Accurate Grading and Clinical severity from retinal images, crucial for early Imaging
Adoption intervention and better clinical outcomes.

Enhancing Deepfake Enhancing deepfake detection with a DeepfakeDe

Detection Through Hybrid MobileNet-LSTM hybrid model identifies Security, Media
PRJ-086 Integrity tection,
MobileNet-LSTM Model manipulated media in real-time, crucial for MobileNet,
with Real-time Image and safeguarding information integrity and LSTM
Video Analysis societal trust.
MANAS integrates AI for personalized
MANAS: Integrating mental health support and crisis AI,
Advanced AI for Personalized intervention, analyzing input and emotional Mental MentalHea
Mental Health Support, Crisis cues to tailor responses and detect crises PRJ-087 Health, Crisis lth
Intervention, and Medical like suicidal ideation for immediate alerts. It Intervention
Insights generates medical reports for informed
assessments, enhancing continuity of care.

Enhanced Security through Encryption,

Distributed Fragmentation This project enhances cloud-based data Security, Cloud
and Encryption for Cloud- security via file fragmentation, diverse PRJ-088 DataStorage Computing
Based Data Storage encryption methods, and distributed
storage across multiple providers.

Enhanced Real-Time Anomaly This project uses spatio-temporal AnomalyDete

Detection in Video autoencoders to detect anomalies in video ction,
Surveillance Using Spatio- Security,
surveillance, analyzing sudden movements PRJ-089 Video Autoencode
Temporal Autoencoders and and crowd behavior for enhanced security rs, Streamlit
Streamlit Interface Surveillance
in crowded environments.
Qriocity 2023


Enhancing Security in This project introduces an OTP verification

Online Transactions and system using steganography to embed OTPs Steganogra
Communications through within images for enhanced online security. It PRJ-090 Security, Online phy,
Steganographic OTP integrates encryption, integrity verification, Transactions OTPVerifica
Verification and Secure digital signatures, and secure chat features tion,
Chat Application to prevent unauthorized access and data SecureChat
Integration breaches.
An AI-driven chatbot using GPT-3.5 Turbo
Empathetic AI-Driven streamlines substance dependency Healthcare, AI,
Assessment Tool for rehabilitation intake and assessment. It PRJ-091 Rehabilitation Substance
Personalized Rehabilitation of gathers details on drug use history, mental Depende
Substance Dependent health, and well-being, generating ncy
Individuals personalized medical reports with recovery
GPR-4V (Gemini Pro for Rich Video Gemini,
Gemini 1.5 Pro Integrated Understanding) uses Gemini 1.5 Pro for KeyframeExtr
Video Summarization System advanced video summarization. It extracts Video action,
with Advanced Visual AI with key frames and utilizes Google's File API for PRJ-092 Summarizati CloudProcess
Keyframe Extraction and cloud processing, delivering concise video on, Visual AI ing
Cloud Processing summaries with AI and language
Real-Time Anomalous This project introduces a real-time anomaly
detection system for surveillance videos AnomalyDet
Activity Detection in ection,
Surveillance Videos Using using spatio-temporal autoencoders. Trained PRJ-093
on the UCSD dataset, it detects sudden Security, Video SpatioTemp
Spatio-Temporal Surveillance oralAutoenc
Autoencoders and Dynamic movements and unusual crowd behavior,
providing alerts through a Streamlit interface oders,
Thresholding with Streamlit Streamlit
Interface for enhanced security monitoring.
This project introduces a real-time sign
Enhanced Real-Time Sign language detection and translation system SignLangua
Language Recognition and with TensorFlow's MoveNet and ensemble geRecogniti
Multilingual Translation Accessibility,
DNNs. It recognizes gestures from videos Language on,
System Using Ensemble Deep PRJ-094 DeepNeural
and images, translating signs into spoken Translation
Neural Networks and and multiple languages for improved Networks,
TensorFlow's MoveNet communication accessibility. TensorFlow
This cybersecurity solution uses face
Integrative Cybersecurity recognition and deep learning to detect
Solution for Real-Time Age users' age and sex from facial images, Firewall,
and Sex-Based Content restricting access to inappropriate content PRJ-095 Cybersecurity, EmailVerificat
Control with Custom Firewall for users under 18. It includes email Content ion
and Email Verification authentication and custom firewall Control
features for enhanced security.
Automated Subjective Answer This project automates subjective answer
Evaluation Using GenAI and evaluation with GenAI and NLP for
NLP by Enhancing Accuracy, accurate grading in education. It reduces PRJ-096 Education, GenAI, NLP
Fairness, and Feedback in bias, provides detailed feedback via a Assessment
Education user-friendly Streamlit interface,
enhancing evaluation efficiency.
Qriocity 2023


This AI-powered talent assessment system

Integrated AI-Powered enhances recruitment with advanced NLP AI,
Talent Assessment and ML. It analyzes resumes, conducts PRJ-097 Human ResumeAnal
System for Holistic tailored interviews, and offers data-driven Resources, ysis,
Resume Analysis, Dynamic insights for recruiters. Candidates receive Talent Interviewing
Interviewing, and Data- personalized feedback, improving overall Management
Driven Insights recruitment efficiency.
This project automates handwritten exam
Automated Grading of grading using AI, enhancing assessment AI,
Handwritten Exams Using AI efficiency and objectivity. It integrates PRJ-098 Education, Handwritte
by Enhancing Efficiency, generative AI and machine learning to Assessment nExams
Objectivity, and Feedback evaluate answers based on predefined
Generation criteria, providing consistent grading and
This AI-powered chatbot for Alzheimer's
Enhanced Alzheimer's Care patients provides personalized cognitive
and Support System Using AI- AI,
assessment, reminders, and safety Healthcare, Alzheimer'sC
Powered Chatbot for features. Using NLP and ML, it assesses PRJ-099 Elderly Care
Personalized Cognitive are
cognitive function, offers stimulation,
Assessment, Reminders, and reminders, and generates medical reports
Safety through a user-friendly interface.
EMPATH is an AI-powered mental health
EMPATH: AI-Powered companion offering empathetic support,
diagnosis, and continuous monitoring. It AI,
Mental Health Companion PRJ-100 Healthcare, Empathetic
with Empathetic Support, provides personalized guidance, coping
mechanisms, and detailed reports to aid Mental Health Support
Diagnosis, and Continuous
Monitoring treatment planning, addressing global mental
health challenges effectively.

Enhancing Communication Real-Time Speech-to-Sign Language SpeechToSi

Across Language Modalities Translation converts spoken words to sign Accessibility, gnTranslati
with Real-Time Speech-to- language gestures instantly. It uses Language on,
advanced speech recognition and sign PRJ-101 RealTimeC
Sign Translation and Intuitive Translation
Interface language generation technologies. ommunicat
LungXpert employs deep learning with
Integrated Deep Learning ResNet, InceptionNet, and EfficientNet to
Framework for Enhanced Lung classify lung conditions from X-ray images. Healthcare, DeepLearni
Disease Classification from X- It identifies six disease classes, aiding early PRJ-102 Medical ng,
ray Images with Real-Time treatment through a user-friendly Imaging XRayImages
Diagnostic Interface Streamlit interface for medical
EyeSight: Integrative AI for EyeSight uses pupillometry and deep
Non-Invasive Diabetic learning models (ResNet, DenseNet, Healthcare, AI,
Retinopathy Detection Using Efficient Net) for diabetic retinopathy (DR)
PRJ-103 Diabetic Pupillometry,
Pupillometry and Ensemble detection. It categorizes DR severity into Retinopathy DeepLearning
Deep Learning five levels, providing clinicians for early Detection
diagnosis and intervention.
Qriocity 2023


AutoTestGen automates test case

AutoTestGen: Intelligent generation for software using GPT-3.5 GPT-3.5,
Automated Test Case Turbo. It analyzes code to create PRJ-104 Software TestAutoma
Generation Using comprehensive test scenarios, improving Development, tion
GPT-3.5 Turbo and software quality and efficiency in Testing
Streamlit Interface development through a user-friendly
Streamlit interface.

GeneRX: Integrating AI for GeneRX integrates genetic analysis and AI to

Personalized Drug Design personalize drug treatments, ensuring privacy AI,
with AES encryption and OTPs. Hosted on PRJ-105 Healthcare, Personalize
with Enhanced Privacy and
User-Friendly Accessibility Streamlit, it provides a user-friendly interface Drug Design dMedicine
for healthcare professionals and patients,
enhancing personalized healthcare delivery.

RootGuard uses AI and machine learning AI,

Enhancing System Security ensembles to detect rootkits, improving RootkitDetect
with AI-Powered Rootkit system security against unauthorized access. Cybersecurity, ion,
Detection using Stacked It trains on diverse system behavior datasets PRJ-106 System MachineLearn
Machine Learning Ensembles and employs models like Random Forest and Security ing
SVM for effective detection and mitigation.
PodcastPod offers real-time audio
PodcastPod: Real-Time summarization for podcasts using Whisper
for transcription, GenAI for summarization, RealTime,
Audio Summarization and PRJ-107 Media, AudioSumm
Highlight Suggestion and spaCy for NLP. It generates concise
summaries and highlights, enhancing Podcasting arization
System with AI-driven
Insights accessibility for podcast enthusiasts via live
streams, uploaded files, and podcast URLs.
XSShield uses AI to detect and prevent
XSShield: Enhancing Web Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks in web AI,
Application Security Through Cybersecuri XSSAttack
applications with ML algorithms like ty, Web
AI-Driven XSS Attack Random Forest, Logistic Regression, SVM, PRJ-108 Detection
Detection and Prevention Application
and stacking classifiers for real-time Security
mitigation, ensuring robust security.
VoiceNote uses OpenAI's Whisper for real-time SpeechToText,
VoiceNote: Real-Time speech-to-text transcription, aiding individuals,
Speech-to-Text Transcription OpenAI
journalists, and researchers in converting live
Using OpenAI Whisper for audio and video content. Its Streamlit interface PRJ-109 Productivity,
Enhanced Productivity and allows easy editing, saving, and exporting of Accessibility
Accessibility transcriptions, enhancing productivity across
various fields.
Federated Deep Learning PneumoNet uses deep learning and FederatedLea
for Enhanced Pneumonia federated learning for private pneumonia rning,
detection from chest X-rays, enhancing Healthcare,
Detection Using PRJ-110 Medical DeepLearni
Decentralized Chest X-ray diagnostic accuracy and treatment ng,
outcomes globally across healthcare Imaging
Data PneumoniaDe
institutions. tection
Qriocity 2023


TubeDigest enhances YouTube video consumption

TubeDigest: AI-Powered with AI-driven summaries and personalized
YouTube Video highlights. Using Whisper for transcription, GenAI PRJ-111
for summarization, and spaCy for NLP, it provides Media, Video AI, YouTube,
Summarization with tailored video insights from URLs, optimizing Summarizat VideoSumm
Personalized Highlights content consumption efficiency and relevance. ion arization
and Real-Time Insights

VoicePal: Integrating AI- VoicePal uses OpenAI's Whisper and GPT-3.5

Powered Voice Assistance Turbo for a versatile voice assistant. It sends Accessibility, AI,
messages via Twilio, manages emails, and offers PRJ-112 Task VoiceAssist
with Sign Language for yoga tips with voice commands. It includes a
Enhanced Interaction and Automation ance,
unique sign language-based speed dial for hand SignLangu
Task Automation gesture actions, enhancing interaction.

Enhancing Image Security via SecureShare uses visual cryptography and AES
Visual Cryptography and AES encryption for secure image sharing. It splits
images into encrypted noise patterns, ensuring VisualCryptog
Encryption in Streamlit-Based confidentiality with AES decryption keys on a Security, raphy, AES,
Web Application Streamlit interface for easy uploading, PRJ-113
Image Streamlit
downloading, and sharing. Processing

WebSage utilizes Gemini embeddings and

WebSage: AI-Powered BeautifulSoup for powerful web scraping, AI,
Web Scraper for extracting detailed product data in a structured PRJ-114 Analytics, WebScrap
Comprehensive Product format. It answers queries, compares prices, and er,
provides analytics, ideal for businesses and Semantic
Insights, Analytics, and researchers needing deep web insights. Search ProductInsi
Semantic Search ghts

KeyWatch monitors keyboard inputs and mouse

KeyWatch: Advanced movements discreetly, logging user activity with KeystrokeM
Keystroke and Mouse Activity system-level hooks for productivity monitoring Security, onitoring,
Monitoring System with and security investigations. It includes a Streamlit PRJ-115 Monitoring Streamlit,
Streamlit Interface, Data interface for easy data analysis, emphasizing
ethical considerations. DataEncryp
Encryption, and Ethical tion
Secure Multilingual LinguaChat ensures secure multilingual
Communication Platform with communication with real-time translation using
Real-Time Translation and advanced NLP and cryptography. It prevents Security,
MITM attacks, ensures integrity with SHA-256 PRJ-116 AI,

Advanced Cryptographic hashing, and offers AES/RSA encryption for

Business Translation
Security confidentiality on Streamlit.

FortiChat: A Multi-Layered
Secure Messaging Platform FortiChat is a secure messaging platform with end-
to-end encryption, digital signatures, RSA, AES, and AI,
with Advanced Threat SHA-256 cryptography. It uses ML-based intrusion Security, MNC IntrusionDete
Protection and Real-Time detection to safeguard against MITM attacks and
Security ction
Intrusion Detection intrusion attempts, ensuring user privacy and data
Qriocity 2023


FortiChat: A Secure FortiChat is a secure messaging platform

Messaging Platform with with end-to-end encryption (E2EE), digital
Advanced Protection signatures, RSA, AES, SHA-256, and ECDSA PRJ-118 Security, MNC ML,
Against MITM Attacks and cryptography. It uses ML-based intrusion Security Security
Intrusion Detection/ detection to prevent MITM attacks and
Prevention Using Machine intrusion attempts, ensuring user data
Learning confidentiality, integrity, and availability.
MindMate is an AI-powered mental health
MindMate: AI-Powered chatbot on Streamlit, using Rasa for natural Health,
Multilingual Mental Health language understanding and dialogue. It PRJ-119 Mental Health AI,
Chatbot with Personalized offers personalized support through voice MentalHea
Voice and Text Support on and text, fostering a safe space for lth
Streamlit emotional expression and mental health

Integrated IoT-Based Platform BreatheEasy is an IoT platform for real-

for Granular Real-Time Air time air quality monitoring and predictive
analytics. It uses IoT sensors and cloud AI,

Quality Monitoring, Predictive PRJ-120 Environment, AirQuality

Analytics, and User computing to deliver accurate data, Technology
Engagement empowering informed health decisions
based on current air quality conditions.
StealthPic uses LSB steganography and AES
StealthPic: Enhancing encryption to embed sensitive images within
innocuous ones, ensuring hidden data is AI,
Image Security through PRJ-121 Security, ImageSecur
LSB Steganography and undetectable. Its Streamlit interface
facilitates easy embedding and extraction for Technology ity
AES Encryption
Integration secure communication and data protection.

QVault: Secure Multi-Party QVault uses AES encryption in QR codes to

AES Encryption Embedded securely transmit sensitive data. It conceals
encrypted information within misleading Security, AI,
in Deceptive QR Codes for PRJ-122 Encryption
Confidential Data QR codes, ensuring confidentiality. Business
Transmission safeguarding against unauthorized access.

SignSpeak uses Gemini 1.5 Pro for real-

SignSpeak: Integrated AI for time sign language interpretation via
webcam. It supports voice input and Health, AI,
Real-Time Sign Language SignLanguage
Recognition, Conversational provides spoken responses, ensuring PRJ-123 Disabled
Interaction, and Accessibility seamless communication and user-friendly People
Enhancement accessibility through its Streamlit
This project classifies Alzheimer's disease
BERT-Based Deep Learning using the ADNI neuroimaging dataset. It DL,
Framework for Enhanced preprocesses data with scaling, normalization, Health,
PRJ-124 Hospital, Alzheimer's,
Alzheimer's Disease and augmentation, utilizes BERT for feature Neuroimaging
Classification Using extraction, and evaluates performance with Research
Neuroimaging Data accuracy metrics, ROC graphs, and confusion
Qriocity 2023


Deep Learning-Enhanced This project detects leukemia from blood DL,

Leukemia Detection from sample images using CNNs for real-time PRJ-125 Health, Hospital Leukemia,
Blood Sample Images by analysis. It collects datasets, preprocesses RealTime
Integrating CNNs for with scaling and augmentation, extracts
High-Accuracy Real-Time features with CNNs, and evaluates using
Analysis accuracy metrics.

This project identifies medicinal plants using

Deep Learning-Based deep learning and image processing with 150 Health, DL,
Software for Accurate images. It improves data quality through PRJ-126 Research MedicinalPl
Medicinal Plant Identification scaling, normalization, and augmentation, ants
and Benefit Extraction enabling real-time plant identification and
benefit details in a user-friendly interface.

This project employs federated learning FL,

Federated Learning for PneumoniaDe
Enhanced Privacy and for pneumonia detection using MRI and X-
ray images. It includes dataset tection
Accurate Pneumonia PRJ-127 Health,
Detection Using Diverse preparation, scaling, model integration,
and real-time image uploads for accurate Technology
Medical Imaging Data
diagnostics and enhanced privacy.

Enhancing Low-Light
Images Across Diverse This project enhances low-light images using
Deep Retinex models, preprocessing for DL,
Domains Using Deep PRJ-128 Technology, LowLightEn
Retinex Models for Real- noise reduction and normalization,
implementing Deep Retinex Models, and Imaging hancement
Time Quality
Enhancement evaluating image quality.

Kidney Disease Detection uses medical

images and patient data for accurate DL,
Integrative Deep Learning Health, KidneyDise
Framework for Accurate Real- diagnosis. It includes dataset collection, Technology
Time Kidney Disease preprocessing, CNNs for images, ML for data, PRJ-129 ase
Detection and a user-friendly interface for real-time
detection, enhancing medical diagnostics.
Static Code Analyzer detects bugs,
security issues, and compliance problems AI,
Integrated Advanced Static CodeAnalysis
Code Analyzer for Enhanced in various programming languages. It
includes data collection, parsing, flow PRJ-130 Security, MNC
Bug Detection, Security, and Security
Compliance Across Diverse analysis, static code analysis, and
Languages actionable reporting for improved code
quality and security.
Utilize the YOLOv5 algorithm to predict
Avalanche Detection and avalanches in real-time using image and ML,
Prevention: Real-Time sensor data. Detect potential avalanches Environment, AvalanchePre
Analysis and Alerts Using PRJ-159
and provide timely alerts for safety in ski Safety vention
YOLOv5 and Environmental resorts, mountainous areas, and rescue
Data Integration operations, enhancing risk mitigation efforts.
Qriocity 2023


Use YOLOv5 and advanced machine

Empowering Farmers: learning to detect coconut tree diseases in ML,

Real-Time Coconut Tree real-time from images and sensor data. PRJ-160 Agriculture, Disease

Disease Detection and Provide actionable solutions to help farmers Technology Detection
Management Using maintain healthy plantations, enhancing crop
YOLOv5 and Machine yield through timely disease detection and
Learning Techniques management.

Enhancing Diagnostic Utilize ResNet for COVID-19 and pneumonia

Accuracy: COVID-19 and detection from chest X-rays and CT scans. Health,
Support healthcare with rapid diagnosis, PRJ-161 Hospital DL,

Pneumonia Detection Using

ResNet for Rapid and Reliable aiming to enhance accuracy, reduce facility Medical

Medical Image Analysis burdens, and improve patient outcomes Imaging

through timely intervention.

Deploy YOLOv8 for real-time crowd and

Enhancing Public Safety: violence detection in video feeds. Trigger DL,

Real-Time Crowd and alerts and email notifications upon Public

Violence Detection Using PRJ-162 Public Safety, Safety

detecting crowd density increases and Technology
YOLOv8 with Automated violent activities to improve public safety
Alerts and Notifications in events and public gatherings.
Use machine learning to predict
Proactive Conservation: deforestation risk from satellite imagery and
environmental data. Provide timely alerts and PRJ-163 ML,
Predicting Deforestation Environment, Conservat
Risks Using Machine insights to aid conservation efforts, assisting
organizations and policymakers in preserving Research ion
Learning and Satellite
Imagery Analysis natural habitats and preventing
Predict employee turnover using machine
Proactive Employee learning on demographics, job satisfaction, and
Retention: Predicting ML,
performance metrics. Identify at-risk employees Employee

Attrition Using Machine to implement retention strategies, aiming to Business, HR

Learning and PRJ-164 Retention
stabilize workforce, boost productivity, and
Comprehensive Data improve employee satisfaction.
Implement the Haar cascade algorithm for
Advancing Law Enforcement: criminal face detection from images or
Real-Time Criminal Face Law AI,

video feeds. Assist law enforcement in Enforcement, Face

Detection Using Haar locating suspects, enhancing public safety PRJ-165

Cascade Algorithm for Security Detection
through real-time identification and crime
Enhanced Public Safety prevention.

Enhancing Educational Use YOLOv8 to detect fatigue in real-time by

Environments: Real-Time analyzing facial expressions and eye AI,

Fatigue Detection Using Education, Fatigue

movements in educational settings. Alert PRJ-166 Health

YOLOv8 for Improved teachers or invigilators about drowsy students Detection
Student Safety and to enhance safety and productivity during
Productivity exams
Qriocity 2023


A Python Full Stack healthcare platform

Efficient Healthcare enabling patients to book appointments and Healthcare,
Management System with administrators to manage requests PRJ-215 Health, Appointm
Integrated Appointment seamlessly. Features include role-based Technology ent Booking,
Booking and Role-Based access for administrators, doctors, and Access
Access Control patients, optimizing scheduling and Control

Advanced Security and A system focusing on robust access control Security,

Access Management System and identity management, featuring PRJ-216 Multifactor
Security, Authenticat
with Multifactor multifactor authentication for secure user Business
Authentication and Role- verification and role-based access ion, Access
Based Control restrictions. Managem

Medilocker: Integrated Role- A healthcare management system

Based Healthcare supporting patients, doctors, and Healthcare,
Management System with emergency responders with features like Emergency
PRJ-219 Health, Services,
Enhanced Emergency prescription management, emergency Technology
Response and Geolocation response, and geolocation for quick Geolocation
Services medical access.

Court Ledger: Due to the sensitive nature of legal

Decentralized AES- Legal,
documents, the Court Ledger pro ect PRJ-220 Document
Encrypted Document

ensures security with decentralized AES Legal, Manageme

Management System with encryption, robust access controls, and an Technology
Enhanced Access Control nt,
audit trail for accountability. Encryption
and Audit Trail
The FIR Management System allows direct Law
Enhanced FIR Management FIR filing with real-time updates on Enforceme
System with Real-Time processing status, integrating APIs for nt, FIR
Updates, API Integration, and locating nearby police stations and PRJ-221 Security, Law
Enforcement System,
Geolocation Features enhancing accessibility through Geolocat
geolocation features. ion
The Insurance Application on Ethereum
Decentralized Insurance uses blockchain and puncturable
Platform on Ethereum with Finance, Finance,
signatures to enhance security in Insurance,
Puncturable Signatures for managing insurance policies. This dApp Technology
Enhanced Security and PRJ-222 Ethereum
facilitates secure policy management,
Automated Smart Contract claims submission, and verification via
Management Ethereum s smart contracts.
Qriocity Ventures Private Limited

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