IPHO Syllabus
IPHO Syllabus
IPHO Syllabus
(all section numbers and page numbers are with respect to the corresponding
CAPS Siyavula, Everything Science DBE books – these can be downloaded for
free from the internet)
20 Vectors and scalars 364 (Grade 10)
20.1 Introduction to vectors and scalars ......................364
20.2 Properties of vectors..............................371
20.3 Techniques of vector addition ........................375
7 Transverse pulses (Grade 10)
7.1 Introduction and key concepts..................................................124
7.2 Pulses: amplitude and length..................................................125
7.3 Superposition of pulses..................................................130
5 Geometrical optics 194 (Grade 11)
5.1 Summary of properties of light...................... 194
5.2 Light rays ................................. 194
5.3 Properties of light: revision........................ 196
5.4 The speed of light............................. 202
5.5 Refraction ................................. 202
5.6 Snell’sLaw ................................ 211
5.7 Critical angles and total internal reflection...................... 221
5.8 Summary................................. 229
7 Ideal gases 252 (Grade 11)
7.1 Motion of particles ............................ 252
7.2 Ideal gas laws ............................... 255
7.3 Chapter summary............................. 284
11 Electromagnetic radiation 186 (Grade 10)
11.1 What is electromagnetic radiation?......................186
11.2 Wave-like nature of EM radiation.......................187
11.3 Electromagnetic spectrum...........................190
11.4 Penetrating ability of EM radiation ......................193
11.5 Particle-like nature of EM radiation......................19