Travel Bills Feb24 Forte-2
Travel Bills Feb24 Forte-2
Travel Bills Feb24 Forte-2
Reservation Voucher
Passenger Details
ID Proof Note:
During bus journey, one of the passenger on an e-ticket appears should carry the original identity card such as: Driving License, Elecion Card, Ration Card, Photo ID
card issued by CentralState GovtJPivale Organisations, AdharCard, Pan Card, Passport, Credit Card with Photo identification, Sludent ID issued by any Insitute,
Pass Book with Photo issued by any Nationalised Bank CAT CARD issued by TSRTC.
The seat(s) booked under this tlcket is/are not transferable.
This icket is valld only for the seat number, journey date and bus service specfied herein.
Dcard would be compulsorily required for traveling. Aleast one of the passengers traveling on the ticket should have any of the original identity cards
(Drving Lioense, Elecion Card, Ration Card, Photo ID card issued by Central/Stale GovJPrivate Organisations, Adhar Card, Pan Card, Passport, Credit
Card with Pholo identficatlon, Student ID issued by any Institute, Pass Book with Photo issued by any Nationalised Bank,CAT CARD 0sued by TSRTC)
during bus journey.
Please keep the icket safely till the end of the journey.
Please show the icket at the time of che cking.
Corporation reserves the rights lo changelcancel the service calegory/service.
BOOKINGICANCELLATION of tlckets is allowed up-lo 1 hour before the schedu led start time at origin point of the servlce only.
Partial cancellatlon is allowed in round-trip tickets provided the same number and type (Adultchild) are cancelled in both UP &DOWN Joumeys.
Free travel in Vijayawada and Visakhapatnam city buses (except A/C buses) before 2Hrs. of departure ime and after 2Hrs. of arival time is allowed.
For e-Ticketing/ Refund Relaled Querles/ Senvice Canceled refunds to E-Mail: support@abhibus .com
Please note that fares are subject to change without notice. If you have purchased a ticket and subsequently the fares have increased then you will not be
required to pay the difference.
Please check your ticket after it is issued, for its corectness and we request you to read the Terms and conditions.
. In case of detection of alleration of fare / Ticket No. / Journesy delalls /elc., at the time of joumey, in the paper ticket malled to the passenger emal-D, the
registered passenger of e-ticketing with is liable for prosecutlon under court of law.
a) If service is cancelled by TSRTC for any re ason,customer should canoel the ticket within 15 days from the date of joumey to get full refund.
b) Cancellation of such tickets is not allowed after 15 days from the date of journey
RECEIPI Cell: 9700654172
Kalvoddu, Near S Park Hotel, KHAMMAM.
S.No. 209 Date
Customer Name
Cell ....eSo.Per Day Rent ....AO9.. ....No. of Days ....
Advance: ....... Total
Reservation Voucher
Passenger Details
ID Proof Note:
During bUs journey, one of the p ger on an e-ticket appears shoud carry the original identity card such as: Driving License, Election Card, Ration Card, Photo ID
issued by Central/State GovtJPrivate Organisations, AdharCard, Pan Card, Passport, Credit Card with Photo identification, Student ID issued by any Institute,
Pass Book with Photo issued by any Nationalised Bank ,CAT CARD issued by
The seat(s) booked under this ticket is/are not transferable.
Thls ticket is valid only for the seat number, joumey date and bus service s pecifled herein.
ID card would be compulsorily required for traveling. Atleast one of the passengers travelling on the ticket should have arny of the original identy cards
Drving Lcense, Election Card, Ration Card, Photo ID card issued by Central/Stale GovtJPrivate Organisations, Adhar Card, Pan Card, Passport, Credit
rd with
Card w Photo identification. Student D issued by any institute, Pass Book with Photo issued by any Nationalised Bank.CAT CARD issued by TSRTC)
during bus journey
Please keep the ticket safely till the end of the jourmey.
Please show the ticket at the time of checking.
Corporation reserves the ights to changelcancel the service category/service.
BOOKINGICANCELLATION of tickets is allowed up-to 1 hour before the scheduled start time at origin point of the servica only.
Partial can cellation is allowed in round-trip tickets provided the same number and type (Adultchild) are cancelled in both UP &DOWN Journeys.
Free travel in Vijayawada and Visakhapatnam cty buses (except AWC buses) before 2Hrs. of departure time and after 2Hrs. of arrival time is allowed.
For e-Ticketing'Refund Related Queries/ Service Cance lled refunds to E-Mail:
. Please note that fares are subject to change without notice. If you have purchased a ticket and subsequently the fares have increased then you will not be
required to pay the difference.
Please check your ticket after it is issued, for its correctness and we request you to read the Terms and conditions.
In case of detectio n of alteratlon of fare / Ticket No. / Journey details / etc., at the time of journey, in the paper ticket mailed to the passenger emailHD, the
registered passenger of e-ticketing with is liable for prosecution under court of law.
a) If service is cancelled by TSRTC for any reason, customer should cancel the ticket within 15 days from the date of journey to get full
Cell: 7799441812
Bike Name
Heso aamous
Bike No :......5.02ED 9360..
Departure Time & Date Return Time & Date
l-02:2O24.L0:20 Cm 2.03.2024..530!m
Customer Name:.aryy. Naveen.
Address t..343 Prashgus Nagar..
.Cell :.676O15D5
Per Day Rent