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CB72484 WFRP 4e Old World Adventures Skeleton Crew OEF2022 10 26

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Writer: Daniel Gooch, Samuel Poots Adventure Summary................................................................2
Editor: Brian Johnson Plots and Subplots....................................................................2
Getting Started.........................................................................3
Development and Production: Dave Allen, Pádraig Murphy
Captain Sigiswald.....................................................................4
Proofreader: Andres Montelongo Brother Ammenhai..................................................................5
Cover: Yugin Mafioli Diplomacy on Board................................................................7
Illustration: John Blanche, Alessandro Boer, Yugin Mafioli, All Aboard!...............................................................................7
Sam Manley, Scott Purdy, Erin H Rea Shifting the Cargo....................................................................8
Dockside Scuttlebutt................................................................9
Layout: Steve Fidler
The Liebenswerte Adda..........................................................10
Cubicle 7 Business Support: Tracey Bourke, Elaine Connolly, First Dog Watch.....................................................................11
Jennifer Crispin, Fiona Kelly, Kieran Murphy, Second Dog Watch................................................................11
LJ Phelan, and Cian Whelan Table Talk...............................................................................12
Cubicle 7 Creative Team: Dave Allen, Emmet Byrne, First Watch.............................................................................12
Alex Cahill, David F Chapman, Walt Ciechanowski, Middle Watch........................................................................13
Zak Dale-Clutterbuck, Josh Corcoran, Chris Colston, The Shadow of the Shadewraith.............................................13
Runesael Flynn, Elaine Lithgow, TS Luikart, The Murder............................................................................15
Dominic McDowall, Sam Manley, Pádraig Murphy, Morning Watch......................................................................15
Ceíre O’Donoghue, JG O’Donoghue, and Sam Taylor Forenoon Watch.....................................................................16
The Rudder Incident..............................................................16
Creative Director: Emmet Byrne
Afternoon Watch...................................................................17
Publisher: Dominic McDowall Black Sails Ahead...................................................................17
Special thanks to Games Workshop Dealing with the Dead...........................................................19
The Arch-Traitor Vangheist....................................................21

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Last Updated, 10 October 2022

ADVENTURE SUMMARY Plots and Subplots
Whilst the main motivation for the party is simple —
The Sea of Claws can be capricious, and those who live on help transport several coffins from the island to the
its shores, and off its bounty, have a precarious existence. mainland — there are several subplots to the story, which
Recent storms have ravaged the coasts, with some places are outlined here.
risking being washed off the map by icy waves. One such
place is Grabufer, a tiny spit of land just off the coast of The Job
the isle of Odner. Grabufer is almost uninhabited, but it The Characters have been hired to help out with the
is where the folk of Odner send their dead to be buried. transport and protection of several bodies that recently
Extreme bad weather has washed away Grabufer’s shrine, washed up on the shores of Odner. The job is fraught with
and the priest of Morr along with it. Several bodies from tension, as the dead are yet to be properly consecrated,
the site later washed up on Odner’s shores. and Geheimnisnacht, the night when the dead do not
rest easily, is imminent.
An inexperienced initiate of Morr has done his best to
perform rites to the dead, but without the right religious Vangheist
paraphernalia, or sufficient skill, he was not able to properly The ghostly Captain Vangheist is patrolling the waters of
bless the bodies. These now urgently need transporting to the Sea of Claws. He is drawn to the Characters’ vessel,
the port of Dietershafen for burial before the cursed night sensing the presence of unconsecrated dead within.
of Geheimnisnacht. Vangheist will prove the most dangerous threat in the
scenario, but he is not the only one.
The Characters are employed to assist this sad shipment
on a voyage across the Sea of Claws, feared for its pirates, Smuggling
monsters, and other perils. But sometimes the enemy is One of the coffins to be stowed upon the ship contains
within. During the storm that wrecked Grabufer, the several pieces of treasure scavenged from shipwrecks,
frightened initiate, cowering under the shattered shrine, bundled up in a winding cloth in the hope that any casual
secretly offered prayers to the Shark God, Stromfels. He snoopers will be fooled.
survived, but his mind is alive with thoughts of heresy and
death, and he now hears Stromfels whisper demands for a The Murder
sacrifice in return. Brother Ammenhai is desperate to appease Stromfels in
payment for surviving the storm. During the scenario he
As Geheimnisnacht arrives, the ship’s path unfortunately will kill Pierre and throw his body overboard.
crosses that of the infamous cursed ghost ship the
Shadewraith. Captain Vangheist and his crew of unquiet
spirits are full of spite and hate for the living, determined
to spread misery across the seas to all whose gaze falls upon
their ghastly galleon. Like a shark scenting blood in the
water, Vangheist can follow the traces of the unblessed
dead across great distances. Such corpses could swell the
ranks of his own crew.

The journey from Grabufer to Dietershafen is short, but

thanks to the disturbed initiate, and the predations of
Vangheist, there are serious threats to the boat’s crew.

To play this adventure, you may wish to use the rules

found in Sea of Claws in order to run combats or pursuits
between characters, but if you don’t have that book, the
likely outcomes of such encounters are provided.



If playing this adventure as a one-off, the reasons for the The Characters help load
party being in the situation they are in should be easy several coffins into the hold of
Day 1: On the docks
enough to establish. They are survivors of the recent storms the Liebenswerte Adda and meet
who have managed to make it to the harbour in Odner, the crew of the ship.
but whatever ship they were travelling on is no longer The ship sets sail. Brother
seaworthy. In order to make it back to the mainland, they Ammenhai tends to the dead
Day 1: First Dog Watch
will have to join the crew of the Liebenswerte Adda. For and sets the schedule by which
4 pm–6 pm
better or worse, this vessel is the only one heading back the dead will be tended by
to the mainland for some time, and the captain is offering other Characters.
payment for people to help with crewing the ship and The ship makes poor headway
lugging cargo. against high winds and the
captain demands that the
Day 1: Second Dog Watch
Characters in the midst of longer adventures are unlikely anchor be dropped. Brother
6 pm–8 pm
to be on such a remote and lonely island looking for Ammenhai tends to the dead
work, but Captain Sigiswald of the Liebenswerte Adda whilst the other Characters eat
could meet them in any Nordland port town and offer dinner.
to take them on. He could present his job offer as either Things are quiet on board,
humanitarian (the folk of the islands may need assistance Day 1: First Watch though the Characters may
after the recent storms), mercantile (the folk of the 8 pm–Midnight become victims of a practical
islands may require services after the recent storms), or joke played by the ship’s boy.
even piratical (the folk of the islands may be vulnerable). The survivor of a wreck is seen
floating in the sea. Whilst the
If Characters have their own vessel they might find injured man is being tended to,
Day 2: Middle Watch
themselves in the position of Captain Sigiswald rather those still on deck may see the
Midnight–4 am
than working for him. In this case Brother Ammenhai chilling sight of a ghost ship.
might approach them directly, or through one of his Brother Ammenhai murders
contacts in Odner or Nordland, and the smuggling Pierre.
subplot could be avoided, or result from another contact Day 2: Morning Watch Svetlana tries to recover the
doing a deal with one of the Characters or the party as 4 am–8 am smuggled goods from the hold.
a whole. Mieze the cat causes a
Day 2: Forenoon Watch commotion. The captain orders
Whatever the arrangement, any journey to Odner will be 8 am–Noon the anchor lifted. Pierre’s body
swift and uneventful, with little in the way of drama. The is discovered.
Characters may have a little time to get to know their Day 2: Afternoon Watch Vanghiest makes his grand
crewmates, and even work on making a few friends, but Noon–4 pm entrance.
not so long that they learn too much about them.

The drama takes place over a day of sailing, and the main
events of the scenario are broken down as follows:


Captain Sigiswald
Sigiswald is an experienced and professional sailor, CAPTAIN SIGISWALD
though a fondness for rum has dulled his edge in recent CAPTAIN (GOLD 2)
years. He has the look of a seaman, with a penchant for
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
heavy clothing and a bushy white beard. That he is a hard
drinker is also plain, with a florid complexion and watery 4 48 40 35 41 38 37 32 42 38 50 14
brown eyes. Skills: Athletics 47, Climb 45, Cool 48, Endurance
51, Gossip 60, Intimidate 45, Leadership 60,
Whilst he observes many of the superstitions common Lore (Oceans) 52, Melee (Basic) 58, Navigation
to sailors on the Sea of Claws, and can come across as 52, Outdoor Survival 52, Perception 48, Ranged
eccentric as a result, he believes that keeping a disparate (Blackpowder) 50, Row 45, Sail 47, Swim 40
and divided crew together revolves around avoiding Talents: Etiquette (Crew), Old Salt, Orientation,
unnecessary drama and making sure everyone does their Read/Write, Sea Legs, Suave
duty. Business has not been good for the captain though,
Trappings: Bottle of Rum, Pipe & Tobacco, Pistol
and he has an ulterior motive for taking on the current
with ammunition for 10 shots, Sword
job. He knows that one of the coffins does not contain a
body, but treasure looted from wrecks.



This initiate of Morr is not part of the ship’s crew. He
used to help arrange funerary rites on the nearby island M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
of Grabufer, and is the sole survivor of the storms that 4 31 25 28 42 30 43 31 42 28 28 12
lashed the island. Ammenhai is middle-aged and portly.
Skills: Athletics 48, Cool 33, Endurance 47,
Intuition 35, Lore (Theology) 47, Melee (Basic)
He fancies himself a natural leader, but is in fact rather
36, Perception 35, Pray 33, Research 47
awkward with people. Ammenhai is currently disturbed.
He called on Stromfels to help him survive the storm, Talents: Bless (Morr), Holy Visions, Read/Write,
and now feels that he risks the god’s anger if he does not Savvy
arrange for a sacrifice. Trappings: Black Robes, Silver Symbol of Morr
(Sign of the Portal)
Sin Points: 3 (WFRP, page 217). This means that
whilst he can cast Morr’s Blessings (WFRP, page
220) on the characters there is a risk of incurring
the Wrath of the Gods (WFRP, page 218).

Fiorella Friedrich
The first mate is a young lady from Remas. She cuts a The ship’s boy is open-minded and gregarious. He is keen
dashing figure in her smart naval uniform and big boots. to learn about the running of a vessel. He has a natural
She is brisk and liable to being short-tempered, and is affinity for animals, and can often be seen petting the
contemptuous of landlubbers. Despite her forbidding ship’s cat. He will make a particular fuss over any dogs in
aspect, her poor humour has more to do with the strain of the company of the Characters.
managing a short-handed vessel than genuine animosity.
It is just easier for her to address complaints to her Esme and Marie
subordinates than to her captain. Esme and Marie are a pair of Halflings from the
Mootland. They are sociable, but prefer each other's
Rutger company and counsel, particularly in tense situations.
The ship’s cook is a sour individual from Dietershafen. The rest of the crew assume they are sisters, given their
Elderly, his frame is skeletal and crooked. He is appearance and sororal manners. This is not true; they are
misanthropic and prefers his own company. His food is only distantly related, but given the importance of clan
bland and uninspiring, but most sailors are used to worse. ties to Halflings they may as well be siblings. They are
mediocre sailors, but put in enough hard work and effort
Pierre to make up for their shortcomings.
The quartermaster is a grim man from Mousillon, given
to glaring at people from behind a fringe of lank dark Uri and Svetlana
hair and wrapping himself up in his greasy sealskins A married couple from Salkalten in Ostland. Uri and
even on hot days. He is small and slight. Pierre saw Svetlana are both tough and capable sailors who obey their
many horrors and abuses in the Barony of the Damned officers, though they both plan to find work on a better
before he escaped to begin a life at sea. He is brooding, vessel as soon as the opportunity arises. Svetlana and
and behaves in a suspicious and threatening manner. Uri have served on board the Liebenswerte Adda longer
However, he loathes Chaos and undeath, having suffered than anyone other than the captain, and due to this and
their depredations personally. Whilst his manners are off- their married status, they have the luxury of their own
putting, they are born from a justified need for vigilance. cabin. This is a sore spot with the officers. Furthermore,
thanks to this relative privacy, they have recently started
Snorri to undertake some small-time smuggling on the side.
This dour Dwarf is the ship’s bosun. He is taciturn and
begrudging. He is descended from those who survived Mieze
the War in the Mountains, where the forces of Chaos The ship’s cat, affectionately known as ‘The Furred Mate’
overran the Norse Dwarf hold of Kraka Drak. Whilst by the crew. Mieze is an ageing tomcat, but still capable
he performs his duties on board with diligence, he is of terrorising the ship’s complement of rats when the
haunted by the nagging feeling that he is dishonouring mood takes him.
his ancestors by doing anything other than avenging the
many wrongs they suffered. Captain Fenris
Fenris is the captain of the Einzelgänger, a ship thought
lost in the recent storms. During this adventure he will be
discovered clinging to a piece of flotsam, though vigilant
Characters may suspect him of being more than he seems.


Diplomacy on Board ALL ABOARD!

Much of this adventure involves interacting with NPCs,
particularly the crew of the Liebenswerte Adda. If the The scenario as written assumes the Characters have
Characters do that well, and make friends, it will help agreed to help Captain Sigiswald, and are on the docks
them at the end. To keep track, use the table below. For on Odner. Read the following to the players.
each NPC the Characters interact with positively, track
successful encounters, as this improves their relationship For the folk who live on the storm-ravaged coasts of the
with that NPC. Two successful interactions will improve Sea of Claws, it is a hard life, but the recent storms have
their relationship status by one level. Some crew, those been particularly harsh. Here you are on Odner, a small
who don’t like the cut of the Characters’ jib, need more island off the coast of Nordland. The islanders here are
work to start having favourable opinions about them. busy rebuilding their homes and grieving their dead. In
years past, the islanders would have taken the bodies to the
Attitudes range from Hostile, conferring a –20 penalty nearby island of Grabufer, where a Morrite monastery and
when using Fellowship-based Tests to engage with the garden tended to funeral rites and interments.
NPC, to Unfriendly (–10), Cool (+0), Friendly (+10), and
Best Mates (+20). But Grabufer was deluged by massive waves and the
mortuary was washed away along with its priests. Not
Successful interactions may include the successful use only have the folk of Odner nowhere to bless and bury their
of any Skill based on Fellowship, or any roleplaying that dead, but several more bodies have since washed up on their
the GM thinks would impress the NPC in question and muddy shores. There are twenty-three coffins arranged on
reassure them that the Character is acting in a friendly, the dockside, awaiting transport.
trustworthy manner.
The sole survivor of Grabufer’s monastic community is a
DIPLOMACY TRACKER portly middle-aged man with a ruddy face who wears the
plain black robes of an initiate of Morr. He looks pained,
NPC SUCCESSES NOTES but as he sees you, he plasters an ingratiating grin on his
face. ‘Look lively, sailors! We need to get these stowed away
Captain and… erm… ship shape… ahaah… else they will likely
Sigiswald grow restless before our work is done.’ He chuckles, but then
Fiorella Hostile he begins to blush, and wipes at his jowls with a greasy
crimson handkerchief.
Pierre Unfriendly
Snorri Cool Because he is only an initiate, Brother Ammenhai does
not have the Invoke Talent, essential for casting the
Unfriendly Last Rites Miracle (WFRP, page 223), which ensures a
corpse cannot be targeted by Necromancy. This is why
Friedrich the the journey needs to be made to Dietershafen where a
Cabin Boy capable priest can cast Last Rites.
Rutger the
Uri Unfriendly
Svetlana Cool
Esme Friendly
Marie Cool
Not possible
Mieze Changeable – –
to influence
Fenris Friendly

Loading the Cargo The final coffin is a more elaborate affair — it is carved with
The Characters are expected to pitch in with shifting black roses and embossed images of hourglasses and skulls.
the coffins. There are twenty-two poor quality coffins, Next to it is a large chest smelling strongly of incense.
which have obviously been constructed in a hurry. They
are nailed shut and inscribed with Morr’s religious If the Characters query what’s in the last coffin Brother
markings. They smell heavily of incense. Each is a heavy Ammenhai chuckles nervously and then adopts a pose of
load, requiring an Extended Difficult (–10) Strength mock seriousness. He says, ‘None of your beeswax — just
Test to stow them on board the vessel, needing 4 SLs get it on board. Don’t worry, you’ll get what’s coming to you.
overall. Any Fumble means the carrying Character suffers The garden of Morr in Dietershafen will be sure to provide
a Fatigued Condition. Pierre, Snorri, Esme, Marie, Uri, you with reimbursement for your efforts.’
and Svetlana will help with the loading, and will be
impressed by Characters who perform the task of lugging It’s a Difficult (–10) Strength Test to bring this final
coffins admirably. cargo on board. If a Character tries to peek into the coffin,
they find the lid is firmly nailed down, just like the others.
Characters who announce that they are keeping a close It looks more ornate, as if more care had been taken in
eye on their shipmates may notice on a Hard (–20) choosing it, perhaps out of respect for the contents. This
Perception Test that a brief scuffle breaks out between coffin contains the corpse of Brother Ammenhai’s wife.
Esme and Svetlana. The Halfling starts to lug at a coffin There is no sinister reason for his attitude towards the
when the Ostlander pulls it from her grasp and snarls: coffin, though he has shown her preferential treatment.
‘Don’t strain yourself, Halfling, leave the heavy lifting to If Characters show suspicion about the coffin, he will be
those who can manage it.’ defensive at first and then admit that it contains ‘the body
of my beloved Erika’. If Characters insist on searching the
If anyone attempts to intercede, Svetlana just complains coffin, he resents them for it, and protests, but he doesn’t
that she is concerned for the Halfling’s welfare, and have the authority to actually prevent them. It contains
doesn’t think that she should be doing too much heavy exactly what he says it contains.
lifting. In reality, Svetlana just wants to keep a close eye
on where this particular coffin, which contains stolen Once the job is done, there is a little free time to spend
goods, ends up. Once the load is stowed away, Svetlana before the ship sets sail. The crew take time to pay their
does not show any concern over how hard Esme or Marie respects at a nearby small shrine to Manann, God of
work. Anyone examining this coffin will notice on a Hard the Sea. If the Characters join them, they will regard it
(–20) Perception Test that there is a small ‘x’ carved in as proper behaviour. There is also some time to spend
the lower right corner of each panel of the coffin. gossiping with the locals working the docks.

Should anyone attempt to break into this coffin, Brother

Ammenhai will do all he can to dissuade them, claiming
that the coffins and body wrappings have been designed
so as to prevent the dead from rising, and that any
disturbance will risk nullifying their effects. If Characters
persist they find that the coffin contains brass fittings and
silverware worth about 15 GC.

From above, the captain takes a moment to watch your

labours, puffing on a big pipe. He looks up, squints at the sky,
and moves out of sight.

Any Character interested in the captain’s behaviour may

make a Hard (–20) Perception Test. Those who pass spot
a large seabird flying north. The captain is a superstitious
fellow and considers the fact that an albatross has flown
past the vessel at this time to be inauspicious.


Dockside Scuttlebutt As the sun sinks into the sea, the captain blows a shrill whistle.
If the Characters wish to spend a bit of time chatting ‘All aboard who’s coming aboard!’ He looks at you with watery
to the locals, there is the opportunity to do so. The folk brown eyes above a strawberry nose.
of Odner are normally gregarious and friendly, if rather
contemptuous of those who are not wise in the ways of Once aboard, any Characters who announce that they
the sea. are keeping an eye on things may make a Difficult (–10)
Perception Test to observe the following:
However, they have recently undergone much hardship
and are busy repairing their shattered dwellings and boats. A woman wearing a hooded cloak sidles up to the gangplank.
There are a couple of subjects the locals will be happy She exchanges a few short words with Svetlana, who is
to talk about, and they even volunteer these opinions in busying herself by taking care of the mooring ropes that secure
passing as the Characters work loading the coffins. the ship to the harbour. Svetlana nods, and hands the woman
a small leather pouch.
0 Brother Ammenhai is only an initiate, and lacks
the ability to ensure a corpse cannot be targeted by A character passing a Difficult (–10) Perception Test
Necromancy. It will soon be Geheimnisnacht, when hears the clink of coins in the pouch. If Svetlana is
the Chaos Moon is full and the dead do not rest confronted about this interaction she will claim the
easy, so please work away and Manann speed you woman was Odner’s harbourmaster, and the money was
on your journey. to pay for the berth of the ship. Uri will back Svetlana up,
but if other members of the crew are consulted they will
0 The recent storms were terrible. When you're be confused — after all, the crew of the vessel are doing
underway be sure to keep an eye out for flotsam. the residents of Odner a significant favour by helping
We’ve a ship unaccounted for, the Einzelgänger. It’s them out, and the harbourmaster is a man.
been gone several days and we fear it is wrecked.
This may develop into an argument with Svetlana, who is
Getting more than a brisk response from them requires a not widely liked amongst the crew, but Captain Sigiswald
Difficult (–10) Gossip Test. breaks up any fights before they turn violent, promising
that any wrongdoing can be investigated in Dietershafen.
0 Only a fool would set sail on Geheimnisnacht; evil
sails the seas and thirsts for blood. In reality the woman on the docks is a local smuggler, and
Svetlana has paid her for the work she has done bringing
0 Some of the bodies washed up had been chewed her the coffin full of stolen items.
up by something. Probably the Grey-Barbed Shark
of the Sea of Claws. It has a taste for the flesh of

0 Years ago ‘round this time, we’d be taking in the

Daggerfish catch ‘round now, but it’s been harder
and harder to catch them, and now with this storm,
there’s no hope.

0 If you ever get to Salzenmund, I hope you can give

those fools at the Grand Orrery a piece of my mind.
Each month they are supposed to send us a forecast
warning of inclement weather, but the last missive
just said the winds would be ‘moderate or rough’ and
that ‘Azyr in particular may be unpredictable’. What
use is that?

The Liebenswerte Adda 0 The galley is Rutger’s domain. He spends most of
Once the Characters are on board there is the chance his time here preparing food and taking stock. He
to look around and get to know the ship and her does not appreciate company, so tells folk to leave
crew. Whilst the captain wishes to depart as soon as him to his work unless a meal is being served.
possible, he is delayed in this until the winds turn,
and it is late in the afternoon, about 5 o’clock, before 0 Pierre does not like letting Characters into the
the vessel finally makes its way from Odner’s harbour. armoury. Anyone searching it will notice that there
are only 15 cannonballs in the armoury, and that
many of the barrels of blackpowder have suffered
LIEBENSWERTE ADDA — COG from damp conditions and have become useless.
15 5 (8) –1 SL 20 40 40 300 0 The officers do not like to be bothered unless
there is an emergency that demands attention.
Their attitudes vary from good-humoured but
The Liebenswerte Adda is a small cog and, whilst it is kept firm dismissal (Captain Sigiswald), to maudlin
ship-shape, it shows signs of wear and tear. Characters who dismissal (Bosun Snorri), to making angry remarks
show an interest in the ship may find out the following about being harangued by landlubbers (First Mate
simply by looking around. Much of the adventure takes Fiorella).
place on the open main deck, which has an upper deck
with a forecastle at the prow (front), and a quarterdeck 0 The rest of the crew also prioritise their duties over
at the stern (back). Belowdecks, there is the lower deck gossiping with the Characters, though they will
with cabins and the galley, and below that the slimy hold appreciate any assistance they are given.
which contains the ship’s ballast and its ravenous rodent
population that keep Mieze entertained. 0 Brother Ammenhai insists that someone be present
in the hold with the coffins at all times. He is willing
0 Upon the quarterdeck, there is a mounted brass to attend during the First Dog Watch and Second
telescope. This is also where the wheel to steer the Dog Watch.
ship is located.
Who is on watch and what
0 The ship is armed with 4 medium cannon, two to are their motives?
each side, with which to ward off pirates and sea First Dog Watch
Brother Ammenhai and other
monsters. Ammunition is stored belowdecks in the Characters — so that he can
4 pm–6 pm
magazine, but it has not been replenished for a long teach them to tend to the dead
time and much of the blackpowder is ruined. Brother Ammenhai — whilst
the other Characters are busy
Second Dog Watch
0 Sleeping quarters are rather luxurious for a ship of eating dinner he wishes to have
6 pm–8 pm
some private time to commune
this size. The captain has his own cabin, another is
with his god
shared between Svetlana and Uri, and other cabins
containing room to hang four hammocks are shared First Watch
One of the Characters
8 pm–Midnight
out between the rest of the crew and the Characters.
Pierre prefers to keep to himself, and tends to sleep Middle Watch
in the ship’s armoury. The cabins, armoury, galley, Midnight–4 am
and brig are all on the second deck of the vessel, Svetlana — she wishes to
Morning Watch
beneath the main deck and above the hold. 4 am–8 am
use this time to retrieve her
smuggled goods
0 The hold is lined with a layer of deep shingle to help Forenoon Watch
One of the Characters
stabilise the boat and cushion the crates of food and 8 am–Noon
barrels of water and beer that are stored here. The Afternoon Watch Uri — to provide Svetlana
coffins are placed here, to the rear of the ship. The Noon–4 pm with some cover
smell of the bodies, mixed with the pong of the
various substances that have leached down into the
hold over the years, is… piquant… to say the least.


First Dog Watch Second Dog Watch

As the Liebenswerte Adda sets sail amid high winds and Normally a trip from Odner to Dietershafen could be
rough seas, Characters who are not used to sailing must completed in under ten hours, but a strong offshore wind
Test for Sea Sickness. is blowing and the boat is making very slow progress.

Sea Sickness Any Character who passes a Challenging (+0)

Most folk get seasick when they first sail, but anyone who Navigation Test is able to tell that the vessel is making
sticks at it soon gets used to the rocking of the waves. little headway, and is mostly fighting against the wind
Elves seem to be immune to its effect, as is any Character just to maintain its position.
with the Sea Legs Talent.
The crew are cautious about taking efforts to speed their
Contraction: Whenever any Human, Dwarf, Halfling, or journey. They say it is a short distance to Dietershafen,
Ogre Character first undertakes a journey at sea, they must but that the seas are treacherous and it would be unwise
make a Difficult (–10) Endurance Test or suffer from to proceed without caution.
sea sickness. In rough weather (Strong Gales or Violent
Storms), such Characters should make a Challenging After a couple of hours Captain Sigiswald calls for
(+0) Endurance Test or suffer from sea sickness as well. the anchor to be dropped. Read the following to the
Duration: For sea sickness due to being new to seafaring,
make a Challenging (+0) Endurance Test after each day You hear the ship’s bell being rung with urgency, and looking
at sea. If the Test is passed, the Character will not suffer toward the poop deck you see the captain calling for attention.
this form of sea sickness again. For sea sickness resulting ‘There be little sense in trying to make more headway tonight,
from rough seas or other temporary effects, make a not under these conditions. Trim the sails, drop the anchor,
Challenging (+0) Endurance Test every hour. batten the hatches, and join me belowdecks.’

Symptoms: Malaise, Nausea. The crew soon assemble in the galley. When the
Characters enter, read the following:
Brother Ammenhai wishes to have the Characters
accompany him into the hold so that he can show them The galley is cramped and shadowy, gloomily lit by flickering
how to prepare the censers with incense and chant a lanterns. The rickety table is covered in a stained white cloth
liturgy to Morr. and is laid out with chipped crockery and glassware, though
the cutlery, to your surprise, seems to be a fine set of silver
Esme, being a rather generous sort of Halfling, volunteers knives, forks, and spoons. Rutger the cook serves up bowls of
to take the Middle Watch. Uri and Svetlana also volunteer stew, made from beets and preserved meat. The meat is tough
to help, but they are more interested in ensuring that they and salty, and though it is filling, its provenance is rather
recover their smuggled goods than they are with chanting obvious, as the occasional bristly pig’s ear, or knuckle, can be
soothing songs to the dead. discerned in the stew.

The priest ambles over, dabbing at his sweaty face with a red The repast is fortifying, and those who join in can remove
handkerchief. ‘Now remember, you’re being well paid to tend any Fatigued Conditions they are suffering from. Brother
my precious cargo. Refresh them regularly with incense and Ammenhai does not attend dinner; he is down in the
sing songs of mourning.’ Then he demonstrates how to fill the hold with the coffins.
censers with incense and to intone a few of the more common
prayers to Morr.

Table Talk First Watch
During the meal there is little small talk other than that How the rest of the night passes depends a lot on the
which the Characters introduce themselves. There are a activities of the Characters. Brother Ammenhai expects
few interactions though. them to help him keep watch over the coffins and
replenish the censers of incense he has set up near them.
Friedrich the ship’s boy seems full of mischief. He glares about However, only one Character is needed to do this at any
the table and says: ‘Seeing as the Night of Mystery is nearly particular time.
upon us, does anyone know any stories of restless spirits?’
Friedrich loves of practical jokes. If Characters are asleep
The captain is angry. in their cabin, he tries to give them a scare by leaving
a trail of skeletal footprints leading from their room to
‘Don’t make light of the unquiet dead, boy! Something I’ll the hold. He hopes to convince them that something has
never forget until my dying day, I was taking a moonlit risen from one of the coffins and is wandering around.
watch when I felt a chilly dread come over me. I thought I Once he has made the prints, he stands outside their
heard something, but knew it was just me and the sickly light door and makes what he thinks are ‘zombie groans’. It is
of Morrslieb for company. Over the railing I saw a dripping a Hard (–20) Perception Test to hear him, though he will
sailor climb, in tattered clothes, and of ghostly aspect. I was try three times. If the door is flung open the Character
frozen in terror. It took the wheel beside me, as if it were its should make Challenging (+0) Perception Test. 1 SL is
turn to guide the ship safely through the long dark night. It enough to spot the prints on the floor, but 4 or more SL
stayed there until morning, then slipped back over the rail will also mean that the Character spots Friedrich hiding
into the mist, without a sound, leaving naught but bony wet further up the corridor, trying to suppress his giggles.
footprints on the deck.’
In the Hold — Part 1
The cabin boy is staring, eyes wide like saucers, chin dropped. The Character who has volunteered to watch over the
coffins in the hold should be told the following as they
‘Of course, no one believed me — they thought I’d been at get close to the area.
the rum again. But I asked about it and I heard that when a
ship crosses the place a sailor was lost at sea, they like to climb The smell down here is now an overwhelming mixture of
back aboard and continue what they were doing before. It cloying scents: stagnant brine, spilled ale, dead flesh, and
puts them at peace. So, I do believe in spirits — well, since pungent incense.
then anyway.’
The Character should then Test to see if they succumb
to seasickness, even if they passed such a Test before.
Provided that they pass, they can be told the following:

You can hear Brother Ammenhai within the hold, softly

singing a chanty.

If the Character wishes to stop and listen more closely

to the priest they may make a Stealth Test Opposed by
Ammenhai’s Perception. If they fail, the priest realises
they are there and stops singing. If not, they hear the
following words:

‘She sells seashells on the seashore, until sharky caught her

selling, and now she sells no more, as she’s lying silently, on
the shelly seafloor.’

This is certainly not one of the prayers to Morr the priest

taught the Characters earlier. If the Characters take issue
with this, the captain decides it is a matter for the port
authorities, so everyone should stay calm and carry on. He
offers everyone a tot of rum and takes two tots himself.


In the Hold — Part 2 You can tell this man has been through a lot. His muscular
As it grows closer to midnight, the shadows belowdecks body is covered in scars and matted body hair, his clothing
seem to become bigger and darker. A Character passing tattered, and his face crusted with salt. One big green eye
an Average (+20) Perception Test sees something opens slowly at your approach, and he begs to be given a drink
moving furtively in the darkest corner, and a swish of a of water.
rat-like tail. Ask any Characters on watch, in Initiative
order, what they want to do. Suddenly Mieze leaps out The Characters can extract his name, Fenris, and his ship’s
of the darkness and deposits a dead rodent at the feet name, the Einzelgänger. He is close to unconsciousness,
of a Character. The cat then saunters off, tail up, back on and after providing a few answers his gaze turns to
patrol. Morrslieb, which appears gibbous and low from behind
a cloud. ‘Beware the moon!’ he mutters, and falls into a
Middle Watch stupor.
If any Characters are on deck during this time, they may
make a Challenging (+0) Perception Test in order to Back on the boat, the captain suggests that Fenris be
spot something in the water. A man clinging to a large confined to the brig. If Characters check in on Fenris
piece of flotsam. If no Characters are on deck, or pass the later, he’s snarling in his dreams, revealing long yellow
test, Svetlana calls out as follows: teeth.

Svetlana cries out ‘Man over-board’ and points to the The Shadow of the Shadewraith
starboard bow where a man can be seen clinging to some Whilst the encounter with Captain Fenris distracts
driftwood. He’s not moving. The captain puffs on his pipe, the crew, any Character who announces that they are
considering the situation. ‘Looks dead to me. Let’s press on.’ A remaining on deck during the Middle Watch may be able
raven lazily flaps over and starts pecking at the body, but the to glimpse a sight of the Shadewraith as it patrols the Sea
man feebly brushes it away. of Claws.

If no one argues to rescue the man, the ship sails on, During the night, a thick fog descends on the ship, and it is
leaving the poor soul to his fate. If the Characters press a difficult to see far through the enveloping mist. However,
case to rescue him, the captain reluctantly agrees for the any Character who does keep watch can be called on
first mate to take the rowboat out with the Characters to to make a Difficult (–10) Perception Test. If they use
perform a rescue mission. the telescope on the foredeck, the Test is Average (+20)
instead. If they pass, read them the following:
Out on the endless ocean, you feel small and insignificant.
Sounds travel strangely across the water. The ravens caw Far out into the distance, something catches your eye: a
listlessly, and you hear snippets of conversation from the ship. lambent greenish glow can be seen playing on the far horizon.
As you continue to watch, a shape begins to form. It looks like
The sea is choppy, and two Characters need to pass a the rotten remains of a vast galleon. Holed and rotten sails
Difficult (–10) Row Test to reach the man. A Fumble drape from its mast, and its hull is reduced to splintered beams
means they fall overboard, feel something big brush their and bulkheads, yet still it sails, not so much upon the waves
leg, and need to pass a Challenging (+0) Athletics Test themselves, but floating some yards above them. It is lit by a
to haul themselves back on the boat. Fiorella curses their strange green inner light.
useless landlubber ways. When they reach the man, read
the following: Once spotted, the Shadewraith spends six turns bearing
towards the Character, but then veers to port and sails
for another six turns in parallel to the Liebenswerte
Adda, before vanishing in the fog. If any of the NPC
crew are roused in time to see the Shadewraith, they will
be disturbed at the sight, but if they are roused after it
has passed, they will not find the story of the sighting



Fenris is a captain and part-time smuggler who used to SMUGGLER (BRASS 3)
pilot his ship, the Einzelgänger, between the ports of the M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
Nordland and the Bjornling coast of Norsca. He is solidly
4 36 32 42 32 43 48 48 32 43 36 0
built, and conspicuously hairy.
Skills: Athletics 53, Bribery 46, Cool 53, Consume
Fenris has a Dooming that he interprets as meaning he Alcohol 42, Gossip 41, Haggle 41, Lore (Oceans)
will be drowned one Geheimnisnacht, and as a result, 37, Melee (Basic) 46, Perception 53, Row 52, Sail
he is rather obsessed with the moon, and desperate to 58, Secret Signs (Smuggler) 47, Stealth (Rural) 53,
reach dry land before the night falls. This desperation Swim 52
has caused him to make a rash journey in harsh weather. Talents: Criminal, Dealmaker, Doomed (One night
Unfortunately this has had tragic consequences. His ship the beloved of Morr will pass gibbous, and you will
has been wrecked and his crew lost. slip beneath mud and brine), Etiquette (Criminals),
Fisherman, Very Strong, Waterman
Trappings: Tattered Clothes
Wounds: Fenris normally has 14 wounds, but he is
suffering as a result of his recent ordeals.


The Murder 0 Brother Ammenhai previously used to constantly

At some point during the Middle Watch, Brother wipe at his face with a red handkerchief, which is
Ammenhai murders Pierre. Ammenhai is eager to repay now used to bandage a short but deep cut on his
his debt to Stromfels, and Pierre is isolated due to his left forearm.
preference for sleeping alone, as well as being physically
weak. 0 If he was able to get to the brig without interference,
Brother Ammenhai smeared blood on the door,
However, Pierre is a vigilant and fierce man, for all his lack though there is no blood inside, and none on
of size, and even when taken by surprise by the brother in Captain Fenris.
the middle of the night, he is able to jab the priest with
his penknife before succumbing to strangulation. Morning Watch
Svetlana has volunteered to watch over the coffins during
0 Shortly before the murder, Ammenhai unlocks the this period. She uses this time to open the coffin marked
door to the brig. He hopes to blame the murder on with small Xs, retrieve the stolen goods, stash them in her
Captain Fenris. If any Character is keeping watch cabin, and return to the hold to nail shut the coffin again.
over this area, Brother Ammenhai does not unlock Every time Svetlana makes a journey from the hold to her
the brig, and attempts to sneak off without being cabin, she passes the Characters’ cabin. A Character who
noticed. is awake will hear her on an Average (+20) Perception
Test. A Character who is asleep will hear her on a Very
0 The murder takes place at 3 AM. Brother Ammenhai Hard (–30) Perception Test.
strangles Pierre in his bunk in the ship’s armoury,
taking a deep cut to his left forearm in the process. 0 At 4:30 AM, Svetlana pries up the lid of the coffin
and unwraps the treasure from the body wrappings.
0 At 3:15 AM, Ammenhai drags Pierre’s body up
from the armoury and secretes it in a cubby hole 0 At 4:45 AM, Svetlana carries a brass lantern and a
near the main exit onto the main deck. He leaves silver candlestick holder from the hold to her cabin.
spatters of his own blood behind him as he does so. If disturbed, she says she heard some sounds on
deck and is going to investigate.
0 He then wraps his arm up in his red handkerchief to
staunch the bleeding, and walks about on the main 0 At 5 AM, Svetlana carries a box of silver jewellry
deck. If any of the Characters are on the main deck and a small brass statue of a fish from the hold to
he tells them he heard a disturbance from the brig. her cabin. If disturbed, she repeats her story about
noises on deck.
0 If he can get time alone on deck, Ammenhai will
drag Pierre’s body to the side of the boat, and throw 0 At 5:15 AM, Svetlana carries a high quality
him overboard. telescope and cutlass from the hold to her cabin.
This time if she is apprehended, she claims that she
0 At 3:30 AM Ammenhai will then return to the brig fell asleep during her watch, and woke to find one
and wipe blood over the doorway. If he was unable of the coffins is open. She fears that one of the dead
to unlock the door earlier, he will now. If anyone is has risen, and is searching for it.
in the brig with Fenris, he will instead sneak off as
earlier. 0 At 5:20 AM, Mieze creeps into the empty coffin,
makes a bed from the wrappings, and falls asleep.
At the end of the escapade, Ammenhai has left the
following clues: 0 At 5:30 AM, Svetlana returns to the coffin and taps
the lid shut again, unwittingly trapping the sleeping
0 Spatters of blood line the corridor leading from the cat within.
armoury to the deck of the vessel. These may be
spotted by anyone who uses the corridor and passes
an Average (+20) Perception Test.

Forenoon Watch If the Characters look to Brother Ammenhai for divine
As dawn breaks, the waves have turned rough. Each support, he attempts to cast the Blessing of Breath or
Character aside from Elves and those with the Sea Legs Blessing of Fortune (WFRP, page 221). Note the risk of
Talent must Test to see if they suffer from Sea Sickness incurring the Wrath of the Gods.
again. However, the winds have altered direction, and
whilst the fog remains thick around the vessel, the captain The Character must pass an Easy (+40) Swim Test to
orders that the ship be readied to set sail once more. reach the jammed rudder a few fathoms underwater. A
Challenging (+0) Perception Test is needed to locate
In the Hold — Part 3 the problem’s cause, which is a small body jammed in
The Character who is undertaking the watch in the the rudder. A Difficult (–10) Cool Test is needed to
hold has not been at their post for long before they hear avoid gasping and starting to drown (WFRP, page 181).
frenzied scratching sounds emanating from the coffin It’s then a Hard (–20) Strength Test to work the body
marked with small Xs. If the lid of the coffin is prized up, free, which can be made much easier, an Average (+20)
read the following to the Character: Strength Test, using the knife (still in the corpse’s grasp),
but that causes much blood to go into the water.
There are some scuffling sounds. Looking closer you see two evil
green eyes in the dark, staring right back at you, unblinking. Job done, and it’s three tugs to get pulled up on the rope,
presumably taking the body with them to investigate its
Ask your Players what they want to do, in Initiative order. identity — unless the knife was used, in which case a
shark attacks them. The shark is interested in attacking
Suddenly the lid shifts, then clatters to the floor, as Mieze the body rather than the living diver, but if it is attacked it
springs out and immediately scampers off. will bite back. It takes three rounds to get back on board.
Characters on deck can try and distract the shark with
There is nothing in the coffin other than some loose body ranged weapons.
wrappings. What the Characters make of this occurrence
is up to them, but if the crew are told of this, they will GREY-BARBED SHARK
assume the Characters are playing some sort of trick on
them, and will become less friendly towards them. M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W

The Rudder Incident 10 55 – 60 55 30 25 35 10 30 – 38

The fog is thickening into what the folk of Albion call a real Traits: Armour 1 (6), Belligerent, Bestial, Frenzy,
pea souper. The captain can be heard loudly cussing. Up on Hungry, Marine Creature, Size (Large), Stealthy,
the quarterdeck, he explains that the rudder has become stuck, Weapon (Teeth) +10
and he can no longer steer the ship. Someone needs to go in the
water to fix it, else they’ll be going nowhere fast. Back on deck, cold and dripping wet, the captain says, ‘Good
show, sailor’, but everyone else just stares at the body.
None of the crew volunteer. The Characters should realise
it is time for a swimmer amongst them to be brave. If the body is retrieved and brought on deck it is quickly
identified as Pierre’s. A Character passing a Difficult
You are tied to a long rope. The captain clasps you firmly on the (–10) Heal Test can identify marks on the man’s neck
shoulder and says, ‘Don’t dilly dally down there. Just free the consistent with strangulation. If the shark mauled the
rudder, then tug three times and we’ll pull you up.’ body by biting it three times or more this becomes a Very
Hard (–30) Heal Test.


Afternoon Watch Black Sails Ahead

Geheimnisnacht approaches. The fog clears but lightning plays If the Characters wish to confront the Shadewraith, it is a
across the skies. Suddenly there is a ringing of the bell and a frightening prospect, though they may be able to see it off
frightened cry from the crow’s nest, ‘Ship Ahoy! Ship Ahoy!’ with spells or cannonfire. Note that in order to arm the
Those who look to the water see the form of a mighty ghostly ship’s cannons, the Characters will have to locate good
galleon bearing down on them at speed. Its sails are tattered gunpowder. This means going to the armoury and passing
and threadbare, and an ethereal green light plays about its a Difficult (–10) Trade (Alchemist or Engineer) Test or
decks. It floats high above the waves, borne aloft by a host of Hard (-20) Lore (Science) Test, success meaning that a
wailing souls. good barrel of gunpowder is located. If the Test is failed,
or if no Character has such Skills, roll d100 for any barrel
If the Characters look for the captain, they find his cabin of gunpowder selected. On a 55 or less, the powder is
locked. They can hear heavy snoring. The captain is flat spoiled and does not fire.
out drunk on the floor, snoring heavily, empty rum bottles
beside him. In all likelihood, the Shadewraith will get the better of the
Liebenswerte Adda, though the Characters may be able to
The first mate takes command. She rushes to the quarterdeck gain some advantage due to their spells, fighting prowess,
to look through the telescope. Fiorella goes pale as the sails, or expert seamanship. If they escape, then allowing them
and says, ‘It’s a cursed ship of the dead. Our captain has to make port at Dietershafen may be anticlimactic, but it
crawled inside a bottle. What should we do? Flee, or fight, or would also be well earned.
something else?’
If, however, the Shadewraith subdues the Liebenswerte
The Characters can try to sway the NPCs’ opinion about Adda, read the following:
the best chance for surviving. Anyone friendly votes for
their plan, anyone hostile against. Anyone neutral needs There is a massive boom as the Shadewraith opens fire! All
persuading. Fiorella, as acting captain, has the deciding the ravens fly away, a susurration of black wings. There’s a
vote. But they’d better be quick, as the Shadewraith is terrible crack. The main mast falls in ghastly slow motion, lit
bearing down on them. Ask the Characters what they by lightning. The ship rolls alarmingly, almost turning turtle
want to do. before it rights itself. As your faces tip towards the turbulent
sea you see black fins, dead eyes, and big jagged teeth.
0 Prepare for battle. Did they find cannonballs?
Fiorella orders Snorri to take the weapons from An evil, sneering voice fills the air, ‘You carry a cargo of lost
the captain’s locker, giving spares to the Characters. souls. Surrender them to me, Vangheist of the Shadewraith. You
Any warrior Character will doubt they can make a cannot flee, you cannot fight, you can but die if you defy me.’
dent in the Shadewraith or its crew.

0 Flee! There may be a chance to outrun the oncoming


0 Abandon ship. Svetlana and Uri are working the

pulleys and ropes to swing the ship’s rowboat into
the water.

0 Negotiate. Maybe if they talk nicely to this ghost

ship’s captain, he’ll let them go?

Something else. If the Characters have a cunning plan,

this is the moment for that.



Dealing With the Dead The Characters must negotiate with Vangheist for their
If none of the Characters work out what Vangheist souls. Have your Players roleplay this spooky encounter
means, another member of the crew, most likely Svetlana to the full. The best final ‘price’, or ‘unrepeatable
or Uri, can figure it out for them. Geheimnisnacht bargain’ as he puts it, that Vangheist will
accept is all the quiescent souls from the dead bodies, plus
‘He’s after a cargo of souls. Do the dead still have souls? If we one mortal soul. If the party negotiates badly, he asks for
give those to Vangheist, we could save ours!’ three.

Fiorella is vehemently against this idea. It sounds like Svetlana looks sternly at you and says, ‘Well he’s not going to
Necromancy. The rest of the crew can be persuaded. Any have my soul! Any volunteers?’
religious character will believe that until the proper rites
are said, by a capable priest of Morr, the soul remains in Unless a Character offers to relinquish their soul,
the body, just quiescent. If they ask Brother Ammenhai, Vangheist graciously gives them an hour to decide. They
he confirms this. row back to the Liebenswerte Adda to work out who will
sacrifice themself.
If the Characters decide to negotiate, they can run up a
black flag to call for parlay, and the Shadewraith stops its The Characters need to reach agreement with the crew
attack. about whose souls will be sacrificed. If the Characters
make immoral choices, such as choosing to sacrifice an
The Characters row off to parlay with Vangheist. The seas innocent, they gain a Corruption Point (WFRP, page
are choppy, requiring two Characters to pass a Difficult 182). If a Player decides to sacrifice their Character for
(–10) Row Test, with Fumbles resulting in falling the greater good, reward that noble action as if they had
overboard. died in a fashion that matches their Dooming (WFRP,
page 136). If no Character is brave, and if he is still alive,
Parlay With the Pirate Lord Fenris offers his soul up. His final words are, ‘I’m just
Your tiny boat draws up below the scabrous hull of the rotting going overboard for a little while.’
Shadewraith, which is floating above the water, as if the sea
itself is repulsed by its foul existence. A long seaweed rope, At precisely one hour, there’s the deep chime of a ship’s bell,
rotting and icy to the touch, is thrown down to you by a followed by another boom from the Shadewraith, this time
skeletal pirate. taking a chunk out of the quarterdeck. Vangheist’s disembodied
voice floats across the sea, ‘It’s time. Who will be joining my
To swallow down terror and climb up onto the ghastly jolly crew on this fine Geheimnisnacht?’
galleon, Characters need to pass a Hard (–20) Cool Test.
Climbing up is an Average (+20) Climb Test. Once the Characters have made their decision, they return
to the Shadewraith with the bodies and the sacrifice.
You climb over the ship’s rail and onto the rotting deck of Vangheist doffs his tattered hat and says, ‘Welcome aboard,
the dread vessel, right beside an antique cannon. Decaying me hearties’ to his new crew.
undead pirates surround you, shuffling, swaying, and
groaning. The captain stalks forward, a corroded cutlass in
each hand. ‘So you’re here to bargain with Vangheist. Well, I
am feeling whimsical tonight, so I’ll hear your offer.’

Conclusion Awarding Experience
Finally, the party reaches dry land at Dietershafen. If In addition to points for good roleplaying and clever
the Liebenswerte Adda didn’t sink, then the crew have it ideas during the session, XP should be awarded for the
repaired, and it’s soon ready to sail again. following:

If a Character sacrificed themself for the greater good, 0 15 points for interacting well with the NPCs and
the story of the party’s heroism spreads across the Sea of making some become friendly
Claws, earning them good fortune in their next few ports
of call. 0 15 points for uncovering that Brother Ammenhai
is the murderer

0 10 points to the character who unblocked the rudder

0 10 points for revealing Svetlana to be a smuggler

0 10 points for negotiating well with Captain


0 5 points for saving Fenris

0 5 points for sailing the ship safely into port


From this moment, Von Zeich’s fate was sealed. The

THE ARCH–TRAITOR promise of eternal life was far too great an opportunity
VANGHEIST for Vangheist to let slip away. When at last they found
the great wyrm of fire, defeating it with cannon shot and
arcane spells, Vangheist refused the mage’s order to turn
From the smallest Norscan encampment to turbulent for home. Instead, he shot the man in the back and kicked
Sartosa, sailors everywhere share stories of a doomed ship. his body over the railing. Together, he and his crew sailed
Crewed by the souls of traitors, carried by winds which no on, following the routes described by Von Zeich’s book.
mortal can feel, The Shadewraith drifts above the world’s
oceans, a silent spectre which even Manann is loath to touch. What they found, no one will ever know. The dead keep
their secrets. They sailed for what seemed centuries,
Such a dread ship could only be captained by one with a passing across seas and skies which turned themselves into
reputation to match. The Arch-Traitor Vangheist is such twisting faces and screaming winds. Their bodies aged and
a captain. Those who have glimpsed the Shadewraith withered; their ship rotted beneath them. But still they
and lived describe a haggard figure clinging to its wheel, pressed on, until direction lost meaning and they sailed
burning eyes fixed on the horizon. Some speculate the seas of Morrslieb itself. By the time The Stormbreaker
Vangheist is searching for a means to break his curse. returned to the mortal realm, nothing remained of it save
its spirit. It had become the Shadewraith.
In life, Vangheist was captain of the Stormbreaker and a
skilled privateer. He was chartered by Albrechtus von Zeich, Now, Vangheist has returned to the piratical ways he
a mage from the Order of Light, to carry him to the world’s followed in life. His ship preys upon lone vessels, dragging
most northerly shores. He did not reveal his purpose, but away souls to join in his torment. None have ever discerned
had the entire crew, captain included, swear loyalty to him by any purpose in such attacks, the Shadewraith appearing and
Manann’s own spring waters. They would not question him, disappearing almost at random. Captains often like to say
nor disobey his orders until they had completed his task and Vangheist comes for mutineers, and that the Arch-Traitor
delivered him safely home. To make the deal palatable, each can tell if you harbour treacherous thoughts, but the truth
sailor was paid handsomely. With a purse of gold, and what of this is somewhat suspect, given the sources.
Vangheist assumed would be a comfortable journey ferrying
this rich academic, the privateer gladly swore his oath. Recently, however, there have been more sightings of the
Shadewraith off Tilea’s coast. Vangheist’s ship, carried
Von Zeich led them deep into frigid waters, battling through the air upon the backs of the damned, has even
through ice and twisted creatures touched by Chaos. Still, been reported attacking towns and villages, locking still-
he would not share what he sought. At last, Vangheist’s living people in its hold to take them who knows where.
curiosity got the better of him. He had his first mate sneak These actions go against all previously observed behaviour
into Von Zeich’s quarters as he entertained the mage at of the ghost ship, and are beginning to worry those who
dinner. There, the man found a book bound in leather study such matters. Either the Arch-Traitor is not as
which, despite the cold, was warm to the touch. Its words aimless as previously thought, or some master of the dead
twisted themselves on the page and, though the mate could has taken up his strings.
not read, he found their meaning pouring into his mind.
The mage sought a serpent made of fire. This thing, so the
book said, was a guardian, protecting the way to eternal life.

Boat Name Crew Man Size T W Carries Traits and Upgrades
M (C)
The Shadewraith 60 9 (15) +1 SL 55 47 70 500 Armoured, Ram, Sturdy

The Shadewraith is equipped with ten Large Cannon on the deck, five facing port and five facing starboard.
Half-Real: Unless an attack against the Shadewraith is magical, roll a d10. On a 1–6, it passes through
harmlessly. On a 7–10, assign damage as normal. The ship can be boarded, though its crew are Ethereal.


THE ARCH-TRAITOR Liber Malefic Nautica – A book detailing the
Realm of Chaos’s oceans, describing places where a
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
ship might pass from one realm to the other and sail
4 50 54 32 38 34 51 58 42 64 33 15 across the mortal world in half the time.
Traits: Armour 1 (4), Dark Vision, Ethereal, Fear The Traitor’s Shot – The gun which killed Von
3, Flight 4, Painless, Ranged (Pistol) +7 (15), Zeich. It draws from Vangheist’s essence for
Undead, Unstable, Weapon (sword) +7 ammunition.
Skills: Athletics 62, Climb 72, Cool 91, Dodge Qualities and
Weapon Enc Range Damage
78, Intimidate 74, Intuition 54, Language
(Tilean 73, Wastelander 86), Leadership 53, GHOSTLY RANGED WEAPON
Lore (Magic 50, Seafaring 91), Melee (Basic 67, Magical,
Parry 63), Navigation 57, Perception 69, Ranged The Traitor’s Mutineer’s
0 15 +7
(Blackpowder) 60, Sail 72, Swim 40 Shot Mark, Pistol,
Reload 3
Talents: Beat Blade, Careful Strike, Combat
Aware, Distract, Enclosed Fighter, Fast Shot, Mutineer’s Mark: Anyone wounded by a shot from
Feint, Hatred (Light Mages), Lightning Reflexes, this weapon must make a Challenging (+0) Cool
Magical Sense, Menacing, Old Salt, Orientation, Test. On a failure, they gain the Jealous Thoughts
Pilot, Reaction Strike, Riposte, Sea Legs, Second Mental Corruption (WFRP page 185). This can
Sight, Sure Shot be removed through Absolution, or the spells
Trappings: Liber Malefic Nautica, Sword, The Banishment or Healing Light (WFRP page 252).
Traitor’s Shot


One of the most highly regarded roleplaying campaigns ever written,

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