Ocean Facts For Kids
Ocean Facts For Kids
Ocean Facts For Kids
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Seaweed looks like a plant, but
it's really a type of algae.
Pufferfish can inflate into
a ball shape to escape predators. Over 1500 kinds of brown
seaweed live in cold water.
Pufferfish can grow up to
three feet long. There are over 4000 kinds of
algae. It can be used in
Some pufferfish also have toothpaste and pudding.
spines to scare away predators. There are a few kinds of
There is enough poison in one green algae growing in
pufferfish to kill 30 humans. freshwater. It can be eaten
in salad and soup.
Fish are cold-blooded animals. Jellyfish are not fish.
Fish are vertebrates, meaning
they have a spine. Some jellyfish glow in the dark.
They don't have lungs. Instead, Jellyfish don't have a brain. They
they breathe with gills. also don't have blood, bones, or a
Some fish are carnivores, meat- heart.
eaters. Other fish are omnivores,
eating both meat and plants. Jellyfish can be found in every
ocean on the planet.
There are over 30,000 kinds of
fish living in all types of water.
Corals live in all the oceans. Clownfish are also called anemone
fish, because they live among sea
Corals stay in one place anemones.
throughout their adult lives.
There are 30 types of clownfish.
The body of a coral is called a
polyp. Clownfish can live up to ten years.
Crabs are crustaceans. Dolphins are very smart.
Crabs have ten legs, through the They are carnivores which means
first pair are actually claws. that they eat meat.
Crabs can live in water or on land. A group of dolphins is called a
school or a pod.
A group of crabs is called a cast.
Dolphins use a blowhole on top of
Crabs are omnivores. They eat their heads to breathe.
both meat and plants.
Lobsters don't have brains!
Manatees are also called sea
They don't have a spine, but have cows.
a hard protective exoskeleton.
They can live 40-60 years.
Like crabs, they have ten legs.
Manatees are mammals. They
Lobsters are omnivores meaning cannot breather under the water.
they eat both plants and meat. They can hold their breath up to
20 minutes.
Lobsters can taste food with
their feet and legs. They eat about 100 pounds of
food each day!
Mussels are mollusks. The octopus is a mollusk.
They eat plankton and other They have eight arms with
microscopic sea creatures. suckers on them.
Mussels have one large foot that An octopus has a hard beak.
helps to pull them through the
sand and holds them securely to They can change colors to
rocks in the water. camouflage themselves and hide
from predators.
Humans, birds, and starfish are
some of the mussel's predators. An octopus can also squirt ink to
scare away predators.
Sea urchins have spiky skin. Seahorses can change their color
to blend in with their
They feed on algae and other surroundings.
small animals.
Seahorses are the slowest
Sea otters and wolf eels like to swimmers of all fish species.
eat sea urchins.
Female seahorses lay their eggs in
Sea urchins are often found near a pouch on the male's stomach,
coral reefs or on the ocean floor. and the male can give birth to
thousands of babies (called fry).
They are omnivores that eat both
meat and plants.
Sharks do not have bones.
Even though shells are homes for
mollusks, not all mollusks (the They have sharp teeth that grow
octopus for example) use a shell. continuously throughout the
shark's life.
The largest seashell is the
Australian Trumpet, and it can All sharks are meat eaters.
weigh up to 40 pounds!
There are over 500 types of
Seashells are made mostly of sharks living in our oceans.
calcium - just like human bones.
The whale shark is the biggest
shark. The Mako shark is the
Starfish aren't actually fish. Sea turtles can hold their breath
for several hours.
They are invertebrates. They
have no backbone. They can not pull into their shells
like land turtles can.
Starfish, or sea stars, cannot
survive in freshwater. Female sea turtles travel back to
the beach where they were born
Starfish can't swim, but they can to lay eggs. They can lay over 100
crawl with their arms. eggs before returning to sea.