Physiology of Blood
Physiology of Blood
Physiology of Blood
Lecture 1
Theme: Blood composition, amount and properties.
Plan: 1. Concept of blood system.
2. Blood basic functions.
3. Blood composition and amount (hypervolemia, hypovolemia).
4. Blood plasma.
5. Physical and chemical properties of blood (osmotic pressure, oncotic pressure,
viscosity, relative density).
6. Buffer systems of blood.
1. Concept of blood system
Kinds of hypervolemias:
Simple — proportional increase of uniform elements and plasma (at
hemotransfusion). Hematocrit in normal.
Oligocythemic — increase of blood volume due increasing its fluid part
(administration of blood-substituting fluids, dysfunction of kidneys). Hematocrit is
Polycythemic — increase of volume of blood due to increased amount of
uniform elements (compensatory character in mountains populations). Hematocrit
is increased.
Kinds of hypovolemia:
1. Simple — proportional decrease of volumes of uniform elements and
plasma (it is short-term at acute hemorrhages). Hematocrit is unchanged.
2. Oligocythemic — decrease of blood volume due decrease of the amount
of uniform elements after loss of blood (when the volume of blood is restored due
to coming of interstitial fluid into vessels). Hematocrit is decreased.
3. Polycythemic — decrease of blood volume due to decrease of fluid part of
blood (clotting at dehydration, for example, at profuse diarrhea, continuous
vomiting, hyperhidrosis). Hematocrit is increased.
By the degree of participation in circulation there are deposited blood (45–
50%) and circulating blood (50–55%).
Depot of blood:
Liver. Big amount of blood is deposited (up to 20% of its general volume),
but completely (opposed to spleen) is not excluded from the general blood flow.
Spleen. In the spleen up to 500 ml (10–16%) of blood can be deposited
(excluded from blood flow).
Skin. Blood is deposited in capillars and veins (about 10%). Deposition
blood in skin is connected with thermoregulation.
Lungs. Deposition of blood due to change of the volume of arteries and
Venous system (regarded as depot of fluid part of blood containing
significant amount of lymph).
Lymph in lymphatic vessels may be regarded as depot of fluid part of blood.
Transfer of the deposited blood into circulation one is observed at:
1. Emotional state.
2. Physical strain.
3. Air hunger (hypoxia).
4. Hemorrhages.
Value of depot of blood. Opportunity of fast increase of mass of the
circulating blood necessary in concrete conditions for maintenance of needs of an
organism in oxygen (at climbing up the mountains, at physical work and other
states connected with increased oxygen consumpyion).
Hemorrhages and their effects. For a healthy man a single loss of 1/3 or
even 1/4 of the volume of the circulating blood is life-hazardous (decrease of blood
pressure, hypoxia). Sudden loss of 50% of blood leads to death, slow loss (within
several days) of this amount of blood is not lethal as in these situation there is
enough time for the compensatory mechanisms directed to the stabilization of
blood pressure and elimination of hypoxia to mobilize.
Babies and newborns are especially sensitive to hemorrhages (compensatory
mechanisms are not yet well developed). Sensitivity to hemorrhages increases at
narcosis, hypothermia, pain and shock.
4. Blood plasma
The buffer systems are solutions which steadily maintain the constancy of
the concentration of the hydrogen ions, both at addition of acids or alkalis, and at
dilution. They consist of mixture of weak acids with salts of these acids and strong
alkali. Due to buffer systems the active reaction of blood (рН) — the major
parameter of constancy of internal environment, is maintained.
Buffer systems of blood:
1. Carbonate (Н2СО3+NaHCO3) and (Н2СО3+KНСО3). The acidic
components which coming into blood cooperates with bicarbonate. Alkaline
components coming into blood cooperate with Н2СО3 thus forming salt and Н2О
(removed by excretory organs).
2. Phosphate (NаН2РО4+Nа2НРО4) NаН2РО4 has the property of an acid
and reacts with alkaline components, and Nа2НРО4 — properties of alkalinity and
reacts with acid components.
3. Protein. It is caused by amphoteric properties of plasma proteins. In
acidic medium they behave like alkali, in alkaline — as acids, connectng in the
first case acids, in the second-alkalis.
4. Hemoglobin (the most powerful). The restored Нb is a weaker acid than
Н2СО3 and gives the K+ ion to it, attaches Н+ itself and becomes low-dissociated
Buffer systems are available also in tissues (the main ones are protein and
During metabolism acidic products are formed more than basic, therefore the
danger of рН shift to the acidic side exists. In a human organism daily the total
acidity of НCl, lactic, pyruvic, coal, and other acids is equal to 20 – to 30 liters of
1,0 normality of НСl. Despite of it, the organism lives and the constant рН is
maintained. Buffer systems of blood and tissues provide the big steadiness to
action of acids. So, for рН shift:
to the alkaline side — it is necessary to add alkalis in 40–70 times more
than to the same amount of water;
to the acidic side — it is necessary to add acids in 327 times more than to
the same amount of water.
The alkaline salts of weak acids kept in blood, form alkaline reserve of
Shifts of active reaction of blood either to acidic (acidosis) and to alkaline
(alkalosis) sides are possible.
By the degree of intensity there are acidosis compensated and not
In compensated acidosis at acids supply into blood the changes of the latter
can be limited only to decrease of alkaline reserve without changes of рН. Despite
chemical and functional shifts in an organism, pH is maintained at the action of
buffer systems. At exhaustion of the alkaline reserve and failure of protective
mechanisms рН is shifted outside the limits and the compensated acidosis is
By their origin there are:
1. Gaseous acidosis and gas alkalosis;
2. Nongaseous acidosis and not gas alkalosis.
Gaseous acidosis (respiratory) — at increase of H2CO3 in an organism. It
can arise at:
1. Insufficient function of external respiration.
2. Circulatory insufficiency.
3. Inhalation of air (admixture) with the increased concentration of H2CO3.
Gas alkalosis (respiratory) — at lungs hyperventilation СО2 is excreted in
excess (mountain disease, excessive artificial respiration).
Non-gaseous acidosis (metabolic) — at accumulation in an organism of
acidic products. Such condition can arise at:
1. Excessive formation of acidic products at dysbolism (diabetes, starvation).
2. Affected excretion of acidic products from an organism (nephrites).
3. Losses of the alkali by an organism (profuse diarrhea, fistulas of
4. Excessive administration of mineral substances into an organism
(poisoning by acetic acid).
Not gas alkalosis (metabolic) — at accumulation of alkaline products in an
Such state can arise at:
1. Administration of big amount of alkaline products into an organism
(baking soda, alkaline waters abuse).
2. Loss of big amount of gastric juice (continuous vomiting, stomachal
3. Hyperproduction of glucocorticoids or treatment by the preparations of
adrenal hormones.
Lecture 2
1. Erythrocytes, their structure, properties and functions.
2. Hemoglobin, their structure, properties, varieties, compounds and
3. Hemolysis and its varieties.
4. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate.
5. Leucocytes, their classification, features and functions.
6. The leucocytary formula. Changes in the quantities of leucocytes.
7. Thrombocytes, their structure, properties and functions.
Thrombocytes or blood a plate — the irregular round form the with length of
1–4 microns, and depth 0,5–0,75 microns.
Their amount in blood — 180–320×109 /l. They are formed in red bone
marrow by separation from the part of protoplasm of megakariocyte. One
megalokariocyte forms 3–4 thousand thrombocytes. 2/3 thrombocytes circulate in
blood, others are situated in spleen.
Range of cytoplasm directly adjoining to an environment is not structured.
The central part of cytoplasm contains granules.
Distinguish beads of 3 type:
α granules — contain blood-coagulation factors.
ß granules — the enzymes participating in a metabolism in a thrombocyte.
γ granules — tubules with englobed particles.
Thrombocytes are capable to englobe abiological foreign bodys, viruses,
cell-bound immune complexes, i.e. participate in nonspecific protective system of
an organism.
Duration of their life in blood is 5–11 days, then they are destroyed in liver,
lungs and spleen.
Upon destruction of thrombocytes the following materials are released:
Participate in blood coagulation.
Promote angiospasm — serotonin (F10), adrenalin, noradrenalin.
Produce adhesion and aggregation of thrombocytes.
There are daily fluctuations of thrombocytes number: in the afternoon the
amount of them increases, at night – it goes down. One of the basic functions of
thrombocytes is their participation in coagulation of blood.
Lecture 3
Theme: Hemostasis
1. Blood coagulation system.
2. Vascular platelet hemostasis.
3. Coagulating hemostasis.
4. Blood anticoagulating system.
5. Fibrinolysis.
6. Blood aggregate state regulation.
3. Coagulating hemostasis
Despite the fact that all factors necessary for blood coagulation constantly
circulate in blood, it remains fluid. It is one of parameters of homeostasis.
Mechanisms of maintaining of blood liquidity:
• Smooth surface of vessels (prevents activation of Hagemun factor and
aggregation of thrombocytes).
• Negative charges of wall of vessels and uniform elements of blood that
provides their repulsion from each other.
• Wall of vessels is coated with thin layer the soluble fibrin having ability to
adsorb active blood-coagulation factors.
• High blood flow rate (interferes concentration of coagulation factors)
• Presence of natural anticoagulants.
In the organism there are 2 groups of anticoagulants:
• 1. Initial (constantle presenting in blood).
• 2. Secondary (formed during coagulation or fibrinolysis).
Initial anticoagulants — antithromboplastins, antithrombins:
• Antithrombin II (heparin). It inhibits all phases of hemocoagulation.
• Antithrombin III — plasma factor of heparin. It transforms thrombin into
inactive metathrombin.
• Antithrombin IV.
• Protein C — vitamin К-dependent protein. Activates fibrinolysis.
• Тromboxane — Inhibits aggregation of thrombocytes. Secondary
The function of secondary anticoagulants consists in restriction of
intravascular coagulation.
• Antithrombin I (fibrin) is capable to absorb significant (up to 90%) amount
of thrombin.
• Anticoagulants formed at fibrinolisis (products of degradation of
thrombinogen, fibrinogen and fibrin).
Anticoagulants used in laboratory clinical practice:
• 1. Heparin.
• 2. Citric acid and its 0,5% salt solutions.
Factors accelerating blood coagulation:
• Affection of wall of vessels.
• Augmentation of thromboplastin formation.
• Augmentation of vitamin K absorption in an organism.
• Augmentation of fibrinogen formation.
• Temperature increase.
• Increased contents of amino acids in blood.
• Decrease of fibrinolysis process. Factors decreasing coagulation
• Decrease of thromboplastin formation.
• Decrease of vitamin K absorption.
• Increased development of anticoagulants.
• Decrease of fibrinogen formation.
• Type A hemophilia — terminated phase I of coagulation (disturbance of
thromboplastin formation). At absence of FVIII, phases II and III are also
• Type B hemophilia — absence of FIX.
• Type C hemophilia — absence of FXI (plasma precursor of
• Type D hemophilia — absence of FXII. In men hemophilia is met more
often than in women.
5. Fibrinolysis
Lecture 4
1. Blood groups.
Table 3
Blood groups of system AB0
2. Rhesus-factor
Neuro-humoral regulation erythrogenesis. For the normal erythrogenesis
process the normal nutrition sufficient amount of ferrous lactate is necessary. It is a
limitation factor. The lack of it results in anemia.
Erythropoietins are formed in many organs (lien, liver, bone marrow,
salivary glands) but most of all in kidneys. The basic starting mechanism is
hypoxia, or loss of blood.
Каstle’s аntianemic factor — complex of vitamin В12 (external factor) and
gastromycoproteid in belly (internal factor). This complex comes into liver and
from it into the bone marrow.
Ascorbic acid — promotes absorption of ferrous lactose into intestine
transmitting it from Fe+++ into Fe++. The daily need in ferrous lactose for
realization of normal erythrogenesis is 20–25 mg.
Products of erythrocytes destruction stimulate hemopoiesis
(autoregulation). The amount of the destroyed erythrocytes is equal to that of
newly formed erythrocytes (self-control).
Hormones. Аndrogens increase and estrogens decrease erythrogenesis. That
is why the number of erythrocytes in men’s blood is higher than in women.
Erythropiesis is stimulated by adrenalin, thyroxin, somatotropic hormone.
The role of nervous system. The irritation of the nerves going to the bone
marrow, enforces erythropiesis. Action of nervous and hormonal factors on red
bone marrow is carried out through erythropoitetins.
The role of cerebral cortex. It is possible to work out conditioned reflex
resulting in the decreased formation of erythrocytes.
Neuro-humoral regulation of leukopoiesis.
1. A stimulation of leukopoiesis by products of leukocytes destruction
(selfcontrol). The more destruction is, the higher is their formation.
2. Stimulation by tissue destruction products, especially by their proteins.
3. Stimulation by microbes and their toxins.
4. Stimulation of leukopoiesis by leukopoietins.
5. Hormones. Adrenalin, hydrocortisone result in leukocytosis due to release
from blood depot of neutrophils, моnocytes and lymphocytes (leukocytosis at
stress, emotional excitation).
The role of nervous system. The irritation of sympathetic nervous system
increases the amount of neutrophils. The irritation of vagus reduces the amount of
leukocytes in blood of peripheric vessels.
Thrombocytopoietins are of short and long action. The first are formed in
lien and stimulate release of thrombocytes into blood. The second are contained
contain in blood plasma and stimulate formation of thrombocytes in the bone
Thrombocytopoiesis increases after loss of blood. In some hours the number
of thrombocytes can increase and exceed their normal amount in twice.